HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-07-04, Page 17JOHN L. DUD IF CLASSIFIED'ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads . , ........ Tuesday Neon Display Advertising--...... Tuesday 4:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS. 1 Articles for sole 2 Yard sole 3 Garage sole 4 Antiques for, sole 5 Cora tariale 6 Trucks for sole 7 R V s ler sale 8 Marne 9 Automoh.e 10 Pe s for sole - 13 ,Real °stole for sole 13 Mobile homes 14 Recteationpl properties 15 Out of town properties 16 For rent 17 Apartments for rent .• . 18 Houses for rent 19 Rooms for rent 20, -Room 8 board 21 Cottages for rent .22 Lots far rent 23 Commercial property for rent 241 wonted to rent 25 wonted u, 4uy 26 Help wonted 27 Wonted :general) 28 §ustnesb opportunity 29 Tenders 30 Employment wonted 31 5erwc1/ directory 34 Personal 15 Nohce to creditors 36 Announcements 37 Mortgages 30 Auction sofa 39 Educational 40 Last 6 Found 41 Ta.gtes away 42 Death notice •43 Blklht .•• 44. Engagements 45 .Marrmges 46. In memoriam 47 Cords of Monks SOC DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT WHEN PLACING AD OR IF PAID WITHIN ONE WEEK AFTER THE • PAPER DATE. LNDAY TO FRIDAY - 11:W a.m. to S p.m. PHONE 482-3443 O cn 44•44•4440001./ 1. Articles for sale YOU CAN GET your -out-of-Canada Medical In- surance of C.A.A. Travel Agency, 7 Rattenbury St., Clinton. Phone 482-9300.-44tfar KAWASAKI 440 LTD, 7000 km., bought in May 1983; new windshield never been used, still in box. $1600.00. 482 -7318 -after 6 p.m.-24tfnx BEAUTIFUL condition, hardly used Inglis Sterling portable dishwasher, 8 cycle, 2 speed, solid "wood top cutting board, upper/lower sprayers, -excellent buy: Phone 565-2838.-261f TWO PAIRS summer radial tires B.F. Goodrich X11-200 P195/75R14 with Keystone Map. Phone 482-7273. Best offer. -26,27x NAME BRAND VCR TAPES. - RCA six hour VHS selectavision now only $10.99. Groves T.V. Clin- ton 482-9414,-26-28ar••• •-' MAPLE and Beech .hardwood, 14 length, split and blacks. Phone 523-4507,-26,27, RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS ° now available in the, Clinton-Vanastra area content HAROLD RAITHBY 482.7674 CBE FURNITURE NEW AND USED - WE CAN OFFER BETTER PRI- ES-,:, IT'S OU R LOC N THAT SAVES MONEYI 1/2 mile south on Hwy. 21 GODERICH 524-7231 We even Take Trades .�.attltttttto Our Own FRESHLY GROWN BROCCOLI CAULIFLOWER FARM FRESH EGGS vz,ONTARIO HOT HOUSE TOMATOES RHUBARB STRAWBERRIES Available Weekends MENNONITE HOME BAKING FOR ALL YOUR GARDENING NEEDS...SEE US TODAY... • martin's market Please Telephone 524-8024 v. mile east of Benmlller Road an Highway no. 8 (Huron Road) BUSHES WANTED We Are, Now Buying Bush Lots or Selected Trees - TOP CASH PRICES CRAIG HARDWOODS LTD. Auburn - III Craig 526-7220 AI Craig 526-1512 1. Articles. for sale HUMANE LIVE TRAPS, cedar fence posts, stove wood and ceder-kin4lin r , Phone 482- 3842.-18,20 _47- 120 BASE HOHNER accordion model' Carman 3 M, 9 -treble -switches, 3 base switches, asking $375. Phone 523.9266.-,-27 a , ONTARIO fresh dug potatoes,1, tomatoes, cauliflower, broccoli,. beans, `peas, lettuce, bananas, cherries, nectarines at Evan's Form Market, 2 miles ' north of ;Bayfield -482- 7562.