HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-8-7, Page 5"r -
T I tvi. LI a
"It's riot Iost that a
friend gets."
Rather give too
.naigh, than too little
A safe policy for
Makers, who brand
their own price on—
"The Slater Shoe"
E. T, SPA.OKMAN. General Agent,
In these days of marvelous achieve-
xnente men have almost ceased to be
surprised no matter what strange
novelty may appear, and yet we have
just learned of a sensational teat of
human skill and daring that compels
universal wonder and admiration
• wherever it is seen. It is called the
Cycle Dazzle, and was originated by
the world-famous king of hazardous
exploits The act is performed on the
smallest racing track.ever constructed
and one built at an angle of '14 de-
grees. In this strange structure two
men and two women on bicycles per•
feats so; marvelous that they
defy description. One can scarcely
imagine the terrific speed that must
be attained by these daring riders on
such a track, to set at naught com-
pletely the law of grayitation. We
are glad to know that the people of
Western.Ontario are soon to have the
„ pleasure of seeing this unparalleled
sensation. The Directors of the Wee -
tern Fair Association have fortunate-
ly been successful in securing the
attraction for the thousands who will
• visit London from September 12th tc
Oth, the date of the great exhibition.
But this is not all the programme,
for the "Western" of 1902 goes far be-
yond anything ever attempted in the
same line. It has always been the
leader in these departments, bnt this
year will surpass itself in the. beauty,
-variety and thrilling magnificence of
its programme. A „rda,nce at the list
suftices to prove that the manage-
• ment have spared neither trouble nor
expense to give their friends the most
unique, instructive and amusing en-
tertainment ever offered to the people
of this province.
Another sensational marvel, who
. has thrilled thousands in the States
will be at the Exhibition in the per-
son of Prof. Hutchison, the Human
Bomb. He takes s tremendous flight
in his iramense balloon and makes a
parachute drop by being projeCted
from a bomb, suspended at the lower
portion of the floating gas bag,
Rosa Naynon and her wonderful
flock ot 63 trained tropical birds
should win unstinted admiration•from
lovers of ornithological study. These
birds are inestly Oockatoos and Ma-
caws. and. show phenomenal intelli-
gence. The tricks, they do are the
result of long months of patient train -
...4 the
and illustrate in a remarkable
way e result of conscientious effort.
• ' The marvelous Monopedes. or one-
, legged arcobats, Manning and Du-
• - Orow will present their high-class
borizontal bar act. which has filled
vaudeville houses in all parts of the
• .,continent. The feats which these
• Bien perform, each with a limb miss-
ing, have excited. the roost enthusias-
tic praise and wonder.
Among the other areobatic special-
• ties will he those of the Osnatos, three
of the cleverest artists of the athletic
world; and the four Bard. Bros., fam-
ous for the astonishments they have
• brought to spell -bound audiences,
•44. with their backward and forward
•somersaults, cutaways. doubles and
• twisters • and then there will be on
• hand the four inimitable Olifans,
• with their amusing eccentricities and
novelties. They are unrivalled com-
edians, singers and dancers, in an act
• never witnessed by the Canadian
The great Gay and his wife are the
most mysterious wonder workers and
, magicians appearing on any platform.
Gay can remove any pair of hand -
•cuffs fastened upon him, almost in-
stantaneously, in a manner almost
inexplicable, but his greatest turn is
• the wonderful trunk inystery, a trick
of magic so bevvilderiug that it stands
• in a class by itself.
Ohnssie Mores m Jones, Canada's
greatest lady Cornet Virtuoso. will
appear every afternoon and evening
in numbers denanding the maximum
of tnilm'cal skill. The Fiieworks dis-
• play has built planned along lines
calculated to produce the geeatest
luxury of color ever seen in Western
• Ontario, and is a featnee ivf the show
none can afford to tubs. °thee
special attractior s are being arranged
for and each steed pre eruitent in its
• class, bat those accorded brief au
tion will initiate intending visitors
- into some, at least, of the secrets cf
px °wised success.
