HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-08-01, Page 5NESCAFE - REGULAR, (OL OMBIA OR VIVA DE(AFFEINATEL) It -10 OZ. INSTANT COFFEE 5.99 5 Pettreago Atigtuit001979 Liquor offences under the Highway Traf- fic raffic Act have 0001. ' In Hama County hi the past year and W nesday Provincial Court JJuudge William Cochrane responded to the increase by doubling fines for offenders. Justan hour beforepress time on Wednes- day, the News -Record was informed that in a secret meeting held by town council on Tuesday night the 1979 budget was passed. The new budget means that the Clinton tax bill will jump 15 mills or eight per cent. Clinton tax payers will not beve the cost of a pool placed on their tax bill this year. At a special closed meeting on Tuesday night, Clanton Council passed the 1979 budget and agreed to cancel the pool tender, recently recommended for acceptance. Huron County is shortly going to witness an incredible culture shock. Depending upon its compassion and generosity, Huron's responsibility will be to ease that shock. On July 26, the Canada Employment Centre in Goderich received word that the county will possibly be receiving up to three, unsponsored Vietnamese boat families a month until 1 0. The first families could ar- rive as soon as August 7. 10 years ago August 1, 1974 After a seven month wait, Clinton council learned last 'Thursday at a closed meeting that it will cost an estimated $400,000 to. repair .Clinton's 94 -year-old town hall and as a result, council has asked a London firm of architects to prepare rough plans for a new town hall, The Bayfield Lions Club Annual Summer Carnival was a tremendous success reported Jack Merner, president of the club. 25 years ago July 30, 1959 More than 70 young folk who tried their swimming tests at the. Clinton Community Swimming Pool on Wednesday afternoon, July29, were successful. Donald Mungham, area supervisor with the Canadian Red Cross Toronto, carried out the tests, assisted by Donald Hickey, RCAF Station, Clinton. The situation in Clinton in regard to the state of affairs if and when the Canada Temperance Act is repealed in Huron Coun- ty, is slightly different thin in some of the other urban centres of the country. Prior to, 1913, a situation existed known as Local Op- tion, under, which the Act governing liquor outlets ' and use, • provided for each municipality to pass a bylaw and vote either to be dry or wet. After three years another vote was taken and by a simple majority, ' the state of dryness or wetness came into force. 50 years ago August 2, 1934 Some excitement was caused about 3 a.m. Sunday, at the 'Huron County Home, when it was discovered that the attic was on fire. Mrs. Jacobs either awakened and heard a crackling noise, orwas awakened by the crackling,and on opening a door ,leading to the attic, which is immediately beside her own bedroom door,, sa AT the flames,leaping to the ceiling. The blaze, which had gained. considerable headway, • was controlled by chemical appliances always kept on hand in the institution. Earl Crich of the Ball and Zaple .firm is now in hospital, having undergone an opera- tion.on Friday. At last reports he was com- ing.along fine but he won't be able to clirllb the greasy pole or catch the greasy pig on Monday. Plans for the big celebration in Clinton on Monday are being completed. It is some years since Clinton put on .a Civic Holiday celebration and the committee in charge are putting forward their best efforts to make this a success. Goderich and Clinton baseball teams will play a match on Monday and Mitchell will play the winners in the afternoon. 