-27ar- .. CHERRIES: Pick your own cherries at Murray Bros. Orchard 4.miles southwest of-Thedford on the Ridge Road. Sweet cherries ready July 9 and Montmorency ready July 10. Phone 296- 4403.-27,28k . WHITE riding lawn mower 10 H.P. $700. Phone 565-5343 after• 4:30 p.m. -27 STUDENT Nursing Textbooks for sole, some new and some like new for reasonable prices. 262- 2127.-27x 1 SPRING LAMB :ready for your freezer to your. specifications. Grain fed. $2.30 a Ib. plus cutting and wrapping. Phone Cathie Potter at 482-3585 after 7:00 p.m. -27,28 LADIES, size 16, blue vinyl jacket. Never been worn. Excellent condition. Must be seen. Ph,one 482-3739 after 6:00 p.m.-27nx 16 SHEETS 2 in. styrofoam $10 each (one or all); size 34 beige 3_pc. men's suit. 482-3331,-27 SATELLITE TV SYSTEM, 10 ft.. dish, Dexcel 1300 recei(er with+infra red remote control, built-in 30 watts R.M.S. stereo amplifier, Skywalker ac- tuator. Complete package retail price $6195.00; asking $4900.00. Phone 524-4792.-22tf STORE front door, aluminum, with glass and complete with frame, 3'x5'; one piece of plate glass approxi 9'x5'; two pieces of plate glass ap- prox. 4'x5'; two windows in frames approx. 4'x4'. Bainton Ltd., 523-9666.-26,27 YOU, a COOL DRINK, and a HAMMOCK, Enjoy summer in our luxury HAMMOCK' and hand made . casual, furniture. . Waterproof, fully guaranteed. Sitting •Pretty, R.R. 4, Lanark, On- tario, KOG 1KO. ' (613)259.3033. Hot days are coming. -27-290 Shopping for a SWIMMING POOL KiT? We are a wholesaler wLthtop quality products who can probably save you money. Give us a call and .we will try to help. (519)753-1460.-27o • STEEL BUILDINGS, Pre -Engineered clearspari all steel -I-beam construction. Widths 20 ft. to 60 ft. any length. For lowest price -. phone collect (416)4566-1200.-27o MOVIES - RCA Video disc, latest titles. Send for listing. Blenheim Sound, Box 340, Blenheim,On- torio, NOP 1A0=27o HOME VIDEO CATALOGUE.. 300 selections. Order toll free. 1-800-663-6555 or write. On Track Vision,, 13381 - 72nd Ave. Surrey, B.C. V3W'2N5. Major credit cards accepted. --2,7o USED RAILWAY TIES. Pressure treated, uniform. qutility bundles guaranteed. Delivered semi -load lots only (450 minimum). Reasonably priced. Phone (204)725-2627„ office hours: -27-300 ' • - •WEEKL-Y'SPECIALS t -see- our ad •in -"FOCUS"- Clin- ton Boxed Meats just:off Hwy. -4 north of Clinton; 11/4 milesouth of Londesboro. watch for our sign. ',Call collect 523-9508.-42tfar . STEEL BUILDINGS Direct Factory. Clearance. Up to 40 percent discounts: Widths .20'. to 120' any length. Limited quantities - Act now SAVE. Call tollfree 1-800-461.7689.-26.290 CHERRIES. sweet starting July 4, sours ready July 14: Good picking on low trees. Ready picked and frozen also available. Watson's Fruit Farm, 1 mile north of Forest Highway 21. .786- 5439.-27,28 - ROW BOAT' (Nova Scotian Dory) $120: two •8 ft., four tier wood shelving units with peg board back $100 each; magazine rack $40 (and other iter i's)"S6S:2438.-27 BOILER FOR SALE: Clea'er, Brooks 40 h.p., ex- cellent condition. Former Bill's Green Houses 237-3228.