Exeter Times, 1902-8-21, Page 1TWENTY-NINTH YEAR -NO, 52 HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE EXETER ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 21 1905 arvesters Supplies hresh rs Sup lies Binding Twine, Binding Glores, Brass Valves, Checks, Cocks, etc, Leather Belting, all sizes from i to 6 inches. Threshers Gloves, Guage Grasses, and Guage Glass Rubbers. Rubbei, Asbestos, a.nd Spiral Packing. Babbet Metal, Cylinder 011, Pearless Machine Oil, Arctic Cup Greese Or Solidified Oil. Frost & Wood Repairs. T. Hawkirts Sc Son BM INDINt tliTS Ordord Ithing 'This month we are offering bag inducemehts in Tweeds, Wor- steds, Pantings, etc. We want to reduce our stock Of Summer Goods before the Fall Goods arrive. First-class work Guaranteed. W. W. Taman. fele alit Tailor. One door north of Dr. Lutz's Drug Store. Mount Carmel. tfrc,ANDP.romo-Grand garden parey and picnic to be held at Mount Carmel on August 27th. A very interesting .entertainraent is to given. Admission .25c. Gates open at 1 o'clock. See posters, Staffa ExETER pt.JMBER YARD. Large stock of eiumber-pine and Lb.emlock, 170,000 feet of hemlock lumber for barns, eto., =also shingles. laths and cedar posts. Prices mensonable.-JAS WILLIS, Yard : East side of 'Alain at BRIEFS. - Mr. George Dalton and daughter, Ada, of Mitchell, are visit- ing friends in and around. the yillage. -maggie Wilson, of Stratford, Is visiting her brother, G, G. Wilson. of Cromarty. -Miss Jean Hill is visit- ing het aunt,Mrs. Wm. Devise- Miss :Nellie Fell, of Windsor, is home visit- ing friends. -Miss Mary Carlin is visit- ing friends in Stratford. -The thresh - Ing machines of this district are again -falling in line and getting down to another season's work.- Master Oscar Thorne, of Stratford, is rusticating at Mr. John Sadler% Hayfield BRIEFS. - The gnew Presbyterian Church is fast nearing completion,and the opening services are to be held on 'Sunday, Aug. 24th. Much interest in .he new church has been taken by our summer guests, a number of whom arranged for two grand concerts, which were given in the townhalLand. •the proceeds, over $50, were applied towards tbe purchase of a bell. -The elfeueeia's which has for several years been a favorite boarding house, was purchased last spring by Mrs. Murray of London. This house has been • thoroughlY renovated and continues a popular boarding house. A restaur- • ant business is also conducted. -Mr. Marks intends erecting a new dancing 3aft,yillion fifty feet by forty. -Mr. E. Elliott of the _Albion, has greatly im- proved her house by the erection of a eagle double verandah. This house en- joys the patronage of the commercial travellers. -Mrs. and the Misses Stan - bury intend giving a bell as a farewell - for Mrs. Jack Stanbury of Toronto. - G. Greenslade, of the River House, reports a roost successful season. The . hotel and Mrs. Morgan's house. which was secured, are both filled. -Miss Stuart, Ma,ybelle and Marguerite Stuert, of London; Mrs. S. Stanbury, of Toronto, are holidaying at Dr, Stanbary's. - Mr. Darrow, who for • some years had the bat at the Queens, this spring purchased from R. Bailey the Commercial Hotel, had. greet im- provements made and. with its large -rooms and high ceilings made this a most desirable stopping place. -Mr. • Geo.Holnaan has accepted the position • as principal of the Egmondvills public •Barnet to succeed Mr. Waiter Baker Who has accepted a situation in Dur - halm Children Cry for ,CASTORIA. The In Doubt Mdfl Where to go for Best Values in CLOTHES should consult us. We believe we can be of assistance. A new lot of Tweeds, Workeds, etc., just to hand. SRTFOWLERN Brinsley nmarial.6,,Zumq BRIEFS, -Mr, George Dale, who has been teacher of Hensley school for faun years and a half, is taking his de- parture to another vicinity. The many friends of Hensleyare very sorry that Mr. Dale is leaving for he was a thorough gentleman, a true Christian, a firm, h000rable friend, and a good teacher. During