HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-09-12, Page 23Renee y o erssStewart Deft) and Audrei-Kairen (right) of f er he lares lug the Hi on Coun- try Playhouse audience some advice from AIN'T MISBEHAVIN 44'i#id;out what they like and how they like it, and let'em have it just that way?" AIN'T IitI.LSBEHAVIN' continues at the Playhouse nightly until. September 15. Tickets are still available at HCP outlets in Sar- nia, Exeterand Strathroy and the HCP box office. Uninspired showing for Kim Mitchell By Janet Tench Kim Mitchell (ex -Max Webster) played in Seaforth on September 5. Despite his poor show,. the essence of Kim Mitchell. shone through by the end of the evening. Kim Mitchell (since leaving Max Webster) has had one album, Akimbo Aligo, and a just -released mini -LP with the hit Go for a Soda. This gave him a fair amount of material to work with. Mitchell's material was superb and he had a good base with which to - dazzle the audience. However, Mitchell's execution of the material was, not inspiring. While the songs were performed well, there were problems in between songs. The band's late start had been duee to technical problems, but the problems persisted into the performance. Rather than have stagehands make the necessary adjustments, allowing Mitchell to entertain the crowd, the band turned their backs on the audience to make repairs themselves. The audience, displeased with their obvious unimportance amused themselves and seemed to take the next song as an interruption. . When the break finally came, a good portion of the audience, which wasn't a full house to begin with, departed. ' • Mitchell, himself, was far more interesting. When asked if he was influenced 1 ith praise and thanks to Cod. e� Vi► ish to �1nnouner the 25ih NN catling :1nnixersark _ of Horn and Dad IUiek & Agnes haptein1 Ifrtt� . Doug and Krikt} . Kirk. Angela. Janet and 1)onns and I;omrad. 5OTH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY The family of Fred and Ruth (Elliott) Heard of Stratford cordially invite you to OPEN HOUSE at St. James Parish Hall Mornington St. -Stratford tR!,.Ati "Nunn ntt;w. e..v.. _ e r n's° on JAY i tiiyS 11011:11r • 2 PM -4 PM "Best wishes only pilease°° 25TH ANNIVERSARY RECEPTION for Alvin and Janet Darer SATURDAY SEPT. 29 9PMm1AM at Saltford Best Wishes only please For more information call 482®3855 iby any artists, he responded, "I am inflenced by life. I am a pond that merely reflects the oncoming stone." Mitchell praised the Canadian press. He noted, "Press in Canada is excellent. They support Canadians. They'll listen to Canadian music before American or European." On the audience, he admitted: "They are not responsive. But we don't expect anything. If we play well they respond." • But whether the band had a bad night or whether the live show always lags, a im Mitchell album will always guarantee a bit of the bizarre. Clinton Spring Fair Board LADIES' DIVISION MEETING Monday, Sept. 17 at 8 p.m. at the AGRICULTURAL OFFICE BOARD ROOM - CLINTON Welcome to -Commencement Exercises at Central Huron Secondary School Friday, September 21st, 1984 at 8:15 p.m. invitation. is extended fur all graduates, parents and friends. (graduates should be at the school by 7:30 p.m. $410#00-4,0101,,,ft v , mark ourfirst production year in the handsome'ruew and renovated a ties made ,, ibh ;by our Capital' Auditions project." ,,W those J o , , Stratford Festival Ort tic rad John l rsch today-�riouncedhls 1085 S ford Festival playhti The season willitleindee a total of OW pro'' ductions with four staged, in the Festival Theatre, three in the Avon Theatre and the two Young Company productions to run at the Third—Stage, Stage. Works by William Shakespeare and classic Greek tragedy will be complemented by the best of Broadway musical theatre, the comedy of Oliver Goldsmith and the drama of Anton Chekhov. Opening week will commence May 26 and feature Festival Theatre productions of King Lear, 'Twelfth Night and Measure for Measure. Othello will jo" the Festival Theatre repertory in August. Musical theatre will still b a major at- traction at the Avon Theatre. ening week will feature Lerner and Loewe's My Fair. Lady, one of the crowning achieyements of Broadway musical comedy. This production will bring back many of the Avon Theatre musical company who enjoyed such success with the past three seasons of Gilbert and Sullivan triumphs at the" Avon Theatre. Festival Associate Director Brian Mac- donald who staged all three of this season's Gilbert and Sullivan productions, will return to direct My Fair Lady. My Fair Lady is the only musical planned for 1985. Other productions scheduled for the HAPPY BIR1HDA Y BEV on the special occasion ...from Choco and friends 5 Jack and Murray and families wish to announce the 40th -Wedding Anniversary of their parents Stewart and Mary McCall In honour of this occasion an OPEN HOUSE and Dance well be held at Seaforth & District Community Centre September 14. Social hour at 7:30. Dancing to Wilbees' Orchestra at 9 pm. Friends, neighbours and relatives are warmly invited to share in this celebration. Best Wishes only please Hay Township Recreation is sponsoring a MYSTERY BINGO Every other Thursday Next bingo Thursday, Oct. 4 (Ice Surface) Zurich Community Centre Jackpot: $500, must go • 4 flash games Bonanza Prize • 1 early bird Now over $1100 • 10 regular games in 57 calls during this • 1 mystery prize bingo OVER $1500 in cash prizes ... Rri.na your dabbers __ Doors open at 6:45 p.m. Bingo starts at 7:45 p.m. ALL PROCEEDS for "NEW" BALL DIAMOND No one under 16 allowed to play plrfl T U 1I flt111fll1111N11118f111111111111111!'