Exeter Times, 1902-10-16, Page 7.4,'
•An Invincible and Unconquered Foe
of the Human Race.
Inntototl .aceording to ass of tho Parliament ur
Canada. In the year Ono Thousand Nine Durk
tired and 'Two, Int weasel Pally, of tt'oronts, at
tat Department of agrieulture, OtaltIon.1
•._ A despatch fema Chicago says :---
Frank De Witt -Talmage preach-
ed from ' the following text -Pro
verbs xxiii, 32, "At the last it
biteth like a, serpent and stingeth
like an adder:"
The evil of intoxication is a,
versal curse.. Its long, slimy,
ing coils spread over every landand
' aro visible in every walk . of life.
There is •hardly a man or woman
s na before me who has not had
at least one near relative who has
beast cursed by the fate' bite of this
• crawling, iasidious enemy. Perhaps
that near relative waS father, a
• mothev, an uncle, an aunt, a, • broth-
er, a sister, a wife, a, husband Or a
ehild. Alas, Many of us can say we
have not only had one, but mallY
our relativesand friends who have
gone down into drunkards' graves
after they have lived the hopeless
and humanly hag less, degraded
earthly existence of • the drunkard.
Fiven as I am preparing this sermon
news is publisaed that a .man • who
has filled high places in the' service
of his country, who bore a aame
honored in our history, has lost his
life in a brawl in welsh be 'would
never have ben involved if he had
not indulged in intoxicating driak.
S o Icano a compared the sin • of • in-
toxication to the writhings a.nd
twistings of a serpent and to the
stinging of au adder because at that
41im time poisonous serpents 'were every -
here. Every thicket was filled with
a constellation of their gleaming
eyes. Every desert. was the home of
the puff adder, lying half buried in
. the sand. Every swamp was the re-
treat of the water viper. Every hill-
side had for the traveller a:warning
hiss or rattle. Even into this day
many of the countries of the east
• are overrun with poisonous reptile.
••In India alone over. 50,000 inhabit-
ants annually • die from •
The serpents Of intoxication have
increased so a -nasally that they are.
now Mammas ble. Wo hear their hiss.
abnost evsoy legislative hall. We
eee their eyes' glass/rang out of al -
Mast eyery,aalacie. W aud them lya
• Mg Under the orange blossoms of
the marriage altar, as Well as in
the detention, hospitals' for the sta-
tiante • who have their mania filled
With the Soiling serpents of del/ram
' tremens. We fine Many of our
statesmen paralyZed by the glance
of an addcWa eyes, as, a poor, little
frightened sparrow. Might tremble and
crouch until she fails into the open
in the blood of Jesus Christ. It is
mouth Of the blacksnake Which has
a right to use the human. agencies
teass-a---a-aliarmcd her: We find that even
few of the ministers who fill the pus_ for the cure of asebriety, aut.I • be -
pits of the gess a of Jesus Christ
are terrorized lay the sight of the
serpent of intoxication, because. tbe
rich brewer rimy be the president of
the board of trustees or the wealthy
have personally tried to aid in the
distiller's family may be the largest
rescue of many drunkards. 3 have
contributors to the ananCial susse.
helped send some to the reformatory
port. Of the chtirch. Tile curse of
sinful ifitoxicants is universal, there-
for all Christian people -and that
• includes you and me -should band
themselves together for its extinc-
tion. We shall deai with the ser-
pent of strong drink in lase same
way the travellers over the western
prairies deal with the rattlesnalt es.
There it is a Universally obeyed laW
that eVeryman shall kill every rat-
tlesnake he may see. at ought also
• to lie a universally obeyed Christian
• lasv . that every Christian should
strike at the hideous bead ef the
I Satanic adder of intOasicatioa when -
cam. it reveals itseif or lifts itS fatal
:poisonous fangs. to strslaa
mans athlete for the suicidal thirst of
The evil. restins er a ma" strona drink the next step ia our
temperance reformation should be
•to open all thetehurchea in our
Christian itincl for 'great temperance
meetings. Every minister of the
• limes wider
men's love for • Isis wife and ois
children, ? No, In the rags of the
faci cries we see jt ; ia the scandals
of the divorce courts we read it ;
in the horrors of •the rofoematory
Schools we can prove it. Let es pas
0A in our indictment of this coil-
TIe Solomonic serpentine evil de-
stroys man's soul as well as the
temporal usetuleeas of his brain and
the loving power of his heart. This
is not' a pleasant Su bject to touch.
