HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-05-30, Page 20xnunity c ANTIQUE BAR S,HPQW and flea Market, ,tune 9 and 10 at Clifford, Ontario in the ball park and arena. ta.,gte admission $1.00 per person. Large beef barbecue Saturday, June 9, 5.8 p.m. $5.00 40001.-22, p BIINEsp every Iuesdoy evening at Vanastra Cen- Ire, RA. 5, Clinton, 8 p.m. First regular card $tMO. 15 regular $20.00 games, three share -the - wealth jackpot $200.00 must go! Admission is restricted to 16 years and over --1 tfar ANNUAL MEETING of the Huron -Middlesex (On- tario) PC Association to be held Thursday, June 7, 1984 at the Stanley Township Complex. Tickets $10.00 •per person. Guest speaker "The Honourable Andy Brandt, Minister of the En- vironment." For information or ticketsplease contact your local chairperson or executive nTember.-21, 22 HURON COUNTRY PLAYHOUSE - Saturday, June 2nd, is the annual Monte Carlo Night. Special features- will be entertainment by the Exeter Main Street Jug ,Band and Midnight Draw for a trip for two to Las Vegas. Starts 7:30 p.m. of the Playhouse, Grand Bend. -21-22 GARAGE SALE - Saturaoy, June 2 a Mill St., Blyth (next to Fire Hall), 9 a.m. - 3 p.m; Rain date June 9.-21,22 GODERICH TOWNSHIP Community Centre Brun- ch, Sunday, June 10; 11 o.m,•- 1:30 p.m. Adults $3.50, children under 12, $1.50, preschoolers free. For tickets 524-4163, 482-9801, 482- 7239. Also a flag raising ceremony at 1:30 p.m. -21-23 BLYTH FESTIVAL SINGERS - present a light con- cert of show tunes in Blyth Memorial Hall, Sun- day, June 10th, 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. Tickets available at the Festival Box Office .(523-9300) and the Blyth Saga (523-4331). - 22,23ar CLINTON LEGION BINGO every Thursday. 8 p.m. First regular card $1.00. Six cards for $1.00. Fif• teen regular games three share-the•wealth. Early bird game 7:45 p.m. Jackpot 5200.00 must go each week. 9tfar FESTIVAL SINGLES DANCE, Saturday, June 2, Stratford Fairground. (Annex Bldg.). Dancing 9 1. Live band and lunch. 22 STEPHENSON REUNION: Sunday, June 3 at Huron Centennial School, Brucefield. Supper at 5 p.m. Bring .picnic lunch, dishes, cutlery and refreshments. Note the earlier date,- 22 UNIQUE DREAM AUCTION:'June 8th. For tickets •call'trhe Livery 524-6262. Supper at 5:30 and 6:30 p.m. Pick up tickets immediately. 22 11E11 NV .1111111111119" Monster in Bin.go THURS., JUNE 7 JACKPOT $1,000 Must go 1 HENSALL Community Centre i Auditorium 8 p.m. Mini Early Birds start at 7:45 pm Doors open at 6:30 pm Bring your dabbers 1118 Admission '1.00 114 Door Prizes sr .81111 /irk. 0. • 1_711E fumii'y • of ,fjOh 12 G.f SI_f CUE 12 -Z.' W.711 b717itE f2/tElz�1, -/ze atiL,E1 • clt2C1 fr2ECyf2L:[.'Llzs tit a Reception �u(uzcIcty, t.ciLit2E.2 ut 9:cwpnz 482-9310 ie`14 WHITE CA e • 4tEED CLOTHING SALE: Friday, October 12. Spon- sored' b1 Eyenins 4init of Ontario Si. United Church.- .22. •- CLINTON HOSPITAL Auxiliary meeting, June 4 at 12:30 p.m. .Potluck luncheon at the home of Mar- ny Walden, Sylvan Acres, Bayfield. Bring dishes and lawn chair. Everyone welcome. For transportation contact Ruth Bond 402-3210,-22 WOMEN TODAY Annual Meeting 7 p.m., Tues- day, June 5 at Clinton High School. Speaker - Cynthia Miller, Women's Movement in the 80's. Cheese cake and coffee. Everyone welcome.-22ar "THE HURON COUNTY Health Unit invites you to attend the Adult Health Guidance Centre, held at the Health Unit Office, Medical Building, Brussels on Wednesday, June 6, 4984 from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance; 2. Foot Care; 3. Anaemia Screening; 4. Urine Testing; 5. Blood Pressure.