HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-08-08, Page 17it 1. Articles for sale YOU CAN GET your out -of -Canada Medical In- surance at C.A.A., Travel Agency, 7 Rattenbury St., Clinton. Phone 482-9300.-44tfar KAWASAKI 440 LTD, 7000 km., bought in May 1983, new windshield never been used, still in box. $1600.00. 482-7318 after 6 p.m.-24tfnx SINGLE BED with mattress; train set on table 482- 3305.-30tf PICKLING cucumbers for sale at Hwy. 8, west of Clinton. Dykstra 482-9543.-32 HUMANE LIVE TRAPS, cedar fence posts, stove wood and cedar kindling. Phone 482- 3842.--2eow UTILITY shed, 12'x10' with barn style roof, one year old, asking $450.00. Phone 482-9837.-32 APPROXIMATELY 120 full cords of ash and soft maple standing in area to be clear cut. Mostly 6"- 12". Near Blyth. Close to good road. 1-679-3213 days. 1-471-7381 evenings. -32 PICKLING'Cucumbers and Sweet Corn. Hwy. 8, five miles east of Clinton. Phone 482-9217.---32- 35 SOFA and CHAIR in excellent condition, asking $700.00; used China cabinet in excellent condi- tion, asking $150.00. Phone 523-4583.-32,33x URINE -ERASE guarantees removal of urine (dog, cat, people) stains, odors from carpets. Regardless `stain age. Free brochure. Reidell Chemicals Limited. Box 7500, London, N5Y 4X8. -32o USED RAILWAY TIES. Pressure treated, uniform quality bundles guaranteed. Delivered semiload lots only (470 minimum). Reasonably "priced. Phone 204-725-2627, office hours. -32o STEEL BUILDINGS Direct Factory Clearance. Up Yo OLIVER 550 diesel tractor with loader., hydraulic • 40 percent discounts widths 20' to 120' any .� bucket and 3 point flitch, in good condition length. Limited quantities Act Now SAVE. Call $2,000.00 or best offer. Phone 523-4260.--31,32 'ANT'O ITOPA' 41,011S` 8,r.fl' GODIIRICH THE CLINTON NEWS - RECORD THE BLYTH STANDARD • THE BAYEIELD BUGLE inten IDOLe-IZeeel•11 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES it DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads Tuesday Noon Display Advertising Tuesday 4:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Articles for sole 2 yard sole 3 Goroge sale 4 Antiques for sole 5 Cars for sale 6 Trucks for sole 7 R V s•for sole R Monne 9 AuromOlwe ID Pets for sole 12 Real estate for Sole 13 Moble homes 14 Recreational properties 15 Out 01 town properties 16 F or rent 17 Apartments for rent IR Houser for rent 19 Rooms for rent 20 Room 8 board 21 Colitides for rem 72. Lots for rem 23 Commerc,ol properly for re • 24 Wanted to rent 25 Wanted to buy 26 Help wanted 27 Wonted (general) 20 Business Opportunity 29 Tenders 3p Employment wanted 31 Service directory, 34 Personal 38 Notice to creditors 36 Annou9cements 37 Mortgoges 30 Auction sole 39 Educat,o9nl 40 LostdFound 41 To give away 42 aeoth nonce 43 Births 44 Engagements 45. Marr,oges 46 In, memonom est 47 Cords of thanks 50C DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT WHEN PLACING AD OR IF PAID WITHIN ONE WEEK AFTER THE PAPER DATE. PHONE 482-3443 MONDAY TO FRIDAY -1:00 a.m. to S p.m. 1. Articles for sale 1. Articles far sale WOOD FOR SALE MIXED HARDWOOD Blocks or split. Any quantity. Will deliver. 482-9250 2. Yard Sale YARD SALE - north end of Main St. in Bayfield, Saturday, August l l th 10 a.m. - 7 (rain date Sun- day August 12th). Furniture, -bedding, carpet, clothing plus miscellaneous. --32 3. Garage sale SATURDAY, and SUNDAY, August 11 -12th from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Furniture,. salt and pepper collec- tion, household misc.; dishes, carports, old truck, clothes, sewing materials, fridge, stove. 239 James St. Clinton.