HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-9-4, Page 4he Mosons E3a0 (It:eerie:Witted by Aeto itmll cut islA Uead Offlee,lYlo street pitel (al" paid up) - Z2,500,1302( VaerYt) Pend -- 02,150,00Q 13$.13ntnebes in Qatari°, Quebec, Alberts., ritish Columbia anti 1)dauitebe, EX-T3R BRANCH Open Every L1 Dy from 10 to 3 p. ro.; except turdays, 10 a. in, to 1 p, Verniers &le Notes castled or 1d. .3o lrormseupplied on application. Drafts du t11 Peiuts in the Dwain:ore Great Britain atid United States leareglat and eold at lowest rates of exchange, , SAVINGS DErARTMENT. Deposits of $1,00 and upwards teceiv- od. leterest compounded half yearly, and added to principal June 30th mad December Slst. Deposits Receipts also lamed axid bigheet cement rate of interest allowed. Advances 'make to farmers, stock dealers and business nien at lowest rates and on moat favorable terms, Agents at Exeter for Dominion Government. (MESON & CABLING, l, D. BURDON, sonsormes. MANAGE.R Calendar for September 1902. Stnenex 7 14 21 28 •Mosensea ... . 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 • WADITeSDAY . 3 10 17 24 Teronseinea . . 4 11 18 25 5 12 10 26 SAT1711DAT 6 13 20 27 txttqt:it TH17RSDAY. SEPT, 4an, T902 GENERAL NEWS • British T :me 011 Lininaent is washout excep- • tion the mast effeotive remedy tor Outs Wounds, Ulcers, Open sores, Rheumatism, • Bites,Stings of Insects. etc. A largo bottle, • 25 cents, Got one at your druggiste Is, huge Os well has been struck. at • Hepworth. While drilling was in progress on the Dreffell property the tools penetrated the Trenton sand,and immediately the derrick was cleared. • At present it is not possible tomeasure • the out -put.- but the strike is unques- tionably the greatest of recent years • in Ontario. • In connection with the visit to treat of Claus Speckles, president of the Federal Sugar Refining Co. of New York, it -is announced that a re- finery will be constructed in Montreal and another in British Columbia, in • which the new refining system used in • the Spreckles elevators in the United States, by which a great saving is claimed, will be used. The company which will build the elevators is to he capitalized at $6,000,000, and steps are now underway to obtain a Dominion charter. There will probsbly be a big circu- • lation of Dominion notes this fall, as a number of the Canadian banks will by that time have reached the limit of the circulation of their own bills al- lowed bylaw. No doubt several will 'make use of Montreal, Merchants' Bank of Canada, and Bank of Com- • merce bills to t;de them over till the • circulation falls again toward winter. • In a few aays the Methodist Par- liatnent meets at Winnipeg. While there are nb troublous qugstions to come before that body, there are some important ones that are likely to become vexatious, if they are not wisely settled. Although the General Conference is the supreme court of Methodism in Canada, its power is limited ; there are some things which "it cannot do. It cannot destroy an itinerant system, nor can it alter any -article of religion or establish any new standard of doctrine. For chang- es in the general rules a three-fourths vote is necessary. The functions of • this quadrennial assembly are, broad- • ly- speaking, legislative. THE SUNFLOWER AS A • SOIL RENOVAT0R. • The sunflower is one of the very • best deeply -rooting crops that can be grown for this purpose. Information • bas reeently reached us from an ex- tensive manufacturer of prepared pot- ash, in Maryland, to the effect that the ashes from burned sunflower leaves and stubs contain about 75 per cent. • pure potash, and a considerable per cent1 of phosphoric acid. Clearly, then, this crop, through its decayed roots and tops, fills the surface soil very full of much-needed plant food. Children Cry for CAST RM. rearenareacit iralf ", first used Ayer's Sarsaparilla es the fall of 1848, Since tbet aave taken it every spring as a blood purifying and nerve - strengthening medicine." S. T. Jones, Wichita, Kans. If you feel run down are easily tired, if your nerves are weak and your blood is thin, then begin to take the good old stand- ard family medicine) Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It's a regular nerve lifter, A perfect blood builder . 