HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-05-16, Page 261 cleat -vi" atr inize 7, rri'; . A&P A PREMIUM HEARTY BLEND. CUSTOM GROUND Pure Apple Juice Ca se of 12 6.99 Sprite or Coca -Cola -Case of 24 Assorted Varieties Sprite or Coca-Cola 750 mL btl with supermarket prices CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE "A" BEEF OUTSIDE CUT, EYE REMOVED Boneless Round Roast SAVE1.10/kg-.50 lb SIRLOIN TIP RUMP OR INSIDE CUT ROUND Boneless Roasts 659/29,9 FRESH 'GREAT ON THE B.B.Q.' Lean Ground Beef 39/199 CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE A BEEF TENDERIZED Cube Steak 770/34 RIB OR 3 TO 3' , LB CUT TENDERLOIN Pork Loin Roasts 395 /V? ROAST OR CHOPS 0 Pork Loin Centre Cut • 5Ik5g /22Ib9 PORK LOIN RIB PORTION (COUNTRY STYLET GREAT ON THE 8.B.0.' Spare Ribs 439/lb 199 APP Spare 5C MEDIUM GROuND BEEF & 50 GROUND PORK GREAT ON THE R B 0 • 3 28 /1 49 Ground Meat Combination /kg Ib CANADA'S FINEST GRADE 'A'. FROZEN. EVISCERATED R IS Ikg Ib Turkeys B to 12 Ib average PREVIOUSLY FROZEN Turkey Breasts 59/24! PREVIOUSLY FROZEN Turkel Legs los /1lb 39 GRADE A FRO N EVISCE TED SWIFT PREMIUM DEEP BASTED TURKEYS 4 TO6LB AVERAGE Boneless Butterballs SARA LEE, FROZEN Croissants 659 /299 Ikg Ib SAVE 50 1PI%g 1.49 ASSORTED FLAVOURS INCLUDING APPLE & BLACK CHERRY SAVE 20 Okadoka.Drinks 200 maLconts1 ■19 ck of IMPERIAL, 100% VEGETABLE OIL SAVE :58 pkg of 2 99 8 oz tubs . Soft Margarine SUPER BUY! CHEFMASTER Corned Beef 340tin9 1.49 .SAVE .90 BLACK DIAMOND, SINGLE THIN, PROCESS Cheese Slices 2 Q92438g pkg •SAYE 1.10/kg-.50 Ib 'GREAT ON THE B.B.Q.'. COMBINATION PACK CONTAINS: 2 RIB ENDS. 2 LOIN ENDS. 4 CENTRE CUT CHOPS Loin Pork Chops 793°/1 Ib CHEFMASTER Canned Ham1lnb 299 SWEET PICKLED (CENTRE CUT 4.83/kg-2.49 l3 99 Back Bacon End Cuts 4399 /1 Ib FRESH. BACKS ATTACHED Chicken Legs 262/119 LABELLE FERMIERE Tourtiere Pies 450 g 189 pkg BREAKFAST Burns Sausages 3ia/14? SHOPSY-PASTRAMI 08 Corned Beef pkg of 4 939 5C g pouches STOKE PACKED Beef Steakettes 3°6/k, /.1 391b CANADIAN QUEEN. SLICED, 5 VARIETIES Cooked Meats ALL BEEF SHOPSY WIENERS 1 .69 OR Mary Miles Wieners CANADIAN QUEEN. HOT OR SWEET Sausage Italian Style SWISS STYLE, ASST FLAVOURS Gay Lea Yogourt KRAFT SALAD DRESSING Miracle Whip SEALTEST, REGULAR OR CREAMED Cottage Cheese 375 g 129 vac pac 450 g vac pac 159 395 /179 /kg Ib BUY 3 -SAVE 1.24 3175g149 tubs SAVE .30 500mL 1 .69 jar , SAVE .46 50081 59 ctn REGULAR, 2 -PLY, WHITE, YELLOW OR ALMOND Royale Towels pkg of 2 rolls NI 3 -PLY TISSUE, WHITE, YELLOW OR ALMOND Royale Facial Tissue a box of 100 sheets (Mansize Facial Tissue box of 60 sheets .99) lommegwiimmommoift Ib SAVE .44/kg-.20 lb 14 TO 17 LB AVERAGE READY -TO -EAT FULLY SKINNED Whole Hams 3°/V'° Ib S H A f4K HALF no centre slices removed) BUTT HALF no cen re slices removed) HAM QUARTERS 3.51 pkg-l.59' Ib 3.73ikg-1.69 Ib 4.17/1(91.89 Ib "ea*hopA&P.! FRESH DELI SLICED • MEDIUM Roast 110 /J99 Beef 1 /100 g ftft Ib PRIDE OF CANADA, VISKING Bologna 31/139 139 lb uURNS Vintage Ham .92 ,00, /419 1b BURNS Smoked Sausage .64;,DDg. /2 89 QUADELCO, AMERICAN 1100 g . 29 Mozzarella Cheese. 