HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-10-9, Page 3iUE.r44X ETIal MMENSE OPPORTUNITY For Getting a Beautiful Watch • and Chain Free.—No Mon- ey Required,—Every Man, • Woman, Boy, or Girl has • 'the same Opportunity un- der our System. In order to have Dr. Arnold's Eng- lish Toxin Pills pieced in the hands of all persons sUffering from bad • health we make the following most • liberal offer If yoa will send tis your name and address and agree to sell for us twelve boxes of Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pills at 250. per box, we will give you Absolutely Free a, beautiful •'Watch and Chain in either Ladies or Gents size, or your choice of twenty other premiums such as fine sets of Jewelry, Rings, Violins, Mandolins, Tea Sets, Sateen Skirts, Cameras, etc. •B,etnember we don't Want. any 'Tierney until after you sell the Pills and you don't have to sell any more than 1 2 boxes to get the premiums. This is a bon 'a Meoffer from a reliable concern that has given thousands of dollars worth of premiums to agents all over the country, Remember also that Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pills are a well known remedy. for all dis- eases of the kidney and .bladder, Bright's disease, diabetes, rheumatism nervous troubles, and female cone - plaints, and are for sale by all first class druggists and. dealers in medi- • cines inaltparts of the world. You have only to show them to sell them. • You are notoffering something that .the people don't know. Our watches are the regular standard size for Lad - or Gentlemen in Nickel or Gun Metal Oases with handsome illumin- ated dials and reliable time keepers, watches such as no lady or gentlemen need be ashamed to carry, and they will be sent absolutely Fre •to all who sell only twelve boxes of those wonoerful Toxin Pills. Write at once and. be the first in yourlocality to earn one of those beautiful watches and chain. As soon as we receive your letter or post card we will send you post paid tWelve boxes, together with our Illustrated Catalogue and beautifully colored card with your name and address on as our authoriz- ed agent. Bear in mind that you will not be asked to sell any more than the 12 boxes and • we don't want any money until after you have sold them. We bear all the expense and are only making this liberal offer as a snethoci of advertising Dr. Arnold -'.s English Toxin Pills. Don't delay, write at once and earn a beautiful present for yourself for Christmas. Address ARNOLD MEDICINE CO. Dept. O. 1. 50 AdelaideSt. East, Toronto, Ont. K1RKTON FAIR. The Blanshard Township Fall Fair was held at Kirkton, on Thursday, Oct. 2nd and Sed and. favored by ideal •„ weather, the success both as to at- tendance and attraetions exceeded all -previous exhibitions held there. Over 1,400 people were on the grounds on Friday afternoon. The entries of -cattle and horses were large and high classed. There was also a good show- ing of poultry. The display of ladies' work was fairly good. The potatoes were also fine, but the prevailing coca- plainteof rot was heard. Cauliflower was first class and cabbage of all • varieties and size. The samples of • grain were very good, and among the exhibits ot fruit the apples were spe- Asially fine. The fair was simply a re- Otition of other fairs, with a little • variety thrown in. The receipts • amounted to over $300.00 'HORSES HEAVY DreeeneetT.--Brood mare, Jos. • Doupe, John Stephens; two-year-old filly or gelding, Jas Beatty, Ben Wil- son, Jno Stephens ; foal of 1902, Jno Stephens, Jos Doupe. • OAN.A.1)1AN Hsavv DeeireortT.