HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-07-25, Page 1912. Real estate for sate It iA ilssio 4,f,1 THE CLINTON NEWS - RECORD - THE BLYTH STANDARD - THE BAYFIELD BUGLE Ilk " YIHROT • ESSTI R STEJATIPOOKT 1. Articles for sale YOU CAN GET your otlt-of-Canada Medical In surance at C.A.A. Travel Agency, 7 Rattenbury St., Clinton. Phone 482-9300.-44tfor KAWASAKI 440 LTD, 7000 km., bought in May 1983, new windshield never been used, still in -box. $1600.00. 482.7318after 6 p:m.-24tfnx RASPBERRIES - pick you own. Albert Schilbe 482- 3256.-29,30 1979 KAWASAKI KZ 200 motorcycle, excellent working condition $675. Must sell, moving. Phone 523-4587.-29,30 USED RAILWAY TIES. Pressure treated, uniform quality bundles guaranteed. Delivered semiload lots only (450 minimum). Reasonably priced. Phone (204) 7252627, office hours. -30o CHEAP FOR CASH. Must sell two steel buildings ovailable for immediate delivery. Will do any changes like extro doors or length at cost. Serious inquiries only. Call (416) 466-1807 Ext. 14.-30o STEEL BUILDINGS. Economic 'curve -type frameless con:•.tructlon. Widths 20 ft. to 100 ft. any length. Buy now and save. For lowest price phone collect (416) 456-1200.--300 BUILDINGS must clear out about half dozen buildings. Inventory surplus at give-away prices. Can be mixed and matched to meet different size-. Phone now collect to Perrna Buildings (416) 676.1343. '300 WOODEN dining room suite -table, 6 chairs and buffet, asking $350. Call 482-9920 after 6 p.m. -30x FRESH new honey for sale $1. per Ib. in your own container. John Nykamp, R.R. 1, Clinton 482- 3028.--30,31 82- 3028.---30,31 SINGLE BED with mattress: train set on table 482- 3305.-30tf SWEET CORN. apples, tomatoes, cookies, apple butter and honey at Art Bell's Fruit Farm 524. 8037.--30tfar - OUR OWN caulific•wer, broccoli, cabbage and new potatoes, also fruit and•Greaves Jams, plus - much more TE -EM FARM RR 1, 'Bayfield, Ont. '482-3020.--30 C&E- FURNITURE NEW AND SED - WE CAN OFFER BETT , e RICES IT'S OUR L e CATION THAT SA VES MONEY! 1/2 mile south on Hwy. 21 GOLiERICH 524-7231 - We even Take Trades r FRESH CAULIFLOWER & BROCCOLI CAULIFLOWER - 6.50 DOZEN BROCCOLI - 9.00 CASE 3 MILES WEST OF EXETER ON HIGHWAY 83 OPEN DAILY 9 AM to 8 PM - Closed Sundays VISSCHER FARMS ..237-3442 a Fresh Daily From Our Own Gardens SWEET CORN Fresh Cut Daily GLADIOLUS Quality & Freshness Guaranteed! ONT. BLUEBERRIES CHERRIES FRESH EGGS ZUCCHINI SNOW PEAS NEW ONT. POTATOES FIELD TOMATOESi MINI CARROTS RASPBERRIES NOW AVAILABLE PICK ' Picked or Pick Green & BEANS YOUR OWN 3■ 11 quart S9. bushel Available MENNONITE HOMEBAKING Your Own Waxed PICKED - $4 I 11 quart 1 2o " bushel Weekends FOR ALL YOUR GARDENING NEEDS...SEE US TODAY... martins market Please Telephone '524.8024 `,. mile east 01 Bonmdler Road on Highway no 8 (florets Road) 'kit 1111 v�ti_Ivtt'r11'4 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads Tuesday Noon Display Advertising Tuesday 4:00 p-na. CLASSIFICATIONS I Article, for sale 2 'ford sale 3 Garage sale e Antiques for sale, Cars for sole 6 Trucks for sole 7 R V s for sole 8 Marine 9 Automotive 10 Reis for sole 12 Real estate for sole 13 Mobile homes 14 Recreational properties 15 Out of town properties 16 For rent 17 Apartments for rent 18 Houses for rent 19 Rooms for rent 20 Room 8 board 21 Cottages for rent, 22 Lot} for rent 23 Commercial property for rent 24 Wonted to rent 25 Wonted to bay 26 Help wonted 27 Wonted (general, 28 business opportunity 49 Tenders 30 Employment wonted 31 Service directory 34 Personal 35 Notice to creditors 36 Announcements 37 Mortgages 38 AuUwn sale 39 Educational. 