HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-07-18, Page 5- ti 5 years ago • Jul 12,1 The tainiliar- BlYtA.lencimarlx, the old CPR train station, took i first trip on Tuesday when &bra .Movers from Corunna transported the 10400t, 78 ton building from its.spot beside the railway tracks to a site at The M. Mill* south of Blyth Old Mill owners, R,tcbard and Glenyce Snell plan to renovate the Old station, which hasn't been used for the past 10 years. The Ontario Ministry of Culture and Recreation has ordered Clinton to have an open public meeting on the new $200,000 swimming pool for Clinton or lose up to $100,000 inprovincial grants. to years ago July 18, 1974 One of Clinton's oldest businesses, Irwin's Sewing Centre on Victoria Street, will be closing its doors next week after 64 ygars of business. Records toppled like fallen trees at Clin- ton Kinsmen Raceway last Sunday as a lightning fast track and high temperatures combined to make for some fast times. An Ontario Hydro spokesman said Tues- day opposition by municipal officials and area residents was a major reason for Hydro suspending plans to establish a nuclear generating station site in Huron County. 25 years ago July 16, 1959 Steven. Truscott,, 14 -year-old son of Warrant Officer and Mrs. Dan Truscott, ®Adastral Park, RCAF Station Clinton, was committed on Tuesday for trial at the fall assizes in Goderich, at the end of a two-day preliminary hearing in the County Court House. Itis expected the trial will begin on September 14. Magistrate Dudley Holmes stated his opinion that the evidence was suf- ficient to put the accused on trial, and that he would be committed for trial in accor- dance with the criminal code. Two of the -guests attending the conven- tion of June 6 Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters in Clinton last, weekend, brought their camping equipment and pitch- ed their tents at Alma Grove. Many of the guests arrived on Saturday, and registered at Hotel Clinton and the Parker House Hotel. 50 years ago July 19, 1934 The Businessmen's Association having decided to put on a celebration on Civic Holi- day, Aug. 6, are arranging quite a full 'program for the occasion. The program will open with a monster calithumpian parade, a feature which Clinton excells in, usually in which.there will be 20 classes. Judging will -take place at the park. Mr. H.J. Monteith, who comes from the head office, Montreal, is the newly - appointed manager of the local branch of the Bank of Montreal. He will take on his , new duties here on the retirement of Mr. Sharp at the end of August. Mr. ' Monteith will occupy the residencenow occupied by Mr. Sharp on Whitehead Street. Dr. -and Mrs. P. Hearn and family leave next week on 'a. motor trip. they will leave sorrit; t-,ibMbel`s` of the family .with relatives in Toronto.and Hamilton and -will motor east as far as Montreal: They will beabsent a week or more. 75 years ago July 22,1909 The punishment for mutilating and at- tempting to pass mulilated coins is not generally understood and is so severe that there is a reluctance to prosecute and a con- sequence many innocent persons are put to inconvenience and loss being only able to dispose of them as old silver at a mere frac- tion of their nominal value. In order to ' relieve such persons and at the sametime to keep the currency clean. The Minister of Finance has now authorized the