Exeter Times, 1902-8-14, Page 4\ The Mo!sons Bank Ile - tit 0:10.A.IRTERIIID BY PARLIAMENT, 18F5 Th tileAggee4tial REV) Bead.okace,31(4oatreal, X WES ELLIOT, Ese.,r, M GpsAtuanausaim Money advanced to good fanners .on their Iswainotewitlerne or mere endorser et 7 per cent. per annum. Exeter Branch Open every laerful day from 10 a. al. te p.m SATUR.DAYS, 19 a, ea. to. 1, p, m. anon rates of litrest allowed on dePoeits. OXOISON $4 CABLING, N. D. latIRDON, soetezeous. zeasacee Exelam, Deo, elth, 95. tutO. THURSDAY, AUG. 14Tre, T902 What Gan a Woman Do For a Man ? ,s4 In Times of Suffering and Critical Illness She Can Honestly Recommend Paine's Celery Compound AS A, SAVEll OF LIFE AND A BECHER OF DISEASE. • Women's power for good m the home can never be truly estinaated. In times of suffering and danger, her judgment and experience are invalu- able ; her smiles, works of cheer and comfort help to aispel gloom and sad- The faithful, discerning. wife full knowledge of the value of Vs Celery Compound as a, banish - disease; she has had a personal exPerience with it; she has noted its wonderful effects and cures ;*she has /faith in its virtues, and recommends it with full confidence. Mr. J. FL Brown, Port, Perry. Ont., says; 17 -vas troubled. with kidney com- plaint; the doctors called it,an enlarge- ment of the neck of the bladder. Be that as it May, I suffered the most in- tense pain. I applied to any physician for relief with but little encourage- • ment; he thought the only es, ay for • me to obtain relief was to submit to an operation. I went honae very much discouraged, and was prevailed on by my wife to try Paine's Celery Com- pound. I did, but with very little faith in it, purchased one bottle, but the results were marvellous, as I re, ceived immediate relief after taking it. The pain is all gone, and my skin, instead of being dry and harsh as it used to be, is as soft as velvet; in fact I feel like a new man, and never felt better in my life tha-n I do at present." BORN etenalsos.--in Detroit. on Wednesday, Aug- ust 6th, to Dr. J. W. and Mrs. Rarrison, (nee Ella Pearson) or no Gratiot Ave, a son. Mother and son doing nicely. DIED Clan/ex-At 150 Kent street, London, on Thursday, August 7tle, Mr. Will S. Clarke. aged 63 years. Win. -1u Winnipeg General Hos- pital, . on August 6th, Mr. Wm. Wetly, (formerly of Exeter, and brother of Thos. Werry,) aged 68 years and 6 months, Interment took place at Pilot Mound. Genuine Castoria always hears the Signature of Chas. IL Fletcher. When Baby was sluts-% we gave her Castoria. 'When she wan a Child, she cried for Castoria. 1Vhen she herniae Miss, she clung to Castorio. Whenzliehad Children,shegave theinCastoria. „ Exeter. AVG. 6Die 1901. Wheat rer bushel - 70 to 70 Oats - ...- -.45 to 45 DarleY....... -. - -50 to 50 Peas 75 Butter-- 15 Eggs --- - .....12 to 14 Turkeys .. s Geese 6 Chickens per ib ...... 5 to s Decks.- .. 7 to 7 1770ol. . -- 1-6 to 16 .... .. .... 5 to 6 to $5.65 Dried .. Pork live weight - "I had a very severe sickness that took ow alI my hair. I pur- chased a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor end it brought all my hair re back agai W. D. Quinn $ Matseilles, 111. On thing is certain,- Ayer's Flair Vigor makes the. hair. -grow. •This is hecause-,it is a hair food. It. feeds the hair and the hair grows, that's all there is to it. It stops falling of the hair, too, and al- ways restores. color to gray hair. siLee bottle. All &Wilda. /t emit draggist carniet Supply yeti, *end iis Ono dollar and Yiton411 oxeyes plait a bailie, ante and give the tame ot your nitarCat express office. Address, 3.0. AYElf CO,, Lowell, Aim, e m • to fight COnatiMptialie With SCOtt's Blutilsion of cod-liver oil, is long aelvance. I it threatene, you can resiet ;.and you may overcome Don't be afraid,; be brave. But tackle it; clon't waste time. RILE,V! I epee sir Tay T. SCOT $r„oo? ettosiro, SON, ME MEI fill the ROWS of interest • to illI168 Readers Moocning in these Gounties .v.",..