0,00 ,,boin, Ao druggists, A W your doctot what ho thinks a Aloes Sarsaparilla, no 17,110W.5 all about this grand cod familyinedlelne Vollow lahficeaftd wilts asdilltd„ J. 0. ATZItCo.i,owd11,19ses. NO, KARI 13111111 the News 01 interest to TWIGS Readers Happening in these Gountle$ tietron STOP TRROOLTGB, AND V)TORIC OPP THE OQLD, Laxative 13ranurQuinine Tablets came old in one clay, No sure. No pay. Prioe 25 ets. Evangelists, Crossley and Hunter began evaegellstic eerviees in Dun- gannon on Sunday. August 81et, If there ever was a speoffie for any one •eorapleint, then Carter's Little Liver Pills are a specific for sick bead. ache, and, every women shoind know this. Oply one pill a dose. Try them. Mr. Henry Taman, of Blyth, and Mrs. Margaret Meehan, of Mitchel, were married at the Seaforth manse on Tuesday, Aug. 12, Both the bride and groom are 78 years of age. when Misie Lizzie A., White, datighter of Mr, and Urs, Geo, White, Welling - toe streee, was married ley the Env, Thomas Manning, to Mr. Dayid,Catbe cart, of the 8th conceseion of the township of Blanshard. There is no form ot kidney trouble, tiara a baclatehe down to Bright's disease, that DOAN'S XIDNEY PILLS will eot relieve or ifaltltroblrWrof tidneY I ouisotogsNLA Before leaving Clinton for Hensall, 1 where he will engage in the hotel busa uess, Mr. Blaeltall was presented with a gold chain and fob, and Mrs, Black- en with a handsome ring by their friends in Clinton. TO MAKE MONEY it is necessary to have a elear bright brain. a cool head free from pain aed strong. vigorous nerves. mileurns Beart and Nerve Pills invigorate and brighten the brain, strengthen the nerves, clad remove ali heart, nerve and brain troubles. Lionel Parsons, of the Goderich Elevator, Oo's office caught a fine bass the other evening Tinder rather Peculiar circumstances. He was out rowing with someslady companions, and while out rowing between the north pier and the mouth of the river he was considerably surprised to see something—wbich turned out to be a splendid two pound baes—jurnp out of the weter and land right in the boat, From different places comes the re- port of hove a tall man, wearing a long black beard. has passed himself off as a Catholic priest, and succeeded be col- lecting money for the church in Any - ria. A man answering to this descrip- tion was in Wingliam a few weeks ago, and it is now said that he is a freed, and if sach is the case, a num- of business men here have given their money to a party who was not deserv- ing of in—Wineharn Advance. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS is a purely vegetable combination, that in a safe and natural manner acts directly upon the Bowels, Liver, Kidneys and Blood, cleansing the entire system of an impurities foul humors and all obstructions that poison the blond and create disease. Mr, James Snell, the well-known breeder of thoroughbred stock, had the misfortune to lose all his barns last Tuesday night by fire, together with their contents, which represent- ed his entire crop for this year. He also lost a thoroughbred bull in the flames. The fire was first discoyered about pildratight, and its origin is a mystery. It was insured for about $3,000. The loss will be pretty well covered by insurauce. Mr Snell had just got the last of his grain stored in tne uight before. ` The estate of the late Samuel Sloane of Goderich, is valued at about $100,- 000. Among the begaests are one of $1,000 to the London conference of the Methodist church for the French mis- sior work in Quebec, and one of the same amount to the Presbyterian churc,h for a similar purpose. The balance of the estate is left almost without exception, to brothers and sisters, nephews and nieces of the de- ceased. The Ontario Government of course, comes in for a share