his so- journ he did work not only in the school but also in the church, Ep- worth League and Chem It is with heartfelt sorrow that all bade him good-bye. The pupils trying to show their appreciation for Mr. Dale, held a picnic on Mr. Adam Bloomfleld's lawn Wednesday afternoon, and both tea- cher and scholars had a very enjoy- able time foe a few hours. In the evening the parents and young friends gathered at Mrs. Rose Watson's and. spent a very enjoyable and profitable time with Mr. Dale. During the eyening an address was read by Miss May Price, a former pupil of Mr. Dale's, and a handsome gold watch was presented by Mr. Wm.' Corbett. The watch was handsomely, engrav- ed. with Mr. Dale's initials on the out- side cover, while on the inside was the inscription:- "Presented to Geo. Dale, Augustfl3the 1002, by Brinsley's friends and pupils." Mr. Dale made an address in return which his friends will always.remember. Exeter Municipal Council. Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment at Town Hall: Aug. 15th. Ab- sent couneillor Davis. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Wood -Harding -That the follow- ing accounts be passed and orders drawn on treasurer for same :- Geo. Cudn3orea labor, $3.43 ; Thos. Flynn, do., $5.00 ; T. Welsh, do., $3.12 ; Atkinson, do., $2.25; Wm, Parsons, do., $7.50; S. Handford, do., $1.0O; T. Hartnoll, do., 82.06; Municipal World, stationery $3.08; W, J. Bissett, expences, sending Cunningham back to London, $1.05 ; W. 1. Bissett, ex- penses of council to London to in- spect culvert, $5.10 ; F. Gillespie, anent watering $30.00, Carried. Wood- Harding - That the clerk notify Mr. E. North of London, that the council accepts his offer for suffi- cient 45 inch sewer pipe for sewer on Ann street -Carried. Harding- Muir,- That the Reeve and Treasurer be authorized to bor- row the suin of one thousand dollars to meet current expenses. and that a by-law be prepared authorizing said loan.-- Carried. Wood -Harding -That the council adjourn to meet at call of Reeve - Carried. GEO. H. BISSETT, Clerk. Cromarty BiliEvs. -.Rev. Mr. Cranston ar- rived home Saturday After enjoying few weeks holidays with his parents at Caledon East -Mr. end Mrs. Wm. ICerslake, of Seaforth, spent Sunday With his parents here. -A few of our boys purpose taking in the harvest ex - elusion Thursday. With the fine veeathee of the past few days, her - vesting will soft be a thing of the pest. Wm. Hugh Currie intends move mg to her new house in the village this week. Hensel( I G. J. Sutherland, Notary Public, tioeveya cer, Commissioner, Piro Insurance Agent, an Issurer of Uarriage Licenses. Legal- oeent carefully drawn at reasonable rates. Moue Le loan on real estate at low rates of interest. Mice a,t the Post Mee nensall Bnimes.-Master Frank Reith left here this week for Manitoba, where he has relatives who have secured him situation there, -The Rev. Dr. Mel- drum of Cleveland, Ohio, was in the village this week renewing e.cquitint- ences.-Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Murray of Owen Sound, are visiting Mrs. Mur - ray's parents. -Mrs. D. McLeod of Detroit, who has been visiting her mother for bhe last week or two left here this week for Port Stanley. -Miss Bertha Hodgins and Miss Myrtle Hod- gins are yisiting their father and re- latives in this vicinity. -Mrs. W. H. Twohy of Montanteis visiting relatives in Hamilton, and was in the village with her sister, Mrs. C.Lutz of Exeter, renewing old acquaintances, Mr. Twohy was railway agent here some years ago and Mrs. Twohy was sur- prised to note the many changes and improvements in our village. -Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson and little daughter Norma left here this week for Toronto whew they intend spending a few weeks. -Miss Robson, late of New York city, is visiting her sister Mrs. 11. Arnold.-Inrs. L. 