Exeter Times, 1902-10-16, Page 1!wiry 3CJRON 11D .PL E.SE QrAZETTi4 THIRTIETH YEAR ---No 6 EXETER, ONT., CANADA, . TfflJRSD.AY MORNING, OCTOBER 16, 1902 x ,Ig 41, +1 McClary's Steel Ranges Coal and Wood 'Cook Stoves. Air Tight Double Heaters Stove Boards. Stove Mats. Hensall 3.++++IIS+++++3.3•++++++r+++++3•+ eee an- 4. 44 4. + G. J, Sutherland, Notary..Public, Couveyan- cer, Commissioner, Fire Insurapce Agent, and 4* Insurer of Marriage Licenses. Legal documents' 4. carefully drawn at reasonable rates, honey + to loan on real estate at low rates of interest, ' cator, Annie Hicks, Garnet Craig, 3, Wilco at the Post Office Hensall .Lillie Woods - sr. II,' Lavine Cookson bie Beaver, Eddie Willis, Mitchell Willis,: Edith Parsons ; sr. III, Thos: Sanders. Alfred Weurth, Sem Hicks, Eilr% Box ; jr. III,, Cecelia Ford,. Harry Triebuer, Tom Penbalh, Ralph Willis, Fred Beaver, Hilda Presz- NoTxoJ.-W ouid the art who by' ,I. P y: Edith Whittaker, Daily Sanders, Earl ee mistake took a whip out of a top bug- Persons ; jr, II„ Sherman WilIita, gv in the Methodist church sheds on Gladys Dearing Geo Hicks Eddie 4 4. 44 4. 4. Tuesday evening last, kindly return Trieiiner, Fred k'reszcator, Sam. Sten - same to the post office and save Wailer lake ; pt. 1I, Earl Shap tort, Johnnie trouble. Willis, Chester Parsons, Preston Ban rs.-The Rev. Dr, McCrae, of, Dearing, Geo, Whittaker ; sr, pt. I, Westminster, and Rev. G. S. Render- Ada Willis Eda Box, Garfield � Stan - son, of Hensall, will exchange pul- lake. Edgar Weurth, Fern Box. Gor- •pits on Sunday next, Oat. 19th. -Miss 'ion Sanders ; jr. pt, I, May. Whit - Godfrey, daughter of the Rev, R. God- taker. No. on roll. 51, Average Frey, of 'Toronto, formerly of Hensall, attendance, 44. is visiting Mrs. Sutherland. Mr. FRED SANDERS, Teacher. 's' Albert Whitesides, has purchased £'Ir. 'x,�' Chas.S. Hawk's dwelling on Oxford .g. street.- Mr. Thos. Welsh has also 4 sold his new brick building on the 'g' same street adjoining Mr. Hawk's. • Mr. Welsh is one of our most enter - + prising builders and has erected a number of fine dwellings that are a credit to the village. We believe he intends erecting another in the. near future. -Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cook re- turned this week from Chicago and Concord, where they have been visit- ing their sons and relatives. -- •Mr. J. W. Ortwein, who has been confined to the bouse for several. days is.once • more around as active as of yore -The name of the Centennial Hotel opposite. the station has been changed to that: of the Queens. - Mr. John Caldwell, and daughter, returned on Monday, from the West where they have been spending a month or so. Miss Alice Caldwell also returned the same day from Manitoba. -Mrs. E. Pierce,.of i last week e was in the village la a as Forest, ,g visiting Mrs. J. Sutherland. -Mr. Jas. Chesney, V. S., returned from Mani- toba last week and is loud in his prais- es of the Northwest.- Mr. Walter Fairbairn, township of Tuckersmith, has purchased lir. Wm. Kyle's, fine. farm on the town line. -Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bell, of Seaforth, formerly of Hensall, were in the village one day last week. Their many friends were pleased to see them again enjoying good health, and to learn that busi- ness was good with Mr. Bell in the ;manufacturing line. Mr. Norman Cook, who was confined to the house for a couple of weeks through illness, we are pleased to see is around again - Mrs. Weekes, of Strabhroy, is. 