Exeter Times, 1902-7-31, Page 1" ' TWENTY-NINTH YEAR -NO. 51 tRAMIZOICSIMMVICV HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTEi 1111101.111.11111110111111111,4110111111111111114MINIIIIIMININOMMRIMINIIMW1 • EXETER ONT., CANADA, TItURSDAY MORNING, JULY 31, 1902 . . , . . • Hensall ' . . , --- • , . 4++++++++++.144.44+++++++4Ie2• ana++++++++++++++++++++++++ , a. a, susteasaa, Notary puma couveyan. eder r s ers• Supplies u • plies • Binding Twine, Binding Gloves, Brass Valves, Checks, Cocks, etc, • Leather Belting, all sizes from r to 6 inches. Threshers Gloves, Guage Glasses, and. ' Guage Glass Rubbers. Rubber, Asbestos, and Spiral Packing. Babbet Metal. ?I: Cylinder Oil, Pearless Machine Oil, Arctic Cup Greese or Solidified Oil. Frost & Wood Repairs. 'r•l• •••••••••eamosn.•••••••••..maim, oer, Commissioner, Fire Insurance Agent, and 4. Tssurer of Marriage Iiicenses. Legal documents carefully drawn at reasonable rates, bloney *f. to loan on real estate at low rates a interest; Office at the Post Office Bonsai). 4. - +•xlmius,-11.1r. W. 3, Miller was in Zurich on business on Tuesday of last T. ren are visiting relatives in Galsbie, 4. Oxford ()minty. - Tne Ailsa Craig + I conned visited our village last week to + inspect one sidewalks asthey think of ▪ putting down cement walks in the t near future, They were highly plees- • ed with the worlr that bad, been done + here. -- The Misses McMordie very pleasantly entertained a number of friends on Friday evening last. -The te Rev. Mr. N. Shaw of : Egroondville, + occupied the pulpit of Carmel Presby- terian church on Sunday morning las 4. -Picnic parties to the lake are t t order of the clays -The Misses G. J. Petty are having their dwel 4. houseinicely painted. -The Rev. T + Henderson left here on Monday for a + month's vacation.- Our council are 4. having the streets gravelled. A num- * ber of teams are now at work. -The Rev. Mr. Medd delivered a sermon on + Sabbath eyening last which is highly 4'. spoken of -There was no service in the Methodist church on Snndaymorning last owing to quarterly services being held at Bethesda, A number from here drove out. -Mumps are quite pre- valent among the children of our village. No serious cases are reported. -Rev. Thos. W. Blatchford, M. A., and Mrs. Blatchford and little son, of Thamesville, are in the village visiting relatives and friends. Mr. Blatchford assisted in the services in the Meth- odist church last Sunday night. -Mr. T. E, McDonald returned. from the Clinton hospital where he has been for the past month, on Saturday last, very much improved in health. He left this week for London to visit his sister and relatives. -The sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered last Sunday evening to a large nnm- ber of communicants in the Methodist church. The pastor Rev. ' Dr, Medd was assisted by Rev. T. W. Blatch- ford, M.A.-Mrs. J. 0. Stoneman is in Lambeth, visiting her parents. -Mr. C. A. Redmond returned home last week from Mt. Olemene, where he has been for the past month treating for rheumatism, feeling very much ins- proved.-Misa Nellie Welsh of London, is home on a visit. -Mr. Geo. Parker of the township of Hay, who has re- sided for a number f t • week. -Mrs. Sohn G. Troyer and child - having a coat of paint both inside a out. ----Mr. and Mrs. Morley took in t excursion to Sarnia last weelta-Sch s'e-opens on August 18th. -Miss Oo Damns. of London rip.. is visiti friends in Whalen.- Mr. and M Jos. Morley have returned home fro Manitoba. -Mrs. R. jeckell, of Ram ton, is visiting under the parental ro -Misses 0 Morley and Eva Tapp a spending a, week at Grand Bend. - Ogden, • blacksmith, forinerly Whalen, and who has been in Grant for some time past, has returned a is now busy at the anvil. -The sev pupils, 6 boys and 1 girl, who wrote the recent entrance examinations siass JOHN WHITE & SONS • nd Huronriale ADDITIONAL, LOCALS , ool 1 Bainnte.--Mr. IL N. Anderson, • and Miss Alma Brooks is visiting friends re! wife, of Exeter, spent last week visit- I in Auburn, ng I ing relatives and friends here --Misses re. frt. of. re w. ot on nd en at • all were successful in passing which r flecte great credit on their teacher. Centralia • ---- 4. T. Hawkins & Son Ws2+1.