HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-05-23, Page 19CLINTONrIfE QQRI, irWOPOONAPil oopeoas WArrart, 0 sxsTss sTitA1TT 1rOiret 0,01.7004-1 THE CLINTON NEWS - RECORD - THE BLYTH STANDARD • THE BAYFIELD BUGLE 26. Help wanted TRUCKING CAREER. Become a professional transport driver. Contact Mery Orr's Kingston (613)549-3914; Toronto (416)251-9073; Ottawa (613)523-3489; London (519)432-1726; North Bay (705)472-2910; Thunder Bay (807)623-8686; Soult Ste. Marie (705)759-0177; Cambridge (519)623- 2430; Sudbury (705)560-3351. Member B.B.B.-15t4 STUDENT - if you need the money, send your name and address with telephone number to K.J.M. Enterprises, 758 Kipps Lane, Apt. 11Q5, London, Ont. N5Y 4Y1. You can earn an above average income selling a soap product. -20-23 INSULATION and home renovo+ions company re- quires sales people for local and surrounding areas. Top commissions paid weekly. Call John collect 519-439.0186.-21-24 27. Wanted (general) WANTED - a ride from Clinton to Exeter to be at work by 7:45 a.m. five days a week. Phone 482- 3748 after 9 p.m. or in mornings 9 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.-20,21 VENDORS Wanted, Flea Market/Craft Sole, Coll- ingwood Arena, July 7 & 8. Call (705)445.7094 after 6 p.m. or Write: Collingwood Kinettes, Box 578, Collingwood, Ontario, L9Y 1X8.---210 28. Business opportunity $10,000 SECOND INCOME. Be a part time representative selling and renting our line of high quality distillers for purifying drinking water in the home, office and factory. Contact us today for more, information. Water Purity Systems, 537 Brant Street,Burlington, Ontario L7R 2G6. (416)639-0503.-19,200 29. Tenders NEMININE7 Hullett Township 1984 GRAVEL TENDERS For supplying, loading and hauling of approx. 20,000 cu. yds. of 13 gravel also about 10,000 cu. yds. of shoulder clay for road construction in Hullett Township at the rate of 1,000 cu. yds. or more per day. Work to be, done in the month of August 1984. Contact the Road Superintendent for tender forms and they must be received by the Road Superintendent containing a certified cheque of 10% of enclosed bid by 5 p.m. June 5, 1984. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted and must be approved by MTC. JIM JOHNSTON Road Superintendent Londesboro, Ontario NOM 2HO 31. Service directory 30. Employment wanted SEVENTEEN year old, hard working student seeks full or part time summer employment, Please call Tom at 523.9338.--20,21 MOTHER of three availablefor babysitting in her home. Phone anytime 482-7854.-21,22 31. Service directory KEN'S CARPENTRY Remodelling, renovations, cupboards, ceramic tile, counter tops, rec rooms, carports, flooring, windows, patio doors, aluminum siding. Phone: 482-7676. Ken McNairn.-8tfor PHIL'S refrigerator and appliance service. Pro- mpt dependable service to all makes and models of domestic appliances. Phone 887-9062.-27tf PIANO TUNING and repairs; used pianos bought and sold. Call Michael Lipnicki (Wingham) 357- 1049.-340 57- 1049.-34tf JIM COOK Furniture Refinishing, also floors, woodwork, doors, etc. Phone 523-9284.-12eow CONCRETE WORK - Expert chimney and roofing repairs. Specializing in stabling. Don Ives. Phone Brussels 887-9024.--43eow Complete Custom Framing for needlepoint, crewel, photographs, oil paintings. etc. 'Regular or non -glare glass. Ready to hang, 48 hour service. 