'TWO* her sister, Mrs. Richard Welsh. -Mrs. John McArthur. returned on Tuesday from St. Thomas, Dakota, where she has been visiting her brother, in the hope that the change of climate might benefit her•health,"but we regret to state that the change did not . have the hoped for result, and that Mrs. McArthur is feeling very poorly, and felt the strain of the, journey home. She was accompanied by Mr. Mc- Arthur, whom, as we mentioned in last week's issue, was summoned on -account of Mrs. McA.rthur's serious i:tese.- The Hensall evaporator is ''employing over 20 hands, and is doing "a rushing business also with the farm= era. Mr. Wm. Stoneman is in Essex this week visiting friends, - Harvest Horne • services will be held in St, Paul's dhurch on Sabbath next, Oct. 19th, when the Rector,' Rev. Doherty will preach in the morning, and Prof, Walden, of London, in the evening. The church is being nicely decorated for the occasion.- Miss Jessie Hob - kirk, who has been in Chicago, visit- ing her aunt, Mrs. G. A. M.cMorrau, returned home Monday. - Mr. M^ Martin, of London, was in the village during the past week visiting ' vela- tives. - Mr. Andrew Laramie, an wife of Detroit, Mich., were -.-in the village this week visiting Mr. Lam xnies' brother and sisters.- Mr. Thos, Welsh is - erecting a spacious wood shed, adjoining his electric lightplant, for storing wood and coal. Thurs- day (to -day') Thanksgiving day will be observed as a general holiday, and a Boston tea will be held in the Metho- dist church, in the eseningl ' which promises to be well attended,. cl n enjoyable affair. -Mrs. J. C, eusen and family intend leaving hero in the course of a few days for Manitoba, to join Mr. Clausen, who went out there a couple of months ago and has en, gaged in the harness business there. They will be missed by:their many friends here, being pioneer residents of the village. -Mrs. Matthew Clark, sr., is visiting relatives this week in Melbourne. Shooting has been the • order of the day with trio - local sportsmen during the past week or two and they report having bagged considerable game. -Mr. David Miller. V. S., who has been here taking Mr. Jas. rhesney's business for the past few weeks, left here last week for Exeter. Purll-llace Work a Specialty T. Hawkins o CLOTHES That give comfort,make you feel right, and look right. We supply there. yal1 goods and fall fashions are n. Better select a suit and over- coat now. Prices Away Down. W. W. Taman. Merchant Tailor.., One door north of Dr. Lutz's. Drug Store. - St. Joseph EXETER LUMBER YARD. Large stook of Lumber -pine and themlook, 170,000 fent of henrlocklumber for barna eta., also shingles. laths and cedar poste.' Prices reasonable. -JAB WILLIS, Yard: East side of Main sb Mr. J. A. Gendron, of St. Joseph, expects to move shortly to Sault Ste Marie. He has made many friends while in this section, *Ho regret his departure. Uro sty BrtxEFs,--Mrs. Park, sr., is still ailing although somewhat improved ` in health. -Mr. D. McLachlan and daugh- ter, Mrs. D. McKelIar, sr., left Satur- day for a few days visiting among friends in Toronto. -Rev. Mr. Oran.- don, ran-Ston, of Oromarty, and Rev. Mr. Gra- ham, of Carlingford, exchanged pul- pits on Sunday. -A number from our burg took in the tea at Chiselhurst Monday evening. -F. R. Hamilton lost .a valuable horse Sunday, Whalen SCHOOL REPORT. -The following re - .port for Union S. S. is based on. class work and regular attendance during ;the month of September:-Olass V,, Mary A. McGee, C. McCarthy, 0. Morley ; class IV., Aylmer Morley, F. -Arksey, B. Whelihan ; Sr. I1I., Adalb Morley, Lloyd Hodgson ; Jr. III., Lor .etto McGill, Hilda Gunning, Sarah McGill ; class II., Wilson Morley, Clarence Gunning ; part II.Joe Mc- . Gill, Mary Whelihan, Olive Gunning ; .Part I., Gordon Morley, Vera Ogden. VM. RYDER, Teacher. Ellrrivi11e BRIEFS. -The -change in the temper - •:.attire of the weather on Monday snakes . one think that winter is coming again. -Mr, Wm. Miners is assisting his brother, Charles, to build a new house in London for the' Peet two weeks.