HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-8-7, Page 4The Moisons Bank 1,01i,413,52ZRED PASILTAMENT, 1505 aid 'up Capital - nara,eoa eeerVe Valid §2,050,000 • 11004 Otfice,Xeitreal, •ZAM/48. S141.4107', Etat. Gnsanaa MANAGER Money aavaucee to good taro -are on their own atite with olio or more enderser at per cent. per manna. 1tefer 13retich Open every lawful day from 10, pa. to a p.m. SATURDAYS, 10 a, m. to 1 p. re, nreent rates of interest Gllowed on rlePoslas. DICKSON C.A.RLING, N. D. HURDON, SOLICITORS. MANAGUA Vxoter. Dee. 27111, Calendar for July, 1902 Surma:sr,. , • 0 13 20 27 IVCONDAT , 7 14 21 28 TffESDAY 1 8 15 22 29 WEDNESDAY..... 2 9 10 23 30 THURSDAY..., 10 17 24 31 nix,& -K 4 11 18 25 SA.sunna.T... 5 12 19 26 44z THURSDAY, AUG. 7, T902 General News. Mr, R. S. Pelton, of, the Atwood Bee, has purchased the Paris Reyiew from Mr, Lawton, and takes posses sion on Septenster the 1st. Sir. Wilfrid's conduct in _England was evidently inspired by a fear that a • Conservative Government might strengthen itself by consolidating the Empire. • All cases of weak or lame back backache, rheumatism, will find re' lief by wearing one of Carteea Smart Weed & Belladonna Backache Plas- ters. Price 25 cents. The late Man, McLaren, of Sarnia, who was killed at Pontiac by the bursting of an emery wheel, carried an accident insurance of $10,000 and $2,000 in the A. u. U. W. BURDOCK BLOOD 13ITTERS is a purely vegetable combination, that in a safe and • natural manner acts directly *non the Bowels, laver, Kidneys and Blood, cleansing the entire system of all impurities foul humors and all obstructions that poison the blood and create disease. It is gratifying to know that the In- tercolonial has a "surplus" of $86,952, but it will be more gratifying if the • facts do not show that to get that • "surplus" the country has had to in- crease its investment by capital :out- lays of ten times that sum. A high Chicago authority predicts • that wheat. will reach $1 per bushel •before many months. If Manitoba's crop "pans out" well the Northwest will strike a bonanza this year. The Toronto bakers evidently think the price of wheat will advance. They are ready for it. They have already adyanced the price of bread. • TO MAKE MONEY it is necessary to have a (dear bright brain. a cool head free from pain and strong. vigorous nerves. Ililourns Heart • and Nerve Pills invigorate and brighten the • brain, strengthen the nerves, and remove n.il • heart, nerve and brain troubles. • Wm. McAdams, editor of the San - don Paystreak. B. 0., and son of Mr. R. McAdams, of the Sarnia Canadian, who was committed to jail for a nine months' inaprisonment for publishing insulting language against the Judges of the Supreme ° Court of B. C., has been discharged, baying tendered. his apology. Mr. McAda.ms was also severely scored for his conduct by Chief Justice Hunter. There is no form ot kidney trouble, from a backache down to Bright's disease, that Dwave KIDNEY PILLS will not relieve or If you are troubled with any kind'of kidney • complaint, use Doans Kidney Pills, An Order -he -Council has been passed by the Ontario Cabinet placing hem- lock Jogs on the list with pine logs in regard to their export. After April 80th next it will be against the law to export hemlock logs, and they will have LC be manufactured in the pro- vince. The big increase in the price •of pine has increaeed the demand greatly for hemlock, and a great deal of this timber has been sent out of the country, British 7 .op Oil Liniment is without excep- tion the m,.st effective remedy for Cats Wounds, Dicers, Open sores, Rheumatism, Bites,Stings of Insects. etc. .A. large bottle, 25 cents. Get one at your druggists The rainfall of July is far above the average of the last sixty years, wbich is 218 inches. This month to date it hes rained on 16 out ot the 28 • days, and the total fall has been 4,335 hiches. For the whole of July • last year he fall was 3,370. The greatest rani fall in any July recorded was 8,150 inches in July, 1841. A few other years when the rainfall exceed- ed that of this year in July were: july, 1840, 5,277 inches; July, 1843, 4,603 inches ; July, 1850, 5,270 inches; July, 1834. 