482-7409 Clinton Tyndall Clinton WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER & SONS Four modern rotary rigs Phone Seaforth NEIL: DURL: JIM: 527-1737 527-0828 527-0775 JOHN KASSIES GENERAL CONTRACTING *Farm and Residential Buildings *Additions and Renovations *Roofing, Siding, Soffit & Fascia PHONE 482-3063 ,Area distributor for Makita Power Tools - "Built for the Pros" IIDRYWALL "•Hanging •Finishing •Painting • Stippled and.Stuccoed ceilings" Herb VanA.nersfoort 523-4202 Very Competitive Rates Get Great Grass Call ed • 524-2424 For all your building needs McQUAID CARPENTRY "Business Built on Service" • RENOVATIONS • SIDING • ROOFING. ETC. • FREE ESTIMATES • NO JOB TOO SMALL -482-3628 (Evenings) ElectEEr aE al Pr �osblem s? Call E liLc CTRIC Licensed Electrician INDUSTRIAL /COMMERCIAL FARM/RESIDENTIAL 24 Hour Emergency Service Electric Heating R.R No. 1 - CLINTON ED ROOSEBOOM 482-7441 M. & B. PAVING AND SEALING Specializing in farm lanes, driveways and parking lots.- -Top ots.-Top Soil -Lawn Rolling 482-9539 EVENINGS 527-1534 SEAFORTH JACK B. COLQUHOUN GENERAL CONTRACTING ,Specializing In: •CUSTOM BUILT HOMES •RENOVATIONS •ADDITIONS *KITCHENS •ALUMINUM SIDING PHONE 482-9506 EVENINGS 34. Personal DATES GALORE. We are a professional introduc- tion service designed to introduce compatible people to each other., For all ages. Prestige'Ac- quaintances. Call tollfree 1-800-263-9103. Noon - 8p.m.-21o, 36. Announcements, notices PUBLIC MEETING School Accommodation Review Committee for VANASTRA PUBLIC SCHOOL on Wednesday May 23, 1984 at 8:00 p.m. at the VANASTRA PUBLIC SCHOOL (in Gymnasium) PURPOSE: To review the recommendations of the Committee prior to presentation to the Executive Committee of the Huron County Board of Education. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC (Interested ratepayers and parents are welcome to attend.) HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Director of. Education Board Chairman Mr. R. 8. Allan Mr. E. Frayne 35. Notice to creditors IN THE ESTATE OF GLADYS HELEN CHAMBERS, late of the Town' of Clinton in the County of Huron, deceased, ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 21st day of March, 1984, are required to file, full particulars. thereof with the .0ndersigned on or before 15th day of June, 1984,. after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice; DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 14th day of May, 1984, E.B. MENZIES, Q.C., Box 68, Clinton, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executor -.-20-22 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ALEIDA HER - MINA HEYINK, late of the Township of Tuckersmith, in the County of Huron, ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above-named, Aleida Hermina,Heyink, who died on or about the 7th day of March, 1984, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 4th day of June, 1984, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed, with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall have notice. DATED' at Clinton; Ontario, this 2nd day of May, 1984. D. GERALD HILTZ, Barrister & Solicitor, 56 Huron Street, CLINTON, Ontario Solicitor for the Executors. -19,20,21 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GEORGE LESLIE HANLEY, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above-named, George Leslie Hanley, who died on or about the 25th day of April, 1984, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 11th day of June, 1984, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed, with regard only the claims of which the undersigned shall have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 10th day of May, 1984. D. GERALD HILTZ, Barrister & Solicitor, 56 Huron Street, CLINTON, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor-20-22ar 38. Auction sale Richard Lobb Auctioneer CLINTON — 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR WEDNESDAY EVENING MAY 23, 6 P.M.: Household sale at Richard Lobb's Auction barn for Lloyd Rowat of Seaforth plus other consignors. THURS., MAY 24 - 7:30 P.M. 3 bedroom house 115 Rattenbury W., Clin- ton for Rose Crich. SAT., MAY 26 10 A.M. Consignment Auction: truck, tractors and farm machinery at Lobb Bros. Auction Yard, Bayfield Rd., Clinton'. SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 10 A.M.: Ponies and horses, pony show harness, show wagons, antique butcher wagon from Denmark, tractors, small steam engine on frame and wheels, 1979 Jimmy etc. for Bill Leeming, 33/4 miles north of Seaforth.. 