40 lost 8 Found 41 To give away 42 Death notice 13 Births 44 Engagements 45 Mon,ages 46 In memoriam 47 Cords of thanks SOC DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT WHEN PLACING AD OR IF PAID WITHIN ONE WEEK AFTER THE PAPER DATE. PHONE 482-3443 M MONDAY TO FRIDAY - t:MI a.m. to 5 p.m. 1. Articles for sale 1973 SUPER -Beetle Engine with 42 actual miles. Phone 524-6375.--30,31 1 • PICKLING'cucumbers for sale at Hwy, 8, west of Clinton. Dykstra 482.9543.--30,31 YOU, a COOL DRINK. and a HAMMOCK. Enjoy summer in our luxury HAMMOCK and hand made casual furniture. Waterproof, fully guaranteed: Sitting Pretty, R.R. 4, Lanark, ,On- tario. KOG 1K0. (613)259-3033. Hot days ore coming. 30o - USED RAILWAY TIES. Pressure treated, uniform quality bundles guaranteed. Delivered semi -load lots, only (450 .minimum). Reasonably priced. Phone (204)725-2627, office hours. --27.30o CORNER cupboard - solid maple, like new condi- tion, reasonably priced at $350.00. Phone' 565- 2757 30x - USED KITCHEN cabinets. Phone 482-9291 ---30x HUMANE LIVE TRAPS, cedar fence posts, stove wood - and cedar kindling. Phone 482- 3842. 2eow • • 3' 2 ACRES of hardwood to be clear cut, mostly 6"••12' . Near Blyth, easy access: 1-519-471-7381 evenings" 30. WEEKLY SPECIALS! see our ad in "FOCUS" Clin- ton Boxed Meats just off Hwy. 4 north of Clinton, 1'4 mile south of Londesboro. watch for our sign. Coll collect 523-9508. -- 42tfar . - STEEL BUILDINGS Direct Factory Clearbnce. Up to 40 percent discounts. Widths 20' to 120' any length. Limited quantities -.Act now SAVE. Coll tollfree 1.800.461.7689'. - 30o ABOVE -GROUND 24' diameter swimming pool complete with Jacuizi pump and filtering system. 482,-3349. - 30 BOI,LER FOR, SALE. Cleaver• Brooks 40 h.p.. ex- cellent condition. Farmer Bill's Green Houses 237-3228. 22tf 1972 650 YAMAHA, 10,000 original miles, good .condition 5800 or best offer. Must sell. Phone' 526.7283 evenings. '28.31 • 1 WOOD FOR SALE 1 MIXED HARDWOOD Blocks or split. Any quantity. Will deliver. „482-9250 FOR SALE! FILL YOUR FREEZER With farm fresh and oven-ready ROASTING HENS Averoge weight 6 1/2-7 Ib. $4.50 PER HER Available August 1-21 Taking orders now - call 482-7224 2. Yard Sale YARD SALE - Saturday, July 28 10 a.m„ 31 Mill -. St., Clinton. Baby clothes and furnishings, pool table. woter softener bikes. toys, clothes and miscellaneous items. Rain date following Saturday. • 30x ANTIQUES AND STUFF: collected on a century old farm includes wooden washing machine, baby cradle. Hoosier' cupboard, drop leaf table, • old sealers, Victrola and records, crocks plus addi- tions. 