assistant' receivers'general to take such coins at a dis- count of 25 per cent, off their face value, .so that they may be recoined at the mint. • Farmers and other ownersof stock should be on the outlook against this swindler. If a smooth-tongued gent comes to your premises stating that. he is sent out to examine your stock, ' for foot and mouth • disease,be sure he has official authority for doing so. And again,. don't pay him any money, the government does that. This is about the latest swindle out so don't be caught napping. 100 years ago July 18, 1884 A very modest and bashful married man• was placed in an awful predicament on Thursday night last. He had .retired to rest (though his wife was up yet) and when the band passed he was tempted to get up and hear it, so without putting any more clothing on he hurried to the front door, and was tak- ingin the sweet strains of music yvhen a lady friend bolted into the house before he could beat a retreat. He says that the best band in Canada won't get him out again till he has got his clothes on. On Sunday a middle-aged 'man passed through Clinton, walking, whose peculiar condition .was the subject of considerable comment. Through a white swelling he had lost the use of his left leg, from the knee downward, and he had an iron frame strap- ped to the upper portion of the leg to which was attached a wooden support, by means of which he was able td walk at a moderate pace. He was on his Way from`Hamilton to some friends in the vicinity of Goderich, and had walked all the way from Galt. He said he found the farmers along the road very hospitable and considerat6 and he did not allow his misfortune to cause him much *anxiety or concern. 1 Brucefield area man suffers major injuries STANLEY TWP. - A Brucefield area ma suffered major injuries last weekend whe the truck he was driving rolled over on side road. The Goderich OPP reported that on July 14, Alan Taylor, 25, of RR 1 Brucefield was eastbound on Sideroad 20-21 of Stanley Township when the 1977 GMC truck he was driving rolled over. Taylor was rushed to Clinton Hospital with major injuries. Damage to his vehicle was estimated at $2,500. if EVERYDAY WA EFiOUSt' AVINGS AN.I) 8.01(SOF:THEWEEK ( ASE OF PE PSI -COLA DIE T, REGULAR OR MOCJN1AIN DEW 24-10 I L. OZ. TINS 5.49 n n a FAS(INAIION-SLI(I I) 450 C. WHITE BREAD (,RANULATED-EXTRA FINE 4 KG. WHITE SUGAR LIBBY'S-WITH PORK, WITH PORK IN MOLASSES OR IN TOMATO SAL( E DEEP BROWNED BEANS 14 R. OZ. .5'9 KUENZ1G'Sice WAREHOUSEPRICESay of theHk�ere are 15 sof POWDERED -6 LITRE BOX TIDE DETERGENT 3.99 MACARONI & CHEESE -225 G. KRAFT DINNER . 49 1 KG. - SPAGHETTI, SPAGHETTINI OR READY -CUT MACARONI CATELLI PASTA .99 ASTRA-7.75 OZ. -CANNED PINK SALMON . 99 i • • EGA FIRST GRADE CREAMERY BUTTER 1 LB. 2.19 • AYLMER-FANCY 48 FL, OZ. TOMATO JUICE . 87 6 VARIETIES -375 ML. BICK'S RELISHES .99 HAPPY VALLEY -10 FL. OZ. PIECES &,6STEMS MUSHROOMS . 69 PKG. OF 12-IGA HOTDOG OR • HAMBURG BUNS . 99 VAN CAMP -14 F.L. OZ. ASSORTED BEANS IN TOMATO SAUCE :69 MONARCH ADDED TOUCH -520 G. CAKE MIXES 99 • McCAIN-FROZEN-REGULAR, CRINKLE - CUT, SHOESTRING OR BEEFEATER FRENCH FRIES 1 KG. IGA 12 FL. OZ.., FANCY WHOLE KERNEL CORN 2/.99 VIAL PKG. OF 3 WHITE OR ALMOND BATH SIZE BAR SOAP ALPO 397 G., LUXURY ASSORTED FLAVOURS DOG FOOD 1.99 2/1. IGA 8 KG. DRY MEAL BOG FOOD 5.39 DEL MONTE 3 x 250 ML. ASSORTED FLAVOURS, TETRA-BRIK JUICES . 