- Quite a number attended the Epworth League Convention at Lucan on Tubs- , day -Mr. and Mrs. Ira Andrew, of Cro erFw eepant.Curiday with his par- , s�here.-Mrs.. R. T,Johns is Visit- , ing friends, and relatives in Exeter. - Miss Mart ha; Hern spent Sunday under the parental roof at Zion. -Mr. and Mrs, I. H. Spicer spent a few stays vis- iting relatives and friends. —.mow-- zurich Bninrs-Miss Clara Sippel is laid up • With inflammatory rheumatism and is at present in a Detroit Hospital. -Mr. Sohn Geiger sold his fine 8 -year-old .driver to Mr, ,Bissett, of Exeter, for• . $175.00. -The W. O. T. U. held its re, ular meeting in the church on Mon - ay evening, Oct. 6th. The first part of the meeting was for devotion and Pres'- onsecration and was led byther c dent, the members taking part. The Vice -President took charge of the busi- ness part. Among the 'business the new Superintendents of departments of work were elected. The next meet- ing will be held on the evening of. Oct. 20th, beginning at 7.30, at which Miss Beatrice Sternbach will give a report of the convention held at Wingham. Ready=Made-- 4--CLOTHING You may want a Fall Overcoat or Suit. October has proven itself' to be a very chilly month and wehave sold a number of Over- coats and Suits. We cau give you a new Fall Outfit at moderate prices and high qualities. (NUN Glotliio .( y Don't forget we can make you a stylish Overcoat or Suit at very low prices. Call in and see for yourself. FOWLER BROS. THE CLOTHERS, HENSALL. Carlingfordeaa BRrnFs.-Miss McGee is visiting at the home of Joseph Jordan. Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson and children, of Kirk - ton, are vjsiting relatives and other friends in this community.- A few days ago a.young daughter came to the home of Mr. and Mrs, Geo. L. Frame. -Wm. Babb was awarded first prize for one of his pa,rriages at Mit- chell Fair, and he received one first and two second prizes for carriages and cutters at Kirkton.-Last Sunday was missionary day on the Fullerton circa. Rev. H. A.Graham, B.A., for- merly junior pastor of this circut con- ducted the services at Carlingford. Anderson BRIERS. -Jas. H. Robinson is able to be out again after his severe illness. -Mr. R. Switzer has fallen a victim to the dreaded disease typhoid fever. -Miss Sara Atkinson is visiting her sister, Mrs R. P. Bilyea, of Metropol- itan. -Mrs. R. Hicks, of Exeter is the guest of her sister, Miss Rhoda Chow- en.- Miss Ella Hewitt had the misfor- tune to sprain her ankle on Saturday. -Miss Louie Lane is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. J. Lane, SL Marys. -Mr. Ed. Robinson, of Denver, Colorado, and Dr. Robinson, of Manistee, Mich.. have been called. home on account of the very seyere illness of their father Mr. J. M.'Robinson.-Mr. Pymcarried off the blue ticket at the XXirkton Fair for his general purpose team. -The Methodist church is receiving a coat of paint. -- Centralia Bitlors.-Our village will gain a worthy citizen in the person of Mr. Frank Abbott, of Biddulph township, who has purchased the large brick dwelling, on Main street, in -which Mr. S,'Davis :is residing at present. We extend,a hearty weIcome to Mr. and Mrs. Abbott. -Many familiar faces were seen about the village on. Sunday last those who have been visiting in Manitoba and the Northwest having returned among the number being J. 13uxtable Mrs, Wm. Baker, sr,, and Mr. P. Lane, who returned home on I;riday Fast. -Mr. Wm. E+ssery return- ed home on Saturday hast from visiting various points hi Manitoba. ---Mr. Thos. Cayes, off:MeGlillivray !Township, is into nto Mr. Rufus Cobbleigh house on station street. -Bev. Dr. Hannon, . of jetties street Methodist thumb, Exeter,. preachedshed a practical and forcible sermon to a large congre- gation on Sunday morning last. DRS, OMB & ORME, anise heirs 10 a, m. to ,t pr m. Telephone coeneo .fou with main oflgo tai Ludan. -Csent Calix, crit. d . Kirkton Baaaes,-A very beacitifnl and in- teresting event took place at new St. Paul's church, Feirktcu, on Taewiay morning at 11 o'clock, it being the marriage of Miss .Alice Stout, daugh- ter of Rev. W.