HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-7-24, Page 8I NI E
A few Warm
Weather Barcrains
25c each for your choice of a lot of 75 Shirt Waists, Black
Muslim, black and. white Percales, fancy Organdies,
;Riley Muslins, fancyDimities, in fact every fancy and
colored Shirt Waist in the Big Store is on this bar-
gain counter. Worth in the regular way 75c to $1.85.
Come quick and take your choice for 25c.
8S,c the yard for your choice of a big lot of Muslins,
Dimities, Percalines and Organdies. Just a clean up
of our whole stock. Goods in this lot worth up to
25e, Now is your chance, your choice for 80.
20e. each for Women's Union Natural Wool Health
Under Vests, just as thin and cool as cotton, and so
much better for general health. The kind that die
doctors recommend, only 20c.
Do you want a Trunk, a Valise or a Telescope. We have a
full stock and values we are sure that
will please you.
Miss Clara, Vosper is spending her
For Marriage Lcenses 1 holidays with friends in Marquette,
Wealcitirsig Rfrgs, 1 Mich
Watches, Clocks,
Spectacles Etc
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
Sovereign Bank
of Canada.
Capital Authorized . $2,000,000.00
Capital Subscribed.. .....$1,300,000.00
A General EtuAring busMess transacted; sums of
01.14 and upwards received on deposits. Highest
sates of interest allowed; collections made ane notes
-discounted at reasonable rates.
Special attention given to farmers'
sale notes,
-Drafts available in all parts of the
world bought and sold.
• Solicitor. Manager.
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual
advestisements accepted up to noon
Wednesday of each week.
Rozelle is ill with typhoid
John 41ilt dle left Tuesday morning
,for the So .
The TIMES office is the place to get
your job printing.
Miss Horne, who has been seriousl y
indisposed continues to improve.
tePowder. Sold by 0. Lutz, Exeter,
Absolutely pure and healthy baking
Mr. Richard Creedal of Oriel, is
honae for the holidays,
Mr. J. G. Stanbury was in Goderich,
Saturday last, on legal business
Mr, T. G. Raritan spent Sunday at
the home of his parents in Shipka,
Children Cry Tor
461.01SMON• eek
Mr. F. L. Collins, of Columbia, Ohio,
is a guest of his aunt, Mrs. F. W.
Miss Brandon, of Wingham, is the
guest of the Misses Bissett, William
IT Dix Little Liver Pills are pleasant
ainless and effectual. Sold. by C.
Lutz, Exeter.
Rev. W. M. Martin took the services
in Parkhill Presbyterian church, on
Sunday last.
Mrs. .T. J. White, of Detroit, and
little daughter are the guest of Mrs.
John White, this week.
Missed Louise Tbny and Onie Ball,
of Brantford, are the guests of Miss
Eyelyn Carling.
Rev. Mr. Alyward, of Parkhill,
preached at both services in °even
Presbyterian church, en Sunday last.
Mrs. Brewer andaaiece, Miss Della
Hill, have returned from a visit with
friends in different points in Michi-
Mr, and Mrs. Campbell and child,
of Hamilton, are visiting Mrs.
Canabpell's father, Mr. Wm. Balk -
Miss B. Robinson, wile has had a
situation as milliner in Blyth, the
past year has returned home for the
Miss Mabel Brooks is taking a
month's holidays and her place in the
Post Office store is being filled by Miss
M. Spicer.
Mr. W. T. Hawkshaw, Mrs. Hawk-
shaw and little daughter, Myrta, are
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jahn
Hawks haw.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Snell and
child, of 693 Ontariostreet, Teronto,
have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas;
Snell, the past week.
Miss Stancombe, who has been in at-
tendance at the Normal school, Toron-
to, is at present visiting her father,
Mr. James Stanconabe.
Mr. and Mrs. George 6outhoott, of
Toronto, who are enjoying their
summer cottage at Grand Bend, were
guests of frieaade in town on Friday.
Miss Stewart, milliner at Blyth, who
has been the guest of her friend, Miss
B. Robinson for the past few days
returned to her home in 'Walkertoa,
on Wednesday.
Mr. Thos. Dodd, of Emo, Rainy
River district, who spent a .few days
here last week, the guest of his aunt,
Mrs. Phillip Lang, left on Friday for
Mt. Forest, accompanied by his
cousin, Miss Bena, Dodd.
