HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-8-28, Page 417,7,,i1777777,77177.77.,
The iViolsons E3ank
(La.() ted by .64 ot 1arliairion1n35Si
Read Wee, Me treel.
Capital (ail paid up) - $2,600.000
XteserveFund 62,14000
iltrilatleisit31,1)"' Alberta'
°pea Every. Lawful Day from 10
to 3 p. except
Saturdays, 10 a, m. to 1 p,
Farmers Sale Notes cashed or col-
leCted. F01111$ F2,1Ipp1ied OD application,
Drafts on all points in the Dominion.
ereat Britain and United States
bought atal sold at lewest rates of
Depots of $1.00 ancl upwards receiv-
ed. Interest coMpounded half yearly,
and added to principal June 301h and
December Met. Deposits Receipts also
issued and higbest current rate of
interest allowed.
Advances make to farmers, stock
dealers and business men at lowest
rates and on most favorable terms.
Ageats at Exeter for Dominion
SOLMITOAS. 1119.N.I.Gre,
Calendar for August, 1902
SuwAx 8 10 17 24 81
MoNDAY 4 11 18 25
TEESDAY , 5 12 19 26
WEDNESDAY... . 6 13 20 9.,7
TauntSDAY. 7 14 21 28
1 8 15 22 29
SATUBDAY- . 2 9 16 23 30
THURSDa.Y, ,AUG. 28m, T902
jayvee. 0,4.4
• With this issue the EXETElt TIMES
commences the thirtieth ,y ear of exie.
tence. The TIMES first appeared on
the 281h day of August, 1873, The
publicatiou was made from an old
frame building on Main street near
Huron, immediately opposite the Aro/-
sees Bank, which was established in
Exeter about the time that the Tams
was. The publishers were John White
&Sons. The paper continues under
the same firm's name to -day. Besides
theSeaforth Expositor, the Mitchell
Advocate and the Clinton New Era,
the TIMIS is the only newspaper in
the counties of Huron, Perth or Mid-
; dlesex that has been published con-
tinuously by the same family for such
a lengtb of time. When the TIMES
• made its first appearance, it was pre-
dicted by many other papers that its
• life svould be a short one. But from
the first the TIMES was carefully
and energetically handled. The peo-
ple a Exeter and neighborhood were
deter/tined that it should. live, and
they supported it with a, generosity
that was creditable to them, and en-
couraged its founders to put forth
every effort to achieve success.
Although the Texas has been pub-
lished by the same family from its
first appearance, there has been un-
fortunetely, some changes in tbe
personnel of its management, Mr.
johneWhite, who was with it from
the first, passed to his final reward
on January 10th, 1901. Two sons, who
helped to get out the first issee and
-were with it for some years, are living
elsewhere. A third son died some
years ago uhile engaged in editing
the paper, while the sad demise of Mr.
Miller White a few short months since
is fresh in the minds of our readers.
The Tieras was stetted as an inde-
pendent Liberal -Conservative paper,
its founders believing tbat the Conser-
vative party of Canada were the best
friends of the country and the best
fitted to govern IL It has remained
consistently Conservative to this day,
and it shall so remain while in the
possession of John White's family.
At no thne has it been bitter or un-
reasonably partisan, in the future
moderate but firm in its political con-
victions it shall remain.
As a ne wsgatherer for its own paiti-
velar neighborhood, which is the true
sphere fee a lecal newspaper, the
TIMEs, it will be conceded, has tew
superiors in the country press in any
part of Ontario. lts coltnnns faith-
folly- vecord every inciden t and happen
ing of any importance in this locality
each week, a fact which no doubt has
a great deal to do with the unusually
large circulation it enjoys. It has
now from five to six times as many
subscribers as it had the first year of
its existence. That circulation, we
• are pleaetel to say, is constantly grow-
We hope in the future to merit a
continuance of the liberal support we
have received in the past.
