HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-10-9, Page 6r r• 1-- i`. The Molsons Bank (Incorporated by Act of Parliament l i) Head Office, Moatrecl, Capital tall paid up) - e22,500,000 : - - Resei et,Fun .d - $2,350,000 08 Btanobes in Outa,rio, Quebec, .Alberta, British Columbie and ruanitoba, EXETER BRANCH Open Every Lawful Day from 10 .a, m. to 3 p. ni.; except Saturdaye, 10 a. m. to 1 p, m . 'farmers Sale Notes cashed or col- lected. Forms supplied on, a plication, Drafts on all points in the Dominion. areal Britain and United States height and sold at lowest rates of 'hanger SA.VINGS DEr'ARTMENT. - Deposits of $1,00 and upwards receiv- ed. Interest compounded half yearly, and added to principal June 30th and December 31st, Deposits Receipts also issued and highest ourrent rate of interest allowed, .Advances make to farmers, stock dealers and business men at lowest. rates and on most favorable terms. Agents at Exeter for Dominion Government. OIOltSON & CARDING, N. D. EURDON, SOLICITORS. MANAGER, Calendar for October 1902. SUNbAY..... 5 12 19 26 MONDAY,..,..,,6 13 20 27 TUESDAY.,.,.,.,7 14 21 28 WEDNESDAY... 1 3 15 22 29 THURSDAY......, 2 9 16 23 30 FRIDAY 8 10 17 24 31 SATURDAY 4 11 18 25 THURSDAY, OCT, 9TI:t x902 NOTES AND COMMENTS So great an authority as Lieut. Peary says that the ice at the North Pole assumes the consistency of ice cream, If that is true, it is another reason for believing that the Pole would make an ideal summer re- sort, e e e The Patrie, the organ of Hon. J. Israel Tarte, the Minister of Public Works, gu ii Ies a strong,' article,de- nouncing Hon, Sydney Iiher anthe Liberal organs for their attitude toe warns Mr. Tarte on the tariff question. a e e The Patrie says Mr. Fisher is only a theorist, and that his theories do not represent the views of the country. The Patrie further declares that de- spite the campaign undertaken by Messrs. Fisher and Sifton, the tariff will be revised andthe duties increased and that the revision promised by Mr. Fielding, the Finance Minister, on be- half of the Goverment, will be carried out. e e Mr. Martin Jerome, Timber Inspec- tor iu Mr, Sifton's department at Winnipeg, objected to the "scandal- ous vagaries" of the Minister of Pub- lic works and trusts that that Minister will resign, as his views are heretical, or that "the beloved premier" will hasten Lome and put Mr. Tarte out of the Government. Even Me. Sifton's officals are after Mr. Tarte. We have yet to learn what the officials in the Public 4\ orks Department think of Mr. Sifton. Our great firewood reserve is on the Crown lands. It is not easy to exag- gerate the quantity of fuel we have on the vast unsettled district of this pro- vince. It is not necessary to go far- ther than to the skirts of the bugle forests to get all the fuel we can pos- sibly need. On the line of any one of the three railways traversing a part of this wild, it would be easy to ge;, millions of cords of wood. In fact it is not necessary to go back very far. Great tracts that have been lumbered over by license•holders abound in the kind of timber required. This timber is left on the ground for the reason that the tight to cut it is not covered by the licenses. Not on ail the pine - stripped unoccupied lands, however. is there other timber yet standing, the reason being that the Iumbermen left their pine rubbish on the ground to become, hi dry weather the starting points of destructive fres that swept away the remains of the forest on the limits. im- mense quantities ot timber have been destroyed by these forest fires. The loss has been kept down somewhat in recent years by the system of fire- ranging now established over a large area of the Crown lands. Still there are ravages, as, for example; those of last year in the Temiskaming district. Children Olay nor c T No Hair? r"My hair was failing out very fast and I was greatly alarmed. I then tried Ayer's Hair Vigor and ray hair stopped failing at once." - Airs. Ce A. McVay, Alexandria, 0. The trouble isy ourhaii° does not have life enough. Act promptly. Save your hair. Feed it with Ayer's Vigor. If the Hair "�" go � gray Y hairs are beginning to show, Ayer's Hair Vigor will restore color every time. $1.00 a bottle. Air enggtsls. If c r At not il ou n Bra est an s r uP 7� r t g and u L r nd a airs rose: R sono dolts sti w w /o,l a bottle. 