HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-9-25, Page 1MINIMPOOMOCCREW.M..WW.A.S.K.INIZIEMPPAI U-RO_N 8zi 311DDL ESEX GAZETTE! THIRTIETH YEAR-NO.3 EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 25, 1902 +4.4-144. + +.H4+++++4.+++++4.4.++++4.4. 4. R. 4. rv sters Supplies I Fes ers Su. ppliest 4. 4. 4. ta. goonmavoccumaatroovagsrmauscr CY rr, "14 4.1 Hensall Ce J. Sutherland, Notary Public, Conveyan- cer, Commissioner, Fire Ineurance .Agent, and Ismer of Marriage Licenses. Legal documents carefully drawn at reasonable rates. Money to loan on real estate at low rates of interest, Office at the Post Mee Hensel' 10,000 bushels of wheat Nv anted at the Hensall Flour Mill. Highest mar- ket price paid. Come & SONS. BrixErs.-Rev. Dr, Medd of the , ifethodist church, exchanged pulpits ..1.7 with the Rev. Mr. Heuderson of Car- mel Presbyterian church on Sunday Binding Twine, Binding + evening last, -Miss Maggie Martay Gloves, Brass Valves, Checks, Cocks, etc, Leather Belting, all sizes from to 6 inches. Threshers Gloves, Guage Glasses, and Guage Glass Rubbers. Rubber, Asbestos, and Spiral Packing. Babbet Metal. Cylinder Oil, Peariess Machine Oil, Arctic Cup Greese or Solidified -Oil. Frost & Wood Repairs. .61CYCOIrtifalar0120- awkiris So 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4; 4. 4. 4. 4. 44 4. 4.*4. 844. ++++++4.444•444.444.444444++++ That give comfort, make you feel right, and look right We supply them. Fall goods and fall fashions are n. Better select a suit and over now. Prices Away Down. W. W. Taman. e clhi emit Tailor. .One door north of Dr. Lutz's Drug Store. zionswomFallannis- Foot Wear 'Our stock of shoes, overshoes, and rubbers, are now here and ready for your inspection. - Men's heavy kip Blather Men's Orome Blucher Men's heavy grain Congress Men's overshoes and rubbers. Ladies' Rubbers I-1. SWEET Bethesda EXETER LUMBERYARD. Large stock of Lumber -pine aneehemlook, 1.70,00o feeeof hemlock lumber for barns, etc., .also shingles. laths and ceder posts. -Prices eemonable.-The WILLIS, Yard East side of 'Main sti BeenPS.--Services in the Methodist Lchurch next Sunday , the usual time. .Rev. W. Ayers, of London, will preach. Zurich Baenrs.-Mr. bred Heiser is sic "with typhoid fever. -Miss Ross, a Sb. Marys is here to take chore of Merner's --millinery, and Miss Handford, of Cen- tralia, has resumed charge of Preeter's .millinery for the coming season, while Miss Ella Gibson from Blyth is back to -take charge of D. S. Faust's rn illery eiclePartmenb,-Mr. Joseph Slier purchas- ed the Conrad Miller horaestead;on the 144h con. on Saturday. The price rea- • lized was 34,700, This is a yery desir- able farm. -Miss Ethel Williams left as f Hudson to visit her sis- ter, Mrs. (Rev.) Whiteside and other 'friends in Quebec. Brucefield e--- Beeses,-Dr. Rogers, of Belmont, has taken over the good will and prac- tice of Dr. Armstrotig, of this place. - Mr. Little, hotelkeeper in the corner hotel, has made on assignment to his .creditors; the hotel is closed at present. WzrneeteG.