-22tf -. WOOD FOR SALE MIXED HARDWOOD Blacks or spilt. Any quantity. Will deliver. .482-9250 FLEA MARKET Sponsored by Clinton BIA, THURSDAY, JULY 19: 2 PM -11 PM In the parking lot beside Clinton Commercial Printers. Vendors needed no charge for space. No dealers. To book your space, call Shirai Dept. Store at 482-7621 CHERRIES Pick Your Own Sweet or Sour SWEET: Starting week of July 9 SOURS: One weak Tater. Apitrox. July 16 ARMITAGE ORCHARDS Ridge Rd., eosenquet Twp. R.R. No. 1 Forest. - Pitting machine on farm Closed Sundays PHONE 786-5970 OR 78-6-4774 2. Yard -Sale YARD SALE: Saturday, July 7, 9 0.11. tram date 'July 8), 26 Regina St.., Vanastra.-27x YARDS SALE sponsored b Vanastra and District Lioness, July 14, 9 a,rn.p.m. Vanastra• Factory Outlet parking lot. Tables on consignment..-482- 7700.-27ar, • ' 3. Garage sale GOOD GARAGE SALE at Victoria St.,1 Bayfield, behind Post Office, starts at '10 a.m. Saturday, Jury 7--27 5. Cars for sale 1974 BUICK APOLLO, new body and paint, ps, pb, 350 4 barrell, bucket seats, as is $1600.00. Call 262-6248 after 5 p.m. -26,27 4' We'll get you ready for a hot sunemerl HAVE YOUR CAR'S AIR CONDITIONING CHECKED & RECHARGED Brown Ch.v Olds will check: •AH faits and A.C. Hoses •Freon Leaks - Compressor operation •r.chorbe air conditioning system. DAILY RENTALS LEASING Summer Hours SALES DEPT. NOW CLOSING SATURDAYS AT. NOON - BROWN olds obile CLINTON 484.9311 Attention Farmers A. For Sale' • WIC: ROTARY straw chopper for chopping baled straw in livestock barns. Equipped with 7 horse Hondo motor, used 1 year, in new condition. Phone 527.0441.-26,27x Hensall Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 12:30 P.M.., All classes of Livestock - WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Clinton • 482.7511 Barry Miller Exeter = 235-2717 Kirktoit - 229.6205 - - Gregory. Hargreaves 262.2619 - B. 'Cusfom Work CUSTOM big round baling, --Co Zondag, Bayfield. 565-5308.=21 tf CUSTOM SILO FILLING and swathing. Call Hank Rleinink 523-9202 or 523.4569.-22tfar ' CUSTOM round baling 4'x0', Scott Consitt,'Varna, 482-9297.-24-27 e• CUSTOM hay baling, bale thrower, 3 wagons. Coll after 7 p.m. 482:9709,-27x C. Wanted WANTED TO RENT, large barn in Auburn area for • hay storage. Phone evenings 1.666-0816,-26,27 D. Livestock PUREBRED and Full French Charolais bulls for 'sale.' . Avignon breeding. Contact Fergus Kelly 345.7197 (Dahlin). ---24.28x - T FOR SALE: One NIP grade Holstein heifer due June 29 bred Holstein. Phone'482-9958.-27 Att pH a Farmers WE PAY $20: TO 550.00 PER HUNDRED WEIGHT FOR OLD, RECENTLY INJURED OR CRIPPLED COWS AND STEERS. MUST BE ALIVE AND DRUG FREE. MARK LEIS & SONS LIVESTOCK TOL!, FREE 1-100-265-4910 ' 24 hrs. a day. 6 ays a week. Serving this aria since 1974. 6., Trucksfor sale GQ,INOtOU •. •'69 Dodge bus. law- rnll*9i6.i partially converted; -4 sr 4,1101 vlfhhld... 310 Case Crawler Loaelisr, rebuilt dio'sei motar> Can 482.3114 •venlags. E. Farm Services ATTENTION FARM&RS! Not one nickel in tpxes more than your fair share is a slogan at F.B.0 During the summer months -you will be receiving your Notice of Assessment from Revenue Conado. If yours does not say "As Declared" you need Farm Business Consultants assistance nowt Serving farmers" needs 52 weeks of the year. Call toll free 1.800-265.1002.-26,270 BERG Sales -Service -Installation *Barn Cleaners •Bunk Feeders •Stabling *Manure Conveyors FREE ESTIMATES - Donald G. Ives . R.R.2 BLYTH 1117-1024 7. R.V.'s'for SaIeri e.