Exeter Times, 1902-8-21, Page 8T El: et
going to make your Pickles, Sauces, &c. Pickle mak-
ing is a very particular business, Everybody wants well
flavored and good keeping pickles, and vinegar has a lot to
do with the result, We are offering a
"Called Sailor Boy," made from pure spirits, not a particle
of acid in its whole make up. Delightfully clear, sparkling
fine even flavored. Gvery gallon gua,rauteed. Don't buy
cheap inferior vinegar and expect to have as good pickles as
the people who use "Sailor Boy." 40c the gallon is the
price for XXX Sailor Boy Vinegar, and remember you can
buy Sailor Boy Vinegar only at STEWART'S.
_The best and nothing but the best is what we are offering.
•••093.0 .111159.21=91511.0.11411.1•111.•1•10.11910110..
Sailor Boy Black and Sailor Boy Mixed Tea
is making lots of of friends, only. 25c. the pound. Some
people say it is as good as most 40e. Teas. Try a Package.
For Marriage Licenses,
leitchtes, Ctocies,
Specta.cics Etc
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
Sovereign Bank
of Canada„
Capital Authorized $2,000,000.00
Capital Subscribed.. ..... $1,300,000.00
has been
showing LOYALTY to the King and.
now is an opportune time ,to show
I,crze.T..TY to yourself by opening a
Savings batik account in the
Soarer-01sta Bank at Exeter- or
Clinton, where his,thesb rates of in-
terest are paid on deposits of $1.00 and.
NOTES discounted at reasonable
rates. DRAFTS bought and sold.
Special attention given to farmers'
business and cattlemen's business,
A General Banking Business tran-
Solicitor. Manager,
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual
advestisements accepted up to noon
Wednesday of each week. '
THURSDAY AUG. 21, 1902
The Tams office is the place to get
your job printing. .
miss Kemp, of Seaforth is a guest of
miss Mabel Kemp.
•axles Sussex, of London, is a guest
of miss may Sanders,
•DM John muir is enjoying a week's
fishing at Port Frank.
miss Thompson, of Montreal, is at "
present visiting Mrs. W. C. Hoston.
James A. arcTaggart is taking a
course in the Normal School, London.
airs. Hurdon who has beea seriously
is now recovering.
Mrs. Snider, and son, of Cleveland,
Ohio, are visiting friends in town.
Mr. Will Cook, of Stapler is spend.-
ing a few holidays at his home .b.ere.
Miss mortimore, of London is the
guest of the misses Dunsford, Lake
ears. arcNabb, of kerton, is the
guest, a 3irs.'rd, e, Andrew
' street. -
Messrs. Wit\ an and .E.
Christie, spent ay at Grand
The misses Halls, of Parkhill, are
visiting their cousin, miss Gertie
The misses Hodgins, of Hensall,
were the guest of friends in town on
Miss M. Gregory, or Toronto, is
spending a month's vacation with her'
Mr. anti airs. mcCallum, of Seaforth,
were in town on monday, guests of
miss arabel Kemp.
Miss Hogarbh, from Chapman,s
Dry goods house, London, is visiting
her mother end sister.
Mr. Harold Walker, of London, is
visiting friends and relatives in and
around Exeter, this week.
arr. Ross Holland left on Wedne s -
day for To to, where he will join
the exc 4gir, hwest.
Misse r °liana
Mr. an
few days
home on
Mrs. Henr
ter, of Deloraine,
of Mr. and Mrs. T
Mr. Hugh Spacke
elected grand Patriarch of he In-
dependent Order of Oddfellows.
Capt. T. m. Robson, County clerk,
of Middlesex, has been appointed
judge of cattle at the Exeter fall fair.
We were in error last week when,
we stated that the postal rate on news-
papers had been advanced to two
Miss E. Wood went to Detroit, on
Saturday last, where she will spend a
short time with her friend, Mrs. A.
Miss Cora Manning returned home
last week, after a pleasant time spent
with friends in Bowman.ville and other
points east.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Mills and daugbter,
Miss Mills returned on Monday even-
ing after a pleasant visit with friends
in 'Windsor and. Detroit.