—Span • .heaver draught horses in harness, Chas. Hackney; brond mare, W • Brock, .Tas Rundle,- Jno Ratcliffe; two-year-old, Wm Hanson, John Ratz, Chas. Godbolt ; one -year-old, • 1! Rodgers, Jae Beatty, Jno Ratcliffe; • foal of 1902, R Berry, W. Brock, 2nd and 3rd. AGRICULTURAL. —Span agricriltural • horses in harness, Win Hanson, Jno Hodge ; brood mare, Jim Duncan, Wm Brock, N M Leigh ; two-year- old, W J Pym, Ben Wilson ; one-year- • old, Wm Delbridge, Jno Duncan, Jno. Ratcliffe; foal of 1902 Jno Duncan, Wm Delbridge, Jas. Rundle. • GENERAL PURPOSE. —Spa n of horses in harness, John D Hazelwood, W J. Pym, Wm Hyde ,• brood mare, W • Delbridge, Jno Ratcliffe; two -year - Chas Hyde, M Brethour; one- year -01(1,R Birtch, Jos Rinn, Wm Clernuesfoal of 1002, Jno Delbridge, R Berry, 'Jno Ratcliffe. Judges. —. Richard Nethercott, D McIAtinee. Get theMost Ou‘gf: 119 rzr Food --y-'0-31-aon,t and can't if your stomach is weak. A weak stomach does not di- gest all that is ordinarily taken into it. It get tired easily, and what it fails to digest is weisted. Among the sign s of it'sveak sten-A.0h are uneaSineee after eating, AU of ner- VOUS headache, and disagreeable belch- ing. "1 ha ve been troubled with dyspepsia for yearS, and tried every renaely I heard of, but nester got anyth leg that gave me relief tantll I look Reed's SarSaparilla. I cannot praise kids reedit:111e to highly for the good liss done me. / always take It in the sarii i.! and tall and would not he without It' X. .k. lettemer, Belleville, Ont. r „ s s ..Yarsapar Ida t1,v.8. and tones the stomach and •tha wholo digestive system. EstanSTIRIRS,—Span of horses in bar - Pees, M Creighton, Win .tfanson ; brood mare having foal in 1002, 'rhos, Elliott, R Allen ; two-year•eld filiy or gelding, S Shier, Jos Rinn ; ene-year- • old filly or gelding, Ph Rip Madge, tTsto Jobs; foal of 1002, Wm hdrk, Time Elliett ; Single eoadster, Tilos Hanson, Jos Senior. Cauataaeee, — Span carriage, 11, • Berry, 13 Heal ; brood mare, Wm Eirk ; two-year-old • filly or gelding, John Hodge Thos Beeson ; one- yeeteold, Wn Delbridge, 3 Bodge; foal of 1902, nos Noyle ; single car- • riage horseJno ilzieCurcly, A -Robin- 500. judges.-- James Routley, Edward Christie, Sngoian PRIZE18.—By Alex. Dow, Esq for colts sired by Orchard Willow, W Brock, D. Rodger, ,Ints Duncan, Wm Delbridge. Se,gcee.te—By James Hazelwood for best steer calf, j W jos Hazel- wood 2nd and 3rd. SPEEDING 'ON TRA.OK In the -free-for-all class, Thee. Skinner, Wm Ridge, T Davis. In the Farmers' trot, Sam Scott lst, . Maloriey 2 d • Bicycle race. —Wm. Elliott lst, M. Brock, 2nd. Prize money will he paid in Kirk - ton lst Saturday in November by the Secy -Treasurer. CATTLE JEBBET.—Twe-year-old heifer, John Me • DClutletriedYele.--Aged hull, Jobn Urqu. hart; milch cow, J W Allison let and 2nd, 5 Shier; two-year-old heifer, J W Allison, Wm Hanson; one -year-old heifer, J W Allison, Win Hanson; bull calf, JW Allison, J Pridhain; heifer calf, S W Allison, Wm Hanson. AYRSHIRES —Mileh cow, R. Paynter. POLLED• ANGUS —Milch Cow, e ne- year-old heifer. brill calf, Tames Hazel- wood took all prizes. GRADE OATTLE—Milch cow, A Haw- kins lst 9,nd 2nd, two-year-olcl heifer. R Shier, Jas Hazelwood; one -year-old heifer, II Heal, 'Inc? Hazelwood; heifer calf A Shier, Jas Hazelwood; steer calf, Jas Hazelwood, JW Allison; two-year- old steer, H Heal 1st and 2nd; one- year -old steer, Hileal, Jas Hazelwood; fat cow or heifer, •W Oliver let and 2nd; fat ox or steer, 13. Heal lst and 2nd.. POTI.LTRY Langshans, D Douglas &Son; Wyan- dotts, 0 and D Baird lst and 2nd; Minorcas, D Douglas & Son, 0 and Baird; cochins, 0 and D Baird lst and 2nd; plymouth rocks. barred, 0 and D Baird, J Pridham; white crested black Polands, Geo Bentley & Son lst and 2nd; plymouth rocks, white, D Douglas & son, C and D Baird; light brahinas C and D Baird, Geo Bentley & Son; black spanish. C and D Baird lst and 2nd; Houdans, D Douglas & Son; Leghorns, D Douglas & Son, C and D Baird; game, D Douglas & Son lst and 2nd; polands, Geo Bentley & Son; turkeys and geese, D Douglas & Son. Judges.