'Harold left here last week to join her husband in Winghsen. Mrs. Harold will be missed by a large circle of friends. -Mrs, 0. A. McDonell and children left here this week for Forest to visit •her par- ents. -Mrs. Andrew Moir of the town- ship of Usborne, retarned this week from Toronto. where she had been on a visit. -Mr. le Harold. who was rail- road agent here for a number of years was last week presented by his friends with a cabinet of sterhng silverware, and also presented by Carmel Sunday School with a handsome set of works, each presentation being accompanied by a flattering address, to which Mr. Harold feelingly replied. The 'presen- tations were made as he was leaving here to take a similar position with the Grand Trunk at Winghana-Mrs. Ellis and claughter,Miss Mattie were in Goderich the past week visifring Mrs. Ellis' father who is quite ill. Mr. Ed- ward Sheffer has taken a position with the new proprietor of the Commercial hotel. -Mr. Calwill has recently beeg improving the appearance of hiis dwelling by a coat of paint. -Mrs. Richard. Jones left here this week to join her husband in the west -The Misses Smith of London have been home for the past week or two visiting their mother, Mrs. Colin Smith. -Mr. T. Higgins, barrister, of Toronto, is visiting his sister, Mrs. W. 0. Davis, -Mr. W.J.Miller, reeve, accompanied by Mrs. Millar, was in Toronto last week. Mr. Miller was attending th Grand Lodge as representative of Hensall lodge No. 223, Independent Order of inddiellows, and on Friday evening last at the regular weekly meeting of that lodge, he gave the members a very enteresting Account of the meeting of the Grand Lodge, and afterwards intertained them in Mr. D. W. Foss' ice cream parlors. -Miss Maggie Higgins who has been in Dollar Bay, Mich., for the past three years, was in the village on Tuesdaylast on her way home, ac- companied by a lady friend of that place. -Miss Eva Murdock presided at the organ last Sunday in the Method- ist church. The congregations were very large. -Mr. Jas. Blaney of Clin- ton, formerly of this village, and late- ly returned from the South Africa war has taken a position with Mr. Mc- Caughey of the Commercial.- Mrs. Geo. Miners of Exeter, was in the vil-1 lage this week visiting her parents and eister.-"Is there balm in Gilead for the Heart Break of the world," will be Rev. Dr. Medd's subject next Sunday morning. In the evening he will preach upon "Does Character Change after Death." -Quite a num- ber of the Grand Bend campers from here are returning this week. -Our two hotels Olianged hands the first of this week. As we intimated in last weeks issue, Mr. Scott and Mr. Hod- gins intepd remaining id our village for the present. -Mr. Samuel Smillie was in Toronto during the past week, -The Methodist S. 8. held their pic- nic at Grand Bend last Thursday. It was very largely attended and the oueing was immensely enjoyed by both young and old. The day- was ideal and its happy hours passed only too quickly away. -Mr. and Mrs. A. Arnold and children of Windsor, have been spending the past week or so with Mr. Arnold's, parents and camp. ing at Grand Bend. -Mr. and Mrs. John Weismiller and son Willie, were in Port Stanley last week attending the Commercial ,Travellers' picnic and report a good time. -Mr. Ambrose Smith, accountant in the Sovereign bank Exeter, was in our village Mon- day eveniog.-Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Ain- slie of Leamington, and Mrs. G. A. Ainslie of Comber, are visiting at the Rev. Dr: and Mrs. Medd for it few weeks,- Quite a number from Exeter were in our village Tuesday evening 'calling on friends, -Miss McBroOm, who has been here the past two weeks visiting Miss Bessie Urquhart, has re- turned to the Forest Oity. 