Exeter Times, 1902-8-7, Page 8-..STEW T ".S seSesee ;See'. ,sss. 010 'ASH STORE Here are a Few Money Savers to Start Aug. With 20e the yard for doable fold pure wool Indigo Cheviot Dress Serge. The regular value of this line was 50c, but the weight is just a little light, 7 pieces only to sell at 20c, makes swell odd skirts, and just the thieg for Bathing Suits. Somebody will get •eonie bargains Secthe yard for your pick of quite a nice lot of Muslins, Organdies and Dimities, jt the balance of our swa- in:ter steak, regular values 12ic to 2501 all clearing at only Se, 7Sc the yard for 12!.e Prints. just 20 pieces of 12ic print, came our way at a, snap price -we caught on. Tlaey came in dark and lights fancy patterns suitable for almost any purpose. They are certainly the best print value we ever offered you, only 7Sc. 25e each for your choice of any Colored Shirt Waists m the shop. Some waists in the lot worth $1.00, while they last only 25c. 15c each. 10 °illy 5 -foot Hardwood Step Ladders, regular price was Mc, Yours for for 15c. 75c the Suit. About 150 Boys' Linen Gingham and Galatea Blouse Suits, regular values 90c to $1.75. Come quick and take your pick for 75c. Every Cotton and Linen. Suit in the shop in this lot. $2.50 each for Ladies Fancy Silk and. Lace Shoulder Capes, $5.00 was the price. we have only 6 left, yonr pick for $2.50. BIG61181181011f J. fk. STEWPiRT Friday, Arg. Sth, will be Civic Holiday. Stores will be closed all day. For Marriage Licenses1 141eaciirag Rings, Watches, Clock, Jewelry, Spectacles Etc CALL ON R. HICKS Watch Repairing a Specialty. —THE— Sovereign Bank :of Canada LEAD OFFICE TORONTO. Capital Authorized $2,000,000.00 Capital Subscribed. 1300,000,00 EXETER BRANCH; .5. General Banking business transacted; sums of 1..Cal and 4.10-v..,:sls received on deposits. Highest rates of Interest .lowed; collections made and notes isoountec a reasonable rates Special attention given to farmers' Sale notes. Drafts available in all ;parts of the world bought and sold. F. W. GLA.DMAN, F. E. TZ .4 RN, Solicitor. Manager,. TO ADVERTISERS. • The copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon r Casual advestisemente accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. THURSDAY AUG 7, 1902 Locals Alex. Stewart is yisiting friends in Detroit. George O'Neil of Lindsay spenb Sun- day in town. John 08=1 returned home from De- troit on Monday. The Times office is the niece to get your job printing. Mr. Hilburn. of Paris, is the guest of Miss Mary Westaway this week. .71 Miss Hattie Sutherland, of Hensel!, called. on friends in town on Saturday. Will Wilson lefb on Tuesday morn- ing for a visit with friends in Listowel. Mrs. Oke and child of Detroit, are visiting Mr. and ISErs. Thos. Gregory. =Messrs. Isaac and Will Carling have returned home from their Western trip. Ohiraren Cry for CASTORIA Mr, Czar Rollins has accepted a position in Detroit with an engraving firm Miss Fannie Sutton, of London, is spending her holidays with her mother. If you want to be healthy, wealthy and wise use Heatvwx BROS'. Star Flour. John Gould, wife and child, of Lon- don, are visiting Mr. Gould's parents this week. Mr. A. Ford and family with other friends, bad a picnic to Grand. Bend on Monday, Stella Wilson, of lishorne, is visit. ing Miss Beatrice Luker, Exeter North. Miss Tillie Yeager yisited her broth- er, Mr. Alex. Yeager, in St. Marys, last week. Mr. Holmes and Miss Etolmes, of Blyth, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. (Dr.) Rollins. Miss Ella Halls, st3ent the past week visiting friends and relatives in Gode- rich and vicinity. Mrs. T. M. White, of Windsor, spent the forepart