38. Auction sale LARGE CLEARANCE and Consignment Auction. Friday May 25, 10 a.m. sharp. Sales held 41h Fri- day of each month. Approximately 75 - 100 trac- tors, 25 combines, over 300 pieces of all types of new and used form equipment. One of Ontario's fastest growing monthly farm equipment con- signment auctions. Wayne Ward Farm Equip- ment, Highway No. 6, Wiarton, Ontario. Phone (519)534.1638 or 534-2980.-210 ,ONTARIO'S LARGEST FARM Machinery Consign- ment Sale, Norwich, Ontario. Friday, June 8, 1984, 10 a.m. (Sale conducted 2nd Friday each month). Approx. 150 - 175 tractors plus all types of form equipment. Consignments welcome. For more information call: (519)424-9998 or (519)424- 9093. Proprietors: K.S. Hamulecki and Sons. -210 :CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SALE Truck, tractors, farm machinery, tools etc., to be held at Lobb Bros. Machinery Auction Yard, Bayfield Road, Clinton, Ontario for Jerry • Olechowski, Peter Vanderheyden, Maple Leaf Small Engines, plus local farmers. Saturday, May 26 at 10 a.m. Additions to last weeks full ad. 1977 Jeep Wagoneer, 4 wheel drive, V8, air, cruise, selling as Is; IHC 101/2 ft. wheel disc.; Kewanee 12 ft. wheel disc.; 4 row bean puller; 20 ft. single chain elevator w/undercarriage; Dion self propelled forage box; NH 717 harvestor w/hay pick up & one row corn head; IHC 201 10 ft. self propelled swather w/pick up reel; New idea hay conditioner; green chop feeder rack on wagon; trail bale stooker; bale fork for loader; Kongskllde 9 ft. 6 cultivator w/ex- tensions and finger harrows; JD 24 T baler; New idea steel wheel side rake; JD No. 5 semi mount 7 ft. mower; hay rack on running gear; 2- 175 bu. bins on JD 6 ton running gear; 27 ft. Benn Wing Packer w/ 12 ft. centre; IHC 304 V8 engine w/4 speed transmission, low miles; IHC 455 four row plate planter; Kewanee 9% ft. trail disc.; two horse tandem trailer; set of acetylene hoses & gauges; MF 165 high arch diesel tractor; Case 970; Case 1070; JD 1630, White 1355, Continental post hole digger; Calsa 240 sprayer w/28 ft. boom; Geo. White 240 sprayer w/30 ft. boom; old style Haugh four wheel drive loader w/314 yd. bucket, Heston 9 ft. hay bine;. Geo. White post hole digger; 3 Surge milker buckets; David Brown 1210 diesel tractor; 200 used steel posts; 14 squares of asphalt shingles; 10 ft. fertilizer auger; acetylene tor- ches; 1978 Honda Hawk motorcycle. 400cc, safety check, 23,000 ki., in real good condition, see last weeks paper for full listing. Sale List subject to additions and deletions. To Consign: CaII (519) 482-3409 TERMS: CASH Auctioneer: Sale Manager RICHARD LOBB FRED LOBB 482-7898 482-3409 39. Educational i FREE 128 page Career Guide shows how to train at home for 205 top paying full and port time jobs. Granton Institute 265A. Adelaide Street West Toronto. Call (416)977-3929 today. -210 41. To give away TO GIVE AWAV: four kittens approximately. 