+4++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++41.44+++++++++++++++ •••••••••••••••.. Bm uriEmBE FIT fIND FABRIG "'"•••XXXZ,..i..-• • E5 0 You cannot get that distinctive fit s - or cloth except from a tailor's. If you buy ready-made garments, no matter how good, you meet dozens of exact replicas of yourself. We are able to show yeti the best goods made, and able to give you good work at reasonable prices. This month we are offering bio. . b •" 1 ''''''4 inducements , in Tweeds, Wor- t if steds, Pantings, etc. , -..., We want to reduce our stock of Summer Goods before the Fall - Goods arrive. First-class work Guaranteed •••..( W. W. Taman. Merolla:Ira Tailor. ,One door north of Dr. Luta's Drug Store. .tscantsers,-x.eaccusecsaczcaliiinetimanialailinall Varna .......im•••••••••••• BRIEFS, -Miss Marie Van Norman, .of Belgrave, is visiting friends in Var- na. - Mr. Lloyd, of Seaforth, the painter and paper hanger has resumed 'his work at Hotel De Varna. -Some of the citizens of Varna, took in a icniu so Bayfield, Wednesday last. - 11r, B. A. Biggins, had the ndsfor- lame on Tuesday last, to lose a fine three-year-old. colt valued at one 'hundred dollars. This is the second • horse B. A. has lost this summer. Brinsley 13naErs,-We are pleased. to hear that Miss Violet A. Weir, of Brinsley, passed her priniary examination in music at the London Conservatory, and received her certificate with first .class honors. Mr. Barron, the Princi- BE . F 11-11ENSALL. ----....s Marshall and Miss Pearl Marshall are visiting friends in Walton for a few days, .11 2 LER Brucefleld BRIEFS. -A. P. Ketchen is spendin his vacation at hone. -Mrs, Hunt an Miss Edith, of Toronto, are the guest cf Mrs. Chas. Hunt. -Homes hay been provided in Rev. E. Sewers' con gregation for 16 Toronto children they are sent by the Fresh Air Fun of that place who pay their relieve fare, and they are given homes an kept for two weeks ; this is the first o the work that has been done in thi locality. -Master Fred Rumba, Lon don,is vibiting at the home of his uncle James Aikenhead.-Beverley Ketchen of Knox College, is spending his vaca tion at home ; he will take charge o Rey. McLennan's congregation, Kip pen, during his absence in the West. - NV. Baird. has successfully passed ex aminations at the school ot pedagogy in Hamilton. -Rev. W. Moore, former ly pastor of the Presbyterian church here, has lately been inducted into on of the Edinburgh churches; the in duction service was a very imposing ceremony, the charch being crowded to the dooks.-Robt. McCartney and -pal of the London Conservatory, says bride left last week for Moosejasv, ,she is quite talented in music. Miss Man. they will visit relatives in Sar - Weir is a pupil of Miss Ling Edwards ma and Sault Ste Marie before going .of Ailsa, Craig. Lucan. •••.•?..t.....!••••• :EXETER LUMBER YARD. The following pupils, who wrote at the midsummer promotion examin Large stook of Lumber -pine and Lhemlock, 170,000 feet of hemlock lumber for barns, etc., ation, were successful. Names in or - also shingles. laths and ced‘r p'osts. Prima der of merit. :reasonable. -JAS WILLIS, Yard : East sisle of IV to V. -Melinda Trick, Ezra Oes • Main st BRIEFS.--Owiug to the smoke stack .on Cook 86- Sons electrin power house breaking off and falling •down the town was rather dark for a few nights the past week. -The following pupils ..of Miss Harrigan were successful at the Toronto Conservatory Examina- tions held in London: -Misses Barbara. Benn and Muriel Wilson,Primary and • Miss May Chanson, Junior, -Mr. F. A. Stuart B. A., has gone to Toronto to assist in the marking of the • papers of the departmental exam- inatkins.-If we are to have a .civic holiday this summer, why not have it •on August 11th-saabe day as excur- sion to Detroit,-Mesers. W. E. Stan- • ley, T. Coursest and Jas. •Stanley are in Muskoka on business. --Flax pulling is now in full blast, K rkton • BaxErs.