HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-8-28, Page 1THIRTIETH YEAR --NO: HURON & MIDnt ESEX GAZETT Et EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAI MORNING, AUGUST 98, 1902 Hensa.111 I has Wok+++ ++++4•ealeeeeeeetaletelheieeiee ealee+eseeteleteeasesleetlee++444eletelee: ; G. J., sutherlam, Notary, I r4,111.'neSachtonahhidlt, boQfniSee,i7JaLcocnibsd,Q111. Baneas. tek;;"--peteeeseu, Eies where he spent the past week ie fish - op, Wednesday from Port Prank, e 4, cer, Commasioner, Fire Iesurankutile ..e.1uu ("Irevt,e7:111d visitieg her motuer and triends here Cement Bridge and. Tile makerof ing, bringing. home with "line some Ed, Kestle's for the past few weeks JOHN . WHITE SONS M. N. D. Hurdea retureed borne ese in cement abutments at the bridge Lose, — On Thursdey 14th Insf. S. Mary% are busy this week putting exce 'lea specimens, rvelders Supp s issurer of Marriage lacienses, Legal ocuinents carefully drawn at reasonable rates. Money to loan on real estate ae. low rates of interest, Office at the Post Office Hensel' for a, few weeks.—The flax was opened. on Tuesday, and the main street is invble caaeed by the flax teams going threugh. and raising sech clust.—Last Thursday many of the young people of this town went back to %rand. Bend for a clays sport—The crowd was named tbe Mormon gang, and the same gang did justice when they swig "Three women to every man" They report a good tune and slaina that bachelors could have had e fine choice. slt :14 reshers upphes Binding Twine, Binding * Gloves, Brass Valves, Checks, Cocks, etc, Leather Belting all '64, sizes from to 6 inches. 4; Threshers Gloves, + Guage Glasses, and Gua.ge Glass Rubbers. Rubber, Asbestos, and Spiral Packing. Babbet Metal. • Cylinder Oil, Fearless Machine Oil, ArCtic Cup Greese 4. Or Solidified Oil. Frost & Wood Repairs. Flaw S ,•••••••••searermscasawavemmtroa,ntamosamaastaver, im 111111 tliTS In Orior This month we are, offering big laducements in Tweeds, Wor- steds, Pahtings, etc. We want to reduce our stock Surnther Goods before the Fall. ;'•Gbods arri First-class work •Guaranteed. .1310.6111.1.1 Ofit Where to go :for Best Values in CLOTHES .should consult -us. We believe we can be of assistance. A. new lot of '.ews eeds Wersceds, etc, just to bend. . BERT. FOWLE 1-11ENSALL. - We W. Taman. • Niorscem atria Tailor. eOne door north of Dr. Lutz's Drug Store.- ' Mons received Mr. W. Tier was chosen.. eetetteeeteea. as teacher in the Clinton Collegiate. — Institute at a salary of $800. He has been Mathematical Master of Lucan High School for six years, has done good work, and goes 'very highly recommended. LUCHn. BRIEFS.—Ont of sixteen applica- Rtunrs.—Itir. and. Mrs. H. J. D. Cooke and. Miss Sherrey have been Visiting relatives and. friends in Goderich during the past week or two. — Miss Gieger of near Zurich, has been visiting here leering the past week—The public schools will re -open on Septe2nd, Monday Sept lst being Labor Day, which is a holiday.— The Plisses Bell who were here -Obit- ing their parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Jas. Bell, left here this week.--Mrs.J.Sutlie ereancl is spending this week et the Grand Bend with her brother, Mr, A. Dent,—Miss Edna Neelands returned home last peek from Toronto where she has been spending a number of weeks with relativelh—A very large quantity of onions have been grown here this summer. Hensel" is already noted for the large shipment made yearly. The onion crop this year prom- ises to-, be larger than ever.— Mr. R. Bengough and daughter, Miss Myrtle. were in Hayfield the first of this week. —41r. and 1VIrs. Thos. Murray who have been here on a vieet have return- ed to Owen Sounda—Mr.Henry Welsh has sold his dwelling to Mr. A. Brandt railway agent. Mr. Welsh intends going out to British Columbia.