'shape of a Aisne pipe with two faces harvest as well as the Ontario. -It i carved on the bowl. The stem is with regret we record the death o a of eonsiderable age. chant of Mooresville, where he wa JOHN WHITE & SONS 9 Results of Exarninaitions , - Sennett LUA.viNG PANTS ONE AND s Two, 1 * ___ ' , s ire ..rive AND .11011011, MATETO. missing and the pipe shows evidence Me. W. .T. Clarke, at; one tin3e a, mer well and favorably known, -MV. S. W. Gibson. Coura attend- ed as elegate to t -- the Independent Foresters for Wesot! • fillBeatT1r.ie dhe Rigle past weekhew weather e frarmhaesrabeaere ustimg in the grain, "Work while the sun shines." -Miss Sephia, .Brown from .Ann Arbor came home last Thursday to want on her father, who has been very ill,- Mr. Harry Dyer who is engaged as tailor in Detroit is visiting at his home here for a few" weeks, -Frank Smith is spending a few weeks here, Frank chose his vacation at a good time. -.Last Friday morning an 'adieu was tried and fin- ed for being under the influence of liquor the day previous. -Miss Truem- ner from Detroib is visiting friends Lucan zurich Snags -B. -Harold Johnston, son of Mr. Oliver Johnston, of Seaforth, is visiting friends here.- Miss Lizzie Eilber, of Orediton, is spending it few r days with her brother, Chris,, this week.- The regular meeting of the W. C. T. In was held Monday even- ing, Aug 1.8th, in the church at eight o'clock. -Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. Uttley are attending the Saengerfest, at t Waterloo this week are Visiting friends at Elmira. - Peter Lamont sports- a rubber tired buggy. Rubber t tires are recommended foe nervous people and beisides a fellow can sneak e into town at any hour of the nighte- Clouted Thiel found an Indian relic at the Sauble ort Wednesday in the The following examination results n have been banded out by the Educa- tion Doper tmen ,• In the case of honor matriculation the expression in brackets after a candidate's name indicates the subject and class of"honors obtained. Itt the junior leaving list a subject in brackets after a na,n3e indicates an additional subject in which the candi- date has passed. Certificates and statements of marks will be sent in about a week. Candi- deals will obtain these feoin the Inspector or High School principal at the centre at which they wrote, but in no ease will they be sent to the condi- dates from the department. Appeal must, be sent to the Deputy Minister of Education not later than Sept. 10. Before making s.n appeal the candidate should consult with his principal, CLINTON. ern Ontario, which met at Windsor last week. - Monday, Civic Holiday was very quiet about town, eighty taking in the excuesiou, while many °them spent the day out of town. Shipka BEIF,PS,-Mr. Gillespie, teacher in S. S. No, 7, returned on Saturday to resume his former ocoupation,-Miss Maggie McPhee returned from Detroit, last week. -Miss Wood of Loudon was the guest of Miss je Hetet= last week. -Mr. Sane Sheardown of Goder- and relatives iii town. - Dr, Rivers and wife have left °stela= and will ich, is at present harvesting with Mr, proceed to their new home in Alberta. 1, Pickering.- Mrs. J. Brophy pre- sented her husband with twin boys on -School was o ened Monday morning but the atten ance was very small. Parents should send their children to school and enable the teachers to go on with their work. -A new lady tea- cher has been engaged from Forest She is Miss McBean. and has had hope for a speedy recovery. -Flax pal- about six years experience. -Mr. Jas, Ing is the order of the day. Hodgins and family- left on Tuesday _en -- Centralia Bend.- Mr. and Mrs. John Young for a few week's eanming at Grand --- have taken a trip up no the Sault, BEIEPS.-Many of oar citizens leave where they will visit 1VIrs. Young's this week for Manitobe and Northwest relatives. -Rev. Knowles will preach Territories and. other points. Among morning and evening -next Sunday and wishes a good attendance. -,Jacob libe number are H.Lane, W,Baneham, Philip Lane, Mr. and Mrs. A. Heddon, Holtzman and family returne.d home Mrs, Wro. Baker.. sr., Mr. Joshua from Grand Bend, where they spent Huibable.-Mr. Dave Elston leaves foe two weOpamping. They report a Seattle, Washington, U. S., whege, he good ,t" .7., Miss Mercy .4weet, of has secured a, situation with the .Acme Detroit is vlstting her parents here. Basieess College of tbat city as teach- --ans.