- 32x a.1111,11,11..r®.416111.14- 5. Cars for sale. 1980 CAMARO • economical, 6 cylinder, 3 speed manual, p.s., p.b., rear spoiler, silver, blue cloth interior, recent tune up, new tires, indash cassette, excellent condition. Asking $5000.00 certified, or best offer. Call Mike at 519.524.7027 or 524-7144 after 6 p.m.-30tfnx� CLASSICAL violin, -European make, approx. 70 years old. Asking $175, case and bow included. 482-7520.-...31,32nx. WEEKLY SPECIALS! see our ad in "FOCUS" Clin- ton Boxed Meats just off Hwy. 4 north of Clinton, 1'4 mile south of Londesboro, watch for our sign. Call collect 523-9508. Closed for vacation Aug. 6- 11.=42tfar POOL table for sale, 4' x 8'. Phone 482.7702.-32 SWEET C1 R.N, peaches,'tombfoes,-bulk cookies, apple butter and honey. Special 10 Ib. potatoes, $2,00, 6 qt. apples $2.00 at Art Bell's Fruit Farm 524-8037.-31tfar • TREES • pick out and tag now for fall planting. Ex- cellent selection of Royal Red, Norway and • Globe Maple. Also Ash, Linden, Locust, Flower, ing Crab, Kwanzan Cherry etc. Bakers Nursery, RR 2 Bayfield 482-9995,-31.34ar Ready Now PEACHES & CREAM SWEET CORN EVAN'S FARM MARKET 2 r1SHOS north of Bayfield 482-7562 foil -free 1-800.461-7689.-32o BUILDINGS must clear' out about 1r4 dozen buildings. Inventory surplus at give away prices can be mixed and matched to meet different e, sizes. Phone now collect to Perma Buildings (416) 676-1343. ---32o Fresh Dally FromaaOur Own Gardens SWEET CORN Plcked Every Morning Fresh Cut Daily . GLADIOLUS Quality & Freshness Guaranteed PEACHES ZUCCHINI FIELD CUCUMBERS NEW CROP APPLES PLUMS ONT. BLUEBERRIES CHERRIES FRESH EGGS NEW ONT. POTATOES FIELD TOMATOES MINI CARROTS MELONS & CANTALOUPES GREEN & WAXED BEANS Palls Of Frozen RED RASPBERRIES 8 or 28 lb. Pills Available Weekends MENNONITE HOME BAKING FOR ALL YOUR GARDENING NEEDS.:.SEE US TODAY... martin's market Masao Tolaphono 524-8024 1A mile oast of nonmlllor Road on Highway no. E (Huron Road) STEEL BUILDINGS. Pre-engineered clearspan all - steel I-beam construction. Widths 20' to 60' any length. For lowest prices phone collect (416) 456- 1200.--32o JACKETS - Team, Club and Community. Buy direct from. the factory and 'save:' Peter Upton Jacket' works. Call toll free anywhere in Canada 1-800.661.6461 for your free catalogue and infor- mation. -32o • WOOD AND METAL WORKING MACHINES. Quality Tools, lowest. prices. Band saws. table saws, jointers, planers, metal/wood lathes, many more. Free Catalogue: Busy Bee Machine ,Tools', 18 Basaltic Drive, Concord, Ontario. L4K 1G6. Ph. (416)738-1292.-320 FRESH CAULIFLOWER & BROCCOLI CAULIFLOWER - 6.50 DOZEN BROCCOLI - 9.00 CASE 3 MILES WEST OF EXETER ON HIGHWAY 83 OPEN DAILY 9 AM to 8 PM - Closed Sundays. VISSCHER FARMS 237-3442 SWEET CORN FOR SALE VERBEEK GARDEN CENTRE 482-9333 FRESH HONEY Bring your own containers 81.15 1b. or 994Ibe for 30 lbs. and over COLBORNE APIARIES Phone: John Stadelmann Blyth, Ont. 523-9204 Pick Your Own Or Ready Picked BEANS, BEETS, CARROTS, PICKLING CUCUMBERS Also Our Own Plus A Large Selection Of CANNING TOMATOES, SWEET CORN, CAULIFLOWER, BROCCOLI, PEACHES. `Where Quality Comes First' TE -EM FARM MARKET & GREENHOUSE$ R.R. No. 1°Bayfield 482-3020 Ted & Emma VanderWouden A. For Sale Attention Farmers CBE FURNITURE NEW AND USED - WE CAN OFFER BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SA VES MONEY '%2 mile south on Hwy. 21 GODERICH 524.7231 We even Take Trades Henson Livestock Soles SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 12:30P.M. All classes of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Clinton - 482.7311 Barry Miller Exeter - 235-2717 Klrkton - 229-6205 Gregory Hargreaves 262-2019 B. Custom Work 5. Cars for sale 10. Pets for sale CUSTOM big round baling, Co Zondag,,Boyfield. 565.5308'.