HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-8-28, Page 8NOW FOR PICKLES 1 -IE TIME IS AT RAND WHEN YOU. ARE going to make your Piekles, Sauces, &c. Pickle mak- ing is a. very particular business. *. Everybody wants well flavored and good keeping pickles, and vinegar has a lot to do with the result, We are offering. a XXX WHITE WINE VINEGAR "Called Sailor Boy," made from pare spirits, not a particle of acid in its whole make up. Delightfuily clear, sparkling fine even flavored. Gvery gallon guare.,uteed. Don't buy cheap inferior vinegar and 'expect to have as good pickles as the people who use "Sailor Boy." 40e the gallon is the price for XXX Sailor Boy Vinegar, and remember you can buy Sailor Boy Vinegar only at STEWART'S. saconsaametrazgoruams.anas...."4..ela PICKLING SPICS The best and nothing but the best is what we are offering. Sailor Boy Black and Sailor Boy Mixed Tea Is. making lots of of friends, only 26cthe pound Some people say it is as good as most 40e. Teas. Try a Package. B10011811810RE J. ft 8 EVVRRT ..rsvisarm. For Marriage Licenses, Wedding lairigs, Watches. Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles Etc OALL oN R. HICKS Watch Repairing a Specialtv. Sovereign Bank Bank of Canada, HEAD OFFICE TORONTO.. Capital Authorized.. .. . .. $2,000,000.00 Capital Subscrileed... .. . .. $1,300,000.00 EXETER BRANCH ,SAVINGS -DEPARTMENT--Zrre% showing LOYALTY to the King and. now is an opportune time to show Laza.= to yourself by opening a Servings barite account in the Sovereign Bank at Exeter or Clinton, where highesb rates of in- terest are paid on deposits of $1.00 and. upwards. NOTES discounged at reasonable ..aates, D.R.A.Res bought and. sold. Special attention given to farmers' business and cattlemen's business, A General Banking Business tran- sacted. F. W. GLADMAN, F. E. KARN, Solicitor. Manager, TO !ADVERTISERS. • The copy for changes must be left notlater than Tuesday noon. Casital advestisements accepted up to noon Wednesdav of each week. THURSDAY AUG. 27, 1902 Locals • •.,.••••••• The Texas office is the niece to get your job printing. • Mies Amy Johns was a Senile visitor over Sunday, Mr : W. L. Talbot was in London for a. few days last week. Mrs. John Snell visited Sarnia friends on Sunday. • The vacation in our pablic schools has almost ended, as schools will re- open on Tuesday, Sept. 2nd. Miss Horne is in London attending the millinery openings. Bruce Dignan spent Sunday under the parental roof. Miss Annie Levett, of Parkhill, is visiting with friends in town. The next holiday will be labor Day, Monday, September 1st. Mr. J. G Stanbury was in Goderich on legal business on Saturday. Mrs. James Lang is in Elora, attend- ing the marriage of her neice. Mr. George Samwell spent a few days of last week in Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. X, McLeod are visiting friends in Egdondville. Miss Rorie Eacrett, of Brantford is visiting with her many friends here. Mr. D. Jacques spent a few dayS of this week with Port Huron friends. Mr. and. Mrs, Wes. Ruston spent Sunday with Mrs. Huston's mother, in Goderich. Messrs. Armstrong and Prior have erected a new pair of es eigh scales at the station yards. Mrs. Townsend, of Tuckersmith spent a few days of bhis week visiting her nephew, Mr. S. G. Stanbury. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Skinner, of Mit- chell spent a few days of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Samwell, Misses May Thomas and Alice Mar- tin, of Clinton are visiting their cousin, Miss myrtle Madge, of Exeter. Mr, and, Mrs. Andrew 'Young, of Seaforth are enjoying a drive and visiting friends in Exeter, Grand Bend and Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Roy, are visit- ing their son, W. D., of Russeldale, who has been seriously 111 but now continues tc Miss Fanny Shipley, of Newcombe's dry goods store, Clinton. is spending two week's vacation with friends in Exeter and Woodham. Mr. T. H. McCalIura's family have returned home from Grand. Bend, where they have spent the summer in their cosy cottage, "Pinecroft" Mrs. Elliott, and Miss Olive, return- ed. on Friday morning last after a very pleasant visit of some weeks with friends in Auburn, N. Y. Mrs. Bobier and Miss Norma at- tended tbe marriage of Miss Lottie Rouse, and Frederick John Westlake, in Goderich, last Thursday. Mrs. Chas. Lindenfield and daugh ter, MissAnnie, left Monday for Dash- wood,vvhere they will visit Mrs. C. W. Cann, and Chas. Linderfield for a ew days. 111111111101=11Omoosmillelell CLOTHING FOR MEN AND BOYS GENTLEMEN.