4.805 inches; July, 1862, 5,844 indu ; July, 1860, 5,270; July, 1869, 4,610 inches; July, 1878, 5,633 • jnclie • 1883, 5.57 inches ; July, • 1867, 524 n. hes. •••••••••sIONIMOMMOIMMINIMIIII _Coughing "I was ,givean up to die with quick Consumption. I then began • to use Ayees Cherry Pectoral. I improved at once, aud era now in perfect health."--Chee. E. Hart - :man, Gibbstown) N. Y. • It's too risky, playing with your cough. The first thing you know it will be down deep in your lungs and Ihe play will be over. Be- gin early with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and stop the cough. Tit,. pixel: 25o.. enough tor a cold, No., Drit right tot'or n nrdinnrY • bard.cteldes, SI, nannoentjdontnnontge7I itor carom CAS Sena to keep 60 hand. •C. MOM 00.0 masa MON, NESR,PE11111 fill the NOW$ 01 interest to Times Readers flappening in these 6ounties • Huron Walter Andrews of Seaforth has been removed to the asylum, Loudon. The inmates a the House of Refuge are busy now harvesting the crops on the farm. , TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Brom° quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure w.erove's signature is on each box. 25e, $229.25c was the proat of the excur- sion to the Model Farm, Guelph, last month along the divisions of the W. G. and B • Kincardine to Ethel, in- clusive. Dr. Armstrong,' of Walton, who in- tends to take a post -graduate course in some European institution has sold out his practice to -Dr. Irving, of Tor- onto. Trooper Stanley Russel, a the Ca.nadian Mounted Rifles was given a reception on his arrival home at Walkerton, and presented with a gold watch by the citizens and a gold - headed cane by the firemen. W. M. Doig, L. L. B., formerly of Kippen, and .Miss Lydia °only, were married in Toronto on the •23rd. of July. They will be at home after the 26th of August, at Sault Ste Marie, Mich, where Mr, Doig is practising law, If you are nervous or dyspeptic try Carter's Little Nerve Pills. Dyspepsia makes you nervous, and, nervousness makes you dyspeptic; either one ren- ders you miserable, and these little Pills cure both. Mr. James Stewart has his new, brick residence oil his farm adjoining Egniondyille well under way. The - brick work is completed and the roof is now on. It. is nicely situated, and when completed will be one of th'e handsomest residents in the township. STOP THE COUGH AND WORX OFF THE COLD. Laxative 13romo-Quinine Tablets cure a old in one day. No cure. No pay, Price 25 ots. Trooper Arthur 0. Yule, the only Goderich boy who served the Empire in South Africa reached home at, 8 p, m. on Saturday, July 26th. lie was tendered a reception, and was present- ed with a gold watch and a well filled purse by the citizens of Goderich. The License Commissioners of .West. Huron recently granted a three month's exteusion of license • to the botel known as Sweat's, Winghana its continuance being conditional on some neceesaay repairs being made. These having been done the license has been renewed for the current year. Mr. A. J. Ross has sold his splendid farm, OD the Loudon road, near Bruce - field, to Mr. JaMea Petrie, of Tacker - smith. The price paid, is 36,225. It contains 100 acres, except what was taken off by the railway, which runs through it. Mr. Petrie gets posses- sion in October. , air. Ross intends taking a rest for a year, and will