Every department of the Exhibition
Itching Skin
Distress by day and night --
That's the complaint of those who
katre so unfortunate as to he afflicted
ith Eczema or Salt Rheum—and out-
ward applications do not cure.
They cah't.
• The source of the trouble is in the
blood—rnake that pure and this scal-
• ing, burning, itching skin disease will
"I was taken With an itching, on my
• arms which proved very disagreeable. I
concluded it was salt rheunl and bought a
• bottle of Rood's Sarsaparilla. in two cities
sifter I began taking it I felt better and it
, was not long balm I was cured. Ilevc
• never had any 9 n disease Since." erns.
• IDA E. IVABD, Ccvo Point, Ald,
• Hood's •Sam parilla
rids the blood of all impurities and
• cures all eruptioez. •
s being strengthened and. improvsd
and in each case a distinct advance
over previous years has been scored,
Although the Western. Fair of 1902 is
oonfideetly expected to excel its illus.
trions7predeeessors in the wealth of
• exhibits, the excellence of special
programmes and •constuning interest
to visitors from all parts of the m-
vince, and indeed to add to the ac-
cumulated glory heaped up by this
Exhibition during past years.
IT 'TfISTES 6-00D 1
Has a Deliciousness Peculiar to
• Itself. • "
Appetizing and Ntaritious.
Malt Breakftat 'rood
It takes time to likesome foods.
The first meal of Malt Breakfast Food
captivates the taste. It has a delici-
ousness peculiar to itself. No other
food can taste like it, for no other .is
so scientifically made. Malt Break-
• fast Food is the most appetizing and
nutritious of grain foods, and phy-
sicians give it first place as a health
and strength giver. It is good for
young and old. For the weak and
strong. All Grocers.
The close student of Dominion
politics is quickly convinced of the
fact, that there is a decided lack of
system prevailing at Gttawa in all of
the great money spending depart-
ments. Take for instance the public
works that are being carried out from
one end of Canada to the other, and it
is impossible to find two connecting
links. A thousand dollars here and
half a million there will be found
among the items at the end • of each
year, but in many cases the money is
simply thrown away, The question
•of transportation has been touched on
the very outside edge, and. money is
being spent in different places, only to
prove that the works in course of con-
struction are little more than local
yalue. At $t. John and Halifax grain
elevators have been built at the ex-
pense of the Government, to be used
by the Intercolonial Railway, As
everybody knows, Hon. Mr. Blair
made a mess of the grain carrying
bubiness, losing thousands of dollars
in discovering that he could not coma
pete with other lined. The St. John
and Halifax elevators in consegttence
are lying idle, and the country has
$500,000 tied up in a useless way.
Many similar instances can be cited.
and the aggregate waste of money is
enormous. What the country wants
is A policy in which system shall play
at least a minor part. The Govern-
ment is spending over $85,000,000 per
annum at present, yet it is impossible
to discover one great work that is
being carried on.
When these organs fail to perform
their proper functions, the blood be-
comes poisoned and suffering and
disease commence. This can be avoid-
ed by keeping your vitality at high-
water rae.rk, the blood rich and pure
by taking one Ferrozone tablet after
each meal. .
Ferrozone has a mild but rapid.
action on the liver and. kidneys, and
is certainly the greatest producer of
red vitalizing blood known to soience.
Morniug Tiredness, Langour, Dizzi.
ness, Pain in the back and Sick Head-
ache disappear at once when Fer-
rozone is used. Get it to day. Price
50c. at druggists, or N. C. Poison &
Co., Kingston, Ont.
Dr. Hamilton's Pills cure billious-
Students who wrote on the first part
of the leaving and the matriculation
examinations this year need not scan
the city papers for results, This year
the Education Department is establish-
ing a precedent. They have decided
• not to publish the names of the suc-
cessful . students in the newspapers.
• Deputy Minister of Education, John
Millar, stated that this step bad been
taken partly because or the very large
number of candidates, and partly be-
eauee it was deemed better not Co pub-
lish the.na,mes. The students who are
anxious to know their fate must .se-
cure the information from the High
School principals. The high school
„principals may hand a list of the•
names to the local papers if they so
I have uied Strong's Pilekone in my
practice, as well me in my own case,
and rail justly certify-, that it is an ex -
toile& remedy for the purpose for
which IL ie intended. R CA4P-
BELT.:1, D, (Meaner, • London, Out.