- Stout, and. Mr. S. Arthur Minett, of "Cleveland House" Muskoka. The church was elegantly decorated, for the occasion. The bride looked charming in a gown of tucked and fluted white silk organdie, with yoke and sbirred chiffgn, and veil of embroidered Mechlinnet, and wreath of orange blossoms. . She carried a bouquet. of white rodent and maiden- -hair fern,' tied with white satin ;rib- bons, Her traveling euit was of navy blue serge trimmed with strappings of black satin, and velvet hat to matcb. The bridesmaids, Misses Willa and Delta Stout, wore gowns of white .or- gandie trimmed with lace applique,, The valenciennes insertion. 1 he groom.'s gift to the bride was a sun- burst of pearls, and to each of the bridesmaids a beautiful gold ring set with garnets and pearls. The groom was supported by his brother, lair, Ern- est Minett, of Toronto. The ceremony was performed by the bride's father, the rector, in the presence of about fifty friends and neighbors. After the ceremony was completed the wedding party returned to the rectory, where a dainty repast was partaken of, alter which the happy couple drove to St. Marys and took the 3.50 train for. Toronto, en route for Niagara Falls,. Buffalo and ' other ` American cities. Mrs and Mrs, S. A. Minett will reside at ' O1eveland's" on their return. l^edi or • Hay Council Council met Monday, the 6th Oct., all members present. • By law No. -6 re "Logan"Drain" was duly passed, The following accounts were or- dered to be paid:- Municipal world, assessinent roll, $2,50 ; Eli Renhoefer, cutting thistles, C. R,, $2,00 ; Jas. Stacey, timber of bridge, $3.50 ; Rudy Schwartzentruber, cul., con, 12-13, $5; Jacob Oescb, cels., N. 13., $5,00 ; Wm. Bender, drain re Walper award, $5.30; Win. Mullholland, cu.is, con. 3-4, $4.50; A. Thompson,"' moving tile moulds, are sparing ea pains to inner° rata sus• $1.50 ; \Vrn. Free, cul. 'con., 10.11:, cess. No one should miss it, as it $2.00,promises to be a rare treat,' 'Upwards Council will meet again, Monday, of 100 children together with the the 3rd day of November, at 2 o'clock church choir are being thoroughly p, mA F. Hess, Sr., Clerk. BivIacrs The anniz✓ersar-y s!rarices and sacred conceit tis: pe held in the Methodist church next Sabbath and Monday Oct. 19th and 20th promises to be very successful and of a very high order. -Rev. John Veale a for- mer pastor of the circuit will preach morning and evening on Sunday. Services beginning at 10.30 a. ni. and at 7 p. m. The choir of the church will render appropriate music ; also special collections and Thank offerings will be taken up at bbth services. The programme for Monday evening con- cert will be varied and unique con- sisting of choruses, readings, recite-' tations. Addresses will be delivered by Rev. Dr. Hannon, Exeter, Chair- man of Exeter District ; Rev. B. L. Hutton, Centralia ; Rey. G. D. Damm, pastor of Zion Evangelical Church, Crediton ;. Rev. John b eale, Dor- chester. Admission, silver collection at the door. Thos. Carling, Esq., of Exeter, will take the chair. Doors open at 7.15 p. m., concert begins at 8 p. m. -The Anniversary services at the Eden church last Sabbath were a great succees. Rev. R. W. Knowles, pastor, preached two excellent ser- mons. The. choir from Ebenezer church furnished the music at both icer