HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-06-13, Page 54 ft • 11 14 0 yll e / earl to see e WSW care fashion to Sit to a its I el d Pte o on the Aubur l Read' The grave; - - cootnearly 5, including the removA 440 replace dozens of *lures,,; learlysixhouurs, but went,off without a,. Id resulted in very,Jittle damage to;. 15•foot bome. Tile roof Iwas•cut off to reduce its height to 20 feet and dater. derlc,b township residents are not be. 1iig colleulted on whether there will be a hall, Or.fiot but ace being asked for suggestions on;.where It will be located and what it ' .,ettould contain. 10 years ago June 13,1974 xllayer Don 'Symons wondered aloud at in. Monday's Clinton council meeting on how the . overtime in Clinton the Police Department could cut back, as it was costing;t,heitown hundreds of extra dollars in the laSt.sevveral months. - The .;. Students working for the En- vironmental Enhancement Program, under the `Maitland Valley Conservation Authori- ty, will,be coming, to Clinton near the end of June to` continue. clean up of Cardwell's Pond beside Central Huron Secondary School. Robert Stanfield, Canadian Progressive Conservative Leader and Huron Middlesex MP Bob McKinley greeted nearly 2,000 per- sons at a beef barbecue held last Saturday at the Pineridge Chalet in Hensall. Mr. Stan- field toured parts of London before the Hen- sall visit and then went to Wingham. 25 years ago June 11, 1959 About 1,500. men, women .and children braved the sun yesterday to enjoy the Clin- ton Spfing Show. Temperatures hovered in the 80's, with 90 registered in the sun at some locations. Threatening rain did not ap- pear, and the day turned out a great suc- cess. At an impressive ceremony held in liar- riston Town Hall on Friday evening, Grant Frederick (Ted) eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Turner, Bayfield, was the first of 25 to be presentedwith Queen's Scout certificate. Twelve -year-old Lynn Harper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L.B. Harper, RCAF Station Clinton, was still missing last night, although provincial police throughout this area had been searching for the young girl since late Tuesday. Her parents turned in a report that Lynn was not to be found, at about 11:30 Tuesday night. She was aIr parently last seen on the highway, where she had ridden with another youngster from the station, and then was seen to get -into a car there about nine o'clock. 50 years age " June 14,1934 President Inkley and the executive of the town softball league, in conjunction with An • - dy Steep, have completed arrangements to bring to Clinton on June 23, the British Con- sols Softball team of the Beaches Senior League, Toronto. Chief Stang, who is interested in floral culture, laid upon Corr desk the otherday a rose, of the sweet brier variety, which was something of a curiosity as half the petals were pink and the other hall yellow. It was grown on the lawn of Mr. Bert Fremlin and, in spite of the varied colors, it smelled as its more circumspect fellow -flowers. Work of the Clinton -Blyth highway has been going on during the past week. Mr. McArthur of Guelph is the engineer in charge. Traffic Officer Haugh has been appointed to patrol King's Highway 4, and will make his -home in Clinton. He has already taken on his duties. No. 4 has not hitherto had any special patrol. 