—EL Berry and W, Brown. • HOGS. BERKSHIRES, —Aged boar, breeding sow, boar, sow, John'Dunbar took all prizes. • . TAMWORTII.— For aged boar, sow pig, and boar pig, D. Douglas & Sons took both lst and aid prizes. ; breed- ing sow, D. Douglas & Sons, R Berry. YORKSEIRE.—For aged boar, breed- ing sow, boar pig, sow pig, R Birtch took all prizes. •• . Judges.—Wm Pridham, W H Gra- ham. SHEEP • LEICESTER.-- Ram lamb, breeding ewes, Geo Penhale took all prizes. SHROPSHIRE DOWNS.—For ram one year old, ram lamb, aged ewes, shear - ling ewes, ewe Iambs, James Watson took all prizes. LINCOLNS.—Ram, Wm Oliver, Geo Penhale; aged ram, Geo Penbale, W Oliver ; ram lamb, Geo Penhale, W Oliver; pair ewes, aged, W Oliver, Geo Penhale • pair shearling ewes, W Oliver, Geo Penhale pair ewe lambs, Geo Penhale. W Oliver. GRADE.—pair ewes, W Oliver; fat sheep, Geo Penhale. • Judge.—H. A. Switzer. • GRAIN AND SEEDS Fall wheat, white, M Brethour, Joo. Hodge; timothy seed, M Brethour took all prizes ; white beans, J Shier, D Roger; ears corn, A Shier, R Birtch. DAIRY PRODUCE Five pounds table butter, IC Doupe, F P Switzer. FRUIT • Orange pippin, J. Ratcliffe; Nor- thern spy, J Watson; Fallow water, S. Doupe ; Ben Davis, S Shier; Tat- man Sweets, W Hanson; Baldwins, W•Hazelwcod ;snows, Jno Ratcliffe; Rhode Island greenings, F P Switzer; King of Tompkins, FP Switzer; Alex- andere, Jno 1111hquhart ; 20 oz. Pippins, Sas Watson • Ribston pippins, Win Atkinson ; dolden Russets, NJ Tufts; eolverts, Wm Hazelwood ; sweet pear, Geo Bentley & Son ; duchess of Oldenburg Jno Rateliire ; Canadian red, J Pridharn ; Cayuga red streak, Wm Hazelwood ; collection of apples, FP Switzer; crab apples, T Road- house, A Brethour ; plums, 3 Shier ; fall pears, Sam Doupe, M McCallum ; winter pears, A Shier, W Hanson ; peaches, R Fletcher, Jas Leadstone ; open air grapes, white, 9,1 Jameson ; open air arapes, blue, W H Paisey. SpEceete-glory innate John Hodge, man, Jas. Leadstone. • VEGETABLES Six field carrots, R Birtch, Win Wiseman'six garden carrots, R Robinson, W Hazelwood ; six in angel wurzel, long red, S. Shier, Wm Sad- ler ; six rnauge:1 svurzel, globe, •Jn. Rode; six onions, Jas. Hazelwood, J. Pridham ; six blood beets, long, Wm 'Wiseman, J Pridliarn ; six tur- nip beets, Jas 13eatty, T Roadhouse ; vabhage, white, It Robinson, R Poyn- t ; ealibage, red, W Paisey, W Brown tomatoes R Pletnher. 1 Rob. bison ; cauliflowers, Win • Sadler, •R. Robinson ; celery, Jae Urgnhart, 11 tethoor ; citron, R. Pay n ter, F P Swiezee eleumpkins, Wm "Hazelwoocl, M Bt.ethout • nmskrtielort, E Paynter, ; earsnips,VV li Psisey, I) Rodger ; tones)). Sam Donpe, R Poynter ; Rur- al New Yorker pattitclee, • Win Mas- an( si raved:tour ; Pearl of Savoy, SV Herm:11.1mA, A Shier; Beatity�f Mete SCOTT' tIVI-U1S1 Scott's Emulsion is the means of life , and of the en- joyment of We of thousands of men, wOmen and children. • To the men Scot* Emul- sion gives the flesh and strength St) necessary for the cure of consupption and the repairing of body losses from any wasting disease. For women ,Scott's Emul- sion does this and more. It is a most sustaining food and tonic for the special trials that women have to bear.. To children Scott's Emul- sion gives food and strength for growth of flesh and bone and blood. For pale girls, for 'thin and sickly boys Scott's Emulsion is a great help. Send for free sample. , SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto, Ontario. 