13e sure anifive the a me of your nearest e)e retie of co. Address, J. C, Ai' ii cO',y 1 o*ell, Mass. NUflON iODLESI PERTH Ail tlia bows ot intoro$t to Roaaers flapponina. in tli686 6ountie Huron Clinton is to have a new knitting factory, Part of the new machinery has arrived and is being installed, TheLucknow Sentinel reports that Mr. James Ritchie threshed for Mr. Robert McB:eitb, 13th con. of Ashfield, seventeen hndred and fifty bushels of grain. The entire crop was 1340 bush- els from 88 acres. Dyspepsia in its worst forms will yield to the use of Carter's Little Nerve Pills, aided by Carter's Little .Liver Pills, They not only relieve present distress but strengthen the stomach and digestive apparatus, • The steamer Tartar, due to arrive at Victoria this week, brings the largest silk shipment ever brought by one steamer. She has 530 tons of raw silk and a large amount of manufactured silk, the whole totalling value of $2,700,000. The oat yield on Mr. Peter Cole's farm, Goderich tp, is considesed a. good one for this year for his thirty five acres will, it is estimated, yield 60 bushels per acre, Mr. Cole has seven acres to thresh and all put together he will easily have the round 3000, bushels. On Wednesday of this week at the town hall, Clinton, there was a halle- lujeh wedding when Miss Minnie Livermore and Mr, Ralph Bezzo were made man and wife. The ceremony was preformed ly Major McMillan of London. assisted by Staff Captain Rawlings, On Monday morning of last week, Mrs. i.'dwar$ Sly, who lived on the Huron Road, a short distance east of Clinton, passed into rest, The de- ceased bad been in poor health for some time, and was for forty-five years a resident of Clinton or the im- mediate vicinity. On the 13th of September there died . a former at Morden, !d an fo c, well known resident of Hay township in the person of Robert Brown, who was for several years reeve of that township. He was a man of considerable ability and much popularity. It is several years since he went to the West. He was in his 7th year. "One of the good housewives on the llth concession, near Clinton, picked a number of wild raspberries the other day, and preserved them. A short time since she gathered enough to serve all the men at the threshing. It is certainly out of the ordinary for berries to be gathered in such quanti- ties at this time of the Tear." Last week as Salkeld's separator was being taken up the gangway in- to his father's barn, on the .Bayfield Road, the gangway gave way and the machine fell over. The worst part of the mishap was that Mr. Wm. Naftel got seriously hurt, one of his thighs beiug broken in two places. The in- jured man is doing as well as can be expected. 'Robert Welsh, of Stalls, while on a visit in Clinton with his brother-in-law ` ne. Grigg, went to Londesboro to have a picture taken of four genera- tions. They are Robert Webb, of Staffa, his son, Robert Webb, of Londesboro, and his daughter, Mrs. Dr. Bell and child, of Michigan. The old gentleman is hale and hearty, and looks as though he might live to see the fifth generation appear on the scene. The weddingof Miss Millions, ons, an1 George Lucky boy, of St. Marys,was celebrated ou Monday atternoou. `The bride's father's present to the newly wedded couple was a diamond stud- ded coal scuttle full of real coal. Mr,jackson, M D.c sowho has S Ja M. , A.r il, s occupied the position of commercial master of the Stratford Collegiate In- stitute for the past year, has tendered his resignation to the board, and has been appointed science master at Ber- lin Nigh School, at a salary of $900, Mr. Jackman will leave Stratford as soon as the board will allow hint, T4'illiam Ische, of Ellice, was outt- ing corn on the farm of Geo, Schroe- der, lot 4. con; 5 Fullerton, yesterday, when he met with an accident that will lay him up for several weeks. He was grinding a