HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-06-06, Page 9TQ1 WB,R.ECQ J I W110NEaDA. Y','TONF fit,1984 PAGE 9 ld a: eco 1 fornnbers will be 12,to 21, instead of 12 In 2. The dinner neer wassgnserved by the members of the host Branch. Grace was said 'by the. Reverend Robert Roberts of Dungannon ,non chureh. Mrs. Joe Roily brought greetings frotn:the London area and -told about the support of the Children's Memorial Hospital that the members give. She encouraged those present to make finger puppets along with knitted toys and sweaters for the children at the hospital St. Helens Branch introduced the panel of Mrs. Cecil Elliott, Mrs. William Porter and Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock. They gave a summary and showed pictures of the ACWW conference they had attended last June in Vancouver. They were thanked by Mrs. Gordon Kaitting and she pinned a trillium pin on Mrs. Elliott. Mrs. Cora Sherwood pinned one on Mrs. Porter and Mrs. Richard Buchanan pinned one on Mrs. Bradnock. An impressive "In Memoriam" service was led by Mrs. Marjorie McDougall off Auburn, assisted by Mrs. Robert Peck who placed flowers in a vase in memory of Mrs. Nelson (Lena) Higgins of Belgrave, Mrs. M. Gibson off Clinton, Mrs-. Flossie Ivers of Dungannon, Mrs. Ethel Holmes of Maitland, Mrs. Pearl Watson of Tiger Dunlop and Mrs. Omar Haselgrove of Wingham. Mrs. Clare Vancamp of Brussels gave a report on the Officers' Conference held in May at the University of Waterloo. Mrs. Norman Coultes was in charge of the Pennies for Friendship ceremony. Pennies were presented by Mrs. Robert Peck of Auburn, Mrs. Clare Vancamp of Belgrave, Mrs. Mollie Grant of Blyth, Mrs. Mervy Batkin of Clinton, Mrs. Ebner Black of Dungannon, Mrs. Irene Young of Goderich, Mrs. Stanely ' McTlwain of Goderich Township, Mrs. Glen Carter of Londesboro, Mrs. M. Bushell of Maitland, Mrs. James Aitcheson of St. Helens, Mrs. Mary Brindley of Tiger Dunlop and Mrs. Hazel Hardy of Wingham. Mrs. Margaret Taylor of Londesboro gave the public relations report and Mrs. Alice Scott of Belgrave gave the curator's report. She stressed the importance .of preserving historical records and asked all curators to have their Tweedsmuir History Books and minute books microfilmed through the Huron County Library. She announced that the area workshop for Tweedsmuir History B,;oks would 'be held on August 14 at Coldstream. Other reports were received from Mrs. Charles Shiell of Wingham, Aculture and Canadian Industries; Mrs William Porter of Qoderiieh Township, Citizenship and World Affairs; Mrs. Mary Clainn(nt of Goderich, Education • and. Cultural Activities; and Mrs• Richard Buchanan of Tiger Dunlop, Consumer's Affairs. Mrs. Evalina Webster, president of the Huronview Auxiliary, invited all WI members to become members of the Auxiliary which meets the third Monday of each month and assist in entertaining the residents and help at the monthly birthday parties. She said that each resident receives a card from the Auxiliary to mark his or her birthday. In the business session, the members voted to have the District Annual as an all - day session next year. The delegates to the Area Convention will be the president, Mrs. Les Jacklin and the secretary -treasurer, Mrs. James Hunter. Courtesies were expressed by Mrs. Glen Carter of Londesboro to all who had assisted in making the day a success. An invitation to hold the 1985 District Annual meeting in Wingham was extended by Mrs. Pete Hollinger of Wingham. The slate of officers brought in by Mrs. Cecil Elliott of Clinton were elected and installed by Mrs. John Templeman. They are as follows: ; past president -Mrs. Peter