HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-9-25, Page 3IMMENSE OPPORTUNITY For Getting a Beautiful Watch and Chain Free,—No Mon., ey Required,—Every Man, Wonaan, Boy, or Girl has the same Opportunity un- der our System, In (order to have Dr. Arnold's Eng- lish Toxin Pills placed in the hands of all persons suffering from baci health we make the following most liberal offer If you will sesid us your name and address and agree to sell for us twelve boxes of Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pills at 25c. per box, we will give you absolutely Free abeautiful Watch and Chain- itt either Ladies or Gents size, or your choice of twenty . other premiums such as fine sets of Jewelry, Rings, Violins, Mandolins, Tea Sets, Sateen Skirts, Cameras, etc. Bentembea we don't want any money until after you sell the Pills and you don't have to sell any more than 1 2 boxes to get the premianss. This is a bona fide offer from a reliable concern that has given thousandsof dollars worth of premiums to agents all over the country: Remember 1450 - that Dr. Arnold's English Toxin. Pills are a well known remedy for all dis- eases of the kidney ancl bladder, Bright's disease, diabetes, rheumatism nervous troubles, and female COM - plaints, and are for sale by all first class druggists and dealers in medi- cines in all parts of the world. You haye only to show them to sell then]. You are not offering something that , the people don't know. Our watches are the regular standard size for Lad- • les or Gentlemen in Nickel or Gun Metal Oases with handsome illumin- ated dials and reliable thme , keepers, watches such as no lady or gehtlemen need be ashamed to carry, and they will. be sent absolutely Fre to all who sell only tvirelye boxes of those wonderful Toxin Pills. Write at once arid be the first in yourlocality to earn one of these beautiful watches and chain. As soon as we receive your letter or post card we will send you post paid twelve boxes, together with our Illustrated Catalogue and beautifully colored card with your name and address on as our authoriz- ed agent. Bear in mind that you will not be asked to sell any more than the 12 boxes and we don't want any money until after you have sold them. We bear all the expense and are only making this liberal offer as a method of adyertising Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pills, 1/on't delay, write at once and earn a, beautiful present for yourself for Christmas. Address ARNOLD MEDICINE CO. Dept, O. 1. 50 Adelaide St.' East, Toronto, Ont. • ACROSS THE CONTINENT. a -A. Trip Across the Continent to Seattle, Washington• and notes by the way by Mr. David Elston. -a-- • Seattle, Wash., Sept. 1, 1902. To THE EDITOR OF THE TIMES.— • Having taken the across -continent journey by boat and rail from Sarnia Ont.. to this western city, I have ag- reed to attempt for publication in• the TIMES a description of tbe interesting trip.' On Friday, the 22nd ult., at 4p. m., the steamer, Monarch, of the Nor- thern Navigation Co., of Ont. Ltd., left the dock at Sarnia laden with passengers and freight destined for various points on the upper lakes. Soon after the final whistle the steam- er swings into mid -stream, breasts the rapids of Point Edward, and before the waving of handkerchiefs is over -we enter Lake Huron, where the steady north wind results in a rather choppy sea. Our course holds due north, evidently about eight or ten miles from the American shore, and The Canadian side grows gradually more and more distant till hy six o'clock it is lost to view. The buildings and woods on the American shore are plainly visible, and of fine appearance, while various sailing and. steam crafts pass almost continually. Some are whale backs, loaded so heavily with grain or ore that the waves Wash clear over them, others carry lumber, coal, lath or shingles, and abont sunset we passed the United Empire, sister boat to the Monarch, and operated by