HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-10-9, Page 8moim. wimp=
Falb rirt,a de is ilaet'k:.-We have anticipated
your wants, and have ready for your approval, a Mag-
nificient lot of new fall and winter goods. Values at the
Big Cash store are very much in your favor. Crash and one
price does it.
the 50 c endr y our choice of
y o
lovely lot of Alabaman. Opera. an
nels, They come in old Rose,.
Dawn Blue, New Tau, Ox blood,
Coronation. Red, and Marine blue.
25c the yard for 'pure Jap Silk,
French finish. The best silk. in the
trade for fancy work, 'and draperies.
We have every new and staple shade,
30 shades, all told.
oc.aur Ladies' 2 „ Rib-
bed Vests at a quar-
ter is a cracker—it's
the best we have ever
shown at the price.
cyardfor as swell 50 the e lot.
of new camel hair borne -spun
Dress Goods, dark grey, mid
grey, new blue, brown, new
green and navy, oh, but they.
are lovely, for 50c,
25c the t e ah it
Wornen's pure worst-
ed Yarn Hose, Clean
nice stock, the kind
you would expect to
pay 40e for.
85c the yard for our special brand of
black health flannel, for ladies' wear,
pure wool, fast dye, soft, downy finish
and guaranteed nnshrinkable.
75e. the yard, for -our new Black
Pebble. Serge dress goods. Correct
for swell snits. A pure wool tight
weare with a rough •nap over finish..
ask to see this new line.
48c each for Men's
nap Fleeced Shirts
and Drawers. This is
a job price, the regu-
lar value was 75e each
10 doz, only to sell,
$1.50 for Ladies' Black Sat
tang Under Skirts, lined thor-
oughout with soft flannel
and trirrlmed with knife plea-
ting and Peeked Ruffles, this
is a money saver sure.
58e. the ' pair for
Flannelette Blankets,
grey or white, nice
bright borders, soft
downy finish, regular
value 75c, --a bargain.
$2.00 the pair for Ladies Box Calf
walking boot, "Ring Quality, good
heavy sole, medium heel, soft bright
uppers. The best $2,00 boot we know
of. Every pair guaranteed.
$1,30 for Boys' Grain Calf Lace
Boots. Sizes 11 to 18. $1.60 for Boys'
Grain Calf.Lace Boots. Sizes, 1 to 5.
These boots are made from genuine
water grain calf skin. We guarantee
every pair to give perfect satisfaction,
Our new ready-to-wear suits for men and boys are all
opened up and to say that we are pleased with them is put-
ting it very mildly. We never had such a satisfactory lot
of clothing. The new suits for boys and men are right in
line with. the latest touch. of style, and the Swagger Gros-
arosvenor overcoats for men and boys are right down to date.
If you want good clothing, we can interest you.
Stores will be closed all day, Thursday roti, Thanksgiving day.
� 3
Iliaalage Licenses,
gedlclin-ng Rings, .
'Watches, Clocks
SpectaLales Etc
Watch Repairing a Specialty,
Sovereign - Bank
of Canada.
Capital Authorized $2,000,000.00
Capital paid. up.... $1,031,000.00
H. S. HOLT President
D. M. STEWAR.T, Gen. Manager.
Amherstburg Mount, Albert Stirling
Clinton New Market Stouffville
Exeter Ottawa Sutton,Que
.iilverton Perth Toronto
Montreal, Que St. Catharines Unionville
Waterloo, Que.
interest paid on deposits of $1,00 and
upwards, Compounded half -yearly,
/Deposit Receipts issued,
Money loaned to ir''sarrneies on
their Own Notes, at lowest rates.
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual
advestisement' accepted up to noon
Wednesday of each week.
THURSDAY, OCT. 9, 1902-
The TIMES office is the niece to get
your job printing.
There is no use asking the woodman
this year to snare that tree.
Mrs. Claas. Snell is in Pontiac visit-
ing her brother Dr. Ferguson.
Dr. and Mrs. Hannon spent Monday
evening with Rev. F. E. and Mrs. Ma-
lott, in Hensel!.