—Mr. G-, McKay, eldeet son of the late Rev. G-. L, McKay, late of Formosa, who is' attending college at Toronto, was here on Tuesday last visiting Mr. J.Suther- land—Mrs.White of Loudon was here last week visiting her cousin, Mrs. W. O. Da-yis,—The Rev. Oliver Wean= is visiting his parents end relatives in this neiglaborhocade—Mr. Wm. Smith was in elle village this week visiting relatives and friends.—Miss Smith has been attending the millinery openings during the past week or two andhisit- ing her sister in Hamilton.—Mr. John Mcartliur left here last week for North Dakota where she has brothers. The trip was taken largely in the interests of Mrs. Macarthur's health, and we uuite with her many friends in the hope that she may be very much belle - fitted thereby—Mr. Fiends Ray was home from Denfield last week.—Miss Nettie Fiilton.has been in London dur- ing the past eveele Or -so attending/ the millinery openings and visiting' her sister Mabee—Mee McPhersarestudent of Knox college, who supplied the ser- vices in • Caging church during the past' month with very much accept- ance, delivering fine sermons, left here this week for Toronto.—The Misses ;Clark of Shelbourne, wereehere last week spending -a few .days with Mr. and Mrs. Sohn G. Troyer of this vil- lage and other relatives in this vicin- ity.—Miss Fisher of Kincardine was here last.week visiting her cousin, Dr. Sellery.—Mr. Thos. Welsh has within the past week been making great im- provements to his already very com- plete plant by the addition ot a niee wing or attachment for holding stock and all kinds of supply. Anpther im- provement was the raising of the roof a number of feet, giving the building avery mach better appearance as well as affording more room.—Miss H. Sutherland has been. spending the past week with friends in Clinton.— Miss May Higgins has been visiting her cousin Mrs. W. C. Davis.—Mr. T. W. Fowler of the Soo, is visiting hie brother. Mr. Bert Fowler, for a few days.—There were 25 passengers from Hensel]. and vicinity who went on the excursion. to the Northwest on Thurs- day last.—Mr. and Mrs. Loyeless and child of Loneon, spent 'Sunday the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. Arnold.— Mr. Maearthur and family who have been visiting at the Grand Bend, returned home this week.—Tbe Grey Brothers purchased. tvvo rubber tired buggies in Hensall this week,one from Mr. W. j. Miller and one from Brown & Clarke.—Mr. Bert Fowler was in Exeter renewing old acquaintances on Monday evening.—Mr. Fred. Selena- corabe bought a fine driver trom Mr. Fritsley of Goderich.—Mr. E ,l. Berry sold One of his imported. stallions to John Govenlock last week, Mr. Goverilock intends shipping the horse to the Northwest. --Mrs. James White and daughter, Mrs. D. McLeod spent last week in Port Stanley—Mies Tena Bayfeeld BRIEFS, —Charles M, Dykes, late of Hensall, purchased on the 20th inst.. he large hotel at Baylleld, known as Queen's, and intends to add a num- ler of improvements, the hotel is to be lighted with gas and new baths and also a lame dancing pavilion are to be erected. large Dykes has proved to be a favorite. and seems to be the proper man to manage a good hotel like the Queen's. We join in wishing him every success. Zion EXETER LUMBER YARD. , Large stock -0 Lumber—pine and Lhemlocli, 170,000 feet ofhemIocklumber for barns, etc., :also shingles. laths and cedqx posts. Prices reasonable,—JAS wn:Lis, Yard: East side of Main at BRIEFS.—The annual honey and bine .,social will be held. Augnst 31st and :September lst. The pastor, Rev. W. H. Cooper, will preach a special ser- mon for young people at 7 p. Sun - 'dew.. On Monday, Sept. 1st the social will be held in the church shed, com- mencing at 6 p. m. After which an excellent programme will be rendered an the ehurch. it will consist of songs, epeehlaes, readings, recitations and ,ItiuSiC by Woodham orchestra. Mooresville BRIEFS.