�!g PROWLER, Golden Falcon, Baler Travel Tr*tilers, Lionel Hardtops. Truck campers; and caps 'New and 'used. Sales, repairs, rentals,_ Camp -Out, Hwy. 8W-Stratford.393-5938.-vo1r7rise - WORKMAN REAL ESTATE L1'D. ALUMINUM SIDED 3•or 4 .bei room.home; • large lot, 522,000. " • . 85 SOW BARN modern house. 149 ares near Clinton. - SPLIT LEVEL - 3 bedroom, family room., brick and aluminum sided, • 1 FLOOR 3 BEDROOM HOME.' double cdr- port, asking $28,000. 7 ACRES NEAR BLYTH - house, born and garage, paved road. • LONDESBORO - 4 bedroom ' 11/2 storey home, small barn. '26,000. LONDESBORO AREA - 11 -acres, brick house, horse barn and arena. DAIRY • 64 tie ups, 149 acres, lock stock and .barrel, ONTARIO ST. • 6 bedroom 2 storey home, many extras, separate lot, - HULLETT - 100 acres, 80 workable, tiled. COMMERCIAL, BUILDING Owner. ; will build to suit, buy or lease. DAIRY - 225 acres, 61 Ile ups,. lock stock 8w barrel. • • 'ISAAC ST. • 3bedroom, 1 floor home, good condition, •attached garage, laity lot, 152 ACRES,. 100 WORKABLE, 25. of hard-. 'wood, buildings, Belgrave area. • $135;000.00. - 4 ACRES Brick . cottage, river` frontage, near Clinton. $39,6Q0.00. ' • ° COLBORNE TWP. • 96 acres, 70 workable. River fro a e. ORANGE ST. • 3 bedroom one floor home. large lot 529,000.00 • .• • DUNLOP ST. • t ansord style home, 7 5 bedrooms, Targe lot. TUCKERSMITH - 100 acres, 83 workable, brick house and barn. VARNA - 3 bedroom brick bungalow, good location. I VANASTRA • .3 bedroom home, full base- ment. 514,000,00. •- RAISED BRICK AND CEDAR BUNGALOW • family room,, pool, double gorege.. WALTON INN - seating space for 70 people • In this restaurant with residence above. ONTARIO ST. • 2 bedroom, 1 floor home, attached garage. $2.7,000.00. HURON ST. 2 storey, 4 bedroom home, wood firedboiler; pool, • MARY ST. - 2•bedroom, 1 floor home, .only $21,000 00 CLINTON 3 bed9�LQbile on rented lot. ONTARIO ST. - 2 storey, 3- 'bedroom brick house, 3 car garage with.pit. „ • MANY EXTRAS - .in this 3 bedroom split with dining room', family' room, double car garage on a double lot. • - VANASTRA - 4 bedroom, aluminum sided home. $18,500. 85 ACRES, 50 WORKABLE, 3 hardwood. • creek, near Clinton, 560,000.00. 2 STOREY :Brick 4 bedroom home. Targe lot. near the hospital. ' Call Harold` Workr Ian FARMS,. HOME & COMMERCIAL Clinton* 519-482-3455 Call Peter b®rrlstna FARM REPRESENTATIVE = • POULTRY SPECIALIST RR .5 Clinton- 482.849 Z:Rear estate for sale GREAT LOCATION: New listing agt 157 Raglan St. Splendid 1600 sq. ft., 4 batdropm ranch -bungalow in 'a 'picture perfect' setting. One acre of delightful • grounds; park -like lawns interspersed with mature trees including white birch apple, sumac and evergreens.. 18' x 36' heated inground pool boosted. with ad- ditional solar heat.. Exceptional con- crete patio plus a Screened patio. Quali- ty - built residence with dining area, 11/3' baths, 4 spacious bedrooms and 24' x 30' games/recreation room. List price BUNGALOW WITH POOL: 3 bedroom. one floor home In good area with family room' Rind 20' x 24' attached garage. 