Clinton News-Record, 1984-05-30, Page 6£M 4I• weeded fo The regular Monthly meeting of St. Mlichael',s Catholic Women's League was ;held on May 14 at the home, of, Nellie Van - Onkel. The .o11 call "Name arfl,Qwer• or plant you have already planted or are going to plant outside this spring" was answered by 10 members. At the Brussels Tradefest Madeline Laffin and Wilma Rammeloo sat at the Pro -Life Booth. A letter*from the National Breast Screen- ing Study is asking for volunteers to par- ticipatean London. Anyone who is interested isto call Elaine Blair in Clinton for more M- forMation. The Ministry of Agriculture and Food is going to have a microwave demonstration. It will be in Wingham on May 31 and in Seaforth on June 4. Anyone interested may attend. at a cost off $3 per person. A thank -you is to go to Don and Lenora Scrirnegeour for donating two pots of lilies to the church for Easter. Coffee Sunday, June 3, helpers will be Agnes Lammerant, Nellie Van Bakel, Joan Middegaal and Yvonne Cronyn. The mystery prize donated by Dorothy VanSteelandt was won by Theresa Machan. The next meeting will be on June 11 at the home of Theresa Machan. Soil - what is it? This was the question pos- ed to the'members of. the Blyth 4-H Garden - ROLLER Rd BLYTH ARENA Sundays 7:30 pm -9:30 pm Starting Sunday, June 3 SKATES FOR RENT EVERYONE WELCOME SWIMMING LESSONS at Vanastra for the Blyth and District Children Will be from July 30th to August 10th (Inclusive) 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm REGISTRATION FEE will be $1800 per child. This will include Badges. REGISTRATION DATE TO BE ANNOUNCED LATER, WATCH FOR IT IN THE PAPER, OR POSTED AT CLERK'S OFFICE. ing Club. The second Meeting was held at the home of Eunice VIM*, May 23 The 4-11 Pledge opened the meeting, the Minutes were then read and approved. The nextmeeting L9 to be held May 30. Each member took a soil sample from the garden area to be analyzed by the Universi- ty niversity of Guelph Son diviss en They discussed what the comments of soil were and the sizes of each. They also 'learned there were 28 elements required by plants for proper growth. Alkaline and acidic soil was defined on the PH scale. Members were instructed how to properly transplant and thin 4 t nin vegetable~ gardens,. The group will, take a tour oft ,area greenhouses and landscap. ung establishinents in July. • Pepple report Mr. and Mrs: Bert Van Lan arneren celebrated their 44th Wedding Anniversary on May 2.5 with a dinner and social ev • J at Turnberay Tavernln Winghiam with as ew friends, family and relatives from London and Manchester, New Hampshire. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.- Ken Longman off London on the birth of a son born on May 28, 1984, a grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Carl Longman. Council makes donations BLYTH - Council here passed a motion at their May 7 meeting to donate over $650 to four organizations. Council decided to make the same donations as in 1983. The following groups received donations: Canadian Mental Health Association $50; Salvation Army $100; Huron County Roads Superintendent Association $40 and the Blyth Horticultural Society $500. Recreation grant Council received a 1984 recreation grant of $3,860. The money will he allocated the same ANNUAL MEETING WINGHAM and DISTRICT HOSPITAL CORPORATION Notice k hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the Wingham and District Hospital Corporation will be held at the Nursing Assistant Training Centre, Catherine St., Wingham, Ontario on Thursday, June 21, 1984 at the hour of eight o'clock p.m. for the reception and consideration of Annual Reports, for the consideration and confirmation of new bylaw 36 (b) respecting the duties of the Community Services Liaison Committee, for the election of Governors, for the appointment of Auditors, and for the transaction of such other things as may properly come before the meeting. Copies of the proposed new bylaw may be examined In the office