—We have just added to our stock A CLOTHING DEPARTMENT/ which eannet be surpassed by any clothing house in the county. No jobs, no misfits, no off -stock, no IDlinders, but good straight goods made up in the latest fashions, with good linings, all sewn with silk and linen thread, We propose 'flaking this aa leading line and have bought with that idea in view. Our stock will not exceed $20004 but it will be found the best productions of minds, hands and machines. We fear no man's prices and given a show can put you in a way to save money, These goods were purchased after a careful inspection of seven manufacturers and today we announce to you that Coppley, Noyes & Randall of Hamilton, is our. &aloe on the hese goods and McFarland, Grey & Southgate of Toronto, on cheep goods, Coppley, Noyes & Randall are fast getting the clothing trade of Canada, They are cutting out the oil:ilium with their up-to-date ideas. Nothing is too NEW forthem Nothing is too NEW for us. Nothing is too NEW for YOU. POPPLESTONE& GARDINER Specialty. One Deot Notth of Postoffice. 11111111.1111117111mONNINIMIMmINONINNININIIIIIMIIIIIMMIMINSUMINImmilimin T1LE EX EW 1-1, O ll n,ceount or the• continued we weathee wally favraers report that thele potatoes are beginning to rot. Mrs- Robertsox. and child, of Chat- ham, who hes beeu visiting with Mrs, Blatchforcl, left for home ou Taes- de y moruing, The G. T. R. are patting up uew, cattle yards and pens at the Exeter station, whieb, will a t greatly in the loadiag and. union lieg of cattle. R, paaaseat (,),), are sole agents for the Queen quality, Ladles' shoes, and have just received a large cola. siguraeut. Mrs, James Willis left on Titestlay morning for Lucite, owing to the ill- ness of Mrs, Frank Willie, of Forest, who was taken ill while visitiog friends there, Mr. Nelsoa Sheere, cif Saints, is horae fax vacation, and will spend a shot t time here after wheb he will leave for Hamilton where be has seoured• a sitao,tion. gisanemessasmasseanalowaraima Talhot's Bazaar THIS L. CHANGES EVERY 'WEEK. F`aracy China to hand this week, This, lot in- cludes fancy Cups and Saucers, Salad Dishes, and Berry Ses Prices will be found pary reasonable on these goods. Ladies combs in great varie- ty, Chatelaine satchels in great variety. See them. Realm -Its are little things, but I. sell a lot of them becaure they are good and can be depended upon as being freshly roasted, - • 1 Talbot's Bazaar P , S.—Wedding Presents a specialty. M. John Farmer accompanied by Mrs., Farmer and. daughters, went on the excursion on Saturday spending a very pleasant tinae in Windsor and Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Spicer, or Denver are at present visiting bis mother; Mrs. John Spicer, and expect to re- main in this vicinity for some weeks to visit friends. Mrs. Thorne and. Miss Fanny Baw- den, who left here some months ago for England, arrived home last week and report every pleasant time spent with friends in the old land. Mr, Frank Tom. of Toledo,. Ohio, who holds a lucrative position as cut- ter in a large tailoring establishment in that pity after a short visit with his parents here left for that city on Sat- urday. H. W. Jessey, of Elmira, N. Y., we see is in town for his yearly visit. A. novel. sight on Main street, Saturday was his three sons, Ray, Leon and Harry, astride of Mr. Geo. Hawkin's Black Lucy - At a recent church entertainment, a • certain pastor made the announce- ment that Miss Blank would sing, "0 that I had the wings ot a dove, that I might rise and fly." accom- panied by Mr. Alsoblank. The °median Pacific Railway will run another excursion to Winnipeg on Sept. 2, The supply of harvesters was not nearly equal to the demand, and -an effort is to be made to secure ten thousand additional men. Miss E. Willis, of Duluth, who has beeu visiting Mr. and Mrs. James Willis, of Rogerville. left on Friday last for Sarnia intending afterwards taking a trip down the St. Lawrence before returning to her home. Mr. Robert Muir, of