HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-08-29, Page 11•-B lel ICbessell jATA 4 For the -secoudtmeras inanY Yeas Marg: dTyetri *Maim*t hosted a endGatkc� on Au �t.18- that brought "bo together egUai�tgrs.•Rf �,A„°�Ten y honks and dicks, ' • Roy Collett froth Riehmondy B.C. flew do:for Ie gathering n spent t the weekend with the MClYmones before retur- ning to Vancouver on Monday evening. Pro- fessor Fran Vililly and his wife Ellie drove up from Connecticut to attend and stayed over until Sunday to research -the McClymont col- lection. Local members attending were Tom and Wilma Greenlees from London, Milt and Shirley Kovac from Woodstock and Ian and Wendy Thompson from Milton. The afternoon was spent trading books, examhlii'ig the McClymont collection and discussing Henty and the many companies who published his books. Fran Wily .was most interesting as he spoke of his research on th'e historical and sociological aspect of Henty's writing. Professor Willy has what is probably the largest collection of U.S. edi- tions and is helping to write the new Henty bibliography being prepared by the Henty Society. Despite the four hour hydro interruption,' Marg managed to serve a hot meal for sup- per and all those attending were in favour of another Gathering next year. . People Report Craig and. Doreen Douglas and daughters Katherine and Jo-anne 'of Somerton, England visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Mc- Clymont two weeks ago. They had driven " k W tlif 'h• �1Xifi friends and relatives, and thea came east to renew acquaintances. . C' r .>, is to the ...c astudents sof. ar'rc er-WhQ did very Wg ' .in.t e. Royal Conservatory of Music_ exams.exarris,2,Vi Grade 6 - Lori LeBeau and Julie Webster (honors); :Grade.:22 - Krista Rothwell (10. class honors); Nancy Webster, • `Sherry McLachlan, Myra Postill and Vicky Upshall (honors). Marjorie has received a lst class honors standing in. her Teachers Pedagogy exam. Dianne Consittwas the recipient of many lovely gifts at fa ommunit y bridal oa showert held in Huron' Centennial School at Brucefield on August 20. June Cooper was the program chairman and welcomed all those present. The comedy talents of Debbie Rathwell and Sandra Coleman were evident in a hilarious skft. portraying Bill and Mar- jorie Consitt early Wednesday morning the week of the wedding. Gail Turner gave a reading "What a Wife Is". The Huron Centennial Uke'Group entertained musical- ly. Girls in the group are Joanne Consitt, Mavis, Michelle, and Melody Turner, Cheryl Turner, Jeanette Keys, Nancy Webster, Faye Love, and Lori DeWys, along with Julie Webster at the piano. Dianne was assisted in opening her gifts by her mother Marjorie, and Gladys Peck decorated an apron with the bows. Dianne announced there will be an Open House at her mother's home on Monday, September 3. The Brian,McAsh family had an enjoyable • iolldy .reCehYl iii ust l3ri' dad: Joan attended •the wedding of f Jan au n t POrt of orne, t enJPat cc4m anle.