---21tf CUSTOM SWATHING and combining of small groins, beans and corn. Equipped with flex head - trucking available. 482-7301 • 30-32 • 1982 MAZDA GLC four door sedan, five gears, cruise control, excellent mileage, excellent con- dition, AM/FM tape, four speakers 523- 4266.- 31,32 1978 FORD Pinto, light blue, sun roof. Phone 482- 9036.-32x 75 "POLICE CARS, TRUCKS, STATION WAGONS, VANS & 4x4's 6 1983 Chevrolets 18 1980-82 Fords, Plymouths, Chevs 5 1979-82 Fairmonts, Malibus & Volares 5 1978-79 Station Wagons 2 1979 Dodge Vans 2 1979 Ram Charger 4x4's 8 1977 to 80 1/2 81'/4 ton Pickups 6 1976 - 80 Club and Crew Cabs 9 1970-77 1 to 4 ton Dumps and Cab & Chassis 2 1977 4x4•Pickups 1 1976 GMC 1 ton wrecker 1 3500 Ford Industrial tractor with loader 1 3 axle tag along trailer . 9 Van bodies, Utility bodies, caps and racks MIGHTON CAR SALES 6 miles E. of Hanover or 4 miles W. of Durham, No. 4 Highway 1-369-3136 .CUSTOM' swathing. Phone - Bob Smith( 482: 3340.--31-33x CUSTOM 'swathing and silo filling. Coll Hank Reinink 523-9202 or 523-4569. 31 tfar ,- CUSTOM swathing and combining wagon and auger supplied. Reasonable rates'. 523- 4260. -31,32,33 • CUSTOM swathing. Karl .Whitfield 523- 9337 . -.32.33 CUSTOM combining of small grains Reasonable ' rates. Bill Smith 482-3349,. -32,33 CUSTOM SWATHING° Jim Preszcator 482-7126 or 4.82-9274 • C. Wanted MIXED grain or barley. 262-5703. - .31 32 WANTFD TO BUY • 20 t,-, 25 to, ,‘f n -Ivor Groin. t'hnn2 '23-4472.-- J2,3' D. I_.juestock 6. Trucks for sale FOR SALE - Pullets, 20 weeks aid by middle of September. Please place your order now. ,Any • size orders taken. Phone Heyinks Poultry 262' 5708.---32,33 Attention Farmers WE PAY 320.00 TO 350.00 PER HUNDRED WEIGHT FOR OLD, RECENTLY INJURED OR CRIPPLED COWS AND STEERS. MUST BE ALIVE AND DRUG FREE. MARK LEIS & SONS LIVESTOCK TOLL FREE 1-800-265-4910, 24 hrs. a day. 6 days a week. Serving this area since 1974. E. Far ni Services TAX PLANNING is more important to a farmer's situation than tax preparation. Al Farm Business Consultants we plan with our members 52 weeks, of the year. For effective tax planning call FBC toll-free 1.800-265-1b02.--320 USED TRUCKS '82 GMC 1/2 TON . 305 V8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, rear bumper. two lone blue, High Sierra cab like new condi9 air. Serial No. 506235 $7900 '82 DODGE D-50 RAM 4 X 4 This compact sized 4 wheel drive pickup has a 5 speed transmission, power steering, power brakes, rear bumper, complete with aluminum topper colour - keyed ,. to the truck. Ziebart rustproofed. Just ;29,000 Km. Serial No. 600271 $-6500 '81 GMC 1/2 TON SHORT BOX Just 56,000 Km., running boards, fender skirts, box rails, 305 V8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, way above average condition, super sharp appearance. Serial No. 346071 $7000 '80 FORD 1/2 TON 6 cylinder, 4 speed manual transmission, rear bumper, radio, Wilt'sie'topper. Seriai No. H1(0254 $5000 780 DODGE 1/2 TON - 318 V8,, automatic, power steering, power brakes, rear bumper, 'safety checked. Serial No. 143921 $3900 '78 GMC Y TON Short wheelbase . window van. 6 cylinder, automatic, power steering, only 76,000 -Kon. AS IS SPECIAL. Serial No. 451855 ASIS $2800 McGEE PONTIAC-BUICK-CADILLAC-GMC TRUCKS HAMILTON ST., GODERICH KITTENS 5 House trained Beauties. Only 5." each. Call: Ted Johns After 6 p.m. 523-9617 WANTED: tailgate. and rear driver's door in good condition' for ,77' Jeep Cherokee. • Call 482• 3514. 