-Mr. Hugh Kirk, who bee • been sick the past week with pleurisy if: improving very . slowly. -Mr. John Haamah has had. his traction engine • remodeled and he has purchased a White Separator, and will soon be out among the farmers doing his annual good work, • fle has secured the ser- vices of Mr John Williams; and Wilbur Wynn as managere.-Melyille Hoskins is holidaying with friends in Exeter. - James Beattie has erected a flue Brant. ford steel windmall.-Miss Rachel Kirk Crediton School Report. treicher, Wesley Brown. Wilbert Wray, Olivia Holfzmann, Jr. /V to Sr. IV. - Jopeph Fink- beiner, Pearl Holtzmann, Myrtle Hirtzel, Bruce Kienzle, Arthur Holtz - mann, Lulu Young, Alma Hill, Della Brown. Sr. III to Jr. IV.- Madeline Bert- randt, Wallie Hill, Idella Fahner, G-ertrude Short, Bessie Wray. Jr. III to Sr. III. - Laura Heist, Garnet Sweitzer, Frank Fin kbeiner, Eddie Winer Clara Rau, Fred Mang - nus, Norman'Winer. Bella Hill, Sr. II to Jr. IIT. -Ido. Ewald, Mable Fahner, Irvine Fahner. Inter, II to Sr. II -.-Adeline Fiuk- beiner. Mend Eilber, Lillian Geiser, Reta Kienzle, Mildred Brown, Ethel Wray, Elvin McMurray, Rebecca Sims. jr. II to Inter, II., (division. II.) - Hilda Shenk, Gladys Hedden Edith Mengnias, Harry Trick, Charlie Fink- beiner, Charlie Anderson, Sylvester Wuerth. Oarless, Hill, Roy Fahner, Clara, Holtzmann, Minnie Finkbeiner, Sr. to Inter. 11., (Division 1.) - Pearl Geiser, Edith Hill, Win, Oes- treicher, Ernest Appleton, Carry Wein, Iv= Hirtzel, Pearl Heist, George Beaver, Harvey Sr. Pt. It to Jr, IL- Emmery rah ner, C)herlie Gower Everett Haist, Jr. Pt. II to Sr. Pe IL -Elsie Gaiser Matilda Oestreicher, Harry A/anvils, Sr. Pt. I to Jr. Pt. II, - Gertrude has passed . her exa,rainations in the 1 er, Maitland Wray, Roy Redden, Normal School at London and she has Wellington Heist, Willie Motza Nel- been successful in securing the teach. son Hill, Beatrice kledden. • ing of the Moncton public schools, -- Haying is now over and fall wheat . cutting has commenced, but the We - mouse amount of rain whieh has fel- o years awhats known as the Dixie settlement, died quite suddenly on Friday last. Mr. Parker although mot enjoying very robust health for the past year, or two, was feeling fairly well up till a few days before his death. Be was a man who possessed many good quali- ties and was well known throughout the township. The sympathy of the entire community is felt for the be- reaved. family. The funeral took place last Sunday the remains being interred in Hillsgreen cemetery. A large num- ber from here attended the funeral. - Hear Rev, Dr. Medd on "Commercial- ism" in the Methodist church. next Sunday evening. -Mrs. Richard Jones intends leaving here in a couple of weeks to join her husband in the west. -Our carriage makers have been turn- ing out a number nf stylish and up-to- date buggies during the past week. - Miss Josie B. Elsley of Lohdesborough RS. ORME 8c On:ME. Office hours 10 a. to 4 p. m. Telephone connection wi main Mace in Lucan.--Centralia, Ont. BRIEES.-The pupils of school se tion No. 9, Biddulph. have been ver successful in the recent entrance examination, six having tried; of which were successful 1.n passing. This is a very good showing and is much to the credit of the teacher, Mr. Sameon 13ertie and Iavina Vance, of the boina-1 mtssWL Brown is visiting friends 8.6 Taylor's Grove, /3rewster. da,ry, spent SundaY tbefftles of miss the latter's Eva Oke, -Ivan Dew an vvife visited, Mrs. (Dr.) C. Lutz is visiting friends parents at centranas an in Gananoque. Sunday. -Miss Maud Horton has re- • Thos. Handford retnrned home this me er sen ng a ew week from Winnipeg. . days with her friend, Miss Grace Cad- sisiss /sucker of Hamilton, is tile more, of Exeter. - Miss Clara DaleY, guest of Mrs, Win. Hovvey. of Seaforth, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Sara Cudinore, of this place. - Quar- terly services vvere held in Bethesda church. last Nunday.