1'4 miles north of Kippen on Hwy. 4 10-5 p.m. Aug. 4 and 5. - 30 • Huge Five Family YARD SALE SATURDAY. JULY 28 9 AM -4 PM Rain or Shins, . CORNER OF BAYFIELD ROAD. AND,PINE LAKE ROAD Washer, dryer, power tools, 3 pc: bedroom suite , antiques, dishes, furniture, household Items, etc. 482-3221 [2. Yard Sale THE BAKERS are moving and we can t take it all with us so were having.a yard sale at 6 Bond St. in Little England (Clinton) on Saturday, July 28 from 8 a.m. til 1 p.m. -30x A. For Sale' Hensall Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 12:30 P.M. All classes of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves, Clinton - 482-7511 Barry Miller Exeter - 235-2717 Kirkton - 229-6205 Gregory Hargreaves 262-2619 4oi TRAILER BUNK FEEDERS, hay, chop, all -steel: square bale feeders: heated water -bowls; bale racks, all steel, 20 foot; Fordham. water -bowls. Owen Martin Mfg., RR 3, Wallenstein, Ontario NOB 2S0 (519) 699:4144. -- 29,310 70 ACRES.wheat straw and 55 acres barley straw. Phone 482-9252 qfter 8 p.m.-. 29:31 x ONE USED Beady stable cleaner. 482- 7230.- 29,30 - WHEAT STRAW for sale 482-3349'. 30 30 ACRES of wheat straw and 25 acres of barley •st,raw 523-9496 after 6 p.m. -- 30 MIXED hay for sale, baled or up to 100 acres standing hay which is mostly alfalfa. Phone 519- 526-7716.-- 30,31 40 .ACRES of wheat straw: 14 acres of barley straw for sale. Phone 523-9254. • 30,31 20 ACRES mixed grain straw in the field. Phone 482-7548. 30- 20 ACRES •barley straw, 6. acres alfalfa hay se: coed cut near Blyth 523-439.7. 30 B. Custom Work CUSTOM SWATHING Jim Preszcator 482-7126 or 482-927.4 CUSTOM big round baling, Co Z.ondag, Bayfield. 565-5308. 21tf • • CUSTOM SILO FILLING and swathing. Call, Hank Reinink 523=9202 or 523-4569. •22tfar CUSTO'M HARVESTING: Swathing and combining of grain, soy beans and corn. Trucking available. Phone Ross McBeoth•262-6018 or Brion Trebner 262-6068, 28.31 CUSTOM SWATHING and combining of smolt grains., beans and corn. Equipped withffle.x head trucking available. 482-7301. 30-32 CUSTOM round baling and hay bining. Second cut hay and straw also swathing of grain. Scutt Bros.. RR 3. Blyth. 523.9528 30 D. Livestock TWO GOATS: German Shepherd dog' mole pups. 565.5355. 30n x wltn two EIGHT springing Holstein heifers. Phone Dunn 50-5344. 29,30 Jack Attention Farmers WE PAY $20.00 TO $50.00 PER HUNDRED WEIGHT FOR OLD, RECENTLY INJURED OR CRIPPLED COWS AND STEERS. MUST BE' ALIVE AND DRUG FREE. MARK LEIS'& SONS LIVESTOCK TOLL FREE 1-800-265-4910 24 hrs. a day, 6 days a week. Serving this area since 1974. 1 E. Farm Services IN REVIEWING our new members previous tax situations, we have found that they were not tak- ing advantage of all the tax opportunities available. Our multi-million dollar investment in computer technology now makes it possible to take full advantage of every tax opportunity. The Farm Business Consultants' progrom works for you year round. Coll toll free 1.800.265- 1002. - 29,30 - IT IS IMPOSSIBLE for one man or a small firm. to know all of the tax laws. This is why Farm Business Consultants specializes in FARMS. Our multimillion dollar investment in computer technology makes us the leader in farm tax preparation and tax consultation. We can insure that you do not pay one nickel more than your fair share in taxes. Call F.B.C. Toll free 1 -800- 265 -1002. -30o .800=265.1002. -30o F. -For Rent FOR RENT - Pasture • 10 acres with water, between Holmesville and Benmiller. Phone 482- 9864 or 482-3475.