75 years ago June 10, 1909 Final Notice - During the last few years we have been put to considerable inconve- nience, expense and loss by trespassers and pilferers on our farm. This in spite of numerous notices placed and warnings sent to guilty parties already this year our gates have been several times left open, and stock allowed to escape: In future, anyone found on farm or orchard, without permission, will be prosecuted. Please insert this for the benefit of the public and as a final notice. Yours truly, H.T. Rance, Executive Farran Estate. Wheat continues to soar! $1.35 is being paid at Clinton. If it were not that it makes the bread of life dearer, we would be willing t® see it go up - if it would help the country. Next Wednesday and Thursday Miss L. Grant will hold an exhibition of her own work and the work'of her pupils in the empty store next to J. Taylor's office. Miss Grant will be pleased to see all her friends and any others who are interested in painting etc. Keep the days in mind. 100 years ago June 13, 1884 Down With Board Fences - A very neat iron fence adorns the front of Mr. J. Jackson's property on High St. We are pleased to see that there is a tendency to do away with high board fences in many places and nowhere is the advantage more ap- parent than where parties have beautiful front gardens or lawns. In several parts of the town wire fences have replaced the board, and persons who have an eye to the beautiful can gaze on nature's glories without breaking their neck by looking over a six-foot close board fence. Canada Always Ahead - Mr. John Cruickshank (son of Mr. Chas. Cruickshank) who is now residing at Lex- ington, Ky., writes to a friend here a few facts which may be of general interest. While he likes that city very well he does not think it can compare with any Canadian city in point of morals, and in church matters he regards it as much behind Canada, as political feeling divides churches of one denomination into two distinct bodies, and there is nothing like spiritual life manifested among the masses there that there is' here. He says he would sooner have one Canadian girl' than a dozen Southerners, and we pres �.r that when he said this he was thirfldn w of "the girl he left behind him, 0 p WHITE SWAN-PKG. OF 2 PAPER TOWELS WHITE WITH MOTIF JAVEX BLEACH 3.6 LITRE -REGULAR FLEECY LIQUID) FABRIC SOFTENER 5 LITRES DAVERN FARMS -500 G. PKG. SLICED SIDE BACON TIDE DETERGENT 6 LITRE BOX CHINA LILY -CHOICE BUTTON MUSH ROOMS 10 FL. OZ. IGA- 14 FI-. OZ. BOSTON BROWN BEANS WITH PORK IN TOMATO SAUCE OR WITH PORK IN MOLASSES kd'SEVaYDAYWAREHc)USE PRICES Here are some examples of our everyday prices. COUNTRY LANE -1 LB. SOFT MARGARINE MACARONI & CHEESE 225 G: KRAFT DINNER STRAIGHTCUT-1 KG. FROZEN -SOME REALE FRENCH FRIES PETER PIPER - 375 G. PKG. SLICED BOLOGNA 1.45 PETER PIPER- 450 G. PKG. - SKINLESS WIENERS 1 19 BURNS - CELLO 500 G. BEEF STEAKETTES 2.49 BURNS 450 G. PKG. SMOKIE DOGS ALLEN'S PURE 48 OZ. APPLE JUICE PAMPERS DISPOSABLE DIAPERS TODDLERS 48'S, TODDLERS PLUS 40'S EX. ABSORBENT 601, SUPER ABS. 541 ORREG. ABSORBENT 72'S BAYER CHILDREN'S ASPIRIN BTL. OF 24 PRIDE OF CANADA, 175 G. SUMMERSAUSAGE, PEPPERONI OR SLICED SALAMI . 1.99 1.09 'TAILLEFERSTORE PACKED BREAKFAST SAUSAGE LIGHT -IN WATER 6.5 OZ. BYE -THE -SEA TUNA MEADOWGOLD - 2 L. ICE CREAM HEINZ KETCHUP 575 ML. GENERIC 200 G. REGULAR OR RIPPLED POTATO CHIPS CAMPBELL'S CREAM OF MUSHROOM SOUP 10 FL. OZ. MOTHER PARKER'S 10 OZ. INSTANT COFFEE SKIPPY PEANUT BUTTER 750 G. FAMII V PRIDE BEEF BURGERS PRIME RIB ROAST . 