' Price $1.00. Per sale by .druggiste,
Or by mali mi reeeipauf priee,
W. T. STRONG, Man ufactu el lig
Oltemist, London. Ontario.
JulV nth, et Trills Oitelit Oa wife
of AO,VVtn. LOVO, cif Son,
WADDETX,..4-011 A.Utrtfil 741-,a6 iindlotta [foRpt.,
LONIOtt. the Wi110
fe It ..C. %V. J‘ Weddell,
(formerly Of iglituel110,) Of SOIL
•Army Estimates Again Discussed
By House of Commons.
11 ar Secretary. nrodrick Says Govern-
ment Intends to Probe 0118.1Cos ef
Co'rruption—Itniiphasizes Diffieulties of
ilurinK-De Does Iiot. Believe Lore
Kitchener would ,Yein in Cry '407170
1 kw Departinent,•
• .London, Aug. 5. -The remount
scanclals„.were re -aired in •the House
of . 'Commons yesterday in the course
of a discussion of the army estimates
'and the item uf transportation and
remounts. Sir Charles .Dilk-e, sug-
gested the Publication of the cor-
responckme bearing on the remount
scandals, obtained from the United
States and'Argentinct. Colonel John
P. Nolan condemned the loose sys-
tem or contracts under which. such
dreadful scan.clals were possible, while
several other members of the 'House
depreeated the method of purchasing
horses through middlemen. -
Mr. Itrodrick„ .the War Secretary,
replying, said the members overlook-
ed the difficulties in the way 'of pro-
viding one hundred and fifty thous-
• ani horses in an emergency. He
said the Government intended to
probe the charges, but that lie be-
lieved some remount officers had been
harshly judged. He did not believe
that Lord 1Citchener would join in
the universal cry against the re-
mount department.
In answer to -the War Secretary,
John Dillon, asserted that Mr, Brod-
rick's vague speech only strengthened
his suspicions, and be .pointed out,
as an instance of this, --that the Gov-
ernment had not denied that Major,
Studdart had profited largely
through buying horses in Ireland un-
der a false mune.
Mr. Brodrick denied that he had Tto
disposition to push. the Seucldart and
other investigations, and said the
Government would go -to the fullest
extremes to convict the perpetrators
of conspiracy ancl fraud.
• The 'vote 071 the item of transpor-
tation and remount was agreed to.
London, Aug. 5.. -The correspond.
ent of The Daily Mail at The Hague
says .in. a, despatch that it is becom-
ing increasingly difficult to combat
the generally accepted Dutch theory
that the Boers. leaders here . are cam-
paigning toward the ultimate subver-
sion of British rule in South Africa.
The Beers General, Lucas Meyer, who
has just reached Holland from Lon-
don, instead of going to Germany,
has stepped at The Hague and is go-
ing to visit Mr. •Kruger, while sev-
eral other prominent Boer leaders are
assembling here. Nobody at The
Hague, .continues the •correspondent
of The Daily Mail, believes their
story that their mission is to collect
funds for Boer widows.
. -
QUEEN HINT.; to iiirens:Htfat,
Rumor Ilevi'ved Thar. tbeSoldier Is About
LORdOn, Aug.' 5. -When. • Queen Al-
exandra met Lord Kitchener after his
return. from Sonth .Africa, she • told
him there was only one thing neces-
• sary to make hint eVerything. that
Could ..be desired.
Ho asked her what that was. •
The Queen answered: "A clever,
.handsome wife."
To which Lord Kitchener smilingly
rejoined: "That' is a defect capable
of being remedied,"
The commotion excited in London
Fcniety by this story was intensified
by Lord Kitchener's intimation to
the London Corporation that he
wants a piece of decorative gold plate
-when receiving...their address and not
thedonvurtional .gold casket. This
Is thought toindicate that hi in-
tends to start housekeeping. .