-A quiet but pretty wed- ding took place on Monday morning Sept. Ilth, at the home of Mrs. (Rev.) J. H. Simpson, when b.er son, Cecil, was united in marriage by Rev, E. Sewers, to bliss Helen Higgins Chrys- ler, niece of E. R. Higgins, near our village. The bride was handsomely attired in white organdie. After con- gratulations and the wedding brea - fast, the happy couple left on the 8 o'clock train tor their new home in Staple, where M. Simpeort has It aft- . Won. Ohildrert Cry for GASTORIA 1 "rorowom;*oweisabsansonrautomalumw.• aiiirtioro 1 MAE I wish to thank my many friends and customers for their patronage during the few months that I have been in business, and now wish to announce that I have taken in M. W. J. Fowler as part- ner. We have just put in a a stcck of ReadU-Mdle Clotrnna and aa.e in a position to make you a suit or to fit you with a ready-tna.de suit, We keep nothing but the best of goods, and solicit a share of your patronage, be- lieving that we can please you in fit, style, quality and price. FOWLER BROS. THE CLOTHERS. Farquhar &mom REPoure-The following is the report of the marks obtained by the pupils of S. S. No, 2, Usborne, at the monthly examination held Sept. 12. Sr. and Jr. IV. -Total 110 marks. -Edmund Kay, 293; Gordon Madge, 271; Clara Stewart, 250; Edgar Mon- teith, 280; Martin Madge, 270; Vera Campbell, 212. Seven of these classes were absent. Sr. III. ---Total 450. - Wesley Stone, 374; John Bray, 308. Three of this class were absent. Jr. m. -Total 460.-Linnie Gardiner, 368; Almer Stewart, 368; Jennie Monteith, 361; Myrtle Hunkin, 331; Foster Bray, 329; Tommy Hodgert, 327; Flossie Coward, 313; Orca Snell, 268; Willie Kay, 249; Flossie Passrnore, 220. Two of this class were absent. Second Olass„--Total 400. --Willie Monteith, 333; Anna Allison, 332; Bert Brown, 268; Johnnie Turnbull, 191. Three of this class were absent. mrroroil. Wood ham Ennus.-Several people in the vil- lage. are laid up with influenza; the rnost serious cases being that of Mr. Haines and Walter Protese. -Mrs. Ver- non and the Misses Bart left for Alma, and Miss Ferguson of Clintoh, spertb the Sabbath with friends in the vil- lage. -The hoar for prayer meeting in the Carmel Presbyterian church has been changed from 8 to 7,30 o'clock, Wednesday evening. -Mrs. Birch. of California, who has been yisiting her brother, Mr. Francis Marshall, for a few weeks left here .on Monday on her homeward trip,-Siterament wae administered in Carmel Presbyterian church on Sunday morning last. The preparatory sermon wase3reached by the Rev. Mr. Anderson of Goderich,on the Friday afternoon preceeding. - Mr. Wm. Ross of Montreal, and son, Mr. Arthur Ross, Congregational min- ister, near St. Thomas, are visiting Mr. Geo. Moir, Hensall, Robt. Stewart Tuckersmith and Mr. G. Ross, London Road. ---Mrs. Wright and. daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Gral3ara, Clintore were in the village on Saturday visiting rela- tives and friends. -Next Sunday is S. S. Rally Day in the Methodist church and a splendid program for the day has been prepared. The pastor and the officers of the school will be aided by Rev. W. Ayers of London. -Miss Jennie rollick, who has been ill for a number of years, is very low at the time of writing, but faint hopes of recovery are now held, -Mrs. Medd who has been away for a few weeks is expected home this week, -Miss Han- nah Ortwein has secured a good posi- tion in edondon Kingsmills.