knife, when the emery wheel used burst, and pieces of it tore his hand in a manner that caused great pail: and will leave marks for A very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Henry Switzer, St. Marys, on Tuesday even- ing. Sept. 30, when their daughter, Netta, and Mr. Geo. Hookway were i united in holy matrimony. The cere- mony was performed by Rey. J. Hart I assisted by Rev. A. K. Birks, of Col- borne street Methodist church, Lon- don, in the presence of a few invited guests. The popularity of the young 1 couple if judged by the presents of friends from . far and near, is great. INFLA 1%IMED NOSE AND THROAT. And such diseases of the respiratory 'organs as Bronchitis, Weak Lungs, Cold in the head, and Nasal "Catarrh, are treated with marvellous success on strictly scientific principles by Cat- arrhozone. The medicated vapor of Oatarrhozone quickly traverses every air passage possible to be reached by any treatment, All soreness, pain, congestion and inflammation are at once dispelled, and by means of the healing powers of Oatarrhozone the vitiated tissues are quickly restored. Where Oatarrhozone is used colds last only ten minutes, coughs half an hour and Catarrh, Consumptiou, • Asthma and Bronchitis flee as from fire. A trial will convince anyone of the start- ling merit of Oatarrhozone. . Costs 51.00, small size 25c, At druggists, or Polson & Oo., Kingston, Ont. Dr. Hamilton's Pills Care Constipation. Middlesex A woman who is weak, nervous and sleepless, and who has cold hands and feet, cannot feel and act like a well person. Carter's Iron Pills equalize the circulation, remove nervousness, and give strength. The sum realized from the sale of the carpet used by the Duke and Duchess of York on the occasion of their visit to London a year ago amounted to $55, and has been hand- ed to the City treasurer. Mr. John Mooney, of Hyde Park formerly of Clinton. reports one of the largest yields of oats on his farm around this section of Ontario this sea- son. He realized 78 bushels to the acre, ten bushels of the same being sown, It is reported that some time ago the Ontario Government placed 75,000 young bass in the pond of Mr. T. S. Hobbs near Hyde Park, for propaga- tion and subsequent distribution, and that recently the pond dam broke 'away letting the fish -into the river to mingle with the suprised carp, mullet and suckers. Gerald Sifton is said to be delighted with the announcement that a special sitting of the Middlesex Assizes is to beheld on Nov. 3 to dispose of the trial. that has bung fire for over two weary years. He has suffered disappointment so often that it is little wonder that he should be exuberant now that a defi- nite settlement is in sight. County Councillor T, lv, Hays, of CRAMPS ARE LT1ZP. BURGLARS. Seaforth has a broken arm as the re- sult of an accident which tele]. him a few days ago. He was go`IIg e--.ta Sea- They come unexpected and when forth from his faun on a iced of 'bat- least welcome. Be armed with a one - ed straw when the rack gave way on ; minute cure in a bottle of Nerviline, one side. The bales slipped Gam, and which relieves cramp and stomach Mr. Hays went with them, and in the pains in five minutes. In Colic, Sum- mix-np the large hone of the right' mer Complaint, Diarrhoea, Indigestion arm, between the elbow and the shout- and Nausea, Nerviline is a remedy of der, was fractured. The well. known remarkable potency, and acts prompt - county councillor's frierldethreughaut l ly and satisfactory at all times. The the county sympathize velem hire} ' composition of Poison's Nerviline ex - in his misfortune. pressss the highest.medical progress A meeting of -the creditors rbf w, en. of the age, which accounts for its super - Smith, proprietor of Hoyt E c,derich, i for merit. Price 25c. was held in the office of Sheriff Rey- Hamilton's Pills Are Good Pills. nolds, the assignee, on Friday, when a. statement of the .affairs of the hotel, General News. was presented, Mims against :smith Rev. s'lTessra, Turks and Kerby, the have been filled amounting to 36,56f3, Toronto Evangelists, are at present including one