It has been 'noticed with anxiety
Generally from using catarth snuffs
and ointments containing this deadly
drug 15 18 well to remember that the
only direct scientific cure for catarrh
is OatarrhOZone, which cures by the
inhalation of medical air, SimPlY
breathe Catarrhozone, and it will cure
all forms of UatarrhoZone, Bronchitis,
Aethraa, Lung Trouble- and Deafness.
Ev ery br'eaili from Oatarrhozone In -
had er soothes, heals and relieves. Per-
manent cure guaranteed even though
every other remedies failed. 'fey
Oatarrhozone, price $1.00 • small size,
25c. Druggists, or N. 0, Poison &
Co., Kingston, Ont. •
Dr. Hattli11.011's PSIs cure Billioue
tioncitty •.)1des5y Walketi 1:11 tf. d
Dawn a F11;t of stairs Without
• Any Assisianen.
Cowes, Isle of Wight Aug 5 -
King. Edward yesterday for. the first
time since his illness, walked up and
down a flight of stairs without as-
sistanoe. • He also enjoyed a stroll on
She upper promenade deck of the roy-
al yacht, Victoria and Albert, from
whicha splendid • view of tie yacht
races was obtainable. Empress Eu-
genie, who has arrived here, on her
yacht the Thistle, visited Xing Ed-
ward •yesterday. .Queen Alexandra,
Princess Victoria, and: Sir Frederick
Treves took a cruise yesterday- on
board the royal yacht Osborne.
Wei Executive ef 111 Cities of Mare
s eau motto Invited.
London, Aug. 5. -Visitors to Lon-
don who will not be abie to see the
interior of Westminster Abbey before
the coronation day, may do so aster
that event, it having officially been
announced that the edifice will be
open from Aug. 12, to Aug. 16. The
colonial and, the native inditin troops
'will be admitted free on Aug. 12. On
other days. the entrance fees will
range from Chi.to 5s. •
Invitations to the coronation cere-
mony have been telegraphed at the
King's 'command to the Mayors of all
cities of more than. 20,000 inhabi-
rsals of • the coronation cere-
mony are held daily, with the excep-
tion of the musical program which
has been made a special order for
Friday. A structure is to be erected
between the Abbey and Parliament
Buildings through which members of
the 1Touse of Commons will have pri-
vate access to the Abbey.
tzp posed Tenzeande Wrecked Upon Son
of Sir Minims '7,in Horne.
New York, Aug. •5.-Bichard. Benja-
min Van Horne, son of Sir William,
chairman of the • Canadian Pacific,
Hes in the quarantine hospital here,
ill with fevet and the effects of what
is supposed to be poison, given him
for vengeance by a Cuban cook in
camp near Matanzas, Cuba.
Mr. Van Horne has been ehief en-
g:neer of the new Cuban Itailway,
ehich his father is projecting, was
1'4u -senor on the steamer Curityba
anti was taken to the hospital im-
mediately on arrival yesterday.
In Cuba he clischar,fed a native
Workman, who swore'', he would get
even, threatening to thoot . Van
ITo.ne on sight. The man left the
camp, and later got back, unknown,
as rook.
• Mr. Van Horne complained of pots -
on syiriptoms for several days before
sailing from Mantanzas for a visit
home. Ho was taken violently sick
on board tha Ourityba, but was giv-
en the best care possible by Capt.
Hoppe and his officers:
He is reported as being in a criti-.
cal condition. Sir William his been
aotified. Sir William's friends in this
city were also notified. He is about
80 years old.
that ord Kitchener gets- en bet' e'•
with American women then Eng l h
women, for the latter's usually s
fo, mal manners ckill him,
awl n
Windsor, Aug. 5. -Darby Travers,
who is confined at the county jell on
suspicion of burglarizing the resi-
dence of Col. Burk, United States
cousul at St. Thomas, was caught in
a bold 'attempt to gain his iibe. ty
Sunday by Turnkeys 111otL and
ller. • Travers had come into posses-
sion of a saw in S01110 manner and
had already sawed through two iron
bars of his cell, whea the tuenkeys
became aware of his plans, and frus-
trated them.
onven I 011 '1 1 e 1oerap
DUlfraiOy Aug. 5. -To -day, at Con-
vention Hall, the Photographers'
Association ol America will hold it's
eeml anneal convention, and the in-
dications • are that the attendance
will be one of the largest in its his-
tory. The association numbers seine
1,70.0 members and , includes photo-
graphers from Canada, Mexico and
the West Indies..