Mr, liacDoaald, of Guelph, •was a I
gest of Miss Weekes the past. week -
Mrs, Robert Naha_ and four ehilacern-
of Onawanda. N, Y., are visiting Air.
tIndMrs. Joho Muir,
Miss Ethel Bissett left on Wearies
day evening for Toronto where he
will attend the 1+1111inery openings,
For tired, tender, aching, sweating,
swollen feet vise Foot Ease. Sold by
0. Lutz. Price
arr. and mre. O. W. Gladman, who
have been speeding a two week's va-.
cation at Parry Sound, have retorned
1Wrs. Shirra, of London Road, and
her sister, Miss Urquhart, of Belle-
ville, called or friends in town on
Conductor Quirk of the L, U,& B,
enjoyed a week's well earned holidaY,
hisPlace being supplied by Conduetor
Miss May Gill, Mrs. (Dr.) Anderson
and Miss Edith Brown, are at Grand
Bend and. will spend a couple of
Mr, Frank Case, London Road, who
has beea so seriously ill with appendi-
citis is recovering and hopes to soon
be around again as usual.
TALBOT'S BfillifiR
Water 'Sets
Some extra fine Water Sets to hand
selling at $1.00 and, $1.25. See them
before purchasing, it will pay you.
The balanee of Graniteware here to
be sold regardless of cost. Mast clear
to make room. for Christmas goods,
This store will be found to the front
in the matter of school supplies. Va-
cation is about over now,
See Window for Ladies' Combs.
Talbot's- Bazaar
P. S.—Wedding Presents a Specialty,
Miss Mabel Brook will commence
duties as book-keeper with Messrs.
T. Hawkins and Son, hardware mer-
chants, on Sep. lst.
Misses Jessie Millar and Morlock
left on Tuesday, for London, where
they will attend the millinery open-
ings next week.
J. G. Stanbury's law offices are
undergoing a re -modelling which will
add greatly to their comfort and
convenience. Another room for the
clerk is being arranged.
The pulpit of Trivia Memorial
church was occupied last Sunday by
Rev. W. E. Taylor, M. A., of St.
Marys, Mr. Ten Eyck, taking the ser-
vices for Mr. Taylor, in St. Marys.
Los, ---- On Thursday 14th inst.,
somewhere between Exeter and
Grand Bend, a lar go oilcloth. By re-
turning to the Exeter Grist mill the
finder will be suitably rewarded.
Messrs. Thos. Fitton, Hurdon and
Dyer, also three sons of arr, Hurdon,
and. master Tom Carling left on Wed-
nesday for Port Frank, where they
expect to enjoy a week's fishing.
'miss Kitty Slavin, accompanied by
miss E. morgan, left to -day, (Thursday)
for Woolsley, Assa., where she will be
united in marriage to arr. Joshua mor-
gan, a former resident of Hay.
Mr. Parkinson, of the Toronto
igh School teaching staff, who wich
family are camping at Grand
spent a few days last week here
ister, Miss Parkinson.
es Sweet has returned from
ere she was attending the
mr. Wm. Egan, who died
. misses Sarah and Maggie
SO attended the funeral,
miss Lizzie Slavin, who has been ill
for some time past was removed to
London, to -day (Thursday) where she
will receive medical treatment, Her
mother will reside with her son arr.
Thos. Slavin, of Lumley,
Arrangements are now under way
for a grand concert to be given in the
opera house on Fair night, September
23rd, Some of the best musical and
elocutionary talent is being secured
for the occasion,
Mrs, 0, la Skelton, Miss Addle Al-
ward. of St. Paul. Minn., and Miss
Byrant, of Los. Angeles, Oal., arrived
here on Saturday and will be guests for
some weeks of Mr. and Mrs. W, J.
Dr. Charles A. Lang, of Granton,,
left on Saturday last for England
where he purposes taking specialists
courses in London, Edinburgh. and
Vienna Dr. Lang is an honor grad-
uate oiToronto eredical school,
Mr. and Mrs. E. j Spackman accom-
panied their son John, to New York,
on monday where he expects to sail
for Germany, where he will take a
course:in music. He expects to spend
a year nnd.er the best masters.
Mrs. T. F. Oakes and her two little
daughters, of Chicago, left last week
to spend a month with friends in Clin-
ton, Guelph, and Brantford, when
they will return for a couple of weeks'
visit in Exeter before leaving for
Messrs Weekes Bros. have erected a
large monument in memory of the
late Mrs. Thos. Russell, in the Roger-
ville burial ground. It is a Rook fin-
ished obelisk, standing 1.9 feet 6 inches
above ground and weighing over 14
and a half tons.