of3,98`2kryJartiesSmith tholding meetings at Revelstoke, B. O. father of the assignor. Against these liahiiities there are furnishings of the hotel valued at $3,600. It was decided to request the town council not to carry out its expressed intention to foreclose the mortgage, and represen- tatives of the creditors attended a special meeting of the council on Monday evening and presented the request. The council acceded in so far as to agree to stay foreclosure pro- ceedings fortwo months and see oro inthe meantune the creditors will try to find a purchaser or lessee for the hotel. COMPLETELY FAGGED OUT The world is full of sickly, despond - tired, enervated people, all hoping to be well some day. The surest road to health is along the way of taking Ferrozone after meals. Ferrozone is a great appetizer and enables one to eat plenty of wholesome food without fear of indigestion or dpspepsia. This results in the rapid formation of an abundance of red vitalizing blood, which will restore the nerves, increase flesh and vigor and nourish and feed every organ a the body. Ferrozone is an ideal restorative and invigorant. itis atonic of unequalled merit that anyone can use with benefit. Price 50e. per box, or six boxes for $2.50, at Druggists, or N. C. Poison & Co., Kingston, Ont. , Perth' Sold egyerywhero The Provincial election scrutiny and in cans-., !41 sires. retest trial in North Perth will be pp ]rade by held a Stratford onTuesday,Oct.8 t S o Impeded 011 t' at 1 p. m. The names of the presiding P judges are not yet kno known, Is Company.✓ The weed which caused the death of a number of cattle at Owen Sound has been identified as the deadly night shade. Rev. R. D. Hamilton bas been invit- ed to the Wellington street Methodist Church, London, for " fourth year, and has accepted. Arran gem e n ts have been completed by Hon. .1.1, Tarte, Minister of Public Works Laurier Cabinet Wo s in the a , to visit Dresden on Thursday next, Oct, 9th. Dr. J, 3. Labelle. of Windsor, has been appointed to the position of coro- Rain and sweat have no effect on harness treated with Eureka Har- , nes. 011. h re- sists the damp, keeps theath- le =9 i et soft and pli- able. Stftehes do not break. No rough sur- face to chafe ancient. The harness not only keet ' looking like new, but wears twice as looppbythe use of Earn e Hamm Oil, Good wares make quick markets." 'Trhreet -les< as many pairs sold in 1.9O0 as in 1896. The value of the first pair, like the value of the last stamped on the sole by the Makers "The f9 Slater Shhoe "oogiar wens " E. J, SPACICMAN. General Agent, nee made vacant by the resignation of Dr. J. 0, Reauine: at the time of his. acceptance of nomination formember of Parliament. Dr, A.ymot, of Belle River, has been appointed an associate coroner. More cases of sick headache, bilious- ness, constipation can be cured in less time, with less medicine, and for less money, by using Carter's Little Liver Pills, than by any other means. The St. Thomas journal resents the action of the Methodist conference in "applying the cloture" to tha amuse- ment question, in which the rank and file of the church take so keen an in- terest. Our contemporary concludes its remarks as follows: "The conduct of the conference can only be fittingly described in strong language: It was cowardly, unmethodistic, and unwise, for the question has to be discussed in a liberal spirit, and has to be dealt with in accordance with the best thought of the church to -day. What. Mr. G. W. Ross meat by his Strathroy speech on the tariff nobody knows, and few care. But the Win- nipeg Free Press,_. the organ of Mr. Sifton, has this to say of it: "If Mr. Ross chooses to use , language which is capable of being interpreted as an admission that the Conservatives are and have always been, right about the tariff. He must not be surprised if the to the con- clusion of Ontario jump people J that perhaps they are right about some other matters as well," This is certainly a. fair deduction, and Mr. Ross may well be sorry that he spoke. Mitchell Record (Grit): - The in- creased postage rates on correspon- dence coming