�einr mother, Mrs. NO Chiasson, back to tal'wa to spend spine :ti�ie. with hers tha, lith Brian and the chi d„ren'attendedBlue Jays game* Toronto, then joined Joan in Ottawa. ter ncou le•of days:Following this, they. all went c . P in in Algonquin Park,and had a acnp ..g g4 quiln great time swimming and canoeing, A cou- plet of days. were spent in Fairbank Lake Provincial Park near Espanola, then they came home by way of the Chi-Cheernaun. While waiting to board the ferry, they spot- ted Floyd McAsh's coin the lineup. Two babies were baptized on Sunday in the Varna Church. They were Jason ,Allan, son- of Wayne and Joan Beierling and Graham John, son of Joe and. Willi Laurie. Chris Vossen and Nancy Fisher-Vossen were Graham's sponsors. A large number of relatives of the babies attended. The Varna Singers provided special music, and Julie Webster joined Marjorie Hayter in piano and organ duets. Rev. Wilena Brown gave two short talks, noting that baptisms draw the largest congregations in most churches. She challenged members to_take their com- mitment to nurturing the children who belong to the faith seriously by serving in the Sunday School and other groups. Bill McAsh, Clerk of Session, presented Marjorie Hayter with a gift in appreciation of her four years as organist, alternating monthly with Mildred McA'sh. Marjorie has resigned in order to spend more time in teaching and other pursuits. �.. ser- vice e �e� Saanda -,there is an ecumenical rq vice in the Stanley Township• Complex at l a,m. Bob Vika is the • uest speaker and Flo Yd .. An -d Mash djre IS .. t the choir.. s . Keys report's a �response I;ao heli >k ; hest c .pID good Elbe at for choir members, and there should C NT-4NEWSM. " r r..a:. A e. i • e ,t11x the choir. Jiill �11�xtstron � � lead ing to o r silag. a solo, °.and Leona McBride will . .lay her t;rum pet. jet. r I[1liSepten.r a regular se itioes d Pit. • day Scooi ,1reatme. Rev. •Crai Ba ktei Communications Minister for London . ou 2""ara Savage attends rngene cap By Margaret Hoggarth KIPPEN — Tara Savage daughter of Mark, and Penny Savage recently returned from a week at Quanahar Provincial Ringette camp in Haliburton. While there, apart from learning about the game of ringette, Tara enjoyed the sports of kayaking, canoeing and windsurfing. Mark and Penny Savage and sons, Andrew and Aaron spent last week at Jay Lake campgrounds' near Minden. They enjoyed a canoeing trip in Algonquin Park aswell as a visit to Mark's parents, Audrey and Stan Savage in 'Ingoldsby, Whilst on their trip they had the misfortune to hit a deer north of Bancroft which caused minor damage to their van. Al and Margaret Hoggarth accompanied by Al's mother, Ruby Hoggarth of Zurich attended the Greene Picnic on Sunday August 26 at St. Christopher's Beach, Goderich. 4-11 News On August 25 the Huron County Poultry Club held their Achievement Day at Bayfield fair. Both commercial and fancy ALL VARIETIES -OF TAB, SPRITE, OR COCA-COLA 750 mL BOTTLES FOR PLUS 30c .. BOTTLE DEPOSIT J McCAINS FROZEN ORANGE JUICE 355 mL TIN ASSORTED LAURA SECORD 4'S PUDDINGS OPYOGURT PUDDINGS 20 oz. YOGURT 500° g BUY ONE GTNEILN. GETSONS ONE GTN. FREE FUDGESICLES WESTONS MEALTYME HAMBURG OR WIENER ROLLS 2c PKG$- OF 8 FOR99 C TN S OF 12 FOR 3 5 REGULAR OR DIET STYLE MINUTE MAID ORANGE SODA 750 mL 12BOTTLES FOR PLUS 30C DEP. ASSORT o. VARi4ETIES UM . ,DUMPTY POTATO CHIPS 200 g PKG. 119 19 ASSORTED VARIETIES JELLO INSTANT PUDDINGS 113 g PKG 5 9 48 oz SIZE WELCHADE GRAPE DRINK f.29 ASSORTED V ARIETIES ZEHRS COOKIES 450 9 I 13 SCHNEIDERS ERSTT,. SOFT ;STYLE MARGARINE 1 