vices' with their usual efficiency. On Monday evening the annual concert was held which proved to be very successful The musical part of the programme was rendered by the Crediton choir, which has a name for its exceptional talent. Rev. Stephen Knott's address was soul -stirring and inspiring. Wm. Lewis, Esq., of Credi- ton, occupied the chair and manifest- ed rare ability in performing the ar- duous duties devolving upon him. The total proceeds including subscriptions and collections reached the noble sum of $57.00. --We have just closed three weeks special sereices at our Ebenezer appointment on this circuit, which has indeed been gracious seasons of blessing to the neighborhood, Miss Bertha Mossip, Thorndale,assisted the pastor. Rev. R. W. Knowles, in the meetings. Miss Mossip proved herself to be a young woman eminent- ly qualified for such work, and truly called of God to her position. Some 30 souls professed conversiorf, and on last Friday evening, 25 joined the church. Miss Mossip has gone to the .Fullerton circuit, followed by hosts of earnest prayers and well wishes. -The illdstrated address given by the pas- tor at' the Sabbath School last Sunday ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Joi ar WHITI Sc SONS Miss Bo .-i-c- Don't this pthron is visiting in Tor- onto, Miss Cecelia Ferguson has returned to London,You . Goods nt Cheap Mr, Bert Knight isle learning the u eratingat the de ot.. a 8 1) P Mrs, T. Oke is spending the holiday —We quote a few prices as follows" :— with, friende in London. Mr. J. D. Atkinson moved his house- bold effects to Clinton this week. Mr. and Mrs. 13. S. O,NeiI spent Thanksgiving Day in Lucan. Mr, and Mrs, John. Manning, sr., of Parkhill, are visiting in town. Mrs, P. T. Halls is visiting .Mrs. Halls and daughters on Andrew st. Miss Ida Johns is spending the Thanksgiving holidays in St, Marys, Mrs. Holloway. of.Olinton, is visit - ink her isit•ink-her parents Mr. and Mrs. Win, Weide W. W, Taman, has added to the ap- pearance of his shop, by erecting a new sign. Mrs. Frank Wood and children are spending a few days with friends. in Drayton. Mr, Daniel Prior, of Clinton, spent a part of last week visiting his brother, Mr. T. Prior. Mrs. Richard Pickard is visiting in counts, therefore we can give you better values than those Brantford the guest of her daughter, who have to sell.the goods before paying for them. Mrs. W. Verity: A number from the James street League attended the convention held in Lucan on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Mossip, of Thorndale, spent a few days of last week the guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. Martin. Mr. John Mallot has returned from Manitoba and has rammed his former position at the Comercial Hotel. Miss Vera Cobbledick intends' leav- ing this week for Newcastle, where she remain will a n until Christmas. Mr. Drew and Mrs. Thorne after a pleasant visit with friends in Florence returned home Thursday evening last. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lammie, of Detroit, �sppent a few days of last week visiting Mrs. Lammie's mother, Mrs. Tait. Miss Emma Harrison, who has been visiting friends in town the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Amos bas returned to Clinton. Fine bleached Table Linen,. 68 inches wide, good value at 85c, our present price 65o, Unbleached Linen former price 40c and 50c, now 35c and 40e. Feather Ticking, nice patterns, ex- tra heavy, regular 25c a yard, now 20c. Cottonades and Moleskins, all our 25c goods for 22c a yard. Shirtings, 121ic lines now 11c. Grey and Bleached Cottons have advanced in price lately, but we are reducing prices, In Prints we will sell .all our 12ic Prints at10c, and our 1Oc' lines at 80. In Flannelettes we are giving special values which must be seen to be appreciated, Two pair Ladies'. Wool Hose for 25e. In, Men's Underwear we are offering Men's heavy fleece lined Shirts and Drawers at 450. Boys' fleece lined Shirts end Draw ers for 25e to 35c. Extra heavy Wool Blankets, 72 x 88 inches, $3,50 a pair. $1„3 M5en'sfor he$1.15avy Pants, regular price . Men's dubber Lined Jackets, jest the thing for this wet weather, $1,25. 