It is not pleasant because many of
us have had friends., dear friends,
who have met or are to -day on the
way to meet a drankard'a doom,
my brother, we insist be tree to the
living as well as- to • the dead. . If
you had a loved one. who was con-
templating the connaission of a hein-
ous crime what would you do? Why,
you would go to that friend and say:
, "Brother, if you do this you will
have to pass many years in jail, If
you allow your angr3r • passions to
rise and cemmit murder, you will
have to sit in the etectrle chair or
stand. under • the liana'smaa's noose.
That is the law' whichhas been car -
fled out in. mainr instances in the
past arid. will be catried out in
maay instaeces the future?" ,
Now, my friends, what is the di..
vine punishment that will be mat
cd out to. all who have been • slain
by the sting of the Solomonic ad-
der? Let me read part of just one
verse from the divine crisainal code.
Shall tIle drunkard inherit heaven?
What says the epistle. of First Cor-
inthians? "33e not deceived; neith-
er idolaters, • adulterers nor thieves
nor drunkards shall inherit' • the
'kingdom of God." neve is no need
of. reading further. That; simple
Pauline sentence covers the whole
ground. It seems to harmonize
with the Icelander's idea. of hello
which is to be • a great ice palace,
the .walls of which are cevered with
a huge mass of swaying, swinging
serpents. Their forked tongues and
hissing throats converge to a com-
mon' center. where the condemned of
God crouch and tremble pad weep.
Shall we not fight ;this scram -it of in-
toxication, which may aptly be com-
pared to the Icelander's..Satanie ser-
pente in tati palate the Infeam?
Shall wa not, one and all,. fig•ht 'the
serpents intoxication, which can
and do destroy' hatipiaess the, other
side oath° graVet as well as that of
the life .tabich is on this side?
for the poison of the adder of in-
toxication must be found for Christ-
ians, first clad last and all the time,
hove human • egencies aewaya
fail unless they are blessed by the
divine power -by the power of the
Holy Ghost. A.s a pastor and
preacter and temperance worker I
inatitutions. I have taken them in-
to my own honre and bought them
medicines froni the drug stores. I
am free to confess that all these
Inorma. agencies failed except when
those victims of strong drink have
thrown themselves into the arms :of
God and clung to Jesus Christ as
their only . Savior. ti vine
force:Anent can eave you if you will
live -so close' to Christ that Christ
can and will live plass to you.-
re-inforcement alone can save
'the drenaard who is hea.ding to-
ward a drunkard's grave.
This liras:dee being true, that
Tesus Christ alone is the only sure
long wepaened • by sntoxicants. ate
very fareeaching. We read. with
tunazement how a boa constructor
• can swallow; down a calf or kid or
thiln the natural size of the ser- gospel should preach and continue
pastes• thvoat But every country to Preach the gospel of 'teetotalism..
bo' has seen the same Phenomenon Every pulpit of every church should
' upon a 'small scale. A snake with a bo a broad, white desk before which
' throat .hardlY larger than your lit- the alethas of strongdrink could
bow at the tbroae of grace for
mercy and there arise and with tram-
blieg .hand .signtlie tempera:ice
pledge and blots it then and there
wath their falling tears' of penitence.
