HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-8-7, Page 1• 410110.101.11161111.10.1MIAMInar011ial TWENTY-NINTH YEAR—No. 51 HURON ez MIDDLESEX GAZETTEI EXETER, ONT., CANADA, 1TRURSDA.Y MORNING, AUGUST 7,1902 teeetseeleeleleeferse++++++++++++++ arvehters .Th reshers ) uppi es 001010211lratest....s.maxes.. .44 .zD . • , * Sort T Hawkitis eFee++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Binding Twine, Binding 4 4. Gloves, Brass Valves, :11. Checks, Cocks, etc, ± Leather Belting, all * *" sizes from 1 to 6 inches. IP Threshers Gloves,. 41F Guage Glasses, and i4i: Guage Glass Rubbers. 1.1.; ..4i Rubber, Asbestos, and Spiral Packing.. '4 :S\\\ Babbet Metal. :.1.' 4 \\AAA !4;, . Cylinder Oil, Pearless Machine Oil, Arctic Cup Greese .14 or Solidified Oil. Frost gr. Wood Repairs. 4. 4. ^ ,B15 11011NMEITS la Oriord This month we are offering big inducements in Tweeds, Wor- steds, Pantings, etc. We want to reduce our stock .of Summer Goods before the Fall 'Goods arrive. - First...class work Guaranteed. ...011.41••—••••--• W. W. Taman. March ant Tailor. 'One door north of Dr. Lutz's Drug S tore. aeseseseeeeseseeinesesseeeesea U sborne BRIEFS. — Mr. Amos Harlow has been visiting friends in this vicinity.— Mr. Wm. Seattle of London, visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Smale this week.—The wheat crop in this vicinity has been nearly all harvested, b nt there •is still some out yet. The heavy rain .of Tuesday will keep the cutting of the oats back. Bayfield • BRIEFS.—Two young men of God- arich township—Burnett, aged twenty three, and Carrie aged twenty-one, were drowned on Sunday while bath- ing in the Hayfield River, about two aniles from the town. A friend of the •young men a. boy of fifteen, who was @resent attempted a rescue but failed. —Rev. Mr. Stuart, a sister and two daughtere ot South London, are spending a few holidays with Mrs. (De.) Stan bury, Mr. Stuart's sister, at Hayfield. Sexsmith. .BRIEES —Miss Moir, of Toronto, is at present visiting- her meet, Mrs. William Russell, of this place. — Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Brickwood, of Thed- ord, visited. at Ma John Duncan's a short time ago.— 0. Aldworth has • taken ajob of hauling cream for A. Q. 13obier, 'Exeter. — There was no oervice here on Sunday last, owing to the Quarterly service at Mahe street church, Exeter. — A severe thunder storm passed over here on Tuesday east. •• Kippen EXETER LUMBER YARD. Large stock of Lumber—pine and then:dock, mow feet of hemlock loather for barne, etc., also shingles. laths and cedu posts. Prices weasonable.—.TAS WILLIS, Yard : East side of Main sir Blue:Fa—Miss Noble, of Fergus, is 'visiting her aunt, Mrs, Folton of the village. WrIl. McLean, of London, en „is home for his vacation.—: Mies Effie Smith is visiting her sister, in Cleve- land. — Miss Clara, Welle and Miss -Jessie 1VIcLeten visited feieiads in Sea - forth last week.-- Robert Hettle, of London, is visiting friends here.—Miss Hannah Thompson, has retuned home after speeding a pleasant visit with her sister, Mrs. Elaker, of Aub- urn.—Mise Flossie Phillips, of Toron- to, is visiting her friend, Miss Agnes Hay.— Miss Maud and Eva Ricker are visiting friends in Cientealia. --Mr. IL 13. aunetnings, of Walton, visited at the eaeime of T. Mellis, on Sunday last. —Miss Eva Stoneman, of Hensel', Was in the -village last week, calling tett friends. Mr. Alex. McNevio, of eellinton, spent Sunday tit his home. —Miss Lillie Parsons, of Harpurhey, .spent a few days in our village last Week with old Meads, — Mrs. James 'Crozier, of Seaforth, is visiting at her permits home. Mr and MVS. 1Jpshalle of the village.