16 oz, 3 ply Grain Bags, sold every where at $2.75, for $2.60. Only a tela dozens leit. In Boots' Shoes and Rubbers we are offering 10 per cent off our regular prices which are already extra good. value. In Rubbers we have a, Ladies' Heavy Plain Overs, first quality, our regular 55c. line we give you for 42c. Our goods are bought for Spot Cash, taking all ibis Mr. Geo, Sanewell returned this week from Montreal where he has spent the past few weeks visiting friende. Mrs, Tait leaves to -day (Thursday) for Detroit, 'Mic1t., where she will spend the `winter with her daughter Mrs. Laramie. Main st. Methodist church -services by the pastor -morning subject "Sow- ing beside all Waters" -evening „Re- sponsibility. Mrs. Monroe and Mrs. W. Harvey were delegates to the District Epworth League Convention held„ at Lucan on Tuesday. Shirley Bobier, who has been some time in the Molson's Bank here, has taken the position as bookkeeper in his father's office, Miss Crocker, who has been a very plersant visitor with Mrs. F. Wood and other friends in town, left on Sat- 'urilay last for her home in London. Mr. Enos Cudmore, who has for some time been engaged as clerk with Carling Bros. left this week for the West, where he bas secured a similiar position. Mr. W. H. Draper, of Montreal, Molson's Bank inspector, paid a flying visit to Exeter last week. 'fie visited the new bank building which is fast nearing completion. The choir of Craven Presbyterian church drove to Chiselhurst on Mon- day evening and rendered the music at the fowl stpper and etertainment at the Presbyterian church there. The Lay workers' Association of the Huron Diocese will hold their annual convention. in St, James Church, In- gersoll, on Thursday and Friday, Oc- tober 30th and3lst. It is expected that about one hundred and fifty dele gates will be in attendance, Mr. Fisher is moving from Mr. Welsh's cottage on James street and will take rooms in Mr. Wm. Pugsley's house. Mr. John Welsh having rent- ed his brick cottage on the corner of Andrew and James streets to Mr. Lev- ett will occupy the house recently vacated by Mr. Fisher. We have not advanced the price of our tobacco.` Amber smoking tobacco, Bobs, Currency and Fair Play chew- ing tobaccos are the same size and price to the Consumer as formerly. e e have also extended the time for the redemption of Snowshoe tags to January 1st 1904.-Trxn EMPIRE To - B VCCO Co, LIMITED. There will be a total eclipse of the moon on the night of Thursday, Oct. in the Methodist church was listened 16th (Thanksgiving Day). This eclipse to by the scholars with great interest will be visible in Eastern Canada and and rapt attention. Great excitement will he general throughout North and prevailed in the vi lage at the noon South America, Exeter people will hour on Saturday last, when Robb. see it if they stay out late enough at Walkers horse, which drew the crowd night. The eclipse will first be visible to the revival imreeting the .night be- at 11.17 and will gradually move across fare, insisted on baptism by eimmer- the moon and disappear about two sign in the cistern,-fiforget the t forgo'clock Friday morning. Cantata to -night (Thursday) in the A PLEASANT Suxtrxtrski.