-Mr, Bert FovvIer who opened up a tailor shop in the village a few months ago, has taken his brother, Mr. W. J. Fow- lew, as a partner in the business, They have added an up-to-date line of ready-to-wear clothing, and are in a position to fill orders for ordered clothing, or can simply you with a neat, ready-made suit. Any orders left with them will have their prompt and careful attention. -Tickets for Dr. Medd's lecture are on sole at Messrs. McDairmid's, Babcock's and Stone. man's. • Don't fail to hear this enter- tainment. Shipka BeeEns.-Mrs. Smith. of Chicago, visited. her sister Mrs, Lochner here last week.-mrs. George Keys has re turned hotne after a most enjoyable visit with friends in Toronto and Whitby.- arr. T. O'Rourke, of Gran- ton, visited. his parents here on Sun- day last, -The body of Angus Mc- Intyre who was drowned at Port Huron on Monday afternoon last was broughthere were heformerly resided. The remains were interred in the fam- ily burying ground at mount carmel on Friday Sept. 19bh. The family havethe sympath'y of the community. Crornaity BRIEFS. -Quite a number from hege Wm. Hauson, M. rearcliner; single went to the London Fair and seem roadster, W. R. Elliott, A. Duncan, T. pleased with their trip. -Mrs. D. Park Forscytho: saddle horse, Jno. Wood, sr. is still sick. - Miss Lilian Park A. Q. Bobier; lady driver, Mrs. G. Mc - and Miss Jessie Gillespie leave this Leod, Miss Violet Russell, J. Decker. week Miss Park for Niagara Falls and Judge. -Pat. Farrel, Woodstock. Miss Gillispie for Stratford. - Rev. SPEEDING CONTEST Cranston disposed of his driver last Follosviug is the result of the speed - week and took a trip homeand return- ingcontests, which proved quite au at ed with another fine driver. -The Y. traction for the large crowds that as - P5. was well attended on Sunday sembled at the course, Every race evening and an excellent paper on the was hotly contested: - topic was prepared and read by Mr. 225 class, jas. Lang. The pastor also gave a Molly H.. Mandy 41 Son, St. males 3 81 1 short talk on the subject which was Tommy F. rt., tr. F. melees, Denfield1 1 2 pOintS. Pat Eilerton, Ed, Bossenberry, Zurich 3 3 '2.35 class full of imformation and practical Joe Stanton, T. Murdock, Hensall 1 1 1 Freddie Lee, H. nossenberry, Grand Bend2 2 2 Nettie S., T. Skinner,Mitchell 4 4 Centralia Lucy, Wm. Kuntz, Exeter 3 3 4 MeTaggart, Jas. Jeckell, S. Stanlake ; Grand 13end POULTRY. hmas, Carling Bro., 1 And ; Rainos,-Miss Ellis, Ailsa •0. OHN WH/Till & SONS Dark Brahmae Geo. Irwin, 1 and 2; 131 a c arid Col o d 14c. rI - Light Bra Mrs. A. Mollard.-Xiss Lou Zaple left Barred Plyineuthi Rocks, Carling Bros. Craig is at preseat visiting her sister, A. Bissett; White PlYerieth Rocks, Jos. has secured a gpod position.--1VIiss Senior, G, Irwin; Buff Cochins, Ir- e here on Monday for Detroit where she Senior, Geo. 13issett; Butt Rnelo) 3 - Farrow, of Gocierieh, has returned to win, 1 and 2; Black ()Millis, G. Irwin, her home after spending the past week with her sister here, Miss Ethel Far- row. -Mr. John Luther has moved from here to Parkhill. Ile has worked for Mr. John Cobbleigh for five years and in that time has made many warm friends we wish hina success in his new roadertaking-Mr. Manrice Brenner has been with Mr. James Hannon, of Shipka, for the past week. Rev. Mr. Geddis, ot Ailsa Craig, oc- You'll have to buy