HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-12-05, Page 15Page 1a: -clamor.; NEWS -RECORD. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5,1984 1. Articles for 4® YOU CAN GET your out -of -Canada Medical In- surance at C.A.A. Travel Agency, 7 Rattenbury St., Clinton. Phone 482-9300.-44tfar RED POTATOES for sole. 482-3460.-44tf FOR SALE: pair of boy's hockey pants, size 12, $10, pair of boy's Bauer junior supreme hockey skates, size 41/2, $40. both worn one season, in excellent condition, phone 528-3232 after 5 p. m.-45tfnx FOR SALE - Downhill skis (brakes included), poles $125.00. Ladies' ski boots size 8, $25.00, call after 6 p. m,-482-3712-47tfnx FOR SALE - 12 string Fender Guitar and case. Ex- cellent condition, $130.00, call after 6 p.m.-482- 3712.--47tfnx IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON HOCKEY JERSEYS - $10 UP. Buy direct from the factory and save! Peter Upton Jacket Works. Call toll free 1-800-661-6461 for your free catalogue. --47-510 CULLIGAN WATER SOFTENER, 6 months old, moved - don't need, asking $400, phone 523- 9716.-49 ANTIQUE high buffet, maple, rounded glass door and leaded glass door. 482-9748.-49x APPROXIMATELY 5Q cord dry mixed hardwood for sale, $25.00 a cord picked up. CaII Bill Smith 482-3349.-49,50x 10 H.P. Canadiana lawn tractor for sale, 42" blade, tire chains, 36" mower, power weed eater. Package deal. Phone 565-2462.-49,50 REGULATION size pool table, $200.00; 4 chrome bar stools,, tan seats, 25" high, $20.00 each. Phone 482-7516.-49x SET OF BUNK BEDS with posture boards and mat- tresses, in excellent condition. Phone 482- 3366.-49 CHOICE lean beef by the side. Ready for freezer, government inspected, farmer's prices. Phone I -rank Falconer 482-9128.-37eow UNE GIRL'S skating dress, blue, size 10-12; one baby walker, phone 523-9204.-49nx STEEL BUILDINGS Manufacturers clearance. Limited quantities. Buy Now. Immediate or spr- ing delivery. No interest. or' storage charges. Substantial discounts during sale. Call toll free 1- 800-461-7689. (Area Code 807 Coll (705)335- 5972.-47-50o NO. 1 WHITE HONEY, in your containers, $1.00 per pound, over 30 pounds 95 cents' per pound. Alec Ostrom, 482.7287.-48-50 STEEL BUILDINGS. Manufacturers clearance. Limited quantities. Buy Now Immediate or spr- ing delivery. No interest or storage charges. Substantial discounts during sale. Call tollfree 1- 800-461-7689. (Area code 807 call (705-335- 5972).-490 CBE FURNITURE NEW & USED We Can Offer BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY '/2 mile south on Hwy. 21 GODERICH 524-7231 We even take trades SSIFIE THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD -THE BLYTH STANDARD -THE Initlln �vs-141.•11111' CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads Tuesday Neon Display Advertising Tuesday 4:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS Articles for sale 2.rard sole 3 Garage sole 4 Antiques for sale 5 cors for sole 6 :rucks for sale 7 P V s for sole 8 Marine 9 Automotive 10 Petl for sole. 12 Real estole for sole 13 Mobile homes 14 Recreational properties 15 Out of town properties 16 For rent 17 Apo.tments for rent 18 Houses for rent 19 Rooms for rent 20 Room 8 board 21 Cottages for rem 22 lots for rent 23 Commercial properly for rent 24 Wonted to rent 25 Wanted to buy 26 Help wanted 27 Wonted igeneroll 28 Business opportunity 29 Tenders 30 Employment wonted •31 Service directory 34 Personal 35 Not,Ce