The church of the Lord Jesus Christ
mast and eball lead in this success-
ful temperance reform. 'The tem-
peva:nee movement asill • fail, and
surely fail, if it is carried on purely
ELS a s.letilar movement. It will win,
and surely wits, if it is carried on as
divine movement in which is enlist-
ed the: strong. arm. of a clultab in-
spired of the IToly Spirit. It is by
yon that the call for a gospel charge
against the grog -shops must first be
sounded• , •
Lastly, and most important •of
al -1, with the help of the elturch of
God, we should tvy to kill the adder
of stroag drink by making our civil
laws to etvingent that the young
should find it almost impossible
to get ab the wino cuP
It is easierto keep 100 youngamen
from acciairina the . habit • of
strong drink 4tilan it is to reform
one debauched drunkard, It is
easier to' •• prevent' than to reform
sin. I suppose the chronic drunk-
ards who have been 'drinking for
twenty or thirty years will Mid their,
poisonoas serpeet of the wine clip
no Matter where they may be. But
it is possible by law to kexp liquor
tie finger Will give chase to a large,
Sat toad. It Will then gather to-
gether the two bind legs Of .the
toad and by suction slowly draw'
the whole body down its throat and
Then; Use country boy will pick
up the' &sake by the -tail and snap
.him. as Ise would a whipcord; the
serpent's mouth will of an.ctud the
toad will be ejected, alive and Well,
• as was Jonah when thrown /rens the
mouth of the big fish after he had,
beets soyaging for three deas in its
infesnal cavity. But, though the
• student of serpentologY may wonder
at the the of a big toad which EL
Small snake is able to swallow, his
wonderment emelt to he as nothing
• compared to the utter aStonishment
• with which lie sces the huge meal
which the serpent of intoxica,tion
can swallow after the brain of its
• victim bas been waecked by gircffia
dri At.W itlioAt,.. assay apparent ellort
• swallow the ,inerelittitt's
store,' the 1s:sinister's pulpit, the law-
yer's °Ince, the spageon'a operating
table, the elia
ccaadfs bench, the en-
gineer's engiae, the sea captain's
A drunkard's heart through . the
touch of the adder of intoxication
not only becomes a poisoned heart,
but the merciless heart of an inhn-
man. monater. In order to drink a
drunkard is willing practicaliy to, gc way from the youug mea and the
to any extreme, ne is rpady to let 'A,. ming women . It is Possible to
Wife attaci children starve, I ha've
hnown two drunkttecle who were will,-
ing to sell their OWil flOsh and blood
in a life of crime its order that thoST
Might get liquor With which to sat -
is fy their diabolical thirst, 'rhea°
two drunkards' ware not 'menof the
lower social rank. They Were WW1'
who Were born in ar.4 good families as
yours or mine. Dut wily continue in
this strain Is thet!eany need of results of induigenen In ,tho wino ouP
My longer describing how 1,110 sea- should be taught in the publie
pent of foto:a/eat/am ear destroy a schools, ' Thy should be taught tma
protect • the risme. generation so
that ' they may 3.1.pt° be able to find
this adder's lair and to feel hie foul
breath . Or his poisonous fangs.
And not only by stringent lants
should the destroying wine eta) abe
kept from. the young, but the young
ahoutd also be tatIght why the 'de-,
hanching . dunce of strong .drink is
k'ept out their reach, Totte
rt r'4
Little Liver Pills.
Diktat Bear Signature or
See Facstimile Wrapper Beisw.
Very wad. as easy
to WO= As wag=
yon TtiE 00flihtX110111
, • camt,..Z.M.1 TUi,
stlYail, I Purely Vogatablle.?4&00yeboe4
"awes: •
cm the public platforms. as well as
ie the private home. The evils of
strong drink should be presented so
clearly 'aud vehemently to the young:
that the rising generation should
some clay by the grace of .God • be
able to stolid up in their mig-ht and
declare that Anserice. must and
shall forever be free from tbe. evils
of Strong drink. They shall be able
to declare it with our help at the
church altar; they shall be able to
declare it la the nominating planks
of oar great political ,parties; they
shall be able to cleelaretit at the
American ballot box; they -shall be
able to declare it by telegraplac
comunications before a sin cursed,
nIcobol poisoeed world. a
Caristion mea and women, north,
east, smith and west, let us one and
all rally to the temperance ccasse.
Lot the ministers consecrate the
pulpits to the work. ,Let the lay-
men consecrate the. pews. • :.May we
one and 'all be ready to. die for the
temperance cause, but never to sur-
render; never to cease fighting the
saloon. and its sntrencbed power un
w -
til e are • summoned before the
great white throne of heaven. Nev-
er, never, never let up M the •strug-
gle against this. aemiapheric evil
until the home and the church and
the kingdenn of Goa shaii,iorever be
free. May God give us one ana aul
supernatural strength for the strug-
gle waich is before the temperance
cause of the clue -ch. of America, and
of the world. ..