of the Executive Director of the Wingham and' District Hospital prior to three o'clock p.m., Thursday; June 21, 1984. Memberships granting voting privileges may be purchased at the front desk of the hospital for one dollar ('1.00) prior to five o'clock Ff.m. Wednesday, June 6, 1984. No membership sold after that time, on that date, will entitle the purchaser to a vote. Dated at Wingham, Ontario, this sixteenth day of May, 1984. By order of the Board of Governors. N.M. Hayes, Secretary i) 41) )IrIrf►iF)41► arlcMll'M0,PE`..ALI otarilmoton t.1.3,006 S P E C T AIS i' Canadian (Reg. or King Size) $13 CIGARETTES White Label 2 Lb. Tub • SOFT MARGARi N E 994 Chefmaster Pork 12 Oz. LUNCHEON MEAT /giro 39 Ida Red 3 Lb. Bag $1 • ctn. APPLES HEAD LETTUCE 594 Snow White Fresh MUSHROOMS $189th. General Mills 425 Gr. CHEERIOS Milkbone Medium 450 Gr. DOG BISCUITS Rick's 375 MI. CU -BITS RELISH Glad 10's GARBAGE BAGS Dietrich 100% WHOLE WHEAT BREAD 734 loaf `Neston's 12's DINNER ROLLS Weston's Raspberry 4•s SWISS ROLLS McCormick's PUFF COOKIES .F-ROZ $179 $119 994 $1 s9 pkg. ea. 794 pkg. 894 pkg• $1(:9 bag ea. Pork Shoulder ROASTS Pork BUTT CHOPS Homemade Country 994 Ib. $13911). SAUSAGE $1691b. Devon SMALL LINK SAUSAGE $1391b. Maple Leaf Boneless SMOKED PICNICS-$1?9ib• Maple Leaf WIENERS . $14• pkg. Maple Leaf 700 Gr. Bucket BREADED CHICKEN $399 Maple Leaf "Store Sliced" BAKED LOAVES $2A91b• Maple Leaf Country Kitchen HAMS '/z or Wholc $369 Ib. as 1983 to the following groups: Blyth Lions Club swimming program, $400; Blyth Figure Skating, $800; Blyth Minor Ball, $600; Blyth Minor Hockey, $700 and Memorial Hall expenses, $1,360. - Council learned that the Ministry of Culture and Recreation has changed the formula for grant calculations. The new system calls for a budget to be drawn up and the ministry will pay a grant based on estimated expenses. Also the calculations have been changed and the village will be eligible for a maximum grant of $6,000. tbe Bib Inn - Sunday Special - June 3 from 4 pm -7 pm ROAST BEEF BUFFET Includes salad bar, Dessert and coffee $7.50 - Dinner Hours - Friday and Saturday 5 pm - 8 pm Sunday 4 pm - 7 pm Reservations Appreciated Appearing this Weekend "EAR SHOT" Licensed under L.L.B:O. 523-9381 Armwrestling Tournament Saturday, lune 2, 1984 Weigh -In - 12:30 to1:30 pm, Tournament begins at 2 pm. CASH PRIZES and TROPHIES NOTICE We Will Be Closed This Friday Night BLYTH MEAT MARKET Open: Monday Thursday 8 am -6 Friday - 8 am -9 Saturday - 8 am -5 pm. to pm; pm; We reserve the right to limit quantities. Specials in effect till closing Saturday, lune 2, 1984. ( ustom Killing Cutting and Wrapping By Appointment Phone 523-4551 They came, they browsed and they bought books on Saturday and Sunday in the base- ment of the Blyth Memorial Theatre. The occasion was the annual Blyth Festival Book Sale and this year they made $1,500 on the sale of books; hard cover and paperbacks, magazines and records. Last year they made a net profit of $1,300. Brenda Donner, Blyth Festival's general manager, said the most popular were' the children's books, paper- backs and records. ( Wendy Somerville. photo) Outdoor CUPRINOL STAINS BUY ONE at the regular. price. `23.95 and buy the "Stock Colou sd one 1/2 PRICE BALL-MACAULAY tare BUILDING CENTRE BALL-MACAULAY LIMITED, CLINTON 482-3405 Cash and 1141111 Carry AMIE (THF BLYT! STANDARIi) USIAEM tender aw' arde+d By 81411. its BLYTIH - Cowell Accepted the tender of Lavis Contracting of Clinton for $44;73.1.05 to do the paving of village streets next month. Ata special meeting onlay 22, cion* chose Lavis Contracting over Cottrill Fuels ands Paving " Ltd. of Kincardine who submitted a hdof.,391.25. Construction is expected to be completed by June 29. on the following streets: Gypsy Lane from County Road 25 to Wellington St, from Dinsley St. to Westmoreland St.; Drummond St. from Queen St. to Gypsy Lane and Hamilton St: complete to Morris, St. Heating system approved The heating problem in the Blyth municipal office