Mr. R. S. Lang shipped a number of
apples of the Duchess variety via,
fast, freight to Winnipeg, on. 1VIonclay,
as there is great demand for early
apples in the West, Mr. Lang is mak-
ing the experiment in the shipping of
early fruit.
We had a pleasant call on Thursday
last from Mr. A. Porter, Clinton, who
was a graduate of the `Treens" some
17 years ago. He was accompanied
by his sister-in4am, Miss Rumbell,of
New York, Who holds a position
with a publishing house in that city.
Mr. Porter holds the 'position of post-
master at Olinton, and is giving every
satisfaetion but a change seems al-
most inevitable as soon AS the work-
ing powers can eatiefactorily arrange
•••••••••••••••••e•easaesamanewv ,see•••••••mami•11
Look at This List
American Teazle Cloths for Wrappers, in black and
colored grounds, war ranted fast colors, 17 yards for . ..$1 00
Colorec3 Wrapperettes, American manufacture, very
fancy patterns, full width, per yard ...... xoc
• English Flannelettes, double warps, pink and blue
stripes, were 1234c, our cut price .... Ioc
English plain. Shakers, pink and cream'heavy weight
very wide, worth ioc, our price, a good bargain .. • . 8c
Fancy Shakers in blue, pink, cardinal grounds, with
small dots and patterns, werellIoc,t'cut price.... . „ . .. .8c
Morris' Flannelettes, good•value,fast colors,good widths
at, all cut prices . •...... 5c, 6%C, 834c
Double Fold Shaker Sheeting in grey and cream, at
yard...,....•.•,..., e e ..q.25C
Groceries a Specialty. One Door North of Postoffice.
Tho Kg flokar(1 6o Extionsall cARLINci
• eter
fDasliWoocI OR
Soaso11616 BaradifIS111
Hot Weather Requirements
ro only men s all wool light weight, striped, blue and white
Summer Suits, made up in correct style, a big selling
Line, regular $10.50 for . — . . , , ....$7.50
25 Boys' Colored Blouses, regular prices ranged from 35c to
soc. Your choice while they last for ...... 25c
200 yards American Foulards in all good colorings, warranted
Perfeetli fast, worth 20c....... , I214c.
25 Ladies' Parasols, good full size, a good bargain .... 50c.
300 pairs Ladies' regular 20c., warranted perfectly fast black
Cotton Hose
25 Boys' Bathing Suits, .... . .... . • special at 15c.
•Grocery Spec
3 cans Clark's Pork and Beans in Chili Sauce .........for 25c.
3 pounds fresh Sweet Biscuits ••• •••••• •••••• for 25c:
2 cans best Red Salmon . . . . .... ....for 25c.
25 pounds Redpaths Extra Standard Granulated. Sugar ......$1.00
6 pounds Tapioca .... . , • .... • .. • • 1 • • • • • for 25c
Regular 35c. Black, Green or Mixed Tea .. .... ....for 25c,
Rain Coats
• Men's Regular $4.00 Rain Coats for
Ladies' regular $7.75 Rain Coes for • • • • • • $5•50
•••••• •••• ••11:$2,75
Ladies' Vests at 5c, 7c, 10c, 12c, 20c, 25c and ........38c
• Highest prices for all kinds of Farm. Produce
at all times.
.Our Exeter store will close at 6.30 p, m. Wednesday. and Saturday
evenings excepted.
ickard Co
Direct Importers
Rev. B. L. Hutton, of Centralia,
preached two excellent sermons in
Main street church last Sunday dur-
ing the absence of Rev. R. Milvard,
who was taking Mr. B.utton's work
on the Centralia circuit.
Rev. F. E. Mellott, B. A. B. D., con-
ducted services in James street church
last Sabbath both morning and even-
ing. Mr, Mellott is a young man of
great promise and we would judge
he has before him a Millard future.
Mrs. Campbell with her daughter,
Miss Lena, and son, Andrew, left on
.Monday evening for Edmonton. Al-
berta, where she will join her sons,
who are engaged in ranching inthat
district. Their many friends wish
them a safe journey to their new
Mr. Albert mcOallum, of Columbus,
Ohio, who is attending Dental Col-
lege, in that city, and during the holi-
day term is representing a wholesale
Dental firm is now spending a short
time in and around Exeter. lars. =-
Callum came here some weeks ago,
and has been visiting with her mother
Mrs. morlock.