under the Succession Duties Act. The property, both real and personal, with •th3 ex- ception of a few Reticles specifically bequeathed, is all to be offered for sale, under the terms of the will. WHY SNIFFLE AND SNEEZE ? Don't suffer any more from a cold in the head, just carry a OATANEROZONE I1,74,x-r ER Ili your vest pocket, use lb now and again and you wont have colds. Catarrhozone knocks nut a cold in ten minutes, kills a heaclaehe in five minutes, and hard, racking coughs in half an hottr. Inhale the pleasant Catarrhozone vapor five min- utes, four times daily, and it will cure Bronchitis, Lung Trouble, Deaf nes-3, Asthma and Catarrh in any part of the system. Catarehozone is he roost direct, modern and scientific method, and ia guaranteed to give satisfaction Complete two months' treatmen" costs $1.00, trial size, 250. Druggists, or N, C. Poison, & Co., Kingston, Ont, Hamilton's Pills Cure Constipation. • es, • Middlesex The action of Carter's Little Liver Pills is pleasant, mild and natural. They gently stimulate the liver, • and regulate the bowels but do not purge. They are sure to please. Try them. The private banking interests of Mr. T. L. Rogers, of Parkhill, bave been purchased by the Canadian Bank of Commerce. The business which has hitherto been conducted in the old premises will in future be carried on xaMr. Rogers' building, being much more suitable and commodious, awl Mr. Roger has been retained as man- ager. Perth GOODUIDALTU IS IMPOSSIBLE without Regularaction of the bowels. Milburns Laza- liver Pit s regulate the bowels, inures constipa- tion dysnepsia, bilioneness, sick headache, and,all affoctiona of -the organ of digestion. 'Price 25 cents All araggistg . In London, on Tuesday, Aug. 1.0th, a very quiet welding was celebrate& Miss Ada Cathcart, of the 8th COD. of Blaoshard, was on that day united, in marriage to Mr. Thomas Bolton, a member of the London police force. Mr, Bolton used to farm on the 8bh cenceseion of 331ansharcl. and is well known there. Palpitation of the heart, nervous- ness, treeablings, nervous headache, cold hands and feet, pain iii the back, and other forms of weakness are re- lieved by CarterIron Falls made specially for the blood, tter,;es and complexioni A quiet, tniattended wedding took place at the Methodist parsormge St. biarye, Ttnitad ay, AuglISh 2ISt, Mr. and. Mrs, Robert Entyee, West Nissouri, on Augest 22nd celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their wed- ding day. They were the recipients of irately useful and. eostly presents from their friends. Mr. and Mrs, Haves and family came to Ontario from England in 18751and, aro hale and hearty at the present time, and ibis the wish of their many blends that they both may live to enjoy many future years of happiness. The Unliapoll Burdcn- Bcarcr Must MaKc 6110166. Paine s Celery Compound Takes Away the Load of ' Disease and Leads to New Life, Health and Happiness, The unhappy victira of disease, who has just dragged through the summer, and who is now wrecked with suf- fering and elmost a physical wreck, must (nave immediate choice ot two paths. One leads to increasedmiseries and certain death, the other to new life, health and happiness. The use of Paine's Celery Compound is &necessity for all who seek the path of health and long years. Victims of rheumatism, neuralgia, kidney disease, liver trouble, dyspepsia, ner- Vousness, and blood diseases, quickly and surely find new life, vigor and strength in Dr. Phelps' medical pre- scription--Paine's Celery Compound. it builds tsp the system, purifies the blood, braces the nerves and regulates digestion as no other medicines can do, Mrs. Chas. Charette, Chambly, P. Q., wonderfully rescued by Paine's Celery Compound writes as follows : can honestly say that I would Pot be living to -day if it had not been for your wonderful medicine. For a long time I suffered terribly from nervousness, sleeplessness, head and stonaach troubles, and never received much benefit from ordinary medical treatment. I heard of your Paine's