Exeter Times, 1902-7-31, Page 8INgcncrelwaGgCtx.X.m.Crosricall•
clk S IA ST Re
Here are a Few Money
Savers to Start Aug. With
e`a each for your choice ot any
Colored Shirt Waists m the shop,
Some waists in the lot worth $L00,
while they last only 25e,
15c each, 10 only 5 -foot Hardwood
Step Ladders, regular price was 50e,
Yours for for 15e.
20e the yard. for double fold pure
wool Indigo Cheviot Dress Serge. The
regular value of this line was 50c, but
the weight is just a, little light. 7
pieces only to sell at 20c, makes swell
odd skirts, and just the thing for
Bathing Suits. Somebody will get
eome bargains
8&c. the yard for your pick of quite
a ruce lot of Muslins, Organdies and
jrat the balance of our sum-
mer stock, regular values 12ec to 250,
all clearing at only
7ac the yard for 12,e Prints. Saab 20
pieces of 12e print, came our way at
a snapprice—We ceught on. They
came n dark and light, faucy patterns
suitable for almosb any purpose. They
are certainly the best print value we
ever offered you, only 7o.
75c the Suit. About 150 Boys'
Linen Gingham and Galatea Blouse
Suits, regular values 90c to $L75.
Come quick and take your pick for
75c. Every Cotton and Linen Suit in
the shop in this lot.
$2.50 each for Ladies Fancy Silk
and Lace Shoulder Capes, $5.00 was
the price. we have ouly 6 left, you
pick for $2.50.
Rev, .1, J., Brohenslaire, of Obleago, I
s visiting his annt, Mrs. M. Brewer. e
Tlae Exeter grist mill will be shut
dowu the early part of text iveek for
repairs. II 0
Miss Lille Johns veturned bailie on
Tuesday evening after a two week's
visit in Paris, Hamilton and other
Miss Jeanie Drew arrived here on
Tuesday, from Ontario, Caltfornia,
seed will spend some time e ith her
sister, Mrs. F. J. Xnight,
Rey. D. and Mrs. Gandy, who with
their families. are spending, a couple of
weeks et Grand Bend, spent Thursday
last calling cu Weeds in Exeter.
ur customers say they never had
good &flour before, a, tew bakings
IilI be sere to convince you ot the
ruth of it. —1-111.11VEY Bros.
Rev. r, Mellott, and Mrs. Mellott, of
Xippen, spent Monday at the James
et. parsonage the guest of Mrs. Mal-
lote's parents, Dr. and Mrs. Hannon.
Mrs, (Dr.) Hyndenan, Miss. Hynd-
man, Miss Edith Hyndmen, and tbe
Misses Lottie, Georgie and Millie
Byndman are at Aldersicle cottage,
Grand Bend.
Gladstone Green, aged 20 years, a
well-known farmer, of East Oxford,
was drowned while bathing in the
Thames on Fletcher's Flats, m Bland-
ford, Sunday.
The Irish Nine of Luca,n and the
London's of London, played a very
exciting game of ball at Lama yester-
day. A. nember from here drove over
to witness the game.
If you want to put an everlasting
stop to the growth of a burdock, just
cut it off below the crown and pour
BIG Cli811 STORE (ci 41,:‘ 81EwfkRT pnitiih....wtoe..taorttly3ryfmnso„,-excial
the stalk you will see a greasy round
Friday, Ax g. Sae will be Civic Holiday. Stores will be closed all day. hole,
••••••••+•••••unmaaaamompusus•••••••sogramos G••••••1010•4••• The many friends of Mr. and Mrs.
H. E. Huston will be pleased to learn
that their daughter, Miss Lillian, who
has for the past five weeks been to
seriously ill at the home of Mr. Holtz-
man, Orediton, is now fast improving
towards recovery.
Drs. Orme & Orme of Lucan, who
have been practising in that village
for the past three years, have, at the
request of a number of their friends,
open.ecl a branch office in Centralia
where all calls, day or night, will be
promptly attended to.