CROSE & BIACKWELLS' Chow Chow and mixed pickles,
patent tops at 35c per bottle.
HEATON,S English Mixed pickles and Chow Chow, patent
stoppers, 20C and 25c per bottle.
WILLIAM'S Compound Prepared Mustard ground and pre-
pared from the 041/St quality ilcf herbs and spices at
io cents per bottle.
WILLIAM'Ssrancy Mixed Pearl Onions, ',,Waldorf Chow
Chow, English Spiced, 14.tent tops at 25 cents.
WILLIAS'S Sweet 1VIixecl English Spiced and pearl
Onions at Is cents:
CREST BRAND Tomato Ketchup, Extra fine, absolutely
pure and contains no salicylic acid or artificial coloring
and is guaranteed to comply with the pure food laws
only 13c, per bottle,
CANADA PICKLING CO'S. *Diamond Brand Mixed Pickl-
cs—best Canadian Brand 2 bottles for 25 cents.
Pt-a:pared Meat:—Lunch Beef, Spring Chicken, Tarkey, Duck.
—Yuman ttaddie, Pork and Beata Kippered Herring, Herring in /o-
rctxt.,) Sauce, Cottage Veal and ham loaf, Salmon, Herrings, and
uy our Fancy Biseuits and Ingersoll Cheese. Post Officel31ock,
MISe Via White is home from De-
troit for a. vacation,
Bert /less, of London, WAS a visitor
in town on Wednesday,
Miss Trehle,dressmaker, has been Ott
the sick list for the past Week.
Bev. Dr. Hannon returned 'from
Toronto on Monday evening.
Nr. and Mrs. NormariPhair, of Port
Huron, are visiting friends in town,
Miss Della Crocker, of St, Marys, Is
visiting her cousins, the Misses Johns.
Czar Rollins. of Effingham, Ill., is
visiting a short time at his home
Mrs. Will Ross, of Clinton, is spend -
this week at the home of Mr, and
Mrs, D, A. Ross.
Mrs. R. N. Rowe and daughters,
Miss Vera and Rota, are visiting
friends in Brantford.
Charlie Pickel, who has been at
Gralad Rapids, Mich., the past few
months, returned home.
A cross -petition has been filed in'
South Huron against Niurdo Y. Mc-
Lean, the Liberal candidate.
11/r. Robertson, of Chicago, spent
Monday the guest of his uncle and.
aunt r. and Mrs. Jas. Willis.
AV s Mildred Stewart, of Brockville,
is t e guest of her cousin, Miss Lilly
.Aa eson, at the Central hotel.
ix Kidney Pills are the best in the
arket, and double the number for the
e money, Sold by 9, Lutz,Exeter.
Percy Browning and A. Bowden,
left on Tuesday for the Old Country
in charge of cattle for Mr. M. Gardi-
Messrs. Ed. Hooper and Fred Sweet
left on Wednesday afternoon for the
Old Country in charge of cattle for D.
IMiss Annie Seldon and Master
Arthur &Mon, of Ingersoll, are iisit-
ing their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs.
, Geo. Sarawell.
Miss Myrtle and Millie Brownlee re-
turned to their home in Lucan after
a pleasant visit with their aunt, Mrs.
D. Wood, of Exeter.
The James-st. Methodist Sunday
School intend having their picnic at
the Grand Bend on Wednesday,
August the 6th.
Miss Nellie Ramsay and Mrs. Hagen
arrived on Monday from Sowerby,
Ont., are visiting their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Tames Ramsay. .
The Steamer Winnifredian, with
Col. Evans and the Canadian conting-
ent aboard, entered. Halifax harbor at
3 o'clock on Tuesday morning.
There were only 18 failures in the
whole Dominion last week, of which
Ontario contributed two. For the
same week last year there were 32 in
Rev. Mr. Knowles, of Crediton,
preached in James st. Methodist
church last Sunday morning, and
Rev. Mr. Cooper, of Elinaville, in the
Mrs. Geo, Willis is spending a short
tittle with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
T. H. M.cOallum, at their summer cot-
tage, Grand Bend, and will be at home
to her friends in her new home on Car-
ling st. after September lst. .