the same. company. Soon the broad waves rose aboVe the dark waters, and ow- ing to the chilly breeze, the passen- gers left the deck and all seemed in- terested. in viewing the interior of the boat. Captain Robertson bas sailed with tte Monarch since her first trip some twelve years ago, and is justly pronct of his charge. She has a gross ton- nage of neatly 3,000, is about 300 feet in length and driven at the rate of 12 miles per hour by engines of 1500 hoiae posse's She isdnalt of solid oak and has a hurricane, promenade and lower deck, and a spacious cabin, 1119191%011.1MIMP.3•1•11.11SCOMMTP • Pains in the Bcpri-e Are symptoms of a weak, 'torpid or „stagnant eantlialpia . of the kidneys or liver; and are a 'Warning it is extreinelfr hazardous to neglect, so iiriportant is a healthy nation pf these otgans They are commonly attended by loss of energy, lack of Courage, and sane - tunes by gloomy foreboding and da - &pendency. Was taken ill with kidney trouble, and le/game so weak I conici scarcely get around, tilltiok medicine without benefit, and finally Melded to try Sarsaparilla. Alter tl3e first bottle / felt so ninth better that I continued its nee, and six bottles made me a new women. When my little girl was a besI.3y, sbe could not keep anything on her stomach, and We gave her Hood's Sarsapa- rilla which mired her." Mns. Tirelf.A$ Wallacebtug, Ont. Hood's Sarsaparilla Cores kidney and • liaet •troublesre- lieves the back, eta bailas Op the "whole System,• dining -room and hold. Cleanlioess prevail911. beard, the decbeing wasbed andks the brass polished every day, and the passengers ve -every cenvenience, even to electrie light and call -bells in their state roonle. By 8,30 on Saturday mottling the summits of Cockburn and Drummond Islands rise oo the right in front, and before noon we reach Detour and en- ter the Sault Ste. Marie River. Here the American Government is expend- ing millions in widening the Channel. Souse half dozen enormous dredges were at work, loading day into Parg- es which were towen away by tugs. Other dredges were laid off for re- pairs, and we passed quite • close to a grappling dredge operatecl by divers, who attach the lifting apparatus to large rocks which the other dredges had failed to remove. One diver in his robber suit had just returned from Isis dangerous work looking as though his $15 per day was a hard earned, svage. The Canadian Soa is a lively to wn of 8,000, and has made rapid strides of late owing to the efforts of Frank Clergue and the vast pulp mills and sulpbite works, the great glass fur- naces and steel and iron foundries with good mil and boat connections, bespeak for it a brilliant future. Lake Huron is about 25 feet lower than Lake Superior. and the rapids at the Sault necessitate the grand artificial water -way, the Sault locks of inter- national fame, costing it is said, more than $3,000,000. .After the steamer enters the lock the gates behind are closed, and the lower part of the Avner gate which holds back the water of Superior is opened. The water boils up rapidly and soon the vessel is raised some 20 feet. Then the front gate is opened and we steam out upon Superior. Between the Canadian and American locks are the Sault Rapids, where may be seen Indian fishermen plying in frail cano- es their perilous vocation, A flue I4 - span steel bridge extends across the locks and rapids. As it became dark the light at Whitefish Point could be seen gleaming and fading like a, great fire bug but at Sunrise on Sunday no land could be seen, till by 11.30 Pass- age Islands and Isle Royal were in sight. Soon the taild headland of Thunder Cape, 1360 feet high, could be seen on the right. and Pie Island on the left. Both are composed of solid walls and almost perpendicular and craggy rock, clothed with small timber, and on the lofty summit of Pie Island is a lake. Soon after en- tering the stormy "Thunder Bay," Port Arthur is in sight and also Fort W