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Clinton News-Record, 1984-12-05, Page 19
Page 1,8—CLINTON NEW B»81 CORD, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1984 Corninunity Calendar BLYTH FESTIVAL Singers Christmas Concert will SANTA SUITS for rent from Kinene Club of Clin- be held in Blyth Memorial Hall on Sunday. ton. Call 482-7951.-49-51 or December 9 at 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. Tickets at $4 and $1.50 are available at the box office (523- STANLEY TOWNSHIP Seniors Christmas Party, 9300) or the Blyth Saga (523-4331).-f18,49ar December 12, 2 - 4 p.m.-49or BAYFIELD LION'S CLUB Annual Turkey Bingo at Bayfield Community Centre, December 10 at 8 p.m. Fifteen turkeys, door prize and shore-the- weolth.--46-49or BINGO every Tuesday evening at Vanastra Cen- tre, R.R. 5, Clinton, 8 p.m. First st regular are the - 51.00. 15 regular 520.00 games, wealth jackpot $200.00 must go! Admission is re= cricied to 16 years and over_ --1 tfar - ANNUAL CHRISTMAS Bog Sale: December 11 to 15 at Salvation Army, Thrift Store, 80 King St., Clinton. -49,50x CHRISTMAS TOUR: Leisure Tours is conducting an intriguing three-day tour to Plymouth, Michigan on December 24, 25 and 26. Some of the highlights are Christmas Eve buffet dinner: Christmas Eve activities; Christmas dinner at Dearborn Inn; Christmas Tea at Weston Hotel; Belle Isle Conservatory; guided tour of Plymouth, Greenfield Village; Henry Ford Museum; Renaissance Centre. Contact Leisure Tours, 364- 4458 collect or your local travel agent for detail- ed information. -49 BUS TRIPS: Robbie's Sun Cruise Show - Scottish musical British pantomime, London, Saturday, December 8. Simcoe lights and Coyles, Saturday, December 15. Phone Helen h.cBurney, Nicholson Bus Lines, 357.3424,--49 SINGLES DANCE at Stratford Fair Grounds (Upper Hall), Saturday, Dec. 8th. Dancing 9 - 1. Music by Country Connections. -49 HARBOURAIRES ANNWAL Christmas Concert. Monday, Dec. 10, North St. United. Church, 8 p.m. Harbouraires, Craigellen Singers, Goderich Choristers, and Loketown Bond. Free-will offering. -49 TUCKERSMITH SESQUICENTENNIAL Valentine Dance. choosing King, Queen, Prince and Princess; start of beard contest; Seaforth and District Community Centre, February 15, 1985. Orchestra: Whiskey Jack.-49or "THE HURON COUNTY Health Unit invites you to attend the Adult Health Guidance Centre, held at the Health Unit office Huronview Buildings, Clin- ton on Thursday, December 13, 1984 from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance; 2. Foot Care; 3. Anaemia Screening; 4. Urine Testing; 5. Blood Pressure".--49ar "THE HURON COUNTY Health Unit invites you to attend the Child Health Clinic held at the Health Unit office, Medical Building, Brussels on Tues- day, December 11, 1984 from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance; 2. Anaemia Screen- ing; 3.Immunization; 4. Fluoride. Adult Im- munization will also be ' offered at this Clinic ".--49ar TOWNSHIP of Stanley's first annual Turkey Bingo, Township of Stanley Community Complex, December 12 at 8 p.m. 15 turkeys, special games and share-the-wealth.--49ar CARD PARTY at I.O.O.F. Hall, Brucefield, Friday, December 7 at 8:30 p.m. Ladies please bring lun- ch. Everyone welcorne. Admission $1.50.--49 PLAN TO ATTEND the 5th Annual Christmas Craft Festival at the Progress Building, Western Fair. Grounds, London. Thurs., December 6, 1 - 10 p.m. Friday, December 7th, Noon to 10 p.m. Saturday, December 8, Noon to 10 p.m. Sunday, December 9, Noon to 6 p.m. Admission only 51.50. Don't miss London's largest - 115 crafts people participating in a quality show and sale. A perfect place to Christmas shop! Be There. -049 Goderich. Township Quiz GODERICH TWP. - This is the second in- stalment of our quiz. We thank everyone who sent their answers in and hope that more will do the same this month. All replies were eligible and the winner was drawn by Reeve Grant Stirling.. For November the winner was Helen Lindsay. Once again send your answers by the end of December to Goderich Township, Box 1-5- 0, Holmesville, NOM ILO. The prize for, December will be a copy of the Township of Goderich History Book, Vol. I. The winners for November and December will receive their books at the Levee on Jan. 1, 1985. t1) What river was known as the Menesetung before 1828? 