Miss Norma Bobier after spending
the past month visiting friends in
Chatham and London returned home
on Monday evening. 3
The Methodist church, of Sexsmitb,
will hold their anniversary on the
evening of Thanksgiving day. Furth-
er particulars later.
The weather prophets predict a long
and cold winter, and point to an enor-
mous crop of mountain ash berries as
an unfailing proof of their prediction
Mr. David Tait, of St. Paul, Minn,
is visiting his mother and sisters here,
Dretfts bought and sold, Money for a few days. "Lockie" looks well
Orders payable anywhere in Can- (and his many friends extend to him a
ada, issued at very low rates. Collec cordial welcome home again.
tions made at reasonable rates. . At the Temperance Convention held
in Hensall, on Monday last, no action
was taken and a postponement was
made when a meeting was again call-
ed for Tuesday, Oct. 21st.
The General Conference at Win-
nipeg set apart the third Sunday in
October, as St. James' Day, with a
view to raising the $50,000 yet requir-
ed to save St. James church, Mon-
Mr.,R. N. Rowe has made an ex-
tension to his furniture and under-
taking business, haying recently pur-
chased the business of the late JoF.
AfChidley, of Clinton. Mr. J. D. Atk-
inson wits manage the business, and
• will move to that place shortly.
We snake a specialty of Ne av York
and Sterling Exchange. Get our rates
before buying or selling. •
A general banking business tran-
Solicitor. Manager;
Children Cry for
^See ,; airs view Big Stock of
Zibeline Dress Cloths, 48 inches wide, French make, very fine
weave, black and navy, was $2.00, on which we got a cut price,
now .$1.40.
Zibeline Dress Cloths, 48 inches wide, beautiful finish, French
manufacture. and br
v wnwasr
o bol to Clea at 12 a yard.
,81.75, $ . 0 yar .
A bargain.
Zibeline Dress Cloths, 48 inches wide, black, ' green, brown, green,
lovely shades with brilliant finish at $1.00 a yard.
Black Worsted Suitings, very Heavy, black,et, 58' inches wide
at $1,40 a yard, a
Black Worsted Suitings, 57 inches wide,earl .fi isb 'et black, very
heavv weight, at $1.25 a yard.' p 4..
.f'r'ieze Suitings, 58 inches wide, heaviest weight and make, splendid
fillings and warps, black, navy, light and dark snew blue, at OOe
a yard:. R greys, , ue ,
Homespun Suitings, 58 inehes wide, black light and dark greys.
lea m% n, hest value in the trade, 75c a yard. '
Oar 50c. Suit' consist �i
mgs consist of a big range of different. .. bleb
g g goods w
ti o hop to cleartand cant be duplicated at 75 eta a yard.
Oo le Bowes & Rand
ails Co
ll� � , 11 is the Best
Groceries a Specialty. One Door North of Pestot ice.
¥r. W. J. IJeawan was in London
on business this week.
Mrs. O'Neil, of Locale, is the guest of
Mr, and Mrs. B. 8, O'Neil,
h1 r, M. Y. Mcfeeauof the Huron Ex-
positor called 011'friends in town on
onday, en
Mack Vincent, comedian, is billed.
for to take part in a concert at Sea -
forth, on Ocb. 12.
Mr. Geo, Bl titciiford, of Blyth, spent
the forepart of this week with his
father, Mr, J, Blatchford,
When Sir Wrp. Mulock goes down
into his calla he will see a smaller
a cellar e n
coal supply than has bin.
Mrs. Geo, Weir, of Leamington,
spent Sunday here with her brother,
Mr. John Manning and sister-in-law,
Mrs, Geo. Sanders.
Miss Selina Harvey attended the
convention in Clinton of the W. F. M.
S. of the London conference, as dele-
gate from the auxilliary here.
An energetic plan can earn from $15
to $18 a week selling our goods. Large
demand, Write for particulars. C. R.
FEGAN, Fenwich, Ont. 3 2m
El •Talbot's Bazaar
O A line of i
that are hard to equal are be-
O ing sold here every day at
O from 100 to 25c a bottle.