50o: and $1.00; all druggists. ron, W. Sadler; White Elephant, Pridham ; Rose, Jas Hazelwood, W Sadler ,• Empire State, W Sadler any other variety, Jno Hodge, W Sadler; collection correctly named, three of each kind, Wm Wiseman, M Brethour; Swedish turnip's, W Gowans, Jim Hodge. Judges.—William Robinson, John Stephens. IMPLEMENTS • Single top buggy, D MeLarty & son, Wm Babinportland cutter, Wm Babb lst and 2nd; single piano box cutter, W Brown; iron beam plow, iron har- rows, gang plow, turnip cutter, scuf- fler, Brien Bros took all prizes horse shoes, T Roadhouse. • judges.—Geo Stewart, Ed Treble. MISCELLANEOUS •Maple sugar, X Doupe, M Brethour maple syrup, K Doupe, Wm Wise man; home-made bread, X Doupe, N Tufts ; pair blankets, all wool, M Creighton, N Creighton; pair union blankets, M Creighton, N Creighton ; five pounds honey, extract honey, Jno Bentley ; canned peaches, Jennie Rob- inson, M Creighton canned plums, M Brethour. Jas Beatty; canned pears, M Creighton, M Brethonr ; • canned cherries, M Creighton, L Melville ; canned gooseberries., M Brethour, A Brethour : canned strawberries, .A. Brethour, M Brethour ; canned rasp- berries M Creighton, A Shier; canned tomatoes, A Shier, W H Paisey; jelly, M incOallum, F P Switzer; collection of pickles, Jennie Robinson,; photo- graph, collection of photos, Jos Senior- ' Pencil drawing, J Taylor; Portrait, crayon, 4 V White, J Taylor; Land- scape, crayon, 3 Taylor; single set carriage harness, double set team har- ness, J Taylor ; painting on glass, M V White, bakers' collection, R Hos- kin. Judges— W J Roy, W Shier, McCallum, M Brethoor, paper flowers, L Melville, 'Wot kViseman; etilleetion of houseplaets, Boskitn three or more aeraninma, liallobinson„ A Flet- cher; three or more foeitias, R Viet - cher, R'Rolainsini; Ouse or more etteti, Hoskin; three or, ItiDre rare plants, Hoeltin, R Robinson, AnnOBS,--slIre, Feagitson, Mra Roy. • The Georgetown Herald reports over fifty bushels ot wheat to the acre Mame caeee, With 50 of wheat 50 to 80 of oats, and sitIi the 'rives of stock sustained. above the average, the far- mer's sons ought to grow contented. Bulky Packages of eeroal Breakfast Foods Are Not • Guarantees of Econ- omy or Qual- ity... One Package of alt .M 11 g Ogi Makes a 1‘1:11 for Twenty-five People -While the nm n u fn et tie ers of Malt Breakfast Food do not elahn to give the Publis the most balky package of food, they make the positive state- ment that one package of their cele- brated food will make t late+. as many meals for the money ass any other food on the market. In addition otitis economical fea- ture, Malt Breakfast Food ts vastly more nourishing for young and old. Tens of thousands ot users consider ib the most delicious and appetizmg of all breakfast grain foods. Physioans and food experts say it is a true health - giver. Grocers Evers. w here in Can- ada find Malt Breakfast Food the fas- test seller. If you have nrt yet given it a trial ask your Grocer for it. A REMEDY TRIED BY AN OLD VIRGINIA FARMER. ;An old Virginia horse breeder, who is visiting in New York, claims to have an infallible cure for catarrh. "It seems to me.” he said "that 90 per cent of the people of New York city ; suffer more nr less from' eetarrh. If they will do as .1. suggest, they can cure themselves in short order. "A friend of mine who used to live in Youkershad such a severe case of catarrh that he was compelled to give up his business and .go- to Colorado. The doctors told him that the high td- titude of that state would benefit him. He remained in Onlorado nearly a year, and then fourid himself as -badly off as when he left Yonkers. After he had nia-le up his mind that noth- ing could cure hini, and that be might as well die at home as anion°.