prob- ably, take a trip through Manitoba and the Northwest before he locates permanently again, One evening last week Mrs. 0. Ol- son, of Clinton, got pretty badly bruised and shaken up. She went to Goderich on the 7 p. m. train, and vshensbe stopped at the station, she walked out on the car platform to get off, but before she could do so the train started shunting, throwing her violently against the car door. Her head and shoulder were bruised badly, and she is still suffering from the effect thereof. DIARRHOEA WEAKENS IEEE SYSTEM and if not checked becomes a chronic condition, No remedy compares with Nerviline, which is prepared specially for stomach and bowel troubles. As O radical cure for Cramps, Colic, Gas in the Stomach, Sumroer Conaplaine, Nerviline excels everything in the medical line, is an indispensible house- hold staple, and costs only 25c. Buy a bottle to -day. Try The Hamilton's Mandrake Pills. Perth There will be a firemen's Demon- stration in Stratford to -day, (Thurs- day.) Palpitation of the neart, nervous- ness, tremblings, nervous headache, cold hands and feet, pain in the back, and other forms of weakness are re- lieved by Carter's Iron Pills, made specially for the blood, nerves and emaplexion. Stratford citizens have decided to hold a horse show next June on the same plan as those held in Toronto and Galt. A $10,000 joint stock com- pany is to be organized. Judge Bar- row, G. G. McPherson, K. 0., Joseph Walsh and s,eihral others are promot- ing the enterprise. Mr. A. A. Goetz has sold the Hotel Dominion, at Stratford for $1,000 cash. The business and coatents were also sold for an extra amount. The purchaser is Mr. Albert White, of Port Colborne, who took possession on August 6th. Mr, Goetz has not decided what he will do, Mr. Stephen Douglas, of Mitchell, teceived another cheque for $2,850 f rom his daughter's estate in Paris, France, making in all $13,000. Much credit is due Messrs. Dent & Thomp- son. solicitors, for the way they handled this case. Many predicted that they would not be able to collect a cent, bot the result shows how far these people were out, in their cal - oblations, and the end is not yet. Tbe legal firm in Paris, who acted for them, retained $2,100 to cover their e/penSes, „ • FALL FAMS, • Inclusteial-Toronto, Sept. 1-13. Westeen-Loriclon, Sept. 12.20. South 11 uron-Exeter, Sept 22-23. r.reesvvater-Sept. 24-25. 131anshard.-Sirkton, Oct. 2 ; Blyth -Oct. 7-8. tissele-Oct, 28 11 you are lean -104M yea are lean by nature -you need more fat. You. may eat enough; you are losing thebenefit of it. Stott's 4mulsion of cod -river oil will help you digest your food, and bring you the plumpness of health, specially true of babies. Stria FOR rhrr owning pin TAY IT. scrim a tiolsrm $1,00;cummests.•TOVIONTO. Walkerton -Sept. 17-18, Ingersoll -sept. 25-20. Listowel -Sept. 30, Oct. 1. North Perth -Stratford. Sept. 20, October 1, St. Marys -Sept. 30, Oct. 1, West Zora and Enstsro-Oct. 2. E. Nissourri and, Tharnesford-Oet.1. G. N, W. Exhibilion-Goderich, Sept, 30, Oct. 1. Tarnberry-At Winghtun, Sept. 25 - 'Ashfield & Warvanosh-Dungannon, Oct. 9-10. • Tuckersmith----Seaforth, Sept. 25-26. Oxford -Woodstock, Sept. 25-26. Great Nor thern-Collingwood, t3ept. 23-26. ' North Brant -Paris, Sept, 25,26. North Grey -Owen. Sound, Sept. 16- 18, Ceatre Bruce -Paisley, Sept. 23-24, On The Coronation. In the ancient days there ' lived a King, Son of the Psal mist was he Who poured forth his heart toJehovah In holiest minstrelsy. Solomon was the son of that King Whom God had promised to bless And seat him upon his father's throne In great peace and happiness. When the blue -black heaveus shone with stars And the lights of earth learned dim, The God of his father, David came And graciously spoke to him. "What, shall 