HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-08-15, Page 55 years 114II11 August 1‘1 Organizations and individual people alike have :q nicker•come to the aid of the several thousand residents affected by last devastating' torno,at:: sweg�through, and parts o Ht��. Oxford, lditriand and Norfollu counties. Despite bed cutbacks and 1a budget limitations the Clinton rulaligHoepot knot, deterred as,evident in their long ranine ntans . for ,a $1 rnilliion renovation, and:,expansiort project.at the hospital, 1 The Huron County detachments of the Ontario Provincial Police released some. .alarming statistics this week showing traffic accidents; liquor seizures and in some areas traffic deaths increased dramatically in 1979. • 10 years ago August 15,1974- Cable 5,1974Cable . TV users in Clinton, Goderich, Holmesville and Vanastra may get another four channels. on their TV sets if plans, now in the infant stage, are carried out by Bluewater Cable TV of Hohnesville., Members of Clinton council told an audience of about 35 people Monday night at the regular council meeting that there will be a referendum in December to decide whether the 94 -year-old Town Hall should be restored or whether a new one should be constructed. Lady Luck was with Fred Dutot last .Sunday afternoon as Clinton firemen and neighbours were able to extinguish a stubborn, smouldering fire in'the hay loft of the Dutot barn at RR 3, Clinton. 25 years ago August 13,1959 About seven months ago, at Christmas time, Rolfe Cook, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cooke; of Joseph Street, was playing with a BB gun in the basement of his home, when a bullet ricocheted and struck him in the face. Barbara Inder, eldest daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. Charles S. Inder, on August 4, talked her way to the junior high school public speaking championship for Ontario in competitions carried out by the Canadian Legion. Barbara who was a finalist last year in the senior public school section, is now 14 years old. 50 years ago August 16,4934 Decoration Services will be held on Sunday, August 19th. The various organizations which will meet at their respective places, ready to move off with the band at 2:30 to the Post -office square. The memorial tablet will be decorated and then the' parade will march through the town, to a point where cars will take them to the Clinton cemetery. On Tuesday afternoon Mrs. J. G. Gibbing' of Hullett Townshipbrought into the News- Record office, a huge puff -ball, weighing fifteen pounds. It measured` 53 inches the other way, Mrs. Gibbing said that the puff - .ball had been found near the bush. There are several others in the same place, nearly as large as this specimen. , Last Friday, Magistrate C.A. Reid of Goderich came to Clinton to preside over the Police Court. Mr: Howard•Baer of Colborne was convicted, of reckless driving, the result of which was a .broken leg to the horse owned by Bowes Bakery. The horse has to be put to death. 