6.79/kg. 1ST FIVE RIBS 3 .O8 /Ib. GROUND 3.48/kg. BEEF Cp REGULAR .1.58/Ib. FRESH`. CHICKENS 84 2 CANADA GRADE A . /kg. UNDER 1 • 2)9 1.8 KGJ4 LBS. .. /Ib. 2.78/kg. °1.2 5/Ib. 3.28/kg. 1.491ib. PORK CHOPS LOIN RIB & TENDERLOIN END PETER SIDE PIPER 500BACON G.PKG.-SLICED' • 2.09 'PRIDE OF CANADA - BONELESS ;SMOKED PICNICS 2.25/Ib. 4.96/kg. BURNS -125 G. - BEEF CHICKEN OR TOURTIERE PENNY POT PIES 6 3 1**1-‘(,% • -0' BURNS SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLLS 43934. 1.99/ lb. PRIDE O F CANADA 400 G. PKG. PARTY STICKS TAILLEFElt 175 G. PKG. HAM STEAKS 2.5.9 1.59 GOLDEN SIKILLET CHICKEN CUTLETS PORK 4.39/kg. 'HOCKS 1.99/Ib. 1.52/kg,. SHOULDER STEAKS 4.14/kg. RIB BONES 1n 6 REMOVED .a /Ib. CHICKEN BREASTS 5.49/kg. KNIFE CUT 2.4911b. 3.2 8►/kg. 1.49/Ib. e619/Ib. CIHICKE N WINGS FRESH SHORT RIB ROAST CHUCK BLADE BOI VE OUT 3.i,►,6/kg. 1. 48/Ib. 3,;.70/kg. 1,.68/Ib. ALCAN, 100' ALUMINUM 12" MITCHELL'S, 28 FL. OZ. FANCY (GLASS), FOIL WRAP HAND! -WRAP, 30 ni REGULAR FOOD WRAP, FIVE ROSES, 2.5 KG. UNBLEACHED, WHOLE WHEAT OR ALL PURPOSE FLOUR DAVID'S, 400-450 G., TELLY MALLOWS, PRINCESS or CAVALIER COOKIES GAINES, 8 KG., GRAVY TRAIN OR SELECT, DRY DOG FOOD NABISCO, 575 G. 100% BRAN CEREAL APPLE SAUCE AYLMER, 10 FL. OZ. CHOICE FRUIT COCKTAIL OR BARTLETT PEAR HALVES ROYALE, 8 ROLLS; WHITE 9 -LIVES, 6 OZ., ASSORTED VARIETIES, LUXURY CANNED 4/144 • CAT FOOD . SANKA, 369 G., REGUtAR OR AUTOMATIC DRIP, VAC PAK DECAFFEINATED COFFEE SIFTO, 1•KG. SLIM CANADA NO. 1 -PRODUCT USA -20 LB. AVG. RED RIPE WATERMELON PR(,)DUCT OF USA CA NADA NO.1 CALIFOIRNIA RI ED GRAPES � 3.7e )/Kg. 1.67/b. PRO. 'DUCT OF U.S.A. CA ,NAD/ NO. 1 MEW CROP C.:ARIiiOTS 079 2 LB. BAG 2.49 1.99 8.99 1.69 BATH ROOM TISSUE TABLE SALT ROYALE, PKG. OF 100 WHITE OR ALMOND FACIAL TISSUE • `� v JAVEX, 3 L., FOR UNBLEACHABLES POWDERED - BLEACH 1AVEX, 1 L., STAIN AWAY, SPOT & STAIN SALADA, PKG. OF 120 ORANGE PEKOE TEA BAGS HEINZ, 2.5 L. WHITE REMOVER REFILL VINEGAR AYLMER, 500 MI., WITH PECTIN, RASPBERRY OR STRAWBERRY JAM 1 •39 CASE OF 24-10 FL. OZ. NESTEA-LIGHT, REGULAR, TROPCONCENTRATEANEW ICED TEA MIX 2.69 667 ML. PRODUCT OF ONTARIO FRESH MUSHROOMS 4.39/Kg. 1.99/Ib. CANADA NO. 1 - CALIFORNIA FRESH PEACHES 1.96/kg. .89/Ib. PRODUCT USA -CALIFORNIA VALENCIA ORANGES ' QUENCH-ASS'T., FRUIT FLAVOURS DRINK CRYSTALS 3x92G. ALL MERCHANDISE 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED - PRODUCT REPLACED OR `YOUR MONEY REFUNDED. MOM'S - 1 LB. SOFT MARGARINE 2.59 /dozen PRODUCE USA -CAN. NO. 1 GREEN CABBAGE • •' 9 ea. PRODUCT OF U.S.A. FRESH BROCCOLI •89 ea. CANADA NO. 1 FANCY, ONTARIO 3 LB. BAG McINTOSH APPLES 1.59 NEW CROP -CANADA NO. 1 NECTARINES 2.18/kg. .99/Ib. CANADA NO. 1 - ONTARIO' COOKING ONIONS 2 LB. BAG • 79 C .OI .DEN YELLOW DOLE FiANANAS 1.08/Kg. ° .49/1b. PR' DIA/CT OF U.S.A. CANADA NO. 1 .GREEN` ONIONS 3/.89 CAN ADA NO. 1 -CALIFORNIA REI D BEAUTY PLUMS 1.74/kg. .79/Ib. r'RODUCT OF U.S.A. CANADA LAR DE NO. 1 IZE VINE RIPE TOMATOES 2. l 8/k,. . 99/Ib. SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT EACH WEDNESDAY (GET DETAILS FROM YOUR LOCAL IGA STORE) STORE HOURS 9 A.M.-6 P.M. PRICES IN EFFECT TILL CLOSING SATURDAY, JUNE 16 -WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES 1 du. s