29t1 12. Real estate for sale JOHN L. DUDDY ONE OF A KIND: are opportunity to purchase a splendid 4 bedroom home very conveniently located. Delightful kitchen with Hanover "Golden Oak" cupboards and Kitchen -Aid dishwasher. Two full bathrooms, recently remodelled. French doors on main floor, living room with fireplace, hot water heating, 9 spacious rooms plus office and basement workshop with access to attached garage. Extras include fridge and stove. List price high 60's. APPEALING 2 BEDROOM COTTAGE: Large lot with mature fruit trees. Choice location near schools. Attic could be converted to third bedroom. Charming interior with a hint of Victorian influence, wainscotting in living room and dining room. High 30's. 10 ACRES BUSH: Near Pine Lake Camp. Requires re -zoning to obtain building permit., ONE FLOOR COTTAGE: 3 bedrooms, 521,900., near pool and Race Track. 213 JAMES ST.: 3 bedroom on full 82.5 ft. by 132 ft. lot with 12' x 16' shed which has attached shelving and workbench. List price S23,500. REDUCED TO $19,900: Small 2 bedroom aluminum sided home, "cute as a button", on large corner lot with garage. No. 17 ,ERIEST. N,: 5nia11 21 bedropm cottage, idea' dor sln+gles or retsfrees. List price $20,000. No. 182 CHURCH STREET: 11/2 storey 3 or 4 bedroom home in attractive . condition. Playroom, 11/2 baths. $25,900. BRICK BI -LEVEL: Splendid 1200 sq. ' ft. home in immaculate condition with established landscaping. Features include double garage with attic; large family room with fireplace, patio, central air, central vacuum, split entry foyer and spacious kitchen. List $78,500. SMALL HOBBY FARM: No. 8 Highway. Modular home 1,380 sq. ft., master bedroom has ensuite bathroom, 31/2 acres with large barn and shed addition, fenced paddock. Now reduced to $52,500. , SCHOOLHOUSE . AND ANTIQUE BUSINESS: Located 3 km. East of Blyth on Cty. Road 25. Pine kitchen, left overlooks large central living room. 3 bedrooms. Brick fireplace. 2100 sq. ft. of living area plus 24' x 36' concrete block building. $51,900. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION: Brick house on 21/2 lots, 3 bedrooms, recently renewer" with improved insulation, new drywall. Large kitchen, living, room with hardwood floor. Reduced to $29,500. HOME AND BUSINESS: Established locale sign painting business and good 3 bedroom home. All equipment included; 1200 sq. ft. shop . with concrete floor and access for von painting. Landscaped corner lot with hedge and screened patio. List price 549.500. JOHN L. DUDDY REAL ESTATE LTD. -MLS Realtor - Multiple Listing Service Members of the Huron Real Estate Board. John L. Duddy Russ W. Archer Office 482-3652 482-9428 or 3733 482-3766 RA►FIELD R ,r.i-s a9uvid• :taco:. ritT111..s.H 40E17 LIPCSE/00,0 YT1, ow !E! ORM MITCHISL • IURFOI e EXETER STRATFRD 12. Real estate for sale FOR SALE OR RENT - King St., Clinton, large com- mercial building - 5,000 sq. ft. contains two of- fices. Contact Mason Bailey Real Estate Ltd. for details. 482-9371.-26tf ALL POINTS REALTY INC. 53 Stanley Street, Goderich Ph. 524-2111• NEW EXCLUSIVE LISTING 11/2 storey frame & vinyl .sided. home, 4 bedrooms, .formal dining room, 13/t baths, attached garage & workshop plus a whole' lot more. Call today for your showing, 524-2111 or 482-7841. REDUCED TO SELL 2 bedroom bungalow in quiet neighbourhood, main floor laundry room, large lot, now only $19,900. • GOOD INVESTMENT Two - 3 bedroom units close to schools. Good return. Call today for details, 524-2111 or 482-7841. • 11/2 storey frame & asbestos sided home, 3 bedrooms, full basement, 14' x 20' garage, only $21,000. Call Dominic 524-2l11 or 482-7841. ie MAKING HOMES FFORDAEBLE,CENTURY 21:" Member: HURON REAL . - ESTATC BOARD MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE . MAURtClt GARDINER REAL ESTATE LIMITED 34 SUNLIT STREET $24.2966 GODIRICH 'iNte May ba Number Onal But - We're Still Trying Harder!' CALL US -TO WELCOME YOU HOME $79,900 - Hwy. 21, Bayfield, 6 year old raised ranch, fully finished basement with 32' fieldstone fireplace, kitchen, separate dining room, living room, 4 bedrooms. $78,500 - Sarnia St., Bayfield - Two storey with full basement, family room, rec room, 4 bedrooms, 2 sets of patio doors onto deck, natural wood trim, mud room, built in stove and dishwasher. $115,000. 