-30 3. Garage sale GARAGE SALE Saturday, July 28, from 9 - 3 p.m. 172 Princess St. E. Clinton. -30 5. Cars for sale 1980 CAMARO - economical, 6 cylinder, 3 speed manual, p.s., p.b„ rear spoiler, silver, blue cloth interior; recent tune up, new tires, indash cassette, excellent condition. Asliing $5000.00 certified, or best offer. CaII.Mike at 5,19.524-7027 or 524-7144 after 6 p.m.-30tfnx QUICK FINANCE From $99 monthly with trade or cash. Compare our price and terms. '82 Lincoln 514,500 '81 Suzuki 650 51395 'BO M/S Turbo 525,750 '77 Triumph TRT $3300 '76 Datsun 280ZX 52900 '81 Honda S/W, A/T 53900 '79 Fairmont S/W $3500 '78 Courier f/u A/T $2900 '79 Yamaha 650 $1200 '78 Cordoba. $2700 '79 New Yorker $4500 '77 Cougar XR7, 2 dr. $1900. 357-1441 Wingham Sell • Buy • Lease 1978 PO•NTIAC CATALINA 305, statlonwagon.. Power brakes, power steering, air; tilt wheel, roof rack, good tires. No rust problems. Economical family transportation. '1200 dollar brake, engine, exhaust work completed. 95,000 highway miles. Certified. Ready to go many more miles. Asking '2,395.00 . Consider HT trailer partial trade. For More Information Please Call 524-4409 Evenings 7. R.V.'s for sale PROWLER, Golden Falcon, Boler Travel Trailers. Lionel Hardtops,. Truck campers and caps. New and used. Sales. repairs, rentals, Camp -Out, Hwy. 8W Stratford. 393-5938.- 17.30 ' 15 FT. TRAILER sleeps 6, 51.000. 482-3383.--30 9. Automotive WANTED: tailgate and rear driver's door in good condition for 77' Jeep Cherokee. Call 482- , 3514.- 290. 10. Pets for sale RABBITS -for sale individually or whole business. Purebred French Lops and Californians plus cages 529-7988. 30,31 FOR SALE: Old tyme block and- ton Coonhound Pups for hunting or pets, with or without registration certificate.' M'-rvin Howe (519) 773- 9472, Aylmer, Ontario. - ,0:,' WHITE, black and • '17rabbi't,. for sale. 1' 2 mon• the old $5 each 482-3040 after 5:30 p.m'. -- 30,31 12. Real estate for sale FOR SALE OR RENT - King St. merciol building - 5,000 sq. fives. Contact Mason Bailey • details. 482-9371. 26tf , Clinton. large com- ft. contains two of• Real Estate Ltd. for SMALL one bedroom house in Clinton with --full both, kitchen and living'room, hot water tank, oil heat and cupboards. Con move to your lot 887- . 94931 30 ' • ' THREE AND ONE Sixth' acres in quiet Seaforth area, 1' 2 storey brick, 8 rooms, 1'7 baths, 100 AMP, drilled well. barn. well treed 527- 1066. • 30,31 OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY & SUNDAY JULY 21822.2PM-4PM SNOWDEN ACRATES, BAYFIELD Year round ranch house, fully furnished, two bedrooms and den, 3 piece bath and sauna, large living - dining - kitchen area, lot size 142'. x 79', cedar deck. ADAM FLOWERS 565-2813 AGR' I1IJ%TIO1IAL REALTY INC. Douglas F. Chubb Broker 565-2594 Bayfield, Ontario Real estate for sale GK GK GK GK GK GLC GK GK #. 