imam, some five miles distant to the west. At Port Arthur a large amount of machinery, cement, whis- key, oil and metal shingles were un- loaded, and, after taking on some 10,- 000 bushels of wheat, we left for Fort William. Here at the C. P. R. Ele- vators some 30,000 bushels were run into the holds, and 18 cars of Ogilvie's flour and bran loaded at the freight sheds. All this work is done by foreigners, Italians and Norwegians, who are indeed dreadfully slow work- ers but their pay is 17c per bow or 20c per hour at night or on Sunday. Fort William is a stirring business tovirn but nothing remains of the old Hod- son Bay Fore, where its company's officials were formerly located. The scenery of the rocky islands of northern Superior is siraply grand. We pass between Victoria islands on the left and the main land. These is- lands are of red sand -stone and granite and are of all kinds of fan- tastic shapes and clothed with trees, while the waves break in whitest foam against the bare rock at the .water's edge. Sparkling streams leap from the crags or thread the' slopes and in the calmer waters of the lake the landscape is inverted. Past of our trip from Fort William to Duluth was made at night, and by 4.15 on Tuesday morning we were in Duluth, wIsicli hangs on the steep hillsides and overlooks one of the finest har- bors that can be found. At Duluth the American Customs Officials ex- amined the baggage,- and passengers destined for points further west had ample time to leave on the Northern Pacific, Yellowstone Park Line, at 8.40. West of Duluth the road runs through a tract of hills, gorges and small lakes, the land being covered with scrub willow and poplar. Small patches of wild grass cut, and sin/ill stacks of hay are the only attempts.at farming till we enter asregion former- ly destroyed by fire, and now covered with bare pine stubs, all the ridges being of solid rock Further west con- siderable quantities of fine grass are cut and pressed, and near the track • are the head -quarters of the Grass Twine Co. At Staples, passengers for western points change care, and we boarded the North Coast Limited, which is said to be the finest and fast- est trans -Continental • train on the Continent. This train runs daily from St. Paul to Portland, Oregon, and consists of eight heavy Pullman cars propelled by a monstrous 10 - wheeled passenger locomotive. It is beated with steam and lit by electri- city, and, being broad vestibuled throughout, it is yells clean and free from smoke and dust. The dining. sleeping, observation and chair cars as well as the others are the latest ,and best 'Made by Pullman, and on the train may Ise found a fine library, bath -room, barber shop, smoking, toilet and card room. When board- ing this train 0a,ch passenger is asSign- ed to a certain car foe the entire trip. ' (Concluded in next issue) OPINION OF LEADING PIIYSIOIA.NS This ceetilies that I have usea S;rong's Pilekorie in the t reatment of pies. both extevnal anl internal, and. rind am reeom mend it with conadence to nuyone requiring treatment for this most distres4ing affection. S. D. AtfrOUR, M. D., iJed. Supt. Lon- tl on General }log p i tat ' Price $1.00, For sale by dein gleta or by Mail on receipt Of Prille. STRONG, Mantifacitring Oheniiat, LOild01),. Ontario. enol • Timbers of oak keep the old homestead standing through the years. It pays to use the right stuff.. Men of oak" are men in rugged , health, men •whose bodies are made of the sound• - est materials. Childhood is the time to lay the foundation for a sturdy con- stitution that will last for years. Scott's Emulsion is the right stuff. Scott's Emulsion stimulates the growing- powers of children, helps them build a firm foundation for a sturdy consti- tution. • Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNR, chemists, Toronto, Cram -Ica soc. and $1.00; all druggists. SOUTH HURON FALL FAIR. (Continued from page 1,) Hogarth ;Bell Lucrative, A. S. Dea- vitt, Sheldon, Jacob Rader, Mrs. New- combe. ; East Beurre, A. S. Deavitt, A. McPherson ; Louis Ronnie de Jer- sey, Thos. Brock, Jr., Mrs. New- combe; Beure D. Angou, G. A. K. Macleod, Carling Bros. SPECIALS.