75 years ago August 12,1909 "When is a man drunk?" is a query that is going over the Southland. There have been .many amateur replies s}}ch as "When he kisses the bartender, etc., but Charles Slack, of the Nashville American, has come across with the . only real professional answer we have seen: "When he can't lie down on the ground without holding on." In Persia it is considered effeminate to laugh. • If you are thinking of going west you cannot do better than go via from here. The rates are as cheap as any other road. $10 going and. $18 returning andyour baggage checked through the,Clinton station. Don't think because the reporter sees you. getting on the train that he ought to know who you are and where you are going, or if he sees you greet some friends that he knows who they are and where they are from. We aim to get all the news, but you may be the one we don't happen to know. We try to become familiar ' with names . and faces, if possible. But during ,the years past we have been to church and failed to see you there; we have hung around`the town pump but some of you were not there. We loafed on the street; we've even risked our reputation on back streets on a dark night,. but you weren't all there. And we'll be hanged if we know where to, find yen all. So if you are going or coming, or know anybody cutting up queer capers, let us know. 100 years ago August 15,18$4 A New Band- A number of young men all of whom are good musicians, have bought instruments for the purpose of forming a neve band, which will be under• the leadership of Mr. Hugh Combe. They, have organized and expect soon to make their appearance in public. Boy wanted - At once, to learn the printing business. Must be able to read. Apply at the New Era office. Reward- A suitable reward will be given to the party who found'a silk dress lost on the Blyth Gravel Road, a few weeks since, on returning the same J. Craib, Clinton, or Mrs. J. Mcllroy,'Blyth. Flower Power If you follow the proper steps before mak- ing your flower arrangement,. it will last longer, says Tony Hogervorst, rural organizations contact (Ontario Hor- ticultural Association) of the .Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food's rural organizations and services branch. First, cut about two centimetres (about one inch) off the stems and then remove the lower leaves. Next, wrap the stems w$th paper or plastic and put them in -a deep pall of water at 40- degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit) to prevent early wilting. Once your flowers are arranged, keep them from drafts and heat and store in the refrigerator overnight.. Add fresh water daily for longer lasting blooms. is • Ir . 7.1 •ro S4 ECOR D. WEDNESDAXIAUGUST 1f1; t EVERYDAY WAREHOUSE SAVINGS AND BUYSQF KRAFT -PROCESSED 24 SINGLE CHEESE SLICES 500 GRAM BUDGET -WHITE OR BEIGE BATHROOM TISSUE PKG. OF 4 IGA-FROM CONCENTRATE APPLE JUICE 48 FL OZ. TIDE LAUNDRY DETERGENT 6 L. PARAMOUNT -CANNED 7.75 OZ. SOCKEYE SALMON 99 99 KUENZIG'S E-VERYDAY WAREHc1JSEFRICEES A Real Price Break -Every Day of the Week! Here are 15 examples of the savings to You. ASTRA PINK, 7.75 OZ. CANNED SALMON . 99 MACARONI & CHEESE -225 G. KRAFT DINNER . 49 POST -400 G. BRAN FLAKES .89 WHITE SWAN TOILET TISSUE ASSORTED COLORS 4 ROLL • AYLMER-FANCY 48 FL. OZ. TOMATO JUICE . 87 OLD DUTCH -3.6 L. LIQUID BLEACH 1.29 HEINZ -10 FL. OZ. TOMATO OR VEGETABLE SOUP . 39 SUN CROP -341 ML. ORANGE JUICE . 79 WHITE, MOTIF, OR ASS'T. PRINT BORDER 2 ROLL PKG. WHITE SWAN PAPER TOWELS . 99 BYE THE SEA -CHUNK IN WATER -61/2 OZ. LIGHT TUNA . 99 VAN CAMP -14 FL. OZ. ASSORTED BEANS IN TOMATO SAUCE . 69 PLAIN OR SALTED-WESTON'S 400 G. SODA CRACKERS . 