6 vweeks old. Phone 482-7565 after 6 p.m. -21 Aduoe, cg• S66,cealed HOUSEHOLD ESTATE, BEAUTY SALON AND OFFICE EQUIPMENT AUCTION SALE •r •' rs. .1 1 /M f We are pleased to offer for sale by Public Auction for an Estate from Goderich, along with Beduty Salomand Office equipment in the HENSALL ARENA: WEDNESDAY MAY 30 AT 6 PM FURNITURE: Butternut Bonnet Chest with Porcelain pulls (signed G. Diehl, Clinton); Matching Oak Dresser & Washstand; Antique Oak flat to the wall with Flour bin; Oak dining table with 6 matching chairs; 3/4 bed with Buroul Inlays; Dresser with mirror; Cedar chest; 3/4 box spring & mattress; Blanket box; Antique chesterfield; upholstered chesterfield & chair; Black leather recliner; upholstered recliner; Oak set Back chair; Oak kitchen table; 4 chrome chairs; book cases; Fern stands; end tables; Oak library table; Brass Pole lamp; pictures; lamps; smoker stand; Movie projector screen; Jewellery boxes; Garden tools; Trestle style dining table & 6 chairs (pine). Wicker bread basket; 1865 Scientific American and 1856 Statutes of Canada books; Miniature mllkglass lamp base; two mounted English Pheasants; Egmondvllle water pitcher; Coloured sealers; Melrose Diner set; Quantity of glass & china; everyday kitchen utensils; books; Toyota rear window visor (new). KITCHEN CUPBOARD & APPLIANCES: 13' x 9' "L" shaped kitchen cupboards (recently now); matching Admiral gold Fridge & Stove; Frigidaire 24" Fridge; Inglis superb 100 stove; Westinghouse apartment freezer; Simplicity spin washer; Mpytag Dryer; Electrohome Air Conditioner; Airtemp air conditioner; Zenith Colour T.V.; Oak case dehumidifier; Dehumidifier; 2 upright vacuums; Singer Pedestal Sewing Machine. OFFICE EQUIPMENT: Two executive office desks with matching credenzas; two secretarial desks; three double pedestal office desks; two typewriter desks; executive chairs; steno chairs; Chrome stacking chairs; 4 drawer lateral filing cabinet; 4 drawer vertical filing cabinet; miniature metal file cabinet; 4 - uprlght display cabinets; Black & White French Provincial office leatherette chesterfield & chair; black leather chesterfield & two matching chairs; Bell & Howell micro -fiche terminal. BEAUTY SALON EQUIPMENT: 17 Hair dryer chairs; 5 swivel pump chairs; 5 sink recliner chairs; 4 swivel chairs; 4 Hair wash basins; utensil trays; electric hair spray pumps; hair blowers; hot curler units; curling Irons; assorted mirrors. For Further Information contact Dick Robinson, Soles Manager AUCTIONEERS Dick Robinson, Bruce Rathwell, Wendy Mitten, Danny Tyndall & Kent Rathwell AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS, APPRAISERS, TENDER BROKERS & BUSINESS CONSULTANTS HWY. No.4,nRUCEFIELD, ONTARIO NOM 1J0 - (519) 482-7181 or482-3120 42. Death notice FOX Isabel passed away May 21, 1984 in Clinton Public Hospital, Miss Isabel Fox R.N., of Blyth. Beloved daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. An- drew Fox. Survived by one sister Lettie (Mrs. Lorne McDonald), of Seaforth. Predeceased by two sisteis; Alba (Mrs. R.N. Patten) and Greta Fox. Rested at the Tasker Funeral Home, Queen St., Blyth until Wednesday where funeral service was held at 2 p.m. Interment Wingham Cemetery. DARNBROUGH At Clinton Public Hospital on Monday, May 21, 1984, Mrs. Evo (Thomas) Darnbrough of Bayfield in her 60th year. Beloved wife of Harry Darn- brough. Dear mother of Shirley (Mrs. Ken Boyce) of R.R. 1 Varna, Douglas of R.R. 2 Goderich and .Gary of Bayfield. Also loved by six grandchildren and also survived by two sisters Olive (Mrs. Peter Tsakires) of Regina, Saskatchewan, Mary (Mrs. Daniel Rotor) of Windsor,and four brothers, John Thomas 'of Windsor, George Thomas of Orange, California, Earl Thomas of Calgary, Alberta and Nick Thomas of Southfield, Michigan. Predeceased by one sister Emma (Mrs. Harold Grierson) and three brothers Dan, An- drew and William. Friends were received ,at the Ball and Falconer Funeral Home, 153 High Street, Clinton on Tuesday from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Funeral serviceA was held on Wednesday, May 23 at 2 p.:m. interment Bayfield Cemetery. As expres- sions of sympathy donations to the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated by the family. , 43. Births STOREY At Clinton Public Hospital on Sunday, May 20, 1984, Sarah E. Storey of R.R. 3, Clinton in her 75th year. Beloved wife• of Joseph Storey. Dear mother of James Storey of R.R. 3, Clinton. 