sooner or later and why not buy now when our, stook cupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian 61' Irwin I is new and all the lines full. Come in and select ham our large assortment.,, schtauttradhealiveerne, oont, sStir :Italy. -s-Mr. elan. • Carter; any variety Pole/ids, No trouble to show you the goods. We have just added a nice new line or days, their summer cottage again for a few i CT', Irwin; Brown Leghorns,rose comb, l C. Cempbell; White Leghorns, rose 1 11 and 2; White Leghorns, T. Douglas, 1 Ladies' Flannel Night Gowns, ........ ....... 50c, 75c, $1.00, SLR), $1.25, $1,35 SOUTH HURON FALL FAIR. ------ - -----J. I comb, W. Oaxtee; Miff Leghorns, C. -Groceries- 1 Campbell; Bieck a e Vii,, G. Irwin, An - Silver Grey Dorkins, O. Campbell; black red game bantams, Phirteas Hun- ter; Dackwing bantams, G. Irwin; any variety bantams, G. Irwin, 0. Often_12- bell; Silver Spangled Homburgs, W. Carter; Golden Spangled Homburgs, W. Carter; Silver Pencilled Hamburg's, W. Oarter;Golden Pencilled Homburgs, W. Carter; Black Hamburg, W. Car- ter; Houdans, W. Carter; White. °rest- ed Black Poland% Win. Carter, G. Ir- win; Golden Polands, G. Irwin, W. ss Goc)ods E ARE GIVING SPECIAL attention to the Dress Goods section of this store. The best and most popular weaves are h.ere, and the weaves of the goods ig very important feature this fall. Black Dress Goods pro raise to be as popular as ever, larikets attcl, The South Huron Agricultural Society in conjunction with the Ste- phen and Usborne branch, held their a,nnual fall fair on the Agricultural groands here on Monday and Tuesday. The weather was all that could be de - 'sired, and the crowds that assembled on the grounds were amply repaid by the very fine exhibit in all the depart - delusions, Thos. Brock, 1 and 2- Black Spanish, T. Brock, G. Irwin; Black Minorcas, G. Irwin, T. Prior; White Mammas; Wm. Carter; Silver Lace Wyandottes, W. Carter, 0. Campbell; White Wyanclottes, J. Senior; Golden Wyandottes, W. Carter; Red Gaps, Selo. Bowden: Bronze Turkeys, T. Doug- las, Geo. Irwin; White Turkeys, W. Carter; any variety turkeys, S. Bowden It is now time for Pickling and in order to get the best flavored. pickles' you need to use the best of vinegar and spices. We sell the XXX White Wine Vinegar, guaranteed to keep pickles 3 years, and the best of Pickling Spices. We, haye a fresh line of Breakfast Foods --Force -Malta Vita --Swiss Food -Grape Nuts -Rolled Oats --Wheatine Teas„. Coffees and Posture Cereal Mixture, all fresh and of the best flavor. tatabenletss.a and TheLadiesebse n work, kv, roots,erywell guep. Toulouse Geese, T. Douglas; Wild A choice line of Perrin's and McCormick's fancy buscuits. Geese, A. Bissett, R. Williams; Era- to the average exhibit of the larger man Geese, S. K. Wise; Pekin Deck, m R s fairs. The horticulture.' products be- G. Irwin; w. Sadler; Rouen Ducks, ing exceptionally, good. The gate re- G. Irwin S. Bowden. A lesburv Ducks . emu co . igeons, G. Y ceipts amounting to upwards of $487. W. Carter, 0 I ' 1 P' HORSES. l3issett; col. singing 'birds, Mrs. james reseevy DRAUGHT. -Brood mare, Richardson, A. Bissett; Belgian Rab- bits, T. Brock; any variety rabbits, G. Ben Srnillie, H. Dinsmore, W. Brogee Anderson, G. Irwin; Pea Fowl, G. Ir - foal, W. Brock, lst and 2nd, H. Dins- more ; three-year-old, Dickson & Son, win - Beans BRED 1902. -Light Brah- J. Creery ; two-year-old, J. G-ardiner, mas, Carling Bros.; Barred Plymouth Dickson & Son, J. Beattie ; one -year - Rocks, Carling Bros., A. Bissett; White old, J. Beattie, 1, 2, 3; team, R. North- cott, Jas. Patterson, 0. Hackney. Plymouth Rocks, W. Gardiner; Buff. Rocks, George Irwin, Joseph Senior; AlliercuJuRAL.