--James Moir had e- a very successful barn raising on Tues. dav. When completed Mr. Moir will have one of the finest barns in this section of the country. - Wm. Oke Mr. Joseph Davis who has been ill, has been appointed postmaster of ( is able to take an occasional drive. Hurondale,-John Horton, of Toron- Mr, Harry Huston has secured a position in th e Sovereign Bank. A severe electric storm passed over this place on Saturday last. Big L. 0. L. excursion to Sarnia and Detroit, on Saturday, August 23rd, ie. Miss Clara Daley, of Seaforth, is tt to, is spending his vacation uuder the parental root -Quite a, number of our visiting Miss Cora Prior this week. e. young people attended a picnic at the Miss Lena Ilovvard, clerk with T. G. y lake la,st Thursday, Mrs, Wood of Harlton, is holidaying at Westfield. Exeter is visiting her son, Will, of this place for a, few days. R usseldale latcFalls.-D. Parkinson, of St, Marys, BBIEFS.-The rains have done con - was the guest of Mrs, B. BIston, on siderable damage to the growing crops Sunday last, -A. Hicks has returned having lodged and tangled the oats from an extended trip to Manitoba badly and the heavier patches or har- med the. Northwest Territories, -An ley. -Thos. Laing had the misfortune interesting. game of football was to have a, valuable horse severely cui played on the recreation ground here on a barb wire fence on Monday of on Tuesday evening last, between last week, Vet Carr, of Kirkton, was Centralia junior foot ball team and called in to dress the wound. -Dr. Orediton Juniors which resulted in a Proudfoot, of Fullerton, delivered a tie neither team. winning a goal. -Mrs. lecture to the Epworth League at Mt. Jerry Hearna,n, who has been ill, we Pleasant on Tuesday evening of last are pleased to hear is recovering. week, on the effects of alcohol on the •human system. -Mrs, A. S. Wigmore, • Min -wine who, with her two children has been visiting for the last three weeks with Bamos.---11frs.•Pollard has moved her parents, returned home to Toron- her household effects to Exeter and to on Monday.- A number of the will reside with aber daughter, Mrs, young people of this vicinity are enjoy - Wm. Brimacomfie. - The constant ittg,- an outing at Grand Bend this heavy rains sertously interfere with week. -Mr. David H. Dow took in the progress of harvesting the wheat the harvest excursion to thewest crop and much otthe grain is grovving on Tuesday intending to visit his in the shock. -Quarterly services will sisters out there. -Mr. and Mrs. D. be held on Sunday next and the Quer- Mills and daughter, Miss Mills of terly Official Board will meet onMon- Exeter, spent last week at the home of day, Aug. 4th, at 2p. m. -Miss Zeta Mr. William Hanson. -Rev. S. Baker, Andrews, of Orosaaaty, spent Sunday our young minister, in well reseived, under the parental roof. -Miss Linda and his efforts ma. ..s asp- . s Miners returned on Saturday from St. The year he will spend with as is look - John, svhither she has been working ed forward to with much de/ight. for Mrs. Waddell. -Mr. and Mrs. J. Johns and Mrs. Sinclair spent Sunday with friends at Woodham. -Walter . CrerlIton. Hern, merchant, was down to the city on Saturday last on business. -Fred BRIEFS. - The moon changed on 'Monday last and with it came a wel. Haggith was a visitor in the village on Sunday last. -Albert Mitchell and sis- ter of Centralia, were the guess of Mr. and Mrs. S. Andreve on Sunday last. •••••1••••• Mooresville --- BRIEFS.-Mr. and Mrs. John Hobbs, of Nissouri are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Revington, visiting their grand -daughter, who arrived by the Orme steamer last week. -Never since the memorable flood of 1880 has there been such mid -summer rain storms as the past couple of weeks. - Lightning struck the barn of Mr. Jas. Kelly. of the 10th concession of Biddulph, on Wednesday night last, and barn, out- buildings, along with implements was destroyed. Mr. Kelly had in- surance in the Usborne .and Hibbert is the guest of Miss Josie B. Medd, at , Fire Insurance Co.. We also hear of the parsonage.- Mrs. Hudson, who 'several head of cattle, and horses killed was taken critically ill last week, is in McGillivray, and Biddulph the past slowly improving,- Mrs. Dr. Kydd week by lightning. - Considerable and her. sister Mrs. Hamilton, of hay will be ruined bywet weather. - Brooklyn, N. Y„ who haare been visit- F. N. Neil, who has just returned ing their sister, Mrs. G. M. Babeeek, from an extended trip to the Pacific for a few weeks, left here this week.