to creditors 36 Announcements 37 Mortgages 38 Auction sale 39 Educational 40 Lost Found Al To giveaway 42 Death nonce 43 Births 44 Engagements 45 Marriages 46 In memoriam 47 Cords of thanks 50C DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT WHEN PLACING AD OR IF PAID WITHIN ONE WEEK AFTER THE PAPER DATE. PHONE 482-3443 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 7:00 a.m. to S p.m. SACHS DOLMAR CHAIN ,.. SAWS Sales and Service at FRASER'S SALES AND SERVICE HWY. 4 - JUST NORTH OF BRUCEFIELD 482-9286 SATELLITE TV FROM $1499 WHOLESALE PRICES CANTEL COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS Wholesalers, Distributors and Manufacturers LUCKNOW PHONE 528-2900 New and Used Systems Available Over, a decade of antenna installation and service. Authorized service centre for many brand name electronics. LEASING AVAILABLE 1 1. Articles for sale i IMMEDIATE DELIVERY on HOCKEY JERSEYS $10.00 Up. Buy direct from the factory and save! Peter Upton Jacket Works. Call toll free 1-800- 661-6461 for your free catalogue. --490 /i } m. ,• CHRISTMAS TREES for sale, In the lot beside Verbeek's Farm and Garden Centre nowt , SPONSORED BY CLINTON OPTIMIST CLUB OPEN: 8:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Six days a week 4e2-9333 • WD -45 Allis Chalmers tractor with loader and plow; 333 Massey Harris tractor equipped with power steering, also a dump trailer. Phone anytime 529-7190.=49 PINE, SPRUCE AND BALSAM CHRISTMAS TREES, 5' to 9'. Neil Edgar, Hwy. 86 east of Whitechurch, 357-2440.--49,50 WEEKLY SPECIALS? see our ad in "FOCUS" Clin- ton Boxed Meats just off Hwy: 4 north' of Clinton, 11/4 mile south of Londesboro, watch for our sign. Call collect 523-9508,-42tfar.' APPLES - Macintosh, Cortland, Northern Spy, Ida Red, Russett; Wayne, Red and 'Yellow .Delicioup, Empire, Tolman Sweet and Snows. Honey, apple butter, bulk cookies, spanish and cooking onions, •fresh cider, whiskey barrels. Special - red and white potatoes, $5.00 for 50 lbs. For fur- ther information call 524-8037 Art Bells Fruit Form.-47tfar POTATOES; onions, spy apples. Huron Ridge Acres, R.R. 2, Zurich, 565-2122.-49-51 ar APPLE BUTTER - no sugar or spices added. Huron Ridge Acres, R.R. 2, Zurich. 565-2122.-49-51 ar USED HONDA 1500 W portable generator. Used 31/2 h.p. Honda engirte. Used ,2" water pump P.T.O. truck type 140 p•s.i. Steve Argyle Lawn and Garden Equipment, Bayfield, 565- 2800.-49, 50ar WOOD FOR SALE MIXED HARDWOOD Blocks or split. Any quantity. Will deliver. 482-9250 1. Articles for sale BELGIUM ENDIZE (WITLOF) now available through March. Also apples, pure cider, kale, red and white cabbage. Visscher Farms, 3 miles west of Exeter on Hwy. 83. Phone 237-3442. Clos- ed Sundays.-49,50ar MAN'S SIZE 8 molded Orbit skates, good condi- tion. Call evenings, 524-9812.-49 LIKE NEW: Women's white Bauer figure skates size 8 in carrying case, $25.00 and men's black Bauer skates, size 10, $25.00. Used boy's Bauer skates, size 1, $5.00. 1 aluminum storm and screen window 331/2 x 67, $10.00 1 oil burner with oil tank, $25.00. Phone 482-7676.-49or New FILE CABINETS with locks - two drawer let- ter only $59.00 and four drawer legal $99.00. Cash and carry. Ideal Christmas gift. Lovers New and Used, 254 Adelaide Street, South. London (519)681-2254, Mon - Fri 9-5, Sat 9-12.-490 USED SKATES for sale, reasonable, 139 Queen St., Clinton, 482-9412.