HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-05-16, Page 29O'FpOration o' i�. Village of Blyth 1983 A.UDITQR'S REP. • RT AUDITOR'S REPORT CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AS AT DECEMBER 31, 1983 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1983 To the Membe;a of Council, Inhabitants and Ratepayers of the Corporation of the Village of Blyth: I ASSETS 1983 $ 1982 8 Unrestricted We have examined the consolidated balance sheet of the Corporation of the Village of Blyth as at December 31, 1983 and the consolidated state went of operations for the, year then ended. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly in- cluded such teats and other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, these consolidated financial statements present fairly the financial position of the Corporation of the Village of Blyth as at December 31, 1983 and the results of its operations for the year cher ended in accordance with the accounting principles prescribed for Ontario Municipalities applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. • Cash . Investments (note ) Taxes receivable User charges receivable Accounts receivable Other current assets Long term receivables 101,031 14,736 59,739 53 4 175,559 Restricted Clinton, Ontario Date: March 22, 1984 Durst, Vodden & Bender Licence No. 782 Chartered ;\ccu.mtants Cash Investments (note ) Accounts receivable Other current assets Long term receivables Investment in own debentures 31,714 2,784 6,211 AUDITOR'S REPORT 40,709 Capital outlay financed by long terns liabilities and to be recovered in future years (note 5) 14,000 23,181 29,327 • 80,396 17 • 132,921 3,650 2,890 4,600 11,140 20,000 $ 230,268 $ 164,061 LIABILITIES . Temporary loans - Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 18,853 Other current liabilities 12 . To the Members of Council, inhabitants ,and Ratepayers of the Corporation of the Village of Blyth: SOURCES OF FINANCING: Taxation and user charges (mote 1,2) Residential and farm taxation Commercial, industrial and business taxation Taxation from other governments User charges Deduct Amounts received or receivable for region or county. and school boards Grants Budget 1983 $ Actual 1963 $ Actual 1982 $ 190,443. • 80,979 • 9,510 • 9,925 • 200,045 • 186,866 88,679 • 78,514 9,933 9,235 200,610 150,394 152,381) •( 157,133 ) •1 143,331 138,476 342,134 281,678 22,000 16,025 18,865 38,025 • Govemmcnt of Canada Province of Ontario Other municipalities Other 127,445 7,125 , 115,518 . 112,365 7,125 7,418 Contributions from developers Investment income Sale ofiand ' Other • Penalties and interest on taxes • Sewerage frontage and connection fees Proceeds from the issue of loos term liabilities Extraordinary gain (note ) Net appropriations from reserves and reserve funds 2,000 31,000 2,300 7,159 9,732 30,800 8,100 3,867 4,961 413 98,599 7,560 MUNICIPAL FUND BALANCES AT THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR (note 6 ) Nct long term liabilities (note 14,000 • 20,000 To be used to offset (or to be recovered from) taxation or user charges Unexpended capital financing (or capital operations not yet financed) 17,504 41,261 222 We have examined the balance sheet of the trust funds of the Corporation of the Village of Blyth as at December 31, 1983 and the statement of continuity of trust funds for the year then ended. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such tests and other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, these financial statements present fairly the financial position of the trust fund for the Corporation of the Village of Blyth as at December 31, 1983 and the continuity of trust funds for the year then ended, in accordance with accounting principles prescrihed for Ontario Municipalities applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. FUND BALANCES AT THE END OF THE YEAR (note ) • To be used to olfict (or to be recovered from) taxation or uscr charges (note 6 ) Total financing availableduring the year ' 80,496 41,261 Unexpended capital financing (or capital operations not yet permanently financed) (note Reserves (note 7) Reserve funds (note 7 ) 56,198 44,551 60,709 20,224 Clinton, Ontario Date: March 22; 1984 thirst,- Vodden 4 Bender Licence No. 782 Chartered