Celery Compound, and. have good reason to thank God that I have used it. I ea,n now eat well and sleep soundly, and my nervousness is a thing of the past. I now feel perfect- ly rested after a night's sleer, which was never the case before using the Compound. My neighbors are sur- prised at the grand cure made by your medicine, and some are using it now. 1 thank you sincerely for. the boraest results given by Paine's Celery Com- pound., ' 16, KILLING' WOODCHUCKS WITH CARBON BISULPHIDE In many parts of Canada a good deal of damage is annually done in grain, hay and pasture fields by the common 'woodchuck or groundhog. Not only is a considerable amount of grain or foddermthese consumed by animals, but much more is trampled upon and destroyed, while the open burrows are occasionally responsible for accidents to horses employed in harvesting, Many ways of destroy- ing, these a,nimals have been devised, but ordinary methods frequently fail to keep them in check. Probably the simplest and most satisfactory methods is that ol the use of bisul- phide of carboia, an inflammable liquid whichson exposure to air volatizes in- to a vapor that is very destructive to animal life. This substance has been used for some time in the West for destroying ground squirrels, and has also been largely used for destroying insects in mills and factories, It has often been recommended and utilized to destroy woodchucks, but its merits for the purpose do not seem to be generally appreciated. A series of experiments covering several seasons' use of carbon bisul- phide ae a woodchuck exterminator has lately been reported by the New Hampshire Experiment Station, the results of which are herewith sum- marized So successful have these experi- ments been that the plan is strongly acommended for more general adopt - on. One special advantage of cerbon Iiisulphide is that its vapor is more than twice as heavy as air, so that in a woodchuck burrow it will follow long the bole unbil it. reaches the bot - mu, crowd:ng the air above it to •the op. As the animal is likely to be in be lower peat of the bereceY, it is lmost certain to inhale the poisonous apor and be killed. The equipment neeet-sary for this ort of Nt'indchuck hunt consists of a EX.01'11,11113. bottle nf carbon bleulphicle, a buedle isf old cotton Or other cloth, a pail and a Wade, The pail is first filled with dirt and set near the bole ready to turn iti ; then a piece of cloth is held between the themb and finger, sat. uratect with about an ounce of the liquid, and immediately thrown as far lute the burrow as possible. The pail of dirt is then thrown nuieklY into the bole and the entraece carefully closed. If there is more than one en- trance, all but one should be filled in before the treatment, This method not only kills the old woodchuck, bub destroys in a hemane manner the young in the burrow. It has to, the additioual advantage that the animal is not only killed but is bariecl, and the hole is filled so that considerable time is thus eaved. A large number of experiments have been made, and in only a very few eases were the • boles reopened, and in each case there was conclusive evidence that they bad been opened from the out - Side by woodchucks burrowing into them. Precautions to be observed: — It should be distinctly understood by everyone who uses carbon bisulphide for any pprpose that it is highly vola- tile, inflammable, and poisonous, and it is also highly explosive. With any reasonable care in its ie however out of doors, no ill results can follow, Used a,s described above there is no necessity for one to inhale the vapor, and a small quantity in a glass stop- pered bottle may be safely stored away in a coot place. 