-On Tuts - Evangelical church. The committee day evening after the regular meeting of the Epworth League of Main st church the members assembled at the 'home of M. Geo: Willis where a plea- sant evening was spent and a presen- tation of a beautiful Morris chair on behalf of the league, made to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Willis who have been long and useful members. The gift was accompanied by the best wishes of the societyfor a bright and happy fu- ture to the young couple who have recently embarked upon the matri- monial sea of life. STEPHEN y s CIIOOL REPORT. The following is the correct report of the stewing of the pupils of S. S. No. 3, for the month of .September. The names are arranged in order of merit: -Sr. 1V., Viola Penhale, Hat- tie Willis, Claris Beaver, Roy Parson. Willie Triebner, Sadie Willis ; jr, 1V, Miniyie Sandere, Lizzie Seeders,. Iter, drilled for the occasion. Cenuinc4astorto always bents the Signature uro o Chas. /1. P etcher @ e 1 When ruby was sick, we gave her Cnstoria. Whets she was a Child, site tried for Castor's. zvltet she beeaiit0 Miss, she clung to Castorid, When shelled oliildrCn,sire el► 1-1ARL,PrON and his disease seemed to baffle all medical skill, and during the past few months he had to pass through hours of great suffering, which he bore with great patience. Mr. Snell is one of the old resideis of this place and was very widely known and highly respected by all. He leaves a sorrowing widow and two sons, Frank, of St. Marys, . Wesley and one daughter, Mrs. E, Bissett, of Winnipeg. His remains were interred in the Exeter cemetery yesterday (Wednesday), the funeral under the direction of the I. 0. F. of whicb Mr. Snell was a worthy member was at- tended by a very large number of the society, as well as other friends, De- ceased was in his 62 year. The sym- pathy of the community is extend- ed. to the sorrowing ones. BORN NIoIL.-in Exeter, on Oct. 6th to Mr. add Mrs. Wellington Neil, a dangle - ter. ' C eaxar.-On Oct. 15th inst,, to Mr. and Mrs. Ino. . Camm, 6th con., Usborne•, a daughter. LANKIN.-In Blanshard, on Sept. 30, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lankin, a daughter. Wasama r. -In Granton, on Monday, Sept. 29, the • f Mr. A, West - man of a son. Baum. - At Mount Carmel, on the 10th inst., the wife of Mr. Edward Hall, of a daughter, MARRIED BLANslIIARD-CASTLE.- On Wednes- day, Oct. 1st, at St. James church Rectory, St. Marys, by Rev. W. J. Taylor, William Blanshard of St. Marys, to Miss Jessie Castle, of Downie. DIED SNELL,-In Exeter, on Oct. 12th, 1902, Mr, Wm. Snell, aged 61 years, 7 months and 18 days. HAG ITis.- At Centralia, on Satur- day, Oct, llth, Mr. -Richard Haggith, aged 53 years. EDWARDS -At Woodham, on Mon- day, October 13th, 1902, Robert Edwards, eldest son of the late Francis Edwards, of London Town- ship, aged 56 years and 10 days. Big Clearing Stale', We are going to clear out our . en- tire stock of womens' shoes at a big, reduction in prices commenciag on Saturday, Oct. llth. 15 pair of womens' Don -gold,' heavy extension sole shoe, all sizes regu- ler price $3.00,on Saturday for $2.50. 10 pair of Womens' Don-gola McKay sola, all sizes regular $2.50. On. Saturday for......... .. 20 pair Woolens' Don-gola, New lasts, and all sizes, regular $2.25 and $2.00. On Saturday for........ $1.50 CALL EARLY AND GET A BARGAIN. R. H. SWEET Stylish Tailoring Reasonable prices and -- Fashionable Goods are what we have to offer you this fall. Overcoats See our Overcoating fall and winter. They are the best that can be had. Leave your order early'. JOHNS Next Senior's. The Best wood Cook in the Market DEH ATMR. WM. Srlrt,L.-On a Sunday Iasi Mr. Wm. ,Snell after very long and eevere illness was called from time to oteniiy,. Mr. Snell has been la failing health for some thine' 0, iiE�Vlfl 9. fifi ��'c '^w T x 11 -siti