CI have used Ayer's Hair Vigor
ar over thirty years. It has kept
my scalp free from dandruff and
has prevented my hair from turn-
ing gray." - Mrs. la A. Soule,
Billings, Mont.
There is this peculiar
thing about Ayer's Hair
Vigor—it is a hair food
not a dye. Your hair does
not suddenly turn black,
look dead and lifeless.
But graduallythe old color
carries hack,—all the rich,
dark color it used to have.
The hair stops falling, too.
$1.co a bottle. Alf druggists.
If your druggist canaot supply you,
nend as one dollar ad we will express
yous bottle. Be sera andllyer the name
of your nearest express onlee. A.deress,
J. 0. AYER CO., toren, Mats.
and people agree that Scott's
alma cod-liver oil is the best thing
to take for "don't feel well and
don't know wky," especially babies
--they like it—men awl women
don't mind it, bat babies actually
enjoy it.
IsGQIT .Vcw.:h 0.0.;cH ugkests,TonoN70.
NO, NOIR )flilli
fill tile News of interest to
Times Readers Happening,
these Gounties
Miss Edna Guest of Goderich, is
teaching the school att. Sodom, taught
last year by Miss Queenie Robertsma
Laxative Brome-Quinine Tablets ease a old
in ane day. No cure. No pay, Price 25 cts,
W. E. Rand, late of the Clinton
Collegiate Institute, has been appoint-
ed. bead master of the Carleton Place
High, School.
Mr. Samuel Sloane, one of the West
Huron license commissioners, died
suddenly at his home in Goderich on
Sunday evening last.
For any case of nervousuess, sleep-
lessness, weak etomach, inaigestion,
dyspepsia, try Carter's Little Nerye
Pills, Relief is sure. The onl nerve
medicine for 0 j
zt. s Nruct auldes
'ailing under c s, frequent thi st, scanty
cloudy, highly colored urine ai all urinary
t-oubles lead to Drerht's disease dropsy, dia
hetes etc. Poem's Kidney Pills are a sure cure,
Mr. D. Linether, of Wiarton, has
sold the well-known Pacific Hotel
there to Mr. S. Beattie, formerly of
Brussels, an old and experienced hotel-
man. Mr. Beattie gets possession on
Sept. 15.
D,) riot- suffer from sick headache
a moment longer. It is uot necessary.
Carter's Little Liver Pills will cure
Dose one little pill. Small dose. Small
price. Small pill.
Mr. Percy Couch of Clinton, has en-
tirely recovered from the efiects of his
recent operation for appendicitis and
is able to be out. He looks and feels
first-rate, and expects to resume work
in another week.
cure Anaemia, Nervousness, Sleeplessness,
Weakness, Palpitation, Throbbing, Faint
Spells. Dizziness, or any condition. arising
from Impoverished blood, Disordered Nerves
or Weak. Heart.
Col. Hoare believes he is entitled to
the designation of "bee king" of Clin-
ton, he having over 100 hives of these,
busy little workers. Only about 60
are "working hives'," but from these
he has taken this year over a ton of
clear honey.
fo: 1nan or beast. Relleyes pain, reduces
swelling-, allays inflammation, cures cuts,
burns. bruises, sprains, stiff jointe., bites of in-
sects, rheumatism, etc. A large bottle for 25
Miss Asa Gibbings, youngest daugh-
ter of Mr. John Gibbings of Clinton,
was united in marriage on Thursday
last to Mr. J. W. Treleaven, Principal
of Almonte Collegiate Institute. Miss
Gibbings was organist of Ontario-st.
church for some 8 years, and was pre-
sented by tbe congregation and choir
with a fine 6 piece tea service of silver.
Here is a sample of wheat we may
expect for some weeks to come, Peter
Munn, near Hensall, threshed fall
wheat on Saturday and had a yield of
500 bushel from 15 acres, or over 38
bushels to the acre. This reminds us
of the days of yore when 40 bushels to
the acre was not uncommon.