- coast says crops in ',',the far West are Dr. Campbell and Mrs. Campbell of also damaged by rain this season. - Zurich, were in the village on Sunday Last Sunday being quarterly meeting evening visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. Mur- Sunday at the Nursery, the church dock,llars. Campbell's parents. -At the was crowded to the door. Mr. Ayers, meeting of the official board of the the officiating minister is very popu- Hensall Methodist church last Monday lar. -A number from this locality in - evening the salary of the pastor of the tend taking in the Irishmens pier:an church was fixed at $800, with free to Port Stanley, while others intend house and moving expenses all paid. going to Detroit. on August nth.- A. This is a decided step forward as the number of young people went to the salary last year was $725. At the Bend on Friday last, and not a dripp- close of the meeting the pastor Rev. Dr. Medd invited the members of the board to go with him to the ice cream parlor. They readily accepted his kind invitation and went along. It is needless to add. that when they took their departure from the restaurant there was no ice creain left in the es- tablishment-Lrwn tennis is now the order of the day, and a number of our villagers are becoming proficient plov- ers. - Miss Ella McPherson was in Exeter visiting her sister,14Irs, O'Brien last week. -Mrs. R. Twithell and Mrs. M, Ellwood were in the famous city of St. Joseph last week. -Service in Car- mel Presbyterian church on Sabbath evening last was held on the lawn, - Mr. Frank Ruse is visiting relatives in Bowmativille.-Miss Hannah Ortwein, • who has been visiting friends in .Fort Wayne, Indiana, iterived home last week, -Miss Edna Neelands is spend- ing a few months with friends in To- ronto, Georgetown and London. -Mr. Percy Carlisle, a 0. P. R. relieving agent, is here spending a few days with his parents and friencls.-Messrs P. Lamont and 3.. Caughla,n each shipped three carloads of cattle from this station. - Service in Methodist church next Sunday at 11 a. m, and 7 p. M. The pastor. Rev, Dr. Meddavill occupy the pulpit both morning and evening. Subject for forenoon ser- vice, "Enoch, or Welkin with God." ing, but they could :have had that nearer home, and some here did esanage to get one. Misery likes company they say. - T. Coughlin shipped a consignment of sheep from Centralia, lately. -Mr. Willie .Abbott is tin the mend again. - The genial face of Mr. Joseph Cobbledick was again seen in our village one day last week. Glad to see you. Joe. Zurich BRIEFS. -The next regular meeting or tlie W. C. -T. U. will be held August 4th at the home of Mrs. E. Zeller. -An old time picnic was held at Mr, John Foster's, Babylon line, on Wednesday last. The day was spent in dancing and other games. In the evening ow- ing to the rani, possession was taken of the Commercial hail, where dancing was indulged in.for some hours.a-Mrs. Christian Hey, a the Babylon lice, who has been ill with consumption for souse months passed away on Sa,bur- day 10th inst. Mrs. Hey leaves a husband, and a family of small child- ren to mourn her loss. We extend sympathy to the husband and mother- less children in their affliction.- Mrs. Dennis Dea,stein and daughter, of Se- bewaing, Minh., are spending a few days with Mrs. II. C. Doan, and other friends. -Work is going on a pace at St. Joseph dock, although the Gov - Anthem, "Bless the Loii." Chorus, eminent has not yet given oub the con- - "Jusb Beyond." .Evening subject, tract for the work. -Misses Edna and "Commercialism." Anthem, "Joy and nose Surerus who ha,ve been -visiting . Peace," Quartette, "Nearer my God friends here for a fest?' weeks, returned to Thee". Strangers and non -church to their home at Pigeon, Mich., Thurs. goers invited and welcomed. 1day last. -Mr, Charles Fritz has stalks A. 8 class to A. 4 class - Esther Mists Ida Brown, Ezra Ewald, Pearl Palmer, Edith Anderson. E lo Ander. eon, Wellington Rau. len during the past Week has caused Punt McOn.ramm eerioutt damage to the standing crops, IsAngrzo Dow Teachers, -Mrs. W. EL Marshall, Charles F. Op.urn3 Iltutm Whalen k••••••• •••••••111.0 BRIEES.