."_ Nr 111111111111111111111111111111111°"-- "' SEAFORTH FALL FAIR ANNUAL CHICKEN LIAR-B-QUE at the Seaforth & District Community Centres SATURDAY, SEPT. 15, 1984 Barb-que 6-8 pm Dance 9 -lam Music by Lincoln Green Tickets for Bar-b-que & Dance S7.50 ea. Bar-b-quoAdults S6, Children S3 Dance $4 Tickets Available at Bob & Betty's Variety Vincents Farm Equipmentor any director Call 48.2-9196 Sponsored by Seaforth Agricultural Society #tury;co nquer ' Anton. erry, Orchard, At the 'Third Sege, the Venlig Ctmpany Ir sew!), will returl9 for its fourth sea, eal� I g two o productions one, a clan Greek tragedy; the other,Shakespearean Comedy. The Greek tragedy will be chosen from either Antigone or Oedipus Rex. Shakespeare laiwill be either The Comedy of Errors or Cymbeline. Although My Fair Lady is the only musical to be staged in 1985, the company of musical comedy performers will be involy- ed in`a series of musical theatre workshops that may result in public performance Also, as announced by the Festival recent- ly, a new script has been commissioned from award-winning playwright Anne Chislett. A workshop reading of the play - (tentatively titled Maria Wait or A Parcel of Rogues) is scheduled for later this fall. A full production of the drama is a possibility, although it likely would take place outside HAPPY LATE 1 6,„ BENITA! from Carole and Julie N r Thia weekendis the last c ce for ##1µsie fans to getthe best seats:,and best values on fall and spring entertairunentevents. On Septenobet +tickets to all events, iia cluding.Sylvia Tyson and La Boheme, will be. sold to ship gle. ticket buyers, Currently, tiekets are' only available to subscribers., Who also get a' 20 to 30 percent discount off the sirigle ticket price. Subscriptions will still be available at the ,reduced price after September 17, but subscribers will no longer have seating ; preference. The Popular Music Series (including Sylvia Tyson) costs $24, while the Classical Music Series (including La Boheme) is $22. Four children's shows (including Kipling's "Just .So Stories") are HAPPY .BOTH ANNIVERSARY MOM AND D A D Love - Janet & Joe & family Tom & Marjorie & family. Gerrie & Wayne & family Audrey & Bruce & family aoboard alta , �egt th► �98a Po` t.15 -1b SeP� >7 Church St.' Goderich• 24-9603 McDON1 Seaforth Optimist Club W1ND.,UPDANCE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 8 PM -1 AM TICKETS 6. PER PERSON -LUNCH PROVIDED AT THE SEAFORTH AND DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRES TICKETS AVAILABLE AT: Dixie Lee Seaforth Bob & Betty's Variety Seaforth Gulf Service lino 000 :00 e infart110ion sic fans -available fora series priee of $10,. The,season begins next week' with the Sylvia Tyson concert on Friday, September at 8 p.M. Single tickets. are $12 each. 1lligator Pie follows closely. behind with a performance on- Friday, September 28 at 7:3(7. p.m. Tickets. are $4.50 each, Alligator Pie is. a special event not included' on the children's series, but it is available to any children's series subscribers at $1 off the regular price which is $3.50 a ticket. Alt events take place in Blyth Memorial Hall, and tickets and information are available by calling 523-9300, 523-9225 or at the Blyth Festival box office. Interest in all events has been high, so call now to avoid disappointment. f �t" The family of Arie and Tri Duizer wish to Invite you to join them In the celebration of their parents' 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY An OPEN HOUSE will be held in the LONDESBORO COMMUNITY HALL SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 15 from 2:30 pm -4 pm and 7 pm -8:30 pm -Best Wishes only please- GODERICH LIONS CLUB CABLE TV BINGO MONDAY, SEPT. 17, 1984 CHANNEL 12 AT 7:30 P.M. Cards available at the following locations: GODERICH: Adair's Grocery, Huron Rd. Black's Grocery, Britannia Rd. Bluewater Market, Bayfield Rd. Becker's, Hamilton St. Shanahan's Foodland, The Square Triangle Discount, The Square Fincher's, The Square Cutt's Red & White, Victoria St. HOLMESVILLE: Holmesville General Store CLINTON: Clinton Kuenzig IGA Store, Mary St. C&E Hobby & Variety, Victoria St. Vwelee BUCKET SPECIAL 15 pieces of tender golden fried chicken. Plenty fora hungry family of 5-7. Its r ALL FO 49 plUS tax S� \ .a9 ,u. AT YOUR LOCAL Ele • FRIED CHICKEN & SEAFOOD This Weekend's SPECIAL Friday, Saturday, Sunday - Sept. 14-15-16 This Week's WEDNESDAY SPECIAL ALL DAY WEDNESDAY SEPT. 12 99 Fish 'n Chips Family Pack s6 places English Style Fish 'Family French Fries i Dixie Lee Fried Chicken and Seafood 33 VICTORIA ST. - CLINTON 482-7337 AN ALL -CANADIAN COMPANY WITH OVER 120 LOCALLY OWNED FRANCHISED LOCATIONS FROM COAST TO COAST