Children are often attacked suddenly by
painful and dangerous Colic, Cramps. Diarr-
hoea, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cholera In-
fautuin, etc. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild.
Strawbsrry is a prompt and sure cure which
should always be kent in the house.
Bad coughs, colds and catarrh at e
responsible for more consumption
than is traceable even to heredity.
Catarrhozone mires more quickly than
ordinary remedies because it is the
only antiseptic yet discovered that is
volatile enough to reach the root of
the trouble in remote parts of the
lungs and bronchial tubes, and im-
pregnate every particle of the air
breatbed with its healing, germ -kill-
ing vapor. Colds can't last ten minut-
es, or cougl3s mcre than thirty mi aut.-
es when Catarrhozone is inhaled. It
clears nose, throat and air passages
at once. stops dropping, headache,
and err.adicates catarrh from any part
of tbe system. Two month? treat-
ment, $1.00; trial size 25e. Thug
gists, or N. C. Poison & Co., Kingston,
On t.
Dr. Elartaiton'e Pills are mild,
Said That Mr, Kruger Will Now
Abandon His Claims,
he Transvaal Degation in Europe \'U1
BO abolished at the End of Septem-
lier-Ensplayes Notified to eat
Them-Wheu Leyds Disappeaes
Ex -State secretary will 'ere
to Become a Power.
Londoe, Aug. 26,-Ceb1iug from
Brussels the eerrespondent or 9 h,)
Deily Telegraph, says he hears that
as a restilt of the conferences be
tweet/ Isomer President Kruger and
the Boer generals, Dewet, Botha and
Delaroy, Mr. Kruger is to resign the
lea -del -ship of the Boer people. Geoer-
al Botha, adds the correspondent,
was una,nimonsly designated future,
leader of the Boers.
Leyds Asked to onit,
Brussels, Atli, 26. -The Boer gen-
erals have notified the employes of
the Transvaal legation that their ser-
vices will no longer be required after
the t•nd of September, when the le-
gation will be abolished.
When they conferred with Dr.
Ledo last Week the generals sug-
gested the desirableness of his sur-
render of his position as representa-
tive of the former 'Prelim -eat -repub-
On the disappearance of Dr. Leyds
it is thought probable that ex -State
Secretary Rditz will become leader of
the irreconcilables and attempt to
organize an anti-British campaign in
Yloers Sail Away.
Hamilton, Bermuda, Aug. 26. -The
British transport Staffordshire sail-
ed yesterday for Cape Town with 1,-
.060 Boers who had been prisoners in
the detention camps on these islands.
Across the House.
Cape Town, Aug. 25. --On Friday
Sir J olua Gordon Sprigg and llaelll-
bers of his Ministry voted with the
Afrikander Bond by crossing the
St. Catharlues Farmer Thought He Bought
51.000,000 Building Cheap.
Buffalo, Aug. 26. -Gordon Pear-
sall, a farmer living near St. Oath-
aribes, Ont., has purchased the mam-
moth Ellicott square building for
$1,200. The fake deal was put
through by a confidence man who se-
cured $600 down and then lit out
while the unsuspecting farmer went
home to get the balance of the
money. The swindle was perpetrated
a week ago yesterday and has just
leaked out. Pearsall came to Buf-
falo to -deposit $600 and wandered
into the Ellicott square, where he
met the confidence man, who intro-
duced himself as J. Milton 'McCor-
mick, the reaper manufacturer. He
was shown through the building by
McCormick, who gave orders to the
employes and had the air of a man
of wealth. Pearsall confided in him
and finally a bargain was struck.
Strike in Tromp Trade.
Aug. 26. -La spite of the
arrest e the labor agitators who
caused the recent strike among the
cigaxmakers, the Chinese and Fili-
pinos engaged in the hemp industry
arc getting ready to strike. They de-
maud an increase in their wages of
66 per cent.