°strang- ers, he met an old tinker, who gave him the remedy, which cured him in three, months. "Dissolve a littlelpowdered alum in a pint of cider vinegar, Use the solu- tion as a gargle three or four times a day. It wontflar any harm if you swallow some of it. Two or three times a day; but particularly just be- fore going to bed, dip a chicken feath- er in vaseline and stick the feather up the nostrils. I suppose any con- trivance bonglit at a drug store for the purpose will do just as well as a chicken feather, but the old tinker in- sisted that ther-e was some medicinal virtue in the feather. "The gargle clears the throat and the lower portions of the air passages from the nostrils. The vaseline heals the diseased cotahtion of the affected parts. In a week the sufferer will feel better, and if he will keep up the treat- ment he ca.n he assuisel that he will be cured."—New Ynek Mail and Ex- press. LADIES 'WORK Counterpane crocheted, A. Shier, J Robinson; counterpane knitted, N Creighton, J Robinsou; patchwork M Brethour, 'J Robinson; best quilted quilt, Wm Hyde, M Brethour; crazy patchwork, J Robinson, A Shier; hand -made gloves, N Greightoti; hand- made stockings', M Jameeon, N Creigh- ton; hand -made socks, M Jameson, N Creighton; Ladies' underclothing, M Brooks, N Creighton- applique work on any material, Nj Creighton, M Brethour; Arasene work, M V White, N Creighton; Roman embroidery, N Creighton, in Brethour; Venetian em- broidery, M jaaneson, N ' Creighton; slippers embroidered. N Creigeton, M IVIcUallum; slippers knitted, N Creigh- ton, 3 Robinson; sofa pillow, M V White, Win Wiseman; coverlet, home-made, R Fletcher, M Creighton; child's dress M Brooks, M McCallum. Berlin woof work, N Creighton .14 Creighton; rag mat, DI Brethour, Robinson; home-made carpet. W Brock, K Doupe; tea cosy, M Brethour, M V White; bead work, M V White, N Creighton; table or piano scarf, N Creighton, M Brethour, pillow shanas, M Jameson, M Brethour; knitted lace, Wm H.yde, M Jameson; gentleman's tie,. glove a,nd handkerchief case, L M Brethour; woollen shawl. M V White, M Brook; Afghans in wool, M Creighton; Afghans in cotton, M McCallum; collection of ladies' work N Oreightbn, M McCallum; no.velbies that are neve and original, M V white, M Bhook; dinner mats, M MoCallunt, M Brook; centre piece, N Creighton, M Jameson; trey cloth, N Creighton, M McCallum; table doylies, N Creigh- ton, M Jameson; netting, N Creighton, 5 Doupe;' but ton holes, M Jameson, M Brook; dresden work, N Creighton IV Jameson; painting on any kind of ma- terial, Praylor, J Robinson; salt Work, L _Melville; hand sewing, Wm Hyde, M Jameson; darned specimens on stockings, N Creighton; crochet wOrk in cotton, M McCallum IV Brook; cro- chet work in wool, N Creighton Creighton; jewel Case and pencushiou, L Melville, M Brook; toilet mats, M • Your Tongue If it's coated, your stomach Is bad, your liver is out of order. Ayers Pills will clean your tongue, cure .your dys- pepsia, make your liver right. Easy to take, easy to operate. 25c. All druggtats. Want your moustatthe or beard a boaetiful brown or rich black 't Then use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE wf°hr its'eate to art. OP bit000lirrn, OR 14. P. HALL A to„f1A15AVA, N. N. • • .2' • • rf 1,t • The Vital Difference between Laxatives and Purgatives cannot be too clearly understood. The former are GENTLE, the latter VIOLENT. A LAXA- TIVE assists the organs; a PIM- • GATIVE takes the work out of nature's hands. And every time that nature fails to perform its proper functions it is less disposed to perform them. Purgatives, therefore; are at best a necessary evil, like an emetic to relieve the Stomach of undigested food. IRONaDOX TABLETS are an ideal Laxative, strengthening • instead of debilitating. 