-- • er of shorthand. --Mr. M. Parkinson larkton mad daughter of Toronto were the ... Sunday the 10th inst-Mr. G. Halton of West Williams, spent Sunday with friends here. -Mr. H. Wing of Shipke, is at present seriously ill. Dr, Rol- lins of Exeter, is in attendance. We -- guests of Mrs. Richard Elston on Sat- BRIEFS. -kr. jOhn Somerville has urelay last. -The biters bit -a band of purchased it new driver. -- Fletcher Gipties passing this way on Monday Switzer's new residence is near cone - last made a deal with it farmer of this Pletion.-Miss Mary Watson. Is holi- neighborhood which proved. to their sorepw, the horse they secured dying Toronto. -N. aaying with her sister, 'Florence; in Shier is on it visit to his on their hands after going a,few miles. daughter, Mrs. Dr. Waghorn, of Wal - WS' ORME_85 ORME, ton. -Miss Patterson, of Detroit, ' visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm. Atki is n - °eke hours 1.6 a. m. to 4 p. ra. Telephone S013. -Mrs. Anderson, of Toronto, is connection with vain Waco in Lucan.-Cont- visiting her son, Rev. A, S. Anderson, raNa, Ont. ......„..-. this week. - Harvesting is nearing it .. close in this neighborhood, Sonee Elirriville e farmers have already finished.- The threshing machines are on. the go e BRIEFS. -Mrs, Spicer and daughter prospects point that they will hal! May of Brantford, spent the past week one of the busiest seasons on recoud.- the guest of Mrs. Sohn Andrew and Mrs. Walker, of Toronto, with Mrs. Mr. B. Spicer. -Mrs. Cooper is visiting Knee, of Hillsborough. are holidaying her mother near St. Cathelines, who with her daughter, Mrs. Robinson, is very sick. -Chas. Miners is taking here. - Harry Coupland received a his holidays this week. -:Quite a num- severe injury in the stomach, which ber of young men intend going west may prove serious, while in the act of on the excursion today, (Thursday.) driving a team on the slings unloading Amoisg them we hear of T. Johns a load of wheat, the harness broke Will Johns, Victor Snell and Thorn and let the whiffletrees back with Smale.-Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Robinson terrific force, striking Harry, and in - and family of Centralia, spent Sunday juring him severely.- One again the the guests of friends around the vil- dark angel of death kas visited our lage.-Mr. and Mrs. Albert Andrew community and claimed for its victim spent Sunday with relatives in Blau- a bright, promising young inaa in the shard. -Mr. and Mrs. S. Balkwell of person of James Franklin Davis, in Blausharcl, spent Sunday the guests his 23rd year. The young man had of Mr. mid Mrs. Jae, Earle. -Those been operating the Winthorp butter that have already threshed report the factory. He was taken with inflam- ing of very good sample and yield- mation of the bowels, and on Wecines- ing well -The public School reo.pen on day evening, August 6th, despite the Monday mad the youngsters sigh to best medical aid and all that kind think their holidays are over. and loving hands could do, he passed to the great beyond. He was.a young Grand Bend man of sterling worth and possessed that culture and quality of heart to him, him beloved by all who knew BRIEFS. -Last Saturday evening the campers of Grand Bend enjoyed a very interesting concert given by different members who are now camp- ing there. The concert was gryen on. Mr. Levitt's side where a, good stand has been erected. Among those who took. part were two professional elocutionists, via. Miss Cole, of Toron- to, and Miss Thibedeau, of London, who delighted the audience with their selections. The other members who aided in the concert were: - The Misses Levitts, Facey, Hawkey', and Lamotte. Mr. Huston, of Exeter, acted as 2hairman.