"Can I See year 'father tor a few
minutes before I go, Miss • ;Ion-
dricks?" he • asked. • "I want to
speak to him aboat a matter of
sense importance."
Certainly, Mr. Sampson,"• replied
the girl, with a blush. -
• After Mr. Sampson had taken his
departure, with a happy smile open
Isis fate, Miss Hendricks felted her
way to her father's shoulder, and,
stealing one arna about his neck,
whispered: '
"What did he want, papa?"
"He is an agent for a. patent' gas
burner," said the old man, "and
I've agreed to give it a trial."
•decir. apparently SiVe
Brides in Alfoeld, Taower Rungarjr,
have ,lseen deprived of their wedding
gifts by the Government' health au-
thorities. It was a custom of the
place' for brides to wash with soap
and to comb the beads of all guests,
they in titan throwing coins into the
basin. The result,. o.ccording, to the
doctors, was the spreading of dis;
ease, and an..epiclemia of ophthalmia,
lcd the Government to put a sudden
end to the &asthma
Pain in the
- Colic,
Cholera Infantum, Seasickness,
and' all. kinds (.)f Summer Com-
plaint, . are quickly cured by
taking •
r® Fowler's
Extract of
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'It has been used by thousands for
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A few doses have often cured when
all other remedies have failed. Its
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and Effectual.
Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wild
Strawberry le the original Dowel
Complaint Care.
Refuse Substitutes. They4re augerdat
OCT. 19.
Text of the Leseon, josh, vi,'8-26
Golden Text, Help. xio 30.
The title of tlifs lesson:is the fall
oS jorithe, and the verses assigned
are as above or only verses 12 to,
20, but I suggest notbing less than
tile whole chapter, witbt a glance at
the preceding ohapter and its con- c.up bread.
evious lesson, in crumbs,' and season with
motion with the pr
which we saw the head of the Lord i,,,n,(1 ,,,,,,,,.
salt to taste, 'one teaspoon each
know raid fear Him for their
dividing the Jordan or Israel to - ''" -a asas-r, Mae° and cloveS/ Put
good , water, cold Ceok two' hours after the
a covered pail, set in cad,
that All poopi, mi„,ht it into.
ot butter, . place ,in tile oven - and
cross over,
in chapter v we see the rite of cis- Wat"•12°1184 Iteniove tbe cover,'
, g•ash -the top, arid seater over bits
wilmcisioa and the ordinance of the
Passover, the one suggestive of brown. Serve in fatlees when Gold,
death to the flesh, no good thing in ati
, m I,
us, and tile otiter of reclemptioe a
by -0-411 sour jelly
the blood of the LambOaly thus •
.3, cup but,ter, one cup sngar,
Sweet llusk.--9.'ake- Q11Q pint waria
can the reproaeh of sin and of this --11'z' •
evil world be taken from us (v, 9). setst ,
lone teaspoon salt, 2-3 coke " coma
yeast. Make a sponge with,
In v, 1,2, we read the t the manna Iii"1".,..s'''''LK`
ceased not until they had eaten the aata- milk' yeaf4t and flour enough
corn of the land, and the i.,orcl -1' athin batter. Let rase -over
obengns not yet some cannot; t rust night.• In the Morning add the bot -
Him for their clail3r bread. In v, 1 tar, eggs alld sugar, well beatento-
he salt and flour enough to
13-15, We se the real Captain. tat- gethel, t
make a soft dough'. Mold with the
ing command and Joshua submissiVe- hands into balls, and let rse until
ly- taking his right place 111st:11e-tea by .y. i
Iv light, then bake.
the 'unshod foot that the whele ai-.1 -el.- ,
fair was the Lord's end not his.Pelicious Sweets • are small' raW
0 o inp ar o 1.ar. ati, •5, and contrast sweet potatoes fried whole in deep
Josh. 1, 3. Now, iji chapter vi ,avo fat. Fifteen minutes' frying docs
them. ao a beau tifil I brown, o utai de,
have the victory at.. jerichb by the
same mighty hancl that divided the and ttenclea meatiness inside. French.