—Net long e,go a travelling hobo called at a farm residence and asked for a night's lodging. In the morning, after partaking.of a bounti- ful breakfast, be asked the farmer for 25 cents. The farmer replied that he thought he didhis part in supplY- ing him with bed and breakfast, the tra,nap gave him a withering look and said : youehink it's for the bit I eat that J. am travelling the country. —Mrs. William Lundy has been yisit- ing at the home of her parents, Mr. elle. Mrs. James Hennessy, Biddalph. —Mr. Daniel Flood, who has been ail- ing for some time is not able te be around atepresent. Ile is suffering from cancer of the stomach, -- Mr. Hobbs and Mrs,. Ilurryhill, of London, gave a flying visit to friends here this week.—We are pleased to hear that Mre. Patrick. Brickley, of McGilli- vray, received her check for a thous- and dollars from the Canadian Order of Chosen Friends, being the life. in- surance of the late Patrick Brickley. . Centralia Shipka BRIEIrs.—Mr. A. Hutton, of New Ross of London, is visiting her bro- .—ER—ea-- York, son of Rev. Mr. Hutton, is the Maar, Dave Ross.—Mrs. Hooper of BRIEFS. —Miss Henora, Keough of guest of his parents.— Mr, and Mrs. Exeter, paid flensall and vicinity a :Detroit is at present visiting her bre- Brank Irwin, of Leaden are the gnests flying visit on Tuesday.—The business ther here.—Mr. John Houlahan wears of Mrs. Richard Hicks.—Mr. and Mrs. portion of our village was watered on .a pleasant smile this week—the baby Sam Jones, of Loudon, are the guests Tuesday evening, the first of the sea- ls a boy.—Miss Alice Oarotlaers is at of Mrs. Wm. Hicks,— The -postponed son, thanks to W. Goetz, A. Taylor fearesent visiting friends in Detroit.— annual picnie' of the Centralia Sunday and others. Our Bre eughie did the Mr. G. H. Marshall, ex -M. P., of Lon- School, and Fairfield public school work well.—The farmers of this locel- -don, passed through here on Saturday will take place on Friday next, the ity report an abundant harvest.—Our last on his way to the Grand Bend.— 26th A very pleasant time is =Mei- farmers wives, how they smile, eggs ,Several from around here left oia paled. 15c per dozen.—Service in the Method - Wednesday last for the Northwest, HAPPILY WEDDED,— One of those ise church next Sunday as usual. Sub - where they intend to remain for the naost pleasing events took place at ject in the morning, "Temptation," 'harvest—Miss Celia Houla.han has Mr. Wm. Down's reoidence, Biddrilph, antlaern "Saviour. Source of Every treturned home after spending a few months with her aunt at Meant Car- amel. DaShWOOC1 BRIEFS. -- School re -opened last 'Week, Mr. Geiger has been engaged .as Principal to take the pleas of Mr. T. Snell, who is ill. — Kellertnan land family arrived home lase week ,from Dakota, much pleased with their ttrip.— Mrs. Taylor and children, of 1Michigan, are visiting her sister, Mrs, M. Fenn.—Messrs. S, Baker and. Wm. Winkeneveder, loftiest week for Mani- itobe on the farmer's excursiOn. — Whileplaying around the horses ia the church shed on Sunday afternoon, Leonard, eldest. son of Jac. Keller - =man, had one of his etagere bitten off 'below the nail by one of the animals. which the young couple were driven .