HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-08-01, Page 154 A ...the BETTER STORE! SAYE 3.00 ASSORTED FLAVOURS Coca-Cola or Sprite CASE OF 24 280 mL TINS x.99 (750 mL bt!-.59-Plus btl dep) (Limit 1 case per S5.00 order, excluding this item. Maximum 3 cases per family purchase) SUPER BUY! FINE, GRANULATED White Sugar LARGE 4 kg BAG SIZE 1 Limit one bale per family purchase Bale of 5-9.40 SMAU. (500 mL -3.59) LARGE (1.5 LITRE -5.79) OR LITRE Medium Mason Jars ctrl of 19 WHITE Heinz Vinegar A&P Fruit Pectin. Crystals TOMATO Heinz Ketchup ASSORTED VARIETIES Hostess Potato .hips T SAVE .90 4 litrrelplst ■ 59 SUPER BUY! 579 pk9 ■ 49 �Av2E 1.10 1litre MI• ASST VAR. INCL CHIP IN CHOCOLATE' 400 g'AND CREME Of THE CROP 400 g Dad's Cookies 45O g t tle 1,79 1 -PLY BATHROOM TISSUE, WHITE OR CHAMPAGNE SAVE .80 Cottonelle Tissue Prolst8 3■49 PRINTED OR REG, WHITE, YELLOW OR BEIGE SUPER BUY! Hi®Dri Towels °rQl ■99 BONUS PACK, 50 mL & 50 mL FREE Aim Toothpaste SAe 9� SAVE 3.00 LAUNDRY Powdered Sunlight Detergent 12 LITRE BOX 99 Prices effective thru Saturday, August 4th, 1984: SAVE 1.54/kg . TON NEWS -RECORD, 1D pAY, AUGUST 1,1O$4 ---PAGE 11► Crops update at local college Cenirai a: lege rnvites_.you_to view this year's crop research program at its annual Crops Update. This special day of tours and discussion will be held on August 22, beginn- ing at 9:30 a.m. rain or shine. Dr. Soon Park from C.D.A. Harrow will talk about the new and current white bean varieties. He will also tell you the present status of upright white bean varieties. You will be able to see research plots and listen to Jim O'Toole discuss new developments in weed control. The Agronomy Section has devoted con- siderable effort to canola research. "We are trying to determine how to grow and harvest both winter and spring types to maximize yield and profitability," says Bob Forrest. A number of trials are being conducted to evaluate population levels, time of seeding, seed coating, fertility levels, disease control and harvesting methods. The soybean variety trials will be discuss- ed by Soils - Crops Specialist John Schleihauf. You will also be able to see the soybean planting dates, row widths and seeding rates trials. The latest research information on what wheat variety to plant in 1984 will be discussed by Garry Hoekstra. Finally, Soils -Crops Specialist Pat Lynch will discuss the latest developments in seed corn maggot and Leafhoppers in white beans as well as corn rootworm problems. This event will also feature equipment displays as well as a special display of non - till equipment by the Huron Soil and Water Conservation district and local Con- servation Authorities. To learn more about the improvements to bean and canola crops, don't miss this open house. AT ACCP CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE "A" BEEF OUTSIDE CUT,EYE REMOVED oneless Round Roast SAVE .66/kg-.30 Ib COMBINATION PACK CONTAINS: 2 RIB ENDS, 2 LOIN ENDS, 4 CENTRE CUT CHOPS, 'GREAT ON THE B.B.O.' Loin Pork Chops 43J/199 /kg ID RIB PORTION (COUNTRY STYLE) Pork Loin: Spare Ribs `GREAT ON THE B.B.Q.' 4/kg Ib 399' 3 /1 9/'99 CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE 'A' BEEF, INSIDE CUT OR FULL SLICE Round Steak 659 /299 CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE `A' BEEF "'"r 1IZED Cube Steak - 725 /329 POINT END (CENTRE CUTS 5.93/kg-2.69 Ib) Brisket Beef 5/21 PREVIOUSLY FROZEN Whole Turkey Breasts 51/21 PREVIOUSLY FROZEN Whole Turkey Legs 324/11,.. CANADA GRADE A', FROZEN, EVISCERATED 20 TO 20 OZ AVERAGE Cornish Hens 41901 RIB OR 3 TO 31/2 LB TENDERLOIN PORTION Pork Loin Roasts 43/kg lb 9/199 ROAST OR CHOPS (BONELES 8.37/kg-2.69 Ib), Pork Loin Centre Cut 5'9/21 SLICED; MAC & CHEESE, CHICKEN, LUNCHEON, OLIVE, PICKLE, DUTCH, REG., BEEF OR GARLIC BOLOGNA, HEADCHEESE, FRENCH ONION & MOCK CHICKEN Schneider's Cooked Meats 175 g vac pac Ib SAVE 1■32/kg-60 ib CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE `A' BEEF SIRLOIN TIP, RUMP OR INSIDE CUT ROUND Boneless Roasts 637 /2'9 /k9 Ib FRESH 'GREAT ON THE B.B.Q.' Lean Ground11.!999 Beefg / 1 Ib RIB PORTION Boneless Pork Loin 5'9/259 PETIT GORET, BONELESS, SMOKED, PICNIC STYLE Pork Shoulders 41 g /189 SWEET PICKLED, (CENTRE CUTS 5.051h9-2.29 Ib) J�G Back Bacon End Cuts `� /k1 /xT g Ib SHOPSY,' COLE SLAW OR Potato Salad 500 g 1..,149 LAND O'FROST, SLICED, 5 VARIETIES INCLUDING CORNED BEEF Smoked,IVI a,ts 'kg ■ 79 P 9 BLUE WATER, FROZEN, FIN STICKS OR IN LIGHT BATTER Boston Blue Fish 3:11%g 1.89 GOLDEN SKILLET, FROZEN Chicken Cutlettes 3°5 /139 FROZEN Fish Cakes 1 /Ib ■89 RED HOTS, SKINLESS, CUTCH TREET OR DINNER FRANKS, 'GREAT ON THE B.R.Q.' 119 Schneider's Wieners SAVE 1:00 A SUPERB BLEND, RICH IN BRAZILIAN COFFEES. CUSTOM GROUND BEANS 8 0' Clock Coffee 1 Ib, bag (3 Ib bag 8.89 -SAVE 3.00) ORANGE PEKOE Salada Tea Bags P oof .99 SAVE .76 BEEF IRISH OR MEATBALL 450 g` vac pac 17S SUPER BUY! IN SAND PAIL WITH HANDLE KRAFT SMOOTH Peanut Butter 99,a„ ASSORTED VARIETIES BEATRICE, ASST FLAVOURS INCLD tuopoedr Ice Cream • �l\�\�UIU�U�v\iv�\.�S�ca� �b•:�[a..`u •ww v. ...,r. SAVE .70 ASSORTED VARIETIES ncia Pastas SPRING (695 mL BTL .79 -SAVE .30) Perrier Water 95,mt,°btIs SAVE 6.09 SAVE .30 Bick's Relishes 375 mL g9 SAVE 1.00 CHARCOAL 24 B oz t � sniSlYl'�i'' Myl"..•.,_. �Ic�i'11 Y Y''� iY W Vii. FYI i�'Y VI � N `i`i,�...w... ASSORTED VARIETIES BUY 3 -SAVE .76 FLAKED LIGHT Stokely Vegetables 310InI:z 1.49 Admiral Tuna PIECES & STEMS SUPER BUY! FANCY, NIBLETS Money Mushrooms 1 tin° ■79 Green Giant Corn ,40E FA 0.0mat A&PlianNo PROD. OF U.S.A., CALIFORNIA, GREAT IN SALADS & DIPS CANADA NO.1, PROD. OF U.S.A., CALIFORNIA, FREE -2 LIMES WITH THE PURCHASE OF 2 AVOCADOS THE NATURAL SNACK, GREEN OR RED Calavo Avocados Seedless Grapes 2/.99 2181.99 Ikg SAVE.50 FROZEN, CONCENTRATED, A&P Orange Juice SAVE .16 12.5 fi oz 19 tin ■ FROZEN, CONC, CLEAR PINK, 12.5 OZ TIN B Y 3 -SAV .17 Sun Squeeze Lemonade 1. 0 SOFT Chefmaster Margarine SUPEREY! 8.5 oz tin . SAVE .30 12 11 Oz tin ■ILI 9 CANADA NO. 1, PROD. OF U.S.A, CALIFORNIA, VINE RIPE Jumbo Cantaloupe each ■ 99 PROD. OF ONTARIO, DELICIOUS IN SALADS, SNOW WHITE Ib PROD. OF ONTARIO, GRAPE, TROPICAL FRUIT PUNCH, LEMONADE FLb. Brand ruit Drinks 1.5 litre 99 btl ■ PROD_ OF ONTAIRO, GREAT IN SALADS, RAW OR COOKED Fresh Mushrooms 1p2kZ1,99 Igresh Broccoli bunch .99 PROD: OF NEW ZEALAND, DELICIOUS IN FRUIT SALAD CA A NO. 1, PROD. OF U.S.A., FAMILY PACK Fresh Kiwi Fruit 2/.99. Ripe Tomatoes 1;r'&y .99 SAVE .86 PROCESS 16'S OR DELUXE 24'S Kraft Cheese :.,swees pkg INSTANT Nescafe Coffee 10orz jar SUPER UY! 11b 9 tub • 99 SAVE 1.60 5.99 REGULAR, BEATRICE Cottage Cheese ASSORTED FLAVOURS, FRUIT BOTTOM Beatrice Yogurt BEATRICE, REFRIGERATED Lemonade SAVE .60 5=9 ub 1.49 SAV 94 500 g Q , SAV§.94ctn ■ SUPER UY! 2 Titre chi■ 9 LVE .50 READY TO SERVE Assorted Habitant Soups i 28 FL OZ TIN 9 A&P reserves the right to limit quantities to normal family req iirementsi SAVINGS SHOWN IN THIS AD BASED ON A&P CURRENT REGULAR RETAILS. Blood donor clinic to be held For the first. time, Huron Country Playhouse will be holding a volunteer Blood Honor Clinic at the Playhouse on Tuesday, August 7 between the hours of 2:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. • Preparations for the clinic started last spring when HCP contacted John Jury of the • London Red Cross. Mr. Jury was very pleas- ed at the HCP offer as ,the Red Cross had been trying to locate a sponsor in the Grand Bend area for a summer clinic. It is hoped by both parties that the clinic will be enough of a success to be continued each summer. So come out and give the gift of life to the Canadian Red Cross at Huron Countr3 Playhouse located on the Stephen B, Line ofi Highway 81 just outside Grand Bend. F 0lo I DRESSES BLOUSES $14.95 40% OFF JUMPSUITS RACKS RACKS of Clear- ance Items $19..95 • AN dress Shop►pe. APRTH