The cholera epidemic in Mani/a is
tn in sleve. tient i
London, Aug. 26. -Beginning Sept.
1, the postolces of Groat Britain
win accept parcels for transmission
to the United Stat..s. • "Iht vmioes
attemr.ts of the Brithh G eve mount
to conclude a parcel post arri nge-
mutt with the United States have re-
sulted in failure. the British Postal
Ilepartitant, has arranged this inde-
pf.-aikn serv ice.
.110t P01,1 remn nand l'seaped
Duralo. Aug. 25. -About 21.45 o'-
clock last, night whiie Polireman
.'F.,thIe" ler was guarding three prisoners
in a introl waeon one of the men
peliPc3 a gun and 1:,ho5 Shickler
throegh the head. As soi ri as the
;then was fired all three prisoners
lratfr) their escape. The naires of the
rect.,on.les are not known. Shickler
rW Jik.ely die.
iouvi tsconSA(Nus,
Ottawa. Avg. .26.-A Man was pick-
ed up unctnacious on the C. P. IL
mar °Vault yesterday morn -
mg. 1Ii s/.1111 was fractured and ea
arm broksn. He u -as brosight to St.
Lute's hospital end is lying. there in
a (Titian -CI condition. Nothing, is known
iddleseX abort. tea 11n, name Burman IA
-1.4ttOol'd on arm.
Mrs. Chas. Snalth, of James, Ohio,
writes I have used every remedy for
sick beaclache I coold hear of for the
pas.t fifteen years, but Carter's Little
Liyer Piils did me more good than any
It is rumored that a large $10,000
portiand cement p/ant is to be erected
Nery shortly in London. There are
three sites talked of for the industry.
One is the Michigan Central prop-
erty, anothsr on Adelaide street, and
the third on Canadian Pitellie land. 1
It has not yet been decided whet.* the
site Will be, but representatives of
the firm looked over the three sites
and the result of their investigations I
will be made known in a day. or two,
During the Ler, season the blood gets over-
heated lite drain on the system fa Revere and :
(he appetite Is often lest, BUrdook Blood
43itters purifies end invigorates the blood -
/env, up the eye tern eaul reetores the lost apps- •
ohildren Ory for
You oaa make your ban.
nets AS soft at A glovo
end 05 tough IA Wire by
axing EUREKA Bar..
Sons Olio Tort can
• lengthen its 11f4-mtka it
last tole° as long SUS It
online/1y *Would.
trialtos a poor Woking lint,
teas Illre no, Matio of
ptira. besty trained 011, as,
peelelly prepared U. With.
/nand ate weetbot.
Polcl eteryWhoto
1010;ar3-all 010ee,
01 l0&1, OIL Sonatt,
I) BIG tut W
Lowe..., 'Massachusetts, 'to work
hero. The ex elter.: showed that
• • engaging the Men Ur. Hayes had
teehniCally contracted with them for
their work here, and also that he
The Damage Amounts to Seven-
ty Thousand Dollars,
4.6.1 Ono TIME It Was 'Thought It would
no :.eoesoory to mow VI) certain
Buildners to sore the t -Start
of the Fire -On Spoken/. street
Near Mirst A.veuue-1t Spread
Rossland, 13. C. Aug 06 -Le two
hours, yesterday afternoon, fire did.
875,000 damage in the business and
residential sections of ltossland.
Earlier in On Jitter it was believed
that the loss would be substantially
greater thau this, but close scrutiny
of the facts indicates that the lesser
estimate is as nearly accurate as can
be obtained for several days.
The fire broke out at 3 o'clock in
the establishment of 3?. Burns &
Co., butchers, two doers south of
First avenue on Spokane street,
where a fire was in use for rendering
lead. The blaze was not discovered,
until it had scoured considerable
headway, and by the time the alarm
was turned in, flames ware issuing
from the roof. The department was
on the ground quiekly, and water
was playing on. the fames two min-
utes after the alarm sounded.