—Me. Ezra Miller, of the North Wes- to the station, where they took the 'leen College, Napierville, Ile, is visit, train. for London, amid showers of ring his mother and other friende in rice and the well wishes for a long and Mais+vicinity, Prosiamens life, Mrs. Trothan vvill be at home to her friends, at 421 Water- OIRIONN.11.0M1114.04101•MA.111.411ald loo street, on tot after Sept. lea on Wednesday, 201h inst., it being the marriage of his eldest daughter, Olive Grace, to Mr. John Trotha,n, barber, of London. At about 2.30 o'clock the blushing young bride, leaning- oil the arm' ef her father, marched out on the lawn, where the holy bonds of matrimony took place under an arch of eyeegreea and roses. The bride was most charmingly attir- ed in a pretty dress of white dimity, and caryieg in her hand a beautiful boqueb of white carnations. The bride was supported by her sister, Mies Frectreart, who wore a dainty pale blue organdie dress, and carried in her hand a bunch of carnations. The groom wets supported by his Detroit last week. Harry Rap ey, brother, Chas. of Stratford. After of Finlay, Ohio, is the guest ofMiss the time congratulations. all sat Emma, Lewis for a few weeks, — dowil be a sumptuous chimer, after Meeses. Ben Beebread and Harry I)yer left foe Detroit, after spending a, few weeks holidays at their homes. — Mrs, Link, and daughter, left laeb Tuesday- for London, where they will spend &few week's holidayte--Quite a flambee of the naen in this viebaity left last week to help in the harvest at Manitoba.— Gottleb Brown, Who has been seriously III is able be be out again.—Louis Thetzel, of Detroit, lie 'WM here for rt short time, — Gala Blessing," chords, "The Sweet Olden Story, Evening subject,"Lost through Disobedience," anthem, "The Lord is my Light, quartette, "Net a Sparrow Falleth."—Mrs. Shirra and. Miss Shirra left last week for Detroit where they propose spending a few weeks. Crediton. Brnunts,—Mr, Longmale, of Detroit, while driving a horse in an open car- riage, had a runaway last Saturday. The carriage was badly enaa,shecl, but the driver escaped injury.— Mieses.A.. Wuerth, and Mary Finkbeiner left for Zurich half mile north. of the village While somewhere between Exeter ana threshing at Mr, John Sleamous, onGemad Bend a large oilcloth. By re, Monday, something unfortallatelY turning to the Exeter Grist edit the ot into the fans on the machine and finder will be suitably rewarded. roke them to piecee, causing a delay of a couple of hours. —ilir. and Mrs. The excursion Saluda/last under dulph, spent; Sunday the guests of Mr. ham, was a decided eusteciee suceess. The exeursion was billed for no farther south than Kippen, but aboat 85 from Exeter _anti vicinity took ad- vantage of the cheap trip, procuring tickets from there. miss Steinbach, of ----- brooeh awarded to the largest lady on Zurich, captured the prize, a gold succesefule in obtaining lima class . ADDITIONAL LUCALS ' BRIEFS,—MISS Clara Btachaerep; was • the trip. Altogether the excareion was a very pleasant one as . was plainly eve, honors, in English French and G'er- --- deaced by some who evea lingered. oaan, at the recent Matriculation r Examination at London Oollegiate.-- MI" Finua' 1)unsts''''1' is visitinglearber than the allotted time, arriv- home the next day. A number of oar citizens went to friencls in London. ing Sarnia and Detroit, with the L. 0, L. With this issue the "TruBs" enters __..........„_. upon its thirtieth year, Mr. Wm. Gould, of Detroit, is re- newing old acquaintances in town, Mr. Neetands of the Hensel]. Obser- ver. spent Wednesday in town. Mrs. R N. Rowe visited her peen ts in Olinton a few days this week. - miss Via White after a pleasan t visit with friends here left for Detroit on Saturday Herbert and Miss Herbert of Bid- the auspices of the L. 0, ., of Wing, and. Mrs. Jas. Heywood.— Mrs. John Johns and her mother,nes, Siacleir, are -visiting friends rn Wallacebarg.— Miss Oricimore of Exeter. was the guese of Miss ltfabel johns, on Sunday last. exclusion of Wingharn.— Charlie Gar- nett and. brother, of Delaware are here to complete their ditch contract in the swamp, Messrs. F. H, Hess, and William O'Brien left on the ex- cursion on Thursday morning for Manitoba,—Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Hess, Sr., lett, on Wednesday for South. Bend, Ind., to visit relatives. We wish them a pleasant journey and a safe return.