Red sea reel the Joaclan,•assal it was Try, is tae name,
33aked . Stuffed tQl/1 t " 1 t
manifest to all tbat the Lard vas 1
'with Joshua (vi, il7S.• ' • 1 . a oes.-ase cc
:site large 'firm tomatoes, Retrieve
* „
40. •
ReCipes for the Kitchen, G
Hygiene and other Notes
(0 for .,the acinselower, •
Deviled Laver.-:-Sitin three pounds.
liver and chop fine with a pound fat
Pickled park, Mix with it one•teaa
ally enough from the top to scoop
1-5.. Ancl the Lord said unto Jos -
hila, See, 1 havesgiven into thine the meat and. eeeds out. Chop very
hand Jericho, ifine three slices of fried calf's, livs
Thus Ire assured:. him, ancl stRen. in -ler' the whole of one hard-boiled egg',
structed him just what to dn. and °Ile e"P toasted bread en11111)8, * "IP
melted butter, one red pepper pod,
told •him what would. happen, • aud,
and expected the result
seemed, faith accepted: the assurance
however unlilsely or
6, 7. And Joshtia,• the son of
haprobable •it salt
Itgoentlisactrosess-itchloone mw eggs Place the
V •
nig" dish„ and cos-er the whole with
with black pepper If liked.. llix. to-
te taste, and season Ilig-hly
se together in a bak-
Nun, called the priests and sad u r
i . .
. . i op wt i sa il-
to than, Take-up the era of the cubes of butter. a
and serve in baking dish, This
l3alte eo seseseas not let the mixture boil, , but if, ass
co venant: macs ter testing, the mixture is .not thick
The Lord wants, a willing and obe- a, thiek layer of the toasted brad
client people on whose behalf aad.: tare, omitting pepper, „is a delicious
through whom He can show alis . , , ,
ni • 30 minutes • hot • : isi a Saucer, pour it into glasses and
cover while hot. '
Grape Juice. -Prepare as for , jelly
and add one cup auger to one or two
quarts of juice. As much sugar may
be used. es wanted, one cup of it to
two quarts of . juice aill make the
coHouc DRU!
coMparative tests of alcoholic and, non-alcoholic beverages for
,Solcliers on forced march. These tests have invariably resulted
Several European and. taeAuncit‘ilvpieoeorraiatckiriaeynr,pegsooiv,iceeertirnblee'lvi.te^sralmge$ve blicliadveg
in the withdrawal of alcoholic drinks
feeble and overworked people seek-
ing- strength. . Liquid medicines are
stimulate and their effect is only
searches is applicable to the army of
necessarily alcoholic ; they MerelY
The result of these scientific re -
during all strenuotiq work chocolate '
given instead. -.
should take ST.
JAMES WAVERS, which are a recon-
structive and a tissue builder ; their
effects are bating', and a permanent
improvement will always follow their
steacry use.
ST. ,TA.1‘1gS WAIMRS help stomach,
digest food and send the nutriment
through the blood, and this is the
honest way to get health and strength,
the kind that lasts, develops and
breeds the energy which accom-
plishes much.
the2n"oIntes.°erny:Sisedleali nt IS t's. li. P. T z WaferstraleT.Prear:ot s 41 ° I 3 ai le fn%ar
t•he•m genexva: 71 la) Thos.ueBrooks,ester,• n g,
(P44 sifid/1/0,44
• tPlfiCICCHO'r11115E1-8111°U111.°105NTRI11-1.
ondd111y,fC5 Bo
as. a
Price in Canada: $1.00;
Six bottles for $5.00
., •
J'ames Wafersare nota secret
remedy z te Me numerous doctors re-
commending them to their patients
we mail Me formula upon request.
Where dealers are not selling the
Wafers, they are nil:fled upon re-
ceipt of once at the Canadian
branch : $t. Amos Wofers CO.. Ina
St. Catherine St., Montreal.
and stir until all of it is dissolved.
After the sugar ha a been added do
enough, put it on. the back oa the
stove wbere it will keep warm but
to not boil. 11Thea the mixture jellies
power (Ise. 1, 19; II Cor. xvi, 9). If ' : a 1 . gle a PePPels, 012•
we were only willing to be counted i ...
1 • Iii. making Boiled Custard, after
fooli.sh by the wisdom of this world,
. , s4alcling• the milk, pour it ovea• the
thenathe wisdom and the power of, .
