HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-10-16, Page 8THE EZE E S T EW A R T UST a Few Words About Ladies New Fall and Winter Coats. -Style t shall be. correct, Of course there will be a few short coats worn and a few long ulstes, We have the short coats and also the nlsters, but the big bulk of our new coats are - semi -tight, our flew bell. sleeves, We would like to show yon. New Coats whether you care to buy or not, You are al- ways welcome to study the new styles at Stewart's. $6.50 for Women'e Black Frieze a Coat with new bell Sleeve, stitched trimmings, a good solid garment,sizes 32 to 46. Can fit the biggest woman. in the country in this line. $6,50 for Oxford Grey Frieze Coat, semi -tight fitting, tailor made, a great coat for the price, and all pure wool. $8.00 for Dark Grey Frieze Coat, trimmed with velvet pipeing and vel - yet collar. A very swell coat. $9.00 for Black Pebble Zebeline Coat, stitched cloth yoke and edges. A very dressy garment. $10.00 for Oxford Grey Frieze Coat stitched cloth yoke, lined throughout with good mercerized lining. $10.00 for Dark Grey Cheviot I Coat, piped velvet yoke collar and edgings, lined throughout, a lovely coat. $10.00 for Black and Grey Fseize I Coat, trimzued with fancy corded yoke and cording on bell sleeves and bottom of skirt, very stylish. $12.50 Black and Grey Pebble Zebe- line, a Coat, with tucked silk yoke and cuff, a beautiful garment. We show a fine range of Children's Coats in. short and lengths, all colors, great big values. 1 .s02001rreo,111110111111111111r Ping Pong Ping Pong On Saturday night at eight o'clock we will give away 50 sets of ping gong, with 50 pounds of Forest Cit baking ' powder. Y 50c for a pound tin of Baking Powder, and a good set of Ping Pong free. Only one set to each customer. 75c the yard for a very swell Zebe- line dress goods. A nice bright finish in. Oxford Grey and New Blue. 45c for 54 inch Homespun dress goods, all the new shades, special values. 75c for black or blue peb Zebeline serge dress goods. They're correct for suits or skirts. 50c the waste end for Alabama Oprra flannels, lovely floral designs, with satin over stripes. 45e each for choicest Camel Hair Tams; in plain or plaid effects. They are going fast. THn Txirss from now till the end of 1903 for $1,00 take it yourself and send another copy to a friend. Miss C. Sweet is spending Thanks-. giving holidays with friends in Due, ham and will remain until Monday.. Mr. Nelson. Northcott, moved. his family to St. Marys on Wednesday. We axe sorry to lose Mr. Northcott as a citizen. Mr. 'William Miners, of Elimville, is assisting his brother, Oharles, of London, in erecting a fine dwelling in that city. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Stephensonof Mrs. visited their nieces, M. J. White and Miss Clarke during the past week. Mrs. M. J. White will hold an auction sale of her household effects on Satur- day next Oct. 18th at one o'clock sharp. No reserve. Terms cash. Miss E. A. Willis, of Evergreen. Park, Main street, is spending a very pleas- ant time with her friend, Miss Jennie Long, Dugalbee Farm, Ettrick. Mr. Alex. Jameson, of Durham, ac- comnanied by his wife spent Thanks- giying with his father and. Rey. and Mrs. Martin at the Manse. $5.50 for a very swell American Sable neck scarf or ruff, a great leader. $12.00 for long American Sable boa, trimmed with tails. A real beauty and right up to date. $2.00 for a very pretty Black Fur neck ruff, trimmed with head and tails. $6.00 for a Silver Fox neck ruff, trimmed with natural head, legs and toil, Just like a real, live, silver fox. Ladies' Fur Coats. Men's Fur Coats. Without a doubt biggest stock in the county. Values, the very best. •••••®a•••••ee•S•••••••®•• Talbot's Bazaar. 1 Onus AD. CHANGES EVERY WEER, BIG 0811 SIR T EW T -THM- e� Far Marriage Licenses, Sovereign Bank wesicting Rings*, of Canada, HEAD OFFICE TO toNr0. Capital Authorized $2,000, 000.00 Capital paid up.... $1,031,000.00 H. S. HOLT President D. M. STEWART, Gen. Manager.' Amherstburg Clinton Exeter Milverton Montreal, Que BRANCHES Mount Albert Stirling New Market Stouffville Ottawa Sutton,Que Perth Toronto St. Catharines Unionville Waterloo, Que. SA INOS DEPARTMENT-raateeheo f interest paid on deposits of $1,00 and upwards, Compounded half -yearly, Deposit Receipts issued, Money loaned to Farmers on their Own Notes, at lowest rates. Drafts bought and sold, Money orders payable anywhere in Can- ada, issued at very low rates. Collec- tions made at reasonable rates. We make a specialty of Ne N York and Sterling Exchange. Get our rates before buying or selling. A general banking business tran- sacted. EXETER BRANCH F. W. GLADMAN, F. E. KARN, Solicitor. Manager, Children Cry