-48tf *Quality cast iron .Beautiful porcelain enamel Finished Qualifies for C.O.S-P. 50% OFF Oil Rebate Which will bo cancoiled March 31s1, 1983 Tho Wolodburner Shop INSERTS - STOVES & CHIMNEY TUES. TO FRI. 6 pre to 9 pm SAT. 10 am to 3 pm Dungannon 529-7949 COLONIAL FIREPLACE airtight stove 100°OFF or we install free IV WO' Attention Christmas Crafters! VERBEEK'S HAS EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO MAKE YOUR OWN WREATHS AND CENTREPIECES Ornaments, wire, straw wreaths, lots more VERBEEK'S FARM & GARDEN CENTRE 22 Isaac St. Clinton 4e2-9333 A. For Sale Standing Fuelwood For Sale To improve growing conditions for valuable trees, the Ministry of Natural Resources is thinning a woodlot in Stanley Township, and is selling marked standing trees to a reputable fuelwood contractor. Fuelwood Volume: approximately 100 standard cords (one standard cord - 128 cubic feet). Location: approximately 3 miles south of Bayfield. This fuelwood area will be sold as one lump slum to one contractor - no partial sales. For further Information contact: Harry Wilson, Ministry of Natural Resources, R.R. No. 5, Wingham, Ontario NOG 2W0. Telephone: 519- 357-3131 or 1-800-265-3003. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Hon Alen W Pope Minister Joan R Sloan Deputy Minute. TWO new alternators - one 20KW, one 50KW. Call Ed's Electric, 482-7441 .---49ar LARGE round bales of mixed hay for sale. Phone 482-9973.-49 AYFIELD BUGLE 1. Articles for sale .- n._.. •e Hensall Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 12:30 P.M. All classes of Lieesto4# WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Clinton - 4/2-7311 Barry Miller Exeter - 23S-2717 Klriton - 228.4203 Gregory Hargreaves 247-241• * FOR SALE COOK'S WINTER JACKETS Children's Sizes $1.7.00 For information contact: Hensall 262-2410 Centralia 228-6661 Kirkton . • 229-8986 Walton 527-1540 **Limited Supply** Sponsored by Cook's Social Committee L. Wanted Give a gift that finds money! Fun and profit for young and old begins with a GARRETT METAL. DETECTOR! For free buyer's guide or nearest dealer contact: Canadian Metal Locators, R.R. 5, Waterford, NOE 1Y0(519)443-5193.- 490 OLD BRICK buildings wanted for wrecking and salvage purposes. Contact Ross Lumley; London 667-4028 any time.-35-49eow WANTED TO BUY, 4" grain auger 16 feet long. Les Caldwell 523-9324, Blyth. -49 $ OVERSTOCKED MUST SELL $. Quonset buildings available at tremendous savings, Limited quan- tities. Manufacturer overstocked. NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED. Spring or Fall delivery. Won't be undersold. Call (416)486- 1807.-490 D. Livestock ALLIS CHALMERS mono frame 5-16" trip beam plow (4-5 bottom), excellent shape. 529-7607 after 5 p.m.-- 34tfnx WANTED - small calves either dairy or beef; cows dairy or beef; also, veal or stockers. Phone 357- 2861 .-48-51 FOUR SEASONS FARMS has a large selection of quality plus bred gilts due immediately. For your replacement needs call us first. Ron Bu'rgsma, 529-7704 business or 529-7697 residence. --47,49,51x CROSSBRED beef cows due to calve next spring. Phone 482-7775.--49 BOARS, Landrace, approximately one year old. 523-4364.--49 Attention Farmers WE PAY 820.00 TO 850.00 PER HUNDRED WEIGHT FOR OLD, RECENTLY INJURED OR DOWNER COWS AND STEERS. MUST BE ALIVE AND DRUG FREE. MARK LEIS b SONS LIVESTOCK TOLL FREE 1-$00-265-4110 24 hrs. a day, 6 days a week. Serving this area since 1974. CHAINSAWS - Homelite, Echo, Jonsered. 