73 /3 Ib A LARGE SELECTION OF Pine River Cheese NOW AVAILABLE AT A&P PURE VEGETABLE Primo Oil PRIMO, Tomatoes CATELLI, PLAIN SAVE 1.90 3litre plst cont 3.49 Spaghetti Sauce SAVE .30 28 fl oz tin ■9 SAVE .50 28 f1 oz 99 tin ■ ASSORTED VARIETIES Primo Pastas 900 g 99 pkgt M SUN SQUEEZE, FROZEN, CONCENTRATED CLEAR OR PINK Lemonade 12.5 fI oz tin SAVE 2.30 CONVERTED Uncle Ben's Rice 2.9 9 large 2 kg bag 'HOSTESS, ASSORTED VARIETIES, Potato Chips SAVE .30 200 9.1 39 pkg ■ SWEET MIXED,'YUM YUMS, BABY DILLS SAVE UP TO .46 Bick's Pickles. 11ir 2.49 CONCENTRATE, ASSORTED FLAVOURS SA E.30 Quench Liquid 5cont00mL 1. ASSORTED VARIETIES. MCCORMICK'S SAVE .60 Granny S 600 g tin tie Snaps bag 1.79 NESTLE, INSTANT•REGULAR, TROPICAL OR LIGHT CALORIE SAVE 30 Nestea Iced Tea 6:0°43.39 JELL•0, FROZEN, ASSORTED, CHOCOLATE OR CHOCOLATE•VANILLA SWIR Pudding Pops , Ps2°t .69 SAVE ■60 ASST VARIETIES INCL CORN &CUBITS Bick's Relish � y 37 jar (CUBITS 1 LITRE JAR 2.39 -SAVE .30) 1 FROZEN. CONCENTRATED, ORANGE, GRAPE. FRUIT PUNCH, LEMON LIME Honey Dew Drinks 12tinoz.89 FROZEN. BEEF. CHICKEN OR TURKEY Banquet Meat Pies FROZEN. FANCY McCain superfries BUY 3 -SAVE .86 3 8 oz pkgs1.99 SAVE pkg 1.§ 1.5 kg 9 MRS. SMITH. FROZEN, REGULAR APPLE OR SAVE .60 Apple Crumb Pie 2pkg z 1 . 99 WHOLE PLAIN, WITH GARLIC OR POLSKI OGORKISAVE .50 Bick's Dill Pickles ljare 1.99 • BLACK FLAG, HOUSE& GARDEN -ROACH HOTEL 2'S-3.19 spray 5 09 400 g . Insecticide SAVE 66 WELCH'S, FROZEN, CONCENTRATED Grape Juice Mott's Frozen A. 12tloz oz 11 9 le Juice 12.5 ox ,99 -SAVE .40 $UPER BUY CHEFMASTER, PARCHMENT WRAPPED Margarine 49 lbs for UP, YY;EANESDA , MAY1A1 AnniVerSa quilt honors birthday A special anniversary quilt, commemorating the Blyth Festival's 10th year, will be on display in the Memdrial Hall this summer. It is currently on view in the box office area. This beautiful work of art, depicting the various activities carried out under the umbrella of the Blyth Centre for the Arts, was made by The Collection Quitters: Susan Rankin, Sandra Lang, Jenny Iserman, Paula Dimeck, Bonnie McGinnis, Diane Lepp, and Jop Knechtel. These seven Grey and Bruce County women have been quilting together for the past eight years. An exhibition of their work will be on display in the Festival's Art Gallery this summer, from August 18 - September 15. In making the quilt, each quitter chose one of the many facets of the Blyth Centre for the Arts and designed a block to interpret that theme. The 11 different blocks represent: actors, technical crews, volunteers, the art gallery and the quitters themselves, children's workshops, choir, music, country suppers, Canadian plays, the local farming community, and the Memorial Hall. Different techniques have been employed, including applique, embroidery; batik, piecing, trapunto, and fabric crayon. The quilt, measuring 84 inches x 86 inches, was commissioned by the Festival's Board of- Directors, courtesy of a generous donation from Frank and Cenetta Bainton of Blyth. One of the blocks (a brightly coloured farm scene appliqueed by Diane Lepp) is being used for this year's poster, available from the box office for $9 (tax included). Series two of childbirth movie The second in a series of filmson childbirth will be presented at the Lucknow Library on Wednesday, May 23 at 8 p.m. by Parents