HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-08-29, Page 20Vicki Mann, daughter of Doug and Kathy Maim of Hensall, graduated on June 21 from Humber College in Toronto in Public Rela- tions. She is a graduate of South Huron Secondary School in Exeter and is presently employed with Dorf Public Relations in Toronto. Noakes return afters vacation By Bertha MacGregor HENSALL - Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Noakes have returned from a vacation in eastern Ontario. They visited with many relatives and friends in Maberly, Perth, Westport, Millbrook and Orino. They went on the cruise through the Thou- sand Islands, visited Fort Henry and went • on the guided tour through the Fort. They spent a few days visiting in and around Plum Hollow and Lake Aloyda and Smith Falls. The Hensall District Horticultural Society will commence their fall meetings on Mon- day, September 10 at Hensall Public School. Mrs. Jean Wilson and sister of Caledonia visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. John Pepper and called on Mrs. Alma Horton. Arnber Rebekah Lodge will commence their fall . meetings on Wednesday, September 5 at 8 p.m. Gerald Flynn and Evelyn Flynn visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill O'Brien and family at Brigden. Mrs. Flynn will spend a few days holidaying with the O'Brien's. The , Three Links Seniors will meet on September 2 at 6:30 p.m. for a potluck din- ner, followed by their fall meeting when the officers will be -installed. Pamela Sangster returned to her home in Timmins .after spending a week's vacation with her mother, Janet Sangster and family. An enjoyable evening was had at the home of Dorothy Corbett last Tuesday, when several friends of Mrs. Don Ridley, gathered to honor her on her departure from Elizabeth Courts. The guest of honor was presented with a gift2 for which she express- ed sincere thanks. Refreshments were serv- ed, with best wishes from all. The Ridley s were one of thefirst tenants in Elizabeth Courts, making many friends, they are taking up residence in Exeter .in September, we wish them the best. Northcrest news A bounteous potluck dinner was enjoyed by over 20 residents on August -23 eveningat the Northcrest Home. Bonnie Finlayson of Walton visited with her grandmother, Mrs. Irene Finlayson. Mrs. Jessie Armstrong at- tended a'family gathering at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Don Flear, Grand Bend, prior to her grandson and wife Scott and Monique who are leaving to take up residence in North !Day. Shaw and Chad Chipchase, Clinton spat a day with their grandparents, Ernie and Olga Chip - chase, and enjoyed a round of golf. Mrs. J. Hogg, Stratford visited for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. McKnight and also with Mr. and Mrs. Craig. Jean Wilson and sister of Caledonia visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Pepper. Queensway News Again the 'beautiful outdoor weather was. taken advantage of by the residents when they were outside for walks. On