— Mr. Ricker and Mr. ,Olegg spent a yery, pleasant day at Hayfield lad week. MT fiND FABRIC You cannot get that distinctive fit or cloth except from a tailor's. If you buy ready-made garments, no matter how good, you meet dozens of exact replicas of yourself. We are able to show you the best goods made, and able to give you good week at reasonable prices. BERT. FO LER HENSALL --carcreaurstaiseeseimr21120113 enaa.II Sutherland, Notary Publio, Conveyan- cer, Commissioner, Fire Insurance Agent, and, Issurer of Marriage Licenses. Legal documents carefully drawn at reasonable rates. oneY to loan on real estate at. low rates of interest. Office at the Peet Office Bengali BRIEM—Dr. McEwen, son of Wm. McEwen, of the London Road, returu- od thisweek from South Africa, where he served in the late war, with the second Canadian Mounted Rifles. Dr. McEwen, was slightly wounded in the Hart's River engagement, but is now fully recovered. His many old friends will welcome his safe return. —Win. Moore has sold his fine two story brick dwelling, on Richmond street, south, for a good figure, to Mr. Alexander Johnston, of Si Louis, Michigan, who intends moving here in the course of a month. Mr. Johnston has friends here who speak highly of him, and we welcome him to our vin lage.---Miss Alene Arnold, of Buffalo, New York, formerly of Hensel', is visiting relatives and friends here.— Mr. and Mrs, James Taylor, were visiting beards in and around Brus- sels, last week. — Daniel Bell, near Hensel' has e curiosity in his orchard in the shape of a Holland Pippiu apple tree, with one limb in full bloom while the remainder of the tree is well loaded with apples which are -about half grown, Chiselhurst BRIBEE.—The date of the social to be held at. the Chiselhurst Methodist church has been changed to Thursday August 15th, when a good time is expected. Hurondale --- Hunnerrteen.—G. M. Case who has been visiting friends in Dungannon returned Mime on Saturday.—Benson Case, son of Dr. Case of Dungannon, is visiting &lauds here this week.— Miss Maud Rarton, teacher of S. S. No, 1., Usborne, is spending her vaca- tion at Grand Bend. Miss Harton was successful in passing four of her pupils at the enerance exttmination this year. The section find in Miss Harton a fir'st-clase teachen Zurich BRIEFS.—Charlie Meyer and his men ere busy at the brickwork on 0. Fritz's dwelling.—Yohn Decher of the Babylon line, disposed of a driver last week to Mr. Kling, of Seaforth. The price was $180.—Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Stickels left from Stratford on Satur- day for their home in Detroit. They left here for it visit to Stratford friends a few days previous.—Chris. Eilber and children spent Wednesday at Grand Bend—a picnic being held by the Eilbers of Orediton, abd Stephen. —Miss Emma Thiel has returned from Detroit and will reroain for the sum- men—We regret to learn of the death of Geoige Parker of the Parr line, which sad event occurred very slid. denlyerecently. Mr, ParketWAS in town the day before he died. He was about 00 years of age and leaves a family of grown up children to mourn his loss. K i rkton -- --- Mr. and Inns. Harvey Robinson and daughter spent a few days calling on friends last week in the village, prior to their leaving for ing members of the family are Dr. J. their new home in Londesboro, where A. Bothwell, Stratford ; William A., Mr. Robinson has purchased a fine of Hickson, a,nd Mrs. Sohn McIntyre, substantial harness business, which he a Fullerton. Intermene took place will conduct in the future. ---Hundreds at Marys. • Elimville • Staffa • 'kindly present the same before above ADDITIONAL leOCALS date, and oblige. 3, El. Itrinsee, M, D. DEA.TA OF I-4MM FRINGLE.—We re- BRIEF2.—Geo. and Mrs. Bloonlfielcl, gret to announce the deatla of Mr, a Brigeen, spent a few dans this Me. H. E. Heston, and family are e . Hugh Pringle, which occurred at his week renewing acquaintances in the in their cottagat Grand Bend residence, on the lOtle concession of village. Mr, Bloomfield has secursd Mr, J. R. Torn of the Circuear town, Hibberb, on Tharsday eyening„Tuly his Professional First Class Certificate called ou his parents here this week Fn. Ma Pringle had reached the this' summer. Congretulations. —3. Miss Pearl Rollins has returned good age of 80 years, and he had been H, Holtzman and. family are taking a home from a pleasant visit with in feeble health for several monthswell earned holiday at Grand Heedfriends in Pontiac and Detroit. Prior to removing to Ribbed, he was They moved out on Monday end will being engaged there , on the Grand Garnet Baker, of Londoe, for neany years a resident of Seaforth, occupy a cottage on Parkhill side. — called °11 Mr. and Mrs. Thos. May- ing a few days with her graudparents, Miss Lilly May of Mitchell, is spend - Trunk Railway as trackman. He was friends here on Tuesda,y last.