+•••4,••+.•••• • Huron • Monday, August 18th, is Seabee. la's civic holiday. , • TO CURE A COLDIN ON.E DAY Take Laxative lerome Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure E. W.Grove's signature is on each box. 250. Mr. James tiorton, of the Usborne and Hibbert boundary, who has been laid up for several weeks with a bra: - 'en leg, has been progressing favorably but he is not yet able to use the injur- ed limb. His many friends will be pleased. to see him around again soon. Palpitation of the heart, nervous- ness, tremblings, nervous headache, cold hands and. feet, pain in the back, and other forms of weakness are re- lieved by Carter's Iron Pills, made specially for the blood, nerves and complexion, Mr. Sohn Decker, the well known horseman of the township of Ha,y,near Zurich sold a very handsome driving mare to Messrs Oudroore and Kling. She was one of a team'and was sold for $180: Mr. Decker bought her last fall from Mr. John Torrance of Sea - forth. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS is a purely vegetable combinatiou, that in a safe and natural manner acts directly upon the Bowels, Liver, ICidneys and Blood, cleansing the entire system of ellimpurnies foul humors and all obstructions that poison the bleed and create disease... . Mr. Cantelon. of Clinton, Huron's apple king states that the apple crop in Huron this year is a great disap- pointment. Hehas been in a great many orchards, and there is very little fruit fit for shipment, on account of blemishes, ,shipment, as scab and worm holes, This is a misfortune, as most people have been under the impression that the crop was extra good this year. TO MAKE MONEY it is necessary to have a clear bright brain. a cool bead free from pain and strong. vigorous, nerves. Milburns Heart and Nerve Pills invigorate and brighten the brain, strengthen the nerves, and remove 8,11 heart, nerve and brain troubles. OATARRHOZONE. le= An instant relief and perfect cure for colds, coughs, catarrh, deafness, asthma, bronchitis, lung trouble and consumption. Inhale Catarrhozone flee minutes any time and it kills a cough or cold in the head. Inhale Catarrhozone five minutes four times daily and it permanently cures Chronic Catarrh, Deafness, Ast- hma and Hay Fever. inhale Catarrhozone ten minutes every hour and it cures Pneumonia, Consumption, Lung trouble and. pre- vents all contagious diseases. Com- plete outfit $1.00. trial size 25c. Drug- gists, or N. C. Poison & Co., Kingston, Ont. FALL FAIRS. Industrial -Toronto, Sept. 1-13. Western -London, Sept. 12-20. South Huron -Exeter, Sept 22-23. Teeswater-Sept. 24-25. Blanshard.-Kiraton, Oct. 2 ; 3, Blyth -Oct. 7-8. Brussels -Oct. 2-3. Walkerton -Sept. 17-18. -Ingersoll-sept. 25-2(3. Listowel -Sept, 30, Oct. 1. North Perth -Stratford, Sept. 20, October 1. St. Marys -Sept. 30, Oct. 1. West Zora and Embro-Oct. 2. E.Nissourri and Thamesford-Oct.l. G. N, Exhibition-Goderich, Sept, 80, Oct. 1. Turnberry-At Wingham, Sept. 25- 26. Ashfield& Wawanosh-Dungannon, Oct. 9-10. Tuckersmith-Seaforth, Sept. 25-26. Oxford-Weodstock, Sept. 25-26. Great Northern--Collingwood, dept. 23-26. North Brant -Paris, Sept, 25-26. North Grey -Owen Sound, Sept. 16- 18, Centre Bruce -Paisley. Sept. 28-24, WO ONLY A MASK. Many are not being benefitted by the Suborner vacation as they should be. Now. notwithstanding much outdoor bfe,they are little if any stronger than they were. The tan on• their face is dareer and makes them look healthier but it is only a mask. They