will hopefully be solved as council voted to accept the tender of Lyle Youngblut of Blyth to install a new system: In April the furnace burned out and because of the warmer weather, council decided to investigate the heating possibilities before purchasing a new system. Council accepted Youngblut's bid of $5,302 to install a system that will take care of heating, air conditioning and dehumidification of the building. Other tenders submitted were from Tom Duizer Plumbing and Heating of Londlesboro and Bili Bailey of Hensall, both being different heating proposals. Blyth Inn wins slo pitch tournament The Blyth Inn Slo-pitch club swung into action over the past weekend at the third an- nual Lanesville Slo-pitch Tournament at Dungannon. It was an abrupt return to action for last year's Blyth "A" champions. This year the team only had a short one hour batting prac- tice and no fielding practice before entering last Saturday's first game against Goderich Green Machine. The lack of action showed as the Blyth Squad came out on the short end of a 12-9 score. It was an error filled con- test and coach Wayne McDougall was happy with the offence but the defence certainly needed some work. Saturday night- Blyth faced Reid's Corner and trounced them 18- 12. Sunday the team had to face a tough schedule in order to win the championship. Blyth had to play and win three games in a row. Blyth's first opponent was the Ripley Raiders and the' team played tight ball and scored a 9-1 victory: After a brief '15 minute rest the big red machine swung back into ac- tion against Pine River. They easily beat them 8-0 to advance to the championship game against the Winthrop Titans. Blyth's big bats boomed as the boys blasted the Titans 17-7 to earn the championship and the Labatt's Trophy. Team members; Dave Cook, Gord Haggitt, Don Stewart,, Grant Elliott, John Stewart, Scott Wilson, Dale Whitfield, Kevin Carter, Wayne McDougall, Lonnie Whitfield, John Watson, Derwin. Carter, Gary Courtney and Bob Hillis, all received Labatt's Blue award hats. Lonnie Whitfield came away with' the Most Valuable Player award. Don Stewart pitched excellent ball and coach McDougall said it was a real team effort as every player contributed both at the plate and in the field. Sponsor Peter Irwin of the Blyth Inn con- gratulated the team and put the trophy on display in the games room at.the Inn. David Langstaff Ltd. Optician 87 Main St. South, SEAFORTH Optometrist's and Ophthalmologist's Prescriptions FWed Promptly SUMMER HOURS: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9:00 a.m, - 5:30 p.m. Closed Wednesday & Saturdays COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE 527-1303' GENERAL Gordon Elliott 519-523-4522 LIFE R. John Elliott 519-523-4323 ELLIOTT INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES Established 1910 BLYTH, ONTARIO NOM 1 HO 519-523-4481 LIVESTOCK MORTALITY INSURANCE f `�111tirfl News-lZeoi1(1 Incorporating 11,e sayfleld Bugle The Blyth Standard WANT ADS WORK 482-3443 or 482.7741 PORTABLE WELDING METAL FABRICATING Reasonable Rates Call Don McLennaghan 8876673 FRED LAWRENCE Electrical Contractor HOME, FARM AND COMMERCIAL WIRING PHONE AUBURN 526-7505 H.T. DALE SEPTIC TANK PUMPING SERVICE CLINTON PHONE 482-3320 or 527-0284 LEON RUSSELL Appliance and Refrigeration Service CALL: WINGHAM 357-3773 LYLE YOUNGBLUT OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE Your Oil Heating Contractor BL1 TH, ONTARIO PHONE 523-9585 Robert Worsell Plumbing Heating Sales & Service Box 68 Auburn 526-7597 Tell us What's Happening Call your Correspondent Sheron Stadelllnr nn 523-9204 WARD UPTIGROVE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS LISTOWEL, ONT. 291-3040 Geo, Burkholder AUTO BODY COLLISION REPAIRS & REFINISHING TOWING SERVICE 24 HOURS A DAY 523-9474 Cal BURKE ELECTRIC Ltd Electrical Contractors of i�i Appliance Sales 8 r./440/ Service to all makes Refrigeration Service Open 4 days a weak 37 Years Bullfby qualify& Service Wnngham, Ontario 357-2450