— Dr, ... , .1.... H. Dickson, and Miss S. a quiet, industrious, vi ell doing man Rivers leas sold out his practise here =es. McDon eel ee 't' ele '' and a good citize-n. He leaves behind to Dr, Heist, of Toronto, The latter i are ist mg ete sister, his aged. partner and a family a five gentleman comes to the village high - sons and five daughters, The remains ly recommended as an experienced a ere interred in the Egmondvilie physician, and we give hitt", a hearty cemetery. • welcome to oar midst, and wish him Brienns.--Mr. john Sadler is visit- much success in his new venture. — ing his dauglater, Mrs. Wm. Trick, of Dr. and Mrs, Rivers leave next week Brantford, are spending a pleasant London.--Robt. White, of 1V1a,niboba, on a trip to British. Oolumbia, wheys holiday with her mother, • Mrs, R. who has put in the past month in they will visit friends, and see the Pickard, Stratford has again returned to Mr great Western Country before Iocat- •Will Dignan, who has established a Ed. Drake's.— Miss Mary Johns, of ing again.—Rain fell in torrents on .. oiacksmithing business in Coboure, is Egmondville, is visiting with friends Tuesday, delaying harvesting,' pro - spending a vacationunder the parent - in the village,—Thomas Hodgson, is ceedings. Farmers improved the al roof. Mums.— The farmers: have been taking advantage of the fine weather of the past week and harvesting is go- ing with a rush. Our merchant is the only man that ie not in the rush dur- ing the day time, but is kept very busy for several hours during the evening. —Owing to the rush of business the Sawyer & Massey Clo'y could not fill Mr. T. Bell's order for a new engine for some time, and he has purchased a new one from from Mr. R. Bell ofe Seaforth. — Mr. Norman Brooks of Harrisonburg, Virginia, called on friends in the biug and. vicinity on Friday last.—Mrs. Edwin Braund and children of Brantford, spent the past week the guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. Spicer and Mr, and Mrs,John Andrew. —Mr. Thos. Hodgson of Staffa, spent a couple of days with his sister, Mrs. R. Skinner.—Mr. Jas. Earle and, Wes. Heywood delivered some good. fat cat- tle at Centralia on Monday morning. Winchelsea I•BRIEFS.—Mr. and Mrs. J. GE Jones and. family are camping at Grand 'Bend.—Harley and. Arthur Sanders of • Sunshine spent Sunday under the parental roof.— David Clarke spent Sunday at Sunshine.— Vidor Snell called on friends at Sunshine on Sun- day last.—Mr. 3. Scott and his daugh- ter, Miss Ella, were the guests of Mr. Matthew Routly on Sunday.—Two of our enterprising young ladies and gents took a pleasant driye to Exeter Sunday e' -ening and returned at a late hour.—Mr. Geo. Allen was the guest of Miss Edna Godbolt Sunday evening. (Too late for last week.) BRIBFS. —Fall wheat .harvest is the order of the day, but the weather is very disagreeable, as some of it is 'growing in the shock.—Miss Peed Squire, of St: Marys, is the guest of Mise Ethel Godbolt.—Lewis Fletcher and Arnold Harris spent Sunday at Elimville.— Clara Washburn is the Mrs. A. E. Bennett, of London. Misses Stanley and Ardell, of Lon- don, are the guests of Miss jean Hawkshaw, at the Commercial. • Mrs, Will Verity and children, a visiting hts brother in Granton. Russeldale ........i....6.4... SAD AND FATAL ACCIDENT.—A sad accident which terminated fatally in the death of Walter Jacob, a young lad about 1.5 years of age,on July 28th. Waiter was an orphau from. the Strat- ford Orphan's Horne, and was ein.ploy- ed by Mr. Gleason Hill, son-in-law of Mr. R. D. Roy, of Exeter. The young lad went to the stable to harness it horse and was in the act of putting on the bridle when another horse, it new animal just purchased by Mr. Hill, kicked out :tad struck him in the abdomen. He was taken to the house and the best care and attention giveti him by all, but he finally succumbed to his injuries on the Saturday follow- ing. The deceased was a very bright young boy possessed of a very kind and