are still nervous, easily tired, upset by trifles, end they do not eat nor sleep well. What they need is what toees the nerves, petfects digestion, creates ap- petite, and makes sleep refreshing, and that is Hood's Sarsaparilla. Pupils and teachers generally :will find the chief purpose of the vacation best sub - served by this great medicine which, as we know, "builds up the Wliole s yet ern." • • HURON MODEL 8en.001, The Model , Schools at Clinton and Goderirli Will open on, Tuesday,. Sept. :4rd. at 9 o'clock a. in. The Board of Examiners will meet at Seafprtib on Saturday, Aug. 23rd, All those wishing to attend the Model School are reeueeted to notify the Public School Inspeetots before the date of teeethog. Applicants Will please state which Model School they prefer attending. ili811 FIRES ON ,111 All the Settlers Are Fighting to Save Their Crops, Thousands o'eet of Imanber nesoreeee -rare Threatens BeeSse and Rall weI 3 Camp of Chinese lieshicets Cennuntee ...Wires Will co flee° un 111 ItainSiOrin comes. or Widen Thera is rie ?tell • ele- (:wintry es 3)17 aa Tinder. Victoria, 13.0.,, Aug. 12.-In11awase bUsh fires aro raging at many points on the island, deetroying 'thousands of feet of lumber, and threatening houses and railways. ' Near Chemainus, a logging cainp of the 'Victoria Lumber Company, a camp of the Chinese residents of the village aud! other property was de- stroyed, and all day the entire cram, natality were fighting to save the schoolhouse and town hall. The Plenor Railway, running from Mount Sticker to Crofton, was also threatened, but filially saved. N,ear Victoria, thousands of cords of wood have been burned and fences and barns 'destroyed. . • Alt over the country the settlers are lighting the gre to keep it ' out or their crops. Packily most of the grain is harvested, The fires must continue to burn up - til there is a rainstorna, of which there are no signs. Havieg been without ram since April, the country is dry as tinder, and it takes very little to start a • big blaze. It It ER 0:NLT SIXTE.E.N. Frank Biggins • Charged With /Tilling Willie Doherty In St, John. St, John's, N;33., Aug. 12.-/n • a •erowded court room last night, when the coroner's jury resumed the in- quest into the death of Willie Doher- ty. the 17 -year-old lad found 'dead near Rockwood. Park, on Aug. 4,, Fred Goodspeed, aged 14, told a. terrible story of youthful crime. Ile swore that on. .Aug. 1, he saw Frank Higgins, aged 16, kill Doher- ty, firing four shots at him, and then pounding him on the head with the revOlver butt. Both Higgins and 'Goodspeed have been under arrest for several days. The .motive for the crime was rob- bery, as Doherty' had some money hirl, which he had stolen. . The jury brought in a. verdict •of murder, ..charging Higgins with the crime. COLONIAL CONFERENCE ENDS: - - Indications, of tho Various IlesolutIons That Were Passed: London, Aug. 12. -Tie r final meet- ing of the 'colonial- conference was held yesterday in Joseph Chamber- lain's room at the Colonial Oce.: Consideration of the commercial re- lations of the Empire, including pre- ferential tariffs and -the general fiscal policy, was, continued and a resolu- tion pn the subject finally was agreed to. Another resolution. adopted pro- visions for , a uniform system of weights and measures throughout the Empire. The conference closed with a vote of thanks to Colonial Secretary Chamberlain. • The proceedings pf the conference will not be•publislied, but the resolu- tions adopted will lie published short- ly in a parliereentary, paper. ' !temper Posse:to ou'lvewstrapers, • London, Aug. 12. -One of the first acts of Mr. Aust.en, Chamberlain as Postmaster -General, Will probable, be to co-operate with his•father