During the electric storm on Satur-
day night last a very lurid flame
could be seen from here, a short dis-
tance south west, and proved to be
from the barn of Mr. Ed. Sweitzer,
which had been struck by lightning
during the storm. Barn and contents
were destroyed.
Mrs. D. Spicer and daughter. May,
and Mrs. E. Braund, with her two
children, of Brantford, are visiting
relatives in town this week. Mrs.
Spicer will leave for Blyth the end of
the week, where she mill spend a short
time visiting her brother, Mr. A. Mc-
The free-for-all was run off at the
Winnipeg exhibition grounds, on
Friday after some delay. Harold 11.
and Tom Ogden being barred out.
Democracy walked away from the
only two others starters. Harold H.
was afterwards raced against time,
and broke the half -mile track record
2.12 1-2 doing it in 2,09 1-4.
James S. Bison, of London, a well-'
known butcher, is dead, the result of
blood -poisoning. Two months ago he
injured his hand on an office file. The
puncture was very small, but poison-
ing developed, and although deceased
lingered uutil Sunday, very little
hope was entertained for his re-
covery, for bome weeks.
The editor cannot call at your home
to inquire if there is any news. If you
know of any hand it in. We want all
the hews there is,but no man can get
all. Just as anxious to mention your
corripany or visitors as to mention
those of your neighbors, but probably
your neighbor gives us more assistance
in securing the facts. Hand in your
news items, We want them.
Far Marriage Licenses,
Wes:Wilma Ritegs,
Weetclecs, Clocks,
Spectiacies Etc
• R. liel1eeK5
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
Sovereign Bank
:of Canada.
Capital Authorized ‘$2,000,000.00
Capital Subscribed, $1,300,000.00
A General Banking business transacted: sums of
01.00 and upwards received ou deposits. Dignest
Tates of interest allowed; collecaons ma. la and notes
iscounted at reasonable rates
Special attention given to farmers'
:sale notes.
Drafts available in all :parte of she
'World bought and sold.
7. W. GLADMAN, la E. KARN,
Solicitor, Manager,
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual
advestisements accepted up to noon
Wednesday of each week.
Ed. Christie spent Sunday in Olin -
W. W. Taman was in Blyth over
Mrs. Wesley Bissett spent Sunday
in Wingharn.
Miss Maggie Sweet is home from
London for a holiday.
Miss Moir, of Toronto, is a guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Russell,
Miss Olive Hooper. is visiting
friends in Sarnia and Wyoming,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Walters returned
home last week from Sault Ste Marie.
If you want to be healthy, wealthy
nd wise use HARVEY Bios'. Star
Misses Nettie Walters and Charlotte
Drinkwater are visiting friends in
Miss seggie Milroy, of London, has
been the guest of the Misses Weeks
the pest week.
Chaleie Westaway, of Toronto,spent
a few days of this week with his sister,
Mrs. A. Ford.
Mrs. 0. W. Welsh and Viola are
; srieelearee t. 44 week in London visiting
Miss Mabel rollick wheeled over
from St. Marys on Saturday and spent
Sunday with her parents.
Mrs. Poplestone left on Saturday to
visit Mrs. Amos Popplestone and other
friends in Detroit and Pontiac.
Mrs, Frank Remington and child. of
Ingersoll, is visiting her cousin, Mrs.
W. Ford. Andrew street, this week
Mrs. Henry Wasnidge and her son
Ernie, of London, are visiting friends
in Exeter, Dashwood and Grand Bend.
The Teeres office is the niece to geb
your job printing.
Dr. and Mrs. Rivers called on friends
in town on Monday.
The Misses irollick are spending a
few days at Grand Bend.
Mr. John Powell, of Woodstock, is
a., guest of Mr, John Spackman.
Alfred Sheere, who has been in Cry-
stal City-, Man.,for some weeks re-
turned home onlefondaytight.