loving disposition; and during his hours of suffering was never heard to complain.. He had no relatives in this country, but judging from the kind- ness shown him during Lis illness and the number of people in attendance at his funeral, he had many friends to whom be had. endeared himself. Mr. •Englehafe, manager of the Home, at Stratford, wa,s present at the funeral who is visiting at Sam Brown s had Zinn i as Walter was a, general fayoritetthe here. -misfortunento gbreak his arm on Monday evein. — Mr, Gottlib Brown, is on the sick list this week, ' —Miss Martha Eilber, returned to — Buffalo on Tuesday morning, after being home for a few days.—Mr. Geo. Bloomfield and wife are here renew- ing acquaintances.— Herbert Felbeve has gone to his uncle's in Ulby, Mich. for it few week's holidays. — Jacob Holtzman and family left for Grand Bend, on Monday, where they will stay for it few weeks and enjoy the balmy zevphrs of the lake. splendid weather of the past week and must rest for a few days now. — Potatoes are reported rotting badly as the result of ecent rains.— Mrs. W. W. Kerr, returned on Monday last from a week's visit with friends in Brinsley and Parkhill.--IVIrs John Dyer has returned. from St. Thomas, —Rev, Hamm attended the Temper- ance Convention in Toronto, last week. A vigorous campaign has been organized. — The Ladies' Aid. of the Methodist church served ice cream in Beaver's Hall, last Monday even- ing and cleared $5 without much effort.—"An excursion to the Pool of Hebron" will be the subject of Rey. Knowles' discourse next Sunday evening. Don't fail to hear him.— E. Crompton and son, of Bothwell, spent a few days last week with his sister, Mrs. R. E. Walker. — Rev. and Mrs. Finkbeiner, of Chesley, are visiting with hermother, Mrs. Brown, of the village. (From another Source) BRIERS. —Mr. and Mrs. Tom. Wind, who have been visiting their friends and relatives here have returned to their home in Detroia—Rev. G. Fink- beiner and wife are visiting their rela- tives here. — Master Edgar Siebert, BRIEFS. —Mr. Fred Hern is delight- ed very nava at, preseut as he has a new cream Separator purchased from Mr. Cfobblediek it is the world beater . There is So such machines made elsewhere it is manufactured in Guelph. —Mr. 3. Cornish jr., had a valuable horse cut badly in a barb wire fence. It is a very bad loss for him, as this is the second one that has been cut for him this summer. Webope that it will recover, but it is doubtful -The farmers around here are all through the hay harvest, sonae have drawn as much as 99 loads in a few days.—We are glad to see John Peart around again as usual after such an attack of rheumatism. — Mr. S. Peart is up front Guelph to help the foreman, Richard, to take off the wheat crop. He has not :changed much.—Our old thresher, W. Horne, started oat on August 1st to thresh. He expects to have a big season this year, as the crops around here are very good.—We are sorry to say that guest of Miss Kate Brown.—John Tra- we have lost another of Zion's fair quair spent Sunday with Miss Etta maidens.—One of our young couples Fletcher.—Will Elliott spent Sunday went on an excursion Last week. and at this village. on the return trip they got yery slew 'and instead of getting off at their own Fullarton station they were taken on to 'St -- Marys.—Mr. Henry Hern, was down OBITUARY. — Alexander Bothwell, to St Marys recently with a load ot for many years a resident of Fullerton hogs, 12 in number, 6 months and one township, died Thursday evening, half old. They weighed 2380 lbs., July 24, at the home of his son, Wilt and eetted him the sum of $201.60. liam Bothwell, cheesemaker at Hick- ________ son, Oxford County. Mr. Bothwell Farquhar lived in St. Marys a year or two ago -- along with his son, the late Archie BRIEBS.—Mr. Thos Cameron will go Bothwell. After the death of his son to Windsor next month to attend the he went to Hickson to live.—Mr. Both- meeting of the High Court there.