—Miss Katie Trueinner, of Detroit, is visiting her mother and other Meads for a short while. —Mrs. Fisher, of Stanton, Mich., sister of Mrs. Henry Beuer, and her son, Me. Herman Fisher, are visiting wieh Mr. and Mrs, Henry Bauer. It is forty- two years since these two sisters saw each other, although liviag less than a, day's travel avert. — Miss Steinbach is ‚visiting friends in Detroit. DRS. ORM.E ------urs 10 a. m. to 4 p, m. Telt One ralla Ont. e • denneetion With Main .01)1Ce tincan, - net tit1 r Who has been engaged at mr. HarryBrowning and Percy Browning have returned home from Grand Bend. Miss Edith Sanders has returned from a very pleasant visit with friends in Denver, Col, Mies Avery, of Chicago, is a guest for a, few days, with Mrs. Thos. Yel- low, Exeter North. Cromarty Miss Rose Sutton left for D etroit last Saturday after a pleasant visit BRIEFS.—Mr. 'and Mrs. Ben Ho g- here -with. her mothe garth of Goderich were visiting last v. Miss EtnaPh iesaff aucl Mabel Cud - week amongst relatives ia this vicin- more. of Hensall, are visitipg, Mee. G. ity.—Bers: D. Park,sr.'was taken sud- W: Miners this week. deney ill on Thursday last, but is now , improving. --Mrs, Weitsman of Niag- Reports regarding the potato crop ara Falls, N. Y., who has bei ‚visiting are not eneouraging. The tubers are ...-1'4 ' m --Y PIne e an sex' Y Notated paper—altogether too goodeor her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Park, said to be rptting badly, 30 YEARS ACO. A FEW OF THE LOCAL ITEMS WHICH I APPEARED IN ONE OF THE FIRST ISSUES OF THE TIMES. THE MARXISTS. —White wheat, new, $1.10 to $1.15; white wheat. old, $1.00 to $L08; flour per barrel, 85.50; oats 30c, to 35c.; hay $10 to $11; wood, $1,75 to $2.50 a cord. Mr. Kydd, of tesborne, threshed frorn his fall wheat crops, the unpre- cedented yield of 35 bushels to the acre. Others in the neigh.borhood ha,ve threshed on an average a like quantity, oae having as high as 87 b u Fs hore l ts h. e last few days we have had s a few reraeraberances of the near that the frosts were very hard, and. 0 0 approach of winter. Early risers say considering the weather tendencies Womens' Pearl Grey Canvas Shoes— .... . ... . . ....$1.50 for $1.10 Men's White Canyas Shoes, 81,75 for.. — ...... . , .... .....,$1.25 W$°21.115e011;osr. . Patent.... . . . .. . Leather... 8. .11.! e. a, . $1 90 Boys' Pfoartent Leather Sh,oe.s.1,75. Neefe. re.tent Tsteatiler §14.9ee ------GO TO Tim EICETS Roller Mill For Pure Alanitoba Family Flour (star) Pastry (Princess) Wheatlet (Breakfastfood) A good supply of Mill Feed and Chop always on hancl Give our Flour and Feed a Trial a.hd be convinced that it is all right. Roller and Plate Choppers in use to suit, customers. tifiRVEY MILLERS during tine day, we should judge they were. Overcoats and wool mufffings will soon be at par, and raushns and. linen wrappings at a disconnt, • The Exeter TIMES it to hand. It is • 1 . . the people in whose interests it is be - here jeaves for home this week, e.eiss niRobb, n 8t. ma.rys, ata Mese ing published. It starts out with a SUDDEN Dg.