HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-10-03, Page 34to • Page 4, Energy Conservation Guide Simple steps toward energy savings - Developing a step-by- step approach to energy management in your home ins Y4:'- the best way to get results foil. yourmoney. Doing it right can save you money now and guarantee that your fu- ture energy costs will be reduced. Every situation is unique, but the following steps cover most of what you need to consider for wise home energy management. STEP L EVALUATE, ° GET ADVICE Expert advice is only a phone call away. Energy, Mines and Resources Canada (EMR) operates the HEATLINE, a toll-free telephone advisory service in Ottawa (1-800- 267-9563; in British Colum- bia 112-800-267-9563) for those who want to save energy but need consultation about what to do in their specific situation. The free Ener$ave analysis of heat loss, The Ener$ave Home Energy Analysis is a free service offered by EMR. Answer Ener$ave's simple 30 -point questionnaire and mail the completed form. The analysis assesses the en- ergy efficiency of your TWO WAYS TO SAVE ENERGY AND MONEY from JOHN CULLEN CHEV-OLDS Save up to 50% with ICG Auto.PropaneTM You can save as much as half the price of every litre of fuel you buy for your car or truck when you con- vert to ICG Auto -Pro- pane. The more'you drive, the sooner the cost of your conver- sion will pay for itself. Then you'll be putting money back in your pocket, instead of into a gas pump. ICG is Canada's fore- most distributor of ICG Auto -Propane equip- ment and fuel. And we're an Authorized ICG Auto -Propane Service Centre. Our own certified techni- cians, using fully -war- ranted ICG Auto -Pro- pane parts and equip- ment, can quickly con- vert your new or used car or truck to pro- pane. There are a great many benefits and savings features you'll enjoy by con- verting to ICG Auto - Propane. Comeand see us,'and let us tell you about them. ICG AUTO -PROPANE." AUTHORIZED SERVICE CENTRE TUNE-UP SPECIAL with this coupon only 4 cylinder $57.95 Now $47.95 6 cylinder $62.95 Now $52.95 8 cylinder $67.95 Now $57.95 American makes only - Imports slightly more INCLUDES: New spark plugs, condenser, points, gas filter and check compression, cylinder balance, all filters, all hoses, PCV valve, all emission control systems Check and adjust carburetor and timing and scope check. 1 L Coupon expires October 31/84 One coupon per item. JOHN CULLEN CHEV-OLDS "The People Pleasers" 115 Josephine St., Wingham 357-2323 house and helps determine., the best ways to .invest in caulking, weatherstripping and insulation. Do-it-yourself analysis Check for cracks and gaps around doors, win- dows, the foundation sill plate, electrical outlets on exterior walls, ceilings and the attic. During such an analysis, existing insulation levels should be measured to see where improvements are required. Utility or commercial home energy analysis - Many utility companies offer home energy analysis as a service. Call your local utilities to see if this service is available. A growing number of energy audit companies of- fer consultation, computer- ized air leakage measure- ments ' and infrared heat detection. STEP 2. MAKE THE MOST OF LOW-COST AND NO -COST ENERGY-SAVING OPPORTUNITIES There are many simple ways to save energy: turning lights out in unoccupied rooms, closing fireplace dampers and taking advan- tage of the sun's heat are just a few. Can you make use of the examples offered here in your home? Turn thermostats down For each degree (Cel- sius) you lower your thermo- stat during an eight-hour pe- riod, you will save nearly two per cent of your daily space heating costs. Install a programmable thermostat Programmable or clock thermostats perform sched- uled temperature setbacks automatically. Use your windows On winter days, open blinds or drapes to allow the sun into living areas. Close window coverings at sunset in winter. In summer, use window coverings to keep out the sun's heat. Open windows at night for cross ventilation. Keep most win- dows shut . during the daytime. Lower hot water tempera- ture A substantial saving in water heating can be obtained by reducing the heat setting on your hot wa- ter tank. Fix leaky hot water faucets Wrap hot water pipes and tank with insulation Insulating jacket kits are available from many. hardware stores and some utilities. There are safety concerns about the insula- tion of some water heaters. Phone or write your gas or electrical utility before proceeding. Use outdoor clotheslines whenever possible Shop for energy-efficient appliances Look for and compare the Energuide rating, which lists the typical monthly en- ergy consumption for new major appliances. A low en- ergy rating means Tong -term energy savings. Improve appliance per- formance . Clothes washers and dryers, and dishwashers are most efficient when used for full loads. STEP 3. AIRTIGHTEN: CAULK AND WEATH- ERSTRIP Heat loss around doors and windows and through cracks can represent as much as 30 per cent of total space heating costs. Install air -vapour barriers An air -vapour barrier seals your house in an air- tight envelope, preventing costly air leaks and protec- ting insulation and other building components against condensation. STEP 4. INSTALL PROPER LEVELS OF INSULATION AND PROVIDE ADEQUATE VENTILATION Even if you have already added insulation to your attic, there is no doubt you should do more. It is . likely that heat is still being wasted. You can reduce heat loss substantially by insula - AIM 210).