Chandler of R.R. 3 Wingham; president -Mrs. Leslie JaC;klin of Wingham; first vice -president -Mrs. Cecil Elliott of Clinton; second vice -president - Mrs. Cliff Crozier of Goderich; secretary - treasurer -Mrs. James Hunter of R.R. 1 Belgrave; assistant secretary -Mrs. Peter Chandler of R.R. 3 Wingham;` public relations officer -Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock of Auburn; curator -Mrs. Mervyn Lobb of R.R. 2 Clinton; assistant curator -Mrs. William Porter of R.R. 2 Goderich; auditors -Mrs. Alex Nethery of R.R. 4 Goderich and Mrs. Clare Van Camp of R.R. 1 Belgrave; district delegate -Mrs. Leslie Jacklin of Wingham; alternate district delegate -Mrs. Cecil Elliott of Clinton; federation representative -Mrs. Ross Higgins of R.R. 5 Brussels; and alternate federation representative -Mrs. Marjorie McDougall of Auburn. Standing committee conveners are: Agriculture and Canadian Industries -Mrs. Robert Peck of, R.R. 3 Blyth; Citizenship and World Affairs -Mrs. William Porter of .R.R. 2 Goderich; Education and Cultural Affairs -Mrs. Mary Clairmont of Goderich; Family and Consumer Affairs -Mrs. Richard Buchanan of R.R. 6 Goderich; and Resolutions-Mrs.Seth Emke of Blyth. Middleton Church plans pot luck dinner By Blanche Deeves MIDDLETON - Communion • was celebrated in. St. James Anglican Church on Sunday morning. Following the singing 'of the first hymn Rev. Reynolds Blessed and presented Lisa Storey with her Server's cross in appreciation for her service to him since being our Rector. Lisa lit the Paschal candles and candles on -the altar.. Ray Wise and James Storey received the offering: Next Sunday communion will ,be celebrated at St. James at 11:15. • Following St. Jame's Service on June 10 a presentation will be held for Paul Middleton and Vicki Merner who will be married on June 23. Ladies bring fruit bread and. cheese. On June 6 a pot luck dinner for the congregation of St. lames' Middleton to be held 'at Lynda. and Bill Steenstra's. home. Please bring your own silverware and lawn chairs. It was ' good to, see some Middleton area people in the Clinton Fair Parade. ,Lisa Storey, William Storey and James Storey - Alvin Dutot with his ponies. - Michael Dixon Clinton Cory Henderson minion Bradley Vanderhaar R.R. 2 Bayfield 4 Stacey Leppington Clinton Jonathan Hugill R.R. 2,;$eoforth Karen Farquhar R.R. 2 Clinton On June 7 June 7 June 7 June 10 June 10 June 12 ,, A. PLACE KIDS The Sensible Game This game is called "The Sensible Game" because you use three of your senses - taste, touch. and smell - to play it., You can play this game with two or more people - the more the merrier To play you need: • a blindfold • 5 taste sensations, such as salt, sugar, flour, instant coffee, powdered spices, pieces of fruit, etc. • 5 smell sensations, such as lemons, leaves, drinks, soap, mud, ink, etc. • 5 touch sensations. such as wool, wood, plastic, glass, metal, feathers, etc. Directions: 1. Collect all the things.7ou want to test people with. 2. Each person puts on a blindfold and tries to guess what they are tasting, touching, or smell - 3 gIf you have a large group of people playing you may want to keep score on a piece of paper. 4 The person who identifies the most things cor- rectly is the winner of the game, dr the most sensible. Distributed by Canada Wide Feature Service limited 1984 MacKoy Prothero ett 1':3 CIAL. REPORT 3 ,'1't, the Numbers of Council, 1nhabiran ts ;Ind Ratepayers of the Corporation of the Township of Hui lett : We have exon ined the cnnsu of the Township of 1•lullett as a stiternt•nt of operations for t1 • rade in accordance with ,•nnc•ra accordingly included such tests necessary in the circumstances. 