:.lay Lose His Sight.
Chatham, Aug, 5,-A little son of
J. 0, Kerr, barrister of this city,
will probably lose an eye as the
reSult, of a mishap while playing yes-
terday: The sight is badly damaged.
Outbreak Is Over. .
• Washington, Aug. 5. -Captain Mc-
Crea of the gunboat Brathe,is cabled
the Navy Department yesterday that
the outbreak at Hayti is practieally
over. •
Genuine Castorla always bears the Seeetatrr
• of Chas. H. Pietcher,
When Baby was Sick, we gave her r
117.'hen she was a Child, She cried for C,risto.:1,
1."*1fi”i she beeame Miss, she resse l rs e, • •
ItatiCh lid rety ;ewe teens
wuar THE TELEGRA.li 31DAN3.%
merely an 'A drnoultien t� 31r. ling:: to
• nrop Investigation.
11'1011.p -eel, Que.; Aug. 5.-A. D.
Evans has gone to Europe, but MS
manager, Mr. Moffatt, made the fol-
lowing statement yesterday re the
telegram to lir. Bagg: "There is no
Mystery about it at all. Every rea-
sonable man was satisfied that Peen
had died a natural death. He had
enteric fever in South ;Africa and was
not well afterwards. The doctor said
he died from heart disease, and the
boy's father felt convinced that there
was nothing wrong. Under the cir-
cumstances the hint of suicide or
something else was very annoying.
lir. Ting took great interest in the
matter, and was apparently fond of
Something,sensational. He kept Writ-
ing to this office constantly about
if.. Finally, on June 26, a letter was
received from him nominally ori busi-
ness, but half of it was taken np
with diseu,ssing the Geen matter.
Mr. Evaes became annoyed, and sent
the telegram. It was an admonition
t o Me. Ragg to drop the subject and
attend to business. Theta all there
is to it."
New Anglo -,;;:ton ochense,
London., Mtg. 5. -The Sunday, Ob;
server, one of the most serious and
erucUte of English journals, ;riven
Sick - Headache?
Food doesn't digest welt?
Appetite poor? Bowels
constipated? Tongue coated?'
It's your liver! Ayer's Pills
art liver pills; they cute dys..
pepsia, biliousness.
• 25c. All drunlets-
Want, you: pit;ostache or beard a beettlful
1- "1 r..,1)1,1ack? Thins use
r. '
S uYEtgotgars
.0 cll'?“ or onutms•t$, 01;.11,P Hat, tiAkiKtM. N.H*
DR. W H1 GRAHAM Izingbv.wost.
Late of 198)
NO. x Clarence -square, corner Spadina avenue,
Toronto, Canada, treats Chronic diseases and makes
a specialty of Skin Diseases, as Pimples, Ulcers, Etc.
PRIVATE DISEAsES as Impotency, Sterility, Vari-
cocele, Nervous Debility, etc., (the result of youthful
folly and excess,)Gleet and Stricture ot Long Stand-
ing, treated by galvanism, the only method without
pain and all bad after effects.
Diseases ofiWomen—P4inful, profuse or suppressed menstruation, I
ulceration, leucorrhoea and all displacements of the womb.
Omen Houns-9a, m, t08 p. ru. Sunday 1 to 3 p. re.
grom promineMo to a long editbrial.
article Ei.dvocating the extending of
the postoffice savings bant s into an
Imperial lItUlking eoncern, embracing
the Whole Empire, somewhat upon
the lines of the American national
banks, with branches in America,
with an Anglo-Anwrican naval alli-
ance as an adjunct.