-mr. John Farmer and son Roy, have
returned from their trip west, having
gone as far es Alberta, thence down
through a greater part of North
Dakota, Mr, Farmer speaks in the
loudest praise of that far west ooun-
try,and of the great promising future
with the immense area of wheat
yered land, looking now at its very
Master Herb Gregory was most for-
tunate in being the only one in Huron
County to secure Honors in the recent
Junior Leaving Examination, (Second
Part.) Miss Stella also passed the
second part of Se&er Leaving, and
will pursue her studies at Hamilton
Normal College when it opens on
October ist.
Remember the L. 0. L. annual ex-
cursion under the auspices of L. 0. L.
No. 794, Wingham, to Sarnia and De-
troit, Saturday, August 2.3, The
steanaer Tashmoo has been chartered.
for the occasion. The usual low rates.
Time table will be announced later.
A Gold Brooch will be given as a
prize to the largest lady on the train.
Everybody corne. R. J. MACVIATEL,
It is stated that George McEvvan
M. P., has bought a handsome house
at Hensel'. Ordinarily., this would be
nothing unusual, but in Mr. MeEwan's
case it s, and we can't understand
what he wants it for. We have heard
him say that he's too bashful to get
married (though there are lots of girls
wouldjump at the chance) and he
certainly won't ilys in the house alone,
Now George, what does this mean?
--Clinton New Era,
Plti2VATt Boelanned-PeAcie, WAN-
TED.—Private boarding place wanted
by young lady, Two rooms preferred
Apply Box 27, TIMEs <Ace, Exeter,
Boole BINDING, —We are now prepar-
ed to take orders for book binding,
and any orders entrusted to us will
receive best attention. Books, Maga-
zines Or periodicals bound or rebound
in any style at reasonable prices,
UNION SERVICES. -- There will be
union services next Sabbath morning
and evening, in connection with the
Main street Methodist and Cavell
Presbyterian churches. Service will
be held in tiaven church at 11 a. m.
• and in the Methodist church at p m
It is expected that the choir of the
two churches will unite, and a rally.of
all the forces is urgently requested.
Both services will be .conductecl by
Rev. It. Millyard. 11a. in. In Pres-
byterian church. Subject— "Leaving
first principlres " 7 p. in. Main street
methodist church. Subject'— "The
Sabbath," Everybody come and hear
the discussion on "The Sabbath."
There died in the Winnipeg General
Hospital on Wednesday, Aug. 6th,
Mr. William Werry, aged sixty-three
years and six months. Deceased had
been ailing for some time and an oper-
ation was deemed necessary, but there
was little hope for vecoveree He pass-
ed peacefully away shortly after the
operation had been perfornaed. Mr.
Werry was born in Cornwall, Eng-
land, and came to this country when
a small boy. He moved to the North-
west, together with his family, about
twenty years ago. His wife predeceas-
ed him about two years ago. A family
of four sons and five daughters are
left to mourn his loss, also two broth-
ers, Thomas, of Exeter, and james
Henry, Woodstock; and four sisters,
Mrs. John Osborne of Bowmanville,
Mrs, Joseph Pearn of St. Marys, Mrs.
Richard. Wight of Anderson, and Mrs.
(Rey.) Wm. Lambert of Greenbank
Deceased was a consistent member of
the Methodist church, Crystal City.
The remains were interred at Pilot
Mound on Friday, Aug, 8th. .
FRESENTATION.—On Friday even-
ing a number of the most intimate
friends of miss Campbell assembled
at the home of her aunt, idtss Pass-
more, and presented her with an ad-
dress and bracelet on the occasion of
her depaiture for Edmonton, Alberts,.
An enjoyable evening was spent in
social chat and games, after which
farewells were taken with the best
wishes for a safe journey and much
happiness in her new home. The fol-
lowing is the address :—Dear Lena, —
We have learned with deep regret
that you are to depart from among
us, and realize that our loss is a Wes-
tern gain ; also there will be a broken
link in the long chain of friends to
which you haat° endeared yourself,
We ask you to please accept this
bracelet as a small token of your es-
teemed friendship, Your going away
will be greatly missed by as as you
have been one of our circle of friends
fora long time. Our well wishes will
follow you to your new home in the
far West. Hoping you will ever
bear us in remembrance, *we remain
That high school work so fat as Arn-
im, Leaving can be and is taught suc-
cessfully in the Exeter Public School,
has again been demonstrated by the
results of the recent examinations.