Mrs. Dr. Holloway, of Clinton, re
turned to her home there after apleas
ant visit with her parents here.
Mr. and Mrs, 3. Lennox are visitin
'friends this week in Exeter, Brucefiel
an other places—Wingham Advance
Chilloren cry for
sodsolidoto BandillS
Mrs. Vivian and family, of Mitchell,
and Mr. and Mrs. Geoid, of Cleveland,
Ohio, are visiting their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Brooks.
Messrs. R. H. Sweet and H. Lam -
brook attend. the Grand Lodge and
Grand Encampment of Odd Fellows in
August at Toronto.
On Saturday afternoon Mrs. Fred
Ford, while preparing to go to Exeter,
was suddenly stricken with appendi-
citis.—Chnton New Era,
Mr. and Mrs. Schosenburg and fam-
ily, of London, are the guests of Mrs,
Schosenburg's parents, Mr. and Mrs,
W. Ha,wksbaw, at the Commercial.
We believe ahnost everybody with -
reach uses Star Flour, but if you
have not tried it do so and be convinc-
ed that it is the 0 best figur on the
market. HA.RVEY Bates.
Main St. Methodist church.—Love
Feast at 10 a, m. 11 a. m., sermon,
subject, Lord's Supper. 7p. m., The
Great Centre of Attraction. Sacra-
ment of Lord's Supper after sermon
in the morning.
LiA ESstatasomponst
For summer is the sensible kind to wear. There is a
heap of Foot Comfort for those who wear our LOW
SHOES. There can be no barrier when our quality
of Foot Wear is offered at the prices below :
' Ladies' Oxfords, flexible sole, kid to cam dortgola upper,
$1.00, sizes 3 to 0,
Ladies' 'Toe Slippers, strapped, satin tie, fancy buckle, $L00,
and $1.25, sizes 8 to 5
Ladies' Oxfords, ine'cliuni. flexible roles, kid toe caps, $1.35,
sizes. 3 to 511
LadiesTrilby Low Shoes, blucher style, flexible soles, pat-
erit toe cap, kid strap atad tie, $1,50, sizes 31. to 5/.
Ladies' very fine Dongola, Low Shoes, heavy extension soles,
patent toe caps, $1,75, Wete more money.
Misses' Low Shoes, sixes 11 to 18, $1,00 and $1.15,
Children's Slippers—three styles,
Peerless Shoes, Stylish up-tcedate, price atia (plaits, eerreet.
$2.00 to $2,75.
Gvoceries a Specialty.. One Door North of Postoffice,
lvlusiins that were 120 15c and 20c to Clear at 5o.
Hot Weather Requirementsi
, 0. blood and other colored Linens for children's
land ladies' wear.
to only men s all wool, light weight, striped, blue and white
Summer Suits, inade lap in correct style, a big selling
line, regular $10.50 for .... — ,
25 Boys' Colored )31ouses, regular prices ranged from 35c to
50c. Your choice while they last for 25e
200 yards American Foulards in all good colorings, warranted the
perfectly fast, worth 20C, . ,, . .. . . . , . . . . 12 2 C.
25 Ladies' Parasols, good full size, a good bargain .... ...... 50e. get
3oo pairs Ladies' regular 200., warranted perfectly fast black
. . at 15c.
White goods in Organdies, Dimities, If ersian Lawns 860.
Linen•Batistie, double width, 48 in, wide, ably 39o,
For Whitewear and Fashionable Waists ladies will find
selection very desirable, while the garments themselves
are admitted to be -extremely comfortably. Call at once and
the pick as they will go fast now as the days are hot.
Ilighest Prices for Produce.
. Cotton Hose . • • • • • • • . • • ' . • • • • . • • • 6 • • • . . • . • • . • 1 5 C 6
25 Boys' Bathing Suits, . . ... .
Cr ry ecials
Ft esh Ba nnas . . . . . . • • ... ..3 dozen
3 cans Clark's Pork and Beans in Chili Sauce ...... ..-....