1 mile south of Bayfield, 2 storey, 4 bedroom brick home situated on nine acres, treed grounds and spring fed creek running through property, walkout patio above garage off kitchen. COTTAGES $57,500 - New Listing • Snowden Acres - Cedarsided,cottage, cathedral tongue and groove ceiling in living room and in two bedrooms, 3 Targe bedrooms, treed lot, year round living. $47,500 • New Listing • Christy St., Bayfield • Open concept living room and kitchen, 4 bedrooms. one block from lake. - $44,50.0 - Lidderdele St., Bayfield • Aluminum sided, 3 bedrooms, open concept kitchen dining room, situated on double lot, 2 blocks from lake and three from shopping. FOR MORE FARM INFORMATION - COTTAGE & HOME INFORMATION CALL DIANNE ALEXANDER 565-2513 - Real Estate Ltd. . Clinton Phone: 482.931 ' Residence: 523-9338 COIMERCIAL BLYTH: Commercial building ,orkti. main street. • .CLINTON: Large commercial' building on King Street, vendor -will finance or consider rental. RESTAURANT: • Includes living accommodation, well equipped, lots of parking space. CLINTON: Fully serviced lots on Hwy. No. 8 190' x 264'. Buy all or port. 'HOMES . NEW LISTING IN LONDESBORO: •3 bedroom, 1',2 floor home. large shed. Under 530,000.00. AUBURN: 3-4 bedroom home in excellent -ondition. Very well.located. ' BL.YTH:2 storey, 4 bedroom executive class l-•,orne, heated wort.shop and many extras. BLYTH: Morris Street, 1'1.2 floor frame; 4 be-lroom home, carpet throughout, propane heat. • , 'BLYTH: WtoOmoreland Street, 2 floor brick ' lo. le, large lot, can be duplexed. , CLINTON: 1 floor, 4 bedroom home, gas heat. New roof and insulation.. HENSALL: King Street, 1'2 floor vinyl sided home, fireplace and garage. BLYTH: 1' 7 floor brick home large lot, heated garage and workshop, reduced to sell, BRUCEFIELD: 3 bedroom, 1' 7 storey frame home, F.A. oil heat. BLYTH: Large brick home on Dinsley Street, mus+ be sold to settle estate. • BLYTH: 1 floor brick bungalow, finished basement, carport, excellent condition. CLINTON: Large duplexed frame and brick, 5 bedroom home, reduced for quick sale. BLYTH: North Street, 4 bedroom home on double lot, like new. FARMS & ACREAGE 250 ACRES: Cas' lltb1eef farm, average buildings. 7 20 ACRES: 2100SeIkDranch style home near Varna. 200 ACRES: Hallett' Township. 105 acres workable, good home and barn, 80• acres good bush.i 4 50 ACRES: Colborne Township, 6 acre apple ' orchard, 43 workable. Price reduced. .4 ACRES: Dinsley Terrace, 1 -,floor home, 'garage and small barn. Very neat hobby farm. 20 ACRES: Morris Township, good frame home, hog finishing barn, liquid manure system. Easily converted to farrowingbarn. 150 ACRES: Near Auburn, 100 workable, good brick home, 100 ACRES: Highway farm, good buildings and fences. 40 ACRES: On Hwy. No. 4 near Belgrave. Good brick home and frame barn. 100 ACRES: 55 workable, East Wawanosh, building for 600 hogs. 200 ACRES: 190 workable. East Wawanosh, hardwood bush, good barns, fieldstone house. 46 ACRES: Near Varna, 25 cropland, 9 bush, large 2 family home and born, drive shed ..and , workshop. Ideal for hobby or I business and/or livestock eeterprises. 95 ACRES: Hullett Township. good cropland, all drained, no buildings. 3'/2 ACRES: Reduced to sell, 8th Line Morris Township, frdme home. Targe born and shed, well fenced. C.