The Burns building Was in the
centre of a solid block of wooden
buildings, and the strong breeze pre-
vailing, speedily spread Alm flames
to north and south, despite the tor-
rents of water thrown by tho fire-
men. In 20 minutes from the first
outbreak'•Lbe fire had spread north
into the Anaconda Saloon, west to
the M. and M. Saloon, and south to
the Coeur d'Alene Saloon, while
Thompson's Restaurant, immediately
adjoining the Burns block, was in-
volved With the. Burns place in the
first outbreak.
117/thin the space of time indicated
the fire had jumped to First arenue
to some large three-etorey buildings
used as stores, an'd these were tot-
ally wiped out within an hour of the
outbreak. The fire was spreading
east rapidly, but the wind changed
and wiped out half a, doyen business
houses on that ' side, together with
all the residences in the block.
The fire started about the intersec-
tion blbcks 18, 16, 27 and 28 of
the 'city town site. The burned areas
comprise the north half of 13, the
southwest corner of 16, the northeast
corner of 27, and the northwest cor-
ner of 28. Adjoining the Coeur
d'Alene Saloon, birt separated by a
30 -foot vacant lot, is the Interna-
tional Hotel, and. Illusic Hall, an im-
mense wooden structure. This was in
imminent, 'danger for an hour or
more, and, at one juncture, was:
given up as 'doomed.
The sudden change in the wind
saved the big building, and an im-
portant business section, as the
burning of, the Music Hallwould have
carried with it the whole of block
28, and run the damage into b.un-
dreds of thousands of dollars.
The 'only casualty was an aecident
to Chief Guthrie, of the city brigade,
who was struck. on the cheek by a
live wire, but it did not burn or ren-
der him unconscious. This led to a
report that the chief had been kill-
ed, hut he recovered immediately
upon reaching the fire hall, and re-
sumed direction of the brigade.
At one juncture it was believed
that the buildings would have to be
dynamited to save the city, and a
considerable amount of giant powder
was brought down from the War
Eagle Mine,, having been handedtrover
by the company on request, which
alternative was not resorted to, how-
ever. Ten constables were sworn in
to preserve order and protect the
thousands of do/lars' worth of mer-
chandise of every description scatter-
ed about the streets, where it had
been hurriedly 'deposited in the first
East ern League, Mettdar-
Montreal 5, Tororrto 4. -
Newark 4, Providenee 1.
Rochester 9, IMITalo 6.
jersey City 13, 'Worcester 6,
io•rai :.•••ttr•le,
•innati 8, 1 hiladelphia 2.
Chicago 5, n 1.
tsburg lirteelkien
1,1 •.1 •
.Pa'1.',. ore 21.- (._b!ifeeeo
Ihitdei'hie 7. C.vvelessd 3.
Boric n S'. 1
h"wz,l-011 M,171..4.1.nr.it i.
Washngton 11'. 7 roit 7.
; os•,. 14. • 01*,
Toronto, Aug. 26. --Crown Att-or-
• ney Curry ays that Fred Lee Ilice
confessed to hin. that he (Rice) bad
fired the shot a Weir kilird Constable
Boyd. The confeesion was not used
against him at the trial because the
prisoner hitd• not been given the
usual .warting, -
It is alsosaid that he had a lancet
wit)/ which he could have committed
.suicide, but be gave it up to the offi-
cer of the law the clay before he was
•heireed. This is supposed to be for
love of his molli.e. or because- .of his
newly awalan.r1 religious convictions.
:;0 it 110.
/ha 0 Itt.:1 Lab. r Law 1,1 t bran,
. 0. 0 . NEWS '
Toronto, Aug. ae.-F. 13, lIayes,
Seeeetary-Tretteurer of the Toronto
• Carnet Company, Was convicted yes-
terday morning at tile Police Court
int Otto os two charges laid against
• h h,t of committing a, breach of the
alien labor law.