01 course it must be kept out of the reach of child- ren, and away from fire of any kind. The person applyiug, it to woodchnck holes should not be smelting while applying the liquid. For most people it is probably better to buy from the local druggist than to store a large amount. It isnot expensive in any and the ordinary commercial grade will do as well for this purpose as that which is chemically pure. [1118 SANCTION Of B.R1IIIIN Sir Robert Bond's Negotiations For Free Trade With U.S. Newfoundland's Premfer Has Also a Fast Line Project Between Galway and St. John's, Using. f.Zeid'S Railway Across the Colony-. Confederation With Can- ada Will Come Sooner or Later," Say Eon. G. W. Guthrie. Montreal, , Sept. 2,e --`'It is true that the Imperial :Government has Sanctioued the re -opening of negotia- tions for a trade arrangement be- tween Newfoundland and the United States, and I Will leave for Wash- ington iname'cliately for this purpose. 1 tun not in a position, however,. to make any further statement with re- gard to, the /natter,"' This important state/lee/at was made SIR ROBEla 110ND. by Sir Robert Bond, Prime Minister of Newfoundland, who arrived yes- terday by the steamer Pretoilari, and it is understood that he Will leave for the American capital ' 'Thursday af tern opn. Sir Robert: said he COtad not .dis- euss just now Canada's probable et- titude in the matter. The Nevfouidlancl premier has also projert oe hand for the establish - /Melt of a feat line • of steamers be- tween Oat way and St. Jelin's, Mid., using Reides railway across' the anci- ent colony. win coma sooner or Later. • "Confederation will have to come sooner or, later,' and perhaps it would be better for it to take place while the colony is prosperous," was the rather important 'declaration made here, last eritelLt ITS7 1119 .110/1., Ve1340•000.004 BORN n etzrzert.-Tn the township of Hibbert, the wife of ler. Wm. Miller, Of a daughter. ITA eater.- LI Exeter, on Saturday August 30, the wife of Air. Jos. agarvey, of a son, • MARRIED neee-Dowznit-At the residence of the bride, in Clinten,00 August 26th, by Bev. Dr. Stew- art, Misa Nellie Dowser. to Dr. Nelson Ball. both of Clinton. Coxox.-.Itinr-AtEnox manse, Mitchell, on the 20th August. by the .Rev. t. McAuley, Thos. Coxtm, to Miss Ida jury, both of Elina. EA/LEY-PA/OMR. - At the residence of the bride's parents, 12 Lansdowee Avenue, Tor - auto, on August 12th, by Pay, nr. MeIt'ay, MJ r. oseph, J. Ilailey, prineipal of Blyth pub- lic school, to TetYe, daughter of Me and Mrs. J, IL Parker. Triemsole-Oerven--In 'Brussels, OnAegust 20 at the residenee of the bride's parents, Tarte berry street., by Itov. T. Wesley Cousins, Mr. Win. Thonelson,rnerchant of Thessalon, Al- gona, to 1Vilas False Real, daughter or me and Mrs. James' Oliver, Brussels. . Dna) BA/am/LI-DI Exeter, on ..ergest 27th, /).da .lane Pennon, beloved wife of Mr, VVM. Darwin, Jr„ aged 35 rears, 9 menthe and 0 liars, OnAmitate. ()redeem on AutruSt 271ht MIMI &atm Chambers, daughter of Thos. and Selena Chambers, awe years, 11 MOS. end 17 days. IT,uptlifie, vuuwellrerls in Sir Robert Bond's government. lie said, ileWaVer, that the Ministry Would OppOSe ex -judge MbrriSon in Trinity, who wanted, to get ieto par- liament and form a now party. The minister also stated that he Prealine ed Sie Wilfrid Laurier bad given his consent to tile renewal of the Bond- Bleine treaty, sine Sir Robert 1300 was going to Washington to open up negotia,tioes. ArAlta1'1441.11f. VXLLAG 5DESTROXED, Mount reloe in 'Violent truptIon-Lo Carbot swept bY Tidal' Wave. Casteies, Islana of St. Lucia., 13rite ish West Indies, Sept. 2. -The Brit- ish steamer :Korona arrived hero yes- terday evening from Fort De Fraace; Island of 51a1-tiuique. She reports that 6, terrible eruption of Mont Pe- lee occurred at 0 o'clock Saturday tight, and that people who arrived. at Port De France from the northern part of the islana reported that the v:ilage of lUorne Rouge (near the ills- trict previdusly devastated, had been entirely destroyed, and that Le Car - bet la village on the coast, close to the southern end of • the territory, which was 'destroyed at the time oe the great eruption) has been swept by a tidal wave. About 200 persons lost their lives. JELL rnonF011,1$.'STEIT.S, ARCH, Tholnas Wilkinson Met Instant Death at Toronto Exhibition. Toronto, Sept. 2.