-A. severe electrical storm • passed over this section on Sunday last, mews -Vented by heavy rains'. The farmers are experiencing consid- erable diftlettity in getting their grain , haryeeted, The public school house is come change in the as stass. were about discours•• '.' , vest the golden grain as it rained near- ly every day- We trust fine weathe Friday, August 8th, eivie holiday. Reduced rates on all roints east and west. Miss Rose Sutton, of Detroit, is visit- ing her mother, Mrs. Sutton, this week. Roy Hemmen, of London, is visiting his cousin, Herman Hea.roan, this week. Miss Lilly Hill, of isondon, is a guest of her sister, Miss Della Hill, for a few days. Messrs. Harvey Bros. have had their office remodelled and otherwise im- proved. Miss May Armstrong, accompanied by her brother George, are visiting friends in Paris. -co TO THE ---- ELT Railer ill ler For Pure Manitoba Family Flour (star) pasfry (Princess) Wheatlet (Breakfastiood) A. good supply of Mill Feed • and Chop always • on hand Give our Flour and Feed a Trial and be convinced that it • is all right. • Roller and Plate Choppers in use to suit customers. fifiRVEY • BROS. DaLLETts ONE OOMMON CAUSE OF HE A.DACHE. • Heiman Hearaan, who spent his Perhaps the most general cause of holidays in. Buffalo returned home on headache and pain across the eyes is nasal Catarrh. The simplest cure is Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. P,, Armstrong and" child of St. Marys, visited with Mrs. A. Holland, on Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Taylor of Usborne, who has been very seriously ill. is improv- ing slowly. Mrs. Fisher and son Cherlie, of Chicago, are visiting at the home .of Dr. Anderson. to inhale the medicated vapor of Ca. tarrhozone which traverses every air cell and air passage of the throat, lungs and nose. It kills myriads of germs at every breath, clears away mucous discharges, preserves and heals the naerabrane. Catarrhozone is jest a splendid remedy for head. - ache, and its action is certain and un- failing in diseases of the Throat and. T,,..,.. Deafness, Bronchitis, Asthraa • • • 's Lia111:31' 191f, Ma and Catarrh. A trial will convince Wedneeday or Grand. Bend where the most sceptical the.: Catarrhozone tthheeTLIovall:ir sri.(leda. couple of seaalss ma is all right. Large size. $1.00 ; • trial size 25c. Druggists, or Poison & Co., - Mr. A. Smith, 'formerly teller at Kingston, i Ont. the ktolanns Banta at Hensalt, has ac: Dr. Hamilton's Pills tiure Consti- • capted Sienaan pssition m ths new Sovereign Bark, here. • potion. , - • •.• , • . 4, • t ery was mown over and the treilis and r j supports were twisted and knotted. up may continue. -Our foot ball team went. to Centralia on Tuesday evening and played a friendly game with the team there, -Mrs. Slater and Melvin, who have been visiting Mrs. Rivers this summer left on Saturday last for Paris where they will spend a week before returning to their home in Vancouver. -Alonzo Hodgins has been laid up during the past week with rheumatics. He is improving nicely. -Albert Zwicker is spending a few days in London visiting his parents. - There has been some very severe elec- tric storms passiina this way of late. Oct Saturday eversiiig last lightning struck the barn belouging to Ed. Sweitzer, just north of Crediton, and burned it with all its contents. This is a heavy loss to Mr. Swettzer, who is a young man but recently starting business for him.self.-C. Trick had a bee pulling flax last Friday night. The boys worked well and were treat- ed right -Mrs. John Dyer is visiting with • friends in St. Thomas. -A. J. Ford and mother, of Woodham, spent Friday last with friends in. the village. -Quarterly meeting services were held in the Methodist church last Sun- day morning, and in the evening Rev. Knowles preached the first of a series of sermons. entitled, "Excureions to the pools of the Bible," which will be taken up each Sunday evening during the hot weather. This series promises to be exceedinglyanteresting and help- ful if the first one is any criterion to judgaby. Do not fail to hear the next one ols "Pool of Siloam," next Sunday evening. The choir will render special music. -The brick makers have been forced to stop work for a week owing to the recent.floods.