of this week with Mrs. John White. Mrs. Oke and two little daughters, of Chicago, are guests of Mr. and Mer. , Thos. Gregory. Miss Tweedy. of Gederich, spent part of last week the guest of Miss Lille Howard. Miss Hattie White returned from Parkhill the pest week where she had been visiting friends. Mrs. Bee and daughter,Miss Bee, of Parkhill, were guests of Me. and Mrs. R. Giciley this week. Each succeeding bulletin makes it more certain that coronation will take place next Saturday. Misses Mildred and. Marjorie White spent a few days of last week visiting Miss Mary Kydd of Thames Road. Miss Mildred F. Garner, of Col- borne street, London, is visiting friends at Centralia, Exeter and Crediton. Joshua Amos Cole, Ethel, and Chris- topher Luker, Exeter, have been ap- pointed constables for the county of Huron. At the prohibition convention in Toronto, it was decided to open the referendum campaign on the first Sunday in September. Our customers say they- never had as gcsed*; flour before, a Jew bakings wie5e sure to convince you of the truth of it..-.HAVerers- Bros. - Mr. U. Cunningham drove to Listo- wel on Sunday and brought his broth- er, Will, home from there. where he has been seriously lie but is now im- o proving. DI E Simansurszesmo SHOES For summer is the sensible kind to wear. There is a heap of Foot Comfort for those who wear our LOW SHOES. There can,be no barrier when our .quality of Foot Wear is offered at the prices below : Ladies' Oxfords, flexible sole, kid toe cap, dongola upper, $1.00, sizes 3 to 6. Ladies' Toe Slippers, strapped, satin tie, fancy buckle, $1.00, and. $1.25, sites 3 to 5. Ladies' Oxfords, rriediuna flexible soles, kid toe caps, $1.35, sizes 8 to 4. Ladies' Trilby Low Shoes, blucher style'flexible soles, pat- ent toe cap, kid strap and tie, $1,50, sizes 4 to 4. Ladies' very fine Dongola Low Shoes, heavy extension soles, patent toe caps, $1.75; were more matey. Atlases' Low Shoes, sixes 11 to 13, $1.00 and 51.15. (Hendren's Slippers -three Styles. Peerless Shoes, sbylish up-to-clete, price and quality correct. $2,00 to $2.75. eSel,C11 aessease, alaisradlemW.Natftirim- rimoriovelimiaseseesaalrett" POPPLESTON E& GARDINER Greeeries Speeialty. (bee Door North of E'ostoffice, E Mr. IVIeleolin Mi1yar4 o Ottawa, is holidaying at home. Mize ReeSel, of Gaelph, is the guest of Mrs. F., Wood, 111fr. Jaffrey, of Tomato, is the goest of Mrs, D. Johns, Miss Snell, of Dashwood, is a guest of Mr. and. Mrs, Geo, Samwell. Mies Lily Robinson is visiting relatives in Parkhill, this week. Mr, Chas. Birney is soendrug a few vveeks with friends in. Windsor. Miss Horne has now almost tally recovered from her recent severe ill- ness. Mr. jos. Senior, is attending the Photographer's Convention at But. falo. Mrs. Loadman, has returned from a pleasant vial& with friends in Port leturon. Mies Newton, of Windsor, spent the forepart of this week here with friends. Me. McLeod, of Londoe, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. 3, Heaman, over Sunday. Miss Bell, of Woodstock, is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith, of Spring - burst Farm, Miss Atkinson, of Oineinatti, Ohio, is at present visiting her aunt, Miss Kate .A.tkinson. The Misses Dickson, of Seafortb, were guests of the Misses Johns, on Teesday. and. Wednesday. Mrs. Steinburg, and son, of London, are the guest of Mrs. Fovvell and Mrs. E. J. Spackman. iVirs, John Sweet, Huron street, en- tertained a number of her lady friends on Friday evening last. Mr. R. H. Sweet has placed in his store an office desk which adds great- ly to the appearance of his store. Miss .A. E, Holmes of Ayr, who has been visiting Mrs. Charles Tom