Messrs. Brooks and Ea,crett, who
left last week for the Old Country,
have consented to centribute to our
columns froni week to week a brief
account of their trip throughout.
The first letter appears in this issue.
We would be pleased to hear more
regularly from some of our corres-
pondents. We have a good corps of
correspondents, and a few of them
seldom fail in sending us their weekly
Exeter and. Ailsa Craig baseball
teams played an interesting game of
ball on the Recreation grounds here
on Thursday evening last. The .Ailsa
Craig boys winning by a score of 5 to 14
14 with am innings to spare. A. large
crowd turned out; to see the game.
Sir Oliver Mowat celebrated his
eighty-second birthday on Tuesday,
he haying been born on July 22, 1820,
at Kingston, Ont, Thousands of Can-
adians at home and abroad will on
gratulate Sir Oliver Mowat dthe
easy grace with which he holds his
many honors and weight of years. a f
Wateli for the bogus bills in =ell a -
tion on the State Bank of "New
Brunswick, New Jersey, They are
of many values, ones and fives being
the principal ones in circulation.
The bills may be easily taken, for the
bill reads New Brunswick, N. J.
and people in a hurry ni:ght take the
initials fcr N. B., New .a..unswick.
ighe prevalence oi rain this week
raay have an untoward effect upon
the hay crop, . Many farraerehave
cut all their hay, and a few have it
safely stored away in their barns.
But the majority have not yet hauled
it in, and for these the intermittent
heavy showers are proving disastrous.
Such of the hay as still remains uncut
will not be very much affected by the
OnTuesday. last Messrs. W. Coats,
Clinton ; H. Huston, Exeter; and D.
E. Monroe, Auburn, met at the Court
House,Goderich, to arbitrate concern-
ing union school section No: 11, Wa-
wanosh and Colborne. Only the ad-
dition of three lots were in dispute;
Mr. Ruston acted as chairman, and
after hearing the evidence of a num-
ber of interested parties, the arbitra-
tors added the three lots in question
to the section,
The best way to build up a town, is
to stand by eveay man in town. All
residents should be partners not op-
ponents. In all livelihood the more
business your rival does the more you
will do. Every business man, who
treats his customers honestlY, cour-
thously and fairly will get his share,
and the more business that can be
secured by united effort, the better it
will be for all. When a town ceases
to grow it begins to die, and the more
people try to kill each other in their
business the more readily will utter
rain come to all, Stand togethet for
the advancement of every citieen,
If a man shows ability to prosper do
not pull him back through jealousy or
weigh him down through cold in.
difference, Let every citizen put his
shoulder to the wheel for the general
a,dyancenient of the town.
for man or beast. Relieves Pain1 reduce0
allays inflammation, cures outs,
burns brutes% sprains, Stiff jointe, bites of in-
eeete/rhettmatIstn. etc. A largo bottle for 60
tic 1.. P16kar1 Go.
casollato 13aroaiils in
Hot Weather Requirements
to only men s all wool light weight, striped, blue and white
Simmer Suits tna'de up in correct style, a big selling
line, regular Suits,
for .... $7.50
25 Boys' Colored 131ouses, regular prices ranged from. 35c to
5oc. Your choice while they last for 25c
200 yards American Foulards in all good colorings, warranted ,
perfectly fast, worth 20C. . . • . • ... . . . . .. . . • • • 2c.
25 Ladies' Parasols, good full size, a good bargain .... 50c.
300 pairs Ladies' regular 20C., warranted perfectly fast black
Cotton Hose • .. •
25 Boys' Bathing Suits, . .special at 15c,
rocer Specials
3 cans Clark's Pork and Beans in Chili Sauce ......
3 pounds fresh Sweet Biscuits .... , ...„.
2 cans best Red Salmon .... ;
5 cans best Sweet Corn 4464116 • .
25 pounds Redpaths Extra Standard Granulated Sugar
6 pounds Tapioca . •
Regular 35c. Black, Green or Mixed Tea ....
Rain ats
Men's Regular $4..00 Rain Coats for
Ladies' regular $7.75 Rain Coats for.
....for 25c.
. . . . for 25c.
....for 25c.
.... • •$1•00
• •for 25c
....for 25c'
• • • • • . • • $2.75
Vests at 5c, 7c, ioc, I2C, 20C,- 25c and • • • • . • • •38C
Highest prices for all kinds of Farm Produce
• at all times,
Our Exeter store will close at 6.30 p. m. Wednesday and Saturday
evenings excepted.