75 years ago July 29, 1909 Bert Langford made a business trip to Detroit some time ago, and when he return- - - ed, it was learned he had purchased thereat, an up-to-date automobile. Mr. Langford went to Detroit a few days ago, and ran the, machine home. It is a 4 -cylinder Packard,' nicely finished, and a credit to the pur- chaser. Now! SleepyWingham. ,Monday of.this week, Mr. J. Thornton, who has been operator at the Majestic Mov- ing Picture Show, left for Toronto, where he expects to take a position in a vaudeville theatre. He will be missed in town and by the Citizen's Band as he was an expert, Clarionette player. Mayor Wiltse has proclaimed Monday, August 7 as Civic Holiday .and requests all people to -observe the same. You don't need to go to Toronto to buy your goods. You don't catch Toronto people coming here to make purchases If your wife is the best woman in the world, tell her so; it will keep hec;young and lengthen her life. 100 years ago . August 1, 1984 The Board of Health - It has been asked "What is the new board of health doing?" and we presume the answer must be, "so far nothing'. -If parties knowing of the existence of any nuisance will send word to the Secretary, Mr. Callander; the Board will in- vestigate, and deal with it as the new Health Act provides. A curiosity - There resides in this town a retired farmer, who has been a resident of the county for over 40 years, and has hardly been outside of it during that time. He has never been to London, never seen Niagara Falls, and never was on an excursion train. As he is about 70 years of age, it is nearly time he started to enjoy himself a little, if he ever intends to. He may go off some cold day. A Flower Show - The Mechanics Institute entertainment . Committee has undertaken the work of getting up a floral exhibit, to be held in the skating rink, commencing on the 19th of August, and continuing for one week. 'It is intended to secure' all the growing flowers possible, which will be tastefully ar- ranged in the rink. The Doherty Organ Band have kindly volunteered their services for the first evening and it is likely that a pro- menade concert will be given some other evening, during the exhibit. A display of this nature is something new here, and as every effort will be made to have the exhibit as complete and attractive 'as possible, it should be well patronized. The admission fee will only be 10 cents. CL4NTONNEWS-RECORD, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1,19 4-P'A6 5 EVERYDAY WAREHOUSE SAVINGS AND Bl1YSOF THE WEEK FLAKED LIGHT TUNA NIAGARA - (BLEAR OR PINK 12.5 FL. OZ. ( ON(ENTRAIE FROZEN LEMONADE 184 G. - IN OIL ASE 01 COCA COLA OR SPRITE REGULAR ONLY - 24x 10El.OZ. TINS APRI - BEIGE OR WHITE PKG. OF 4 3/1. KUENZ1G'S EVERYDAY WAREHOUSEPRICES A Real Price Break -Every Day of the Week! Here are 15 examples of the savings to You. POWDERED -6 LITRE BO)(' TIDE DETERGENT • 3. MACARONI & CHEESE -225 G. KRAFT DINNER . 49 1 KG. - SPAGHETTI, SPAGHETTINI OR READY -CUT MACARONI CATE LLI PASTA . 99 ASTRA-7.75 OZ. -CANNED PINK SALMON . 99. AYLME R -FANCY 48 FL. OZ. TOMATO JUICE . 87 - 6 VARIETIES -375 ML. BICK'S RELISHES . 99 VAN CAMP -14 FL. OZ. ASSORTED BEANS IN TOMATO SAUCE .69 HAPPY VALLEY -10 FL. OZ. PIECES & STEMS MUSH ROOMS . 