--Mr, Levitt, who hasjust had the place this season is making great improvements, and is sparing no pains to make the place comfortable ancl enjoyd,ble for all those W130 come to spend the sum- mer at this favorite summer resort. The number of campers this year at Grand Bend is quite large, and the place is destined to become one of the most favorite pleasure resorts in Ontario. . Mooresville .....__ BRIEVS.--The farmers are delighted with the grain returns, Mr. Ellison Hodgins threshed 550 bushels of wheat from 14 acres sowing. Mr. Cooper, 750 of barley frorn 1.5 acres. -Miss Cul- bert, of London, is the guest of Miss fluids. Culbert, Biddulph, this week. -Master Clifford Fraser, of Port Huron is visiting friends in Moores- ville. -Master Walter Morris, of Lon- don is the guest of Master Wilbert Stanley, this week. - 'We regret to hear of the serious illness of Mrs, F. G. Abbott, who is 'suffering from a stroke of paralysis since Sunday 17th inst. Her physician. Dr. Orme, of Lucan, says she is sk le better and has hopeseof bet' recovery.- Mr. William Abbott, who underwent an operation for appendicitis. several weeks ago is improving. Miss Pair. of London. has resumed charge of bee sthool in Hiddulph, this week, -Miss Hobbs, of eondoe, and Miss Revington, of Mooresville, were in Detroit on Mon- day last. -Mr. Smith, of Bidclulph, as .turned from his trip to New ng fr'srb. the effects of poison int. Dee ns. --We hear of several suffer - hulking it was Viiginia Creeper. which it resembles. The poisoa ivy however has Only three lres, while he Virginia creeper has ve. -- The recent heavy rains ma 'e a lot of Aim work for the fenders, this hat - Winchelsea - The weather continues very weta.nd the harvest is very slow, -Mr. Thos. Bell, our thresher, has his new threshing outfit in fine condition. The engine being a traction is run by the skilful engineer, Mr. Hal. Brown, and the seperator by Messrs Bell and Bell. -Miss Clara, Washburn has gone an extended trip to Harriston, Ches- ley and Arthur, -Milton Clarke spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. L. Bea- ver. -Our forcible push is doing con- siderable scorching on his wheel. Mr. Turnman Fletcher has his wheel re- paired. you will have to hurry Push. - Miss Vera Godbolt of Toronto, is the guest of of Miss Ethel Godbolt-Mr. Thos. Olarke's barns are nearly com- pleted. He also has erected a new windmill, they both add a fine appear- ance to his splendid farm. - Oat har- vest is the order of the day.- Edwin Clarke is visiting frieuds in Petrolia. -Miss Mabel Sawyer, and Miss Ger- tie Miller have retutned from visiting friends in Kirkton.-Fred Finkbeiner and Joe. White intend going to Mani- toba on the first excursion.- Howand Powell, of Exeter, took in the sights at this 13urg on Friday night last. - Bert Fletcher, of Sunshine was the guest of a friend of this place last week. -Arnold Harris had quite an accident on Sunday last, while riding his wheel the tire blew nearly to pieces. - Ed.. Fanson spent Sunday evening at Elimville. There is some attraction, Ed.- Miss Vera Godbolt and Miss Ethel Godbolt spent part of last weak at Oikinearty. - James Mc- Cullough,who underwent an operation is improving nicely, and we hope he will soon be around again,- J. 'nein- tosh was the guest of Miss E. G. on Friday night, last .- David Clarke spent Sunday with Nelsou Clarke. - Samuel Horton, of Ohiselhurst was the guest of Miss Maud Fletcher last Wednesday evening, 4or The Royal Canadian Humane So- ciety medals awarded the five heroic men who risked their lives in. the res- cue of Joshue Sanford, who was in- tombed in a well neer Paris, were presented on Wednesday, Aug. 13th, at Paris, by the society. It was it half holiday in Par 'e in honor of the occas- ion. The five eroes were: Sohn Oar- eamilton, Geo, Went- ianchard and David . me, Xobert vest and consequently the harvest is worth. Geo. / very late, A number of the harVeSt mat. hands intend to take in the Manitoba Senior leaving„ Part 1. -Hamilton. Part IL -Andersen, Mackenzie, Part II. - Matriculation. - Button, Jenkins. Part II, junior