For Positive Beginnings, a subcom- mittee of Women Today. The immediate goals of the group are: 1) to provide an increasing awareness of cur- rent birthing trends and alternatives available to parents today; and 2) to act as a resource and Support group for women. The group would like to stress that it does not ad- vocate any particular method of birthing, although at times may present controver- sial material in relation to current birthing practices. The .second film to be shown in the series is entitled, "Birth", a 1976 British Produc- tion. Ten women discuss their feelings about childbirth from expectations to birth. Sheila Kitzinger, noted British Childbirth Educator, and Dr. Frederick' LeBoyer, author of "Birth Without Violence", par- `ticipate in the discussion. The public is invited to attend, particular- ly prospective parents, and _ participate in the discussion following. For further infot- mation, call Debbie at 529-7291. Post Office employees' week Postal employees across Canada will. 'mark National Post 'Office Employees' Week, May 14 - 20, with a variety of events involving employees, their families, business customers and the general public. More than 170 post offices in the Huron Division, which includes all of southwestern Ontario, from the Niagara Peninsula to Windsor. and north to To'bermory, are ac- tively taking part in .about 300 separate events. Included are: open houses, recrea- tional activities, charity drives, lobby displays, ' and events for retirees and seniors. Post Office Employees' Week began three years ago 'in Quebec after several employees organized a series of upbeat ac- tivities designed to allow employees to show their families where they worked and to 'show the community at large that the post office is a friendly neighbourhood place with friendly, dedicated personnel. The 1981 event in Quebecproved so popular it was repeated in 1982 of id 1983 with equally impressive results. It was decided this year to go national. Huron Division co-ordinator Dorothy Jackson of London, speaking of the activity in' Huron, said "We've been stressing par- ticipation as our theme; participation by employees, their families, .our customers, and the opportunity to have some fun". 4-H learn tree planting A tree planting demonstration highlighted the 4-H Conservation Club meeting at the Wawanosh Conservation Area Tree Planta- tion on May 1. The demonstration was given by conservation representative, Debbie Perkins. She showed correct tree planting methods and members were then given a. • tour of the facilities. The business part of the 'meeting began with the election of executive members. They are as follows: president, Kendra Baillie; vice-president, Jason Vanderheyden; secretary, Audra Prescott; and press reporter, Adam Wellstead. Leaders are Ray Hanna, John Gnay, Eric Prescott and Ian Scott.. Kendra Baillie asked members what , should be the. name of the club. Members were asked to give their suggestions at the next meeting on June 11. It was agreed that meetings would be held every second Monday of each month at the Wawanosh Conservation Tree Plantation. After the meeting was adjourned, members were given white pines for their projects. n