20% off all saw chain. Sharpening done while you wait. In our fifteenth year of service. Steve Argyle, Bayfield. 565-2800.-47-49ar E. Farm Services SUNBEAM Kerosene heater, 12,500 B.T.U. 2 years old, in good condition. Used only one year. Asking $100.00. Phone 482-3739 after 6 p.m.-48tfnx An Atlas at last. The perfect Christmas gift for Ontario travellers. "BIG RED" the street atlas of Ontario in compact book form. Contains over 300 street guides of Ontario towns and cities with mileage indicators and highway guide. Big Red is the "Good Buddy" of anyone who uses Ontario roadways. Order before December 18 to ensure delivery before Christmas. We will ship by courier. Get $350 worth of street guides, all 'in one compact library sized book. Easy to read, fits glove compartment. All for only $29.95 plus sales tax and $2 shipping. Money back guarantee if not completely satisfied. Call (416)239.5553 or (416)239-8405. Credit cards accepted or send che- que or Money Order to Maple Leaf Map, 4800 Dundas Street West, Islington, Ontario, M9A 1B1.-490 WILL DO relief milking and chores, $7.50 per hour, Phone Peter Hamming 527-0179 evenings.-43tf BERGSales -Service -Installation °Barn Cleaner seBunkFeeders a Stabling °Manure Conveyors FREE ESTIMATES Donald G. Ives R.R. 2 BLYTH 887-9024 F. For Rent -16 95 ACRES of good cash crop land for rent. Phone 524-9595.-49x FARM FOR RENT BY TENDER. 120 acres on Maitland Concession Township of Goderich. For - word tenders to Mrs. Linda Jones, R.R. 2, Clinton, Ontario, NOM 1L0 prior to December 20, 1984 Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. -4950x' Amazing New Dillon MK 111 GAS WELDING TOR- CH. Welds and cuts Aluminum, Stainless Cast Iron and all mild steels. Fantastic new design saves 50% fuel easily and sharply reduces slag and oxidization. A better torch and we can prove it. M.R.B. Dist. Box 33, RR 2 Frankford, Ontario, KOK 2C0 (613)962-9717.-490 1974 CAMARO, Crager rims, needs body work. 482-9705.-49 WOOD and metal used windows for sale. 482 - 1' eLUCKNOW GODERICH eWINGHAM 4 IN BAYFIELG.P 6; SEATONFoRTH e MITCHELL e ZURICH o EXETER STRATFORD 12. Real estate for sale TWO STOREY brick commercial building close to main intersection, Hwy 8, Clinton. Excellent loca- tion, lot approx. 52 x 132, now containing two shops, three apts., owner retiring. Apply 482, 7082 or 482-9410.-49,50x 9705.-49 ATC Honda three wheeler, 110 model in ex- cellent condition. Phone 523-4408.-49,50 20K MC -10 computer, includes tapes, books, magazines and -cassette cables. $75.00 firm. Phone 482.3222.-49 A GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFT. The Huron Historical Atlas, an interesting gift with lasting value, would be a treasure for anyone who has ever liv- ed in Huron County. The Atlas will contain over 300 pages of stories of pioneer families, Huron churches, , organizations • and businesses. Township maps will show names of farm owners. Atlas gift certificates are still available for $45 each from the Atlas office, County Court House, Goderich, N7A 1M2 or call 524- 2950.-49,50 5. Cars for sale 1978 FORD PINTO, sun roof, light blue, 482- 9036.--48,49 1980 MALIBU, 83,000 km., V6 engine; P.B., P.S., good condition, $4250. Phone 482-3909.--48-50 1979 MERCURY MONARCH, 6 cyl, auto., P.S., good condition. Call 262-2535 after 6 p.m. -49 1975 DATSUN B210, 4 speed, good condition, fresh paint, $800.00 as is or will certify. 482- 7044.