HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-11-07, Page 14j PAGE 14---CLINTON wirs-REcoaD, WEDNEADAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1984 1. Articles for sale YOU CAN GET your out -of -Canada Medical In- surance at C.A.A. Travel Agency, 7 Rattenbury St., Clinton Phone 482-9300.-44tfar- RED POTATOES for sale. 482-3460.--44tf TRUCK CAP, for any size truck. 482- 3251.--44,45x MOVIE CAMERA with sound. Bell and Howell Super 8 with all accessories, excellent condition. Phone 523-9723.-45x PYRAMID trailer, 12' x.52', stove, fridge, washer and dryer plus closed in porch. Phone 482- 9968.--44,45x CHOICE lean beef by the side. Ready for freezer, government inspected, farmer's prices. Phone Frank Falconer 482-9128.-37eow REFRIGERATOR, 17 cu. ft. Inglis, 2 door, frost free, Harvest gold, excellent condition, $350.00. 482-7601 or 482-7758.-45tfar PICK YOUR OWN - large red or white cabbage, 25 cents, Brussel Sprouts, 50 cents per stalk. Kale, 40 cents per plant. Cedar trees' still available. Red and white potatoes, onions, fall bulbs, and squash. TE -EM Farm, R.R. 1 Bayfield, Phone 482.3020,-45 FOR SALE: poir of boy's hockey pants, size 12, $10, pair of boy's Bauer junior supreme hockey skates, size 41/2 , $40. both worn one season, in excellent condition, phone 528-3232 after 5 p.m.-45tfnx "SEVERAL UNCLAIMED maintenance free steel buildings at huge savings. Call 519-439-4573.-45 FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING at its best - The Lighthouse Gift Shop - The Music Box Store with other attractive gifts. Opposite the bank in Blyth. Open Thurs. 10-3; Fridays 3-6; Saturdays 10-12 and appointment. Phone 482-3079.-45x SIX ALUMINUM storm windows 69" x 331/4" phone 482-9208.15 54" MATTRESS and box spring, $40.00; Moffat range, $70.00; Hoover Vacuum, $20.00; piano, not tuned, $20.00. Phone 482-7223.-=45 SKATES for sale, boys tots size 8, $5.00; boys size 4, $6.00; men's size 8, $12.00. Phone 482 7467.-45x HONEY No. 1 white $1 per Ib, in your own con- tainer. Alec Ostrom 482-7287.-40-45 APPLES - Macintosh, Cortland, Russet, Red and Yellow Delicious, Spy, Empire, Wayne, (dared. Red and white potatoes, apple butter, honey, bulk cookies, whiskey barrels. Special - cooking Spys $6.00 'per bushel, Mac's "C", $5.00 per bushel, fresh cider, $1.50 per gallon or 4 litre plus container. 524-8037 Art Bells Fruit Form.-44tfar USED RAILWAY TIES: Pressure treated, uniform quality bundles guaranteed. Delivered semiload. lots only (445 minimum). Reasonably • priced: Phone (204)725-2627, office hours. -44-48o STEEL BUILDINGS. Direct Factory Clearance: Up to 40 percent discounts. Widths 30' to 120: any length. Limited quantities. Act Now SAVE. Call tollfree 1-800.461-7689.-45o WARNING - WAIT. This ad may save your $ Money $ on your next building purchase. Three Quonset buildings available at unbeatable prices. No gimmicks. Call Bob at (416)486- 5149.-45o WOOD FOR SALE MIXED HARDWOOD Blocks or split. Any quantity. Will deliver. 482-9250 C & E FURNITURE NEW & USED We Can Offer BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY 1/2 mile south on Hwy, 21 GODERICH 524-7231 We even take trades he Woodburn,. Shop WOODSTOVES 8 FIREPLACE INSERTS BY L J1L- i LLON JOTUE SHOWROOM HOURS Tues. to Fri. 6 pm to 9 pm Sat. 10 am to 5 pm or by appointment John and Kathryn Stanbury DUNGANNON 529-7949 CONGRATULATIONS TO MRS. RUTH LAMONT R.R. 1 HOLYR000 WINNER OF A 380 LOPI STOVE S9IIFi THE `'CLINTON NEWS -RECORD -THE BLYTH STANDARD -THE BAYFIELD BUGLE - •"-' 1.t'i•t,i•tf CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA ' DEADLINES: Clussifiud Word Ads Tuesday Noon Display Advertising .... , .. Tuesday 4:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS I A, tide] lo, sole 24 2 yordsole 25 3 Geroge sole 26 4 Antiques Tor sale 27 5 Cors for sale 28 6 Trucks for sole 29 7 R V s for sole 30 8 Marine 31 9 Automotive 34 10 Pets for sole 35 12 Real estote for sole, 36 13 Mobile homes 37 Id Rec reononal properties 38 15 Ous of town properties 39 Educational .16 For rent 40 Lost* Found 17 Apartments for rent 41 I8 Houses for rent 4? 