HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-12-05, Page 22CiENTON **PEMBA
. . 1984—Page3A
.hip an Friendship
As part of the Bicentennial celebration in Ontario this year, nominations were accepted
from Housing 'Authorities across Ontario by the Ontario Housing Corporation. Those
nominated received Good Citizenship Awards from OHC. Selected for this honor in Huron
County was Kenneth Flett of Clinton. Mr. Flett served as vice-chairman of the Huron Coun-
ty Housing Authority from its inception in 19'76 until 1981 when he succeeded Harold Knisley
of Goderich as Authority Chairman. Mr. Flett completed the balance of his seven-year term
hi 1983 (seven consecutive years is the maximum a member may serve). Making the
presentation to Mr. Flett (centre) was Gary Bean of Exeter, the Authority's present chair-
man. On the right is Regional Manager Peter Schafft who represented OHC at the presenta-
Sorority dines 16th century style
CLINTON - Time was turned back to the
16th century on Nov. 24, as the Zeta Omega
Chapter of the Clinton Beta Sigma Phi
Soroirty held their Elizabethan Feest at the
home of Bill and Nancy Klomps. The queen
and king, with courtiers and elegant ladies
of the court and monks, dined in royal style.
The regular meeting was held Nov. 27
when 12 Sorority members met at the home
of Gail Sinclair.
Dianne McKay attended „the meeting to
turn over the duties of the Block Parent
Program to the sorority. The sorority will
run the project as a service to the
In other business, sorority members were
Euchre set for
Mondays at
town hall
CLINTON - The Golden Radars . Senior
Citizen Club met on . Nov. 15. President
Muriel Jones chaired the meeting.
Arrangements were made for the
December 5 Christmas party.
Kevin Duguay, Clinton's recreation direc-
tor, called to see what day of the week the
club would prefer for euchre. Monday after-
noons were chosen. •
Members were reminded that the first
meeting in January would be held in the new
meeting room at the Clinton Town Hall.
The social committee for the January 2
meeting will include Elmer and Mary Trick
and Evelyn Hudie.
A few garnes of euchre were played. Win-
ners were: high scorers, Mary Trick and
Grace White; low scorers, Mary Wallis and
Jessie Jones..
reminded that their memberships were due.
Zehrs and IGA grocery tapes were
collected and the 25 cent draw was made at
Pat Bell won.
Plans were made for the sorority
Christmas Party which will be held on Dec.
11 at Judy Stuart's home.
Ruth Linton from the Huron County
Health Unit was the guest speaker. She
talked about streetproofing children and
showed two films, "Strong kids, safe kids,"
and "Be safe than sorry."
NY7 7;0
Mozambique to receive corn shipment
A 4,000 tonne shipment (160,000 bushels)
of corn from southwest Ontario starts its
journey to Mozambique for famine relief
this month.
Valued at approximately $1,100,000 in-
cluding ocean freight, the corn could feed up
to 100,000 people for three months in the
drought stricken East African country.
An inter -church foodgrain agency, the
Canadian Foodgrains Bank (CFB) announc-
ed purchase, of the corn this week on behalf
of several church partners. Sharing in the
aid will be Mennonite Central Committee
Canada with 2,000 tonnes, Canadian Baptist
Federation, United Church of Canada and
the CFB General Account providing the re-
The shipment was authorized on
November 1 by CFB Board members
meeting in Winnipeg. Although a corn col-
lection is underway in southwest Ontario,
the Mozambique crisis required a firm com-
mitment before freezeup of the St.
Lawrence Seaway.
According to Foodgrains Bank executive
director Bert Loewen, the "Corn for Life:
Randal Stuart Wilson and Sandra Jayne
Finlayson were married on Nov. 3 at St. An-
drew's United Church, Kippen. Rev. Stanley
McDonald officiated. The groom is the son
of Stuart and Joyce Wilson of RR 1
Brucefield and the bride is the daughter of
Laird and Ruby Finlayson of RR 3 Kippen.