50 Tablets, 25 Cents • 510 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE VVIAR".".8 • 0013VDRfGSHIGTNSSat Anyone sending a sketch mut desorption mei eidekly aseertair our Opit11011 irOO Whether an invention is prot ably patentable. Communica. 10 ,o strieti y n r,,identlal. IMIttlhook on Patents sent free. 010 ,,at iltrenof tor seeuring.patents. Patents tat through Munn. & 00. reopen, $peckdooti46 tvIthotit °name, in the SCItatgfic ratricano A handsomely Illustrated weekly. trirgeat ter. eillatioe of tine scientific Journal. Terme, $3 A year ; four menthe, $1. Sold berm vereStioalers. MUNN & en9.86113r°6thvtlY4 New York winch mice. 425 a' Oa Striasateton, D.C. SHE PATIENTLY BORE DISGRACE A Sad Letter from a lady whose Husband was Dissipated, How She Cured Him with a Secret Remedy. "1 had foryears patiently borne tbe disgrace, Suffering, misery and privations due to my husband's drinking habits. Hearing of your marvellous remedy for the cure ofdrunkenness, which I could give my husband secretly, I de- cided to try it. I procured a package and mixed it in his food and coffee, and, as the remedy was odorless and tasteless, be did not know what it NVO..1 that so quickly relieved his craving for liquor. Ile soon began to pick up flesh, his appetite for solid food returried, he stuck to his work regularly, and we now have a happy home. •After he was completelycured I • told him what I had done, when he acknowl- edged that it bad been his saving, es he had not the resolution to break off of his own accord. 1 heartilyadvise all women afflicted as was to give your remedy a trial." FREE SAM LE IffR HUSBAND. • INAS '4-,PRONKARD: A Lady who cures her husband of his Drinking Habits writes of her struggle to save her home A PATHETIC LETTER HER FATHER WAS A DRUNKAR1) A PlUelcY Young Lady takes on Herself to cure her rather of the Liquor Habit. STORY OF HER SUCCESS* had fora teng time been thinking of trying the Tasteless Samaria Prescription treatment on my husband for his drinking habits, but I was afraid be would discover that I was giving hiramedicine, and the thought unnerved me. I hesitated for nearly a week, but one day when he came home very much intoxicated and his week's salary nearly all spent, I threw Wall fear and determined to make an effort me to save our hofrom the ruin. I saw coming, at all hazards. I sent for your Tasteless Samaria Pre- scription, and put it m his coffee as directed next morning and watched and prayed for the reault. At noon /gave Min more and also at supper, lie. never suspected a thing,and I then boldly kept right on giving it regularly, as I had discovered some- thiag that sot evety nerve in my body tingling with hope and happiness, and I could see a bright future spread out betoro zne—a peaceful, happy home, a share in the good things of life, an attentive, loving husband, comforts and everything else dear to a woreares heart ; for nty husband had told me that Whiskey was vile stuff and he was taking a dislike to it. It was only too true, for before I had given him the full course he had stopped drinking alto. gether, but I kept giving hirn the medicine till it was gone, and then sent for another lot. to have on hand if he should relapse, as he had done from promises before. He never has and I am writing you this letter to tell you bow thankful! am. I honestly believe it will%ure the worst cases," A portion. of ber letter reads as follows :-- " 1Vly father had often promised mother to stop drinking, and would do so for a