— well was a native of Quebec, and The Scott Bros., of Hibbert passed settled on the 3rd 'line of glanshard through here, this week with a new some Miter years ago. Several years threshing outdt, with all the latest later he bought a farm on the Mit- improvements. The stacker attached chell road, Fullerton, just west of the will save at least four men on the Motherwell church, and lived there straw stack. We hope they may until about five years ago. For twelve have what they deserve, a successful years he was tax collector of Fullerton season. — Alexander and William land a highly esteemed resident. His Turnbull have each got their new out - wife died some years since. Of a film- buildings nearly completed, and they ily of four sons and one daughter, two add materially to the appearance of sons died recently. Harry, with whom their splendid ferrns. — Miss Mary Mr. Bothwell lived on the old home- Clarke' formerly of this place, but, stead, died suddenly of heart failure, now otCalifornia, was visiting in the Another son, Archie, as already stet- village this week.— Mrs. (Dr.) Irving, ed died two years ago. The remain- of gb. Marys, and Mrs, Anderson, of of travellers who visit Kirkton, an- nually, declare it to be one of the prettiest and finest villages in Wes- tern Ontario, and we believe it is for the only drawback to its perfection are those awful' cows that lounge and lay around the streets, whose owners should be severely dealt with to the full extent ot the law and be made to fasten them in during the night. Blanshard like Fullerton should en- force their by-law and thus end the pest.—John McCurdy has purchased from a, Toronto firm one of the finest horses ever seen in these parts', and now John will scarcely be seen passing to and from, owing to its fast record. --Dr. W. Its Carr Would like to in- form those villagers who own cows that he does not supply, free gratis, his garden for their benefle, and if there is.not a scarcity itt the future serious trouble will eusue, —Oa Sun- day evening, Atigese sra, to 7 o'clock, the Rev. 'Wm Stout; preaohed & see - mon in St. Pante church, Kirkton, to a, toint assembly, comprising the Knights and Ladies of the Order of Maccabees, the Order of VOresiters, the Circle of.Chosen Priendeeend the Orange'..AtesociatiOn. There WAS it large attendance. Centralia ORME 8s ORME. Office hours 10 a.m. •L' to 4 p. nt. Telephone connection witk main oilice itt Lucau.—Contralia, Ont. Bnenae.—The fine weather of last week bas made it possible for the farmers of this vicinity to save the wheat crop in very good condition. A continuance of the wet weather of the week previous would have been dis- asterous as some of the wheat had commenced to • sprout, but only a small perceete,ge was damaged,—T. Fe:stones new mill is readyto hove the machinery placed in position end will soon be in operation again — Mrplied to the lines, but Sohn henceforth . . Joshua Huxtable Mr. arven Lane must ride on horseback as his buggy end Mrs. Wen. 13a:ker, sr., intend telt- was totally demolished by being turn- . ing a trip to the West in the near ed upside down in the ditchThe future, 'We wish them a pleasant kids saved their necks. Toronto are vilsiting at the manse.— Master Wilfred Ceeambell, of Logen, paid bis friends here a flying visit last week. He seems to be well satis- fied with his new home. (FROM F.L.11 OTHER, SOURCE) BRIEFS,—Mr. John Weselake, our veteran thresher, is out again with the sante men as last year, the Park Brothers, and. is prepared to do the very best work.—Misses Clare Dutican and Alice Efackney visited Mrs. Man- Orediton, on Sanday last.—Mr. and Mrs. Win. Stewart spent Satur- day and Sunday at the lake,—Quite an eliciting runaway occurred here one evening last week with farmers John and Lawrence, who are nighely visitors of the ladies of our burg, tender the circumstaeces we do not expect more then one hand to be ap- journey.