-eeeen S . Carpet Helps to Insulate Your Home So why not Buy Now and save from 35% to.65% ColourReg. Sale 19.6x12 Royal Splendour 7030 Beige 663. 329. 19x12 Unforgettable, 703 Malayan Spice 986. 399. • 18.5x12 Everlasting ' 800 Off White 1226. 399. 17.10x12 Nylon Saxony Sand • 474. 199. 17.3x12 Unforgettable 400 Blue 895. 399. 17x12 Everlasting 704 Smoke Blush 1132. „ 399. 17x12 Total Elegance 763 Granada Shade 769. 379. 16.6x12 Royal Splendour 7031 Hickory 526. 279. 16.6x12 Portfolio Solid 1023 Rust 869. 299. 16.6x12 Charming Touch 762 Bambino 548. 269. 16.4x12 Portfolio Solid 1023 Rust 859. 299. 15.6x12 Total Elegance 763 Granada Shade 701. 339. 15x12 Distinctive Charm 7200 Off White 799. 379. 14.8x12 Distinctive Charm 4200 Blue 781. 379. 14.3x12 Unforgettable 704 Monticello Beige 740. • 369. 13.9x12 Unforgettable ' 200 Gold' Sand 713.. 339. 13.3x12 Portfolio Solid 773 Bark 740. 199. 13.3x12 Erin Twist 7340 Winter Moon 405. 199. 12.6x12 Charming Touch 760 Lace Beige 408. 199. • 12.6x12 Charming Touch 863 Off White 408. 199. 12.6x12 Unforgettable 701 Autumn Beige 632. 299. 11.9x12 Portfolio Solid. 773 Bark 618. 199. 11.6x12 Everlasting 100 Spring Rose 765. 299. 11.6x12 Corporate Design ' - Grey 566. 159. 11.4x12 Distinctive Charm 7204 Tawny Birch 602. 299. 11.4x12 Royal. Splendour' 8020 Pussy Willow 339. 199. 11.3x12 Unforgettable 800 Off White 569. 279. 11.2x12 Presidents Delight 7276 Viennese Coffee 460. 199. 11 x12 Unforgettable 100 00 White 571. 279. 10.10x12 Everlasting 710 Honey Beige 721. 299. 11,6x12 Corporate Design -. Grey 566. 159. 11.4x12 Distinctive Charm 7204 Tawny Birch 602. 299. 11.4x12 Royal Splendour 8020 Pussy Willow 339. 199. 11.3x12 Unforgettable 800 Off White 569, 279. 11.2x12 Presidents Delight 7276 Viennese Coffee 460. 199. 11 x12 Unforgettable 100 Off White 571. 279. 10.10x12 Everlasting 710 Honey Beige 721. 299. 10.5x12 Unforgettable - Honey 527. 199. 10.4x1,2 Royal Touch 7082 Romantic Beige j 291. 189. 10x12 Spartan - Rust 265. 99. 10x12 Executive Image 746 Beige Check 572. 99. 9.6x12 Presidents Delight 7274 Butternut 392. 199. 9x12 Erin Twist - Golden Vista 275. 149. ting your basement walls and the exterior walls of your house. Obtain product litera- ture and read it carefully. Compare costs and weigh advantages and disadvan- tages. If you need help call the HEATLINE at 1-800- 267-9563 (in British Colum- bia 112-800-267-9563). If you intend to apply for a Canadian Home Insula- tion Program (CHIP) grant, obtain a CHIP applicant's information kit. For complete details on insulation and how to in- sulate, read Keeping the Heat In. STEP 5. HEATING SYS- TEMS: IMPROVE OR REPLACE A heating system works most efficiently when it is adequately sized for the job and is properly main- tained. After you have air - tightened and insulated or added an auxiliary source of heat, it .may be that your heating system will be more powerful than necessary. An opportunity may exist to re- duce or downsize the capa- city of your system. Determining the size and capacity of a heating system requires expert con- sultation. Tuning or main- taining a heating system also requires a 'knowledgeable professional. However, some routine maintenance can becarried out by many householders; for example, changing the filter on a forced -air system and clean- ing dust from the coils of an electric baseboard or wall in- sert unit. Furnace efficiency A furnace efficiency test conducted by a pro- fessional can help you de- termine what improvements should be made to increase your heating system's efficiency. Before you convert or modify Before you convert or modify your heating system consider • the efficiency of your present system • its life expectancy • the installed cost • removal costs • availability (now and in the near future) of the fuel you select • cost of the fuel you select your oil Improving furnace To increase your oil furnace's efficiency con- sider a retention head kit or a new retention head burner, a delayed action solenoid valve, and an automatic vent damper. Purchasing a new heating system When the time comes to purchase a new heating system, Canadians have a wide range of choices,• not only of energy sources but of types of equipment available. (Continued on Page 6)