The R. Pickar
Direct Importers
cure Anaemia, Nervousness, Sleeplessness,
Weakness, Palpitation, Throbbing, Paint
Spells, Dizziness, or any condition arising
from Lnpoverished blood, Disordered Nerves
• ":.t
or Weak Heart.
We are pleased to leithat-,Tolin
McDonell, of Hensall, who has been
for some weeks in Clinton hospital,
having undergone an operation, has
sufficiently recovered and is able to
take a trip to London where he will
• visit friends for a short time to recu-
perate his health,
The beavers are now champions of
this district of the 0. L. A. series,
their victory over St. Marys on Wed-
nesday last securing for them this
position. The Beavers clinched the
game early by scoring four goals in
the first quarter. In the next quarter
St. Mary's got three. In the re-
mainder of the game six more goals
were Reared, the home buys getting
'four of them and the visitors two,
giving a victory for the Beavers by
eight goals to five. If anything the
visitors were in better shape than
the Beavers, but they lacked the com-
bination and scoring abilities of the
rieaforth boys, and it is this that tells
in a game. The game throughout was
most interesting. This puts the
Beavers in the semi-finals, the sched-
ule for which hab not yet been arrang-
ed.—'Huron Expositor. a ta=1 ROTA Z1B
Word has been received from Mr.
John Farmer, who, with his son, Roy,
left last week for an extended. trip
west, that the train on which they
were speeding along was called. to a
halt, the reason being irba,t a hort
distance ahead, a bridge 150 feet long
of wooden structure which spans a
deep ravine was on fire. The train
was signalled at a place near Chap -
lean about two miles from the burn.
ing bridge, and there the passengers
spent some days at the expenee of the
0. P. R. having as good time as pos.
sible whiling away the hours in that
lonely spot. The principal incon-
venience was the scarcity of sufficient
covering, the nights being some-
what cool. The other passengers on
the train from this district were Mas.
Jas, Monteith, of Thames Road, who
was going to Montana, Mts. W.
Moodie, of Usborne, for Douglas,
Man. ; Mr. J. Kellerman and family,
of Dashwood ; Mrs. James Handford,
son and daughter, of Centralia. The
passengers were able to resume their
journey after A train had been sent
from Winnipeg, a, distance of 700
miles, Mr. Thos Handford, who left
last week with a car load of horses
has also been delayed.
Judging bythe cohtinued downpour
it MINA certainly have rained on July
15 -St. Swithin's Day. St. Swithin was
an excellent Saint, and the legend With
regard to him relates that he insisted
that efter his death he should be
buried, not in the chancel of the
church in which he had ministered,
but in the churchyard, His preference
was observed, and he rentained in the
churchyard for many years. But ad,
mirers Of a later date thinking co do
hiin honor, proposed' to transfer him
to the interior of the chureh. Then the
rain commenced, and it was foniad im.
possible to carry out the enterprise.
At the end of 40 days it was recogniz-
ed that St. Swithin was unfavorabre
to the project. The attempt was
therefore abandoned, and the sun re-
appeared. As a consequence of this
incident it is understood that if it
should rain on St. Swithin's Day it
will rain on and off for 40 days On
the other hand should St. Swithin's
Day be line, there will be 40 days ot
dry weather. It is not possible to
guarantee that the story is a true one,
but if it is true, it must be said that
kSt. Swithin Is continuing Ins campaign
against the transference of his remains
long after there is any necessity for
so doing. ,
NOTICE. —Mies Armstrong wishes to
announce to her customers that she
will close her diessma.king rooms over
R. Knight's tailoring establishment
for the month of August and will re-
open on or about the lst of September,
tAe_pai......_.„..4=prentices wantoed. t13411_ytstialr....e!fhi:
lowing officers of the Exeter Lodge,
No. 67., I. 0. 0. P. were installed by
E. S. Speakman, P. G., G. H. P., on
Tuesday evening, June 22nd., 1902.
A most successful term has ensiled
from the efforts of the officers, during
the past year. Many citizens having
taken advantage of the benefits &v -
ed socially and monetarily from this
order. R. H. Sweet, 3. P. G.; J. G.