in the scheme for tho heavy postal stabsidy to the new Canifdian fast mail ser- vice, making- the British and Admir- alty subventions not far short of $500,000, to add to C.:an:Ida:a ex- pectc•d suissidy of $1,000,000. Mr. Austen Chamberlain is also expected. to depart from past British postofil- ce administratione by establiehing a hal fecnny newspaper post throughout the Empire, beginning with Canada, The British Ministers have. been strongly orgod to take this step in order to counteract the alleged anti- BritiTh influcn-e upon Canadian opin- ion of the American journals, which enter Canada at the one -cent rate. Felt Fsir lister ' Des. Paterson, N. J., .Aug. 12..-A tre- mendous ex -plosion occurred yesterday at the works of the Lanin & Rand Powder Company at Wanaque. The building in which the glaze is put on the powder,blew up, and the shock was felt for many miles. There was nobody in the building at the time, but three men in another .part of the plant were hit by flying splinters. n is believed their injuries are not fat, Whero Is 1 his Cook ? Toronto, Aug. 12.r -There is a mys- tery: at ni.z Pay Point. Lake Sim- . . Neaselemotravosome,...cen.... Rain and EffeWL have ass effect on haraess tireatcei Vitt Etirekelles- ntss OH.' re. slSte the damp, keepstbeleeth- er 'tort soul p11. able. Stitches do sot bresdi.. No toughuwe. face to thee wildcat.. The harness moti only keeps looking new, Poi Pears terice as loagby the use or gurelca Xiamen) OIL gold • lierywbete 1t cnt- stlisires. 13 61'61 bi 011 Corripeilyt 'S 4:METE TI.,n148 ebe, 'Robert Satith, eoOke OMPrOY- eri at the Robinson. House, is ing sine() last Tuesday, when be quiet - le let hinaself out of the hotel ati 4 o'clock in the morning. scolith. Is a ployed e.s cook b,y the Toronto Meat Toronto man, and was formerly em- Cleb. FAST LINE TERMINALS, Hon, /Gr. Warta Deelares For 4. ltr of Quebec. its Surrituer and For nii fox in Win tor. Montreal, Mr. Tarte left for .EIalifax lat, evening via C. P.R. Mr. Clergfte of the '.`,Soo" also left by tho "'What about the terminals for the fast lino," Mr. Tarte was asked. "At Qatebee aeti Halifax undoubt- edly. Quebec in summer and Halifax in Winter, Quebec is 'destined to be the summer port by the nature of things. Why? Pirst of all because the voyage on, the lower St. Law- rence is a magnificent one, and is a great drawer of passenger trade, bringing people not only from West- ern Canada, but also from the West- ern States. Then Quebec is a great railroad centre, has many lines trib- utary to it. the C.P.R., the G.T.R., the I.C.R., the Quebec & •Lake St. John, the Quebec. 'Central, the Great Northern and other roads." . ."Yon do not favor Sydney, then?" "Por a 'port of call, yes, for. the mails, but wlao \mild ever think •of taking the cars from here, or Toron- to, or Detroit,. or Chicago, e.nd Put- ting up with all the dust, heat and inconvenience of a railroad trip there. I am going to Halifax by rail to -day myself, and the thought of it simply makes me sick, • "But the beautiful trip from Qtde- bec down the river, is a treat. Thep again you talk of Sydney. 11 has but one line of railway entering there. What m.erchant would think of risking his perishable freight there?" lanianaxu von THE DINT. Plans Completed For this Structure at Nepean Point. Ottawa, Aug. 12. --The plans for the Canadian branch of the Royal Mint, which is to be located on Ne- ve= Point, alongside the Printing Bureau and facing St. Patrick street, are now completed. They were • pre- pared by Chief Architect Evart who visited the United States and Europe -last summer to got the best possible information before proceed- ingwith the work. Two features of the building will be" endurance and security. It rill be one