99 SURTEC-PLASTIC-PKG. OF 10 GARBAGE BAGS . 99 PURITAN -184 G. FLAKED HAM . 9 REGULAR, FINE OR EXTRA FINE NABOB GROUND COFFEE 369 G. 99 HEINZ 4 LASSORTED PICKLING VINEGAR1.59 DR. BALLARD'S 397 g • FLAVOURS, SPECIALTY DOG FOOD .59 SOFT & DRI,150 mL LIGHT POWDER OR SCENTED DEODORANT 2.29 GRAVES, 48 FL. OZ. PURE CHOICE '-t APPLE -JUICE • 1.1-t 9 , MONARCH, 260 g, POUCH PACK, ASSORTED FLAVOURS CAKE MIXES 21$1 WESTON, PKG. OF 6 LEMON FILLED BUNS 1.09 LIBBY'S, 1.36 L FANCY TOMATO JUICE 1 .09 MONARCH, 2108, POUCH PACK, CHOCOLATE FUDGE, VANILLA OR CHOCOLATE4A25 ICING MIXES' 2 $1..ANGEL WESTON g CAKE 1.39 GREEN GIANT, 7-10 FL. OZ. ASSORTED VARIETIES VEGETABLES 21$1 HEINZ, 750 ml, BREAD & BUTTER, KOSHER BABY OR POLSKIE DILL PICKLES 1 .69 VACHON, JOS LOUIS, PKC, OF 6 OR CHOCOLATE, PKG OF12 SWISS ROLLS 1 .79. MATCH LIGHT, 4 LB CHARCOAL BRIOUETS 2..69 HABITANT 750 mL TABLE' SYRUP 1.99 AT PARTFCIPATING STORES FRESHLY BAKED FRENCH ROLLS 61.69 GARDEN FRESH PRODUCE DOLE BANANAS86 Kg .39 ..b. GOLDEN YELLOW CANADA NO. PRODUCE OF ONTARIO HEAD LETTUCE • HUMPTY DUMPTY, 150 2 REGULAR OR B.B.Q. CORN CHIPS OR 125 2. CHEESE OR B.B.Q. BOCADITOS OR CHEESE, ONION OR B.B.Q. RINGOLOS .9 • McCAIN, 12.5 OZ. FROZEN, FROM CONCENTRATE ORANGE JUICE? .39 McCAIN, 12,5 OZ FROZEN FROM CONCENTRATE, CLEAR OR PINK LEMONADE .69 49 HIGH LINER, SOLE IN BATTER, 350 g OR OCEAN PERCH 1 LB FILLETS 2.29 CANADA NO. 1 -ONTARIO FIELD TOMATOES 2.49 4'LITRE BASKET CANADA NO. 1 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO LARGE STALKS FRESH CELERY .59 CANADA NO. 1 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO GREEN ONIONS' OR RADISHES 3/1 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO FRESH MUSHROOMS 4.39/Kg. 1.99/Ib. PRODUCT OF USA CANADA NO. 1 1 LB. BAG NEW CROP CARROTS' .69 PRODUCT OF USA CANADA NO. 1 RED OR BLACK PLUMS 1.74 /Kg. .791Ih. SEEDLESS CANADA NO. 1 PRODUCT OF USA GREEN GRAPES 2.62/Kg. 1.19/I1). ONTARIO -CANADA NO. 1 COOKING ONION 2 LB. BAG .59 ONTARIO -CANADA NO. 1 GREEN CABBAGE 2/.79 BLUE BONNET 1 LB' SOFT MARGARINE1 .29 PKG. OF 10 GLAD GARBAGE BAGS 1.59 1111111111111111111111 24-10 FL. OZ. -CASE OF REGULAR SPRITE OR COCA-COLA 5.99 ALSO: q VARIETIES OF SPR.ITE, TAB, COKE -750 ML. BTL. -.59 PLUS DEPOSIT ALL MERCHANDISE 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED - PRODUCT REPLACED OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED. SENIOR CITIZEN. DISCOUNT EACH WEDNESDAY . (GET DETAILS FROM YOUR LOCAL IGA STORE) PRICES IN 'EFFECT TILL CLOSING SATURDAY, AUGUST 18 - WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES MEAT BONUS BUYS CUT FROM CANADA GRADE A,BEEF T-BONE • STEAK 8.7 •/K};. 3.9 8/Ih. DAVE RN -450 G. WIENERS L38 MEDIUM GROUND BEEF 4.14,K, 1.88/Ib. CANADIAN QUEEN -SLICED BOLOGNA, CHICKEN, MAC & CHEESE - 175 G. LUNCHEON MEATS 7 8 CANADIAN QUEEN -SLICED COOKED HAM 4.83/Kg. 2.19/Ib. DAVERN-500 G. SLICED SIDE BACON 2.18 SHQULDER PORK BUTT CHOPS 4.17 Kg 1.891 . QUARTERS CHICKEN LEGS 3.0 6/Kg. 1.3 9/Ib. CUT FROM CANADA GRADE 'A' BEEF SIRLOIN STEAKS 8.33/Kg. 3.78/Ib. MARY MILES SUMMER SAUSAGE OR SLICED SALAMI 4.3 0,4 1.9 5/Ib. CUTUP WHOLE CHICKENS 2.8 4/Kg. 1.29/Ib. CANADA GRADE 'A' -UNDER 1.8 KG./4 LBS. FRESH CHICKENS 2.6 2/Kg. 1.19/Ib. STORE HOURS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 8:30 A.M.-6 P.M. Thursday, Friday 8.30 A.M.-9 P.M. Saturday ' -8.30 A.M.-6 P.M. •