•-22ar ANNUAL SNELL REUNION will be held on Sunday, June 10 at Hullett Central School, Londesboro, Ont. Registration 3 p.m. Sports 3:30 p.m. Bring picnic basket and make this reunion a success. -22 STRAWBERRY AND HAM SUPPER at Brucefield United Church, Wednesday, June '20 from 5. - 8 p.m. Adults $6; children 6 - 12 $3; under 6 free. No advance tickets: -22,24 HOLMESVILLE U.C.W. would like to announce their Ham, Turkey and Salad Supper will be held Thursday, June 7 in Holmesville Church., from 5 - 7:30 p.m. Adults $6, children under 10 years $2.50.-22,23 FOR YARD SALES AND GARAGE SALES see Col- umn Number 2 end 3 in Classified Section.-22- 25nx HURON COUNTY FAMILY Planning invites you to attend Family Plpnning Clinic every Thursday from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Huron County Health Unit, 'Public Health Wing, Huronview, Clinton. Counselling and medical services provided.-3e.o.w. CHSS drama students presented Squabbles, a two act comedy to audiences on Friday and Saturday night. The play was part of a special dinner theatre starring Laureen Craig (above), Paul Lippincott' (above), Randy Lobb, John Lawson, Karen Cook, Bill Jewitt and Anne Lavis. Above, Paul's character is trying to explain to Laureen's character, just how happy he is about the possibility of her being pregnant. (Wendy Somerville photo) Hay Township Recreation is sponsoring a MYSTERY BINGO Every other Thursday Next bingo l Thursday, May 31 At the Zurich Community Centre Jackpot: $500, must go • 4 flash games • 1 early bird •1 mystery prize • 10 regular games • 1 bonanza prize OVER $1500 in cash prizes Bring your dabbers Doors open at 6:45 p.m. Bingo starts at 7:45 p.m ALL PROCEEDS for "NEW" BALL DIAMOND No one under 16 allowed to play OPEN WEDDING RECEPTION for Glenn McGregor and Fran Brady Saturday, June 2nd at 9 p.m. Be sure to attend.., BRUCEFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT'S PANCAKE BREAKFAST Saturday, June 2 TIME: 7 am tot pm PLACE: Brucefield Fire Hall STEVENS' Disc Jockey Service *10 years experience *Country Gold *Rock 'n Roll *Disco, Polkas, Waltzes *Dances, Weddings and other occasions (519) 887-6159 anytime or evenings CARNATION Holmesville 082-9228 - After Hrs. 524-4133 The family of Cliff and Norma Ashton Invites friends and neighbours to an OPEN. HOUSE on the occasion of their S OTH ANNIVERSARY Sunday, June 3 from 2-5 pm at the GODERICH TOWNSHIP COMMUNITY CENTRE HOLMESVILLE -Best Wishes Only - HAPPY 6OTH "CHIEF" Try Our SUNDAY BRUNCH 11:30 ani -3:30 pm $ at 5:� 4111.1a111iiir Or enloy our... -� SUNDAY BUFFET 5 pm -77:30 psis i 65 per person Children under 12 - 1/2 Price Weekday Lunches 11:30 um -3:30 pm OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK ENTERTAINMENT THURS.-SAT. QUICKSTEP LOUNGE & DINING LOUNGE OPEN SUNDAY ALL DAY Stag and Doe for Tom Telford & Cindy Cluff Saturday, June 2, '84 9 pm -1 am at the Bayfield Community Centre (MONSTER BINGO Sponsored by Clinton Service Clubs CLINTON COMMUNITY CENTRE EVERY MONDAY JUNE 11 TO SEPT. 3, 1984 15 Regular Games: 15000 Prize MAGIC NUMBER BINGO '25. EXTRA ON REGULAR GAMES 3 SHARE -THE -WEALTH GAMES Grand Prize $1 1 000• Each Night LAP CARD '1.00 Regular Cards - 25' each, 6 for '1.00 Share -the -Wealth Cards - 25' each, 5/9.00 9,000. Jackpot Bingo Cards '1. per card or 3 for '2. OPEN: 6:30 PM - 2 EARLY BIRD GAMES 7:39 PM - BINGO STARTS 8:00 Admission: 16 years of Age and Over PROCEEDS TO COMMUNITY WORK The music box Simple Minds "too intellectual for radio" By Janet Teach Here is yet another Irish band produced by Steve Lillywhite, giving out more eerily discordant music. Sparkle in the Rain is stocked full of fresh music with such songs as Shake off the Ghosts, an instrumental track. From the first listen one can discern that the material here will go over well in a live performance because the intensity in the playing is evident: with Sparkle in the Rain, the band is trying hard to make good