Accountants '. $ 230,268 $ 164,061 APPLIED TO: Current operations General government Protection to persons and property -Transportation services Environmental services Health services Social and family services Recreation and cultural services Planning and development Other 325,850 • 548,277 • 530,635 Actual Actual 1983 1982 $ $ Budget 1983 $ 40,600 • 18,400 • 43,700 35,700 2,000 • 36,450 , 3,500 37,297 20,347 41,436 '99,540 7,250 106,286 7,188 40,860 15,647 52,270 86,432 9,837 101,115 6,680 ' TRUST FUNDS NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 180.350 • 319,344 • 312,841 Capital • Street reconstruction • Storm sewer construction • Parking development • Sanitary sewer connection • • 60,000 18,000 , • . 17,000 60,153 19,699 16,040 413, • • • • 53,893 17,000 7,041 98,599 STATEMENT OF CONTINUITY for the year ended December 31, 1983 Cemetery Total 'Perpetual Care Trust Fund 1. Accounting policies a) Basis of consolidation Balance at the beginning of the year Capital receipts (specify) • Perpetual care charges' 24,831 24,831 (255) . (255) Interest carred 2,432 2,432 , ' Other revenue • 2,177 • 2,177 • Expenditures (specify) • Transfer for cemetery expenses 2,499 . 2,499 • • 2,499 Balance at the end of the year 24,509 BALANCE SHEET as at December 31, 1983 Total The consolidated. financial statements reflect the assets and liabilities,and operations of the village revenue fund, capital fund, reserves, reserve funds and the recreation committee, community centre board, cemetery board, sewerage system and waterworks. The assets and liabilities and operations of the hydro system are not consolidated. Except to the extent of disclosure of revenue required. to payrequisitions, the operations of the school boards and county are not consolidated. b). Budget comparisons Budgeted amounts for operations are those of the village general account only. Formal budgets are not prepared by the other boards and committees. c) Basis of accounting Sources of financing and' expenditures are reported on the accrual basis of accounting with the exception( of principal and interest charges on long-term liabilities which are charged against operations in the periods in which they are paid. 'The principal and interest charges are not accrued for the periods 2,499 • from the dates of the latest installment payments to the end of the financial year 24,509 • The accrual basis of accounting recognizes revenues as they become available and measurable; expenditures are recognized a5 they are incurred and measurable as a result of receipt of goods or services and the creation of a legal obligation to pay. The historical cost and accumulated deprcriation of fixed assets are not reported for municipal purposes. Instead fixed assets are expensed in accordance with the method of financing. "Capital outlay'to he recovered in future years" reported on the balance sheet is equal to the principal portion of unmatured long term liabilities to be expensed with current operations in future years when payable. 2. Operations of school boards and county The consolidated statement of operations discloses revenue levied by the municipality to pay school board and county requisitions. Over (under) levies at the end of the year are reported as other current assets or liabilities on the consolidated balance sheet. ASSETS $ $ $ Cash Investments, at cost (market value S Canada Provincial Municipal own - other • Ontario hydro ▪ Bank certificates 3,464 3.464 • 100 100 990 990 10,456 12,000 10,456 • 12,000 • 23,546 23,546 • Other (specify) 27,010 (Underlevy), beginning of year Taxation revenue Requisitions (Underlevy) overlevy, end of year school hoards ,aunty (17) - 125,188 11,945 125,159 31,998 95, 000 . 96,305 . 176,533 Extraordinary loss (note ) Net appropriations to reserves and reserve funds • MUNICIPAL FUND BALANCES AT THE END OF THE YEAR (note 6 To be used to offset (or to be recovered from) taxation or user charges Unexpended capital Finan ng (or capital operations not y financed) Total applications during the year 50,500 • 52,132 80,496 41,261 325,850 • 548,277 . 