Maid of honor was Kathy Finlayson, RR 2
Kippen and bridesmaids were Shelley
Finlayson of RR 3 Kippen, Sue Anne Van
Miltenberg and Sharon Carnochan, both of
Seaforth. Best man was Robert Wilson of
Brucefield and ushers were Bradley Car-
nochan of Seaforth, Wayne Shapton of Ex-
eter and Brian Wilson of Seaforth.
Flowergirl was Erin Carnochan of Seaforth
and ring bearer was Kevin Carnochan of
Seaforth. (Frank Phillips photo)
Hamm -Williams
Dennis George Hamm, son of Mr. and Mrs.
George Hamm of Blyth and Mary Roxanne
Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold
T. Williams of Culross and Windsor, were
mauled recently at Sacred Heart Church in
Teeswater. Reverand Father J. Driscoll of-
ficiated at the ceremony with Julie King as
organist and Pauline Kippert, the soloist.
Matron -of honor was Suzanne Toews of
Kingsville, sister of the bride. Bridesmaids
were Deyanne Kenny of Riversdale, sister
of .the bride, Rosemary Hamm of Blyth,
sister of the groom, and Diane Browell of
Windsor, friend of the bride. Steve Elder of
Chatham, a friend of the groom, was the
best man. Ushers were David Williams of
Culross and Windsor, brother of the bride,
Russell Dube of Kingsville and Culross,
nephew of the bride and Eric Street of Blyth,
a friend of the groom. The wedding dinner
and reception were held at the Royal Cana-
dian Legion in Walkerton. Out of town
guests were from Detroit and Flint,
Michigan, Windsor, London, Brantford,
Chatham, Toronto, Sundridge, Ayr and
Stratford. The newlyweds will reside in
Clinton Area
Goderich Area
Mozambique" drive Is still in the early
stages and doing well. Donations through
local committees are respected to increase
as the harvest progresses.
A member of the Christian Council of
Mozambique, Jim Shenk, spoke personally
to the Foodgrains Bank Board and stressed
the urgency. In a situation similar to
Ethiopia, Mozambique has been ravaged by
drought for five years. Food distribution is
disrupted further by civil strike. The death
toll from malnutrition and related disease
may be 100,000 in just one province, accor-
ding to another source.
Loewen says the corn will be shipped from
Windsor. It is due to leave by the end of
November and would arrive three to four
weeks after leaving the Seaway.
Deliveries will be to the Christian Council
at the ports of Maputo and Beira. The Coun-
cil will supervise distribution inland, assur-
ing donors that it reaches the mouths of
those who most need it.
Donations of cash and grain to the
Foodgrains Bank, in addition to being tax
deductible, are matched three -to -one by
CIDA, the Canadian International Develop-
ment Agency. For example, a $25 donation
becomes $100 – enough todeliver the corn
and feed two people for up to a year.
It costs CFB approximately 13 cents to
deliver a pound of corn, the typical daily
consumption to sustain life. Approximately
six to seven bushels will feed a person for a
Total target of the Corn for Life: Mozam-
bique drive is one million dollars. Corn
growers are encouraged to deliver a load to
their local elevator, then forward their corn
cheque to the CFB's drive. Donations may
also be mailed directly to: Canadian
Foodgrains Bank, Box 767, Winnipeg,
Manitoba, R3C 214.
In addition to the Mennonite Central Com-
mittee, Canadian Baptist Federation and
the United Church of Canada, other part-
ners in the Canadian Foodgrains Bank are
Canadian Lutheran World Relief,
Pentecosta Assemblies of Canada, Chris-
tian and Missionary Alliance and:the Chris-
tian Reformed World Relief. Each has a
separate account in the Foodgrains Bank.
African educator to visit Clinton
Mrs. Erica Shapiro, Director of Training
for Ministries for the Anglican Diocese of
Kimberley and Kuruman, South Africa, ar-
rives in London on November 30 for a ten-
day visit to the Anglican Diocese of Huron.