-49 1975 MARQUIS BROUGHAM, fully loaded, 30,300 original miles. Show room condition. Must be seen. $4,000.00 firm. Serious callers only. 524- 9868.-49 1971 RED VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE, 56,000 miles, good engine, needs body work. $650.00 as -- is. Phone Bayfield 565-2471.49 1977 MAVERICK, as'is, $350.00 firm. Phone 482- 3383.'-49 l 6. Trucks for sale 1974 FORD 600 truck with 12' livestock rack with hoist, also extra end gate for grain, as is. 523- 4364.-49 1971 GMC 1/2 ton truck, good shape, $500.00 or best offer. Phone 523-4431.-49,50 12. Real estate for sale BAYFIELD - not many serviced lots left selling for $10,900, 10% interest on two year mortgage, selling fast. 565-2899.-48.49 16. for rent PLYWOOD FORMS wedges, portable cement mixer. Power trowels, wheelbarrows, etc. Form ties stacked. Call N.J. Corriveau. Zurich 236- 4954.-16tfar 17. Apartments for rent KGKGKGKGKGK & INSURANCE INC. 0 9747 4823721 Goderich, Exeter, UN 0 ^^ 7 c) 7C. OK REALTY 14 Isaac St., Clinton 4.82 AlsoGrand Bend. BILL COUNTER 4824687 HAL HARTLEY 482-3693 Here are THREE i Priced n the 20's ALL ARE AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY C7 0 Compact, rural, expandable; highway location, 2 bedrooms, detached garage. Call Bill. Cozy 2 bedroom cottager shaded lot, quiet neighbourhood; priced to allow for improvements. Call Bill. Well maintained, 3 bedrooms, detached garage; this property is Toned Highway Commercial. Call Bill. yPPER apartments, two bedrooms, appliances, self contained, private entry, off street parking, references required, no pets, not suitable for children. 262-2939.-48tf APARTMENT for rent in Blyth, two bedrooms, $300.00 monthly, utilities included. Phone 523- 4351 or 523-9338.-49t4 ONE BEDROOM apartment close to downtown, fridge and stove supplied, heot included $195 per month plus utilities phone 482-9803.---49 ELIZABETH COURT Ona and Two Sedr000te now available. Features ap- pliances, carpet throughout, laundry facilities. All utllltles Included at: PHONE 176 OXFORD ST. HENSALL, +•NT. Ret -2$46 RESIDENTIAL -COMMERCIAL AGRICULTURAL -RECREATIONAL AND SEASONAL PROPERTY MEMBER HURON REAL ESTATE BOARD (Multiple Listing Service) GKGKGKGKGKGKGKGK_ WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. COMMERCIAL LOTS, Highway location in a high traffic area. EXCELLENT STARTER HOME, 1 floor, 2 bedrooms. Close to downtown. '19,900.00: 100 ACRhS �Ir ivy' & reforestation, land, h good land, n, trout creek. • THIS 3 OR 4 BEDROOM HOME FEATURES a dining room, den, 2 baths, on a large lot. Close to downtown, NEAR THE RACETRACK, 4 bedroom home on a large lot in the 20's. BLYTH, executive styled modern home with ' many conveniences. On 3 lots. 2 BEut an a 1 ��'a'- ` tV OME with a nice layout on a 1 se to downtown. NEW LISTING - Industrial building, 5,000 sq. ft., priced at '25,000.00. EXCELLENT RETIREMENT HOME, nice in- terior, 2 bedrooms, full basement, carport. NEW LISTING - 1 floor home with 2 or 3 bedrooms, family room, dining room, large workshop, on 1.3 acres. A pleasure to show. INDUSTRIAL LOTS AVAILABLE on the Bayfield Road. MAKE US AN, OFFER on this commercial building, highway location, second shop available. NEAR THE SCHOOLS. a house with a lot of character. APARTMENT BUILDING in a good location. GOOD SELECTION of farms of all types available. Call Harold Workman FARMS, HOME & COMMERCIAL_ Clinton 519-482-3455 Call Peter Damsma FARM REPRESENTATIVE - POULTRY SPECIALIST RR 5 Clinton 482-9849 I