1 give thee? Ask of me! Oh King of my chosen race." This was the answer be gave the Lord, Which. gained hica favor and grace. "How can 1 judge Thy people so great. Unless Thou wilt grant Thine aid? Give me an understanding heart; Then shell not be afraid." ' He gained a knowledge of human hearts Of judgment and justice to men - Of sophistry, and of vanity He wrote with a ready pen. The greatest King of shis time be reigned, Kept by the Anciene ef days - Upheld by bis power until he fell Into careless and evil ways. This centairy's aawn there passed away The Star of the Brunswick line - No Monarch we know more loved thanshe, From her yotith to her last. days decline, When the line of Ernestine . gave its Prince To ehe sweet young British Queen, Happy the hoer, the day, the year. It hath been well proved, I ween, No British Monarch has e're before So wisely and truly reigned - And never one of her compeers hath Such a glorious name attained, "Duty and Love" her motto sweet, "Fear the Lord" her watch -word high • The Victoria Era now complete On History's page doth lie. From Alfred the Great to William Many a ruler hath been But she is unique -Victoria! Our lost Liege Lady --Tera QuEEN. Her power was larger than the law Her grace and worth the nations saw. Her life one long Excelsior • Onward and upward ever 'bound God grant we meet her yet again Among the blest in Heaven crowned Edward the Seventh comes to the crown As his name -sakes came before; But the fame or his Empire is mighty As Solomon's was of yore-, One fourth of the earth he ruleth now, His navy rides o'er each sea . Four hundred millions of people dwell Under Britain's banner free. Dei Gratia he holdeth all - His subjects are men of skill, The rich, the poor, the noble and mean, The weak, and the iron will, The white, the black, and the Indian red, And the Eastern, of tawny hue; Jew, Christian, Moslem and Brah- min Men of creeds, worn-out and new. So now comes our King's coronation Which shall long remembered be Full many a league the people came • That its splendors they might see. To the old Britannic Islands fair We so fondly call our home - Land of our birth, thy scattered sons O'er many a sea will roam. From the land of the featlery palm tree. Where the waves glide on coral strand In every town: and village may be had, the 21reeh. I 0•4 Mic Axl Grease "ars that makes your horses glad. ExETeR TIMES IPreen the brown veldt of tcrrid Afriets, Arid the vast .4,116f1alleas land. Erone t,he home of the pine and the pleI The cedar and green fir tree, Where the mighty lakes send tbel waters All fresh to the briny se& From the bright -rayed north to th golden south Eroin far east end west •they come To bouor the "White Queen's firs born son 'Neatis the old Westminster dome. The great and the noble lie buried 1u that, olcl historic pile. Tbeir stately forms have all vanished now Who once trod eaeh secrect aisle. A long long line of women and men Of high and low estate, Some happily lived,. soroe sadly died ; Haw many a various fate. British Edwards lie buried there Brave vrarriors with Queens so fair; Young Kings who tasted the bitter rue Of short lived sorrow and care. Now the power and pride of tbe En pire In the King's train ride to -day And it stirs each poise and each loyal heart To witness that fair arrays Cuirass and hemlet and tossing plume, And many a gallant orest- And the rich -decked forms of Prince aud peer, For the Empire sends her best. Row glowing the crimson mid purple, • And each starry gem brightly gleams now, Such as many a King once proudly wore In the crown placed on his brow. 0 rich aud rare is the ininever, The erraine and cloth of gold Diamonds, sapphires, rubies and pearls, Jewels of value untold. • "God save the King and his Consort ' .fair