0 0 V 0 he 0 0 0 0 0 0 GK REALTY & INSURANCE INC. 14 Isaac St., Clinton 482,-9747 482.3721 Also Goderich, Exeter, Grand Bend. BILL COUNTER 482-3687 HAL HARTLEY 482=3693 0 0 COMPACT, Rural, expandible; - highway location; 2 bedroom frame; detached garage. Call Bill. D 0- 2 BEDROOM COTTAGE on large lot; maintenance free exterior; garage. Call Bill. WE LIST AND SELL Residential, commercial, agricultural, recreational . and seasonal property. MEMBER HURON hd REAL ESTATE BOARD (Multiple Listing Service) V he 0 0 0 0 (9 G 0 D 0 GK GK GK GK GK GK GI 9 it JOHN L. DUDDY ONE OF A KIND: Rare opportunity to purchase a splendid 4 bedroom home very conveniently located. Delightful kitchen with Hanover "Golden Oak" cupboards and KltchenAid dishwasher. Two full bathrooms, recently remodelled. Dining room with French doors, living room with fireplace, hot water heating, 9 spacious rooms plus office and basement workshop with access to attached garage. Extras • include fridge and stove. List price high 60's. MOVING TO B.C.: Vendors moving soon, , immediate sale required for a quality ' property; 3 or 4' bedroom brick schoolhouse on half acre. Glowing pine woodwork restored to perfection. Two floors completely finished provide over 2,000 sq. ft. of living area. Includes an excellent block building adaptable for many purposes in a unzoned Township. List 551.900. 3% ACRES: 1380 sq. ft. 3 bedroom home with 2 full bathrooms, large born, fenced' paddock, highway location. Mid 50's. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY: Possession as soon as the lawyers can close the transaction. Brick 3 bedroom house with ' large kitchen situated on 2'/2 lots In quiet village . location lust off No. 4 Highway. 532,500. HOME AND BUSINESS: Established local sign painting business and good 3 bedroom home. All equipment included; 1200 sq. ft. shop with concrete floor and access for van painting. Landscaped corner lot with hedge and screened patio.'List price 549,500. NEW LISTING: Appealing 2 bedroom cottage on large lot with mature fruit trees. Choke location near schools. Attic could be converted to third bedroom. Charming interior with a hint , of Victorian influence, wainscotting In living room and dining room. High 30's. 10 ACRES BUSH: Near Pine Lake Camp. Requires re -zoning to obtain building permit. ONE FLOOR COTTAGE: 3 bedrooms, 521,900, near pool and Race Track. VANASTRA SALES: We have sold the following Vanastra house's in the past 2 months: No. 15 Toronto Blvd., No. 94 Victoria Blvd. No. 3 Toronto Blvd. No. 49 Victoria Blvd. No. 14 Toronto Blvd. No. 18 Regina Rd. No. 26 Regina Rd. No. 78 Victoria Blvd. No. 9 Quebec St. D-ue to the very active Real .Estate Market in Vanastra, we Immediately need listings of, residential and industrial properties In the community. Call us today. JOHN L. DUDDY REAL ESTATE LTD. -Mie Realtor - Multiple Listing Service Members of the Board. John L. Duddy Russ W. Archer Office Huron Real Estate 482-3652 482-9428 or 3733 482.3766 ----;----_----- ---(11 ALL POiNTS REALTY INC. 53 Stanley Street, Goderich Ph. 524-2111. KINBURN: 2.6 acres, 11/2 storey 3 bedroom partially renovated home only $28,000. Call Dominic 524-2111 or 482-7841. MAITLAND RIVER: 27 acres, Blyth area, 2 storey frame & aluminum sided home, large barn & driveshed. On paved road, a must see at only 560,000. CaII Dominic 