Tuesday a picnic to.the Morrison Dam Park near Ex- eter was enjoyed by. the residents. In the evening the Lakeview Conservative Youth sang. Moving into the new wing continued this week. Residents are dining in the spacious new dining .room, and making use of both the activity room andbeauty salon. Thursday morning the residents celebrated the grand opening of the activity room with swing bowling and crokinele .tournaments. A movie was shown in the afternoon which rounded off another active day. The pace was slowed on Friday. as the residents spent a quiet relaxing day reading books on loan from the library and -taking walksin the sunshine. . United news Robert,Gackstetter was the soloist at the United Church on Sunday morning and led in the worship of music. Rev. Stan McDonald spoke on the subject, All This Pain and Suffering, It Doesn't Seem Right. The ushers for the service were Doug Kyle and Al Corbett. Following the service the congregation enjoyed lemonade and cookies at the side of the church with Dorothy Parker as host. • The Couples Club enjoyed dinner -theatre on Thursday evening when dinner was en- joyed at the Manse with Sharon and Doug Kyle and Stan McDonald as hosts. Follow- ing dinner the group saw Country Hearts at the Blyth Festival. The next Couples Club meeting will be held on Thursday, September 27. Nuclear debate Exeter council's general government committee will be studying a proposal from the City of Toronto requesting endorsement of the concept of a mutual and verifiable nuclear, weapons freeze. Council received a letter from Operation Dismantle Asking council to endorse the resolution designed to encourage national leaders to support the 128 nations currently advocating a nuclear weapons freeze. itT 9, 484' Piices,eftectiv? thn Sat;.,, Septemher 1 st,1'R84 A&P reservsls the riot to'1 itquantities to normal family r qu,iremel is peVI.NGS SHOWN IN THIS AD$ASED ON A&P CURRENT REGULAR RETAILS ALL A&P STORES WILL BE CLOSED t.A.8OUR D:: ¥-MONDAY, SEPT, 3rd LIMIT 2 PER FAMILY WITH A MINIMUM 10,.00 PURCHASE EXG'LUDING THIS ITEM GRADE 'A', FROZEN, EVISCERATED , TRUCK LOAD SALE MARY MILES -GREAT FOR STUFFING Sausage Meat vmeselemorre. T"`D�eli Sho, at AVAILABLE AT MOST A&P STORES SHOPSY Black Forest q-7/439 Ham /100g Ib SHOPSY, CREAMY Cole Slaw 1100 g 28 /19 HOT FROM THE B.B.Q.. 2 TO 3 LB AVERAGE B.B.Q. Chickens each 449 MiUbr PINE RIVER CHEESE MILD MEDIUM MARBLE Hoog .95 /4.29 CHEFMASTER, SMOOTH OR CRUNCHY Peanut Butter SPRING (695 mL BTL -.79 -SAVE .30) Meadow! 695 casemL btl ■ of 12 9 Butter. SAVE 6.09 FIRST GRADE SAVE 1.32/kg-.60 lb41° Out'' at A&P CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE 'A' BEEF OUTSIDE CUT EYE REMOVED, BONELESS Round Roast 615/279 STEAKS & ROASTS T -Bone or Wing 111°°/499 SIRLOIN TIP, RUMP OR INSIDE CUT ROUND, BEEF Boneless Roasts 659/2 FRESH, "GREAT ON TI - E B.B.Q" Lean Ground Beef "GREAT ON THE B.B.Q. Sirloin Steak. INSIDE CUT. 7.251kg-3.29 Ib J� 39 199 "t Ikg Ib 1®56/79 659/299 Round Steak Full Slice /kg Ib • TENDERIZED Cube Steak ,725/329 Ikg Ib SAVE .66/kg-.30 Ib COMBINATION PACK CONTAINS: 2 RIB ENDS, 2 LOIN ENDS, 4 CENTRE CUT CHOPS Loin Pork Chops 439/' 99 SWEET PICKLED (CENTRE CUTS 5.491kg-2.49 Ib) 5T/22! Game Hens 4"/kg /19 89 Back Bacon End Cuts CANADA GRADE A'. FROZEN. EVISCERATED. CORNISH. 