story, with the exception, of the part for the of- fice, where the Main entrance is plac- ed. This part wiLl be two stories with a •basement. The lattilding will be constructed with Iiinestone dressed front. • On either side of the main en- trance there will be granite columns • and above the main entrance will be the coat of arms and the words "Royal Mint." As far asit is pos- sible to mate it, the building will be fireproof. The „roof will be of ex- panded iron and floors of concrete and mosaic. It will take -two years to complete, and work will be com- menced this fall. The size of the buil:ding is 177x165 and it is re'ct- ' angular in form. EXPOSES silo) oKING, coNorrio:N. ,.• British Transport System Is Scored, by IA Medical °facer. Melbourne, 'Australia., 'Aug. 12, - Captain Shields, medical officer of the Transport Drayton Grange from South Africa, has made a report, in which he says: "The overcrowding of the ship was shameful and gcandalaus and without consideration for health or logs of life. The:air was 'poisonous and foul and the decks were always Vet, caus- lug pleurisy and pneumonia." • Captain. Shields adds that the sup- ply of medicine on board was ab- surd, and that the conditions of the ship was *directly responsible for the epidemic and deaths on board. 11 lteo Palma Team Sails. London, August 12. -The English team which is to compete for the Palma trophy in Canada will .sail by the Beaver line steamship Lake Slui- ce° to -day. Col. ' Cross, secretary of the National Rifle Association, ac- companies the team. Hon.. J. M. Gibson has also taken passage in the Lake Simcoe. Ler,' • • • Jeri -fear,. MUM', Colo, Aug. 12.--1..orcl Own- vy is to be anarri3c1 to a Colored.> g i rl He is the seconh son of the Scottish Earl , of ;lir- lie, and is reported to be quite wealthy. Be is to marry Miss ,Edite. Gertrude Boothroyd at the country seat, of the bride's parents near Love- land, C olo . t )oa..', l11. -q• 14p1i41. Portage La -Prairie, Man.,. Aug. 12. -John McLean, the first white set- tler of the district, died. on Satur- day. The deceased was 87 years old, and had lifted in thisdistrict for the past 40 years. He was been in Perthshire, Scotland. Catholic Church - Durocti • Mount Porest, Ont., Aug. 12.--13e- tween 4 and 5 a.m. Sunday St, Mary's church, this town, was (User:livered to be on fire. In a short tine the fine edifice was gutted and the eostly Windows, organ and rich ieterior littlegs were consemed, i r 41,1111 It4 Ottawa, Aug. 1.2, -The condition of Sir John Bourinot was reported last night to be unchanged. He is still very weak, ,and 010 WS no sign of im- provement. It is thought that he is XI se Ito roil). a child. Terre Haute, Ind., Aug. 12. -The child of A clam, SPA der, •a hardware Inerchent, died front blood Poisoning reStilting (1.0111 ainosonite bite three ‘veeks eret"*.eroit Orracan 'Oeteema aItteAet., •••••,•••••••• Col, St. Below netesee 10 Take veveire to mese Nue,* some's. Vannes, Aug. 12. -The Prefect crf 1 the Dapartment of faorbihan asked Oata eletaehmeat of cavalry be sent to assist the authorities in. their ef- forts to close the unauthorized eon-. gregotional schools at Ploermel. The general commanding the dise tkeiet oedened Lieutenant-Golonel Belay to go to Ploermel With a part of his regiinent, hut Col. St, nemy refused to obey this order, declaring thia„ religious sentiments forbade him to CO -operate in closing. congrega- tional establishments., General Andre, the 3Var Minister, hes, ordered Colonel St. Remy to be confiadd in the fortress on Belle Isle and to be court martialled for insub- ordination, . " Long Limo tbo •eleters." Brest, Aug. 12. -At a Meeting hero yesterday, the Prefect attempted to justify the Government's action, but his