524-2111 or 482-7841. HWY. NO. 8 WEST OF SEAFORTH: 80 head veal, operation, good return on investment. Good 4 bedroom family home with main floor family room, formal dining room, many other features. Call Bill Steenstra today at 524-2111 or 482-3780. HOG/VEAL OPERATION: 5.03 acres - Good 4 bedroom home, modern hog fattening barn, located between Clinton & Seaforth. HORSE CENTRE, Country Estate, bed' and breakfast, 15 acres, spacious 6 bedroom home, 50 x 100 barn plus 50 x 50 barn on paved road near Benmiller. Explore the Potential. Call Gary- Rupert 524-8777 or 524-2111. MAKING HOMES AFFORDABLE,CENTuRY 31.7 Member: HURON REAL ESTATE BOARD ` rcea k MULTIPLE LISTING • % _ SERVICE ..i BAILEY Real Estate Ltd. Clinton Phone: 482.9371 Residence: 523-9338 FARMS AND ACREAGE 200 ACRES: Hullett Township, 105 acres workable, good home and barn, 80 acres good bush. 20 ACRES: Morris Township, good frame home, hog finishing barn, liquid manure system, easily converted to farrowing barn. 40 ACRES: On Hwy. No. 4 near Belgrave. Good brick home and frame barn. 200 ACRES: 190 workable, East Wawanosh, hardwood bush, good barns, fieldstone house. 3 ACRES: 11/2 flsOILD home on Hwy. No. 21. 3'/2 ACRES: 8th Line Morris Township, .frame home, large bam and shed, well fenced. 150ACRES: Near Auburn, 100 workable, good brick home. 50 ACRES: Colbourne Township, 6 acres apple orchard, 43 workable. Price reduced. 46 ACRES: Near Varna, 25 cropland, 9 bush, _ large 2 family home and barn, drive shed and workshop. Ideal for hobby or business and/or livestock enterprise. 100 ACRES: 55 workable, East Wawanosh, buildings for 600 hogs. 100 ACRES: Highway farm, good buildings and fences. 4 ACRES: Dinsley Terrace, 1 floor home, garage and small .barn. Very neat hobby farm. 95 ACRES: Hullett Township, good cropland, all drained, no buildings. HOMES 20 ACRES: 2100 sq, ft. ranch style horse near Varna, inground p,00l, paved drive, new steel barn, very scenic. Being sold under power of sale. BRUCEFIELD: 3 bedroom, 11/2 storey frame home, F.A. oil heat. - CLINTON: Large duplexed frame and brick, 5 bedroom home, reduced for quick sale. BLYTH: 2 storey, 4 bedroom executive class home, heated workshop and many extras. CLINTON: 1 floor, 4 bedroom home, gas heat. New roof and insulation. AUBURN: 1'/4 acre property with 11/2, floor home, garage and barn, BLYTH: Large brick home on Dinsley Street, must be sold to settle estate. HENSALL: King Street, 1'/2 floor vinyl sided home, fireplace and garage. BLYTH: Morris Street, 11/2 floor frame, 4 bedroom home, carpet throughout, propane heat. BLYTH: North Street, 4 bedroom home on double lot, like new. BLYTH: 1 floor brick bungalow,, finished basement, carport, excellent condifion. BLYTH: 11/2 floor brick home, large lot, heated garage and Workshop, reduced to sell. BLYTH: Westmoreland Street, '2 floor brick home, large tot, con be duplexed. COMMERCIAL RESTAURANT: Includes living accommodation, well equipped, lots of parking space. CLINTON: Fl7lly serviced lots on Hwy, No. 8, 190' x 264'. Buy all or part. BLYTH: Commercial building on main street, CLINTON: Large commercial building on King Street, vendor will finance or consider rental. 6R ?r;