music. Therefore it is unfortunate that the vocals of Jim Kerr and Mel Gaynor are often indistinct. For example, the song Upon the Catwalk (which sounds dangerously similar to Saga's Catwalk) has only the title as recognizable lyrics. Of course, this five man band has had some success. This album debuted at 20 on the Music Express chart, but this popularity was short-lived. It has received no airplay, and there isn't any song on it that breaks far enough from the unvarying obstreperous beat to give them a hit. Perhaps because of the band's reputation for poetic profuse music, they are considered too intellectual for radio. However, Sparkle in the Rain has shown that the Simple Minds, more complex than they seem, will be a"band to watch in the future. Rating: 7. Now to announce the winner of the Headpins Line of Fire album giveaway. The winner was Brad Lyon who had five correct answers. Interestingly, Brad entered the contest twice, the first time with some ... original answers. Here are the questions, answers and Brad's first answers. 1. What group' recorded Miracles? - WINGHAM OPTIMIST MONSTER BINGO Sun. June 10 Wingham Arena Doors open at 1:00 p.m. Quickie Bingos at 1:30 Regular Bingos at 2:00 10 regular 8100 games 3 Special $200 games( 15500 Special game 1 Jackpot of $1000 2 Share -the -Wealth 1 Bonanza Bingo All proceeds to youth work. Jefferson Starship - ( Ronald Reagan and Soviet Politbruv ) 2. What is the name of B.B. King's guitar? - Lucille - (Ernestine) 3. What English group did Stairway to Heaven? - Led Zepplin - (Mormon Tabernacle Choir) 4. Who had a hit with Short People? - Randy Newman - (Herve Villechaize) - 5. What country does Helen Reddy come from? - Australia - (Cameroon) 6. Who was Elvis Presley's manager? - Colonel Tom Parker - (Angelo Dundee) 7. Bill Bruford is a former member of what five -man group? - Yes - (The Bruford Trio) 8. I'm in You was a hit for? - Peter Frampton - (Sonny and Cher) 9. What is Ringo Starr's real name? - Richard Starkey -(Sylvester De Vincenzio) 10. What instrument does Billy Joel usually play? - piano - (harmonica) 11. What was the Headpin's first album? - Turn it Loud - (an LP, black vinyl disc) Oh well, that's not news, but that too is reality. BOX OFFICE OPENS 8:00 PM FIRST SHOW AT DUSK FRI.-SAT.-SUN., JUNE 1-2-3 Two days ago this girl showed up naked at the Statue of Liberty. For Alan Bauer, it was love at first sight Now, everyone is chasing her_ trying to prove she's a mermaid. r1 From the first laugh yard! be hooked! For your viewing Pleasure we've just installed a NEW SCREEN for a clearer, brighter picture • ' • • : THE SQUARE • • • • PARK TM E flTRE WED.-THURS. 8:00 P.M. ONLY 110111 • • • • • • • • • • • • After 200 years, the truth behind the legend. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I• GODINICH • • 524.7411 • • • • • • • • • •° • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••••• ADULT ACCOMPANIMENT REMEMBER THE PARK'S SPECIAL NIGHT (TUESDAY) $200 Admission STARTS FRIDAY • • DINO DE LAt'RENTIIS PRESENTS MEL GIBSON • ANTHONY HOPKINS •••••••••••••••0•••••• FRI.-SAT. 7 & 9:15 SUN.-THURS. 8:00 P.M. PARENTAL GUIDANCE WARNING: OCCASIONAL NUDITY & VIOLENCE 24 HOUR MOVIE HOT LINE' 524-7811 • • • • • • • •••- .... Yr• .:r..I....-..r...1.....- P:000n�.����.�:,�.�.YY 524-9981 MUSTiMGDRIVE-IM [GODERICH .YiiY. rYYYt. �'..i.i i. tt:Y. ♦.t" tY i7t ti- iif.Y I- it i' , 1-1 • • • • • • • • "• 1 • • • 1 • 0 • • • 2ND FEATURE "STUCK ON YOU" BOX OFFICE OPENS 8:00 PM ••••••••••itr•M•A •••Q•••46. PREPPIES ROBERT "CHIP" THURSTON I11 WILL INHERIT '50,000.00 ...IF HE SURVIVES THE WEEKEND ADDED FRI.-SAT. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • A • • "HOLLYWOOD • HIIGH • A QMIt TAN( ... • To +a o.+s • n T,.vs of .a/ a ova, 0 +0$•••eat ••1•00•I0