1Wilt ed balance sheet of the corporation t Del canker 31, 1983 and the consolidated year then ended. Our examination was 1 arc•epted auditing standards, and and other proveaures as t:u consiJcred TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: DECEMBER 31, 1983 In our opinion, these consolidated financial statements present fairly the financial positiin of the Corporation of tilt, Township ti 1111 1 et as at December 31, 1983 and the- results of its operations for the year then ended in accordance with the a, count ,nit 'rin,-iples 'reserlb••,I for Ontario - Municipalities applied, after i•iyinl• ret ront ive effort to the ch•tnyes in accounting policy aseNola hied in mete 7 to ?he finuu-(al statements, on o basis consistent wi th that of the prett-dint' voar. 1 ,A:tot:M:1t' policies Basic, of it,nvol idat ion - the t•un:,olidatid 1ilt.lntfal at emetics reflect the assets and 1iahi1ities and operation, of the township revenue (unit, capital fund and recreation committee, the \uhurn (l,udnuulty 14,11 Hoard, and. the 61vth District 4-1re Area Board. Except to the coo tut disc lutiure ill taxation received or receivable required to pay r&-quinitions, the oper'attins ui the school honrds and county are not consolidated. h) lits is of accounting Clinton, Ontario Date February 27, 1984 Licence No. 782 a ;I Chartered Account.ints CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET as at December 31, 1983 ., ASSETS 1983 1982 Sources of 1inane Inv and expenditure are reported on the accrual basis of accountinc. The. accrual basis of accounting rerny'ni,res revenues as they become available and mt.t'urahle: expend (tures ;tri' recognized as they are incurred and measurable as a re•.ult of receipt ill y.uuds and siervires and the creation of a legal obligation to pan'. The historicco•;t:anJ at cumulated dt•prr.i;[tion of fixed assets are not [,•ported for rinuticipal purpn•.os. Inst rad fixed ascots are expensed in accordance with the nu'thod of (inane ing.. 2. Oporatinns Of. sthnnl hoards and county Unrestricted Cash Investments (note, ) Taxes receivable User charger receivable Accounts receivable Other current assets Long term receivables 162,750 104',365 .. 95,929 92,647 81,628 82,874 As stated in note 1 al the consolidated statement of operations discloses taxation rt-\entie levied by the township required to par school hoard and county requisi•ti,mS. Total revenue and requisitions and the resulting over (under) levies are as follows: schclol hoards ' county Taxation revenue '387,049 119,494 Province of Ontario grants - 32,093 Requisitions 386,625 153,583 Over(under) levies, beginning of Year (417') Overlevies, f.'nd of year S' • 7 $ 414 ' Restricted 363,044 ▪ 257,149 Cash Investments (note )' Accounts receivable Other current assets Long term receivables investment in own debentures 13,166 18,139 122,137 23,008 15,912 106,4 31 3. Trust funds • Trust funds administered by the municipality amounting to S 2,200. (1982: $ 2,2u0.) have not been included in the consolidated balance sheet nor have their operations Leen included in the consolidated statement of operations. • 4. Municipal nand 'balances at the end of the year . Fund balances o'f. S 41,381. art• available to offset,taxation and'user rates for 1084. 153,442 145,351 rye., Capital outlay financed by long term liabilities and to be recovered in future years (note ) • . -"516,48.6 402,560 LIABILITIES Reserve.