2) How many schools were in operation prior to centralization (1960)? 3) What was the largest religious denomina- tion in the township according to the 1861 census? ' 41 According to the '1861 census the largest percentage of early settlers were of what nationality? 5) Name the past Wardens from Goderich 1960; . 7) Bayfield River, Maitland River, Lake Huron; 8) 2700 - 2900 H.U.; 9) 1985; 10) '$20. (:heir to be formed A Goderich Township Community Choir COmmiittee has been formed to organize and begin practices for a choir to perform at. various functions. throughout Goderich Township in their Sesquicentennial year - 1985. They will be preparing anthems and hymns for interdenominational church ser- vices as well as secular music for variety nights and other'township functions. The committee has planned active par-. ticipation to begin early in January of 1985 but would appreciate hearing from any in- terested parties as soon as possible. Both former and present residents of the township interested in singing are asked to aid in the formation of this youth -adult, com- munity choir by contacting any , of the following: Doug'Feagan 482-7123, Molly Cox 482-1464, Verna Lobb 482-3342, Helen Lind - Township who are still living. say 482-7520, John Gredaneus 482-3295, and 8) Who is the Chairman of the Sesquicenten- Hugh Lobb 482-3122. nial'Committee? 7) When is the Family Box Social? 8) What does the shape of the Township crest represent? .9) What cash crop is grown most extensively in the Township? )0) How many families will receive a Ses- quicentennial Plaque at the Levee? The answers to last ' months' questions are: 1) The Levee; 2) Official opening 1981; 3) Lord Goderich; 4) Agricultural; 5) Reeve Grant Stirling, Deputy Reeve Jake Reder, Pat Osborne, Lonnie Cox, John Rodges; 6) NOTICE TO MEMBERS r Huron Fish & Game 9,11 CHRISTMAS DANCE Saturday, Dec. 8 Hot smorgasbord supper 6 p.m. 8 p.m. Dance to Soundtracks 9 1. 520.00/Couple. Door prizes Spot'Dances. Members & Guests Welcome. RECEPTION for Julie McBeath and Brian Falconer on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1984 Morris Township and East Wawanosh Federation of Agriculture ANNUAL CHRISTMAS DANCE Blyth Comrrtunity Centre FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7 DANCING 9 PM -1 AM TO "Crippled Duck" TICKETS: 6.00 FROM ANY OF YOUR LOCAL FEDERATION MEMBERS. Happy Belated 22nd "DARRELL.Y." Love, Two of the few girls in your life Family and Children's Services is operating their annual Christmas Bureau at Clinton's Wesley Willis Church this week. The depot is set-up for donations of food, clothing and toys, given to needy families in Huron County. Last year more than 300 families were given special gifts. The service is aimed particularly at children and toys, children's clothing and family items are especially needed. The Clinton Bureau will be open until Friday. Nancy Wise (right) and Marg Coventry will be on hand to accept any donations. (Shelley McPhee photo) Floyd- alumni By Janet Tench Let's get the record straight. Pink Floyd has not broken up. Richard White has departed; Roger Waters and David Gilmour have solo albums; the band members are not talking; nor are there any plans for the next album, but Pink Floyd is not throwing in the towel. While there is obviously no PF material to reveiw, there are Waters' and Gilmour's albums, the Pros and Cons of Hitchhiking; and About Face respectively. The two questions these albums bring to mind are 1) Does either one of these albums carry the essence of Pink Floyd? and 2) What on earth are the pros and cons of hit- chhiking? a In answer to the first question, both Water and Gilmour have in their music the sound of PF. (Both are as great as PF to listen to, so that it is now understood that the music is of excellent quality.) . Gilmour's' album is reminiscent of the rich and tonal Dark Side of the Moon. Yet, while Gilmour is a sensitive poet, he has made About Face full of disillusion and loss. For example, Murder is written about Sid Barrett, founder of PF who went insane. Gilmour is obviously disturbed about Bar- rett's it `D -you miss the voices" in your head and the hirtgs that they said?" Waters' album choes The Wall. At times his music is so like The Wall that :you