the past week, xeturned to her flame Sat- urday. Miss Beatrice, Robinson, is spend- ing a few days at Grand. Bend, with her cousins, Mr. Will Neil, of -Walton, and Dr, Frank Neil ot Toronto. Mrs. J. J. White and little daughter, Dorothy, returned to their home in Detroit, on Friday last after a pleasant VISit with friends here. Mrs. Isaac Bawden, (formerly of Exeter,) left Blyth for Saskatchewan, where she will make her home for some time with her daughter. Miss Mercia Sweet, of Detroit, and Miss Kathleen Turner, of Glasgow. Scotland, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Hill, of Fairfield, this week. Mrs. John Braundeof 13 uffalo, accom- panied by ber daughter, arrived Mon- day evening and. will spend a short time with leer. mother, Mrs. Floyd. Mr. Stuart Walker, accompanied by his friend, Mr. Geo. Marriott, of Lon- don, visited. friends and relatives in this vicinity on Sunday and Mmiday, Mrs. Hagen, -who has been visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. James Ram- sey, for the past two week returned to her home at Sovverlay, on Wednes- day. .Some of the farmers in this section are threshing their grain as they draw it from the field, which, owing to the recent rains Vas been greatly damage ed. Mr. H. Hooper. of the R. Pickard Co's staff, Hensall, is holidaying at his home here, while his place is being filled by Mr. Chesney, of the Exeter store. Miss Mary Clarke was in London, on Tuesday to see her uncle, Mr. Will Clark, who bas been ill for the past year, and who now is rapidly sinking. Mrs. H. W. jessey, and sons Ray, Leon, and Harry, of Elmira, N. Y. are visitiug relatives and friends in and around town for the inonth of August. The Rev. J. W. Ten Eyck will hold. a Coronation Service in Trivitt Me- morial church on Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. All are cordially invited to attend. Mrs. Gladman, of Peterboro. who has been visiting her son, Mr. F.. W. Gladman, left on Saturday last for Parry Sound, where she will visit relatives. Bank of London $10 bills are in cir- culation in Western Ontario. This institution has been out of business for some time, and the bills are there. fore worthless. We are pleased to learn that Mr. R. Holmes, M. P., of Clinton, has almost entirely recovered from his recent ill- ness, arid is able to attend to his journ- alistic and other duties. We believe almost everybody -with in reach uses Star Flour, .but if .you have not tried it do so and be convinc- ed that it. is the best flour on the market. HARVEY BROS. Mr. A, Q. Bobier, of the Jersey Creamery, left Tuesday evening for Bervie, where he has a branch cream- ery. ,Mr. Bobier is meeting with every success. in his new f actory. There were registered by the divi- sion registrar for Vsborne township, for the half year ending June 30th, 15 births, 10 males and 5 fetnales ; 14 deaths, 5males and 6 females; 11 mar- riages. Miss Hattie Templeton, of Toronto, who has been the guest of her cousins, the Misses Sweeb, and other friends in town, lefb on Monday last for Kincar- dine where she will yisit her sister, Mrs. Annieg, Mr. Ohas. Senior, of Toronto, who has been renewing acquaintances in town the past week, left for home on Tuesday morning acecompanied by Mrs Senior, who has been 'visiting friends here for the past few W eeks, Messrs &leaden and McDonnel, who have been on ari extended business trip to the Old Country, returned last Saturday with a nuttiber of horses, inninding Olydes, Shires and Hack- neys. The horses are in good condi- tion and are among the best that cottld be secured in England, Messrs 14 avv(103 arid McDotiell report a pleas- anb trip, All over. the Werth West crop pros - pacts are splendid. Wheat will be a little later, perhaps, than last year, bar with goOd. Weather the yield win be evert greater than the phenometial Onfi of 1901 The Valhi 9.15 'Will be EZ ",(1VIES rk R PifikaPii tiensail 15xeter t it • Dasliwoodwituu soasollabio Baradifis 10 Fiat Weather Requirements to only men s all wool'light weight, striped, blue and white Summer Svits, made up in correct style, a big selling line, regular $.1.0.50 for ........