3 Some More New Gllina
O can be seen in my windows m
O these days. most people stop 0
3 in and Ha.VE a Loowe when in
O town, Y o u a r e welcome
whether you buy or not. A 0
g full line Laadies' Combs 0
`t Prices on these will be found
O right, sserSee our Oandiep,me ,®
• See our Nick -Necks, ei
Talbot's Bazaar •••
Wedding Presents a Specialty. :
O >teee00 90012000 0092000000O
The best place to get your bills
printed for any entertainment is the
Times office, In addition to well print-
ed bilis at a reasonable cost, you get a
free notice in this paper. This alone
is worth the price of the bills.
Rev. Mr. Ten Eyck has returned
from a very pleasant v,ication of some
weeks spent in Chatham and Hamil-
ton. He occupied the pulpit at both
services in Trivitt Memorial church
on Sunday last.
Miss Hanna. Blatchford, who has
spent the past few weeks with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard. Blatch-
ford, left on Monday eye, 'for Sterl-
ing, (;ol„ where she will be united in
marriage on Oct. 23rd, to Mr. A, E.
Warren. of that place.
Mr. B. E. Young recently of the
Molson's Bank here and ledger keeper
for the past year in the branch of the
same bank in Clinton has been trans-
ferred to London. Mr. Young made
many friends in Clinton with whom
he will be missed.
If an editor were to snap at all the
inducements held out he would soon
be a millionaire. If hex= a paper in
accord with the popular notion he
would soon be in the alias house. If he
published half the- items sent to him
he would be in jail half the time and
in the hospital the other half.
An. Ottawa despatch says : A number
of apple shippers are marking their
second-grade apples "extra extra," in-
stead of xx or No. 2, as required by the
law. The fruit inspectors are obliged
accordingly to brand all such packages
falsely marked," One of the follow-
ing marks roust appear on all closee
packages:—No. 1, or xxx; No, 2, or xx;
No. 3, or x.
There are many complaints about
the spreading of white millet or sweet
clover along the country roads. It is
claimed that the peculiar odor of the
leaves will injuriously effect the milk
of cows and will be perceptible in but-
ter. Sweet clover is already classed
with the notorious weeds of the pro-
vince in bulletin No. 91, and may be
brought within the provision of the
statutes dealing with them.
The city papers have been in the
habit of poking fun at the country
editors who receive cordwood on sub.
scription accounts but things have
changed. The country editor who has
his back yard full of subscription wood
has the dead wood on the wouldbe fun-
ny city editor who would like to even
see some of that wood -sorry to say
that we are not among the lucky coun-
try editors, as our back yard has but
little wood in it now.
Oakville coal dealers have 4.000 tons
of anthracite on hand which they are
selling to their customers at $6 a ton.
A prominent coal dealer of Toronto
offered $10 for the whole supply, but
the offer was refused. The anthracite
coal dealers say they have sufficient
coal for their own townspeople, but
no more, and they willnot desert
their customers even at double the
money. This is a splendid example of
local patriotism which it is refreshing
to see in 'these days of the almighty
will be sent to any address in Canada
or the United States till Jan. est, 1903,
.or twenty cents, or till the end of
1003 for $1,00 in advance. If you want
a sample copy call at the office or drop
a post card. The TIMES gives all the
news worthgiving of the town and
district, is well printed bright and
newsy. Its story page is always en-
tertaining, its market reports are re-
liable. As an advertising medium
this paper is without a rival in its field.
It brings results because it reaches so
meny;people. If you have anything
to sell use our advertising columns,'
If you want any printing done neatly
and cheaply come here.