19 Rooms for rent 43 20 Room 8 board 44 21 Cottages for rent 45 22 Lots for rent • 46 23 Commercial property for rent 47 Wonted to rent Wonted to buy Help wonted Wanttd (general] Business opportunity Tenders Employment wonted Service directory Per sc nol Notice to creditors Announcements Merlgoges Auction sale To give owes. Death notice Births Engagements Mott loges In memoriam Cords of thanks S0C DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT WHEN PLACING AD OR IF PAID WITHIN ONE WEEK AFTER THE PAPER DATE. PHONE 482-3443 MONDAY TO FRIDAY • 9:40 a.m. to s p.m. O an 1. Articles for sale WEEKLY SPECIALS! see our od in "FOCUS" Clin- ton Boxed Meats just off Hwy. 4 north of Clinton, 11/4 mile south of. Londesboro, watch for our sign. Call collect 523-9508.--42tfar There's still time to plant! OUTDOOR HOLLAND BULBS Still a good variety at 1/13 off MEN'S -LADIES' -BOYS' WINTER44, COATS from 16:5 VERBEEK'S FARM & GARDEN CTR. 22 Isaac St., Clinton 482-9333 GUNS AND SCOPES - Storewide sale on all shotguns, rifles and ammunition. Village Market Guns, Underwood, phone 368-7182.-41-48 HOCKEY JACKETS - $16 UP. Jerseys - $10 UP. Buy direct from the factory and save! Peter Upton Jacket Works. Toll free 1-800-661-6461 for your free catalogue. -45o HOME VIDEO catalogue. All titles copyrighted. Colourful boxes. Call Tollfree 1-800-663-6555 or write, On Track Vision. 13381 72nd Ave., Surrey, B.C. V3W 2N5. -45o NEW YORK STYLE EARRINGS, Hypo -allergenic, fantastic, assortment, single carded. $7.50/Doz. Distributor inquiries welcome. Lake Village Mer- chandising Inc. 3135 Universal Drive, Unit 18, Mississauga, L4X 2E6. (416)625-8412.-450 1. Articles for sole USED RAILWAY TIES: Pressure treated, uniform quality bundles guaranteed. Delivered semiload lots only (445 minimum). Reasonably priced. Phone (204)725-2627, office hours. -45o ALLIS CHALMERS mono frame 5-16" trip beam plow (4-5 bottom), excellent shape. 529-7607 after 5 p.m.-34tfnx TWO PAIR girl's figure skates, size 3. Phone 482- 3312.-44tfnx 5. Cars for sale CULLIGAN water conditioner. Two tank model,. excellent condition, used only 8 months. Must Sell. Asking $750.00. 519-565.2946 evenings. -44,45 5. Cars for sale 1972. VOLKSWAGEN. Good condition. Easy on gas. As is. Phone 524-4676 after 6:00 p.m.-40tfnx 1976 CHEV BELAIRE, 4 door, 350 motor, automatic, asking $500 firm. 523-9346.-45,46 1978 Z28 CAMARO 350, 4 speed, P.S., P.8., P. windows, AM/FM stereo cassette, rear defog., two new tires on front, have two new tires for back. Best offer 482-9783 Monday - Thursday before 4 p.m., anytime on Fridays and Saturdays. -45 6. Trucks for sale 1982 CHEV F10 1/2 ton pickup, 4 cylinder, 4 speed, excellent gas mileage, gold colour, AM/FM cassette, topper included, certified, asking $5695.00 cr best offer. 527-0179 evenings.. -43- 46 1972 GMC 350 stick, very little to certify, $750 or best offer. 482-3009,-45 10. Pets for sale GERMAN SHEPHERD pups for sale. Auburn, 526- 7230.-45 12.. Real estate for sale $1000.00 DOWN - centrally located in Clinton, duplexed two floor red brick home. Phone 482- 9210.