for CASTORIA. Watches, Clocks Jewelry, Spectacles Etc CALL ON R. "HICKS Watch Repairing a Specialty. Pickard Go. Hl"t,,NSALL DASH W©OD,. !TlianKsiillU Da d • Will find this store closed up • • tighs. Intending buyers • should note this fact. 0 u r • store will be open though on • • Wednesday evening till 10 P. • M., thus giving our customers • • an opportunity, for procuring • ® a supply of FRESH CAN- • DIESPEANUTS AND • • • FRUIT, which are always • • to be found here. • Anyone looking in our win- • O dows these days can see • 2.COMBS, BRUSHES, HAIR • ® PINS, ETC., in fact you can find everything for the hair • • here. • • Ladies are becoming in- terested. Come in 1 We can • interest you. • • Talbot's Bazaar • Wedding Presents a Specialty. e• ® til eseese•••e••e••eeeseetr•••• The TIMES office is the nlace to get your job printing. General Wm. Booth, founder of the Salvation Army will visit Canada this month and will be in London on the 25th and 26th. An energetic man can earn from $15 to $18 a week selling our goods. Large demand. Write for particulars. C. R. FEGAN, Fenwich, Ont. 31m Miss Lizzie Onckwell, will) has been visiting her cousin, Mrs. Harry Gould left last week for Owen Sound, where she intends taking a course in book- keeping. Mr. Geo. Brooks enjoyed a mess of English beans last week picked from his garden from vines of a second growth. He says there is a good sup- ply for another meal. TO ADVERTISERS. Mr. A. Q. -Bobier has rented the building belonging to Mr. Robert Knight, and•recently vacated by him, and will use the same -for an office The copy for changes must be left and for a warehouse for his cream not later than Tuesday noon. Casual separators. advestisementa accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. THURSDAY, OCT. 16, 1902 Locals Public holiday to -day (Thursday), Mrs, Pearce, of Forest, called on friends in town on Friday. Bruce Dignan, of London, spent Sunday under the parental roof. Mr. D. Crittenden, of Biytn, was the guest fof Miss Penhale the forepart of this week. Miss Jennie Crockett, of Dorchester, is visiting here with her sister, Mrs. Will L. Talbot. Mr, Will Ross, of- Clinton, spent Sunday in town with his parents, Mr. and Mrs,. D. A. Ross. Mr. Wm. Russell, of Hay, had a very large yield of oats having realiz- ed 100 bushels to the acre. Carpets at Reduced Prices We were in lack a few weeks ago in purchasing odd pieces of carpet. We bought these goods at great cuts on the cost prices, and we can offer them to you at bargains. 2 pieces of Hemp Carpet, floral pattern, heavy stock, I yard wide was 25c., now 20c, per yard. 1 piece twilled English Hemp, stripe pattern, extra, heavy, 1 yard. wide, was 30c„ now 23c the yard, sett attern 1 piece Canadian Union. Carpet, green ground, very pretty p and colors, splendid stock, was 45c now 35c. 1 piece Canadian Union Carpet, cardinal ground, .floral design, with heavy pattern, was 50c. now 40c. 1 piece Canadian Wool Carpet, with lovely design of green, fawn, ligb brown, white colors in pattern,'very heavy weight, was 75c, now 60c. 1 piece 3 ply English Wool Carpet, heaviest weight, best wool, beautiful running pattern was $1.25 now 95c. 1 piece Patent Tapestry Carpet, linen back, close weave, new green ground, well covered design, was 90c., now '?Sc. 1... lovelyiced nap, with good soft piece En lisp Axminster Carpet. ar l , shodee in design, was $1.25 now 95e. g � „ ... We .have tnan: bar sins in eves department. Try us dian increase your bank account g POPPLESTON GARBINER oceries a Specialty. One Door North of Postofce. The best place to get your bills printed for any entertainment is the Times office, In addition to well print- ed bills at a reasonable cost, you get a free notice in this paper. This alone is worth the price of the bills. Mr. John Gill has received instruc- tions from Mrs. M. J. White to sell by public auction, on Saturday Oct. 18th, her household effects at her residence, .,John street Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms cash. For further particulars see bills. The marriage took place at Wood- stock last week of Miss Kathaleen Grigg, of that place, to ear. Anson W. Walker, of London, They will reside in London. Miss Grigg is a grand- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Grigg, town. Ere long we shall be reading in the marriage notice : "The groom's gift to the bride was a beautiful necklace of real anthracite, to which was attached a magnificent gold pendant, inlaid with beech, maple and other precious woods." Mrs. John Spicer had the mis- fortune on Sunday last, to slip and. fall down a number of steps leading to a kitchen, sustaining a severe scalp wound. The Wound is healing and she suffers no serious trouble