HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-07-18, Page 17P IRADAY. i
8. 19434—i H='n.'S"..1
Naturally Speaking
By Steve Cooke
Buying a canoe?
If you are thinking of investing in a canoe,
it might pay to take a long look at the new
Coleman products. Three new craft have
.been introduced which should suit just about
everyone's needs for small sheltered -water
Their newest and handiest little item is a
square ended boat called the Crawdad. The
Crawdad is 11'2" long and 45" wide with a
motor rating of 6 H.P. It weighs a scant 111
lbs. making it easy to get on and off a car
and is plenty big and stable enough for two
bass fisherman or two hunters. It's billed as
being maintenance free and quiet in the
water. As the Coleman people say, it goes
into all those spots where big power doesn't
If you happen to be a little more of a
romanticist, but are still practical, then
maybe the Scanoe is the item for you, The
Scanoe is more than just a square canoe, as
it combines many advantages of boats
designed specifically for motors with the
responsiveness of a traditional canoe. Pur-
posely built with a wide transom, the 15'8"
scanoe is 4" wider than conventional canoe
widths to make it more stable and to hold
more cargo. Three rounded keels grip the
water when under power and sacrifice very
little when it comes to handling when using
a paddle. The square stern makes it much
nicer for car topping and at 92 lbs. one per-
son can load and unload it at will.
The purist will demand a canoe that looks
just right, and Coleman has those too in 15
and 17 foot lengths. These canoes have a uni-
que aluminum keelson design and a single
supported thwart to maximize the room in-
side. They boast a low profile which cuts'
down on wind resistance and a sloping keel
design that handles well on lakes and rivers
but doesn't interfere with white , water
The design features of all these craft are
unique in themselves, but the best news. yet
is that they are made from an incredibly
new material called Ram -X. Ram -X is
tough, taking punishment in stride, and it's
also quiet when you come up against a rock
or a log. They are moulded in one piece so
there are no seams or rivets to let loose, and
the bottom is a little thicker to take lots of
punishment. In a torture test, a 69 lb. rock
dropped from 14 feet just bounced off with
no ill effects. The same test, tried on an
aluminum and a fiberglass canoe, resulted
in write-offs. Ram -X is one of those new
miracle space-age materials which seem to
last forever and never needs . any
maintenance. If you're looking for a canoe
or small boat, don't forget to give Coleman
some of your attention
The Ontario Federation of Anglers and
Hunters (OFAH) has made a proposal to the
Ontario Government to bring a fishing
licence into effect. The full report is
available from the OFAH and should be
read in its entirety by interested anglers.
What follows is a brief summary of the con-
Ontario is at present the only province in
Canada without a resident sport fishing
licence. The Ontario Federation of Anglers
and Hunters believes that such a licence
should be implemented to provide not only
much needed data concerning Ontario
fisheries, but also the necessary revenue to
enhance a dwindling resource.
The implementation of a resident fishing
licence, has been recommended in a series of
reports by a Working Group of
federal/provincial representatives
established under a program called
Strategic Planning for Ontario Fisheries
(SPOF). Various surveys and studies have
indicated a high level of public support for
such a licence, subject to the establishment
of mechanisms to ensure that revenue
generated is used to support the resource.
The absence of such mechanisms would ap-
pear to have been one of the principal
reasons for the failure of the resident fishing
licence that was in force for a short period of
time in 1969-1970.
In this report, the OFAH 'recommends
that the Ontario Government implement a
sport fishing licence for persons residing in
the Province between the ages of 16 and 64.
The initial fee for the licence would be set at
$5.. It is further recommended that the
Canadian resident licence fee be raised to
$10. Exemptions from the obligation of ob-
taining a licence should be provided for per-
sons who are permanently handicapped.
To facilitate the implementation of the
proposed new licence, and further ensurer
ongoing public support, the OFAH is willing
to administer the licence and collection of
the licence fees. It is .suggested that any
funds collected be turned over. to a new
statutory institute to be established under
the Game and Fish Act, and that this in-
stitute have a board of directors responsible'
for the expenditure of funds. k._
Alternatively, a separate trust fund could
be established within the OFAH and monies
could be expended for projects approved by
a special advisory board. The board of
directors of the new institute, or the new ad-
visory board, as the case may be; would be
, comprised of three nominees of the Ontario
Ministry of the Environment and the federal
Department of Fisheries, and four nominees
of the OFAH. .
Just a few of the high profile projects for.
which funds from the new revenue source
could be expended have ben identified and
are set forth in Appendi1 of this Report.
Appendix 2 sets forth a estimated ad-
ministrativecosts of , the new licence. An
outline of the legislative and 'regulatory
changes required to implement the new
licence scheme are set forth in Appendix 3.