speech was constantly interrupt- ed with cries of: "We will resist to the death; there will be blood 'shed. We will allow oursej.ves to be mass- acresi before we abandon the sisters." Abbe Gayraud said the only way to restore peace was not to disturb the sisters. • CANADA.'S CultONJATION. Lord Minto', Cable Message to the New- 1y-Orown ea Ring, Ottawa, August,12,-The following is a copy of a cable which Lora Min- to sent to King Edward: "Ottawa, Aug. 9. "To his Majesty the King: "On behalf of myself, any Govern- ment an.d the people of Canada, may I offer to you and Queen Alexandra our loyal and heartfelt congratula- tions on the occasion of your Majes- ty's coronation. (Signed) Minto." The litng to Canada. The Governor-Geneara yesterday re - caved the following reply from • the King to the message of congratula- tion. Cal his coronation: "My most, sincere thanks, and those or the Queen, to yourself, your Gov- ernment and' my loyal subjects of Canada for their congratulations. "(Signed) Edward R. and I." tent's:a:BE:S. S Avons The Ring's Privy c onucll at nuekingltaca Palace. London, Aug. 12. -King Edward held a 'Privy Council yesterday at Buckingham. Palace, at which the newly appointed Ministers were sworn in. Later he officiated at an investi- ture of the Victorian Order. • , Carrination • The King gave an:audience yester- day afternoon to 'Sir Joseph Dims - dale, Lord Mayor . of London, who. presented the city's coronation gift of $575,000 toward the King's Hos- pital Fund. 'Theagift included more than 20,000 •penny donations from the poorest*.quarters of London. Perjury Is Charge Lald. Hamilton, Aug. 12. -The announce- ment that there is a warrant out in Buffalo for the arrest of Grant Hen- derson of this cit, who was a Cana- dian commissioner to the Pan Ameri- • can Exposition last year, has (mused mgd sensation. According to The Buffalo Times the charge against • Mr. Henderson is perjury. Last May, it.„•-: is alleged, some Chinese were smuggled into Buffalo, and five per- sons, J. Harrel:, Jas. It. Hassey, G. James, Earl L, Parish. and J. Grant Henderson, were induced by the Chi-, namen's solicitors to go bail for the Csdlestials.; '1'hp alleged smuggled Chinamen ,took leg bail, hence • the trouble. -The United States author- ities accuse the Ilya men of perjury, alleging that none of them are worth the an.oneyethey swore to when going on the bonds. i.rolis Dispute Is It capencii. London; Aug. 12.-Rrince George of Crete is about to raise again the question at the onion of the island with Greece. His former appeal. to the four guardian powers, Britain, Russia, Fratice and Italy, met with the response that the moment had not arrived to discuss the future of the Island. Since then there has been a complete reorganization of political parties in Crete, A11 ideas of an in- dependent principality have been abandoned, a,nd all parties are unan- imous in demanding political union with Greece. Killed by a Falb Bracebridge, Aug. 1.2.-7A sad acei- dent happened at port Sandi -lad yes- terday afternoon, when E. Bush or Lindsay- Was instantV killed. The bridge at tliii cut at Port Sandtleld was being swung to allow 1110 steam- er T.slander to pass throngh;., when Bur -h, Avh 0, was :on the approach, a L'-;, tempted to jumpacross to the bridge after it lead been swiiiie; a, few feta lie eeVidently mi sr: cuIat cd. the dis- tance, struek the -yelling. awl fell to the wharf beneath,. a Oki' tu e o? 30,, feet:bead foremost. , 'Avig. ,\ h'le so boys were playing. menu d the 11 driver at th e new 'b r (Igo yeiderc1y afternoon, one or tbeir. noultior, \ii.l- liarn aged -10 yrurs. r 0n 01' A. S. l!trunt, berlier, was i 1. ly killed bv the lever' of ih,) apparel te; ,striking him on the 21.0.0.C1 wil 11 rific force. " t•eltooacr ifl, 1+,1, "ca. St. John's, Nfld, Atip,. 