FOR O VI iR SIXTY 1. Allei
AN OLD AND WELL-Tnnlen REMn er.. Mr
Winslow s Seething Syrup has Neon°used for
averfift ycare bymi] irons of mothers for their
:hildr enwhile teething, with perfect sucobss,
Softens thb n . alleys al
it Seethes the child, ms
t,g y
lin. and is the best rented
1 n onresVVidco
ai0 n
'er iarrhe a. It is pleasant to the taste. #bid
�1'j, art of the world. 25
)3, din lard in eve a
lets a�bottle. Its Yialu .is incalculable,, Be
,ore and take M s Wlnslow's Soothing
iyrnti and ask for no ether kind.
w k 60 E'E'l'EIZr
uonmm.W 9, 1
Fdai 118
We have a complete bine
of Queen Quality Shoes, and
• that means that you can get
here the newest and most
up-to-date thing in Ladies'
Foot Wear.
L9tiUics' SKirtes
You can get, the latest styles in
Ladies' Skirts, ready-to-wear, in all
the new cloths, Zebelines, Freizes,
Home Spuns, Broad Cloths, and
the fit of thein is beyond question,
all colors. Prices $4.25, $4.50,
$5.00, and $5.25.
Ladies' Blouses
made up in the very
latest styles in Lus-
ters and Black and
colored Silks. Prices
reasonable too, $2.75
$3.75, $4 25.
Ladies Mantles
We have the short Natty
Coat for fall . wear and the
long graceful Coat for fall and
winter wear, Fawns, Greys,
and Blacks are the best sel-
lers. Prices come at $3.50,
$4.50, $5.00, $5.50, up to
We have the new things
for Girls' and Misses Wear,
Prices $3.00, $3.50 to $5.00.
The latest in
Dress Goods may --
be found here.
Z ebelines are
very popular. See
all the new shades
52 inches wide for
We pay highest prices for Farm Produce.
e la. Pickar dCo
Direct Importers.
Miss Seldon, of Ingersoll,was a guest
of her grandmother Mrs. Geo. Sam -
well the
HOUSE To LET.—Two story brick
cottage on William street, also office
in Fanson's Block, to rent. Apply to
R. L. Fanson.
publisher of the Goderich Star sued a
delinquent subscriber for arrearages
on subscription recently, and the judg-
ment of the trial judge will perhaps
be interesting to some of our readers.
in the words of the Star the deliquent
had been receiving the Star from its
first put,lwber, and when billed with
an account for four years' subscript.,
ion he refused to pay nn the grounds
that he had never ordered the paper,
and had notified the former manager
some eight years ago that he did not
want it, The paper had not been dis-
continued there and his name still ap-
peared on the subscription list assum-
ed by the present publisher, The judge
held that as the defendanta given
d g vet
no notice to thep lain tiff but had still
received the paper, he VGas liable for
methent fouraccoryearsdclai.med and gave judge
Foa SALE. -A good stove, (cook)
apply at this office,
SN P.—The Trams and Weekly
Mail and Empire; or the TIMES and
Montreal Family Herald and Star unti
January latfor '30cents.
'Weetesn. Goocl capable girl for
general housework; three in family;
no children; references required. Ap-
ply to MRs. J. A. OATRNOROSS, 303
Wolfe Street, London, Ont.
THANKSGIVING, DAY, . -- Thursday
Oct, 16th, will be generally observed
throughout: the Dominion and all the
places of business in Exeter will be
closed on account of the holiday.
Boort BINDING, —We are now prepar-
ed to take orders for book binding;
and any orders entrusted to us will
receive best attention. Books, Maga-
zines or periodicals bound or rebound
in any style at reasonable prices,
trip for the "EXE'r]sxi TIMES" and
Weekly and Empire sent to an
address Mail Ep
in Canada, or V. S. from now
until January lst., 1008 for 30 cents;
timid your order to nearest agent or
Days call for changes in Wearing Apparel
and our. store has ,just the goods you
$1.25 line in red, and blue wr',pperetts for $1,00.
$1,250 line, , heavy wres e
x ettes made with
deep e
'frill and lined wait, newest patterns, sixes 32-42,
$1.75c line, the finest we haye ever shown in
regular wrapper patterns. Nobby goods.
Ladies' underskirts from $1.00 up to $4.75. very
Rhog ce
Flannelette Underwear
Corset covers, white, pink and blue, at 25c and 50e.