-All the pupils from our school who wrote on the en- trance exams, this summer were suc- cessful. Mr. Bluett, our worthy prin- cipal, is to be congratnlated upon the success of his class, like a thread. Miss Jennie Taylor entertained a number of her friends on Thursday evening last, in honor of the Misses Pearson, of London, and Miss Cook of St. Thomas. Mr. H. Gundy, of Toronto, and Miss Clarke, of Windsor, who are enjoying a few holidays at Grand Bend were guests on Tuesday, of Miss. Clark e'e uncle, Hr. Thos. Clarke. Exeter Municipal Council. Council met at call of Reeve at Town Hall, July 23rd. Absent Councillor Davis.in Mutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. The Reeve explained that the object of the meeting was to consider the matter of the street commissionership. W ood-Hardiug- That Mr. Creech _be• • arauergirriLeedsHt.eadrcig_tionband in his resignation That the council adjourn to Saturday, July 26tlit 8 o'clock p. ma -Carried. Caution met pursuant to adjourn - tomb at Town Hal ardy 26th. • Ab- sent councillor Davis. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. • Muir -Harding -That the resigna- tion of Mr. Creech as street coramie- stoner &c., be accepted. -Carried. Wood -Muir -That W. 3, Bissett be appointed street commissioner and of corn in his garden, 8 feet 1 inch other duties heretofore performed by long. -Lightning struck Mr, S, Pree- ter's residence during the storm on Wednesday evening ot last week, but the damage was slight. The lightning followed 0, 'private telephone line con. meeting Mr. Preeter's house with hie store. -Mr. W. E. Dumart, a Berlin, representingJohn Hallam, of Toronto, was in our village this week. Creels, salary to be pro natio of $350,00 per year, and the Clerk prepare a by-law confirming seid appointment. 28th.--Oarried. Messrs. Sandy Bawden and Percy Browning have reternsei sna a On reaching Montreal the changed their minds about taking the propos- ed trip So the Old Country. The Goveriament has decided to pro- claim Saturday. Aug. Oth, (coronation day,) a public holiday. A special num- ber of the Canadian Gazette will be issued, containing the proclamation. H Mr. Joseph Senior will leave next week for Buffalo, where he will. at- tend. the Photographers Convention which begins in that city on August 5th, continuing until A.ugusb 8th. Miss Elizabeth Taylor, sister of Messrs John Ind James Taylor, who has been in the Stratford hospital for the past few weeks, having undergone a very critical operation, has now re- covered and been able to be removed to the home of her sister, Mrs. Pear- son at London. ?V% Children Cry for CASTOR IA. 17..FREE PATTERN (your own selection) to every sub- scriber. Only 50 cents a year. MAG I A gem; beautiful colored plates ; latest fashions; dressmaking economies ;fancy work ; household hints; fictibn, etc, Sub- scribe to -day, or, send O. for latest co Lady agents wanted. Send for terms - Stylish, Reliable, Simple, Up-io- date, Economical and Absolutely PerfecttPitting Paper Pitterns. A LADIES' MAGAZINE. MS CALOL ' a.leta PATIO& 5 All Seams Allowed and.Perforations show , the Basting and Sewing LIIICS. Only to and. es cents each-nonoltleter, /Lett for them, Sold In nearly evety city and town, orby maft ItemTHE Ma0ALL Q0., 113415-117 west eat St. NM YORK, 1 TWIN ?FOR POODIC ilSe PIUMOiltil 410110S Ply Special and Gold Medal soo feet per Ib. •650 feet per lb. The Best is the Cheapest...A, Hamm Mitts -Sheep Skip. -Mule Skin. -Pig Skin. -Calf Shin . 25c, a pair and up. IRO -Screen Doors, -Screen Windows, -Screen Wire. All Sizes are in Stock. Our Prices are low. • We do all kinds of TIN WORK., EA.VETROUGHING, REPAIRING, ETO Duties to cotntnenee on. Monday, July Muir -Wood -That the council ad- journ to Frtday. August 1st at 7.80 p. I flMfthl' fifiRDWfIR in. -Carried. GEO, IL BISOMT, Clerk. 1 EXETER. •