May they live to rule us well," Is the earnest prayer of all true beams Midst the sound of cannon and bell, With shouting and blare of trumpets .Along the well guarded way, Pees Edward and Alexa.ndra fair To enter "ye olde Abbaye' "Son of the noble, son of the good, We greet thee well to -day - Wisdom and strength be given to thee God's grace be with tbee alway. We huintily ask that thou wilt rely On Him by whom all Kings reign; That when thou shad t lay the sceptre down Thou will not have lived in vain." Let us not forget that latter day 'When the King of Kings shall come To gather the ransomed in his train Up to our Heavenly Home, Where the shining winged seraphiin In the ranks of Heaven shall hymn Where no light of earthly sun shall shine Yet. naught the clear clay shell dim, When the Judge sits high on His White Throne TIAnd small and. great shall answer :einZnioof Judah come! e a For the deeds which they have done. May they each be found at His right hand Who over all realnss holds sway With the crowns and palms of im- tnortals In the bright Eternal Day. Exeter, 1902. M. E. .Aneocie II Word to Tile Great firifill ot Summer Toilers. • If You Are Not as Robust Vigorous and Happy as Others in August, a Bottle or Two of PflINE'8 GEL,ERY COMPOUND Will Give You Health Full Energy and Happiness. •••••••••••••••••.... Many men toiling in offices, stores and workshops during the hot sum- mer weather, and women weighted with the works and cares of home, are critically near the breaking down point. The symptoms of coming disease are manifested in sleepless- ness, nervousness, tired feelings Ian- guiiness, irritability, failing appetite and poor blood circulation. Paine's Celery Compound is a pre- cious boon to the ailing, sick and run- down in this August weather. A bot- tle or two used at once will quickly bestow the needed strength to battle against the weakening and enervat- ing efforts of the oppressive heat, and will enable men and women to go through the necessary routine of dails toil with heart, soul and energy. Paine's Celery Compound is specially distinguished for its ability to build up rundown systems in hot weather. Mrs. Mossop, of Mimic°, Ont., says:- • "I have much pleasure in giving my testimony in favor of Paine's Celery Compound. I was entirely broken down by hard work, anxiety and sleeplessness, and had pains all through my body. Doctor's remedies had no effeet, and nothing met my case until I used. Paine's Celery Com- pound. This rnedieite has done Woti- ders for roe, and I would strongla urge all sufferers to use it, as it is the best in the world." Exeter, Ana. 6an 1901. Wheat tar binihel Oats Barley. • • •••• • • • •••••, Peas Batter.- Egge Tiirkeye geese Chickens per lb Ducks Dried :A.PPlcs.. -- •Pork Itae weight ... .... /0 to /0 -50 to 50 ...70 to 76 ,..„ _16 to 15 ....13 to 11 8 to 8 6 to (3 5 to 5 7 to 7 16t0 16 ..... Ste 6 $5.64 to $5.85 HE OlfD FOR V18 [Fla Two Boys Drowned Near Clinton While in Bathing. 1 A Mother's Awful Blecovery at Yorkton, N.W.T.-prow's Nest company's Book- keeper nt remit°, 11.0., Commits.. Sul- oido -A Lad Aaehien tall r Sheats Hirst-. lelf at Sinseoe-Olara Zandman, Aged ° xii, 1.4 0,1 Kerosene iVitit Fattol neseits. Clintoa, Aug: 5.