leaving, - Agnew, Cameron, Chidley, Dever, Dowzer, Hart, Jarrett, Johns, Manning,Murch, Mustard. F. McEwen, A, McEwen, MacNabb, McQueen, Ouinaette, Porter, O. Porter, Robson, Sewers, Wilford. SEAPORTE. Senior leaving, Part 1, -Brownell, Buchanan, Hamilton,Keys, F. J. Law- rence, rig S. Lawrence, Smith, White. ton. Hartry, L. S. Lawrence. I Part IL-Govenlock, Gray, Hamil- , shoe Sate GO TO TIOT, Roller Will For Pure Manitoba Fanriily Flour (sox) Pe tsitrt(Brelf Y1? (ritaicc:)foo W hed) A good supply of Mill Feed and Chop always on hand Give our Flour and Feed a Trial ahd be convinced that it is all right. Roller and Plate Choppers in use to suit customers. 1-1,9.RVEY BROS. MILLERS to.1..1•0•01111•1100O Biegmasenam Part II, Matriculation.- Browning, 3. R. Dickson, A. I. Dickson, Duncan- son, Gardiner, Hodgins, Richardson. Part ILjunion leaving -Best,Court- ney, Dorrance, Govenlock, Kelly, Lane, Lowrie, McLean, ' McMichael (Gen), McTaggart, Seel. Sclater, Tor- rance, Trotter,Work (Fr.) 00DERICII, Senior leaving, Part 1.-W. G. Ed. 'ward, F. W. Edward, Miller, Newton, Part IL -Clark, Gregory. • Part ILMatriculation.-Carrie, Mc- Kay, Martin, Part 11, junior leaving.- Allison, Bailie, Bean, Brydges, Colborne, Dun- lop, Jeckel, C. Johnstone Knox, Mil- lion, McDowell, O'Loughlin, Spence, Stewart, Walker, Wilson, B.. B. Woods. WINGVAIL Ansley, A. E. Beaton, W.Gt Beaton, Gaylen Henry, Hogg, Intusgrove, Walsh. EXETER P. S. Part II, Junior leaving. - Russell Frayne, Herbert Gregory (horrors), Mabel Jennison, Anna Martia, Cora McPherson, Lilian. Robinson, Fred Sweet, Edith Taylor. Part II,Junior matriculation, --Cole- man Moncur. Part I, Junior Matriculation. - Lily , Hartleib, A. Geo. Bawden, H. L. Hus- ton (physics). The following public school pupils obtained Part I junior Matriculation standing on Public School Leaving papers ;- Melvin Stoneman, Garnet Webber, Milton Edighoffer, Barbara Chesney, Ada Cameron, Murdock Whidclon, ohn Kit chem, E. 3. Swan, Eliza Rob- inson, Jas. A. Brown, John Cathcart, C. A. McKenzie, D. H. McDonald, Roderick McDonald, Lillie McLean, Siduey Gardiner, Mamie Girvin, Allie Glenn, Asher Gray, Geo. Jefferson, Anna Kilpatrick, John R. McCrostie, Warren Sproul, Luella Treleaven, Mary s. West, Ruby Gibson, Letitia Graham, Luella. Tichborne, Della Har- rison, Hattie Barker, Ella Goldthorpe, Edgar Woods, Josie Campbell, Her- bert Sheriff, Katie Marshall. On Ma- triculation papers - John Bamford, Jessie Blake. In addition to the names giv en last week the following passed the public school leaving examination:- Womens' Pearl Grey Canvas Shoes • $1.50 for $1.1111 Men's White Canvas Shoes, • $1.75 for.- . .. ......$1.25 Women's Patent Leather SI $2.50 for . Boys' Patent $2.50 for. Men's $3 eather her n ire stock of L• Oxford Shoes at cost. Call Early and. Secure it Bargain. SWEET EAST ITAWANOSEE, No 6. -Raymond Redmond, No. 8. -Alcoa Pearen, Willie Mc- Lean. No. 10.-Allie Toll. No. 11. --Elgin Currie, Cora G. Cur- rie. Union No. 11. -Edith Jenkins. No. 14. -Albert Patterson. GODERICIE TP. No. 0. -Lorne Cantelon. No. 11. -Hattie Trick. STANLEY. No. Calwill, Harold Innis, Tena Ross. 213.31.6,11..1.0. OPINION OP LEA.DING PHYSICIANS I have much pleasure in bearing testimony to the very successful re- sults I have obtained. in. the treat- ment of hemorrbeids by the use of Strong's Pilekone. The relief camas early, and is, I believe lasting. W, j, LOGIE, M. D., Coroner, London, Ont. Price $1.00. For sale by druggiete, or by mail on receipt of priee. W. T. STRONG, Manufacturing Chemist, London, Ontario. ..Thr u plies.. isritEMERIONEMESIMEN e ;See neenernereese Extra Machine Oil and Cylinder Oil Rubber '!` acking Spiral Packing Asbestos Packing Soapstone Packing Lace Leather Rubber Belting Leather elting Gauge Glasses Mitts, Goggles, etc, Everkbiaing for the Thresher. 1.031111114•11131,139111WOVIZOPLII.M.MTI•721,1•11,11111WILIMMO Es,vetroughintr, Roofing; Furnace Work and all kinds ,tor Galvanized Iron and Tin Work, Good work guaranteed, DWIiR