Drawers, white, pink, blue, grey and stripes.;
Good quality at 25c, 35c, and 50c.
Gowns in all colors and prices. See our special
gown. It's out of sight: Only 50c. .
Full line of Black Satana waists, lined throughout,
at $1,50c, $2,00 and $2.75.
4011. 17....1.1Atiativamnpyraxe
Oar big stock of Furniture is up-to-date in every way.
If you have furniture needs prepare to fill them now. Styles
were never prettier nor prices so low. Inspect• our stock
and select now.
Bedroom Suites Parlor Suites
Fancy Chairs Extension Tables
Iron Beds Sideboards
. Dining Chairs Pictures
Couches and easy chairs at easy prices, Curtain Poles
and Trimmings. Give us a call, and if we have not got
what you want we will soon get it for you.
es.1 ,
Furniturie ld Undertakink Rooms, Gidley's Block.
The St. Thomas Times learns that
an invitation has been extended by the
First Methodist Episcopal Church, of
Omaha, Nebraska, to Rev. W. R.
Young, D. D., of St. Thomas, to be-
come its pastor. Dr. Young is at pre=
sent out of the city, having gone on a
trip to the Pacific coast at the close of
the Methodist General Conference at
The judges have fixed Saturday,.
Oct. 25, at 10.30 a. m., in the Court of
Appeal, Osgoode Hall, Toronto, for
the trial of the following elections pe-
titions:—Against Oonservatives—East
and West Hamilton, Manitoulin,
South Huron and Algoma. Against
Liberals—South Norfolk, South Went-
worth, South Bruce,West Huron and
Centre Simcoe. It is expected that
these will all be dismissed. There are
still five trials to be set.'
You will find here at all
times the greatest bargains,in
furniture. The lowest prices
and best efforts to please.
Undertaking a Specialty .
pater Now it rossibte.
For Parc Manitoba
Fames y (Star)
PastryFlour (Princess)
W h eats et (Breakfastfood)
A good supply of Mill Feed
and Chop always
on hand
Give our Flour and Feed a Trial
and be convinced that it
' is all right. w.
V.A school that occupies front rank rW}
among the best business colleges on thisO
® Continent. Many leading commerciaP0
® schools employ our graduate a- 0
Schers. We do our best to place all our A
graduates in good positions and we have
0 been more successful this year,than in O.
e any previous year. Those desiringg the
® best in business education should at- 0
A tend our school. Write for catalogue. 0
FREE.—We have made arrange"
went with the Publishers of the family
Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal
by which we can offer a • subscription
to that greatest and best of all Family
Weeklies for the balance of 1902 ab -
Roller and Plate Choppers in use solutely free. To every person paying
30c fora subscripttion to the Exeter
the forFa�.thex .
bal •�,lasanece• Lof. 1.902�y,y,,. we will
�Yr 'the
mailed direct from that office fo
E B 0 the same' period without. charge. This
MILLERS is without doubt the greatest offer
the sooner it is accepted the more you
ever made to the pubic of Canada. and
get. To our pr went readers. Any
present subscriber whose subscription
to the Exeter Times ie in arrears can
have the Family Herald and Weekly
Star free for the balance of the year
by paying up arrears.
t6 suit customers.
New 6.d
M �l[ e
mail. aiiaount to office of this paper, Next Senior's.
Having opened a Tailor Shop
in Grieve's old stand, next to
Senior's Photograph Gallery,
would be pleased to haye all
my old friends and customers
call and .inspect my stock of
Tweeds,. Worsteds,.' Pantings,
etc. Full quality, low cost.
8 Dried A les.. ...,
NI 1 Perk live weight ... .
v w g
�..o.. .
Exeter, OUP. 8 1901.'
Wheat per bushel new ....., 03 to 05
Oats new ,:. :,,21 to- 28
Barley.,,'.. .- ss to 36
Butter.. .« to 14
• to 15
Turk y 8 tri
�•t3 to 0
Chickens per lb' .. S to 5
aldol.,.. �., Y8 Ld F
$to 6
135,04 to I6.05