Ib. TUB ALWAYS POPULAR - MACARONI & CHEESE KRAFT DINNERS 2 99` 225 PKGS FOR BEY CUT MACAftONIi SPAGHIETTINI,'SPAGHETTI CATELLI ti PASTA ., 1 kg PKG. 9 9 FINE QUALITY ZEHRS KETCHUP ONE •LITRE ASSORTED. VARIETIES .: GREEN GIANT VEGETABLES 2 10 oz TINS KERNEL CORN 7 of ASSORTED SWISS STYLE GAY LEA YOGURT 175 g TUBS ;OR 9 INDIVIDUAL WRAP REG. OR THIN SCHNEIDERS CHEESE. SLICES PROCESSED 50029 9 REGULAR, WINTER FRESH OR GEL COLGATE. TOOTHPASTE SAVE Si 00 99 100 mL TUBE CASE OF 24 - 280 mL TINS MINUTE MAID ORANGE SODA REG. OR DIET OR ALL VARIETIES OF ., COKE, TAB OR SPRITE • CASE PKG. OF 8 WESTONS APPLE SNACK BUNS 139 POPULAR JOHNSONS BABY SHAMPOO 350 mL 2.89 2 VARIETIES FINAL NET ULTRA HOLD 225 ....2.89. UNSCENTED REGULAR OR SPICE MENNEN SPEED STICK PLUS 75 g • 2.29 "D" OR " C•• SIZE "AA" OR 9 VOLT SIZES DURACELL BATTERIES PER CARD 2.59 TANG ORANGE FLAVOUR CRYSTALS 4s 13 oz PKG. •59 POST CEREAL BRAN FLAKES 400 g 99° A PLEASANT BLEND MOTTS CLAMATO JUICE ONE LITRE f.89 POPULAR JOHNSONS BABY POWDER 400 92,39 ASSORTED VARIETIES MISS MEW CAT FOODS 3 FOR Si 1 70 q TINS UNICO SUNFLOWER. OIL 199 750 roL SWEET MIXED 'RICKS PICKLES YUM YUM OR BABY DILLS 2.39 ONE LITRE NEILSONS FINE QUALITY SOUR CREAM 50p ml. 149 PLASTIC FOOD WRAP HANOI WRAP 60 n, 189 READY TO USE GRANDMA MARTINS PIE SHELLS 340 9 1•59 NEILSONS JERSEY CHOCOLATE MILK IL 129 2°o EVAPORATED CARNATION MILK 160 mL 39 340 WESTONS FRESH RASPBERRY JELLY ROLL g 1.29 FRESH BAKED WESTONS ENGLISH MUFFINS CATELLI PLAIN SPAGHETTI SAUCE 119 28 oz GARLIC - NO GARLIC OR POLSKI OGORKI KICKS DILL PICKLES ONE LITRE f.99 PURE GRAPE WELCHS JAM OR JELLY 500 mL189 3 VARIETIES RICKS RELISHES 375 mL JAR COUNTRY OVEN SPECIA- I 119 CAVENDISH ASSTED. VARIETIES FRENCH FRIES 1 kg 9 SCHNEIDERS FAMOUS FOR QUALITY 9n f inn e,a SHORTENING 1 THESE SPECIALS AVAILABLE ONLY IN: SAVE -A -TAPE PLAN Can assist tIYe organization of Your choice Ask our store manager for details . COUNTRY OVEN .FRESH BLUEBERRY PIES 24 oz SIZE f.89 OATMEAL, CHOC. CHIP, OR PEANUT BUTTER CHIP COUNTRY OVEN COOKIES 4509 f.69 POSTS HONEY COMB CEREAL 40092.29 PILAF, CHICKEN, CHINESE INSTANT DAINTY RICE 350 9 99' TURKEY. BEEF. CHICKEN PORK, STEAK & KIDNEYoOR BEEFSTEAK SCHNEIDERS MEAT PIES 250 g f.49 2 VARIETIES HONEY OR REGULAR SCHNEIDERS BUCKET OF CHICKEN 900 g 4.89 COUNTRY OVEN FRESH BAKED WHITE BREAD LOAVES 9ea. HIGHWAY NO. 8 GODERICH MON., TUES.. V TO 6 P.M. WED., THURS., FRA - 9 TO 9 P.M. SAT. 8:30 TO 6 P.M. IN LIGHT TEMPARA BATTER BLUEWATER FISH 3.19 700 g SCHNEIDERS FINEST QUALITY MOZZARELLA OR COLBY CHEESE T9 99 STICK � J :! SEPHINE ST. (HWY. N®. 4) WINGHAM MON., TUES.. WED. & SAT. - 6:30 TO 6 P.M THURS. AND PRI. - 6:30 TO 0 P.M. • PKG. OF 3 WELCHS GRAPE DRINKS 99' 750 mL 283 g FRICO BABY GOUDA CHEESE 159 hrs.fine markets of fine food's INTERSECTION HWY, NO.4AND NO. 83 EXETER MON.. TUES., WED.. TO 6 P.M. THURS., FRI. - • TO 9 P.M. SAT. - 6:30 TO 6 P.M. members brought their eggs. or birds. to be judged. All members did very ' well and • looked forward to next year's club. On August 26, the Huron �ounty?ouItry C1u b wrapped up their.club year with their fourth; Annual Picnic held at the home of leader Barry Cleave: Club members swain in the afternoon and enjoyed a lunch in the, evening. All, club inenibera were present along with guests Tim Mayhew, Gayle