For your complete copy of the report, coli -
tact the OFAH at P.O. Box 28, Peter-
borough, Ontario, K9J 7H7. -
.Last call for Sportsfest '84;
deadline is this Friday
Fit Five News Sunday, August 5th. This event. will feature
Congratulations . to the following in-. Pool Staff teams from the area (Kincardine
dividuals for successfully participating in to London) participating in events related to
the Fit Five program; Anne Tyndall Level lifeguard skills. Make plans to drop by the
One, Troyann Cole Level Two. Fit Five is a pool to watch this exciting ;event. The Clin-
FREE personal Fitness program awarding ton Team will appreciate your support!!
individuals participating in Fitness -related Monday Night Films
activities with attractive certificates and a The Clinton "Summer Fun" Program is
lapel pin upon successful completion of the staging Monday Night Films at the Clinton
Fit Five program. Pick up your Fit Five Grandstand, Monday Evenings Starting at
Level One Form from any of the following 8:00 p.m. Admission is $1.00 and is opento
locations: Arena, Town Office, MacLeans, people of all ages. Films will include car -
Clinton News Record, Swimming Pool. toons, Walt Disney animations and Family
Playground and Pool Registration entertainment features. SEE YOU
Attention Clinton and area residents! ! THERE!!
Registration for the Second Session (July 23 Break Dancing
to August 10) of Summer Playground and BREAK DANCING!! In Clinton on
Swimming Lessons will be held on Friday. Thursday July 26th 7:00 p.m. at the Clinton
July 20 and Saturday July 21. Playground Arena Auditorium. More details next week.
registration will beheld at the Clinton Arena . Co -Ed Three Pitch Tourney
(482-7731) and Swimming Lesson registra- GOOD NEWS!! ,The Clinton Recreation
tion will be held at the Swimming Pool (482- Committee is 'happy to announce CO-ED
9298) throughout both.tiays. THREE PITCH SOFTBALL TOURNEY on
Pool News Saturday, August 25. Registration is limited
The Clinton Swimming Pool Features a to 8 teams. Details are available by contac-
number of new programs including Adult ting Kent Colquhoun or Colleen DeJong at
Fitness Swimming, Adult Learn To Swim 482-3997. .
Lessons, Flippers (Children Learn To Swim • Sportsfest '84
r--Lessane :: aha t.. r .-T:r_ r, ,1". '. P ! =,4 Last,. alLf .S.T.S. 'JF .•.' . I,rggw�t
and Junior Water Polo. For details about tion. Those local sport and recreation
any of these programs please drop by or organizations wishing to register teams in
phone the Clinton Swimming Pool at 482- the LHZRA Kincardine SportsFest of
9298, August 17, 18, 19, 1984 must do so by Friday
The Clinton Swimming Pool Staff will be July 20, 1984. For details please consult the
hosting an Area Lifeguard Competition on Recreation Director immediately.
No Fees - Rates Sublect To Change
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CALL 524-2773 (Collect)
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The summer weather has the local lawn bowlers out and par- Newcombe Family Tournament will be held in Clinton. (Shelley
ticipating in tournaments across the district. On Wednesday, the McPhee photo)
47 Church St.
(5 19) 5249603
Locals do well
CLINTON - The excellent summer
weather has allowed the local lawn bowlers
to take part in a number of tournaments in
thedistrict as well as the Tuesday and
Thursday night jitneys.
The winners of the local jitneys this month
are Jean Gray, Ken McDougall, Amer
Murray, Dorothy Grange, Della Slavin and
Doug Ball.
At the Wingham Mixed Doubles Tourney
on July 1, Della Slavin and Walt Newcombe
were among the winners.
Jean Gray and Doreen McCallum won the
women's tournament at Lucknow on July 4.
On July 6, the St. Marys club had an
evening tournament with Don and Lois
Haines among the winners.
At Sauble Beach, Elmer Murray and
Audrey Walsh were among the winners.
Despite the cool and+wet weather, Mitchell
held their (M and M) Tournament on July 7
with a full entry. Bert and Jean Gray, L.
Matthews, Della Slavin, Ralph Hoin, Walt
Newcombe, Don and Lois Haines and E.
Lapp were among the winners.
On July 15, Lucknow held an (M.P.)
tournament with Walt Newcombe and Della
Slavin being among the winners.
Director wants to know where office will be
By Rod Hilts
CLINTON - The location of the recreation
director's office was a topic of concern at
the July 12 meeting of the Clinton
Recreation Committee.
Recreation Director Kevin Duguay
expressed concern over the matter
following a conversation with the town
clerk, who assumed Mr. Duguay would be
moving into an office in the Community
"I was confronted by Mr. (Cam) Proctor
Tykes win
three of four
By T. Fox
On Wednesday July 11 the Clinton Tykes
travelled to Goderich to play the Goderich
Peewee B's. Clinton came home with an im-
pressive 14-7 victory. /
Shawn Chipchase was the hitting star with
four hits: Gavin Hunter got three hits and
Alan Hill chipped in wfth two triples. Darren
Stevenson and Mike Pelss shared the pit-
ching duties for Clinton.