time but then returned to it stronger than even One day after a terrreis. spree, he said to us; 'Its no use. can't stop drinking.' Our hearts seemed to turn to stone, And we decided to try the Tasteless Samaria Prescriptio ,n which we bad read about in the papers. We gave him the remedy, entessly withota his knowledge, in his tea, coffee, or food regularly, according to directions, arid he never knew he was takingit. One package removed all his desire for liquor, and he says it is now distasteful to him. His health' and appetite are also wonderfully ixn- proved, and no one would know him for the same man. It is now fifteen months since we gave it to him andwe feel sure that the claange is for good. Please send me one of your little books, as I want to °lye it to a friend." and pamphlet giving full particulars, testimonials and price sent in plain • sealed envelope. Correspondence sacredly confidential. Enclose stamp for reply. Address The Samaria Remedy Co., -23 Jordan Street, Toronto, Canada. 1M1•111•111111.10111.1.1.1111•14.14.1•1•111.11... DR. W. H. CRAHAM9 Late aKit 193)II ng St. West. No r Clarence -square, corner Spadina avenue, Toronto, Canada, treats Chronic diseases, and makes a specialty of Skin Diseases, as Pimples, Ulcers, Etc. PRIVATE DISEASES as Impotency, Sterility. Vari- cocele, Nervous Debility, etc., (the result of youthful folly and excess,) Gleet and Stricture or Long Stand- ing, treated by galvanism, the only method without pari and all bad after effects. Diseases of Women—Pathfult profeise or suppressede:menstruatIon, ulceration, Milton -hoes and all displacements of the womb. Orietea oTTRS-9 a, nt. to:8 n. na Sunday 1 to 8p. rn. 1.111111111.21911111104101110.1111116.. +.11.18111 The Hind of Ranges— " 13uoli's Happy Thought" From the worst worry to the highest satisfac- tion. One stepping stone The 66 a. y h. ught" an e. The"Ventilatod Illuminated Oven. Leave yoer culinary troubles, worries aud expense behind you; enjoy the economy, the convenience, the absolute reliability of The "Happy Thought." The best friend the careful housewife can have. Just a touch to the patented dampers.and it is ready for any work. Its efficiency will be a revela- tion to you if you are using the common kind. Is this ItOt vvottb. investiga- tion? Send for booklet to THE WM. DUCH STOVE CO.. Linaisted,qey Brantford or call and see the agents. ISOM by W.-jil Keantan. EX ET ER. Forest Gitu BilSilleS8 COLLEGE London, On. SHORTHAND, BOO KEEPING Business Law, Writing Correspord- ence, Typewriting., etc., thoroughly taught by experieneed teachers at the Forest City Business and Shorthand College, London, Ont. We have no difficulty in placing competent pupils in good positions. College re -opens Sept. 2. Send for Catalogues. • J. W. WESTERVELT: Principal. INSURANCE. RNEST ELLI_OT, *. Agen for the WEsTratsx AsetrEANcE CO3E- .ANy, of Toronto; also for the Pseinexx FIRB NeURANcE COMPANY, of London, England;. AL LIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY, 05 Er mud MEDICAL I . BEOWIilNu 1�. D. M. 0. SY • Is S, Greduate Victoria sntversity cflice E111(1 residence. Dore illicit Labora- tory, Exeter, FGAI. DICKSON & CARLING, Barriaters, Solicitors, Notaries, Conver saucers, Commissioners. Solicitors for the Molsons Bank, Etc. Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest.: OFFICE :—MAIN STREET, SEXETER. s. R. OARL/NG, B. A. 1., H. DICKSON F. W. GLADMAN (Successor to Elliott & Gladman) Barrister, Solicitor, 'Notary Public, • Conveyancer, Etc. Money to loan on Farm and village properties at Lowest rates of interest OFFICE MAIN STREET EXETER DENTAL T -T RINT.IIYLA.N, L. D. S. AND DR, R. RINSIVIAN, L. I). 