in for publication is an outrage on the newspaper press. If a correspondent sends in nnly an item, in a sealed or unsealed envelope, the cost in postage is two cents. There is nothing that comes into a news- paper office, entering into the make- up of the paper that is not highly taxed. The paper itself, the type, and everything else, bears a high tax that is almost prohibitive. A. few years ago postage was imposed on all papers circulating beyond a twenty - mile limit. There was no injustice about that. But if Mr, Mulock can- not run his department without tax- ing the newspapers of the country a two -cent postage rate on all the cor- respondence that comes in for pub- lication, or to fill the waste basket, as the case naay be, he had better give it up to somebody else. ItrausTo Use The Kind That Has No Mild The immense popularity of Wells, Richardson & Co's Improved Butter Color has iuduced speculators with little chemical ability to put up imita- tions of the famous color that makes prize butter, These imitation butter colors contain mud. and other impuri- ties that ruin well made butter, Wells, Richardson & Co's Improved Butter Color is noted for its purity. There is not the slightest trace of any injurious ingredient in it, and the last drop is as clear and pure as the first, Wells, Richardson & Co's Improved Butter Color gives the true and natural June tint; common colors produce bricky reel that soon fades from the butter, leaving it with a lard -like color. Ask your druggist or dealer for Wells, Richardson & Co's Improved Butter Color, the kind that has NO.MUD. FALL FAIRS, Ely th-Oct. 7.8. Ashfield & Wawanosh-Dungannon, Oct. 9-10. BORN STEvnNs-On Wednesday, Sept. 24th, to Mr. and Mrs, John Stevens, of Anderson, a daugh- ter. HEYWOOD—In Exeter, on October 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Heywood, a sen. MITounm-In Exeter, on October god, to Mr. Mrs. Wm. Mitchell, a daughter. MARRIED WIISON-RsA-On Wednesday, Oct. 1st Mr. John Wilson, of Hayftownship to May, daughter of the late amps Rea,.township, conees- sfoo, 8laluhard.• POWERS ATr.INson-On Tuesday, Sept. 23rd, at the residence of the bride's parents, 2nd con., Biddul h, Annie Atkinson, to Oronyon Powers, of London township. WATso:r-MoNAvespov-In Granton,en Sept. 30th bythe Rev, F. W. Gilmour t the ea i manse Jessie McNaughton, of 101,h eon., Blanchard, to William Watson, of Mullett. H &n DY -•Lase); -At the residence of the bride's father, on Wednesday, Oct, 1st, by the Rev. B. Grant, of St. mares, Miss Caroline Legse. eldest daughter of Mr• Wm. Lege,: to Mr. W. E, Hardy, all of West Nissourl RooxwAY—Swrcyzru--In Blatisharci, on Tues- day,Sopt. 3(1, Mr, Geo. Footway and Miss Netta Sweitzor, both of 73lanshard, SraATUN-B1MNnsRsoN—In St,Mnrys,:on Wed- nesday,.Oct. let, by the Rev. W. J. Taylor, Mr, Luke Spearia and Miss .Ella I#enderson. DIED 13An.ty•-InI3lanshard,on October 1st Caroline Bailey, daughter of (;has, and 1&]lzalieth Baii- ey, WansTran-In St, Ma s, on Sunday, unday, Spt. 28,TanoBrodie, beloved of John o 'Webster, aged 73 years and 2m Months, hs. .MuaxA '-In Granton, on Thursd +v, Sept. 25, Harold Stewart, beloved soar 0? IVtr. and Mrs. 3, E. Murray, aged 6 years and 7 (Oaths. ALIASES. OF THE PEANUT., l whew '4!0 Mn;}y Name* roe . the Tdetbso'ne ruleta 'l is riez. C01 j•delit . its 11l eai1,opula rity t,11e1i 4and$agrieultuva l 'ce Its femat`ib how Men/ there are under ;which the Pee- n t travels. Whenever it is introduced to a new,, ecelonunity, the ` toothsome Offerin+, of the sod adopts a new. latae And eones forth twltli . an additional sobriquet ;whish makes it almost un- recognizable to its old acquaintances.'f If the "edible :fruit" -as the dictiona• I ries call it -had ever done anything to be ashamed of, the public might under. stand, but as things are the eccentrlci. ties of peanut•nomenclature are abso- lutely astonishing. Here in Virginia we designate our little friend principally as the peanut, but quite often we likewise allude to him as a "ground pea" and occasionally as a "goober." Over in England t]Fley caul the Fame fruit ground nut, while it is variously known elsewhere as "earth nut," "Manila not," "jurnut" and ' "pindar." The, scientific patro- ny;nie, as we understand it, is Arachis. liypogtea, and the family belongs to the genus of leguminous plants. But, be its name what it may, a pea- nut is a peanut the world over, so far hs its virtues go, Asad few are the hu 3nan palates which decline te receive im introduction to it. A A Mfferent Sort tot Leather. 