-Brood mare, Jno. Butt Cochins, George Irwin; black Duncan, sr., S. Hunter, W. H. Mor - breasted red game, Carling Bros.; any lock; foal, J. Creery, J. Moir, .T. H. variety game Carling Bros.; black red Morlock; three-year-old, W. Hanson, game bantams. G. H. Bissett; Brown G. W. Wren, S. Stanlake; two-year red Bantams, P. Bowden, H. Speck - old, W. Hanson, G-. W. Wren Sohn Hey, jr.; one -year-old, Sohn D'uncan, man; any varieter Bantams, G. Irwin 1 and 2; Silver Spangled Hamburge, sr., W. Delbridge, Thompson; team, Jno. Decker, J. R. Patterson. W. Carter 1 and 2; Golden Pencilled Homburgs, C. Campbell 1 and 2: Black GENERAL PurePosE.--Brood mare, Hamburg, W. Carter; Golden Polands, Wm. Delhridge, W. Fotheringham & Son, D. Golding; foal, J. Moir, Y. Pat- CT. Irwin 1 and 2; any variety. Polands, G. Iewin 1 and 2; White Leghorns, 0. terson, D. Golding; two-year-old, Jno. Campbell, G. Irwin; Brown Leghorns, RonillS Decker, ,Tno. Rollins; one - 0. Campbell; Brown Leghorn, rose yea,r-olk, R. Birch; tee,m,T. Handford, comb, C. Campbell; Bilff Leghorns, G. R. Bireh, T. Roeder. w. Heywood, C. Canepbell; Black Java, Dow's special. --Jae. Beattie, G. Irwin; Audalustans, T. Shapton 1 Brock, J. Duncan, sr., Chas. Godbelt, B. and G. Williams. and 2; Black Spanish., T. Shapton, J. Bowden; Black Minorcas, 0. 0ampbell., °Lanus -me -Brood mare, Wm Wit - G. Irwin; White Minorcas, W. Carter, zel, Chas. Carnochan, J. Kent; foal, R. G. Irwin; Silver LaceWyanclottes, Ricks T.. Harding, J. Blatchford; Oartete G. Heywood; White Wyatt.- bleree-year-old, J: Essery, A. Bissett, J. wm. dottes, .T. Senior 1 and 2; Golden Wyan- C.; Sheardown; two-year-old, dottes, W. Carter; Bronze Turkeys. J. Witzel, J. Essery, j. Johns; one -year - Bowden 1 and 2; White Turkeys, W. old,. Wm. Delbridge, Chas. Carnochan, Carter 1 and 2; any varieby Turkeys,. WineWitzel; carriage horses, A. Load - G. Irwin; Tout ouse Geese, T. Douglas' man, j. F. Russell, R. N. Rowe; single Wild Geese, A. Bissett, R. Williams - carriage horse, Wm. Kinsman, .T. Beeman Geese, W. Carter; Pekin Thiek Hunter, A. J. Robinson. G. Irwin; Rouen Ducks, 3. Bowden; ROADSTERS. - Brood mare, '1" a col. singing birds, Mrs. J. Richardson, Sheardown, W. H. Elliott, R. Allan - foal, T. C. Sheardown, A. Bissetb, A. Bissett; Belgian Rabbits, G.. Irwin, j. Senior; any variety rabbits, H. Davis; three-year-old, J. Geiger, J. Mc- Kee, T. Sanders; two-year-old, .T. Mc- Spa,ckman, ,T. Senior. J'udge.-W, E. flegarth, Hensel'. Kee, 3. Moir, W. Patterson; one - IMPLEMENTS. year-old, W. Witzel, P. Mad. e, Thos. Forscythe; roadsters, W. le Acheson, Top buggy, W. j.lelillar; single piano box cutter, McLaughlin.M'fg Co rand 2; Portland cutter, McLarighlin M'fg Murray; wheelba , Co., 1 and 2; Iron .b • w, Janies '-- fanningmill, letcCeieeiee et,• plow, e Murray, 1 and' per, D. Maxwell ' 1 an „‘. Maxwell 1 and 2; pump, evethick; tile, John Kerr & Son; lorioki I. Kerr & Son. Special. -W. J. Millar. Judge. -D. McNichol, Farquhar. DAIRY PRODUCTS. 