18 feet above -ground pool with decking.. Priced to sell at $49,500. No. 3 TORONTO BLVD., VANASTRA: New listing. Large 3 bedroom with front family room/offlce addition. Paved drive, aluminum stding, Being sold by Mortgagee -for }22,000. BRICK BI -LEVEL: Splendid 1200 sq. ft. home In , Immaculate condition with establlshed' landscaping.. Features Include double garage wlth�, attic; large family room with fireplace, patio, central air, central vaCuum, split entry foyer and spacious kitchen. List $78,500. -:- SMALL HOBBY FARM: No. 8 Highway.. 'Modular home 1;380: iq. ft.,. master' bedroom has ensulte_'bathroom,. st/a acres - wltha large barn and shed addition, ,fenced Padded:. Low price, now only $56,900: Offers Invited for • Immedlate'sale. SCHOOLHOUSE AND ANTIQUE BUSINESS: Located 3 km. East of Blyth on Cty. Road 25. - Pine .kitchen, ' loft overlooks large central living room. 3 bedrooms. Brick fireplace. 2100 sq. ft. of • living area plus .24' x 36' concrete block , building.. 551,900. • • " , IMMEDIATE POSSESSION: Brick house on 'ilk lots; rrliadreraiii..iikentiVliagOrad with Improved insulation, new drywall. Large kitchen, living ,room with hardwood floor. 532,500. ' HOME AND BUSINESS: Established local sign painting business' and good • 3 bedroom home. All equipment included; 1200 sq. ft. shop with concrete floor and access for van painting. Landscaped corner lot with hedge and screened patio. List price 549,500. FINE BRICK RESIDENCE: Entrance to formal living and dining roomsfrom a. Wide centre hall. Beautiful central staircase to spacious second floor bedrooms. Main floor laundry, attractive kitchen and targe family room velth brick fireplace. Recent new 'roof. $119:500: _... _ _ _. - . _. ... SPACIOUS 4 BEDROOM: Joseph St. Very good home., suited to a larger family.• Insulated with U.F.F.i., airexchanger system to be installed. $26,000. FULLY MODERN: All the quality of a solid brick 2 storey plus many, modern features. Attractive kitchen .with breakfast bar, 1' baths, 3 or 4 bedrooms, privacy' , yard. Extra brick coach house for hobbies or workshop. No. 63/65 Rattenbury East. $64,000.. JOHN L. DUDDY REAL ESTATE LTD. -MLS Realtor' - Multiple Listing Service - Members of the •Huron Real • Estate Board. John L. Duddy C , 482-3652 Russ W. Archer 482-9428 or 3733 Offife ' - 482-3766 MAURICE GARDINER REAL ESTATE LIMITED 34 STANLEY STREET 524-2966 GODERICH 'W4r May Be Number Onet But - We're Stili Trying Harder!' CALL US -TO WELCOME YOU HOME "Home of the Week" BRICK FRONT ALUMINUM mei) BUNGALOW - 6•years old, 2 blocks from lake in Bayfield, kitchen/dining room, living room with woodburning stove, 3 bedrooms, laundry room, TV tower, booster, etc. Priced' at °45,500.00. $60,000. - 11/2 STOREY - Mansfield Sided Older home situated on a large fenced in lot • on a quiet Bayfield Street: Large living room with fl)repJabe, 2 bedrooms, secona storey not flnished off. Separate garage used as a Workshop: COTTAGES AVAILABLE from $35,010. and up. ' "Check next week's `Summer -in Haytleld' supplement for more i'nfdrmatien off ottages" OR CALL FOR FURTHER INFORNIATI6k.ON LISTINGS DIANNE ALEXANDER I . 565 2513 t' :..a ,GK °GKGKGKGKGKGKGK1. 9C, 0 G he -o 0 0 he 0 he0 0 he0 IY '0 0 0 he 0 he 0 0 0 G 0 0 ad 0GK GK GK GK GK GK GI GIC REALTY 81 INSURANCE INC. 14 Isaac St„ Clinton ' 482-9747 . 