44. Pennsylvania physician tells a (story about his servant which reminds lone in a vague ray, of the "skinny side nut and the woo'hy.side ill" rhyme. He had just hired a servant who, says the pliiladelphia Telegraph, had some of he "ould dart" still clinging to her boots. One morning he noticed. his office twIndows were rather., dirty, and, call- ing Bridget, he instructed her to clean them before he returned. At the same time he told her that he would step had purchase a new chamois skin and send it home, and with this she (vas to Clean the windows. .After he had gone his rounds he re- turned to his office. Glancing at the indoors he found them.- thickly ,1,,1y itreaked with grease. He called Bridg- et, and the following colloquy took place: - • "Bridget, didn't I tell you to clean the windows?" `ties, we/ - "And didn't I tell you to use the new Chamois?" "Yes, sort" "Well, did you useit?" - "Sure, >: did sor." "Let me see the chamois," said the doctor, and Bridget promptly brought it. Then for the first time he learned that bis wife had left the house a half hour before him and 'had sent home some tripe. • Black and White. Every crow is said to think its own nestling the whitest, but a white cat that had four kittens, of which three were white and the fourth was black, gave the first place in her affections to Sooty. Once they were an brought into the drawing room to be "shown off." Besides the humans the room contained a great Newfoundland dog. Hitherto cat and dog had been on friendly terms, but now pussy showed much anxiety'lest the dog might harm her black pet especially. At last she seized it by the neck and bore it be- neath the lowest piece of furniture, where the dog could not possibly crawl, but she merely mewed to the others to follow her, as best they could. The black kitten , owed all this care to its color, .more happy in this respect than the black sheep which is said to be in every flock: WHY NOT GflfNGI✓ YOUR MEDiGi E? If You Have Failed Up To. The Presant To Banish Rheumatism and Sci- atica Try - Paine's Celery Compound, There is but one true and reliable specific for the cure of ail forms of rheumatism; it is Paine's Celery Compound. Tbis decided and weighty assertion ;s fully supported by letters• from thousands of cured men and wo- men, and prominent physicians have ably and fearlessly supported the statement. If your efforts up to the present with other medicines have failed to drive the terrible disease from your spstern, 'remain no longer in agony and Peril; change your medicine at once. Prudence and wisdom will sure• ly direct your to use. Paine's Celery Compound, the medicine that has cur- ed so many of yriur friends and "neigh bons. The prompt erul tuarvellaus cure of Mrs. E. King, Cedar Hill, Victoria, B. O., who endured the tortures' and agonies of rheumatism for almost' a lifetime, points unmistakably and truly to the fact that Paine's,`Oelery Compound is the kine of niedicines for the cure of rheumatism ; she says: "I have been troubled with rheunla- tisur nearly :ill 0)3' life, and about eight years ago I had a very severe attack, sill -most losing the use , of my right, ;tent, A friend recommended the use :,f Paine's Celery Compound, and kind ly gave ine a bottle. I was so much be iePitted by that tine bottle,. that I t.' 'k three more, and (vas quite cured. Since then it has been almost my only medicine for all the ailments from wi i' b I hove suffered, and all my tamely have found some benefit', .from it I am siYtyCvn years of age; I live on .t farm, get up early in :the. Morning. and am now equal to a good day's vworh.' NSDANVERWMUSIGINIONSimumanimaimmis tbi goon slit pots u am IS ealeal mu s la now. mn,onoiw, numUu nmho, nnu, un Plrnunnnwotuurquou, egertiib1 Prepprafio&ror:As- siinilating tui ToodrindRe ula- the_5tirmachs andBowe of THAT TILIE FAC .SIMILE SIGNATURE ram8te 'Digtstioii,CheeirFul ,tress ai dg st ciontains neither ��O..p�nim Morpiiiiie for 1 lerii. 