—B artlett pears, (Darling Bros., Thos. Yellow ; Setzuma plums, George Manson ; Maim apples, S. J. Hogarth, PLUMS Washington, Mrs. C. Campbell ; Imperial Gage, Joseph Basvden, George Mansen ; Duanes Purple, Thos. drock, Mrs. Newcombe; dLona bards, S. Powell, O. Campbell; any other variety, A. Hooper, Thos. Brock; A.bund an ce. W. H. Mc- Cracken ; Pond's Seedlings, W. H. McCracken "; Grand Duke, S. Powell, I, Armstrong; Glass Seedling, Car- ling Bros., Geo. ..atmwell ; Rein Claude, A. Hooper. GRAPES.—Rogers' No. 5, Rev. W. M. Martin aRogers' No. 22, 'Jno. Mor- gan ; three bunches of any other variety, James Creech. E'EACIEUES. — Early Crawford, S. Powell, W. Sadler; late Crawford, Thos. Hawkins. • MISCELLANEOUS .Collection of canned fruit. R. Kydd, S. Wise • Honey in comb, A. Mc- Pherson, W. Bagshaw ; honey in jar,' Geo. 'Rook, Wns. Bagshaw; home made wines, S. Wise, Mrs. Torn; bottled pickles, Mrs. Jas. Richardson, S, Wise ; canned vegetables, Mrs. Jas. Richardson, S. Wise; collection of canned fruit, R. Kydd, B. Wise. Judge. — F. Metcalfe, Blyth; D. French. Clinton. • MANUFACTURERS. Woven home made quilt, S. Wise, J. K. Wise; domestic cloth, M. Breth- our, S. Wise; flannel, all wool, S. Wise; blankets wool, S. Wise, T. A.Glenden- ing, M. Creighton; Horne made horse blankets, M. Brethour, M. Creighton; Woollen yarn, M. Brethour, S. Wise; cotton warp, T.A-Glendening; sewing machine, Williams Mfg. Co. Singer Mfg. Co.; organ, Bell Organ Co ; parlor furniture, It. N. Rowe, W. O. Huston; bedroom furniture, W. C. Huston; stuffed bird's, Alex. McPher- son; barrel fine salt, Exeter Salt works; Factory macre quilt, Jno. Muir; Fac - tarp tweeds, Jno. Muir; Factory flan- nel, Jno. Muir, Factory blankets, Jno. Muir, Assortment of tweeds, W. W. Taman; set single haraess. R. 11. Sweet; cured ham, T. Prier. Mrs. Jas. Tom best collection store goods, W. W. Taman; Assortment of carpenter work, Ross and Taylor; baker's bread J. T. O'Brien, E. A. Follick Judge.—Wm. Scott, Brucefield, FINE ARTS Landscape in oil, Mrs. W. Hele, Mrs. C. Campbell; figure painting in ail, C. Campbs11, Mrs. W. Hele; fruit paint- ing in oil, 0. Campbell, Mrs. Hele; An- imals grouped or single in oil, C. Campbell, Mrs. Hele; painting on glass in oil, Mrs. Hele, Mrs. Campbell; paint- ing on silk in oil, Mrs. Hew, "'Miss L. Symington; collection in water colors, Mrs, Hale, Miss L. Symington; land- scape, colors, Med Hele, N. D. 'Huta don; figure painting in water colors, Mrs. C. Campbell, Mrs. Hele; flowers in water colors,Mrs. Hele, C.Oampbell; animals in water colors, Mrs. Bele; china placgise, Mrs. J. White, Mrs. Mrs. Bele; jardiniere or fern bowl, Mrs Bele; tray, Mrs. Hele; ornament. hand painted, Mrs. Hele; collection of china., Mrs. Bele; Photographs, Jos. SeniOr 1st and 2ini; hair dressers' work, Miss Fish; collection of coins and curiosities, Geo. Anderson lst and 2nd; collection of stamps, Geo. Ander POD, O. Campbell. ' judge. --Ino. Biggins, Brucefield. CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT. Hemmed handkercbiefs, ball dozen, Wm. Earle, Geo. Manson; darneci socks or stockings, Wm. Earle, Geo. Manson; crochet, svork in wool, Robt. Kydd, 'Wm. Earle; crochet work in cotton, Wm. Earle; hest dresseddoll. Hy. Kraft, Robt. Kydd; doll's clothes, Robt. Kydd; fancy pin cushion, Wm, I3ad Breath A bad breath means a bad stemach, a had digestion, a bad liver. Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure con- stipation, biliousness, dys- pepsia, sick headache, 25c. Alt druggists. Want your moustache or board a bdantifni brown or rich black? Menage BUCKINGHAM'S DYE(411;i111131.9 500,1. osoisels, 05 Oa q0.s tlietlukt 154 X. Ei T LLv IMA Earle; plain sewing by cisild. under 8 years of age, Robb, Kydd; work by children outlet' 13 years of • age, SHE PATIENTLY Dame, A. bleDonala. • a LADIES' WORK, Rag carpet, woollen warp, S. Wise; rag carpet, cattail. warp; Mrs, Tenn 41, K. Wise; rag ioor aciat, hooked, Miss Symington, M.l3rethaur; rag door mat, sewed, Mrs, Tom, L. McTaggart; rag hearth mat, booked, Mrs. Hele, Jno. Dignan; rag hearth mat, sewed, Miss N. Tom, Mrs, j, Tom; pair wool socks, M. Creighton, Mm, Hele; pair wool stockings, gm jas. Richardson, Miss Bishop; pair cotton socks M. Creighton, Mrs. Islele; pair cotton stockings, M. Creighton, Mrs. Hele; pair ladies' wool mitts, Miss N. Tom, Miss Creighton; pair men's wool mitts, Miss Symington, Mrs, Hele; pair men's wool gloves Mrs. Hale, Miss Syming- ton; counterpanes, knitted, Miss Creighton, Miss Symington; counter- panes; crochet, Miss Bishops Miss Oreight on; counterpanes, tut ted, F. Hogarth, M. Brethour; patchwork quilt, calico, Mrs. Hele, 0, Campbell; patchwork quilt, log cabin, miss N. Tom, miss Inestle ; sdk gent, crazy work, miss Bishop, 0 Campbell ; knit- ted or crochet fancy wool shawl, za Creighton, S Wise ; man's shirts hand made, mrs Hele ; man's shirt, machine made, mrs Hele, Jno R Potter ; patch- ing, best and neatest, sirs Hele, Thos Glendenning; darning on stockings, bus Hele, miss 1:01.11 ; Buttonboles, atiss Brooks, miss N Tom ; best pair pillow shams, miss Symington, az Creighton ; one set table mats, miss brooks, miss Symington ; one set table doylies, miss Brooks, W. H. =Crack - en ; toilet set, 0 Campbell, at, Brethour; fancy pin cushion. m Creighton, ma Hele; sofa pillow, mrs White, m Creighton ; crochet work, (twine) basket or hand eatchel, mrs Hele, X Brooks; macrame work, miss Symington. m Brethour; toi- let special, MISS Bishop ; patch- work quilt, cloth sars. J. Tom, M. Bretbour; Patchwork quilt, silk, Miss Symington, Mrs. Tom; Etching, Miss Bishop, M. Creighton; Applique on Plush, miss Symington; Applique moasic. Miss Campbell, M. Creighton; Arasene, Mrs. Clampbell, M, Syming- ton; Crewel embroidery, 0. Campbell, 2nd only; Embroidery on silk, Mrs, Hsle. airs. McCracken; Embroidery, on flannel, Mrs. Hele, 2nd only; Sham stitch embroidery, M, Creighton; Rib- bon embroidery, al. Creighton, M. •Brethour; Builhon embroidery Mrs, Hale, 2nd only; Braiding, M. Creigh- ton, S. Wise; Wax flowers, Miss Sy- mington; paper flowers, Mrs. Tom, Miss N. Tom; piano scarf Miss Symin- gton, Miss Kestle; Table cover, Miss Creighton, S. Wise, whisk holder, S. Wise, M. Creighton, ottoman, Miss Bishop, M, Creighton, painting on terra cotta, C. Campbell 2nd only; drawing room screen, C. Campbell; hand screen, Miss Symington; banuerettes, Miss Symington,O. Camp- bell; bracket drapery, Miss Symington, j 0. Campbell; penelope work, Mrs. 'Campbell; tidy, crochet, Robt. Kydd, Mabel Brooks; tidy, knitted; M. Creigh- ton, Miss N. Tom; gold or silver tinsel work, S. Wise; bead work, M. Creigh- ton; Berlin wool work, 0. Campbell, Miss Symington; straw plait, S. Wise, Mrs. Tom; lace, Battenburg: Mrs. 3, White, Mrs. Hele; lace, point, Mrs. Hele, Rev. vv. M. Martin; late, Boni - ton, Miss Symington, Mrs. J. White; lace, knitted, Miss N. Tom, Miss M. Creighton; lace, crochet, Miss Brooks, Miss Bishop; rick rack work, O. Camp- bell, Miss Symington; tatting, Mrs. Hele, Wm. Sweet; darned net, M. Creighton, Miss Symington; drawn threads and hein stitch, Dr. Amos, 1st and 2nd; silk work on Java, Camp- bell; panels, any work, Mrs. J. White, Miss Symington; fancy table with drapery or scarf, C. Campbell,. 2nd only; loaf home made bread, G. A. K. McLeod, J. Wnod, M. Creighton. SPEcIAL.—Silk center piece Miss T. Restle ; child's jacket. A. Dearing ; fancy basket, Miss Kestle ; Home- made undergarment, Miss M. Brook, A. Dearing; English embroidery, J. E. Dignan. Judges.