3 pounds fresh Sweet Biscuits.. • . • • . •
2 cans best Red Salmon .... . . ... . . — ...
5 cans best Sweet Corn ..4 0 t 0 • • • .• • •
25 pounds R.edpaths Extra Standard Granulated Sugar ....
6 pounds Tapioca . .... .. ... .... ....
Re ular 3 c Blatk Green or Mixed Tei............ ....
• • • • .
• • • • • • • •
Men's Regular $4.,00 Rain Coats for.
Ladies' regular $7.75 Rain Coats for.
for 25c..
for 25c,
for 25c.
for 25c.
for 25c.
for 25c
for 25c'
• • • • • • • • $2•75
• $5•50
Ladies' Vests at 5c, 7c, Ice, 12c, 20C, 25c and ...... .
Highest prices for all kinds of Farm Produce
at all times.
I' S
• ' +At 4",,1,:*.V.4101,0%14.01,0-»
Now is the time to beautify your homes by selecting
some of our handsome furniture, Do you want
A nice bedroom sett for. ........ SOCAM
Sideboard 8.00
Nice Cool Sweet mattresses.. 3,00
Bed springs.... ....... • • • •• 2.00
Couches and easy chairs ,at easy prices, Curtain. poles
38c and Trimmings..
• We have several setts of BEAUTIFUL CHAIRS, jus in.
Chita Us A Call, and if we have not got what you
want we will soon get it for you.
Our Exeter store will close at 6.30 p. m. Wednesday and Saturday
Furniture and Undertak41*7:
evenings excepted.
Expose &little oil of bay in a saucer
oa your window sill, or coat your
doors and. windows with any color
paint you like containing as little as.
tour per cent of oil of bay, which is
far from expensive, and can be had
anywhere, and not a single fly Will
enter your house. People in the
country who are an.. ,yed by flies
should remember that clusters of the
fragraut clover, which grows abun-
dantlyby nearly every roadside, if
hung n the room and left to dry and
shed its faint fragrant perfume,
through the air, will drive away more
flies than sticky saucers of molassee
and other fly traps and fly papers ca
ever collect.
.A.s a result of a terrific windstorm
on Sunday, the large hoist, used to
lift and carry heavy plates used in
ship.building, lies on the deck of the
Michigan Central car ferry Transport,
at the Wyandotte ship -yard, a total
wreck, while the upper works of the
car ferry are, for the mosb part smash-
ed to kindling wood The boist is an
immense piece of machinery, which
runs . on a track 4.0 feet long and
about 500 feet long, alleit before the
storm broke out the hoist vas safely
anchored about 400 feet up the track
.with two chains. When the storm
broke the two chains snapped, The -
immense hoist ran to the end of the
track and jumped 30 feet to the car
ferry. The damage is estimated at
The reports of sproutieg wheat ave
beginning to come from all parts of
the county. Farmers who have cut
their grain find it sprouting in the
stook, In many instances the outside
and top of a stook is foetid to be value-
less because of the sprouting. 'Uncut
grain shows the same unfortunate
condition in places. Farmers have
had great difficulty also in cutting
their wheat. Especially is this so on
clay land, where the ground oozes
water whenever stood upon. Horses
sink to the fetlock, and binders are
simply not toevable. To save the crop
numerous fate:nem have resorted to
cradling. Where the mile is large and
help scarce it is a very slow prom*,
Fortunately for some fanners their
fear e of the Hessian fly .led them to
put in a. small acreage in Wheat.