there- from. The word love in one 'Indian dialect is chemlendamoughkanagogager. This accounts for the fact that Indians never have but one sweetheart at a time, Couldn't expect him to attend to two chemlendamoughkanagogager affairs at once. With commendable enterprise Mr. Geo. Brooks has built a large bake oven wherehe now can bake 50 loaves of bread at once doing away with the use of so many stoves and greatly lessen- ing the amount of fuel and labor. He has also had a new cart built for the delivery of his home-made bread. It is altogether likely that when the protest against the return of H. Eilber, to the Local Legislature, and that against M. G. Cameron, are called be- fore the Court on the 10th, with sever- al others, there will be no evidence offered in either case, and the charges' will be dismissed. "Alone" and "Purity" are the titles of the new pictures given to subscrib- ers of the Family Herald and Weekly Star, of Montreal, this season. They are considered far ahead of any prey- ioiasly offered, and subscribers are sure to be delighted with them. The many improvements in the Family Herald are Making that great paper Homes, indispensable to Canadian a H n Its weekly visit to this locality is greatly appreciated by almost every famil . It is the biggest dollar's worthyknown in thenewspaper+ line. Gorro6t Whoa Fashions We have a complete line of Queen Quality Shoes,. and that means that you can get here the newest and most up-to-date thing in Ladies' Foot Wear.. Lames' Skirts You can get the latest styles in Ladies' Skirts, ready-to-wear, in all the new cloths, Zebelines, Freizes, Home Spuns, Broad Cloths, and. the fit of them is beyond question, all colors. Prices $4.25, $4.50, $5.00, and $5.25. Ladies' Blouses Ladies' Blouses made up in the very latest styles in Lus- ters and Black and _ colored Silks. Prices reasonable too, $2.75, $3.75, $4 25. October's Golden Ladies Mantles We have the short Natty Coat for fall wear and the long graceful Coat for fall and winter wear, Fawns, Greys, and Blacks are the best sel- lers. Prices come at $3,50, $4.50, $5.00, $5.50, up to $13.00. We have the new things for Girls' and Misses Wear, Prices $3.00, $8.50 to $5.00. Dress Goods The latest in Dress Goods may be found here. Zebelines are very popular. See all the new shades 52 inches wide for $1.00 We pay highest prices for Farm Produce. The R. Pickard Co Direct importers, A meeting of the officers of the South Huron Agricultural Society and the Stephen and Usborne Branch was held at the Commercial Hotel on Mon- day afternoon of last week for the purpose of completing the unfinished business pertaining to the fair held here on the 22nd and 23 ult. The meet- ing was eet-ingwas most harmonious and the pro- ceecle'of the recent show showed very satisfactory resti:lte. The amount re- ceived. by the local branch was $200. Fon SALE. --A good stove, (cook) apply at this office, Boort I3rNtxNG.'--We are now prepar- ed to take orders for book binding, and any orders entrusted to us will receive hest attention.' Books, Maga- `zines or periodicals bound or rebound in any style at reasonable prices, THANxtsoIvINei SERvroPs.---Union Thanksgiving services will be held to- day (Thursday) in Main street Metho- dist church at 11" m.' Services will pp the Rev. Dr. Hannon;` be canductecl by t of James street church. A special col- lection will betaken up in aid of the poor. Fon TWENTY 'CENTS, - The MINS will be sent to any address its Canada aroamemwmalsostuemommo Days call for changes in Wearing Apparel and our store has just the goods you want. WRAPPERS $1.25 line in red, and blue wr'rpperetts for $1.00. 25 cline heavywxa er e tes made with deep A frill and lined wai, newest patterns, sixes 32-42. $1.75c line, the finest we ha,ye ever shown in regular wrapper patterns. Nobby goods. Ladies' underskirts from $1:00 up to $475. very choice. Choice Flannelette Underwear Corset covers, white, pink and blue, at 25c and 59c:, Drawers, white, pink, blue, grey and stripes. Good quality at 25c, 35c, and 50c. Gowns in all colors and prices. See our special gown. It's out of sight. Only 50c. Full line of Black Sabana waists, lined ihroughont„ at $1.50c, $2,00 and $2.75, RLING °lJ - NITU FL' NIT aciacconamonsomomw Our big stock of Furniture is up-to-date in every way. If you have furniture needs prepare to fill them now. Styles were never prettier nor prices so low. Inspect our stook and ,select now. Bedroom Suites -1 Parlor Suites Fancy Chairs Extension Tables Iron Beds Sideboards Dining Chairs Pictures Couches and easy chairs at easy prices, Curtain Poles and Trimmings. Give us a call, and if we have not got what you want we will soon get it for you. es. C.H10 Furniture and Undertaking Rooms, Gidley's