—Mrs. Douglas, Miss Russell, Exeter, Mies Ellerington, Luruley. FLOWERS Three varieties hi pots, Mrs. J. Bit hardson •, fuchsias, Jno. Cottle, Ms-'. Richardson ; foliage plants, Jno. Cottle, Mrs. Richardson; begonias in flower. Mrs. Richardson; geraniums in flower, Jno. Cottle, Mrs. Richard- son; hanging basket, Mrs. Richard- son ; collection of flowers, Wm. Har- burn, Mrs. Richardson. •GUT FLOWERS.—Dahlias, Jno, Cot- tle, W. D. McCrack ea ; Dahlias, bou- quet, J. A. Stewart, Geo. Barnwell; Pansies, Jno. Cottle • German Asters, Miss Fisla, Mrs. a White ; stock col- lection, H. Huston, Jno. Cottle ; Ver- benas, 0. Birney, Jno. Cottle; Car- oations, W. H. McCracken ; Petunias, Jno. Cottle •, Phlox Drummondi, Jno. Cottle, CI. Birney ; Gladiolos, Jno. Cottle ; Zennias in°. Cottle, W. Earle ; best arranged basket, George Samwell; collection Annuals in bloom, Jno, 00ttle. Judges.—H. E. Huston, G. A, K. McLeod. CONSTIPATION • is probably the most common of all ailments. When neglected it becomes chronic, and frequently leads to hemorrhoids and other ser- ious consequences. • *CONSTIPATION IS CURED BY IRON -0X TA LETS SNNENNFNMEMBIIKIIFANOM5M This Remedy is not it purgative, • loot by mild action upon the organs restores their eatural functions, Thus entirely avoiding the debility following the use of cathartics, which, if taken frequently, are almost always harmful. troise. Fifty Tablets for 25 Cents HER HUSBAND • BORE DISGRACE WAS A DRUNKARD A Sul Letter from a lady whose Husband was Dissipated. How She Cured Rim with a Secret Remedy. "1 had for years patiently borne the disgrace, suffering, misery and privations due to my husband's drinking habits. Hearing of your marvellous remedy for the cure of drunkenness, which I could give my husband secretly, I de- cided to try it. I proeured a package and mixed it in his food and coffee, and, as the remedy was odorless and tasteless, he did not know what it was that so quickly relieved his craving for liquor. He soon began. to pick up flesh, his appetite for solid food returned, he stuck to his work regularly, and we now have a happy home. After he was completely cured I told him what I had done, when he acknowl- edged that it had been his saving, as he had not the resolution to break off of his own accord. I heartily advise all women afflicted as I was to give your remedy a trial." FREE SAMPLE A, Lady who cures her husband of his prinking Habits writes of her struggle to save her home A PATHETIC LETTER .."1. W,1•': • :,....:`:;:4 I .r,\ : • t...1‘ . i i)14° .4 Wa• age'. „._." I had for a big time been thinking of tryingthe Tasteless Samaria Prescription treatment on My husband for his drinkingbabits, but I was afraid he would discover that I was giving himmedicine, and the thought unnerved me. I hesitated for nearly a Week, but one day when be came home very much intoxicated and his week's salary nearly all spent, I Threw off all fear and determined to make an effort to save our home from. the ruin I saw coming, at all hazards. I sent for your Tasteless Samaria Pre- scription, and put it in his coffee as directed next morning and watched and prayed for the result. At noon I gave him more and also et supper. He never suspected a thing,and I then boldly kept right on giving it regularly, as I 'add discoveted some- thing that set every nerve in my body tingling with hope and happiness, anal could see a bright future spread out before nie—a peaceful, happy home, a share in the good things of life, an attentive, loving husband, comforts and everything &se dear to a woman's heart; for my husband bad told me that whiskey was vile stuff and he was taking a dislike to it. It was only too true, for before 1 bad given him the full course he bad stopped drinking alto- gether, but I kept giving him the medicine till it was gone, and then sent for another lot, to have on hand if he should relapse, as he had done from promises before. lie never has end I am writing you this letter to tell you how thankful I am. I honestly believe it will cure the worst cases." HER FATHER „ • WAS A DRUNKARD A Plucky Young Lady takes on Herself to Cure her rather of the