--Centralia hes a prorriesing baseball team of which we hope to hear it good report in the future. --Mr, and efts. Rosenberger of London, were the guests of Mrs. Tiles. Elston On Sunday last. —The Sunday School of the Methodist church heee expect to hold their annual picnic at the Grand Bend in thealear future. Particulars hetet. Crediton. W. M. Marbin, Lew Student, is home from Toronto, and will be in 3, G. Stanbury's oface until the opening of Osgoode Hall. The subject next Sunday in the Roller and Plate Choppers in use to suit customers, JOHN WHITEI & SONS —GO TO THE— EXETVIR Roller Mill For Pure Manitoba Farytily Flour (Star) Pastry (Princess) Wheatiet (Breakfastfood) A good supply of Mill Feed • and Chop always • on hand Give our Flour and Feed a Trial ahd be convinced that it is all right. Presbyterian church, will be, 11 a. m. "The Coronation of Edward VII." 7 p. rn. "A. greater Coronation." A very sevete electrical storm pass- ed over this vicinity on Tuesday. acc- ompanied with ah ea,vy rain, also some very large hail. No serious danaage is reported. The James street Sunday sciatic)1 held. their annual picnic to Grand has been decided to allow two car - Bend on Wednesday. A pleasant loads of first-da,ss registered rants to time was spend by the large crowd be imported from Ontario for the - who attended. t I sale. It is said that the purchase of The annual picnic of Caven Church Ontario rams will be entrusted. •to S. S. will be held to -morrow, to Grand Mr. Robert Miller, of Stouffrille, Ont. Bend. Busses will leave the livery In order to encourage to movement stables at 6. 30„ and the Presbyterian the Canadian Pacific Railway has Church at 7 o'clock, a. m. agreed to give free transportation of Mr. and Mrs. 3, G. Stanbury have the rams from Nortu 3aay to lklerlicia9 moved into the house on Main street, Rat` which has lately been fitted up by. Mr. H. Buckingham into two dwell- ings. Mr. Stanbury will occupy the norbh side. x 1-1,91RVEY BROS, MILLERS .••••14.41.11•VaIMIR Medicine Hat, from Sept. 80th to Oct, 2nd. As there are comparatively few 'pure-bred sheep in the Territories, it Exeter Municipal Council. Council mee pursuant to adjourn- ment at ;Town Hall, Aug. 1st. Ab- sent councillor Davis. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Tenders for excavation for tank on Andrew street, received as follows : J. Evans. $110.00 ; Thos. Hartnoll, $85,00; Richard Crocker, $73.50. Wood—Harding— That the tender of Richard Crocker, being the lowest, be accepted. —Carried. Tenders for building tank received as follows: A. E. Hodgert 5200.00; P. Hamden, $159.00. Harding--Muir—That the tender of Mr. Bawden, being the lowest, be ac- cepted.—Carried. Wood.—Muir— That by-law No. 4, 1902, to appointW. J. Bissett as street commissioner and. other duties as. read a first time be now read it second and. third time and finally passed. — Carried. Muir—Harding—That the following accounts te passed and orders drawn on treasurer for same: — Richard Quance, labor, $4.87; T, Welsh, do., $4.87; G. Oudmore, do., $9.50 ; Geo. Atkinson, do., $L50; Wm. Parsons, d9., $5.00 ; I. Smith, repairing gaso- line engine, $1.10; W. G. Bissett, charity to Mrs. Sutton $6.00 ; W. G. Bissett, water tax, town hall, (3.00;$ James Creech, salary in full $00.00; Tremaine & Snell, account to August lst., $81,95 ; James Dennis. salary to July 20th, $18,50; W. J. Heaman, sewer pipe, 35.60; S. Handford, labor, 75c; Wm. Atkinson, do. 75c; Thos, Welsh, labor, $453.-0arried. Muir — Wood— That the ebuncil purchase a suieatile suit of clothes and cap for the town oonstable, telost not more than $11.00. --Carried. Harding—Wood—That t council adjourn to August 1.5th, at 7O p. m. Carried, GR BISS ee Clerk. BOLD Ctn.—Hexing disposed of my practice and property. in Crediton. I hereby request all parties owing rn e accouhts to call and settle the sam e Or ataange for settliatteet by Wedries- day, Auguet, 13th, if possible. Par- ties littering accounts against me sell" Nearly 33,000 new hish sov- ereigns have just been b into Canada, and they are li c.iy here. They were minted Australia at the Sidney mine and be tlae King's head without the crown., hey came to Canada under sornew peculiar circumstances. When o he 25th of June, Ool. Evens recene only four hours' notice to entraire IS mere for Durban and borne the wasvery little thne to procure pi plies. The principal thing which th command- ing officer did at Durban, as to go to the Standard Bank and 'emit the last pay cheque of the re' enent. A d.emeead for ready cash to t amount of £39,600 almost swamped he bank, corning as it cutt so suddenly. The manager lead no bank notes, and told Col. Evans that he would have to take it in gold. Accordingly Col. Evans _ was sere for a guard of five men with The! revolvers. The golcl was transferred • to e cab in charge of this guard, put on boaea the steamer, and when the 'Winnifredian was well out to sea the money was paid ever to the men. Children Cry for The Winghain races will take place on Wednesday and Thursday, August 13th and 14th. Wingham possesses one of the best half -mile tracks in Canada and with $1,550.00 hi purs es it promises great attractions. CIVIC HOLIDAY.