God woulcl be seen in as.. ,.,Itsieririeteitihgcs eg,so,sslowinityo,
itnheatennedi ke, I nspuitt'
8-11. 'So the ark -of • the Lord coin-
' ,
-Passed the city, going will usuallY prevent the ouster about, it once. ,
di' •
and they came ento the camp and • ,
lodged in the cislapa . , • Apple Custard Pie (with Mer- Pace_ r„ather sweet, -After bringing
the juice to a boil, bottle and seal
in ue )---Stow arcl stain enough
Both • Joshua' and all the priests fingely.fia.vored tai•t' app.les to makels whiic hot.
aad the people perfectly obedient to /aro° oop..of salica. Add..Qi (alp srug_
the Great Captain of the Lord's •ea:
ar s(ater° if deiretl) and one scant
host! Implicit - Math and 'unques- teaspoon 'grated.nutmeg. Deist two
tioning obedience are. what .God de- og- g,s light, and pour upon them .7s
sires and delights -in. No VOie0 of cup hot milk, ,
Grape Marrealade.-After making
grape juice or jelly, talse the pulp
and aid suger to tile la:Caseation of
a pound sugar to one pint of pulp.
Thoroughly 'boil tbe mixtui•e oace,
and then put it in jars and sera.
Ox•ape Cateup.-After making grape
to svisich has been
man was -heard, but just the sound
, 1 d added a bit of seda not larger than
o e rurape : , a an Let sauce and custard get
this -first thee around the city,
cola, bast quickly !together, fill a jelly or juiee take thexemaining pulp
probably gazed upon in wonder by
may baye as -
those in the city, wIScia pie dish lined with good pasta and tonoquarti•
atr aiontaios0 fp
iah a ,atilip.a
e .c&liandoei;.
'Brush the latter with white Of egg rr
sembied .on the walls, to see this cup vinegar, one cup sugar, or More
before the Xing goes hi. :This pre -
strange sight.: ' What was accom-
plished? Seemingly ..nothing, But vents. a soggy crest. Bake without cifiniclieasnifpeicli,
ensep otof ti 1131 ec is OP -VI'''.
an. apper crust in a quick oven.. just esilivdee:;t c it.' tablespoon
they obeyed God, and that is every,
before drawing from the oven, •cov- Boil up well and bottle.
er eaculy with the Meringue on the
12-14. And the second day. they
whites of two eggs, beaten stiff, with VEGF.,TABIAN BEEFSTEAK.
compassed the city once and return.- one tablespoonful ' a °Nader edsugar.
ed into the camp. So they didia s
t iBrown lightly. It is dela:isms; With the price of beef still advanc-
days. 'Ials� are peach pies- made in the same
Seven priests with seven trumpets, *ay.
the glory of God the Father (Rev..
the etooement which shall yet lead
fess that. Jesus Christ is Lord, to ,
a perfect testimony to the power al, potato puffs.
to the - complete.. overthrew of all
xvii, , 14 t Phil. ii, 11). The ark
pGroodra tdsiemuisa. i„Ltaihse Liclgliptie.
enemies, and every tongue than con-,
oe,vnisc41e7,9 and' ws1-ero little butter over the top and bake
lIisal: 'until a
mashed .potato add a cup sweet
milk, a teaspoon salt, am table-
spoon butter, two tablespoons flour
the whole thoroughly until 'light,
and two eggs beaten to it froth: Mix
put into a pudding dish, spread it
Puffs -To two teacups eold
golden brown. The qual-
xxxii. ,1, ,17, proclaims that a 'ding hay .
depends upon thoroughly beat -
shall reign M .righteousness -and the la-
g the eggs before adding them, so
Work of righteousness Shall be the puff will reniain light for baka
peace. It ma. seemto sonic . that ba.