8.5). D S.,.litinor Graduate of Toronto IJnistersity, Dentist. Teeth extracted without pain or had after effeets. Office in Fan. son's block, West side of Main treet.Exeter DA. ANDERSON, (1). 0. . ;A.S. DENTIST. Honor Graduate of the Toronto 'University ,tnit Royal College of Dental SnrgeOnts of Ontario, with hobors Also Posteseaduate bf Chicago Scheel of Prosthetic Dentistry (with honoaublo inntton, Everything known 10 tho Dental PrOfessieu done ie this ofllee. Bridge wOrk, crowns, al- 1,tuniirem, golll and vtilea,nite Plates all Ilene in. ths neatest teeniest possible. A pertectla harmless anaesthetic need for painless extrac- t. _Office one door Sotith of Carling Bro's store Exeter, Ont. sTRAYED.— j ant° the promisee of the undersigned, On lot G., concession 8, UsbOrne, on or about the Sth Of sepannber, 4 spring calves. Owner east have entne be proving property, paying expetises, — and tatting animals away. Pinx:EI. 11Ele, V, TsVo IDors South TOWn Hall. Whalen. MO-NEY TO L4 N We have unlimited private fun& tor invest meet upon Santa or •village rptipitri40 loweS* rates cf Interest. DICKSON cez. CARLIN C Exeter. riONEY TO I,OikN. I have a, large amount of private fluids loan cm faim aud vlresrl 133( tv 3 at of interest. F„ W. GLADM.A.N. Barrister Main St. Exeter. FOR SALE OR TO RENT— The farm on Lot 3, ecn. 1, Bay township, is for sale or can be rented. For further par- ticulars apply to A. ROLLAND, Exeter. OUT THIS. OUT and send it to us with .5 cents in silver and yot. will get by return mail a GOLDEN BOX Ok GOODS that will bring you in Mum Mosner in one month than anythin% else in America. A.1\ . KENsy, E. T. 1 ,an I 1:111, E. 5 Packs of Cards Free, One Peek, "May I. C. II. Home,' One Pak "Eseort" Ono Pack, • 'Flirtation" One Paws "Hold -to light." DeJ e Pack. "Our Sofa u Bolds Two. Sample of 21 other styles, with book full of notions. Send do silver for postage, A ,W. KENNY, 141, T. Yarmouth, N. FOR SALE 50 acres ; well situated; first class soil; good frame house ; barn, stable, orchard &o. Splen- did opportunity for anyone wanting a ferns of this size. Apply at once to F. W. GLADmAN, Barrister, Exeter. "Christmas Box" Full of NA onclerful Things 2 5 Portraits of Actressea, 20 Popular:Songs Magic Telescope and Pictures. 50 Ann11-- mg Experiments, Love's Puzzle, 29 Rebuses, 100 Funny Conundrums, Book of Lo ve, Ganae o Letters, Magic 'Writing, 824 Jolly Jokes Receipt for Moustache Grower, 100 Money Mak ing Secrets, HO Toilet and Cooking Receipes, 255 Selecsions for Autograph Alburtis, 10 Model Love Letters, How to Tell Fortunes, Dictionary of Dreams, Guide to Flirtation, tqagic Age Table, Lover's Telegraph, and our new Cat. or Xmas Toys, Books mod Notione. 43.11 by mail FR E E. for 5c, silver to pay, poetage. •A, W. KINNEY, E. Ts Yarmouth, N.5. F OR SALE—BRICK RE SIDENCE wrrn AN ACRE ()ELAND IN EXETER -4 -We offer for sale on reasonable terms, that very desirable residential property known as "The Hooper Homestead" situated. on Lot No 66, south of Eluron Street, Exeter. There is erected upon the land, a eorefortable and commodious brick dwelling, also the necessary outhouses. The house is in good re- pair and has 9 rooms. The lot contains an acre of land and is excellently adapted for garden ing or fruit growing. There 150 plentiful sup - 05 hard and sOft water. The property is up to date, and. the terms easy, for particulate ap- ply to Dicgsost Ss CARLING barristers Exeter or to A. IC. Howse. Row P. 0,, Perim 15. $ A., proprietor. BUGGIES! tiGGIES! De yen Want a Buggy? We have the finest stock in towAll the latest styles, in the neefest n. colors. Oar prices are)ow as can be found for first-class material and Woektean- ship. BEFORE YOU BUY GALL AND see -U8, usseii