12, - The eteamer Virginia Lake retuned here yesterday morning frOm Labrli dor end ror orts the fishery prospect there to be excellent. The catch promises to be above the average: A schoon- er has e'0110 ashore at Farmyard Is- lam:lg. Her crew of ten persona were arowned. 00013 IDDA1JTI1 IS IMPOSSIl3/44: vrithotit Regularaition of the bowelo. Minutes Lsxu. liver WIC regulate the bowels, Mires neinntlpEs- teeepsis, biliensnossa sick h iolk dyeadache, and,all affections It the Organ of dlgeation. Price 25 tents 511 druggists . ".•;refreetieet.......ele,eeeeeeeei•.. set 111,11111MIDMMILI ANeget6b1ePrg parafioiifrirM- q4hila lit -Food attIRegtila.: tut tlieStolitarls andBmiels of • SE6 THAT THE FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE FrotacitesVW1ott,Choerful- ,Ite,sg.ofiroMittaltY4' .ppniMorpliiWoor firat NOT ISTAlite IS ON TX -1E WRAPPER • OF EVERY BOTTLE Or Apetrect Remedy for Cons • se - tion, Sour Stonwri,Diarr Worta.s;Convulsions,feverisIV, Inas andLoSS OF SLEEP. Tee Sirnile Siedliaturia of isrEW *ORM 'te'.erib Z1,1j15; 614:1777 35 DOSES EXACT DOPY.OF WRAPPER. aastoria is put up in one -size bottles only, le insiihnuot4sola In hulk. Don't allow anyone to sell. you anything else on tlaoplea or promise that it " is just as good), and "will answer every par, postal' -%1'" See that you got 0 -A -8 -T -0 -31 -I -A. " ThOln- signatsuo of eisvocirryt • snapper, London. Huron and Brucc. GOING NORTE- • Passenger. London. depart........ 8.15 a, so. 4.40r, x. • Centralia • 6,1 5.50 Exeter 9.80 Hensel]. 9.11 Kippen 9.50 Brucefired 9.58 - 3.83 • Clinton....... 10.15 655 • Wingham;arrive11.10 8.00 Goma SMITE-- Passenger Winglibm, depart 643 A. sr. 3.15 P. M. Olinteu -7,47 4.25 ' Brucefield ' 8.05 „4.49 • Rippen 8.15 "4.57 Hansall...... • .22 5.02 Exeter . t 8.35 5.10 • Centralia 8.46 5.25 London .arrive 9.37 6.12 • 6.0 6,15 6.25 Ffltherland Imes ARE PREPARED TO PURCHASE EUNI -AND- OTHER TIMBER, EITcIER STANDING OR IN THE LOGS, Apply t'- :.:0. Kessel, FOR/MAN, EXETER, ONT. Toronto Exhibition MONDAY. SEPT. 1ST, TO SATURDAY, SEPT.13, 1002 NEW BUILDINGS NEW FEATURES NEW EXHIBITS $35,00C) hi PrCtirlititriS 4i30,000 for Atti4eictioris fiRILLIAN'T $20;000 SPECTACLE ALL THE easonaces OF CYPROLOItIOIIS COUNTBY THE PEOPLE'S PRID-E-- THE PEOPLE'S HOLIDAY Reduced rates on every line of travel • Consult your Station Agent regading • Fare to Toronto and back. RoHrr ills i113.71.Mr• We are giving excellent sa- tisfaction in flour since re- modelling our mill, Dry Soft Wood Wanted. Gristinn and Chaim DOR Fromntlii. H. SWEITZER, Exeter ReaI__Es?ate lilloilf IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell a Farm,,. Buy or Sell Town; Property, Borrow or Lend Money, Collections Made, Your Life Insured, Go to the Old Cuon- try, by the Allan: Line, ON THE 'UNDERSIGNED, • JOHN SPA.C11{MAr Office over H. Spackman's Hardware Exeter. me. Cash paid for Raw Furs, ADVERTISE, IN THE TIMES IT PAYS Canadian Airmotor U\ IJ ILL 4i•• Now is a good time to place an order for a Windmill. We handle one of the 13est Males of W in Ontario There no batter time than the present I for putting one up. It will save you 'none*. Also WOOD AND IRON PUMPS, TANKS AND TANK FIXTURES Call and see us and and get our pric'es, etc. •• • Agent for the well knoere ueerin Harvesting Co's Ideal Binders, Ideal Mowers, Deering Rake, Etc, These Machined are second to none in Canada, and if you need a Binder, >tower or Eitko, eall and examine these Maehine's for yourself. They are strong and are noted for their Plasy Running. Thanking nay customers and friends for 'past favors, I again solicit yonr patronage.• A °"°""°Th'ul'ing's W. J. BISSErvr7 EXETER. Drug St ol