482-3121 Also Goderich, Exeter, Grand Bend. BILL COUNTER 482-3687 HAL HARTLE-Y 482-3693 FRAME, 11/4 storey, 4 bedrooms, I gas heat, sunroom. Central. Call •,, Hal or 8111. 0 0 G 0 V.0 he 0 0 0 Yts 0 0 GRACIOUS OLDER 2 storey brick, 3 bedrooms, 2 sunrooms, gas heat, close to schools, central. Calf Bill. ' WE LIST AND SELL Residential, commercial, agricultural, recreational and seasonal property.. - MEMBER HURON • _ REAL ESTATE BOARD (Multtple.Listing Service) , Real Estate Ltcl:. a Clinton Phone: 482-9371. Residence: 523-9338 COMMERCIAL BLYTH: Large commercial building ort•main street. - CLINTON:; Fully'serviced. Buy all Pr part. On Highway 8, 190' x 264'. ' CLINTON: large' commercial building 'p King Street. Vendor will finance or consider rental. - RESTAURANT: Includes living accommoda• tion. Well equipped: -Lots of parking space. FARMS AND ACREAGE 50 ACRES: Colborne Twp. 6 acres apple or - 'chard, 43 workable. Price reduced. 40••,A•CRES.--On•-Highway 4--near-Belgr-•awe. Goad brick homeand frame barn., 100'ACRES: 55 workoble. East, Wawanosh, buildings for 600 hogs. . 200 ACRES: 190 workable, East. Wawanosh, hardwood bush, good • barns. fieldstone house,. 46 ACRES: Near Varna, 25 cropland, 9 bush., barge 2 family 'home and barn, drive shed and workshop. Ideal for liobby .or business and. or livestock enterprise, •4:6 ACRES: Londesboro.4 bedroom brick home; large born with stable cleaner. Ideal for hogs. 100.ACRES: Highway farmgood buildings and fences. , ) • .20 ACRES: Morris Twp.. Good frame bone, hog finishing barn. liquid manure system. Easily converted t6 forrowirig bard. 95 ACRES: Hullett Twp., good cropland,- all drained, no buildi•ngs.. 150 'ACRES: -Near' Auburn 100 workable . goad brick home. • - 31/z ACRES: 8th line Morris Twp. frame -home, large barn and shed. Well fenced. 4 ACRES: Dinsley Terrace. 1 floor home ga#age and stria]] barn. Very neat hobby farm.. • HOMES,. • NEW LISiING: Blyth, large brick home on Dinsley St., must be sold to settle estate. - IutFW LISTING: Aub'urn,'.11/4 acre property with 1'.7 floor home. -garage and barn:. Pric- ed very reasonable. CLINTON: 1 floor, 4 bedroom home, gas 'heat. Zoned commerciaP. BLYTH: 2 storey, 4 bedroom 'executive class home.- heated workshop and many ex- tras. HURON HAVEN: 1050 sq: ft. Modt,lar type home. Electric heat plus natural fireplace. Large sheltered deck. • AUBURN: 1' a floor frame. 3 bedroom home and has oil heat. MORRIS TWP.:'Custo fo,ished 5 bedroom home with Works f o' 2 acres near Brussels. CLINTON: Large dtiplex.ed frame and brick, 5 bedroom home, reduced for quick sale.- BRUCEFIELD: 3 Bedrooms, --1' t storey frame Name, F.A. oil heat, Vendor will consider financing. - • HENSALL: King Street. 1'7 floor vinyl sided .home, fireplace and garage. 20 ACRES: 2100 sq. ft. ranch st"yfe home near Varna. , Inground pook paved drive, new steel barn, very •scenic. Being sold' under power of sale. ' BLYTH: Morris Street. 1 . fiool' frame, 4 bedroom home. Carpet throughout. Has propane heat. ' BLYTHIt On North Street. 4 bedroom home 'on double, lot. Just like new. ' BLYTH: 1 floor brick 'bungalow, finished basement, carport. excellent condition. - BLYTH: 11'r floor brick- h . large lot.' heated garage and wanks Lip Reduced to 8LYtH: Westmoreland Street. 2 floor'brick" horne, tor• e lot, con he depl;exed. --