Nine out of the eleven candidates for
Muslins that were 12e 15e and, 20c to clear at 5c.
,Ox blood and other colored Linens for children's suit
and ladies' wear,
White goods M Organdies, Dimities, Persian Lawns &c.
Linen Batistie, double width, 48 in. wide, only 39c.
For Whitewear and Fashionable Waists ladies will find
the selection very 'desirable, while the garments themselves
are admitted to be extremely comfortably. °all at once and
get the pick as they will go fast now as the days are hot.,
1-ligliest !Prices for rodluce.
• ,
• .11VINt1P.Tr
111\jow is the time to beautify your homes by selectini'
• some of our handsome furniture, Do you • want
A nice bedroom sett for. ....... • Si0.00
Sideboard. • • • 8. 0
Nice Cool Sweet mattresses... ..... 3.00
• Bed springs • • 2.00
Couches and easy chairs at easy prices, .Curtain poles
and Trimmings. •
We have several setts of BEAUTIFUL CHAIRS, jus
salve Us A Call, and if we have not got what you
want we will soon get it for you.
Furniture and Undertaking oorns
17-3210FET&EORFEFZZSPFERFS7784,111/... .
12-20, 1902
11 Mediu of Spectacular Merit
Prof, Hutchison, the Human Bomb, in a thrilling Baloon
Ascension and Parachute Drop. The marvelous Cycle Dazzle.
The Osnatos, in a sensation novelty, The great. Gay, the
Handcuff King.' The Olifans, Continental Eccentriques.
ganning and Du Crow, famous MonOpedes. Rosa Naynou,
with her troupe of Trained Tropical Birds. The Bard Bros.,
Acrobatic Wonders, Chrissie M. Jones, Cornet Virtuoso.
Magnificent Pyrotechnics and many other features. Special
tram service over all lines.
Exhibits further ahead than the times. Grounns insid-
iously beautiful. Buildings irresistably Inviting.
Prize Lists, Maps, Programmes and Information for the asking from
President. Secretary.
PL I, Junior Leaving, were successful
and one of these who failed obtained
Pt. I, Junior aratriculation standing.
Out of the nine who wrote for Pt. 2,
Junior Leaving, eight were successful,
a proportion unequalled by any high
school in the county. Our school has
also gained the further distinction of
haVing the only two Candidates who
obtained honors in the county. The
public school board are anxious to af-
ford every facility to those students
who purpose attending here and are
increasing the appartus for teaching
science, so that the school will be now
fairly well equipped for this depart-
ment of work. What our Board have
undertaken to do, they have done, are
doing and doubtless aim to do for the
future, and that is to keep our public
school in the front rank of every de-
partnient of work covered. In this
most worthy aim they inav rest assur-
ed they have the fall endorsement of
our citizens.
:Fall Term opens Sept. 2nd 3
rcp Cen.tralr—r
le A. schaol that occupies front rank
0 among the best business colleges, on this 0
0 Continent, Many loading commercial Es
0 'schools employ our graduates as tett-
0 tillers. We do our beat to place all our
is graduates in good pesitions and we have es
0 been More SILCODM8fa1 this year than in e
0 any previous year. Those desiring the 0
0 hest in business education should at. CD
• tend our School. Write for eatalogtie. 0
' Principe,
O. • 000 .......0.0001,10.0.44040 Ole
You will find here at all
times the greatest bargains in
furniture. The lowest prices
and best efforts to please.
Undertaking a Specialty
Spend your Holidays at the
Om Rime ijoit
• Bautild, Ontario.
• This hotel was lately purchased by
the undersigned and has been fitted upi
with every modern convenience of a
Summer Resort Hotel, Ice Cream
parlors in connection.
Good Aeconnnodation for the
Travelling Public. •
Bayfield is situated at the mouth of
the Bee/field River on Lake Huron.
Excellent Fishing, Boating and Bath-
ing, etc. The beach is like pavement,
making bathing safe for the smallest
child. For rates and fruther particu-
lars write or apity to
Bayfield, Oct. Canada.