530,635 BLYT.H HYDRO. BALANCE SHEET DECEMBER 31, 1983 Current Cash Accounts receivable Inventories Assets 1983 1982 63,890 7,184 7,250 78,324 57,872 11,615 230 69,717 3. Contribution to unconsolidated joint local board • The assets and liabilities and oporatiuns of the Blyth lti•:trict Fire Arra Board have n6t been cnnsnl idated. The consolidated st:i 1 ,nient of opera( ion•. includes the village's contribution to the board of $ 17,880, (1982: $ 11,0t(t. 27,010 The.village is contingently li.,ble for Its ~baro of the file area board',: deflcit at the end of the year. The villas''''• 19 shine. would he $ 2,129. (1982: $ 676.) LIABILITIES Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 2,501 2,501 • Other (specify) Balance - capital - income • 2,501 • 24,509 4. Trust funds Trust •funds administered by the muni, ipallty, briny, 1,r,etery Perpetuity-ltn,t Funds $ 24,509. ($ 24,831. november 31, 1982), have not leen included -in the consolidated balance sheet nor have their operation, been included in the .2,501 . consrilidated statement of operations. 24,509 • 27,010 • 27,010 • AUDITOR'S REPORT Fixed .Land and buildings Transmission aria distribution Trucks and equipment Less: Accumulated depreciation Equity in Ontario hydro 3,574 260,903 6,150 . 270,627 112337 158,290 240,740 $ 477,354. Current liabilities ' Due to Blyth Sewerage Due to Blyth Waterworks Accounts payable Liabilities and Surplus 3,574 256,437 7L170 267,181 102,951 164 230 221,482 $ 455,429 6,231 3,512 36, 350 46,093 5,629 2,467 31 603 34 699 5. Net lone term liabilities lens term liabilities incurred by the mint ieipalitc and nnt'tandin;•, at the re.] end total $ 14,000. Principal payments to be recovered from 1'netal municipal revenue are payable $ 7,000. in 1984 and $ 7,000. in 1985. Approval of the Ontario Mnn1r1pal Board has been obtained for the longe, tet, liabilities reported on the consolidated balance sheet. To the Members of Council, Inhabitants and Ratepayers of the Corporation of the Village of Blyth: We have examined the balance sheet of the Blyth Hydro as at December 31, 1983 and the statement of revenue and expenditure for the year then ended., Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standads, 'and accordingly included such tests and other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion these financial statements present fairly the financial position of the Blyth Hydro as at December 31, 1983 and the results of its oper- ations for the year then ended in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for Ontario municipal electric utilities applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. Reserve for Equity in fhitario Hydro Surplus ,,, Dehenttttes redeemed . Contributed surplus Accumulated net revenue 240,740 221,482 6. Municipal fund balances at the end of the year Fund balahces available to offset taxation or user rates will be used as follows: 1283 1982 to reduce 1984 general taxation levies for village general purposes 891 17,504 - to reduce 1984 revenue levies of boards and committees 9,036 - to reduce sewerage system user rates 54,158 to reduce waterworks user rates 16,411 $ 80,496 7. Reserves and reserve funds Clinton, Ontario 1,582 11,707 10'468 16,032 44,817 .. 129,672 190,521 $ 477,354 $ 41,261 . Reserve and reserve fund balances consist of the following: Set aside for specific purposes by council - for acquisition of fixed assets - for working capital - for recreation facilities 1983 Set aside for specific purpoaea by legislation - for park purposes • - for loans under the Ontario Home Renewal Program Date: March 22, 1984 Durst, Vodden & Bender Licence No. 782 Chartered Accountants 57,965 45,000 3 698 106,663 1982 Statement of Revenue and Expenditure for' the year ended Decemh;ir 3j, 1983 Accumulated net revenue January 1 16,032 44,070 134,146 194.248 $ 455,429 1983 1982 136,146 121,249 Revenue Sale of energy - residential - general - street lights Installations and recoveries Penalties Interest Miscellaneous 16,084 35,000 2,551 53,635 1,236 1,152 9,008 9,988 10,244 11,140 $ 116,907 • $ �g4.775 I• 168,344 160,292 211,973 200,011 6,884 6,487 828 776 836 595 4,290 7,741 582 394,948 376,4(34 Expenditure Power purchased Distribution ayetem operation and maintenance Administration and general Billing and collecting Depreciation Accumulated net revenue December 31 365,220 333,766 8,460 4,951 6,040 • 5,230 9,186 9,344 10,516 10,296 399,422 ,363,587 $ 129,672 $ 134,146