ickar. Co
Direct importers
Miss Jeanie Pickard and Herbert natural. As laid down in our roun-
Pickard have returned from a pleasan dation Facts, published nearly twenty
trip down the St. Lawrence. years ago, and confirmed by long and
a critical observation, it is a fact that
On Sunday morning a number of,) equinoctial periods of the platiet
our citizens were surprised to findMars almost invariably perpetuite
that owing to the recent heavy rains for many weeks the kind of weath '
their cellars had received a too goner- and other phenomena. prevailing
ous supply of water. In consequence the beginning of these periods. It i
of shich some had no bread for break- therefore reasonably safe to say that
fast,that necessary being found pretty the key to the character of weather
well soaked. to be expected in August and much of
There will be to second postpone*. September, will be found in the kind
ment of the Coronation of Xing Ed- of weather we have from the first to
ward. A Royal proclamation has the 151h1 of Augusb. Whatever the
been issued fixing August 9th as the general character of the weather, it
date. His majesty continues to im- must be remembered that the regular
prove, and receives visitors on board and reactionary storm periods will not
the Royal Yacht, and no fear is enter- be obliterated. The. 'Vulcan storm
tained as to his being able to walk on peried central on the Oth, covering
t e day of his crowning. the 7th to the 121h, will be marked by
APPRENTICE WANTED.—Au appren- changes in the thermometer and
lice wanted to learn the milling, from barometer, common to the storm
5 to 17 Years of age, with good educe- Periods, and the culmination into
ion. Apply to HARVEY Bkos. storm, with more or less precipitation
Chhhmay be expected on and touching the
RESIGNED.— Jas. reec, wo as
9th, 10th d 11thd
filled the position for the past number
anwatched wito interest, as it may . This p eriomay
of years as tax collector, constable and be
ineicate one way or another, much
street commissioner, has resigned his that may be in store -tor us for weeks
position, Mr. Wesley Bissett has
to come. We would bke much to be
received the appointment. Duties to
mistaken, bat we fear that in the
commence at once. main, warm and dry will prevail, On
Levee' SOCIAL,—Under the auspices the 141b, 15th and 161h a reactionary
f the W.M.S., a social will be held on to storm conditions will be noticeable
the beautiful and spacious lawn at the —the barometer will fall, warmth
home of Saxon Fitton, on Wednesday will increase, cloudinese will ensue,
Aug 13th, The programme being pre- and rains according to the abundance
pared is receiving very special attent- or lightness prevailing in the Mars
ion. Tea will be served at 6:30 p. na: period, will visi many parts in tran-
11 ' 't *
Admission 15c. Ice eream extra. sit from west to east. Change to
SMOKE STACK UrsET.—On Sunday cooler should normally appear with
a cow strayed into Ross & Taylor's the rising barometer following. these
lumber yard and in ',ebbing up against perturbations. Coming to the Vulcan
one of the guys, holding up the smoke storm period extending,from the 18th
stack, loosened it from. its moorings, to 23rd, we see by the storm diagram
thus causing it to topple over and that Mars, Earth and Mercury all lend
come to the ground. On Monday the their disturbing. powers to the period.
damage was repaired but the firm During this period we also find that
consider the freak of the cow was a the Moon is at her full on the 18th,
rather an expensive one. and on the celestial equator on the
JAMES STREET Okeneen.—Rev. Dr. 21st. Earth will have entered far
Hannon's text in James street church enough into the autumnal equinox at
last Sunday night was, "And the this time. to make it possible for
Lord added to the church daily such dangerous storms to appear on the
as should be saved," Acts 2: 47, The southern sees and coasts. If the
subject of the discourse was. eReasoes present Mars period should take the
for Uniting with the Church." 1st— stormy side of the dilemma, all the
Unite with the church because it is the periods in the last half of August
will of God that you should do so. will bring general storms, some of
2nd—Unite because the church more them furious and fatal. The reaction -
than any institution on earth partneri ary storms on and about the 261h to
from the lusts
of your own nature. 28th, at the center of the Mercury
3rd—Unite because the church affords P
oriod, and near the Moon's last
opportunity for the purest social life.