The employes of the Carpet Coin- /
PallY bat 0 for venal time , est heel] I
on ate Ike, mei "sale,. I layes WitS tt I. Log -
cd lo have In etanit two men 100 311(3(1
and it S... , o 1 ;Or()Chilr 3. ont 1
had eadeavored to obtain Vrench-
Canadians, former residents of Cana-
da, Theme persons, in the opinion of
the Magistrate, could net be teranea
aliens under the aet, and had beth
men been Canadian born no convic-
tion could have been regietered,
Twenty-seven years ago Pierre De -
reciter and his parents left Canada'
Ler the States, where his brother
1-Prodoni.ok was born. The court
bald, therefore, that Pierre was not
an alien, but that his brother was.
A conviction was then registered in
the second ease, namely, that of
bringing Frederick Derocher to the
citer ander contract to work, Ile be-
ing an alien. IXe impose'd the mini-
mum flue et $50 and costs or SO
days in jail, The fine, it paid, goes
to the Carpet Weavers' Union as in-
Titian ao nnINP
.11. Woman's laorribie Deed in Ilca Death
Toronto, Aug. 26. - Mrs. jernaia
Smith, 56 Walton street, died at 2,-
15 'o'clock this morning at St. Mich-
ael's Hospital, from caebolic acid
poisoning. The Woman swallowed
Part of the contents of a four ounce
bottle of poison and threw the bal-
ance Over her husband because he had
been drinking early in the evening
with some friends in the house and
had used bad language to her.
The couple, about, 25 years of age
each, have roorna in the Walton
street house. It is understood both
had been drinking. Shortly after
Midnight the landlady was awakened
by cries, and, running to .Sneith's
room, she beheld a pitiable sight.
The woman was in bed suffering un-
told agony, while the husband was
crying also with pain. Smith said
that shortly after they had retired
his wife suddenly swallowed a, quan-
tity of the acid, and threw the re-
mainder of the bottle into his faCe.
carlime D. Graham Anxious to Risk Elm
Lire A.ugus t 01.
• Niagara Palls, N.Y., Aug. 26. -
Carlisle D. Graham, the Philadelph-
ia cooper, who On July 11, 1E3E36,
startled the world by making a suc-
cessful trip through the Whirlpool
Rapids of Niagara in a barrel, and
waio has several times _since accomm-
lished daring feats at the same place,
says that on Sunday, Aug. 81. he
will try to do what Capt. Webb fail-
ed to do on July 24, 1888, anti that
is to swim the Whirlpool Rapids of
Niagara, between the bridge arid the
whirlpool. Graham's friends will try
to coax him to be satisfied with
swilmning from the whirlpool to
Lewiston, a feat performed successful-
ly on September 7 last, the day his
companion in adventure, Maude
lost her life in Graham's bar-
rel in tho maelstrom of Niagara.'.
Malmo. Directors 1..lected.
Ottawa, Aug. 26, -The provisional
directors of the Ottawa, Brockville
and St. Lawrence Railway Company
met here yesterday and elected the
rolloWing directors: J. Carling Kelly,.
Ottawa; W. Doug,lns Dales, London,
Eng.; Dr.. A. p. hi11ington,, Ot-
tawa; Capt. John Hutt, Liverpool,
NsS.; Capt. J. T. Curry, Toronto;
John Bingham and Fran' O'Reilly,
Ottawa. The road will connect with
the 0.T.R. at Procreville, and give
that system direct- connection with
the Capital for its Toronto and
western traffic.