5 lbs. butter, W. Bagshaw, • Miss Bishop, Jas. Jeckell, Fred Hogarth; 10 lbs. butter„ Miss Bishop, Robb. Kycici, Wm. Penhale, John Decker; butter, pound rolls Robt. Kydcl, T. BRIErS.-Dr. H. Hutton is at preS- Joe Blossom, J. C. Knapton, Parlchill --- ent practicing with Dr. Rollins of Ex- CATTLE. eter.-Mr. Jaime Hodgins sold his fine THOROUGHBRED DURFIAIVL-A driving. mare for the handsome sum cow, H. Smith 1 and 2, J. Hunter year-old cow, 11. Smith, J. Hunter, of two hundred and twenty-five dol- lars. -Wm. Essery is visiting friends Smith; 2 -year -old -heifer, H. Smit and 2; 1 -year-old heifer, H. Smith, in Manitoba and the Northwest. -Mr. R. Elliott; heifer calf, H. Smith, Richard Elliott. of St. Paul, Minn., is visiting friends here. -Miss Robertson Hunter, 11. Smith; bull calf, EL am j. Ilunter, H. Stnith; herd, H. Sin was the guest of Miss Krause on Sun- 1, 2 and 3. day last. -Mrs. Hill, of St. Paul, Ont., is visiting friends here. -Mr. and Mrs. GRADES. -Aged cow, Phineas H ter, Thos. Shapton & Son, H. Ellw S. Andrews, of linetville were the thy; 3-year-olcl heifer, T. Shapboi guests of Mrs. F. Hicks on Sunday last. -Mr. 0. Sheardown won first prize on Son, 1 and 2; 2 -year-old heifer, College last, week. -Mr. W. Stewarb, Westcott, H. Ellworthy, T. Shapto son of our enterprising blacksmith, left, both mare and foal in comptition with Son; 1 -year-old. heifer, W. Westc town on Saturday. We wish him sue- an exceedingly numerous and valuable T. Shapton & Son; heifer calf, T. Sh cess. -Miss McKenzie, of Petrolea. has elass, at the South Huron exhibition. taken charge of the millinery depart- This stamps Mr. Sheardown's ex- ton y&R8s/TilhES.-COnr, R. WilliRMS; 1 and 2. mint in W. J4Roy's store. -John Wart hibit as being of exceptional merit, fez. calf, R. Williams 2nd. 6 -"f, Special, most neatly arranged plate, of butter, Jno. Homey; creamery e butter, A. Q. Bobier ; cheese, L. ge" Lytnington ; cheese, horimade, L. Symington. h 1 Judge -Win, Scott, Brucefield. W. GRAIN AND SEEDS. J. Fall wheat, white, J. K. Wise, M. ith, Beethour ; fall wheat, red, J. K. ith, Wise, S. Wise ; spring' wheat, M. Brethour, S. Wise ; 6 rowed barley, un- M. Brethour, J. K. Wise ; 2 rowed or- barley, S. Wise, M. Brethour; large & oats, 3. K. Wise, M. Brethour; com- W. mon oats, J. K. Wipe, S. Wise; black n Si oats, S, K. Wise, M. Brethour; one ott, bushel thnothy seed, A. McEwen, ap- M. Brethour ; fax seed, M. Brethour, S. Wise; merchant's flour, Harvey hei- Bros., lsb & 2od ; white beans, S, Wise, S. K. Wise; clover seed, M. jrzusFrv. -Cow, John. Stanlake, 1 and Brethour, J. Rader ; collection grain 2; 2 -year-old heifer. S. S. Hogarth, 1 in ear, 7, R. Wise, M. Brethour ; en - and 2; 1 -year-old heifer, J. Stanlake 1 silage corn, Geo. Rook. S. Rader; Ana 2; heifer calf, Thos. Prior; Irwin special for spelt, M. Brethour. Arrnstroug; bull calf, X. Stanlake. • Judge. -W. H. Le vett, Avtatts.