-43tf 16. for rent 75 POLICE CARS, TRUCKS, VANS STATION WAGONS AND 4X4's 22 1980-83 Fords, Chevs, Plymouths 10 1978-82 Aspens, Volares Fairmonts; 6 cyl. 5 1978-81 Station Wagons 4 1978 Suburbans and Vans with seats 1 1978 Ram Charger 4 X 4 1 1976 Chev 1/2 ton 4 X 4 1977 Ford 3/4 ton 4 X 4 with plow 14 1977-80 1/3 & 3/4 ton pickups & crewcabs 1 1976 GMC 1 ton wrecker 7 1974-78 1-4 ton cab & chassis and dumps 1 3 axle tag -along trailer 8 Van bodies and utility bodies MIGHTON'S CAR SALES 6 Milos East of fian8ber en Hey. 4 ar 4 Milos West of Durham on Hwy: 4 Phone 1-3694136 PLYWOOD FORMS wedges, portable cement mixer. Power trowels, wheelbarrows, etc. Form ties stacked. Call N.J. Corriveau. Zurich 236- 4954.-16tfar A. For Sale GLEANER G combine, 4 row corn head, grain platform with cutter bar and pick-up, comes with chopper; two self unloading wagons, 250 bushel boxes, one with 10 ton Martin undercarriage, one with truck frame undercarriage; 8' Hagedorn snowblower. 527-1487 evenings, 482-3339. days. -44,45 ALL POINTS. REALTY INC. 53 Stanley Street, Goderich Ph. 524-2111 MINT CONDITION Exquisite wood trim throughout. Call Dominic Bradley for appointment at 524-2111 or 482-7841. Agricultural Rep BILL STEENSTRA 482-3780 MAKING HOMES FFORDABLE,CENTURY 21o" Member: HURON REAL ESTATE BOARD .MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE :GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK: 0 0 0 00 0 0 SG O Hensall Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 12:30 P.M. All ciastos of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Clinton - 412-1511 Barry Miller Gregory Hargreaves 2.2-201• Easter - 233-3717 KIrkton - 221.8205 B. Custom Work COMBINING of corn and soy bean 887-6617 or 523-9409.-45,46 C. Wanted OLD BRICK buildings wanted for wrecking and salvage purposes. Contact Ross Lumley; London 667-4028 anytime.-35-49eow 'D. Livestock FOUR SEASONS FARMS has a large selection of quality plus bred gilts due immediately. For your replacement needs call us first. Ron Burgsma, 529-7704 business or 529-7697 residence. -45,47,49,51 Attention Farmers WE PAY 420.0111 TO 150.00 PER HUNDRED WEIGHT FOR OLD, RECENTLY INJURED OR CRIPPLED COWS AND STEERS. MUST BE ALIVE AND DRUG FREE. MARK LEIS b SONS LIVESTOCK TOLL FREE 1-400-245-4110 24 hrs. a day, 0 days a week. Serving this area since 1074. E. Farm Services WILL DO relief milking and chores, $7.50 per hour. Phone Peter .Hamming 527-0179 evenings.-43tf BE Seiles Service -Installation *Barn Cleaners *Bunk Feeders *Stabling *Manure Conveyors FREE ESTIMATES Donald Ga Ives R'R. 2 BLYTH IST -94124 OAF GI( REALTY & INSURANCE INC. 14 Isaac St., Clinton 482-9747 482-3721 Also Goderich, Exeter, Grand Bend. BILL COUNTER 482-3687 HAL HARTLEY 482-3693 We are pleased to offer the following for sale; included are 6 various styles and prices. We welcome your enquiries. Cozy 2 bedroom cottage in quiet location; priced to, permit improvements. Immediate occupancy. Call. Bill. Older 3 bedroom well maintained home; zoned highway commercial. Immediate occupancy. Call Bill. Gracious older 2 storey brick home; 3 bedrooms, 2 sunrooms, fireplace; centrally located near schools. Call Bill. - Well maintained 1'/2 storey, 3 bedroom frame home in a quiet residential area; large heated garage/workshop, above ground pool. Call Bill. Modern brick bungalow in quiet residential area; 3'bedrooms, gas heat, Targe lot, outstanding rec.' room; must be seen to be appreciated. C®II Hal or BiII. Older 11/2 storey, 3 bedroom frame home located 2 miles east of Londesborough on almost an acre; here's your chance to own a bit of Rural Ontario with great possibilities at a price you can afford. Call 8i11,. Frame 2 bedroom cottage, detached garage, large lot on main highway near Clinton. Call Bill. MEMBER HURON REAL ESTATE BOARD (Multiple Listing Service) 0 z) 0 0 .c) 0 0 GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GKN GODERICH •LUCKNOW o WINOHAM BAYFIEI. LYTH INTPN 44SEAFORTH •MITCHELL •ZURICH o • EXETER STRATFORD Real Estate Ltd. Clinton Phone: 4112-9371 Residenc®: 523.9338 FARMS & ACREAGE NEW LISTING: 1 floor home, Morris Street, Blyth, close to school. Excellent condition. 