--ThoMas Wilkin- son, it plasterer, met instant death. Saturday afternoon while. at Werk - on the 1.0.17. arch at the Exhibition Grounds. lig ::was standing on a scaffold with Foreman Foley and in Stopping to pick up a tool, 'tripped on a trestle and fell to the grorind, a, distance of 25 feet. EIS Skull was fractured at the base. Deceased was 48 years 'of age and -resided at 911 Manning avenue. Tie leaAres a widow and six children. ' A Treacherous TO, Gun. Toronto, April 2e -Robert Liscum, a youth of 18, whose home is at 532 East Front street, and who is a driver .for Taylor's Soap Works, was fooling -with a toy gun yesterday morning when something went wrong with the mechanism, ancl an explo- sion occurred, which chopped off the thumb arid index ihager of his left hand. It was found necessary to amputate the hand. Freeborn Fatally Hurt. Hamilton, Sept. 2. - Yesterday word was received from Buffalo to Ilia effect that john Freeborn, form- erly of the Hamilton Tigers and the Eingston Granite football teams, was .fatally injured while unloading a ves- sel there. Freeborn was a longshore- man and went to Buffalo. a fait* months ago. Bis mother went to Buffalo immediately. BOER EliER111,8 1 [ligLIIND Colonial Secretary Chamberlain to Confer With Them. London Panora Advise Against Further Negotiations With TheanGen. Dray • balit Afraid Britain May ILet • ]Everything She Gained ln the War - £4,000,000 Advanced to Doer Farmers For Restocking *rich. Farms. London, Sept. 2. -Generals Dewet, Botha, Delarey and Mr. Fischer ar- rived here yesterday from' The Vague. A heavy rain was falling when they arrived, and they received no ile- monstretion. It is understood • that ;Joseph Chamberlain, the Colonial : Secretary, is coming to London. .to confer, with the generals. (.011CW145i0/38 0, Ilt)er, The papers yesterday morning publish 'editorial articles strongly urging the Government to refuse': ftuther to negotiate with the Boer generals, or at least to decline to • grant them any further concessions. Lord IN:Miner, 13ritish High Conunise sioner in 'South Africa, has just issued. at Pretoria a new ordinance in regard to the taxation of natives, • under which every male adult and every married native woman Must pay, after Sept. 1, an anneal capita- tion tax of $10. This is, roughly. speaking, 'double the amount of caP1.- tation .tax collected under the Boer, regime, and it will 'doubtless lead to much murmuring. Gel). nrabant Afraid. Gen. Brabant, the commander of 13rabant's Corps during the fighting in South Africa, sailed yesterday for the Cape. Speaking of the political situation, Gen. Brabant expressed the opinion that it was not satisfactory. 1 -Te added: "We are An danger of losing everytheng that we gained by the wae." 0:ten 1",'o -i, ITitcia.1:14P• r From Pretoria it 18 reported that p ver £4,000,000 will be advpn'..ect lo Doer cannel% for restocaing etc Oxen are being procured from Made,- gaScar. imers 1+4.1 7.".a.ti,111111 f•11.0111ti. Pretoria, Sept. 1. -The reports of bad feeling between the National Scouts and stirrtnd eyed *floors are much exaggerated, Those with the returning prieonere of war appear to be Settling downwith very little wrangling. • There are no authentic: eases of ill-treat/nen t , hut ihcrnis' a slight tendency to boycott, eeowned at tsreeirwoon, L-4 teen woad, Sept. 2.-LeSlieTiydrs, eht n•r1 on of James Byers of tliie place., was drowned here yesterday N.vhile bathing in Greats Pond. not,n 'Were Drowned. Rat :Portage, Sept, 2.—Fre6 Siniti- ard Owen IVIEwtin were imset ino canoe Sunday and both clrOwileri, MaglegagiffireaValalanenkaa,„a araneetenenseilete,',,seareeen What ics' 'atre • Castoria is for Infants and Children. Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing. Syrups. It contains neither Opium,. Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant. • Its gua,ranteo is thirtiy years' use by Millions of' Mothers. Castoria destroyS Worms and allays Feverish- ness. Castoria cures Diarrluna and Wind Colic. Castorio, relieves Teething Troubles, Clares Constipation and - Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulate - the Stomach aud Bowels of Iaants and. Children, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's Panacea --The Mother's Friend. Castoria. " eastoria is an excellent medicine fo. children. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its gcx.d effect upon their children." D. G. C. OSGOOD, Lowell, Mass. Castoria. "Ciastoria Is SQ well adapted to children, that 1 recommend it as superior to any pre- scription known to me." 'XL A, AltellEa, M. D. Brookiya, N, THE FAC—SIMILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. EggeiREMERMWENZwer ,1.44t 4.461n,' . T'T THE' CC.INTAUR COMP,ANV MURRAY UP-TO-DATE IDEAS TI16 Most Popular One With Young and Old Is the De- termination to Make Malt Dro:itimi Pod The First Dish at the Morn- ing Meal. A Food Thoroughly Relished by All Classes, Up.to-date ideas crowd thick and fast on the people ot progressive com- munities. The strongest, most sen- sible and most popular one, that has, seized the public is the determination to make Malt Breakfaet Food the first dish at the morning meal. ViThen the many positive advantages of Malt Breakfast Food are Considered, the new. up-to-date idea is worthy of all encouragement, by those -alio value health, vigor an.d robustness. The best medical men heartily indorse the the fact that Malt Breakfast food is the true health food, and results amply prove it. See your Grocer, • FALL FAIRS. Industaial—Toronto, Sept. 1-13. Western—London, Sept. 12-20. South Huron—Exeter, Sept 22-23. Teeswater—Sept. 24-25, Blanshard.—Kirkton, Oct. 2 ; 3, Blyth—Oct. 7-8. ' • Brussels—Oct. 2.3. Walkerton—Sept. 17-18. Ingersoll—sept. 25-26. Listowel—Sept. 80, Oat. 1. North Perth—Stratford. Sept. 20, October 1. St. Marys—Sept. 30, Oct. 1. West Zora and Em bia—Dct. 2. M. Nissourri and Thamesford—Ocal. G. N, W. Exhibition--Goderich, Sept, 30, Oct. 1, Tnrn berry—At Wingliam, Sept. 25- 26. n.shfield & WaWarlosh—Dungannon, Oct. 9-10. ' Tuckersinith—Seaforth, Sept. 2520. Oxford—Woodstock, Sept. 25.26. Great N nx thern—Oollingxvood,,r3ept. 23.1ro.rtli Brant—Paris, Sept, 25-21 1• North Grey—Owen Sound, Sept. 18- 18, Centre Bruce—Pi, alley, Sept. 23-24, TO CORE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Promo Quinine Tablets, All druggists refund tho money if it foils to cure W,Grove's signature is on each box. 25e. �niae Siorie elways bears the Signature of Chas. It Pletcher. 13aby WEIS dck, we gave her Castorio. chcn she was a Child, she cried for Castorit. When she Income Miss, she clung to Castorin, When she had Childrezi,she gave them Castotia. London, Huron and BrUCC. Geis° Neuert- Passenger. London. depart 8.15 N. 4.401,. Centralia 5,1 5.50 Exeter 9.30 • 6,0 IlenSall ....... 9.44 6,15 Melanin 9.50 6.25 • Brucefleld . .. 9.58 6.33 Clinton 10.15 6 55 • Winghann, arriVe 11.10 8.00 dolma SIOnTii-- Passenger Wineheere aeeert 6,13 A. m. 3.15 m Clintea .. .. 7.47 4.25 Brucefield ...,... .. 8.05 4.49 kippen . . . ... . 8.15 4.57 . ..... • , .22 5.02 Exotet 1, . .. . 8.55 6,1.0 Centralia' . . .... 8.46 5,25 London 4.4 0 040 0 9.37 6.12 CREDVPON Roller ills We are giving excellent sa— tisfaction in flour since re— modelling our mill Dry Soft Wood Wanted. Gristinn and Ghouls Donc Front!". SWEITZER. IF You WANT TO lilleilgt 0041•••••=0.00010101002 Buy or Sell a Farm,. Buy or Sell Town Property, Borrow or Lend, Money, Collections Made,. Your lei& Insured,. 1/4GoLtionethe Old Cuon- th try, by e Allarx, • ON THE TJNDERSIGNED, • JO N SPACKMAr Office over H. spackman's Hardware'. Exeter. - es 'Cash paid for Raw Furs. Smtheriend inns LIMITEDv. ARE PREPARED TO PURCHASE'S OTH EL, —AND— ER EITTIER STANDING OR iN Trir noGS, Apply t" C. Kessel, FONSMAN, EXEITIM, "Measure twice, cut but once." aperiment till you find the uniformly good make of shoe—the shape, size and width you need. Then stick to it— don't speculate. You'll know it always by the Makers' price stamped on thole— 'The. Slater Shoe" 1. AooLtyorWeittd" SPACICUAN. 'General Agent,