HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-11-07, Page 11Three baptize.d aaatar%e1 Church
By Bertki MacGregor
HENSALL - Mary Kinsman who recently
underwent surgery in University Hospital,
London returned to her home.
Mrs. Ja_Ck Corbett returned hon" -after
visiting with her daughter and son-in-law
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chaffe and family at
Robbie Baker is out following his recent
surgery. He is wished the very best health.
The PCW of Carmel Presbyterian Church
held a successful bake sale and tea at their
annual bazaar on Nov. 3. There was a good
display of baked goods, produce and plants.
Tickets were drawn for the tea which was in
charge of the Arnold Circle Evening Aux-
iliary, and the lucky winner was Mrs. Mag-
gie of the Bluewater Rest Home.
Baptism was held in Carmel Presbyterian
Church on Sunday with Rev. Kenneth
Knight in charge, speaking on "Renewing
The Covenant". During the baptism the
twins of Betty and Douglas Eckel, namely
Craig Douglas and Jamie Lee were
presented for baptism and Gregory George,
son of Anne and Bradley Mousseau were
Youth For Christ
South Huron Youth for Christ held their
November Rally on Nov. 3 with some 160 in
attendance. Director Ron Westlake was in
charge and opened the rally with a sing
song. Rev. John Campbell of Grand Bend
opened with prayer.
This was the first quizzing for the season
with six teams participating using the new
Electronic Cheers. They quizzed on Psalms
120 and 121. The results were: Bayfield, 1st;
Zurich, 2nd; Centralia and Exeter tied;
Goderich and Seaforth tied. For the
December rally they will quiz on Psalms 122
and 123.
A group of young people from Bayfield put
on a skit advertising the Wes Aarum Winter
Camp at Develan. New York in February.
Any young person interested in going is ask-
ed to contact Ron Westlake or any board
The film "Angel Alley" was shown.
,fit the Dec. 1 Rally the- group "Rejoice"
from London will be featured.
+ + +
The November meeting of the Three Links
Senior Citizens will be held, on Tuesday,
November 13, when Carl and Hilda Payne
will be showing the pictures of their
Heritage Tour to l ,rltaln .
UCW news
Unit 4 of Hensall UCW met Nov. 1 with 17
members present. President Nan Britton
opened with a poem. Mary Roobol gave the
Myrtle Sherritt reported $758.75 in offer-
ings to date and noted that the year ends
Nov. 30. Anyone wishing to increase their
givings may do. so before that date.
The new slate of officers includes: Presi-
dent, Nan Britton; first vice president, Elva
Forrest; treasurer, Myrtle Sherritt; assis-
tant treasurer, Nellie Riley; secretary,
Sadie • Hoy; assistant secretary, Rena
Caldwell; Nominating Committee Nan Brit-
ton; Social Conveners, Mabel Park and
Evelyn Flynn.
Hilda Payne showed slides .of her recent
trip to the British Isles.
Queensway News
On Oct. 29 Queensway celebrated
Hallowe'en with the Explorers from Hen-
Rev. Kenneth Knight led the church. ser-
vice on Oct. 30.
On Oct. 31 residents prepared candy for
the children who came trick or treating.
On Nov. 1 the ladies from Hensall United
Church, Unit I, played bingo.
With the exception of a few last minute
details, the new facilities at Queensway are
completed. Any inquiries about the services
are welcome and people are encouraged to
visit at anv time
........................ .
The Wesley -Wills Morning Market had everything from a puppet show to baked goods
and crafts. Three-year-old Jeffrey Boon and mother Cathy were two of many people who
stopped by on November 3.to see what the Market had to offer. (Anne Narejko photo)
Board holds Hallowe'en party
GODERICH TWP. - The Goderich success. A special thank you goes out to the
Township Recreation Board held a break dancers, Nahn Tran and Jason Ben -
Hallowe'en Party on October 31, at the nett of Clinton.
Goderich Township Community Centre.
There were many participants and" lots of Women's Institute
'costumes, but Mark Reihl caught the eye of The Goderich Township Women's In -
the judges and receiVed the overall best stitute is holding its next meeting on
costume prize. November 12 in the Community Centre star -
Those involved with the party thank the • ting at 8 p.m. The topic to be discussed is
many sponsors who helped make the event a "Wills and why you should have one."
Board of Management meets
By Blanche Deeves
MIDDLETON - The Board of Manage-
ment of St. James' church met in the church
hall on Oct. 30.
Rev. Bell opened the meeting in prayer.
Lois Wise read the minutes of the last
meeting. Edward Wise gave the treasurer's
report. Correspondence was read by Rev.