',acme eahle's ereeress
London, Avg. 26.--A cable which- is
to connect Canada with Australia
acrois the Pacific. UlOW being laid at
the joint exptnee of the 'Cali ed King -
dam, Canada and the Australian
Commonwealth. -1101S alt.( ad: been
completed irom Vancouver, 13.0 . to
leenn'ng Tslund „hist south of t h
wai i 0 Islands. and it is CXl''r&3 11
the ntire line triil be c °initiated by
the end of the present year.
oln Jo: nelod,
Raleigh, N. C., Aug, 26. -- Tom
.Iones. a negro, has been 1:c.e3checl. 1.0
was caught by a posse of three. tal--
en to Mrs. Smith's house and i•dcnt 1 -
fled. I -le confessed his crime and
gave up a razor he had stolen from
his victim's husband. HP was put in
a barn to await the arrival of the
sheriff, but ten /11011, disguised as ne-
groes, took him out and. hanged Wm,
Berlin, Aug. 26. -Experiments in
-wireless teIeph.oning were successfully
conducted Sunday between Sassnitz
and IColberg, Germany, a distance of
105 miles.
Sir William Preece announced to
the Braish Association in Septernirer
1000, that the experiments in wire-
less telephoning which he has hem
conducting since 1394 had finally
been succeseful. •110< feat was that, of
teleplionins witheut wiies
IsES11111111111111111,111.3111111'SS11111911W1.111111SISISISIIISM Ito(
Vi 1 t1.101611ti 1)1 lilt
lilt fl I I I
fitig theStantachs aridl3owels of
tessatictlIoit.Contanis neither
pinuplorplaifte not gthetal.
NAB c owe.
24027ia Sad-
414.8orra •
4stra 's
pitv Seca «
adr. z4e1 Apr
411747YR/P•Onve / •
Aperfect•Remedy for Constipa-
tion, Sour Steutaoh,DiarrIpea,
ness andLoss OFSIJEEP.
Fac Simile Signature of
Onto& is put ta in one -also botfiss only. It
is not sold in bulk. Don't allow anyone to malt
you anything else on the Tien or rondo that it.
is "tit as good" and "will answer every pur-
pose," Xitise Boo that you got 04. -a -T -0 -1t -I -A.
Tee in-
eat aelaiefete, ear:sae
e4e is on
,A1M0314.6ilarinr.rxem.5412-43.021/327.11.¢031.11.0Ma....e. ltrazielszact.lprzcon,115.7..new:Mee=1.
• Your Honic Jou
Will 13eFiiII Wlien You B6601116
a Regular User 01
Roller ills
DmelifRgi rmod We are giving excellent sa-
bisfaction in flour since
modelling our mill
-Dry Soft Wood Wanted...
There are Poor Imitations But
Nothing to equal it as a
Strength and Health -Giver.
The joys of home life are not fully
attained until your breakfast becomrs
a relish and pleasure. When you
become it regular user of Malt Break-
fast Food at the trimming Meal, you
truly begin to enjoy life because this
maryellously delicious fond keeps
digestion perfect, adds to physical
strength and keeps up vitality. It is
the food that people tails. about every-
where, There are poor imitations ;
avoid them and insist upon having
Malt Breakfast Food. Your Grocer
can t.upply you.
Industrial-Tpronto, Sept. 1-13.
Western -London, Sept. 12-20.
Spoilt Boron -Exeter, Sept 22-23.
Teeswater-Sept. 24-25,
Blanshard.-Birkton, Oct, 2; 3,
Blyth -Oct. 7-8.
13rus.sels-Oct. 2-3.
Walkerton -Sept. 17-13.
Ingersoll -sept. 25-20.
Listowel -Sept. 80, Oct. 1.
North Perth- Stratford, • Sept. 20,
October 1.
St. Marys -Sept. 30, Oct. 1.
West Zorn, and Rtnbro-Oct. 2.
Nissourri end Them esforcl - Oda,
G. N, W. Exhibition-Goderich,
Sept, 30, Oct. 1.
Tnrnberry -At. Wingham, Sept. 25-
Ashfield a.e Wawanosh-Dungannon,
Oct. 9-10,
Tockersmith-Seaforth, Sept, 25-26,
Oxford -Woodstock, Sept. 25-26.
Great, Nor them-- Co I I in gwoOd, eept.