-A. sea accident by drowning occurred on Sunday after- noon in Goderich Township about I three miles from Dayfield, and, Six from Clinton. Two promising and much respected young Men, Fred Burnett, oaly son. of George Burnett, ai-rd Arthur 'Curry, only son of ,Tos- eph Curry, lost their I IVQS. 1.1103, had gone with another young hid .some two miles from honie to Bay- field river to have a swim. Burnett got beyond his depth and Curry Went to the rescue. As neither :coeItl swhe both were drowned. The third lad 'dragged Barnett's body out and Went a mile and a half to the near- est house for .assistance. :Every .efe fort was made to resuscitate them, but life was extinct. nis Fourth Son Hillad, Muscles, Aug. 5. -Word was receiy- .here .yesteeday- that P. 11. Clarks son of •Jarries Clark, of this town, was killed near Silverwood, Ind. He was an engineer on the Toledo, St. Louis & Names City Railroad, and fell from his engin. Thia is the fourth of Mr. Clark's .sons who has met. his ,death while emplOyed on rail- ways. cap. REPAIRER. ICILLED. S. Bean of Winnipeg Run over to C.W.R. Yards. Winnipeg, Aug. 5.-S. Down; a car repairer was 'killed yesterday in the C. N. R. yafcls. Down was engaged in repairing a lino of freight cars when. the forema11 went down arid warned all the men to go away, as the engine was going to pull cars" out of the yards. I3own moved away with the rest, . but evidently went back a few moments afterwards for some tools he had forgotten. He WAS run over and died a few hours later, exceriaartss KR2LIT!, DISCOVERY. Found Her Son in Cellar, Dead. From U Yorktoti, N.lnin..giTns. ., Aug 6. -John • Brio, jr., committed suicide by hang- ing. He was found in a cellar by his _mother at 6 O'clock yesterday morning. No cause is known for the rash act. His mother was over- whelmed by her .discovery. STJICIDE AT FERNIE, B.C. George Dun:more or C.VOW'S Nest Dose Co. Cuts His Throat. Fertile; I3. C., Aug. 5. -George Thais - more, bookkeeper of the Crow's Nest Company, committed suicide Satur- day morning. He was in company with two young. men, who were mak- ing an attempt to reach the summit of the mountain called _Middle Sis- ters. When alniost within reach of their goal, Dunsmore's Companions, on looking back at Dunsmore, were horrified to see him fall, with the blood gushing from a wound in his throat, caused by a razor. No reas- on is -known why he should do this act, unless it was that he was tem- porarily deranged, the effect, prob- ably, of the unusual exertion. LAD SHOOTS HillnELV. linndling a Revolver When It Was Accidentally Blechaarged. SiMcoe, Aug. 5.-A lad named Bert Linde accidentally shot himself yes- terday morning at the residence of Mr. Edwin Culver, where he was visiting. It appears that ho was handling a revolver in the presence of other 'boys, when it was discharg- ed, killing. him instantly. Deceased was a. nephew of Bev. Mr. Dey, of Simcoe, and was. about 17 year's of age. • KEROSENE AS KINDLING. German -Serving Maid, Three Weeks Out, •Eatally Burned. Winnipeg, Man., Aug. 5. -While try- ing to light a fire with kerosene on Sunday. Clara Ludman, 17 years of age, who just arrived from Germany three weeks ago, was fatally burned as ths result of flames catching her dress. She was taken to the hospit- al immediately, but died in the ev- ening. • Stia Double Drowning :it Toitairli .Tonawanda, N. Y., Aug, 5. -Miss Rirbie a'arans of Toeonto, .aho h ts been visiting Dr. C. W. Osman m 'during the past week, was accidental- ly drowned in the Niagara River n the Tonawanda ferry about 9 o'ricelt last night. Th.; Outing club or Toaawanda, left this eity on the yacht Ella 17, on a pleasure. trip. 'The e'ke.irsionists spent a pleasen, day, and about 8 o'Clock left Con ss island for home. When near the Tonawanda ferry 'dock Miss 'Ohio A..darris and Dr. Grays who were an the upper deck of the pleasure yacht, decided to go to the first deck. •a bi.to Miss AdaniS was going down the rear steps Mr foot, Slipped a steo aud she fell i o the deck below and rolica into ih riter before aid could ran; h her. Gray, whobud been. ea, • her,, dove in Lo the stream alai' mach, ..a stroll 4. ctioet to save her, but ow- ing to the swir t current at that °int, ).,0!It 'ware swept away and Wi:r dr ow nod. GOOD HEALTH IS IMPOSSIBLE., without Regina:Faction of the bowels, Milburns Laxts- li'ret Pills regulate the bowels, cures constipa- blue dyspepsia, bilionstiese, sick 'headache, and,all affectione of the Organ df digestion. P rice 25 Cents All druggists'. '1Eanniatit=ang 4.4..44AVVPIAA'S' •11,1A.TliVitgAtA,A.V.Zded.r.,‘..4:7c.fat P. . • . wide hart is • Castoria is for Infants and Children. Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor- Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing, Syrups. It contains neither Opium, •Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant, • Its gua,rantoe is thirty years' use by Millions of' • Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish- ness. Castoria cures Diarrb.coa and WindColic, Castoria, relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria, assimilates the Food, regulates. • the Stomach and Bowels of Infants and Children, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's . Panacea -The Mother's Friend, Castoria, Castoria is an excellent raedicine 10. children. Mothers have repeatedly told Inc of its got,d effect upon their children," DR. G. C. OSGOOD, Lowell, Mass. THE -FAC-SIMILE Castoria. " dastoria, Is so well adapted to thildreus that I recommend it as superior to any pre- scription known to me," IL A. ARCHRIL, M. D. Brooklyn, N. I'm SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER THE CENTAUN COMPANY, TT MURRAY osneer., NEW YOPtt CITY, " -ckqtv, • London, Huron and Bruce. ---4- GOING- NORTH- Passenger. London. depart....... -8.15 A, M. 4.40P, Al. Centralia 8.1 5.50 Exeter 6. Hansen 9.4.4 6.15 Eappen 9.50 6.25 Brucelleld 9.58 6.33 Clinton 10.15 6.55 Winghana arrive 11.10 8.00 GOXNG SOUTH-- Passenger Wingharn, depart 6.23 A. M. 3.15 P.N. Oliutru . . 7.47 4.25 Brucateld 8.05 4.49 Kippen .......... 8.15 4.57 ' ET.ansall ..... ...... .22 502 Exeter . - . ...... 8.35 5.10 Centralia , 8.46 5.25 - London.arrice .. . . 9.37 6.12 SP‘therland Innes LIMITED. ARE PREPARED TO PURCHASE HEM -AND- OTHER TIMBER, EIT9CER STANDING 0I4 TN TRH LOGS, MI1111•011•100•1001.- Apply fa E. C. Kessel, FOREMAN, EXETER, ONT. Toronto Exhibition MONDAY - SEPT. 1ST, TO SA TURDAY, SEPT. 13, 1902 NEW BUILDINGS NEW FEATURES NEW EXHIBITS $36,000 in Premiums $30,000 for Attractions BRILLIANT $20;000 SPECTACLE A LL THE RESOURCES OF OUR GLORIOUS COUNTRY THE PEOPLE'S PAIDE -- THE PEOPLE'S HOLIDAY Reduced rates on every line of travel Consult your Station Agent regsrding Fare to Toronto end back. nallie CRUDUTOIN Roller We are giving excellent sa- tisfaction in flour since re -- modelling our mill Dry Soft Wood Wanted. °flair and Glioppifla Done Proinl". H. SWEITZER. Exeter ilelli Estale 40110' ae•••••.1•M•••••••••••,..• • RE=' Buy or Sell a Farm. (BUY or Sell Town- ! F Property, YOU Borrow or Lend% Money, wArtn- Collections Made, Your Life Insured, - TO Go to the Old CUOTI- try, by the Allan.= , Line, ON THE UNDERSIGNED, JOHN SPACKmAr Office over H. Spackman's Hardware- ' Exeter. tn. Cash paid for Raw Furs. .ADVERTISE IN THE TIMES IT PAYS AnunmorempoNoccroonloltecoana, Canadian irmotor 11•••••••••••••••• •••...aerl•J.,••••••••‘•••02,r2112,•••,..11.?,41.•11 Now- is a good time to place an order for a Windmill. We handle one of the Best Makeg of W in Ontario, • There 1 iao b)tter time than the present for putting one ty. It, will save you money. Also WOOD AND IRON PUMPS, TANKS AND TANK FIXTURES Cal and set us and and get our prices, etc. kotramOgioipromet Agent for Usti well known Deering Hoary sti O's ldeal Binder; Ideal blowers, Deering Rake, Etc). These Machines are second to none in Canada, sr d if you need a Iiirmior, Mower or Rake, call and examine these Machines for yourself. They are Strong and are noted for their Easy Running. Thanking my customers and friends for past favors, 1' again skyliott your patronage. W J. Bissnirr EXETER.