On Friday, the Goderich team returned to
Clinton and were soundly defeated by Clin-
ton 22-6.
Scott McClenaghan was the individual hit-
ting star with three hits including a grand -
slam home -run., Mike McClenaghan also
homered and Alan Hill chipped in with three
hits including two triples. Stevenson,, Pelss
and Hill all shared pitching duties.
,On Saturday, the Tykes went to Dashwood
and evened their series at two games each
by soundly thrashing Dashwood 25-6.
Alan Hill pitched superbly•striking outsix-
teen batters. clinton batters pounded out
seventeen hits including five round trippers.
Chris Fox led the attack with four hits in-
cluding a home -run and a double. jike
Pelss also got four hits including two
doubles. Other home -runs were hit by Scott
McClenaghan, Scott Jewitt, Alan Hill, and
Jason Fleet. Scott •Jewitt .made two superb
running catchesin centre field. '
After- such a great start to the week; the
Tykes had a let down in their game against
St. Marys on Monday night. Many errors
and sloppy base running contributed to a 16-
12 St. Marys win.
Chris Fox, Scott McClenaghan, Alan Hill,
and Gavin Hunter each contributed two hits
to the losing cause.
Games this week are at Seaforth on
Wednesday and in St. Marys on Sunday.
Clinton Peewee
girls win two
After two close losses inearly season, the
Peewee Girls came back to defeat Vanastra
on July 3, by a score of 26-16...
They met the hard playing^Londesboro
girls on July 12th and came away with their
second victory, 25-18.
. The girls play at home, Thursday, July 19,
at 7 p.m. against Blyth.
who asked when I would be moving to the requesting the office space.
arena. I wasn't prepared for the "We're all convinced that the only place
conversation," Mr. Duguay said. for you is downtown," Mr. McKay said in
Mr. Duguay came to Thursday night's support of the move.
meeting with a detailed recommendation v. "How do you feel about an office in the
library basement?" Mr. Hunter asked.
"I could live with it. I'd like to be
downtown," Mr. Duguay said.
Mr. Duguay's primary concern about the
office being in the core area was that it
would be a central and convenient location
for the residents of Clinton. He said n move
into the new town hall would also provide an
immediate proximity and accessibility to
clerical and administrative support and
resources. It would also provide an
immediate access to public meeting rooms.
Mr. Duguay classified the arena office
located within the Community Centre as a
"steam bath" and a "music box" in the
summer. He said the office wouldn't really
serve the purpose for a recreation director.
package to justify having the eecreation
director's office in the newly renovated town
hall. The package included a list of six
points of justification for the move and the
recommended equipment -supplies that
would be needed for the office. Two
newspaper articles on the issue were also a
part of the package.
"I would like to know where I will be in
September," Mr. Duguay said.
"The consensus, of council is that you'll be
within the town hall cornplex," cornmittee
member and Councill Jim Hunter said.
Two weeks ago, a conversation between
Mayor Chester Archibald and committee
member Ron McKay revealed that the
mayor felt there was enough room in the
town hall for the recreation director.
"The mayor thought an office ,would be
shared between the rec director and the
bylaw enforcement officer," Mr. McKay
told the recreation committee..
The committee wondered why there was a
problem with the recreation director
moving into the town hall since a letter was
sent to council several months . ago
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Crew criticized
Some sharp criticism was directed toward
the work habits of the Raceway -Park
Maintenance crew.
The crew, which was established this
summer to maintain ideal . track and
community park conditions, is a joint
venture funded by the recreation committee
and Clinton Raceway Inc.
Recreation Committee Chairman Frank
MacDonald voiced concern that the
members of the four -man crew really didn't
know what they were doing.
"They're running to Butch (Fleet) a lot,"
Mr. MacDonald said, "It's pitiful some of
the things they're doing."
"They're not mechanically inclined and
they're not used to working with tools. They
leave them (tools) lying around all over.
They maybe just don't know the work," Mr.
MacDonald added.
"I think maybe we're being a little
critical. They're only young fellows,"
committee member Ron McKay said.
Committee member Bill Craig asked if
there was someone giving the crew some
direction and supervision.
"Butch and I are on them as much as we
can," Mr. Duguay said, " There has been
some superficial supervision," he added.
"It (crew) has worked well considering
6' the circumstances but there is room for
improvement," Mr. Duguay said.
"Yes, they're getting the work done, but
are we using the workers efficiently?" Mr.
Hunter asked.
Mr. Duguay said that he will spend a little
more time with the crew over the next two
weeks. He added, "All we can do is keep
supervising them when we can."
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