North Brant, -Paris, Sept. 25-26.
Nerth Grey -Owen Sound, Sept,. 16-
eery! re 13 tree -Paisley, Sept. 2224,
Take 1...-Ixative Promo Quinine Tablere. All
dreeei..te 0<1133011 01(0 money if if fails to cure
19, 1na4rove's signature Is on each box. 25e.
. 44.
T.°. it Ness, a dist anee of a. Mile and
it half.
.1- e• ..r 1 lb.'
7,1eni1t, dmick
e. iet ee. era t 13, 131-
'0 • of Fr.:alum, tete 0 ( a li 1 e 31 1113 —
31 ei to six mon in isClii• d i•
n.1 bit 1.1 C;1.f r(.1 .eitch -0 11 1(.11!
(11110 LAVA: (10, a llaCt 11., !al el, te
he civil commission Ira hien
cer ain article in- .Ftertit'em, • 1 in IA
ort' and O'Brien have al( ,
ed osectil ion' Sall 100 nth, eee.
'lleen stmtneed out ,ItiS 001.-.015:
Da pada Veie 1.110. .
Loral n. Aug. 12(3.-Sprir1n at a
trivistia, o: the 11111rd i 00. s Coln -
ie ay .1 I. (radon yestet day , }war_
ir en. : r. Newt te 11, sai d ha had I( 01.'
1)11 to hope 111131 1\1111'mq] e 01111 1)e-
i111io h ternaruti 10.5 oflht A Palo -
l'• 3)331 11 ra.l. 0011 141'01 P,Alklat':(11.1.
5 11. rila'11 that 1•hp
Ili • St 1, 01 LI •v; , -11 1 lila in this
1 'to i- o. i t li a' ale.
alTvg.Y3 boart,t.;,0$1„.1%.4:(1t1.
(-•F G1es. FLFttciir,
WI, '1 Da-oy WES Siqk, we gave tier Cessoria.
V e; za the was s Child, she cried for Castorif..
riu-.It She berme MISS, she clung to Castor:.'.
When:41c had chuarea,sha gave them Castorls.
London, Huron and Brucc.
1310iNn IsTORTR—
Ent:11 A
' . • " • - 6,1 6 60
. o 3C 6.0
Hensati ,..,. 9.44 616
1Cippon 9 64 • 6.26
r i o 6.83
Citnten . 10.15 6.55
_ Wingbain, melee, .“11 10 8.00
tioxsoSontrt- Passenger
, wino am, dopol . flee A, M. 9.15 P. M
Clinton 7.41 4,25 .
Brueohem . , 8 00 4.46
Elimen ,...•
8.15 4.57
P ely4n.11 ... . ..... .22 5 02
Exeter 8466 5.10
t ,maralio .-. .. ... - 8.46 5,25
Lem -ion, arrtve . . , 0.37 6.12
Londoni depart 8.15 A, M. m.
Gristur and 6iloonin
Don° Froffintlu,
BuY or Sell a Farm3.
Buy or Sell Towra
Borrow or Lend.'
Collections Made,.
Your Life Insured,.
Go to the Old CUM --
try, by the Allarp
Ea= Line •
(Mee over H. S-packnaan's Hardware?
see Cash paid for Raw Furs.
Plthoriend Imes IL litgiTED
Apply te
E. C. Kessel,
Anyone sending shotel? rtIrdYdnesiGcH1pTtronekruny
sent free. 003 455 egehof for seoUrenkeg PounalnireuilliTtelsile.ltnt-1
Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive
waist netted, wIthottt bbArge, lathe .
• ScittitifiC
A handsomely illustrsited weekly. Largest -
culatleil of any nolentIgn lotirnal. Terms, $3 re.
sor; four 11i0110130,$1, flo141,3,411 new/016016re.
• Bratleh °Mee, 425 1f Sit., Witelt1•4eiton.5.c.
UNN & Co New York,