^, and reserve, funds The total hala.nne of reserves and reserve.,funds of $ 359,470. (1982: $ 338,268.) is made up of the following: , 19831_982 Set .aside for tworking•cnpital by Coutacil 208,850 188,850 Set aside' for loans ttndrr the ;Ontario Home Renewal Plan by legislation �• 150,620 149,418 • •' 5 359,470 $ 338,268 Temporary loans Accnunts,payable and accrued liabilities Other current liabilities 11 5,214 Net lune term liabilities Inote 421 115,635 38,670 1,903 • 40,663 Cont in}trot .1 iabi 1 it v . 6. The mimic ipnl'ity is cont inp,ntly.1iahle for long term 1i:biIitics with respect to • file drainage 'ln.nis rec•orcral'le drum property owners and p;rvahle'tn,thc Province of Ohttu-io ;r: tnan instalments become due. The total ar'ount outstanding as at ltt•rl•nibor 31, 1083 is $ •7-,8;03'1. .11982.: F 847,025.; :end is not. recorded -on the rnnso1idatea bol ;ince sheet. '. iUND BAI.ANCI:S AT'THE END OE THE YEAR (note 4,3) to he cocci to ollsei (or to he cee,,tctcd - 6. n11 unntu,n or unci ih,trgc, (note 1, ) fJ I'ncsp,•ndc,1 cal':r:d her capital ,y',ralnar n•tt til in.lncnll) Ilnenicdlinote It,'t•ri''.(note ',1 181 ...1 ,4't. I1c..1)%c lend. (Holt' 11 7. Chani} e.tt in account ing policy and. 1 r,egvirat ive figure's . • Cimp.lnative (i}otos for 1182 have been. re•stiiteI' tt-"reclas sify the Overlevy of School .1,0.1rd,..ari,1-c.04ingsl totrrli'ti' as otlt•'l 1,in'.`1ittits. instead of as fund balances. ' • As :t rt`niilt ofl,_tlnt cli;initc• the municipal fund balances decreased by 5 1,993.. for 1983. ' The ri't'roai•tive effect on the restated fund halances as at' December •31, 1947 is summarized as fol lows:. Originally reported 25,562. Loss: School hoard and . county avert cures 1 993. Fund balances - restated $ 23,569. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1983 SOURCES OF FINANCING: Taxation and'user charges (note . Residential and farm taxation mtmrncrc1al, industrial and btt-,tne„ Itt.,lltlrl Taxation from otht•r goverment, User char;c; Deduct Amount, reeclted or recec•ahle 'for region or county, and school board, Grants Government of Canada Province of Ontario Other municipalities Other . HuJg_t 9:•33 $ - 6',',601 1,10,1 Actual 1983. $ Accu 1982 5 658,062 62,99": 21,6111 1 1 t'. ere, 60't ,tl',1(1/ ) .( 506,1'.1) .( 2t'1.,rf,I 408,//8 .',,,1 -.i 1 1.41. ,n APPI 11.1) TO: Current operations (;corral g„It•t:um:••1 Protection to rersono .r.,•I pr• ,1'''-- lr,iti'js,fIal1'I1 Yetlti,',- i'ntll„ttlllt'n1.11\slats, EIC 11•,1 •r,','iC So,lll.ul,l1.ur..l. Rev•....ition and allttnal Plu•nim: and aeie11ol' 0 -its (hhet Hu2ret 1983 S • AcfLal 'Actual. 1983 1982 • $ $ 61,871 74,790 •256,772 9,156 1,658 866 24,891 5,908 67,015 53,964 251,659 8,161 1,224 678 23,106 3,138 416-11.4_ . _ . 4.1x,947_. 21,9,441 284,57', '1i1 Capit;tl • It,...) .IIL( 1`1' I•(•'•' x•11 .t t' L t ,' •1 Tiro t rnrt • )Lir 1,1111 drain . Ftre, hill Contributions from developers Investment income Sale of land Other • Pena 11l'es and int crest on t tx, Proceeds from the issue of long term liabilities 7,61', 27,848 17 flOO (6,960 ll, 18,"46 146,500 66,942 • 44,491 • 110,420 ,86,443 25,774 11,4,200 257,913 227,642 Extraordinary gain (note ) , Net appropriations from reserves and reserve funds MUNICIPAL FUND BALANCES AT TUFF. BEGINNING OF. THE YEAR (note To he used to offset (or to he recovered from) taxation or user charges : • ) S,71.0 , Unexpended capital finanimg (or capital operations not yet financed) 21,569 Extraordinary loss (note ) Net appropriations to reserves and reserve funds . 'MUNICiPAI. FUND RAI ANCFS. AT THE FN,D OF THE YE AR (nate , To' he'useil to nff,.taftt,r to he reentered from) taxation or user Lh.trge, Total financing available dunng the year ;45,589 756,610 . 106,'14 Unexpended capital fin,e•, mg tor capital operations not yet financed) - Total apphiat,onr-Junng the ve.lr 20,000 21,202 69,ntfi /to.. 41,381 21,469 51., 389 756,610 • 704,314