Islcinor Habit. STORY OE HER SUCCESS, A portion of her letter reads as follows "My father had often. promised mother to stop drinking, and would do sa for a time but then returned to it stronger than ever. One day, after a terrible spree, he said to : 'It's ncs use. 1 can't stop drinking.' Our hearts seemed to turn to stone, and we decided to try the Tasteless Samaria. Presmiption, wiileh we had read about in the papers. We gave him the remedy, entirely without his knowledge, in his tea, coffee, or food regularly, according to, directions'and he never knew he was taking it. One package removed all his desire for liquor, and he says it is now distasteful to him. His health and appetite are also wonderfully ire - proved, aud no one would know him for the same man. It is now fifteen months since we gave it to him and we feel sure that the change is for good. Please send me one of your little books, as I want to give It to a friend." and pamphlet giving full particulars, testimonials and price sent in plain sealed envelope4Correspondence sacredly confidential. Enclose stamp for reply. Address The Samaria Remedy Co., :23 Jordan Street, Toronto, Canada. "I • DR. VV. HCRAHARA, Late of DS) . King St. West. No. i Clarence -square, corner Spadina. avenue, Toronto, Canada, treats Chronic diseases, and makes a specialty of Skin Diseases, as Pimples, Ulcers, Etc. PRIVATE DISEASES as Impotency, Sterility. Vari- TWO second hand Upright P1 17=r4 cocele, Nervous Debility, etc., (the icsult of youthful folly arid excess,) Gleet and Stricture ot Long Stand- ing, treated by galvanism, the only method without pair, and all bad after effects. Diseases of Women—Painful, prongs° or suppresseda[meostruation, ulceration, leucorrhoea and all displacements of the womb. OFFICE ROURS-9 a, m. to.8 p. m. Sunday 1 to S p. m. ICIIIIVIOMMOM110111111.0111.10.1016 Vancouver World (Grit), Sept. S:— This is Tory week in British Colorable, "Come all ye faithful" was the Sab- bath hymn yesterday when several proininent Conservatives braved the wrath of the Sunday Observance Society and travelled on the day of Rest in ord.. lea, they might grasp Leader Boa • • ey the hand before the common cit. aade the welkin ring at the°. P. la station. IMIMil•••••III....r INSURANCE. ERNEST a LLIOT, Agen for the WEsritan ASSURANCE Com- pany, of Toronto; also for the PHOnkrts FLEE NSURANCE COMPANY, of London, England; &rata -gas INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Er.; and MEDICAL 1 11 .B.HOWNINLi M. D. ti. G. ta • P. 5, Graduate Victoria J23 Tversity office an ti resilience, Dom inion Labors. tory, Exeter. 13 GAI. DICKSON & CARLING, Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries. Conveyancers, Commissioners, Solicitors for the Molsons Bank, Etc. Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest: OFFICE :--MAIN STBEET, ?EXETER. . R. CARLING, B. A. L. R. DICECSON W. GLADMAN (Successor to Elliott Bs Gladman) Barrister, Solicitor, Ilotary Conveyancer, Etc. Money to loan on Farm and village properties at Lowest rates of interest OFFICE MAIN STREET EXETER DENTAL T_T KINPMAN, L. D. S. AND .L.L. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, I,. D. S. D. II S., Honor Graduate of Toronto University, Dentist. Teeth extracted without pain or bad after effents, Office in Fan - son's block. West side of Main , trot' Exeter - MONEY TO LOAN • We have unlimited. private funds for invest- ment upon farm or village property at lowes* .rates of interest DICKSON & CARLING Exeter. r1ONE'Y TO LOAN. I have a large amount of private funds Joan on fann 018 sinri t tit) riiiss at 3t 3 of interest. F, W. GLADMAN. Barrister Mein St. Exeter. FOR SALE OR, TO RENT— The farm on Lot 3, con. 1, Hay township, is for sale or can be rented. For further par- ticulars apply to A. Roman% Exeter. CUT THIS OUT and send it to us with 5 cents in silver and you will get by return mail a GOLDEN BOX OF GOODS that will bring rya in MORE MoNEY A. IN . KENNY, E. T. f -.