-Heifer vsGELTlivlietrt, Exeter. ss Williams. Though an oversight taking the American Wonder potatoes, W. P. prize list Tuesday we did not procureE. Trott ; Beauty of Hebron, potato - the names of the priee winners iees, Wm. Sadler, W E Trott • Butohers' end. Hereford Cattle and t.e- Pearl of Savoy notetees, Wm. Sadler; hc books having been tt-i-kn- Empire State, ,Trio. R. Potter, Albeit sheep and t en to Seaforth we shall be obliged Bissett Red Elephant potatoes, Wm. out them this weele, but they will -° Sadler Carmen No. 1, potato, Sacob 81). Rader ; Rural New 'Yorkers. Win, pear next. pros. Sadler, A. Bissett ; any variety pate,. toes, Wm. Sadler Jim. Decker ; win tee cabbage, W. 'R. E. Trott, Win. Oar Smiler ; fall Cabbage, Mrs. Hawkins, 8' W. R. E. Trott ; blood beets, M. Bre W. timer, Lewis Day re'lObe beets, W. in H. McOrasken, P. Triebner ; sugar 1002, It. Birch 1 and 2, NV., Earl. TAIrsvoirrn.---Aged boar, boar lit- l'ubeztentsg'oWlds,TWrc).6bH. R. Meve0Wraetke‘'nftt,rWthl.'Veling- toted 1902, aged sow, sow 1 year, 'hale, 0 Pyno; glebe maagolds, W. 11. sow littered. 1902, F. Douglas. McCracken, P. Triebner, ,T R Potter; POlt for Padang, intermediate, W. 1.1. Meerackere P. Douglas, W. Earl, ttrch. P. Geo. Rook ; horn carrots, DIPLOMA. -Any breed, ft I3iech, W. Trott, Joseph. Bawden ; Nantes Douglas, W. Vari. carrots fl Gregory, Newcombe Judge. -George Green, Fairview. long orange or red carrots, W. Vat; is attending .model Forest. -John Copeland had three -valuable horses in- juted seriously by that miserable barb wire. -Timothy Eaton, our town bar- ber, took a sudden notion that. he didn't like Woodham and has gone to another clime. -Miss Mossip, of Thorn - dale, is holding evangelistic services in the Methodist church here. Her pop- ularity is evidenced by the large crowds that assemble each evening to listen to the Divine message from her lips. Miss Mossip is an earnest and effective speaker and her life is her master's. THE EXETJ3IR scalooL tiaAar). No reduction. of High School fees under any circunastences on motion of R. N. Rowe, and. W. S. Carling. That a holiday be gtveit to the tea- chers desirirtg to attend the tendon fair. ' Pet R. N. Rowe arta W. J. Carling -That new Ions be provided for blie 8011001, bonding, Per W. Carling and W. Treveth- ick. ..Thee are the 1110tiOnS earried at the last meeting of the Board, Sept. 16th. DRS. ORME & ORME, Office hours 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Telephone cOnnection with main odice in Lucan.-Cent ralia„ Ont, s exs rat th Bitinvs.-Our locel sportsnaen report some good days sport. -Quite a few from here took in the London fair last week. -Mrs, O. Aldworth, of Exeter, spent a few clays with friends here last week,- -We are sorry to note We week the death of Mr. Win. Campbell which took place on Monday morning at his late residence on the 2nd concession, of Hay, Mr. Campbell was a man who was well knovvn to nearly everyone 11 Youxsnran.-,Aged Boar, It Re boar, 1 year, R. Birch, WneEterl; b ittered in 1902, R. Birch, 1, 2 an for miles around having lived on the aged sow, R. Birch; sow, 1 year, farm on which he died for about fifty Ego., R. Birch, 2 and 3; sow littered years. He was a native of Scotland and together with his wife, also a ria-, tive of Seotland; they made a fine home for themselves out of what once was a howling wilderness. Me. Camp- bell leaves behind hint a sortoWing wife and family, of two girls and five boys still living, who have the Sym- pathy of the entire community, W. D. Yr E0 othifellowf M. Newcotnbe ; white