'Dear sister of George Howatt of Seaforth, Edgar Howatt of Belgrave.' Predeceased by 1 sister Agnes Sanderson. Also survived by 2 .grand. children Lisa and Bill Storey. Friends were receiv- ed at the Beattie Funeral Home, 55 Rattenbury Street East, Clinton. Funeral service was held on Tuesday,' May 22, 1984 from St. James', Anglican Church, Middleton, commencing at 2 p.m. with Rev. Gordon Reynolds officiating. Interment Clin- ton Cemetery. PURCELL In Four Counties General Hospital, Newbury on Saturday, May 19, 1984, Mr.' Archie T. Purcell of Wardsville, in his 96th year. Survived by, wife Eva Rogers, son Arthur, of'B.C., daughters Isobel (Mrs. Allan Gascho) of Zurich and Margaret (Mrs: - Elmer Storey) of, Windsor, ni®e grand- children, 14 great grandchildren, o brother Ed- mund of Wardsville, several nieces and nephews. Predeceased by a daughter Mildred (1979) also a sister Annie and brothers Arthur, Erratt and Peter. Funeral service was at Padfield Funeral Home, Rodney on Monday, May 21 at 2 p.m. with' Mr. Robert Wills of Glencoe Church of Christ officiating. Burial in Purcell Cemetery. TAYLOR Kari and Kim are delighted to announce the birth of their new baby brother, Jeffrey Jonathon George. Jeffrey was born May 7, 1984, of South Huron Hospital, Exeter and weighed 9 lbs. 2 oz. Proud parents are Marvin and Cindy Taylor, Hen- sall. Proud grandparents are George and Judy Parker, Hensall and Mrs. Myrtle Taylor, Brucefield. Special thanks to Dr. Wallace, Mrs. Visscher and the nurses at South Huron Hospital. -21 nx YOUNG Ron and Heather•are pleased to announce the ar- rival of their first child, Jana Patricia, born at St.• Joseph's Hospital, London, on May 14. 1984, weighing 7 lbs. 10 ozs. Proud grandparents are Lorrine Young of Goderich, Enid and Bob Jewell, R.R. 4, Goderich. Great grandmother is Mrs. Elma Young of Goderich. Special thanks to Dr. Walker, Dr. J. Rourke and the staff of London Hospital. -21 nx-` McaL'AUCHLAN SURPRISE! Mr. Mrs. J.R. Mclochlan, R.R. 3,.Kip- pen are pleased to announce the birth of their granddaughter, Michelle Jeanette born Sept. 1, 83 in the Cabbage Patch. Adopted by Sherrie Ann McLachlan on May 12.84.---21 McLEAN Glen and Yvonne McLean (gee Blake) are thrilled to announce" the birth of their first child, Connie Marie, weighing 8 Ib. 31/4 oz., on May 19, 1984 at Clinton Public. Hospital. Proud grandparents are John and Irene Blake of R.R. 2, Brussels and Iona McLean, Brussels.-21nx _- MEYER Suzanne would like to announce the arrival of Tiffony Alisho on May 20, 1984, at Clinton Public Hospital weighing 7 Ib. 91/4 oz. and 20 in. long. Proud grandparents_ are Mr. and Mrs. E. Meyer of Clinton. -21 nx HARRIS Rob and Bev Harrisare pleased to announce the safe arrival of their first child, Sheree Anne, weighing 5 lb. 101/4 oz. on May 19, 1984 at Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Steed and second floor nursing staff. -21 nx REEVE Brion and Chris are pleased to announce the ar- rival of their firstborn, a son, Jamie Christopher, born at St. Joseph's Hospitol, London, on May 2, 1984, weighing 9 lbs. 8 oz. Grandparents are Stan and Olive Reeve, Chatham, and Frank and Betty Madill, Haliburton.