Harrison, Cherryl Smith, Mike Heykoop, David Pullen and Karen Rodman from the O. M. A. F . Office. L & A SOUTHWEST SATELLITE Sales And Service September Satellite System Special 10' Fiberglass dish (5 yr. Warranty) Polar Mount Digital Readout Motor Drive Astron Receiver 105 Degree L.N.A. Polarotor $2,695°° plus installation •Monthly Leasing Available On All Systems • Home Demonstrations Available •Stainless Steel Also Available (10 year warranty) LARRY FISHER 524-9595 *CALL DAY OR NIGHT* i To the Ratepayers, of Tuckersmith Townsip DUE TO THE FEDERAL ELECTION, TUCKERSMITH TOWNSHIP'S REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING for September 4 has been rescheduled,to SEPTEMBER 5 1984 at 8:00 pm J.R. McLACHLAN Clerk -Treasurer Tuckersmith Township WE AU "+ ji ^^PA PAGEO, . F ference, i1ibthe�It Minister. . David Kalb eisch graduated in June from a three- yar,co inr Adt i.. istrative ;a.... T I~ =u i. Univ Co aWe mmerci lSt.. es rn Univers*, .std a � .t ty. andis 11 `� is a nsi ° . . a rig . iii W' _ n ed Wilfrid:Laurier rlU. ,r in Accounting, Paul is entering his second year..at Western in the same:course. The'Taylor family reunion was hosted by Bill and Helen Taylor and their family on Sunday, with about 80 in 'attendance. Their girls looked after the games and races, and a great time was had by all. Relatives came from as far away as Gravenhurst, Newton - vine and Hamilton. Jim and Madeline Murray received ^i1►ord on Monday of the death of Dougald McL.�.. t of Vernon, B.C. He came from Scotland in 1954 and worked for Wat Webster. Dougald and his wife Sarah made many friends in the short time they lived here. • • • Marweekjwithorie HayterDoris Mc, Lorc aKinlnd ;racy spent a ey ria places of interest in Prince Edwaard Island and Nova Scotia. In the matter of the Ontario Heritage Act, RmS.O 1980, Chapter 337 Part IV NOTICE OF INTENTION TO DESIGNATE To all citizens of the Township of Tuckersmith and the Ontario Heritage Foundation. Take notice that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Tuckersmith on the 7th day of August, 1984 decided to designate the Gates and Posts, on Lot 31, 32 Lane E Plan 133, Vanastra Park as property of architectural value or interest under the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 337, Part IV. SHORT STATEMENT OF THE REASONS FOR THE PROPOSED DESIGNATION The Gates and Posts that were constructed in the 1940's served as an entrance to the Radar Base and are one of the few remaining reminders of the former Base. The construction and closure of the base has had a significant effect on the development of the Township of Tuckersmith and area. Notice of objection to the designation may be served on the Clerk within thirty days of the 7th day of August, 1984. DATED at the Township of Tuckersmith this 7th• day of August, • 1984. J.R. McLACHLAN Clerk -Treasurer GMB 117, R.R. No. 5, Clinton, Ontario NOM 1L0 Re -Elect Murra.10 mi Ai a-rd Working for you in Huron -Bruce For information call: CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS 887-0546 SEAFORTH-527-1283 CLINTON-482-7677 EXETER -235-1555 GODERICH-524-2149 LUCKNOW-528-2245 WINGHAM-357-1799 NNIMIIMENIMINIMIIMPftw Pubkshed under the Authdnty o1 Alfred Ross Ofhc,al Agent for Murray Cardiff Headquarters, Main St . BrussefS Ont