1.19 IGA 14 FL OZ WITH CHEESE IN TOM SATO SAUCE PAGHETTI 2/•99 .69 1.88 IGA 25' ROLA. 12 INCH, ALUMINUM _FOIL WRAP; DUVET, 4 ROLL PKG. ASSORTED COLOURS BATHROOM TISSUE IGA PKG. OF 200 WHITE FACIAL TISSUE TOP VALU 128 FL. OZ. LIQUID FABRIC. SOFTENER 89 PARAMOUNT -7.75 OZ. SOCKEYE SALMON z 1.99 IGA 1 L. 1 PINK, LIQUID -DISH DETERGENT • 9 2 IGA PKG. OF•2 CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP MIX 21.99 • IGA PKG. OF 2• • ONION SOUP MIX IGA500SED 2.49 PROCESSE CHEESE SPREAD . IGA 1 KG. READY CUT. MACARONI, • SPAGHETTI OR SPAGHETTINI .99 PASTA 79WHOLE FIVEROSES2.5KG., UNBLEACHED 1•ALL PURPOSE 2.49 ALL PURPOSE ■ • ELOU R GARDEN FR_ ESH PRODUCE T' PRODUCT Of ONTARIO CANADA NO. 1 GREEN ONIONS OR RADISHES 3/099 DOLE BANANAS .86/KG. CANADA NO, 1 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO HEAD LETTUCE .49 EA. SEEDLESS CANADA NO. 1 PRODUCT OF U.S.A. -GREEN GRAPES 3.73/KG. 1.69/u3. PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CANADA NO. 1 2 LB. BAG COOKING ONIONS .89 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO FRESH MUSHROOMS 4.394(6. - 1.99,LR. PRODUCT OF ONTARIO CANADA NO. 1 GREEN CABBAGE •59EA CAPE BRAND PROD. OF SOUTH AFRICA CANADA FANCY GRANNY SMITH APPLES 1.96/KG. •89/LB. CANADA NO. 1 FANCY, ONTARIO 3 LB. BAG McINTOSH APPLES 1.78 CANADA N •. 1 PRODUCT OF U.S.A. LARGE STALKS FRESH CELERY 9 EA. IGA-PROCESS-8'S OR 12'S . SINGLES -2506. CHEESE FOOD SLICES 1.49 IGA-VAC PACK, AUTOMATIC OR REGULAR -369 G. GROUND COFFEE 2.49 DAD'S -TIN TIE-ASS'T. VARIETIES 400-450 G. • DAD'S COOKIES 1.69 CANADA NQ. --1 LARGE SIZE SEEDLESS CUCUMBERS 9 •V EA. PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CANADA NO. 1 2 LB. BAG NEW CROP CARROTS 89 IGA CHEDDAR -OLD CHEESE WEDGES . 340 G. MOM'S -1 LB. SOFT MARGARINE 2.49 .88 SUN PAC -FROZEN -FROM CONCENTRATE ORANGE JUICE 121/2 FL. OZ. SALAD DRESSING -1 LITRE KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP 2.39 CANNED -10 FL. OZ. CREAM OF MUSHROOM SOUP .49 BYE THE SEA -CHUNK IN WATER -6% OZ. LIGHT TUNA • . 99 48 FL. OZ. V-8 VEGETABLE JUICE .99 MEATBONUS BUYS CUT FROM CANADA GRADE A BEEF HIP -FULL CUT ROUND STEAK 2.691B. 5.93/KG. CANADA GRADE A UNDER 1.8 KG/4 LBS. FRESH CHICKENS 2.62/KG. 1.19/LB. CANADIAN QUEEN SLICED COOKED HAM 4.30/KG. 1.95/1.6. MAPLE LODGE SKINLESS WIENERS 454 G. PKG. REGULAR GROUND BEEF 3.48/KG. 1.58/18. SHOULDER PORK BUTT CHOPS 3.73/KG. 1.69/1.8. 1.29 ALL MERCHANDISE 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED - PRODUCT REPLACED OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED. SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT EACH WEDNESDAY (GET DETAILS FROM YOUR LOCAL IGA STORE) PRICES IN EFFECT TILL CLOSING SATURDAY, JULY 21 -WE' RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES DAVERN, SLICED 500 G. PKG. SIDE BACON 2.08 CANADIAN QUEEN SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLLS 4.67/KG. 2.12/18. 9 CUT UP WHOLE CHICKENS 2.84/KG. 1.29/Ln. PORK RIBLETS 1.74/KG: •79/LB. TAILLEFER STORE PACKED BREAKFAST SAUSAGE 2.76/KG. 1.25/18. DAVERN BY THE PIECE BOLOGNA 1.96/KG, .89/18. FEARMAN'S STORE PACKED ITALIAN SAUSAGE 3.42/KG. 1.55/LB. FIN BRAND GROUPER FILLETS 4.83/KG. 2.19/18. CANADIAN QUEEN 500 G. PKG. SLICED SALAMI 1.99 SEA GLO COD FILLETS 3.95/KG. 1.79/LB. STORE HOURS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 8-30 A.M.-6 P.M. . Thursday, Friday ....... � .. � ........ ° ° . 8:30 A,M,.-9 P.M. Saturday 8°30 A.M.-6 P.M. if •I`