$7.50 25 Boys' Colored Blouses, regular prices ranged from 35c to 50c. Your choice while they last for 25c 200 yards American Foulards in all good colorings, warranted perfectly fast, worth 20c. 25 Ladies' Parasols, good full size, a good bargain ..... .50c. 300 pairs Ladies' regular 20c., warranted perfectly fast black Cotton Hose • . ... • .. 15c. 25 Boys' Bathing Suits, ...... special at 15c. eery Fl esh Ba nnas ials 3 cans Clark's Pork and Beans in Chili Sauce ...... ...... for 25c. 3 pounds fresh Sweet Biscuits.... , .. . • .. • . . for 25C, 2 cans best Red Salmon .... ...... . .... .... ....for 25c. 5 cans best Sweet Corn ....... ...... ., .... ......for 25c. 25 pounds R.edpaths Extra Standard Granulated Sugar .. $1..00 6 pounds Tapioca .... . . • .... .... . : .•for 25c Regular 35c. Black, Green or Mixed Tea ........ .... ....for 25c .3 dozen for 25c. hi ats Men's Regular $4..00 Rain Coats ...... Ladies' regular $7.75 Rain Coats for Ladies' Vests at 5c, 7c, ioc, 12c, 20c, 25c and ... $2 . 7 5 •••$5,50 • • 4 • • • 38C Highest prices for all kinds of Farm Produce at all times. Our Exeter store will close at 6.30 p. m. Wednesday and Saturday evenings excepted. The R. Pickard Co Direct importers taxed, no doubt, far beyond their capa- city in hauling out the crops. Mr. J. A. Stewart was suddenly called to London last week owing to the death of his brother, Jatues, which occurred at Victoria Hospital. The deceased young man, had about a year ago, a very severe attack of pneumonia, from which he never fully recovered. He tried the climate of Colorado, but without any hope- ful results. A few weeks ago he came to New York, and. was there met by his brother who there procured ' the best medical advise for his case It was then decided to remove him to London, where Ins friends might more often visit him. .But his death was not expected quite so soon. He was a young ma,n only in his 21th year. His remains were interred. in the family plot at Brechin APPRENTICE WANTED. -An appren- tice wanted to learn the milling, from 15 to 17 years of age, with good educa- tion. Apply to HARVEY Bitos. SIICCESSFTTL STUDENT.- 111.isS Nina Kinsman'who has been attending the Oonservatory of Music, in Toronto, has passed ber examination in Theory with first-class honors. ,Sreteavein,-From my premises, Car- ling St., Exeter, on Monday Aug. 4th, a two-year old Jersey heifer, color, pure faveu. Finder suitably re- warded by notifying the undersigned by post card or otherwise. R. D. ROY, Exeter P. 0. RETURNED Home. -Mr. David Mil- lar, who has been living in Spokane, Wash.' for the past four years, re- turnedhome on Saturday morning last. Mr. Millar speaks well of the climate and country in Washington Territory and enjoyed life out there with the members of his family, but he now intends remaining here for some time at least. RETURNED, -Miss Hannah Kins- man has returned. home from Toronto, where she has been in attendance at the Summer school for teachers under the auspice of the Educational depart- ment, of Ontario, Tne school has been instituted for the training of teachers and has a season of three weeks. - Miss Kinsman, with Miss Kate Watson, of Goclerich, were