69 MONARCH ADDED TOUCH -520 G: CAKE MIXES 9-9 i PKG. OF 12-IGA HOTDOG OR HAMBURG BUNS .99 PARAMOUNT -7.75 OZ. SOCKEYE SALMON 1.99 SALAD DRESSING -1 LITRE KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP . 39 CANNED -10 FL. OZ. CREAM OF MUSHROOM SOUP .49 BYE THE SEA -CHUNK IN WATER -61/2 OZ. LIGHT TUNA .99 48 FL. OZ. V-8 VEGETABLE JUICE F.B.I., 3 x 250 ml., SPRINT, 5 FRUIT, APPLE OK GRAPE FRUIT DRINKS SPIC & SPAN, 400 ml., LIQUID,HOUSEHOLD .99 CLEANER LIBBY'S 28 FL. OZ. WITH PORK, DEEP BROWN BEANS KAL KAN 13 oz. BEEF DINNER, KITTY STEW OR MEALTIME 1.29 CAT FOOD CASCADE, 1.4 kg., AUTOMATIC ED •29 DISHWASHER DETERGENT LUVS, PKG. OF 16-24 SMALL OR MEDIUM, DISPOSABLE DIAPERS 1 3.79 .59 CH RISTIE'S 400 - 450 g. FIG NEWTON, GRASSHOPPERS, COCONUT, 3.59 ORCIiIPSAHOYCOOKIES 1.99 MEAT BONUS BUYS CAMAY, PKG. OF,3 WHITE OR PINK, BATH SIZE BAR SOAP • • McVITIE 250 g. 2.29 TUC CRACKERS 1.29 GLAD, PKG. OF 10, PLASTIC O-CEDAR.ECONO PURINA 2'kg., MEOW MIX, DRY • GARBAGE BAGS 1.69 MAGNETIC BROOM 2.49 CAT FOOD49 RAID, 350 g., REGULAR OR • • JOLLY MILLER 3x31/. oz., ORANGE KELLOGG'S 350 g. LIGHT CENT, HOUSE & � � DRI,N K CRYSTALS . p 9 1.99 C-3 PO CEREAL GARDEN rO0 BUG KILLER LIMIT 10 LBS. PER FAMILY REGULAR GROUND BEEF MARY MILES - 225 G. HOT DOG WIENERS OFF, 125 g., REGULAR OR. CATELLI 375 ml., OLD FASHIONED, ' PURR-FECT 8 kg. OUTDOOR SCENT, AEROSOL MILD, GARLIC OR HOT A CAT. LITTER TI SAUCE •9l9 INSECT REPELLENT2.49 SPAGH ET 8 2.59 GARDEN FRESH PRODUCE CANADA No. 1 - 10 LB. BAG NEW ONTARIO POTATOES PRODUCE OF ONTARIO CANADA No. 1 HEAD LETTUCE KRAFT'- PROCESSED - 24 SINGLES CHEESE SLICES 500 g. 99/Ib. 2.18,kg. .88 DAVERN - 500 G. - SLICED SIDE BACON 2.99 DAVERN - 450 G. SKINLESS WIENERS PRODUCE OF ONTARIO COOKING ONIONS 2 LB. BAG CRISCO - 1 LITRE COOKING OIL .99 2.08 CANADIAN QUEEN 1/4 OR 1/1 BONELESS HAMS 2.49/16.5.49/kg. TAILLEFER OLD FASHIONED HAMS 3.4916. 7.-69/kg. 2.19 CANADA No. 1 - ONTARIO FRESH CELERY PRODUCE USA CANADA No. 1 NEW CROP CARROTS •89. PRODUCE OF ONTARIO GREEN ONIONS OR RADISHES PRODUCT USA CANADA No. 1 CANTALOUPES PRODUCE OF ONTARIO FRESH ' MUSHROOMS 4.39/kg. 1.99 /Ib. 'P'RODUCE OF 'USA CANADA No. 1 RED GRAPES 2.62 /kg. 1.19/Ib. STOKELY - 14 FL. OZ. NEW ORLEANS STYLE - DARK RED KIDNEY BEANS - OR VAN CAMP- ASSORTE D BEANS MAPLE LEAF, 175 g., MAC & CHEESE, BOLOGNA --€4-9-1C-KEN LOAF TAILLEFER - 175 g. HAM STEAKS 12 1.38 PRODUCE OF USA CANADA No. 1 SEEDLESS GREEN GRAPES 2.62 /kg. 1.19/16. PRODUCE OF USA CANADA No. 1 VINE RIPE TOMATOES 2.18/kg. .99 /lb. IVORY - 1 LITRE - LIQUID DISH DETERGENT' .59 2.391 REGULAR - 750 ml. BOTTLES PLUS DEPOSIT COCA COLA. OR SPRITE TAILLEFER STORE PACKED BREAKFAST SAUSAGE TAILLEFER HOT OR MILD ITALIAN SAUSAGE 2.76/kg. 1.25/16. 3.48 /kg. 1.58/lb. MAPLE LEAF 700 g. BUCKET OF COOKED CHICKEN 4.99 GOLDEN SKILLET STORE PACKED CHICKEN CUTLETS SHOPSYS, 500 g. ASSORTED SALADS .59 ALL MERCHANDISE 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED - PRODUCT REPLACED OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED. SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT EACH WEDNESDAY (GET DETAILS FROM YOUR LOCAL.IGA STORE) PRICES IN EFFECT TILL CLOSING SATURDAY, AUGUST 4 - WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES MAPLE LEAF 750 g. BEEF BURGERS PILLERS KNACKWURST 1.49 3.98 3.64 /kg: 1.65 /Ib. 5.05 /kg. 2.29/lb. 'SEA GLO FROZEN 3.9 /kg. COD FILLETS 1.79/6. STORE HOURS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday, Friday Saturday 8°30 A.M.-6 P.M. 8.30 A.M.-9 P.M. 8'30 A.M.-6 P.M.