Mrs. Shapiro will share her special train-
ing and experience in cross-cultural educa-
tion events during an itinerary which in-
cludes billeting on the Kettle Point Indian
Reserve and taking part in meetings at
Walpole Island and Moraviantown, accom-
panied by the Reverend Laverne Jacobs,
chairman of Huron's Native Ministries.
Mrs. Shapiro, who believes that everyone
has God-given gifts to be used in ministry,
will also share her training skills in a family
life education workshop at St. Paul's Chur-
ch, Clinton, on December 6 and a com-
municating skills workshop at Holy Trinity
Church, Chesley, on December 7.
At other events scheduled in London and
Mitchell, Mrs. Shapiro will present "The
Dry Land Shall Be Glad", an audio-visual
depicting life in her home Diocese, part of
the Church of the Province of South Africa
Born in Benoni, South Africa, Mrs.
Shapiro was educated at Durban Universi-
ty, South Africa, and Boston University,
USA. In the early 1970s, while working at the
Christian Institute in Cape Town, she met
& Nalroner
MR. PERCE JOHNSTON of Bayfield and
formerly of Stanley Township died on
Thursday November 29, 1984. Funeral ser-
vice was held on Saturday December 1,
y - holas
* And by Moil from
Board & Batten, Clinton; Country Store, Bayfield;
Village Guild, Bayfield; The Sago, Blyth.
E.W. Oddlelfeon
Box 190, Bayfield, Ont. NOM 100
Cost - 91095 per copy Plus '2 00 Postage
and married the Reverend Ivor Shapiro, an '
Anglican priest.
Mrs. Shapiro has wide experience in
directing missions and retreats, and leader-
ship training for lay ministry, group
dynamics, evangelism, marriage guidance,
conflict management and parish life con-
ferences. She has also written several
educational publications.
Mrs. Shapiro is presently visiting the
Diocese of Central Newfoundland and will
return to South Africa after Christmas
following a personal visit to the United
Patricia Anstett and John Buechler were united in marriage on
October 6, 1984 at St. Joseph's Church, Clinton, Ontario.
The bride's parents are Mr. and Mrs. John Anstett of Clinton. The
groom's father is Mr. Henry Buechler of London.
Following a honeymoon in the Hawaiian Islands, the couple is
residing in Stratford.
Anstett Jewellers
introduces a
picture perfect idea
Now, when you purchase an
Anstett Diamond Engagement ring,
you'll receive a
FREE 8" x 10"
Minimum purchase $300. Photography
service by Fitzgerald Studios,
Clinton. This gift offer ends
December 30, 1984.
a T
Main Corner
CLINTON 4823901
Fellowship Bible Chapel
Sunday, December 9
9:45 Worship & Remembrance
11 a.m. Sunday School and Family Bible Hour
7 p.m. Evening Service
Speaker: Louis Voyer
7:30 p.m. Tues. - Prayer & Devotion
Watch "Just Neighbours" on Cable 12 at 1:30 p.m. Sunday
and following Bingo Monday evening.
162 Maple Street
Ontario Street United Church
Rev. R. Norman Pick Louise McGregor
11 o.m. - Public Worship
f a.m. Church School
Wesley -Willis United Church
9:45 A.M. Service at Holmesville
11:00 a.m. Service at Wesley -Willis
Christian Reformed
Christian Reformed Church
243 Princess 5t. E. Clinton
Guest Minister
10 a -m. Worship Service
3:00 p.m. Worship Service
All Vision Welcome
Watch "Faith 20" at 9:30 a.m. on Global T.V.
85 Huron St.
Sunday, December 9
10 a.m. Sunday School
11:150.m. Morning Worship
Tuesday 7 p.m. Young Peoples
Wednesday 1 p.m. Ladies Bible Study.
Wednesday 8 p.m. Fellowship Group
St. Paul's Anglican Church
Rev. Gordon Simmons, B.A., M.Div.
11:30 a.m. 1st & 3rd Sundays - Holy Communion
11:30 a.m. - 2nd & 4th Sundays - Morning Prayer
Everyone Welcome
4=mttetttateen ern,