Onawanda, N. Y arrived here on Saturday and spent a few days under the parental roof. Iles. Muir and children, who have been visiting here for some weeks returned with him. on Tuesday to their home. Physicians predict an unusual amount of typhoid. fever this fall. The unustial amount of heavy rains, and the consequene amount of stagnant watee standing on low land, followed by warm weather will have a ten- dency to foster fever germs. Mrs. Howe, of Toronto who has been yisiting her mother, Pirs. .Teckell, London road, left for her home on Tuesday. Mr, Howe, vvho had been spending some months in the Old Country arrived here on Saturday morning' and returned, to Toronto with Mrs, Howe. Mrs. Iloagson and Miss Hodgson, of Toronto, who have been the guests of Mrs. S. Gidley and other friends in and around. Exeter, left for home on Wednesday last, They were accom- panied to Toronto by Miss Edith, Gid - ley, who will spend. a short time in that city. Last Sunday a nutaber from this county went west on the harvest ex- cursion, from Exeter the following were among the nuraber:- Misses Slavin, Sanders, Emma Morgan, Messrs. John Moore, Thos. and Eza Williams, John Mellott, El and Tom Sanders, Frank Triebner, R. T. Johns and ROSS*Holland. Invitabions have been received by Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Ross annoancing the marriage of their son, Dr. IL P. Ross, of Campbell, Minn., to Miss Clanclia Cross, daughter of 1VIts and Mrs. Robert G. Cross, of the same place. The cerernoby to be solemnized on Sept. 8rd, The TrtaEs extends congratulations. Mr'Box, father of Mr. W. H. Box, of this town, Was hare for several days last week. Me. Box is one of the pioneer settlers of the township of Stephen and still resides on the farm in that township, neat Nxeter. Re is nearly 00 years of age, and is still remarkably active for his years, and looks as if he might reach the century Mark. -Expositor, Settforbh, Mr, James Ramsey, son of Mr. Jae. Ramsey, sr., is home for a vacation. Mr. Ramsey has been aWnding Den- taI Colleg!, in Toledo, as well as oc- cupying hie leisure moments ill proof. reading, in consequence thereof he I R. PloKarcl 6o. 'It?lartalii1000 casofialilo f3drudins in tiot Weather Requirements 0 only men s all wool, light weight, striped, blue and white Summer Suits, made up in correct style, a big selling line, regular IQ 50 for ....$7.50 25 Boys' Colored Blouses, regular prices ranged from 35c to 50c. Your choice while they last' for ...... ..,.... 25c 200 yards American Foulards in all good colorings, warranted perfectly fast, worth 20C .. 25 Ladies' Parasols, good full size, a good bargain .... 50c. 300 pairs Ladies 1 regular 20C, warranted perfectly fast black Cotton Hose , r5c . 25 Boys' Bathing Suits,. .... special at 15c, Grocer S ecials 3 cans Clark's Pork and Beans in Chili Sauce ...for 25c. 3 pounds fresh Sweet Biscuits for 25c. 2 cans best Red Salmon .... ...'... .... for 25c, .25 pounds Redpaths Extra Standard Granulated Sugar $1.00 6 pounds Tapioca .... ..; for 25c Regular 35c. Black, Green or Mixed Tea .... for 25c, Ran Coats Men's Regular $4,00 Rain Coats for Ladies' regular $7,75 Rain Coats for .... • • • • • • $3•75 $5•50 Ladies' Vests at 5c, 7c, roc, I2C, 20C, 25c and ...... .... 38c • Highest prices for all kinds of Farm Produce at all times. Our Exeter store will close • at 6.30 p. m. Wednesday and Saturday evenings excepted. The ••••••••••••111MMIMI•0011.11=10.11. R. Pick rd Co Direct importers I found his health becoming somewhat the ist and Moon on the celestial impaired by too close confinement, equator on the 3rd. Warm weather and is now taking a much needed rest, generallywill most likely prevail at in the hopes of a return to his usual , the opening of the .menth, with fall - health.. -Ong barometer, storm indications FOR OVER SIXTY lEARs spreading eastward from west and Aa OLD AND WELL-TRTED REMEDY. -Mr 'southwest. On and touching the 2ad Winslow s Soothing. Syrup has been used for over fifty years by mil.ns of mothers for their to 411.1 no one should be surprised by energetic storms of rain, wind and thunder. This is one of the autuna- nal equinoctial period, in which heavy equatorial storms are quite probable, in all southern waters, and around all coasts exposed to the ranges of these