—On Tuesday night or Wednesday morning Me, John Stacey, trother of Mr. -Thos. Stacey of this piece, passed away.. Deceased. came front England about ten years. ago and had made his home principally with his nephew Mau who lives on the 12th concession, Hibbert, He had been helpine. to draw in grain Tuesday and retiredapparently in his usual good health, but not ..appearing on eVednesclaymoriaing at breakfase,Mrs. Stacey called hini but. receiving no &newer opened his room doer and. was shocke4 to find him dead. He had, apparently, passed. away withoub - a struggle, as the clothes on his bed were just as if he had just lain down. His remains were taken on Thursday to the Staffa, cemetery for burial. De- ceased had reached the age of seventy- one. Johnston, of Seaforth, are the .guests veey meagre advertising patrenage— _ Of miss Jean Hawkshaw. mrs. James Crockett, of Dorchester, is visiting here f or a few days with her daughter, errs. Will L. Talbot. ' Me. R. E. Pickard and family who have been spending a motith at Gra,nd Bend, returned home on Wednesday. miss B. Robiuson, and miss Hattie White left for Toronto on monda.y, where they will attend the millinery openings. . Mr. George E. Auclerson has been appointed D. D. a R. for District No. 21, of the Independent Order of Foresters. Dr. and. Mrs. Anaos are spending a couple of weeks at Suddhaven, and will be home much benefitted by the holiday, Sept. lst. PASSED WITEre HONORS. Mrs. L. H. Dickson, and Miss S. Mc- . Donnell, who have been visiting " --ere—e--e—i 'friends in London, for some weeks CAPTURED THE yensT EDWARD BLAKE have returned home, SCHOLARSHIP FOR PROFICIENCY IN, Mr, Esli Heywood left on Monday MATHEMATICS AND MODERN, last for State Centre, Iowa, in charge laieanIC128. of a carload. of cattle for Mr. H.Zinith, of Springhurse Farm, There were just two candidates from St. Marys Collegiate Institute who wrote on the matriciilation scholar- ship examination. They etere Messrs Alfred johns and. 0. F. Marshall. Both passed with honors and Mr, Johns won the First Edward Blake Scholar- ship for proficiency in mathenaatics and naodern langua,ges, This scholarship is worth $201—$60 in cash and four years' tuition am- ounting to $144, MR, ALFRED n, JOHNS. Besides winning this prize MI...Johns ranked foe four °Geer scholarships as follows: third in general proficiency second in mathematics and science, first in modern languages and science and Second Inathernaties, He also won honor e many sala jects as follows: Latin 1, 27; Modem Laugeages I, 13, 47; English I. .20, 07; Frencia 13, 65; German I, 21, 51; His- tory T. 12, 58; efathemeties I, 2, 50; Science I, 10, 14; l'hysic8 IL 8, 86; Chemistry. 8, 21; Biology IL 1, 18. NoTei —T he. first num ber denotes class of honors, the second his podition in that class, the third the total num- ber of honors in that subjeet. Mr. johos is a son of Mr, Isaac Johns of °Shortie, and is only seven- teen years of Age. He has atteaded the St Marye Collegiate Institute since he paesed, the entrance examination riot enough to pay the Weeee of. Ono journeyman printer. However, we wish it eyery success. The enterprise ofit publishers deserve it, and we only hope thee our prophetic warnings to its editor in regard to the people from whom he expects pateonage may '- not pre correct.—Parkill Gazette. TRAVELLERS GuIDE. —Stages leave Exeter daily for Eileen and London at 4 a; ne; arriving in Luca,n at 6 a. m; in London at 8 a. m. Leaves London for Exeter at 2 p.m.; Linen at 5 p. m.; arriving in Exeter at 7 p. m. Stages leave Exeter daily for Clinton at 5 a. me arriving in Clinton at 10 a. m. Leave Clinton at 2 80 p. in., aariving in Exeter at 5,30 pan. Stages leave Exeter on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays for St. Marys at 6 m. arriving in time for noon trains going east and west. Leave St. Marys at 2.30p. m. arriving iu Exeter at 6.30 p. lee VALUABLE AD.VISE TO :MOTHERS If your child comes in from play coughing or showing, evidences of an Mr. john Muir has returned from a approaching attack of Grippe, Sore very pleasant outing spent at ICeetle Throat, or sickaess of any kind, first Point. He reports haying captured . thing get out your bottle of Nata- some very fine specimens of pike. VILINE. Rub the chest and neck with Nerviline, and give internal