'LYOTC NAT C ®TIC. .Rag:7e aiBkl•71niaitiZ HICRE i3rnipki,a Karl- a: laS - .Biriae :V'Fc�: • pagriavrr int pf:Oana2 radeL r d- Flag, AperfectR.emedy For etonstipa- tion,.Sour Stomaeb,Diarrhjga, Worms ,Convulsions,lreveri h 1 fleas and Loss OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of IS(EW IS OB' THE AP '• OF EVERY BOTTLE Or ea. te EXACT COPYOr WRAPPER. 11n Castorla is put np In ono-sizo bottles only. Its is not sold in bulk. Don't allow anyone to sell you anything else on the plea or promise that it- is "just as good" and "will answer every pur- pose." • ar See that yon get 0 -A -S -T -041 -I -A. The fu- el:110 slender° o: !o on -. uW every w appor.. .f.74:_.r'.'.i,477Plesailr ^`•i .e41?:ech:'L";.'. M i ,4.21r . Salo Register Stsr g' Y • Fleming. OCT. 10. — Clearing auc- tion sale of farm stock and imple- ments,'etc., the property of T, J. CArEs, lot 3, concession 2, McGilli- vray. James Stanley, auctioneer. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR CONVEN- TION. Tae fourteenth annual convention of the Ontai:io Christian Endeavor Union will be held in Ottawa on Oct. 7-10 in- clusive. Y. M. 0. A. Secretary Jno. Hopkins, Woodstock, is to deliver an address as well as Dr. Steele, Tavistock,. R. W. Dillon. St. Marys, Rev. 3. S. Henderson, Hensall. and other West- ern Ontario men. There will be two addresses from Rev. 0. W. Gordon (Ralph Connor,) Exeler EUI EsIVIC Aenc! CII IF YOU WANT TO - Buy or Sell a Farm,. Buy or Sell Town: Property, Borrow or Len& Money, Collections Made, Your Life Insured, Go to the Old Cuon.. try, by the Allan- Line, ON THE UNDERSIGNED, JOHN SPACK101AI" Ofdoe over II. Spackman's Hardware- Exete. Cash paid for Raw Furs. OPINION OF LEADING PHYSICIANS I have been .using Strong's Pilekone for several months with results that warrant me in recommending it to my patients with every confidence in its claim. R. FERGUSON, M. D., Cor- oner, London Ont. Price $1.00. For sale by druggists, or by mail on receipt of price. W. T. STRONG. Manufacturing Chemist, London, Ontario. ' London, Huron and Brucc. GOING NORTH— +Passenger. London,. depart 8.15 A, aI. 4.40r. m. Centralia .......... :•-5,1 5 50 Exeter 9.3C 6.0 Hensall.............. 9.41 6.15 Kippon 9.50 . 6.25 Brucefield 9,58 6.33 Clinton 10.15 6.55 Wingham arrive U.10 8.00 GOING Bourn- Passenger Wingham, depart 6.13 A. 7r. 8.15 P. M Clintcu 7.47 4.25 Bruoefield 8.05. 4.49 Sippen 8.15' 4.57 HansSll22 5 02 Exeter 8.35 5.10 Centralia 8.46 5.25 • London . arrive 9.37 6.12 ....!.,._'c -.d'. •tri- . St4 •n%aza; ttS+s.^• •,c:.: iaaeiCYekS•.v. Two second hand Upright, Pianos and one Square PianOEi for sale cheap.• New Pianos and Organs always in stock, Seillu Vid6111119Sv. Our experience in the Sewing-. Machine Business, (12 years) is a. guarantee of our goods. Wer carry in stock the best the market: affords. Needles and Repairs for- all orall kinds of machines always err-' stock. Music`in Sheet and Book - form. Call and See us, It will Pay. Yon. itherlaiu banes LIMITED. ARE PREPARED TO PURCHASE • artin ELM BROVVNING S Dttg .o —AND— OTkE ER EITLIER STANDING OR. IN • THE LOGS, - Apply t„ E. 0. Ke &I, FOREUAN, EXETER, ONT. CEIR14.:/DI II O1`W Ur seemearosafflanmenormasamem We are glivin io g excellent sa giving Msfactian in floor since re- modelling our mill Dry Soft Wood Wanted. oristar and Glionoinu t i l LIcP�'Oii]tIe 011n H: SW ITZ R. fieadgl7r r'i,trs for Dyspepsia Cure Blood and Nerve Tonic Stomach and Liver Pills Iron Blood Pills'_ Liver and Kidney Pills Kidney Mixture Sciatica Remedy Sarsaparilla Cough Mixture to g e Cholera and Diarrhoea, Mix,.; tare Chilblain Lotion. Tryan of these'r•r iara;in yp. l i ns and - you will be astonished at their wonder. ful healing and curing properties. A. Full line of Patent Meitieines o33+ hand. TOILET ARTICLES SCHOOL: BOOKS ANC SuP?r.IES- JW. I3ROViINIM& Dominion Laboratoru