Block. • the first occasion on which a barrister of this county has been .appointed to the bench of the Court of Appeal, and ,the elevation of Mr. Garrow to the highest Court in Ontario, is an honor to the whole county. Mr. Justice Garrow is a man of very good legal attainments and of a high moral char- acter, and will be a very useful mem- ber of the Court of Appeal. Mr. Gar - row is to be congratulated on his ap- pointment and that he may be long spared to fill the duties of his new office is the wish of his many friends. or the United States till Jan. 1st, 1003, for twenty cents. or till the end of 1903 for $1.00 in advance. If you want a sample copy call at the office or drop a post card. The TIMES gives all the news worth giving of the town and district, is well printed bright and newsy. Its story page is always en- tertaining, its market reports are re- liable. As an advertising medium this paper is without a rival in its field. It brings results because it reaches so many people. If you have anything to sell use our advertising columns. If you want any printing done neatly and cheaply come here. BANQUET AT GoDEnrcH,- Messrs. F. W. Gladnian, and L, 73. Dickson, attended the complimentary dinner given by the barristers of the county, to the Hon. Mr. Justice Garrow, at Godericli, on Friday evening ,last. Judge Doyle acted as chairman, and more that 30 members of the Bar and others were present. Mr. Gar - row has toe many years been the re - Cognized leader of, the Bar of this county, and the hearty congratula- tions extended him on Friday et"en- ing, show the high esteem in which he is held by the profession. This is FOR O VER SIXTY IEABS AN OLD AND welt -mien - REMEDY. -Mr Winslow s Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums. allays al pain cures wind colic. and is the best remedy for l�iarrhosa. It is pleasant to the taste. Soli by druggists in every part of the worli. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and take Mrs Winslow's Soothing syrup and ask for no other kind. COMETN0 IN VIEW BEAUTIFUL SPECIMEN, FLYING 3,000, 000 MILES PER DAY. Readers, of The TIMES interested in celestial phenomena should avail themselves of the opportunity of ob- serving Perinne's comet, which is at present sliding along at the remark- able space of 3,000,000 miles per day. It is visible now to the naked eye if you know just where to look for it, and it is easily seen with an ordinary pair of opera glasses, but will grow as it nears the sun and develop a tail, and will be very beautiful and distinct in a few weeks. It is being watched carefully at the Toronto observatory, It is located not far from Gamma Cassiapeiae, and is a large nebulous mass with a decided condensation near the bright star, It has no: tail yet, but somewhat pear-shaped, with very ill defined frayed edges, It is tra- velling towards the sun with unusual rapidity. During the time of observa- tion at the Toronto observatory Mon- day night it had apparently moped the space of one-quarter the diameter of the moon. The comet appears through the telescope to be nearly half the size of the moon, and the region surrounding it is brightly illuminated. About midnight it is plainly visible. near the centre of the sky. It will re- main in view for about a month and a half, and then disappear, There has notheen such a large one as this one promises to be since 1882 HOW TO BEAUTIFY THE COM- PLEXION. '1'o have a soft, smooth skin, free Brom eruptions and pimples, the blood must be healthy and pure. Ferrozone invigorates enfeebled blood, and cleans- es it o f all impurities and poisons ; it brings color to the lips and cheeks, brilliancy to the eyes, whitens the teeth and sweetens the breath. 'No tonic compares with Ferrozone in rapid action and permanent results'. Try it, Price 50c. at druggists, or Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont. - Dr. Hamilton's Pills cure Headache. 3AROAIIINS IN FUS' } FIORE! You will find here at all times the greatest bargains in furniture. The lowest prices and best efforts to please. Undertaking a Sp (citify. R. N. pow GO TO THE EXETER Roller Mill For Pure Manitoba.-- Famiiy Flour (Star) Pastry(Princess) 1Nheatlet (Breakfastfood) A good supply of Mill Feed and Chop always on hand Give our Flour and Feed a Trial and be ,sonvinceuVra1`. is all right. Roller and Plate Choppers :in use to suit customer's. fifI ViY E3Rr 5 MILLERS Exeter. OCT, 15 1201. Wheat ply bushel crew .. 62 to . G6 Oats nowt ... ...:21 10 27 Barley..,,... ..,34gto illi Peas ..:... ...68 to ; 71 Butter.,... ,to 1n to 1g': Turkeys • 8 to Geese .. 6 to 6 Ohibkens per T . 5 to 5 Duoks::;.r. .,.,,•. ,.,.7 to 7 web lli to I5 Dried A p1oe.. .. Pork live weight . .,max :, $5.06 to 85:15