Bell. Bill Steenstra gave a report on the
Great Chapter.
Ray Wise and Ed Deeves will attend a
meeting in regard to fire regulations in
Wingham on November 22.
Several discussions were held on various
jobs needing to be done.
Come and join St. James' Middleton
Church on tneir bus trip to iviagara,r'ails
November 27 to see the Festival of Lights
and largest Christmas tree in the world.
There are only a few seats left, please call
482-9536 or 482-9838.
The A.C.W. of St. James' Middleton will
meet at the home of Vera Miller November. 8
at 8 p.m. Lois Wise is the leader in charge.
Communion was celebrated Sunday mor-
ning at St. James' Anglican Church, with•
Rev. Aubrey Bell in, charge. Jim Middleton
received the offering.. Ron Greidanus at the
On Sunday, November 18 Hilda Bell will
have a display of Christmas gift ideas for
Christmas at St. James' Church.
Good news from Kippen families
United news
The Order for Morning Prayer every
Lord's Day of the Methodist Church was us-
ed as the Order of Service on Nov. 4 at the
United Church when they Celebrated the
200th Anniversary of Methodism and 100th
Anniversary of the Union of the Methodists
in Canada.
Hymns by Charles and John Wesley
were used throughout the service and the
senior choir sang one of Charles Wesley's
hymns. For the children's sermon Mr.
McDonald spoke about "A Horse as a
Minister" and told the story of how the horse
was used to bring God's word and Christ's
salvation to all people, through the Circuit
For the sermon Mr. McDonald told the
role of the Methodists over the years. To
millions, he said, John Wesley brought the
power of the Holy Spirit. To Wesley and to
Methodists ever since, the important ques-
tion is not the state of the mind but the state
of the heart. This is also the important ques-
tion for the United Church of Canada.
A Circuit Rider visited the congregation
and told of the experiences of a Circuit
Ride as he told the story to his horse Salva-
tion. 'rhe Circuit Rider was played by Cecil
Pepper in proper costume along with his
orange mained (stick) horse, Salvation.
Hilda Payne greeted the congregation and
John Rowcliffe, Murray Wareing, Murray
McGregor and Mark McGregor were the
ushers. The congregation was reminded of
the Remembrance Service next Sunday at
11 a.m. in the church and then to the
Cenotaph for the laying of wreaths at 11:45
a.m. Following the Service a Fellowship
Hour was held with Audrey Christie and
Dorothy Brintnell as hostesses.
Rev. McDonald attended the 50th wedding
anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lucas at
Calvary United Church, Listowel, on Sun-
day afternoon.
By Margaret Hoggarth and Karen Kinsman are both in Seaforth
KIPPEN - Congratulations to Sandra Community hospital recovering from a
Finlayson, daughter of Ruby and Laird r"touch of pneumonia. We wish them both a
speedy recovery.
United Church News
Pastor Don Moffat presided in the pulpit
of St. Andrews on Nov. 4. Music was
presented by Christine Cooper performing a
piano solo.
- Pastor Moffat's sermon was based on
"The Jonah in us all".
The Bulletin announcements remind of
The Happy Hour on Thursday, November 8
hospital. He has had his staples removed, at 7:30 p.m. in Kippen Church, also the Kip -
and is improving daily. pen Fall Supper on Wednesday, November
Daniel Kinsman, son of Dwight and Faye 14 at Brucefield Church. Apparently tickets
Kinsman, and Andrew Kinsman, son of John are selling like "hot cakes'.
Holmesville winning costumes
Finlayson, and Randy Wilson, son of Joyce
and Stuart Wilson on their marriage in Kip -
pen United Church on Nov. 3.
Congratulations to Rosemary and Bill
McGregor on the birth of a baby girl, Kelly
Ann, on Oct, 29, first grandchild for Mildred
and Ronald McGregor.
We are pleased to report that Dave
McGregor son of John and Mary McGregor,
has now been moved to Seaforth Community
Holrnesville Public School students dress- Phillips as jean jacket; most embarrassing,
ed in a variety of costumes for Hallowe'en. Tanya Postill as Boy George and Sheldon
Hoggart as a cave man; scariest, Jennifer
Prizes were handed out for the cutest
costume to the most embarrassing costume. Tyndall as a witch; most original, Michael
The winners were: cutest costume, Sean Colclough as a skunk and Sara Langendoen
as a Lockwood as a blue AnneSheand en clown; unicorn';
most�adventurous, est, bJason Welsh with
Steenstra as a rabbit; prettiest,p-
pard; black hat and glasses and Caryn Indian beads.