--2lnx MEDD Denis and Dorothy Medd are . pleased' to an- nounce the arrival of their son; Gregory John, born May 14, 1984, at Seaforth Community Hospitalweighing 10 Ib. 11 oz. A brother for Christie. Proud grandparents are John and Catherine Nan Doornik, Seaforth and Elizabeth Medd, Clinton.-21nx 461. In memoriam i BURKHOLDER In memory of a dear brother and uncle, Wesley, who passed away 3 yrs. ago May 23, We go through the days and we remember And it's like a shock goes through our body As we realize again that yes -- You are no longer with us. You were chosen to go before us And we will always ask why. .But we thank God for the time we had together And when sadness overcomes us We look back at those special memories you have given us And we cherish them in our hearts even more. Remembered with love by brother Bill, sister-in- law Brenda and family. -21 47. Card of thanks WATSON I wish to `thank all my friends and relatives for flowers, cards, gifts and'visits while a patient in Clinton Public' Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Baker, Dr. Lambert and nurses on first floor. Wendy Watson. --21 • i Thank You On behalf of the Canadian Red Cross and the Kinette Club of Clinton, l•would like to thank everyone who took time to. give blood at our recent clinic. Ybu helped to make this our biggest clinic, ever with a total of 243 donors. Thank you to all the volunteers who gave their time both afternoon and evening ,to help make our clinic a success. Also a special thank you to the Girl Guides, Katimavik House and .Dorothy and Carbl. Alf your efforts were greatly appreciated. Service Chairman • Linda Bosman KINETTE CLUB OF CLINTON NORM WAITING aactlonooi' REAL ESTATE AUCTION SALE Household furniture, Antiques and Miscellaneous Items Saturday, June 2 at 1 PM Sharp 2 miles south of Clinton on No. 4 Hwy. For the estate of the late Mrs. Muriel Rooth REAL ESTATE consists of one storey frame house, living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms & 3 pc. bath, full basement, detached garage, new roof. This house & garage are situated on a lot approximately 132' x 127', part of lot 48 con. 1 of the Township of Tuckersmith, County of Huron, Province. of Ontario. Real estate to be sold at 2 PM, subject to a reasonable reserve bid If not previously sold. TERMS on real estate 10% day of sale. Balance in 30 days. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE: Chesterfield & chair; coffee & end tables; pole, table & swag lamps; pictures & mirrors; stereo; records; table. with 3 leaves; china cabinet; 48 In. book case;. complete double bbd with matching dresser; complete double bed with chest of drawers; small chest of drawers; odd dresser; rollaway bed; kitchen table & 4 chairs; -3 odd chairs: Enterprise gas range; Hoover washer spin dryer; Viking 8000 BTU air conditioner; several electric appliances such as tea kettle, iron, blender, mixmaster, vacuum cleaner, 12" fan, portable heater, radio, clock, light fixtures; several dishes; pots & pans; linens; quilts; blankets; pillows; s, fireplace door & screen; 8 H.P. Cadet international Harvester riding lawn mower & trailer about 7 years old; 18 in. electric lawn mower; 20 in. power lawn mower; hedge clippers; hand 8 garden tools; 30 ft. extension ladder; 20 ft. extension ladder; step ladder; lawn table; 40 ft. logging chain; 'telling the 4-9" rubber wheels; laundry tubs; 3 sections of birch cupboards; steel posts; block & tackle; Duro pump; swivel rocker. ANTIQUES: Pine flat to wall cupboard: table; dresser; 2 chain; paper rack; scales: sof of dishos by J.C. Meakin ira England; several pieces of,,china & glass bottles; crocks; Shell oil bottle; Avon sewing basket; G.M.W. Insulator; books; Bible. TERMS: Cash FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT Norm Whiting 235-1964 or 235-1931 NORM WHITING - Auctioneer T'.