HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-08-29, Page 231 1 Wl tl. CORD WEIDNER% rJM 4VG1021, PAG # 21 THE CLINTON NEWS - RECORD • THE DLYTH STANDARD • THE BAYFIELD BUGLE MAURICE rAII'�' 7I -. REAL ESTATE LIMITER 34 STANLEY STREET 5244968 GODERICH 'We May Be Number Onel But- We're Still Trying Harder!' CALL US -TO WELCOME YOU HQMiE HOME OF THEWEEK SNOWDEN ACRES • STANLEY No. 15 SITUATED ON THE SHORES OF LAKE HURON 598,500.00 - Executive 11/2 storey 4 year old red brick home with double garage. 3 bedrooms, with balcony off master bedroom, separate dining room, sunken living room with fireplace and custom made curtains for both rooms, pine cupboards In kitchen which includes refrigerator, stove and dishwasher. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ON COTTAGES, RESIDENCES, COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES, OA FARMS PLEASE CONTACT DIANNE ALEXANDER 565-2513 COTTAGE OFTHE WEEK SNOWDEN ACRES • S ANLEY No. 15 .COURT S LE $42,000.00 • Year round lying at Its best • 200 yards from beach, creek running through back of lot, vertical sheathing, 5 bedroom cottage, electric baseboard heating, 2 cedar decks off patio doors, kitchen/living room as well as a 14' x 16' family room. 18. Houses for rent THREE bedroom house in Brucefield, fully carpeted, with carport and deck. Available Oc- tober 1. Phone after 8 p.m. 482.3090.-34,35 FARM house for rent, 4 bedrooms, 2 miles north • of Londesboro. Available October 1st., $175,00 monthly. Phone 523-9499.--34,35 THREE bedroom farm house 10-20 yrs. old, newly renovated, on Hwy. No..8 mid -point between Clinton and Seaforth. Available immediately. Rent .$350. Phone 527-0191, --34tf THREE bedroom house for rent in Clinton, also Oldsmobile car in good shape. 482.7152,---34tf SMALL two bedroom house. at 125 North St. S Clinton. Phone 526-7290 after 9 a.m. Friday. , August 24.---34,35x HOUSE for rent near Blyth, close to highway. Available September 1st. Call Canadian Agra Farm Management 523-9242;- 35 36or FbR'RENT: new three bedroom house. Durharrne Estates in Bayfield, available • immediately. Phone 236.4230.-- 35,36 • COUNTRY house for rent, older couple pr•eter• red. Available September 1st. Phone 482- 9738.-35 FOUR bedroom semi detached, 5225.00 monthly plus utilities. 15 Regina R.d.. Vnnastru. References required. 523-4299 after 5.30 p.m.-35tf 19. Rooms for rent ROOMS (2 single) with private sitting room and • bathroom, share kitchen, in house in Bayfield. Furnished or -unfurnished. Available irnmediate- ly.Phone 565.2522 35,36x 26. Help wanted 20. Room & board ROOM and board available, male or female. 12 Princess St. W. Phone 482-7736.--35 25. Wanted to buy L. & M. AUTO Wrecking. We buy scrap rads and batteries and scrap. Phone 887-9561 .-27tf 26. Help wanted SERVICE MANAGER REQUIRED Immediately, for area farm equipment dealership. Good benefit package. Phone ' Fred Lobb for an inter- view. H. LOBB & SON LTD. 482-3409 Currently available: 2 MANAGEMENT TRAINING' POSITIONS in this area. These positions include company benefits and management opportunity for those who qualify. Ask yourself, "Where will I be in 5 years if I continue doing what I do now?" Are you currently earning $20,000, $30,000, 540,000 per year? Would you like to deal with business and professional people, where 50% to 75°' of your time is . involved in servicing establishedaccounts in the insurance field? For those who qualify, your professional career op- portunity will start with 3 weeks of intensified sales training. If you are sports minded and bon- dable and would like to work with en organiza- tion that is No. 1 in its field, call Jess Neale, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. today or tomorrow. (416)922- 7992. -- 35o • THE GODERICH CANADA EMPLOYMENT CENTRE has job openings for FULL TIME and PART TIME Waitress/Waiter Positions in Goderich, Clinton and Bayfield Experience preferred, but will train. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and be flexible as to hours of work. Please apply in person to the Goderich C.E.C. HENSALL DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE INC. requires Full time feed mill lead hand responsible to feed mill foreman feed mill operation experience required shift work involved In confidence please send resume along with expected salary to: Atter!: Larry Shepton Hens®ll District Co-operative Inc. Davidson Drive, Henson, Ont. NOM 110 Replies must be received by Aug. 31, 1984 26. Help wanted - VOLUNTEERS are needed to assist with the Lady Diana Nursery, Vanastra with handicapped preschoolers one morning each week, par- ticularly Tuesday for swim program. For more in- formation -call Brenda McEwin 524-4315 or 482- 7634.-33-36 WANTED: LICENSED MECHANIC. Also Body Repair Man, for a General Motors dealership.. Excellent wages and benefits. Apply to Doug Purdy, Highview Pontiac Buick, 137 Water St. N., Cambridge, N1 R 559 (519)621-3681.-35o LIVE IN. housekeeper and companion required by pensioner. Apply to Drawer .'410, c/o .Clinton News -Record, Box 39, Clinton. NOM 1L0.-35 A LIVE-IN companion for an elderly woman in Blyth. Salary negotiable. Apply to Box 242,. Blyth, NOM 1H0.-34,35 PERSON wishing equal opportunity required to service customers in the Clinton area. We have thousands of customers and enjoy 53 years of ex- ceptional consumer acceptance. Must have car and be neat in appearance. Contact Electrolux Canada 743-8278 collect.-34,35ar BABYSITTER required before and after school. Pine Lake Camp area. Hours and salary negotiable. Contact 482-9951.-35 CASUAL Part time help required by Blyth widow. Duties to include assisting with flower beds, vegetable garden, small household repairs, may also include some chauffering. Please apply in writing to Box 39-100, Clinton, Ont. NOM 1L0.-35 COOK, full time, experienced. Apply in person to Blyth Inn, Blyth, Ont. -35 27. Wanted (general) WANTED: tailgate and rear driver's door in good condition for 77' Jeep Cherokee. Call 482- 3514.-28tf 28. Business opportunity H & R BLOCK Income Tax franchise in Exeter, On- tario for sale due to health reasons. Good growth potential. For information call or write 'Vera Brand, RR 4, Thedford, Ontario NOM 2N0, 519-294-6641.-33-36 PARTNER REQUIRED for business opportunity ir\ Clinton. -Some investment required. Reply to Drawer No. 11 c/o Clinton News -Record, Box 39, Clinton, NOM 1L0.-,--35,36 30. Employment wanted MOTHER will babysit in own home starting September '482-3305.-30# • in Tuckersmith DAY NURSERY Full or part day care for children. 2 to 6 years old. Educational toys, music, crafts, active and quiet play times, indoor and outdoor play areas, hot meal. Full Professional Supervision (Licenced provincially). Staff has EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION diplomas. Open 6:30 a.m. $9,00 per day 54." half day $5.'s half day with lunch Special rates for 2 or more children. Fees are Income tax deductible. Phone for registration. 482-7634 34. Service directory KEN'S CARPENTRY Remodelling, renovations, cupboards, ceramic tile, counter tops, rec rooms, cgrports, flooring, windows, patio doors, aluminum siding. Phone: 482-7676. Ken McNairn.-•8tfar PHIL'S refrigerator an appliance service. Pro- mpt dependable service to all makes and models of domestic appliances. Phone 887-9062`-27tf PIANO TUNING and repairs; used pianos bought and sold, Call Michael Lipnicki .(Wingham) 357- 1049, - 34tf R & B ROOFING and chimney repair. Phone even- ings Rick Finch 482-7481 or Brad Snell 482- 7622. -- 29tf PAINTER with twelve years experience available for interior or exterior work. Call 482- 3814—34tfar JIM COOK Furniture Refinishing, also floors, woodwork, doors, etc. Phone 523.9284,-12'eow CONCRETE WORK - Expert chimney and roofing repairs. Specializing in stabling. Don Ives. Phone Brussels 887-9024,-43eow CHRIS BROOKS (Carpentry) -Renovations, Additions -Roofing, Siding, Soffit, Fascia, Eavestroughing -Drywalling & Taping -ATI Phases of Home Remodelling -No Job Too Small "A PROFESSIONAL JOB WITHOUT THE PROFESSIONAL PRICE" Phone - 482-3830 31. Service directory D.