Argen for the Wisszitax AssImarics Cam -
easy, of Toronto ; also for the elecexix Fuse
Nal721ANC21 COMPANY, Of Linutieln, IIIS18114
znoecac lvsen.axett yr• ,r
• MED1 CA 1..
re Vavor of t oak-der:Aim, •
'111 y..i114 le;;VICAS, re 11. T91t91TO UNI.
'', el I) Q. Bd. Trinity Univer.
Montreal, Aug, 5. -Judge Fanerestri
roany•oar , volts ite 0, 1111(31(.3.1.os; ailtsictot. ?se nfoel,evl ing\ eil;, ii it; ' :11-13.:.(f'B'' 1 \
1 ii::: d \I IN°• 11;.°1 M (11:: . D . m . 0.
of 'eTewfoundland, who is in the city P ir
keen, but he hesi tette to give an elee ti . I- b ,14
,,rscis ails Victoria .0.eve•rsiry
iniou as to U•liether the colonial con- tcfill'oixtetr.
lierettiee etc., own iniou Labors-
ference in progress in Lom:on is like- •
ly to bring about the consummatiou
desired by many. Iris rIonor, rays ( Al .
thet Premier,em
ei.s very much in earnest
murder In A). John.
St, John, N.B., Aug. 5. -The body
of Joseph Doherty, aged 20, was
found concealed in a clump of bushes -
yesterday, with wounds on bead and
face, supposed to have been caused
by bullet:4 and sharp -pointed instru-
ment. All cit•tur 9ancrs point to
foul play. The po'l e are investigat-
ing the matter. •
‘Loan of Aro • r a ,21:nt,
ThiTiS, Aug. 5. ---Jot; n• o7 'Are 'will
.not he cononi/ed by the Roman Ca-
o1ic Ch.:le h. . The nem•s that the
Sacred College of Cardianls has defi-
nitely refused to beautify the heroine
of Rouen, 'wee received here Yester-
dee', • and has caused widespread dis-
Dr. Roche
Winnipeg, ,Aug. 5, ---it is remo red -
that Mr. Roche, Pedetal meetLer for
Marquette, is sto- resign his seat in
the House and enter the Lc, al Cab-
*.10 113 PDX Viet (111...q2 nje.t.
• Perth, Aug. 5. -No one could be
found to bury William Lee, who died
of smallpox, and Rev. Fate eis Davis
volunteered and 'completed the task.
There are
lib more important or-
gans of the body than
the bowels
If they are irregular, health must
be imperfect.
Constipation is the common ail-
ment of the age.
Nothing is worse for the bowels
than the frequent use of cathartics.
They do not cure Constipation -
they aggravate it. A laxative
• does cure.
ere a Gentle Laxative and
A Tonic combined
The Ideal Remedy
for Constipation
30 Tablas 25 Cents
• • .
TfiliEN1UM 21795
that has shown his ability to sire ex-
treme speed. There is uo standard -
bred horse that lives that is Tenn-
tum's superior in breeding. There is
no better honed horse with size, style
and substance. He is a natural born
trotter and can go fast. Taree tun)
has produced out of less than ton
colts in his own vicinity. tw.o that has
shown trials in less than 2.10. • He has
produced out of common mares, colts
that can show without special train-
ing their ability to go better than 2.40.
For siring high stepping action for
road and carriage purposes Taren-
tum is the ideal bire of Canada.
Write for testimonials as to his siring
abilities and tabulated pedigree. Will
stand at his own st able, Egmondville,
Friday and Sat urday, Russeldale,
Monday; Woodha to, Tuesday noon ;
St. Marys, Tuesday, night ; Mitchell,
Wednesday night,
For 8.8. No. 6, Ray townehip. Duties to
commence at the end of the present repel ten.
IVIale Or Minnie, hOlding a 800077d C171.88 certifi-
cate of cmaltfication. Apply poesenelly with
recommendation te the trus 1 ore Jong Ur,
JOON Demme, ;sr Jone BRODERICK, ...CC.,
The uhdorsigned has for sale 00 105 113, eon.