West India storms. The elements will react into storm conditions of more or less energy, progressing froca west to east about the 7th to the 9th, The center of the Mars 'period falls on the lith. and on ead about this date, it must be remembered,' our globe reaches a crisis or maximum of mag- netic and electric excitation. The regular storm period central on the 1.3th will almost certainly bring oia a state of stotzny and unsettled weather that will continue in a general way into the reactionary storm days cen- tering about the 17th, 18th and 19th. children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the -child, softens the gums. allays al pain, cures wind colio. and is the best remedy for Diarrhcea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculatile. Be sure and take Mrs Winslow's Soothing syrup and ask for no other kind. By reference to our advertising columns it will be seen that the Forest City Business and Shorthand College, London, Ont„ announces the re -open- ing for September 2nd. This reliable Business and Shorthand School has just closed its mostt successful year, having had in attendance over two hundred students, and, to -day they cannot meet the demand 'made upon them by business men for office help, there never was a time in the history of the school where there was such a demand for young people having a knowledge of Business and Short - Watch an indications at this time hand. The School has a seating ea- and do not be surprised by very cool pacity of 269 students. The rooms nights and frost, as soon as the low barometric area and storms move out of the way. The last regular storm period for September is central on the 24th extending over the 22nd to the 27th. This period is at Mae center of e Earth'e s,atiunnal equinox with for the past two years with wonderful Moon at ereatest declination north, results, it is easy to learn, easy to perigee and last: quarter. The month write, and easy to read. Catalogues closes in a reactionary storm disturb, of either Departnaent will be sent up- ance, excited by the passage of the on application to the Principal, Mr. Moon over the equator on the 30t1. J. W. WESTERVELT. LOST.-Near`Dashwood, a black cape with black and white lining. Finder will be rewarded by leaving it at A. S. Ford's Meat Market, Exeter, PRIVATE BOA.RDING-PLACE WAN- TED. --Private boarding place Wanted by young lady. Two rooms preferred Apply Box 27, Tunes office, Exeter. are considered the best for Business College purposes to be found in On- tario. Students interested in Short- hand education should. send for par- ticulars about the Gregg system, which has been taught in the School Boole BINDING. -We are now prepar- ed to take orders for book binding, and any orders entrusted to us will receive best attention. Books, Maga- zines or periodicals bound or rebound in any style at reasonable prices. , SPECIAL RATES. -The G. T. R. will issue special excursion tickets to the Industrial Fair, Toronto, for $2,90 on Sept. 2ada 4th, Oth, 9th and 1.1.th. Good returning un til Sept. 16th, and on all other dates during the fair single fare will be charged. Fon, Hunoar Ox,n Bceas.-The Hui. on Old Boys Association, of Toronto, will have a tent on the Exhibition grounds during the fair, for the accommo- dation of all Huron visitors to Can- ada's greatest fair. Everyone is in- vited to make it their headquarters while at the fair. Any information that may be teq&red, will gladly be furnished by the Secretary,. R. A. Walker,, 45 Leenard. Avenue, REV. IR,L Haaks' FORECASTS POR SEPTEMBER. -PeOtt the lst to the 1th fails the culmination ef ft regular `MI - CAR periode intensified by Mercury, Earth, and Aare, with new moon on On that date and. into October lst, autumnal thunder storms will 'touch many localities. VeNowasewramoseWeansorecitearaaavamaleem Not Even. Crazy People Would scour their faces wit1i brick- bats, but thousatids of persons do things itefinitely more foolish. The skin of the face,. though deli- cate, le thitioceros hide compared with the mucous membrane of the stomach and bowels. Vet these sensitive organs are con- statitly scoured with drastie Tacit - cines, to their incalculable Injury. The Cure for Constipation ifs hot a violent cathartic, but a nzild and tonic Iaxative-which is another way of saying IRONlisOX TABLETS RUNGB fOtt. SUMVItR 610 A E310 DIVE IN NIUSLAINIS MUslins that were 12c 16c and 20c to clear at 5e. Ox blood and other colored Linens for children's and ladies' wear. White goods in Organdies, Dimities, Persian Lawns &c. Linen Batistie, double width, 48 inwide, ably 89c. suit For Whitewear and Fashionable Waists ladies will find. the selection very desirable, while the garments themselves are admitted to be extremely comfortably. Call at once and get the pick as they will go .fast now as the days are hot. Highest Prices for Produce aril g r OS FUR.' crilklztrAtb.wk. 7, .4X.1a.V.