wonder if he's just rewritten the lyrics and played the tune a little differently. As well., again like The Wall, Pros and Cons is thematic. The entire album is a rather bizarre dream about hitchhiking (life, the universe and everything! ) It would appear that Waters may soon be like Barrett. This leads to the- second question. What are the pros and cons of hitchhiking? In the song of the same name, the answer is found. They are'l) you can break the bones in your hand with a handshake from a biker, .2)'you can pick .up housewives whose husbands play golf, and 3) Yoko Ono ' is " urging solos rated everyone to end the prolonged agony of life. Okay, then, let's not recommend this album to anyone who is less than a universi- ty english major - I hear they're pretty in- sane too. Then again, maybe it's all tongue in the cheek. And the sun is actually rising at dusk and....Gihnours Rating: 8.5, Waters Rating: 7. Love and Best Wishes to Mom and Dad on their .50th Anniversary County atlas available in early 1985 Book Sale OVER 1,500 NEW BOOKS 25'h.,_7S''►oFF THURSDAY DEC. 6' 12 NOON - 6 P.M. FRIDAY DEC. 7 9 A.M. - 9 P.M. SATURDAY DEC. 8 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. AT 7 ALBERT ST. CLINTON (FORMER LIBRARY LOCATION) SPONSORED BY Vanast►•a (Recreation (;entre The children of Jean and Clarence Perdue invite their parents' friends and relatives to an OPEN HOUSE on December 9, from 1:30 to 4:00, at their home on Gordon Street, Clinton. Best Wishes only, please. The 1984 Huron County Historical Atlas, originally scheduled for pre -Christmas publication, will not be available until early next year. Despite the delay, those who had con- templated giving the Atlas as a Christmas gift will be disappointed, Reeve Grant Stirl- ing,, who heads the special county council' committee in charge of the Atlas, emphasiz- ed as he announced the publication delay. "Attractive certificates which may be us- ed for gift purposes are available from the Atlas Office at a cost of $45 each," he said and added that each certificate would enti- tle the holder to a copy of the AtAas as soon as it is published. The certificates are available not only to those wishing to use them as a gift or as a pre -publication purchase to ensure an Atlas being available, but also to those who already, as a patron, had purchased an Atlas. - An order form is included in the paper or is available at municipal offices and public libraries in the county. A certificate also may be obtained by a patron without charge, and by others on remittance of $45 per certificate by writing Huron County Historical Atlas Office, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 1M2. PIANO TUNING • REPAIRS • REBUILDING • KEYS RECOVERED • DAMPP•CHASERS • REGULATING • BENCHES BRUCE PULSIFER 3489223wIc.c,c • 1aiB guw lac,6 taurant VANASTRA PARK SUNDAY SMORGASBORD Served 12 noon to 8 pm With 28 selection 41 salad bar BANQUET FACILITIES 3 rooms available seating for 100 to 560 people. 695 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 10 AM -10 PM Fully Licensed under LLBO Lounge and Banquet' Rooms START GODERICH TOWNSHIP 1-5-0 WITH US? Goderich Township Recreation Board presents bECEMBER 31, 1984 AT THE GODERICH TOWNSHIP COMMUNITY CENTRE - HOLMESVILLE Dancing 9 pm - 1 am to "Country Companions" Refreshments - Hot Buffet Spot Dances $25. per couple Dress as you would have in 1835. Door Prizes. For tickets call ELAINE. , ........ 482-3548 JANE ....... .482-7240 or any other board member. ♦�DOKS (oc0 f ACOLLECTJ5LE5 • /VrI4uEs 7CLL/Pt EVoRiLI"7 --IAYfIELD -- -THE sPuARE -- A 1wf PO FR A 1' I NG- vvE PLIF ITEMS of INTEREST_ O PE A/ CA/ k•'EE4 E,Ye S 7f 11�O4Gp104�7� k'7'vt70 p#40/E ; 545- ("29 93 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 PLACES IN THE HEART MERICAN MASTERPIECE, THE MOVIE TO BEAT FOR. THE r) ACADEMY AWARD:' • • • • . • • e • • • • • • Friday & Saturday 7-9 p. eSun, -Wed. 8 p.rrt. • • $2©° TUESDAY • • • TONIGHT TILL • THURSDAY, DEC. 6 • AT 8:00 P.M. • Don't forgot • $20o TUESDAY ; ADULT ACCOMPANIMENT STARTING FRIDAY® DEC. 7 In the Year of 0011111011Bi 2O29,Ihe Mme. of t �t t •rin* *ometIg alit f• t no pity, No pale. No f•ar Something unstop. Tsy created:.... • • amass vgf,roc4 MM.. Ono... . • •on.,, ' HORROR • 0 ®0•• 0OD04D0100000!BN0000®00 • •