2, Hay, a pure-bred Shorthorn Durhcon Dun 15
months old,ropn18 coley end eligible for reek'.
tratinin get by stook of extea quality now in
tny pceseseitne
Jxo. Panne, Reese% Orlb,
win also keep a pertebred Berkebire bear for
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyencers,
• Commissioners. Solicitors for the Molsons
Bank, Mo.
Money teleen at lowest rates of interest.
(Successor to Elliott-& (la.clinan)
Banistsr, a,Aar, ‘- Vt.A.7 Public,
• Conveyancer, Etc,
Money to loan on Pilau) and village
properties at Lowest 7 ah'i- of interest
ees- DR. A. R. KINSMAN. L.
D. S. D. A 5.,130nor Qrad-aete
of Toronto University. Dentist.
Teeth extraced without pain or
bad after effeets, Office le Pax -
son's block. West side of Main
Honor Graduate of the Toronto University
and Royal 0011ege of Dental Surgeons of
Ontario, with honors Also Post -graduate of
Chicago School of Prosthetic rentistry (with
honorable mention. •
Everything known to the Dental Profession
done in this olEce. Bridge work. crowns, al -
1 minute, gold and vulcanite plates all done in
the neatest manner possible. A perfectly
harmless anaesthetic used for painless extrac-
0111ce one door south of Carling Bros store
Exeter. Ont.
EXEtTER-We offer for sale on reasonable
terms, that very desirable residential property
known as "The Hooper Homestead" situated
on Lot No. SO, south of 'Buren Street, Exeter.
There is erected 'upon the land, a. comfortable
and commodious brit k dwelliz2g1 also the
necessary outhouses. The house is in good re-
pair and has 9 rooms. The let contains an acre
of land and is excellently, adapted for garden
ing or fruit growing. There is a plentiful sup-
ply of hard and soft water, The property 15 111)
to date, and the terms easy. for particulars ap-
ply to DICRRON & CABLING barristers Exeter,
or to A. E. .Sooree. Revs P. 0„ Penne, U. e.
A.., proprietor.
5 Pack' of Cards Free.
One Pack, "May I. 0. U. Home:" One Pak,
"Escort" One l'ack, "Flirtation ' One Pacst
"Hold -to light.' One Pack, "Our Sofa Ju,,
Holds Two. Sample of 21 other styles, witu
book full of notions. Send 5c silver for postage
A.W. KENNY, if T.
Yarmouth, s.N.
WANTED, Responsible Manager (integrity
'must be unquestionable) to take charge of
distribution depot and office to be opene,din
Canada bo further business interests of an old
established manufacturing concern. Salary
9100 per month and extra profits. Applicant
must have $1500 to $2000 cash and good stand-
ing. Address, Supt„SP. 0. Box 1151, Philadel:
phia, Pa.
Two second band Upright
Pianos and one Square Piano
for sale chea,p.
.1\.Tew Pianos and Organs
•always in stock.
Our experience in Ihe Sewing
Machine Business, (i 2 )'ears) is a
guarantee or our goods, We
carry in stock the hest the market
affords. • Needles and Repairs for
all kinds of machines always in
stock. Music in Sheet and Book
Cali and See us,
It will Pay You.
Do you Want a Buggy?
We have the finest stock in town.
All• the latest styles, in the newest
colors. •
• Our prices arelow as cen be found
for first-class material and workman-
F Russell
Two Doors South Town Hall.
Headquarters For
Dyspepsia Cure
Blood and Nerve Tonic
Stomach and Liver Pills
Iron Blood Pills
Liver and Kidney Pills
Kidney Mixture
Sciatica Remedy
Cough Mixture
Cholera and Diarrhoea Mix-
Chilblain Lotion.
Try any of these preparations and
you will be astonished at their wonder-
ful healing and curing properties.
A Full line of Patent Medicines on
Dominion Laborator11.
The farm on Lot 3, con. 1. Hay township, is
for sale or can be rented. For further par- mONEY TO LOAN
tieulars apply to .A . Hoet,AND, Exeter.
We have unlimited private funds for invest-
upen farm r village plowese
NOTICE TO CREDITORS. •ratesment of inteoroperty at
Of Esther Stevens, late of the village
of Exeter, in the county of Huron,
NOTICis hereby given pursuant to R. S.