the only teachers in atendance from Huron county, DEATIC OF MRS, (DR.) WILtonaram. -Mrs. Willoughby, wife of Rev. Dr. Willoughby, went to visit her son, Dr. J. H. Willoughby of Saskatoon, N. W. T., a few days ago. Her health has been failing for some time and she and her family hoped the change and kind care of her son. the Dr., blight restore her to health. She reached her destination in eafety accompanied by her daughter, Mes. (De.) Watson. She stank rapidly however and her husband received a telegram on Mon- day morning that she had passed away peacefully on Sunday, August Bed. Iter many friends will be shocked and grieved by her sudden departure. Her son, the Dr,, is coming with her remains to Tomtit°. She will be buried in the Necropolis, Friday after- noon, on the arrival of the 2.45 teai from the. Nottb. West, --Coat, 1 EXETER NORTII NOTES. -Mr. and Mrs. R. Leach of Staffordville, is visit- ing with the latter's sister, Mrs. A., Al- ward, at the cemetery. Miss Annie Brown and her brother, Welcome, are visiting friends in Exeter. Miss Mary Horn left Thursday morning to visit in London and Brantford. Mrs. Hen- dry- who has been the guest of Mrs. Wm, Brickwood, left for her home in Toronto on Saturday. Mr. R. Jeckell, of Hamilton, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Wm. Jeckell, London Road. Mrs Geo. Mowat, of Toronto, is the guest, of Mrs. W.Rivers. Miss Venetia and Annie Lang who have been visit- ing in Londou 'returned home last week. Miss Fanny Hatter of London, is holidaying at her home at Exeter North. Miss Regina Davis who has been at home for a short time, left for London last Wednesday evening. Miss Alma Brook returned home Mon- day evening aftervisiting in Auburn, Goderich and Brussels. Miss Jessie Willis who has been in Winnipeg re- turned home last week to visit her parents. FOR OVER SIXTY lEARS AN OLD AND WELL-TNTED REMEDY. -Mr Winslow s Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by- millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums. allays al pain, cures Wind colic. and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and take Mrs Winslow's Soothing syrup and ask for no other kind. .1115011IIIMM16.112¢1...11SIN/Watr KINZIS=2,,gwa, 1470IONMINIII ANADIAN pAcwic 0,0oo I farm 1 A RM Intim 4, ORERS ""4 TED EXCiff81°11S ud Class _Will be r on C. P. Assiniboia 21west and Winnipeg a to stations n Manitoba est, South- th-west of ar as Wiens On .MUST 21 f Illtario on Main Lit and North, excep and Cardwell Jc VAN and N OgrAl u..-717"-t.ticasit=Gr' oronto to Sarnia North of Toronto One-way tick11 Winnipeg onlY WII1 be sold, wjhac tificate extend- ing the trip, bjfore A oat 31st, with- out additiort cost, to her points in Manitoba at, Assiniboia s abovc, If purchasers* ga e as far laborers at Winhipe rOvi ea such rm laborers will wor et leas than 80 ys at, bar - vesting nd prodnee certill to to that effect ey will be returne original start' 4 point at $18.001 on r before Not• Oth, 1902. T1 ate not good on "Imperial rotted" Poe further particulars and apply to nearest railway agent. e,it NOTmAll. AsekOoCL Peasr, Agt., Toro CAR FOR FOR ING B ER JOODS A BIC DIVE IVIUSLINS Muslins that were 12c 1.50 and 20c to clear at 5c Ox blood and other colored Linens for children's suit and ladies' wear. White goods in Organdies, Dimities, Persian Lawns &o... Linen Batistie, double width, 48 in. wide, only 390. For Whitewear and Fashionable Waists ladies will find the selection very desirable, while the garments themselves are admitted to be extremely comfortably. Call at once and get the pick as they will go fast now as the days are hot. fritighest Prices for Prodttoe. .11 e rb g Br S teeeterrer.ele..Me eere.14-1,-Weeletteetlltlreee Now is the time to beautify your homes by selecting some of our handsome furniture, Do you, want A nice bedroom sett for. ........ $10.00 Sideboard 8 0 Nice Cool Sweet mattresses3:08 Bedsprings. ... .... 2.00 Couches and easy chairs at easy prices, Curtain poles and Trimmings. We have several setts of BEAUTIFUL CHAIRS, jus in. Cal I get'auidt iffor7ye0.. have not got what you CwiVaielt UwesAwill soon es. C. u toin Furniture and Undertaking Rooms OIDLEY'S BLOCK, EXETER. "1.1••••11Mi, The .,t.1. -k os,„. t,- • .LONDON.. iMmi.72m•eaMMININflinIMInraanasellailattiMM. fi Mullen of Soeetaoular Merit ominurrnwawKasonassom• Ai R sem. 12-20, 1902 Prof, Hutchison, the Human Bomb, in a thrilling Baloon Ascension and Parachute Drop. The marvelous Cycle Dazzle. The Osnatos, in a sensation novelty, The great Gay, the Handcuff King. The Olifans, Continental Eccentriques. waning and Du Crow, fatoous Monopedes. Rosa Naynou, wibli her troupe of Trained Tropical Birds, The Bard Bros., Acrobatic Wonders, Ohrissie M. Jones, Cornet Virtuoso. Magnificent Pyrotechnics and many other features Special train service over ail. lines. Exhibits blether ahead than 0he times Gronnus insid- iously beautiful. Buildings irresiitably Inviting. Prize Lists, Maps, Programmes and inforMation for the asking from LT. -COL. W. M. GARTSELORE, .T. A. NELLES, President. Secretary. lElrehe secoelesseeseseecceaseesess • - :Fall Term opens Sent. 2nd 3 • • , • 441 , .f Central • 09 . • • ‘01, ssi . 0 0 0 V STFeATFORD ONT ' 0 0 A School that occupies front rank 8 79 among the best business colleges, on this e 6 Continent. Many leading commercial 0 0 schools employ our graduates as tea- 6 e °hers. We do our best ,to place all our 0 0 graduates In good positions and we have 0 a been more successful this year than in • 9 any previous year. Those desiring the 0 e) test in business education should at- (10 e tend our school. Write for catalogue. • Eli 0 e_.)e a , W. J. ELLIOTT, to s tosseameoecomeem000PoreineceisPasizi e) 13ARGAINS IN E! • You will find here at all times the greatest bargains in furniture. The lowest prices and best efforts to please. Undertaking a Specialty. N. OWE FOR SALE 60 acres ; well situated ; first class soil; good frame house • berm stable, orchard &c. Splen - Spend your Holidays at the did opportunity for anymie wanting a farm of this size, .AppV once to olleolls Tomiirfifice [10101, ip. N Barrister, Exeter. 50 ifEAIRS0 EXPERIENCE Bonfield, Ontario. This hotel was lately purchased by the undersigned and has been fitted up with every modern cotivenience of a Summer Resort Hotel. Ice Cream parlors in connection. GoOtl Accommodation for the Traveliing Bayfield is situated ab the mouth of the 13avfield River on Lake Iluron. Excellent Fishing, Boating and Bath. ing. etc. The beach is like pavement, melting bathing safe for the smallest child. For rateand frather particu- late Write or aptly to MILS, L. MURRAY, Bayfielci, Ont. Canada. TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COFilf RIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and deserlPtiOn May quickly ascortalv our opinion free Woether an invention ia pro ably patentable. Ootratamiell, none strictly achadwitiol. InindbOok On Patents sent frod. Oldest ngeney for sesusinespateutd. ratcakto taKen tbronoli Muth & co..reeehre opecicatifitice, siritribut calrga, th. scientific„ifitierican A. handsomely illueltrat'ed weekly. Largest olt. oulation Of any 6610;g100 donrrial. Terme, $8 a year; PAU' rnontho.1/4 Sold by all nowisdealers. MUNN &Co 36 113roadWay, New York Branch°Moo. .d25 Olt.. Washington. n. o, es : sees eses