$40'1,4.Vniin4:Writif ' ow is the time to beautify your homes by selecting -11 some of our handsome furniture, Do you want A nice bedroom sett for. . Si0.011 Sideboard........... • • 8.0 Nice Cool Sweet mattresses_ . $.00 Bed springs.. 2.00 Couches and easy chairs at easy prices, Curtain poles and' Trimmings. We have several setts of BEAUTIFUL CHAIRS, 3u rn. OlVanet UweswAill C.sooaljlieatnicit iffoiwyeohua. ve not got what es. Furniture and Undertaking Rooms GIDLEY',5 BLOCK, EXETER. you otimem.mmatio agnieffeenemeeetemeassesseasemea • •LONDON.. Sept. 12-20, 1902 tl medioll ot 8peotaoular merit Prof, Hutch ISO/3, the Human Bomb, in a thrilling Baloon Ascension and Parachute Drop. The marvelous Cycle Dazzle. The Osnatos, in a sensation novelty, The great Gay, the Handcuff King. The Mans, Continental Xccentrques. anning and Du Crow, famous 11fonopedes, Rosa Naynou, with her troupe of Trained Tropical Birds, The Bard Bros., Acrobatic Wonders, Chrissie M. Jones, Cornet Virtuoso. Magnificent Pyrotechnics and many other featutes. Spechel .train service oyer all lines. Exhibits frirther -aheed than the times. Grounns insid- iously beautiful. Buildings irresidtably Invitieg. ..mommovparroeserreopenremer. Prize Lists, Maps, Programmes and information for the asking from LT COL W. M. GARTSHORE, T. A. NELLES, President. Secretary. Rewleas.553111Er Jae Eialn,EfeSIM Toronto Exhibition MOTITTAY. SEPT. 1sT, TO SA UTT.TROAY, SEPT. 1.3, 1902 NEW )3UILDINGS NEW FEATURES NEW' EXHIBITS $3g,000 irn li:Dit-ers-rittvrris 30,000 for. Attractions BRILLIANT $20,000 SPECTACLE. ALT, TEE RESOtTECEE OF OTTE GI,ORIOVS COUNTRY THE PEOPLE'S PRIDE THE PEOPLE'S HOLIDAY Reduced rates on every line of travel Consult your • Station Agent regarding Fare to Toronto and back. E:steter, Ave. 27 1901. Wheat per bushel ...... ... 70 to 70 Oats -.15 to 46 Barley. , ..._ .....„ .... -50 to 50 P0 ..... ..... . 10 to 76 Butter.-- ....., -.15 to le Egg4 .....13 to 14 Turkeys ... 8 ' to 8 Geese.-- ...... 6 to 6 Chickens per Itb ....,. 5 to 5 Ducks ....7 to 7 Wool_ .... 16 to 15 Dried .Apples.. Pork live weight... ... .. !$1.6 tto$6.62 The death occurred on Saturday of Sohn D. King, president and manager of the boob and shoe manufacturing fleet of the J. D. King & Co.. Limited. Mr ging who was in his 75th year, died of acute dyspepsia, . About 100 of the 6,500 harvesters who have already reached Winnipeg have gone to North Dakota to work. They are likely to Intee tvouble under the Alien Labor Act, and also as re- gards their return tickets, as the labov certificate must be signed by a eanad- Ian farmer. The total number of ex- cursioniste will reach 0000. ntztAtInt.N'S LAX:a-LTV/SR PILLS regulate the beWeris, cure constipation_, dysPaptitti niii0u4nOSs, sick headache and all affections Or the organs of digestion. , 113ARGAIN ff N ORM mapr...antsnowresonwoossatanacwo You will find here at all times the greatest bargains in furniture. .The lowest prices and best efforts to please. Undertaking a Specialty. awascunotlanzwomemnernesolospw RN. OVVE evecaesesoomeoesseseassimei !Fall Term opens 8ept. Did i : __(--- .1 Cen.lral 11 .,?‘lb -. 0 0 1,0 c,:e}a.,///zeii • • 8 niATFORD, ONT ' ! A . : Conti:oil:1 IVItiletaitiy "le::: cforomnint er.r:lic : • schools .v) nNIOY oUr gradeletes as tea- 0 0 among the best busbies& colleges, on this • • Chet& 'le e 0 Our bc8 to place an our a at gai,cluates iii good positions and We hex° • • been more successful this year Mom in 0' • 6 fly previous year. These desiring the • • best an. busineSS education should at. 0 • tend our SOMOL Write for catalogue, 0 • 0 • : . W. 34 nlitiorI t • • •, . rincipa, in. 1. .......0.00.00000.000.000,1 La.