Bobbing for apples
children attending
shown, and
and chasing them on a string were two of the fun activities that
the Holmesville Hallowe'en party attempted. Filmes were also
of course, plenty of goodies to be collected. (James Friel photo)
UCW hears Holy Land visit recalled
By Mary Chessell
VARNA - Members. of Varna UCW en-
joyed hearing Rev. Wilena Brown tell of her •
experiences in the Holy Land which she
toured by bus last May.
She had beautiful pictures showing the
contrast between the fertile Sea of Galilee
area and the desert of the Sinai, also pic-
tures of Jerusalem, Megiddo and the Valley
of Armageddon.
She told of a hair-raising trip up and down
a winding mountain road and the hazards
and hardships of the desert trip. Nazareth
has a much higher elevation than she had
She had a few mementoes of her trip on
display, such as a beautiful and colorful str-
ing of beads made of polished stones, and
some gossamer -light fabric.
In UCW work $350 was donated to
organizations we help with financial sup-
port, including Alma College, Family and
Children's Services Christmas Bureau, the
Resource Centre in. .Mitchell, the World
Relief Fund of our Mission and Service, and
Harvest of Hope, a mission pa•f jest to help
starving Africans which Michael Loebach, a
friend of Margaret Robinson's, is involved
Miss Brown told the group that the chur-
ches have been doing a great deal for many
months to help in the drought -stricken areas
of Africa which have recently been receiv-
ing a lot of media attention. This is straining
the church's resources, so a good response
is hoped for in the World and Development
Relief envelopes distributed on Sunday.
Margaret Hayter collects used stamps
from the members, and recently sent five
pounds of them to the Leprosy Mission,
which sells them and uses the proceeds in
their work.
The annual pot luck supper will be held
prior to the Christmas meeting.
Joyce Dowson and Marjorie Stirling
presented the worship service. It was.plann-
ed to be an introduction to Miss Brown's talk
on the Holy Land, and was based on Psalm
121 and the Song of David from Isaiah.
Nancy Webster attended a ukelele
workshop in Burlington on Saturday with a
busload of other selected students from the
Mrs. Gertrude Hiller of Juniper, N.B. is
visiting with her sister, Rev. Wilena Brown.
Remembrance Day service will be held at
the Stanley Township Cenotaph in Varna
next Sunday at 10:45 a.m. Church service
will begin in Varna at the usual time of 10
Club visits Holmesville
By Blanche Deeves
HOLMESVILLE - An enjoyable evening
was held in the Community Centre,
Holmesville last Thursday evening when
The Enterprising Seniors entertained The
.Ever Young Club of Bayfield. •
There were 10 tables of euchre in play and
five courts of shuffleboard. Winners at
euchre were: ladies' high, Fern Baker;
ladies' low, Beulalh Smith; men's high,
Helen Pearson; men's low, Lillian Penhale;
lone hands, Pearl Hutchings. •
Winners in shuffleboard were: men's,
high, Jack Smith; ladies' high, Molly Cox;
low man, Ross Merrill; ladies low, Carol
4-H clubs test
HOLMESVILLE - The Holmesville I 4-H
Club met for the fifth time on Oct. 29, but
members did not have an ordinary meeting.
Instead they played volleyball against the
Holmesville I 4-H Club.
Holmesville II won the first game, and
Holmesville I took the next two games to
win the meet. The leaders played excep-
tionally well, Linda Mustard with her spec-
tacular service and Joan Crawford at the
After the games, snacks, prepared by the
leaders were enjoyed by both clubs. Some
items were meats, cheeses, squares and
cream puffs. There was also apple cider,
During the evening the Wheelers and
Dealers of Clinton entertained the seniors
and invited them to dance along.
The next meeting of the Enterprising
Seniors will be November 15 at 2 p.m.
Please note the time.
The Goderich Township W.I. will meet in
the Community Centre in Holmesville
November . 12 at 8 p.m. All ladies are
Holmesville U.C.W. ladies would like to
invite you to their Christmas Bazaar on
Wednesday, November 17 at 2:30 p.m. at' the
Community Centre inHolmesville.
donated by Art Bell's orchards.
The final meeting was held Nov. 5 and
members made plans for their Christmas
Jody Mustard and Shelly Pearson made
macaroni, cheese and tomato while Shan-
non Preszcator and Gina Mustard made ap-
ple crunch sundae. Jaqua Lobb and Anne
Tyndall, made orange aid, and Lana Jones
and Adrienne Bartlett cleaned up.
Holmesville I 4-H members are reminded
that books must be handed in by Nov. 14:
Achievement Day will be held in Varna at
the Community Centre on Dec. 3 at 7:30 p.m.
by Adrienne. Bartlett.
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