or yellow field carrots, M. Newcombe, John Chad- GO TO THE - ton ; sweet corn; M. Brethour, Mrs. S. Tom.; Indian corn, John Bowden, EXETER Miss Brock; water melons, W. H. McCracken; musk melons, W. Trott, G A d McDonald, Wm. Sadler, Robt, Kay; turnips any other variety, L. Day, C. Pym. 2nd and 3rd; pumpkins, A. Bissett, Jno Decker; squash, W. Trott; Cauliflowers, W. Trott, W. Mc- Cracken; onions red, W. Trott, O. Bir- ney ; white or yellow onions, Jos. Bawien, W. Trott; Tomatoes, W. Trott, J. A. Stewart; Celery, Geo. Anderson, W. Trott; Citrons, . Trott, F. Triebner ;parsnips, H. Hies - ton, W. Trott; collection of vege- tables, W. Trott, Geo. Anderson, L. Day. SPECIAL. - Pickling cabbage, A. Bissett; squash, W. 11. McCracken, Geo, Anderson; whole pickling, onions. Geo. Anderson; whim radishes, Geo. Manson. Judge.- Joseph Atkinson, Tucker - smith, . HORTICULTURAL PRODUCTS APPLES. -Winter apples, F. Trieb- ner; fall aeples, H. Kraft; Winter apples, 5. Hunter, Jas. Ford; fall apples, any variety, H. Gregory; Rhode Island Greenings, Miss Bishop, P. McTaggart ; Northern Spies, Wm. Fisher, Wm. Bagshaw ; Roxboro Rus- sets, Thos. 'Yellow, Jno. Blatchford; Spitzenburg,. Jas. Jeckell, A. Me - Ewen; Baldwins, X. Hunter, Geo. Bissett; snow apples, Wm. Fisher, W. Trott; Gra.vensteins, Jno. Potter, Er. Huston; fall pippins, Geo. Sam - well, W. Bagshaw; colverts, Wm. Fisher, Geo. Bissett; king of tomp- king, P. Maar:garb, Wm. Bagshaw; alexanders, Wm. Fisher, Jas. Ford ; Canada Red, A. Bissett, Miss Bishop; Ribston Pippins, Jno. Decker, Jno. Potter ; Wagners, Thos. Swale; Grim- es G. Pippins, F. Triebner W. Fisher. blenheim pippen A erc Donald. W. Trott; duchess ofOldenberg, W. Trott, A. etc Ewen; wealthy, John Gill W. Trott ontario. S. Powell, Wm. Earl; ben davis, A. Bissett, W. Trott ; gol- den russett, John Decker, .T. flouter ; maiden's blush, F. Triebner, MiTrott. SPECIAL.- Crabs, Wm. Sadler, A. Bissett ; crab,, A. Bissett. PEARS. - Plemish Beauty, Jacob Rader. L. McTaggart; Duchess of Angoulime,IA. McPherson, John Gill; Beurs Clairgeau, A. McPherson; Clapp's Favorite, L. McTaggart, F. (Continued on page 5) eo. n erson ; Svveet Turnips, A. Roller Mill For Pure Manitoba Family Flour (Star) Pastry 03(erreiankezt)food) Ifitheatiet A good supply of Mill Feed and Chop always on hand Give our Flour and Feed a Trial ahd be convinced that it is all right. Roller and Plate Choppers in use to suit customers. f-iflEZVEY E3R08 MILLERS Blind In the shadow of a maple tree, OW I quietly sit and think; With my eyes I cannot see, Yet of nature's charms I drink. I can feel the glory of the sun, And the songs of birds I hear; The laughter of a. happy burn. "Like sweet music"; fills the air. Sweet perfumes wafted on the breeze, The beauty of the flowers bespeak, The hum, of many honey bees, 'Tis the nectar from the flowers they seek. Now, ell the world is dark to me. But shining in my soul is "light", God's great works, I plainly see, . Although all iny time is night. God's wondrous love, to all is free, To all is offered his tender care, Then; tell me why? how can it be? So many refuse his love to share. SIM:MATS Dnt- We Do Trou ibt hing Furnace Work arid Manufacture and do All kinds of Tin and G-alvanized Iron Work. Satisfaction Guaranteed. flEAVVIN;,.:1111RDWARE,