20 TO 24 OZ AVERAGE TOWN CLUB, SLICED (MARY MILES 500 g VAC PAC 2.99) vac pac 269 Side Bacon 5008 TOWN CLUB Dinner Hams 593/269 SWIFT OLD MILL Breakfast Sausages%) ikgt b SWIFT REGULAR GR ALL BEEF (MARY, MILES WIENERS 450 g 1.69) Firebrand Wieners 4509199 (CENTRE CUTS 5.931kg-2.69 Ib) LAND O'FROST, SLICED, 5 VARIETIES Brisket Beef End Cuts 5:k /248 RIB OR 3 TO 3'/2 LB TENDERLOIN PORTIO Pork Loin Roasts • 439/199 . ROAST OR CHOPS (BONELESS 6.37Ikg-2.89 Ib) 57 Pork Loin Centre Cut kg1/259 Ib PORK LOIN RIB PORTION (COUNTRY STYLE) Spare Ribs 1139 /199 END CUTS Boneless Pork Loins 51k1g/2 59 Ib 7 FROZEN, NEW ZEALAND, SHORT CUT Lamb. Legs 1139/199 FROZEN, NEW ZEALAND (SHOULDER CHOPS 4.39/kg-1.99 lb Loin Lamb Chops 659/ 99. FROZEN; TRAY PACK il, Stewing Hens196/lb .089 SUPER BUY!, PARCHMENT WRAPPED Chefmaster Margarine lbs'for 59 Perrier Water FRASER VALE. FROZEN Fish & Chips 5pkg e008 1 99 BLUE WATER. FROZEN. BOSTON BLUE Fish Fries or Krisps 2p2k7gg 1.29, BOSTON BLUE. FROZEN Fish Fillets WHITE Heinz Vinegar n 4 Titre plst jog 3173 /169 SAVE 1.70 .99 NO GARLIC OR KOSHER Heinz 0111 Pickles jar ■ it SAVE .27 e 454 g size 2.29 NORDICA. REGULAR Cottage Cheese WELCH'S FROZEN CONCENTRATED Grape Juice EVERFRESH. FROM CONCENTRATE Orange Juice SAVE 44 500 g 1 69 cin ■ SAVE .26 12tin ■ tI D2 1 39 2ctnlitre 1 ■ 99' ASSORTED FLAVOURS SAVE 1.50 Silverwood he' Popsicles p 24of ■ U1'! CREAM OF MUSHROOM Heinz 29 Soup 1O fl oz 1 tins KELLOGG'S CEREALS ial K' Spec Cereal Smoked Meats 7p114 •79 MARY MILES, BY THE PIECE, VA'C PAC ' ' 9 Bologna Chunks' 3/15Ib CANADIAN QUEEN. SLICED, ASSORTED VARIETIES (175 g VAC PAC .89) Cooked Meats "375gc 189 CANADIAN QUEEN, SLICED Cooked Ham vac pac 179 175 g CANADIAN QUEEN, HOT OR SWEET 439 /19'9 Sausage Italian Style /kg • • Ib FILLERS SLICED. BEERWURST,HEADCHEESE. BLOOD & TONGUE. TI OLER Cooked Meats 1259 19 SHOPSY, SLICED, PASTRAMI OR Corned Beef pkg of 4 259 50 g pkg DELI SMOKED, KOLBASSA, BAVARIAN OR CHEDDAR Shopsy Sausage 69/299 HEINZ, FANCY Tomato Juice SAVE .50 475 g b�x 2,69 (RAISIN CRISP 425 g PKG 2.39 -SAVE .34 A&P. SALTED OR UNSALTED Saltine Crackers SUPER BUY! 450 Pgg.99 GREEN GIANT. FANCY • CREAM STYLE OR WHOLE KERNEL SAVE 16 Niblets Corn 19n°= .99. WESTON. CHOCOLATE OR DOUBLE CHOCOLATE SAVE 20 Wagon Wheels 3p1% 1.79 WIGARLIC, NO GARLIC OR POLSKI SAVE .60 Bick's Dill Pickles 1 jars 1 ■ 89 TOMATO Campbell's 1414/ 149 Soup 10 FL 02 TINS WELCHADE Grape Drink SAVE .40 48floz 29 tin ■ CARNATION. INSTANT Coffee -Mate A&P Tomato Paste A&P Snack Crackers SAVE .30 jar 2 ■ 69 500 g BUY 3 -SAVE .47 3 5'-� 1tin1s °21■ 00 SUPER BUY! 3008119 pkg ■ BROOKE BOND P.G. Tips Tea Bags SAVE .60 pkg of 722.69 BAVARIAN, CHOCOLATE RIDGE, SHORTCAKE, CHOCOLATE CHIP, OATMEAL, ASSORTED 450 gTIN TIE BAG A P CoUkies 1.49 t