100 ACRES: 6th Line Morris Township, 95 acres workable, owner very serious. FARROWING OPERATION on No. 4 Highway, near Clinton, 72 sow capacity, good home, priced ri ht. FAIN .% FAy way location, good house and bcfAl- 20 ACRES: Morris Township, good frame home, hog finishing barn, liquid manure system. Eosily converted to farrowing barn. 95 ACRES: Hullett Township, good cropland, all drained, no buildings. 116 ACRES:, Village of Blyth. 85 acres workable. Vendor will sellall or part. 4 ACRES: Morris Township. 2 floor home, electric heat. Lot nicely tweed. 5 ACRES: Exceptionally good 3 bedroom home. Auburn area. Priced very reasonable. 50 ACRES: East Wawonosh, 25 acres workable, good frame home, large barn, silo and drive shed. Priced very reasonable. HOMES CLINTON: 213 Victoria Street. 4 bedroom frame, gas heat. Under '20,000.00. Try an offer. AUBURN: 3-4 bedroom home in excellent condition. Very well located. BLYTH: Large brick home on Dinsley Street, must be sold to settle estate. BLYTH: 1 floor brick bungalow, finished basement, carport, excellent condition. AUBURN: 1'/2 acres, 1 floor bungalow, heated shop and garage, excellent condition. BLYTH: 2 storey, 4 bedroom executive class home, heated workshop and many extras. COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL LOT Albert Street, Clinton. GROCERY STORE: Business showing ex- cellent return. Includes a good 3 bedroom apartment. Canada Trust Realtor 1225 Wonderland Road London, Ontario 1-519-,073-,63c10 BAYFIELD Open House Howard Street Saturday, November 10, 1984 2:00-4:00 p.m. Unique home with modern kitchen, patio doors to private courtyard, livingroom has fireplace, beamed ceiling and loft, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Lots of character and sunshine. Main Street 1,500 square feet of prime commercial property. Central location. Board and Batten exterior. Lot size 81 ft. x 140 ft. For More Area Listings and Information call: Sonia Stephens Bayfield 565-2633 MAURICR GARDINER REAL ESTATE LIMITED 34 STANLEY PRINT 524.29N 0ODERIClt 'We May Re Number Onel Out We'ro Still Trying Herder -I' CALL US -TO WELCOME YOU HOME "FEATURE OF THE WEEK" FARMS GODERICH TOWNSHIP - 40 Acre Cash Crop & Hobby Farm • 30 x 40' Barn, Shed, 2 Miles from Lake Huron. Priced at '100,000.00. HULLETT TOWNSHIP - 3 miles from town on paved road • 68.8 Acre -Hog & General Farm 30 x 70' Farrow to Finish 25 Sows. 4 year old Raised Ranch • Ponds and unlicensed Gravel Pit. Priced at 5139,000. OPEN TO OFFERS... HULLETT TOWNSHIP • 100 Acres • 90 workable with possibility of more, older home plus 2 barns & Shed. Priced to sell at 5150,000. HULLETT TOWNSHIP - 149 Acre Cash Crop and Hog set-up for 85 sows with upright silo being built, feed tanks, motor mill, 2nd floor in barn set up for hogs. 1750 sq. ft. New brick bungalow with full basement. Priced to sell at '259,000.00. STANLEY TOWNSHIP • 11/4 miles South of Clinton on Hwy. No. 4 • 4.8 Acre • Hog Set up for 900 Fat pigs • 1'/7 Acre Apple Orchard • 500 Trees, 10 Ton Bulk Feeding Tank, Auger, Liquid Manure Holding Tank, Pump. Priced at 1129,500. STANLEY TOWNSHIP • 50 Acre Hobby Farm 21/2 Miles from Lake Huron, 25 Workable, Creek running through farm, 3000 trees planted in 1979. Good location for pond and building site. Priced to sell at '55,000. STANLEY TOWNSHIP • 150 Acre, 120 Acres workable Hog & Cash crop • 2 Barns, shed & garage, 11/2 Storey older 5 bedroom Yellow Brick Home, Farrow to finish 38 sows. Farm Credit Mortgage of 596,000. until 2000 plus at 91/a a/o. Priced to sell at 8250,000. FOR OTHER FARM LISTINGS IN HURON COUNTY CONTACT: DIANNE ALEXANDER 565-2513