&K. CONSTRUCTION Concrete Forming and Finishing Floors - Patios Driveways - Barnyards HERMAN KLAVER JR. BILL DOWNIE 3452888 3452488 JACK B. COLQUHOUN GENERAL CONTRACTING Specializing In: •CUSTOM BUILT HOMES •RENOVATIONS 'ADDITIONS • KITCHENS • ALUMINUM SIDING PHONE 482-9506 EVENINGS oi11111•11•11111•11., JOHN KASSIES GENERAL CONTRACTING *Farm and Residential Buildings *Additions and Renovations *Roofing, Siding, Soffit & Fascia PHONE 482-3063 Area dlstrlbutor for Makita Power Tools - "Built for the Pros" Electrical 'Problems? Call D'S E: EL CTRIC Licensed Electrician INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL FARM/RESIDENTIAL„ 24 Hour Emergency Service Electric Heating R.R No.1- CLINTON ED ROOSEBOOM 482-7441 *Instruments available Exeter and Clinton Phone: Paul Stevenson 482-3597 DENTURE WEARERS Did you know that R is important to have your dentures examined regularly? Your mouth is one of the most important areas of your body, but often the most neglected when dentures are worn. Improperly fitting or neglected dentures can cause severe health problems. The lack of public information regarding dentures is alarming and often lends to problems and unnecessary expense. Your local denture therapist (denturist) is a professional specializing in the construction, repair and modification of den -tures and provides this service directly to the public. If you have problems with your present dentures or think of getting new ones, see your local denture therapist, consultation Is usually free. You will find denture therapists (denturists) listed in the yellow pages. This information is stepplied through the Denturist Association of Ontario and your Local therapist. 31. Service directory WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER & SONS Four modern rotary rigs Phone Seofarth NEIL: DURL: JIM: 547-7i3T 327•QfI48 527-0775 Edward HEARD CONSTRUCTION -Complete Backhoe Service - RR 1 VARNA (519) 565-2987 Far all your building needs McQUAID CARPENTRY "Business Built on Service" LICENSED CARPENTER •RENOVATIONS *SIDING *ROOFING, ETC. •FREE ESTIMATES •NO JOB TOO SMALL 482-3628 (Evenings) PIANO LESSONS Beginning In September. Clinton and area. Please contact - Lorrie Baker 482-9522 after 5 p.m. COMPLETE SHARPENING SERVICE in Clinton, Highway 8 west across from Elm Haven Motel 482-3305 The Woodburner Shop Ai NAPOLEON JOTLJL°� 4,a WOOD STOVES & FIREPLACE INSERTS CHIMNEY & WOOD BURNING ACCESSORIES John Stanbury Kathryn Stanbury Dungannon 519-529-7949 Showroom Hours Tues. to Fri. 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. or by Appointment' 17.1.1 34. Personal MEET YOUR MATCH. For all ages and unattach- ed. Thousands of members anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquaintances. Call toll' free 1-800.263- ,9103: Hours: Noon to 8 p.m. ---35o - WE SPECIALIZE in Alznner arch supports. CBIl'our home 523-4334 for an appointment. --- 35.38 DO YOU KNOW a "Good Kid" who deserves an award for community service. . bravery or courage in overcoming a physical limitation? Nominate them for an Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year award, 'contact this newspaper for details. --35o 35. Notice to creditors IN THE ESTATE OF ROSE MATILDA VAN DAMME, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Inn Keeper, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 5th day of June, 1984, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 10th day of. September, 1984, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regord only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 9th day of August, 1984. . E.B. MENZiES, Q.C., Box 68, Clinton, Ontario, NOM 1L0 Solicitor for the Estate. --33,34.35 IN THE ESTATE OF CECIL WILKINSON WHEELER ALL PERSONS hiving claims against the Estate of the above-mentioned, late of the Village of Blyth, in the County of Huron; Retired Farmer, who died on June 20th, 1984, are required•to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 8th day of September, 1984. After that date the Executors will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have hod notice DATED at Winghom, Ontario, this 15th day of August; A.D. 1984. CRAWFORD. MILL, DAVIES & ELSTON 21'7 Josephine Street, Wingham, Ontario NOG 2W0 Solicitors for the Executors. -- 34,35,36 38. Auction sale Ontario's Largest FARM MACHINERY Consign- ment Sale. Norwich, Ontario. Friday Sept. 14 '84 10 a.m. (Sales cdnducted second Friday