< C--) 1 I intcuih. N. 0 In one month than anyt ing else in America. Pianos and one Square Piano for sale cheap. New Pianos and Organs • always in stock. aransmowzmanyaRa.......... SetJillu Md6i1111eS Our experience in the Sewirii Machine Rusin'ess, (12 years) is a guarantee of our goods. We carry in stock the best the market affords. Needles and Repairs for all kinds of machines always in stock. Music in Sheet and Book form. • Call and See us, It will Pay You. 100.1110.1111•111110MaR001 S. Martin. E3ROWNING'S i'ugS tore FOR SALE—BEICK RE SIDENCE WITA AN ACRE OFLAND IN EXETER—We offer for sale on reasonable terms, that very desirable residential property known as "The Hooper Homestead" situated on Lot No- SO, south of linron Street, Exeter. There is erected upon the land, a comfortable and commodious brick dwelling, also the necessary. outhouses. The house is in good re- pair and has 9 rooms. The lot contains an acre of land and is excellently adapted for garden ing or fruit growing. There is a plentiful sup- ply of hard and soft water, The property is up to datekand the terms easy, for particulars ap- ply to Inosson & CARLING barristers Exeter, or to A. E. HOOPER, Rew P. 0., Penna. 17.8 A., proprietor. "Christmas Box" Full of Vs onderful T nings 25 igaitig.46,'-grgaePigl):er 4 Amus- ing Experiments, Love's Puzzle, 20 Rebuses, 100 Funny Conundrums, Book of Love, Game o Letters, Magic 'Writing, NI Jolly Jokes Receipt for Moustache Grower, 100 Money Mak- ing Secrets, KO Toi et and Cooking Receipes, 255 Selections for Autograph Albums, 10 Model Love Letters, How to Tell 'Fortunes, Dictionary of Dreams. Guide to Flirtation, Magic Age Table, Lover's Telegraph, and our new Cat, or Xmas Toys. Books ard Notions. All by mail FRE E. for 5c, silvej to payiposta e, , V. , • Yarmouth. N.S. D.A. ANDERSON, (D• D• S. I.-D.S. DENTIST. Honor Graduate of the Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, with honors Also Post -graduate of honorable mention, Chicago School of Prosthetic' Dentistry (with Everything known 1,0 the Dental Profession BUGGIES! done in tals Office. Bridge work, orowne, ai- luminum, gold and vulcanite plates all done in the neatest mariner possible. A porfectlY harmless anaesthetic used for painlees extrac- tion. I • Office one door sonth ' of Carling Dreg store Exeter, Ont. GGIES! Packs of Cards Free. gene Peek, "May I. c, u. Hortie?," One Pak " Mort" One pack. 'Flirtation One Pace; "Hold -to light.' One Pack. "Our Seta Ju Heide Two. Sample of 21 other Steles, with book full of notions. Send 5e silver forpoetage A, W. KENNY, El, T. Yarniouth, s FOB SALE 50 acres ; well situated ; firet'olaes soil; aced frame house ; bon, stable, erelaird Ste, Splen- did opportunity for anyone wantllog a farm of this siee. ./lnp_ly at tame Le E. W. Graomax, Barrister, EXatet Bayou Want a Buggy? We have the finest stock in town, All the latest styles, in the newest colors. Our prices are losv as can be found fox, fix,st-class material and Werkmans ship, • BEFORE YOU BUY GALL ft rsi) SeE4J&, J FmRussell TWO Doors South Town Hall, Moaners For Dyspepsia Cure Blood and Nerve Tonic •Storaach and Liver Pills Iron Blood Pills Liver and Kidney Pills Kidney Mixture Sciatica Remedy Sarsaparilla, Cough Mixture Cholera and Diarrhoea Mix- ture Chilblain Lotion. Try any of these preparations and you will be astonished at their wonder- ful healing and curing properties. A Full line of Patent Medicines op hand, TOILET ARTICLES SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES eL W. BROWNE% Dominiou Laboratort fOrostGitB BOSINSS 81101111011g 0011,E Lontloof SHORTHAND, BOOKKEEPINS Business Law, Writiag Correspood- ence, Typewriting, etc„ thoroughly taught by experienced teachers at the - Forest Oity Business and Shorthand College, London, Ont. We have no difficulty in placing. competent pupils in gond posititais. College re -opens &pt. 2, Send for Oataloguea. i J. W. WESTERVELT. Pritielpals