doses of Miss Minnie Graham, of Galt, and Mr. S. W. Graham, barrister, St. Marys, spent a few days or this week with their aunt, Mrs. John White. Douglas eittir, of London spent a few days of last week with his cousin mrs. er. ,T. White, and lefc again to visit friends in Clinton and. Constance. Arr. and errs, Bert Passmore, who have been visiting his father, 'me. Henry Passmore, of Thames Road, left .for their home in Sault Ste, merie, Mich., on Wednesday. The picnic in connectioa vvith the pastorate of Mount Carmel, R. C. church, was held yesterday and the 0 weather being fine was e very great success. Fall particulars next week, ten drops of Nerviline in sweetened water every two hours. This will pre- vent any serious trouble. No lini- ment or pain reliever equals Poison's Neryiline which is a necessity in every household. Large bottles cost only eta cents. BORN Pees. In Hensel', on Monday. August .q5th. Mrs. Pope, of a daughter. •"1" Also oite entire stock of Ladies' Oxford Shoe,s ab cost. Call Early and Secure a Bargain. R. S W E„‘ T The Crowning Of our King. The Erapire now sheds tears, Not from sorrow's fount; Rather, glad tears of joy, From deeper sources mount. With a crown. of earthly gems, Is crowned an Enapire's King ; Around his throne homage bends; On land and sea all subjects sing God save the King : long to live, Is sang throughout the world. On sea and shore, cannon roar, Flags in cogresey unfrecled. Ent ire's heart was sorkeve bound, With selfish bands of woe; Dreading seen ; death's cold. and Would. strike, believing death a foe. Forgetting death is nature's course Of life, to higher spheres ; Where etod in all His glory reigns Where all are freed from fears. The crown we value for its gems, For its glory, pomp and sheert Will pass away, beyond desire; A thing of the past, a dream. But the other crown, yet to come, Found only in Heaven above, Will be of everlasting worth, A. gift of God ; a.crown of love. SIIED-ATAIS Drnl A. continued letter ia this week's issue from Messrs Brooks aryl Eacrett will be foliar' on page 5, Next week we will have the pleasure of publish- ing one describibg the " coronation." In letters received from Mr. Jos. Davis, who is spending a short time in Muskoka, he states that he is daily improving in strength and gaining flesh. That he may still improve and soon be around as usual is tlae wish of bis many friends. In tbe morning Service at the Bap- tist church,. Sarnia, on Sunday 'flee miss Johns, of Exeter, sang beaute fully, Herbert eohnston's ace -to - Fees." miss Johns has a true sopra- nit voice and is a sympathetic mag- netic singer.—eaenia Obsereer, Rev, . L. Stewart, occupied the palpit of leaven Presbyterian church, an Sunday morning last, lqr. Stewart goes in Ohine in October, as a missionary, being suppoteed by the Epworth Lea.gues of . the Sarnia, Exeter, Stratbroy and Stratford dis- tricts. Miss Addie Holland, who has been spending her vacation at her home here left on Saturday for Kirlesville, to resume her studies in the College of Osteopathy. for an.other year. Miss Gussie Holland, who held a situation as milliner for some time past has given up that work and left With her sistee to parsue the same course of teeining. Clillaren cry for four years a.go. That he is an excep. ..,r()R tionelly elevee youth is very apparent. St. Marys joerrial, CAS - hres er's upplies.. i•-m'Ar4V.-r: "Or, {1.1.1.• • Extra Machine 011 and Cylinder 011 Rubber Packing Spiral Packing Asbestos Packing Soapstone Packing Lace Leather Rubber Belting Leather Belting Gauge Glasses Mitts, Goggles, etc. Everything for the Thresher. seVraenamatimskaa.MmleadaldtrneeusgaiMONAMMI N , Eavetroughing, Roofing, Furnace 'Work and all kinds :of Galvanized Iron and Tin Work, Good work guaranteed, fiEfAMAN:i.tIARDWILIR