Chickens. in Cream.. -Cut chickens
ELS little is •now being aecompiishedi 1
as Naas accomplished by those -six
ill tWO leagthwise, place halves in a
days seemingly.. foaish one useless. dripping pan tant just cover with
procesSioas,, bet wait.. , : sweet cream. Season with a little
15, 16.,< -Joshua said . -unto the scat,
pepper and butter
people, Shout, -for, . the Lord oven, andhath. Set in
by the tithe the cream is
given yea the city. , • • .'almost• cooked awaythe chickenS
Six tunes mere around -the city will. be •donetfave jest cream en -
with no . • sound but that of the. °ugh left .to put over meshed pates.
trumpets -;, twelve, times in all; ' and, to as gravy.
scaminglY nothing ;accomplished; 'Lissa( Cocoanut, Bars. --Place two potsadS
God's tiine hal ,floW,conie. It is the white coffee sugar over the fire with
thirteenth aouncI When at Joeitua's one pint water, and boil until a. lit -
command the " TUCIre than 600,000 tie dropped, into eel& water can be
voices break forth ,with a shott .of rolled into a ball. 'nen remove
victory becausethey believed" Godafroms the. fire and stir in two tea -
and. obeyed 1 -lis servant.., ! . . .: spoons . either vanilla jr i•ose flavor -
a7 -10. All 'the. silver and gold and tug:.• Now adel one pound grated
vessels oft:brass and iron are holi-:.
coeoanut and .stir with a wooden.
1,spoori until the mixture begitis to
ness unto••••the Lord (margin). .
not look ivhite, and then pour at once
Therefore they were instructed la
J. into a shallow equare pan. As scion
to take any for th.111
fiSOIVOS, Wit : LO
.. he 1 a,s it, Ilea cooled a little, Mark off in-
put all- into the treasury of t
Lord, while they utterly destroyed to squaree... When cold, either break
or Mit
cal the inhabitants e.xcept rialiab . 1
: Corn Cake. -One cup Indics. emeal,
and Ina houpplaold. 'two tablesacmafuls sugar, one' • cup
20. The wall fell down flat, •so flour, 2-3 tablespoon melted butter,
that the aeotile went up: into the ' ono cui) milk, 1a teaspoons baking
city, every ;nen straight before him, powder mid one egg. First beet the
and they took the city. ' . . . egg, then add the sugar, butter and
Just as the Lord had said Se it milk. , Lastly, add -the meal 'end
came to pass, and it always will be (lour, into which has beee sifted the
so, for see Isa, xiv, 24; , Ps. xxxiii, !baking powdess. . s ''' •
30, 11, mad it therefore becoteds • us) Dread Crumb Omelet. -Let one cup
ever to say, "I believe Cod, that iiabeeact creinbs soak in ona cup milk
shall ' .be even as it was cola me" la little while, then beat the yolks
(Acts xxvii, 25); ana ad aceoadinga:of two or three eggs with it, adding
ly. The verses followleg 'tall us that a dash of pepper. .Put into it Isot
all the living in the city, both man btittereclspicier; then turn the
and beast, were titterlY- destroyed whites, bnaten , :to a stief froth, ea
exeept Raimb and ber household, !top of the yolks., toad pot 'into the
'.Phe New. 'Testament record of the , oven to took. When done,fold it
overthrow of Jericho and the salvo,. 'oval,: and serve het.
tion• of Rehab is sumined up, in the
few' lines of Hob, xi. tO, 81, ancl • 'GRAPES IN WINTER.
faith in God is the heart of it. The
evidence of hea faith and the nasty-
_ the stomS carattilly, waSh, ad a M-
ancedof her safety were the scarlet, tie Water, arid then •put on the stove
line in bar Windaw (chapter ii, ,13,, to boil. When grapes are softened,
2.1.), and it ia to Inc very interesting poirr them into a bag made of thin
and suggestive that the Irehrew cotton cloth and Ita,ng them sus -
word translated "brie" is the identi- pended over a Porcelain Ithed Pais
cal word which in Ps, hill, 5; laxa u
" .
• !ntil the juice hes ceased to , drip,
'5; derixix,' 11, and elsewliere is adore, wuttiag the juice on . the
traeslated "expectation" and "hope." .stove,, take one pint sugar to every
lIer eXpectation or hope. was 6,piet of asice you, are uSingt: clad
scarlet we,and it Was a Stir° 0110, DIEL60 the sugar m 'a dry, flat an.