4th—Unite because God has promised
special blessings to collective worship
ers who meet him in his appointed.
place. 5th—Unite because church
members and means will help you to
be holy. Some objections or excuses
for not Waiting were practically and
pointedly dealt With,
On the 51 h, Earth passes between the
Sun and the great world Jupiter,
neat* new Moon on the 8rd Med t,he
Moon's passage over the celestial equa-
tor on the 6th. These fads will neces-
sitate excessive warm weather, and if
'violent electrical sterme do not re -
Stilt Seim:die perturbations will he beast.
quarter, north declination and pert -
wee, will possibly be fraught with ,
violence and danger, especially along
the south coasts. We enter a regular
storm period as we pass out of
August. the crisis of which will fall in
the first three days of September.
303 4
Winslow s Seething Syrup has been used thr
ever fiftY Years by inilliens of mothers for their
children while teething, with perfeot success.
It Soothes the child, softens the gums. allayS al
Pain, puree wind colic, and is the best remedy
for Diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. sou
by druggists in every pub of the World. 25
cents alkittle. Ito value IN, incaleulable. Bo
sure and take Ma Wnialtiry's Sweetie-
oyrun and twitter rio other kind.
,1•••M.•1•1••••••••••••••e••••e•••••• rylway•nv.-clwo•
The W
' - il Aiallell ot Sp66ta6ular Merit
Prof, Hutchison, the Human Bomb, in a te t e .loan
" Ascension and Parachute Drop. The marvolo,e. . zzle.
The Osnatos, in a sensation novelty, The e : .e. Lite
Handcuff Xing. The Olifans, Continental i . ee a . ques„
arming and Du Crow, famous Monopedes. le - - ewe.),
her troupe of Trained Tropical Birds, The le , ,i Bros.,
Ac atic Wonders, Ohrissie M. Jones, Gorner, Verteaoso.
Magn 1u,t Pyrotechnics and many other features. Special
train serVice over all lines.
Exhibits .fiwther ahead than the times. Gromans insid-
iously beautiful. Bnildings irresistably inviting.
sCeeirSteCa=4111:1Leta=10 eisaellervaN.
Prize Lists, Maps, Programmes and information for the asking from
President. Secretary.
i F_rall,i,,ecrmerloria)tens Sot. 2n11 S
i Vigaa :
4t) A. school that occupies front rank
0 among the best business colleges. on this 0
0 Continent. Many leading commercial 0
0 Schools employ our graduates as tea-
chers. We do our hoSt to place all our 0
graduates in good positions and WO have
CI been more successful this year than in 0
9 any previous year. Those desiring the 0
0 best in business education should at- et
0 tend our school. Write for catalogue.
0 0
Spend your Holidays at.the •
NM RIME lig!
Baulield, Ontario,
Tbis hotel was lately purchased by
the undersigned and has been fitted up
with every modern conveoience of a
rRertatel. ice °ream
Good AcOsisenrnorlation for the
Bayfield is situated et the mouth of
the Bayfield River on Lake Huron.
Excellent Fishing, Boating and Bail-
ing. etc. The beach is like pavement,
making bathing safe for the smallest,
child, For rates and fruther particle,
lave write (it apply to
Bayfield, Ont. Canada.
You will find here at all
times the greatest bargains in
furniture . The lowest prices
and best efforts to please.
Undertaking a Specialty.
50 acres : well situated; drat class soil good.
a.ine house, ; barn, stable, orchard &e. Spied -
cm opportunity for anyone wan ling a farm of
this size. Apply at once to
F. W. lar.arnuArT,13sxrister, Exeter.
Anyone Sending a sketch and description may
quickly dsoottair our opinten free whothOr an
Invention is prol time patentable, COMMUlliCti-
tionsetrlOtlYectaidiintial. Handbook on Patetitis
iiOnt frbo. West agency:for securing patents.
Patents talren through & co, reeetve
mead. Mike, Without etutrze, in the
A handsomely illtiatritted WeeklY. tarravit dr -
°Wittiest of aveationtlar Journal. Terme, $as
Y...eaLl_foursnotithlii161. gold by All upwsdealers.
muNN &co $01groadway,q
Beale °nice, St..