Co. 1607,0hapter 129, that 8,11 persons having
chims against the Estate of the said Esther
Stevens who died on or about the 14th day of
Jul, 1932, are required to send on or before the
bg 3ost
s iprepaid to J.
20th day of August,
G. Staxibury, rxeter19°P syet4:;er;3 for tbo
Executors of the s'fad *Baer°
names, s egresses and occuapnaattioansst,atweltm:hesit.pilt:,oirrf-
tiheer acconnttrrarrtrie
Doheld by !litterInn..aAnd not100
d18 algrigg Van that after the last Inenbroneu.
g:austorosf will proceed to dis-
tribute said
amonthose entitled &AT', deliatiaini
y to the claims of which novtico
regardshEh executors
given :gat, abovenosreqnired ; and
ta:gittible for the
said assets nor any part any
son oe persons of whose claims flak% Pneti
have beep received by them at the date of such
G. STANBURY, 'Exeter, Gut.
Steleiter for the Executors.
Dated July 23)862
Of deorge Adam Geiser, late of the
Township of Stenben, in the County
of Huron, retired farmer deceased.
NOWA is hereby given pursuant to R. S. O.,
1897, Chap. 120, that all persons having claims
against; the estate of the said G. A. Geiser,
who (IRA on or about the 7th day of April,
1002, are required to send on or before the 16th
day of August, A. D.,I902, by post prepaid to J.
G. Stenbary, E•xoter, P.O., Solicit orfor the Ex -
°outlets of the seid deceased. their names ad-
dressee and octupations, with partieulaes of
their elelms and P. statemmtt of their accounts
and. the nature et the seettrities (if any) held
by them. And notice is hereby given that
edge the lett mention:1cl data the Raul exocue
tore will proceed to rbstribilto the assets of
the stria deceased among these entitled there-
to, having regard only te the claims of which
notice shall have heart given as lamed required,
and the sad °zeal:nets shell net be liebto tor
the said assets ter any part. thereof to ttny
petetel Or persons Of Whose elainis hotice Allan
net her boon received by them at the eat° et
such distribution.
STAN/SUM , Exeter, Clet.
Softener for the Executore.
Dated July 2ise, 1002.
have a large amount of private funds to
-loan on farm ar4 iDser in 1(3111)- at 3t w rat
of interest.
Barrister Main St. Exeter.
and send it to us with 5 cents in silver and yet.
will get by return mail a GOLDEN BOX or
GOODS that will bring y-ou in Monis Malty
in one month than anything oleo in America.
A. W.11.CENNY,E. T.
Yairrceth, N.
You can save money time and feed Iv keep-
ing your pigs dry and clean. They will thrive
better end keep healthy. Make the hog cOM•
fortahlo 8,nd he will pub on flesh. You San dc.
so with a vete 111510 expenee by metres' (Ped
lee Patent) The Elevated Moveable Pigs Bed.
Simple of construction. make it yourselves.
Seed $2.00 in registered letter for farm right;
certificate and plat of coestreetion to
Joner Pelmet, Exeter, Ont.
"ChriSinlaS Box"
Full of Vt. onderful Trlings
de, See Portretts of Adresse% 20 PopularSongs
ia Magic Telmope mid Pictures, 50 Ames -
leg Experiments, Love's Puzzle, 20 Rebuses, 100
Puntly Comuldrunis, Beek of Love, Gallia
Letters Marcie 'Writing. 824 Jolly Jokes
Mesta for Menataehe Grower, 00 Money Mak-
ineSeereta, 110 Toi et and Cooking Itecelpott, 255
got:lemons for Autugreph Allenee, 10 Bode!
LOVO Letters, Row to Tell Porten% illetionnry
of Drones, Gettle to Plietatiote Nagle Age
Table, Lot -W.4 Telegraph, and our neW Cat, se
;Kelm Tors. Books ard Meerut. all by mall
FRE E, for 5e,si1VOY OEM Peartage,
Yarmouth. Was