Put in the oven and la it :remain
told so the. be:llamas expectation ie .
ns snits as the blood of Christ
;there to heat slowly until it is thor-
make It. As alt' itt Italiali's houses' :oughly hot, but be careful not tas
heal_ were StiVed by her frith, lot 'allow the sugar to mel t, Whoa the
your faith take hold of Gl-ocl tor till ' inice has boiled hard f,u- 20 min
your househols4 s
lutes, add the hot :311F;;ar getultially
Grape jell -so -Pick the grapes from
ing Rielly housekeepers are resoating
to various substitutes and a good ••
To the Weary Dyspeptic,
We Ask This Question;
Why don't you remove
• that weight at the pit,
• of the Stomach?
Why don't you regulate that variable
appetite, •and condition the digestive
organs so that it will not be necessary to
starve the stomach to avoid distress aftei
The first step is to regulate the bowels.
For this purpose. '
Burdock Blood Bitters .1
Has No Equal.
It acts promptly and effectually ani
permanently cores ail derangements ni
vegetarian beefsteak can be made
from split peas. A pint and a half
of split peas should be soaked over
night in water, to which a :llttle
pinch of soda has been added. lit the
morning pour off the water and put
:the peas into a double boiler ; With
fresh water enough to cover them.
Add . as seasoning a sprig of thyme
and a very little garlic, two cloves,
and d green pepper, first- takingethe
seeds out of the latter. When the
peas have been steamed until tender,
remove from the fire, drain and par-
tially mash them, beating in, while
Are no
People in every walk 61 life are troubled.
• Have you a Backache? lf you have it
is the first sign that the Itidneas are not
working properly.
Aneglected Backaclie leads to serious
Kidney Trouble.
Check it in time by taking
They cure all kinds 'of Kidney Troubles
from Backache to Bright's Disease.
50o, a box or 5 for $1.25
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Toronto. Ont.
Are just what every
weak, nervous, run.,
down woman teeds to
make her strong' and
atal well.
They cure those feel.
ings of smothering and
sinking that come on
at times, make the
heart beat strong and
regular, give
sweet, •refresh-
ing sleep and
banish head-
aches and ner-
vousness. They
infuse. new life
and energy into
shattered women
who have come
to think there is -
no cure for them.
They cure Nervousness, Sleeplessness,
Nervous Prostration, Brain Fag, Faint
and Dizzy Spells, Listlessness, After
Effects of La Grippe and Fever, Anminia,
General Debility and all troubles arising
froxn a run-down system.
ikgRIfE f"••
price 50c. por box or 3 for $1.25
lI 4ruggIsts cra maned by
Toronto, Ont.
hot, it tablespoonful of finely :chap-
ped onion or two tablespooes
celery, alao Minced very Roe. The
mixture is then asa.cle into balls liko
fish cakes, whielware dipped 4m beat-
en egg and Indian mealor bread
Crumbs; and friedfins may be
served with a tomato settee, anti will
be found to be so hearty as to .en-
tady take the place of meat.
rr yeti etas eateracial any bleed disease yea ave t161,Si gate unless ti 0 y rut Ok`
ix) son has been eradicated trent the systeitt, Have yen any of the following symn.
toms? a'ore throat, ulcers ott the tongue or la the mouth, hair falling o it, aching
pens, itchiness of the skin, r,o res or blotches on the body eyes sect =I, smart, dys-
peptic:stomach.. sexual woaltuess-indkatioxts of the secondary Stage. Don t ruin
Year syst?ni WAIL the olcl fogy' treatnient-mercttry and potash-whic1m only sup.
pressea the symptontsfor a.time easy to break out agate when happy lade nestle
4 life, Don't let ociacks exporintent ou you. our Nolit Method
Treatment le guaranteed toot:Myatt. Our gaatantees are 'back ed
by tank bonds, that the tlisoase will never return. Thottsanda of
patients tia.ve been already cured. hy our New Method Trentutent
•for over20yeare. No maraca used Without written consont.
thylir,trada.15,01.11vgagitectistdi alk" jetsait11.16vieled.8.16) ,Tsve ctlbotittsgictoor1;
uYicQetifils17btriefocitcliglifaave4614tett dated Oars and the ontcejard syirGto
of the loathesente disease lave sunsets. disappeared, MY Lail
haS grOwn in fully agate and married add happaao
re.40 Kennedy ern.
4.1 -60.0a1M;14v