— Owing to civic holiday being held on Friday, August .8th, when all business places will be closed, Saturday Coronation Day will not be observed as a public holiday. Don't forget that Friday is the public holiday in Exeter., There will be a game of baseball played. here on Fra,m y, Civic Holiday, beeween the Exe eeteaand m a t tea from Kirkton at ten eagek a. I., oft the Recreation groatatee and in the afternoon at 3 o'clock a match will be played between Exeter and Crediton, Rev. E. H. Dyeing, principal of the Point Aux Trembles, Quebec Mission School, preached last Sunday even- ing in the Presbyteriau church. His addresses on Protestantisua ineQuebec and the need of spreading the gospel there, was listened too with deep in- terest. Messrs Harvey Bros' mill which was closed down for repairs this week, starts running again today(Thursday). Since taking charge of the mill they have worked up a large trade, and. the demand for thew flour is growing rape idly. .A. few weeks ago they shipped three car loads for the British markets and two car loads for Montreal. Messrs Harvey Bros. are to be compli- mented on their success. EXPORT FROM ONTARIO OF TWO CARLOA.De TO TERRITORIES With a view of improving the quali- ty of sheep raised in the North-West, The Territorial Sheep breeders' As- sociation has decided to hold a sheep sho end auction sale of rates at GENERAL NEWS Orchard irrigation by capillary at- traction is the latest horticultural fad in Colorado, where fruit growers are said to bave found it feasible, and more effective than feeding moisture by the roots. Take a vessel it pan or a bucket or anything that can be tied to a tree limb and will hold water. Fill it with water and then bend a twig about the circumference of an ordi- nary lead pencil into theewater. The liquid will be rapidly absorbed by the twig and in turn the water will enter the limb and soon permeate every part ot the tree. The problem of keepmg the vessels supplied with water is not a difficult one, for the season that a half gallon of water will do as much irrigating as many cubic inches under the present plan, the adherents of the scheme claim. The opinion of Mr. Goldwin Smith upon the present legislative crisis is interesting. He says:— 'Two things in reference to our Provincial crisis appear certain. The first is that a Government cannot be carried on with it majority of one in the House, in the face of an adverse majority in the electorate. The seccead is that a second appeal to the constituencies without a meeting of the Legislature is out of the question. Suppose the toss again comes down neither heads nor tails, as it very likely might, are we to toss a third time, and go on tossing until a, sufficient majority is attained? Besides, who is to deter. mine whether a majority of two, three or four is sufficient? The ob- vious and proper course surely is that there should, as soon as possible, be a meeting of the Legislature, at which a decisive vote would be taken. Then a, fresh appeal to the constituencies, if found necessary, would be in order." Children Cry for CA TO IA. E 0411..gew542;1.1..%AtOtsgr.1.61174,....1 +2.!itf• enaeenseSeene Front Foe ilso room TIMMS Ply Special and Gold Medal soo feet per lb. 650 feet per The. Best is the Cheapest. • Hamm mitts --Sheep Skin. --ltule Skin. —Pig Skin. ' —Calf Shin. • 25c.,a pair and up.. Ken out Mc its —.Screen Doors, —Screen Windows. —Screen Wire. All Sizes are in Stock. Our Prices are low. ensone*eturtannarmawevretarailonownweigramava Wo do all kinds of BAVETROUGHING, REPAIRING, ETC fibiMAITS flARDWARE ux.iarniFt.