each month). Approximately 150.175• tractors plus all types of farm equipment. Consignments welcome. For more information call (519)424- 9998 or (519)424-9093, Proprietors K.S, Hamulecki & Sons. -35o GODERICH 58 WEST ST. (Kitty corner from Pollee StAtIon] 38. Auction sale Richard Lobb Auctioneer CLINTON ® 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR THURS. EVENING AUG. 30 AT 6 PM: Household sale at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton, Ont. SAT. SEPT. 1 AT 10 AM: Lobb Bros. Foil Consignment Machinery Sale at Auction Yard, Bayfield Rd., Clinton. To consign phone Fred 482-3409 or Richard 482-7898 SAT. SEPT, 8 AT 10 AM: Antique furniture, appliances, etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton, Ont. for Mr. Leonard Cole of Goderich. SAT. SEPT. 15 AT 10:30 AM: Furniture, appliances, some antiques, etc. to be held at the Brussels Arena for the estate of Bernice Thompson of Brussels. a/4 e// g4.,SVisoerale FURNITURE ANTIQUEAD AUCTION We are pleased to offer for sale by public auction a complete line of furniture & antiques for Tony & Greta Goud who are relocating to Holland. Everything must be sold. THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1984 AT 6:00 P.M. LOCATION: 5 MILES NORTH' OF GRAND BEND ON HWY. 21 WATCH FOR SIGNS. Appliances, antique furniture and tools. Please refer to last week's ad for full listing. For further Information contact Proprietor Tony or Greta Goud 238-3328 or Dick Robinson, Sales Manager . 482-7181. ezdiz:ei f1' e 9.s(/66Clle.s AUCTIONEERS, LUIOUIDATORS, APPRAISERS. TENDER BROKERS 8 BUSINESS CONSULTANTS Hwy. No. 4, Brucefield, Ontario Phone (519) 482.7181 "Ontario's most aggressive Auctioneers 39. Educational FREE 128 page Career Guide shows how to train at home for 205 top paying full and part time jobs. Granton Institute 265A. Adelaide Street West Toronto. Coll (416)977-3929 today.-22tf Learn to PREPARE INCOME TAX RETURNS by cor- respondence. 'Write U & R Tax Schools, 207 - 1345. Pembina Hwy., Winnipeg, Man. R3T, 2B6 for Free brochure. -35o CAREER IN TRUCKING, Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your Class A Licence. For interviews contact Mery Orr transport. Lon- don(519)432-1726,-35o 40. Lost 8. Found FOUND: young, friendly, yellow, male cot wear- ing flea collar. Will give away if unclaimed. Phone 482-3304.-35 L.41..To give away KITTENS free to good homes. Phone 482- 7550. 34-36 FREE PUPPIES - Beagle,/collie mix, small to medium size, dewormed, very healthy, six weeks old. 523-9509.-35 TO GIVE AWAY - 4 yr. old male German Shepherd (part Collie). Excellent with children, good watchdog. Needs a good country home. Reason - moving to a town. Call 529-7036 after 5:00 p.m. or 526-7732 any time.-•-35,36,37nx BEAUTIFUL, lovable kittens to gine away to good homes. Be first and get the pick of the litter. CaII 482-9268 after 5 p.m. -35,36 42. Death notice BROWN • At Wingham and District Hospital, on Monday, August 20, 1984, Mrs. Amelia Brown of Brookhaven, Wingham and formerly of Belgrave, and Grey Township in her 101st year. The former Amelia Whitfield, beloved wife of the late Angus D. Brown (1954). Dear mother of Ruth (Mrs. Bert Johnston) of Belgrave, grandmother of Marilyn Thompson of Goderich, great-grandmother of Douglas Thompson of Toronto and Donny Thomp- son of Goderich. Predeceased by her son Clifford W. Brown (1956), 1 brother and 2 sisters. Friends called at the McBurney Funeral Home, 35 Patrick St., West, Wingham, until Wednesday where funeral service was conducted at 3:30 p.m. Reverend J. Rea Grant officiated, Interment in Brussels Cemetery; PORTER George Clifford at Memorial Hospital, St. Marys' on Tuesday, August 21, 1984, George Clifford Porter of St. Marys in his 66th year: Beloved son of the late Elizabeth and Albert Porter. bear brother of Mrs. Leah Bushfleld, St. Marys; Reginald, Clinton; William, St. Marys and Rae, Ottawa. Sadly missed by molly nieces and nephews. Predeceased by one sister Mrs. Alber- to Mossip. There was no visitation. Private family service was held at the Lindsay -Sass Funeral Home, 47 Wellington Street South, St. Morye, followed by cremation. Interment St. Marys Cemetery. P.