Stanbury, N. G.-; Rd. Davis, V. G. ; A.
E. Puke, P. G., P. Secy.; Wa H.
• Trott, P. G„ Treasurer ; S. A. Ptiple-
stone, P. G., R. S.; A, Hastings, P.
G., Con. '• E. Dignan, War. ; J. Atkin-
son, P. G„ I. G.•• J. Hind, R. S. N. G,;
B. Makins L. S. N. G,; B. -Knight,
R. S. V. G. ; H. Ellworthy, L S. 11.
G. ; T. Prior, R. S. S. ; G. Heamen,
L. S. S. ; R. N. Rowe, P, G. 'Thal)
Danecarr—BA.ICEn. — One of those
happy events, which make two hearts
beat as one, occurred at the residence
of Mr. Percy Baker, Moose J aw, Assa.,
on Tuesday, July 8th., when His sister,
Evie L„ was united in the holy bonds
of matrimony to Mr. J. 0, Duncan, of
Whitewood. The bride looked
charming in a beautiful gown of white
Batiste trimmed with Valencienes
and white taffeta ribbon. The brides-
maid, Miss Targett, wore a pretty
dress of white organdie. The groom
was supported by Dr. McGavin, of
Winnipeg. The happy couple left for
Calgary, Alta,, the following evening.
Atter they return from their trip west
they purpose residing at Whitwood,
Assa. The bride received many
beautiful aud costly presents, showing
the high esteem in which she is held,
The happy couple have many friends
in this locality with Whoin the TIMES
joins in best wishes-.
. • - 41
FOR 0 V.FlR SIT inAns
AN OLIO AND WELt-Txtran Itituanv.--Mr
Winalow's Soothing Syrup has been used for
over fifty years by inilllons of mothers for their
children while teethin,g, With perfect) succeSe.
It goothee the child, softens the gums, allays al
pain, cures vvind,collo. and la the best remedy
for Diarrhrea. It is pleaeant to the taste. Sold
by druggists in every part of the 4urorld. 25
cents a -bottle. Ite valno le inealcUlable, Be
Mire and take Mrs WinslOWS Seething
sYrup and ask for no other kind.
0••••••0111.11111.111•11*111111141161,1 1.30Y11.4110011.1
A sic DIVE IN MUSL1143
Muslins that were 12e No and 200 to ()let& at 50.
Ox blood and other colored Linens for children's suitts.
and ladies' wear.
White goods in Organdies, Dimities, Persian Lawns &a.
Linen Batistie, double width, 48 in. wide, only 39c.
For Whitewear and Fashionable Waists ladies will find
the selection very desirable, while the garments themselves
are admitted to be extremely eomfortably. Call at once and
get the pick as they will go fast now as the days are hot.
If -lightest Priloes for
C 1•••••=e1.121.1•31...11.1
-14170,. .15,t14.014:trU
Now is the time to beautify your homes by selecting
some of our handsome furniture, Do you want
A nice bedroom sett for. .. . ... M8AO 00
Sideboard.. .. .. . „,.. ....
Nice Cool Sweet mattresses 3,00
Bed springs 2.00
Couches and easy chairs at easy prices, Curtain poles
and Trimmings.
We have several setts of BEAUTIFUL CHAIRS, jus in.
CrIVe Us A Call, and if we have not got what you
want we will soon get it for you.
Fur iture and Undertaking P�� ms
Spend your Holidays -at the
011egN i0IIELCe 110101
Ballriold, Ontario. .
a This hotel was lately purchased by
the undersigned and has been fitteci up
with every modern convenience of a
Summer Resort Hotel. Ice Cream
parlors in connection.
Good Accommodation for the
Travelling Public.
Bayfield is situated at the mouth of
the Bayfield River on Lake Huron,
Excellent Fishing, Boating and Bath-
ing. etc. The beach is like pavement,
making bathing safe for the smallest
child. For rates and fruther particu-
lars write or apply to
Bayfield, Ont. Canada.
Ton will find here at all
tlines the greatest bargains in
furniture. The lowest prices
and best efforts to please. -
Undertaking a Sircialty.
------GO TO TIM—
For Pure Manitoba
Family Flour (Star)
ty (1?rinces;i
A good supply of Mill Feed
.and Chop always.
on hand -
Give our Flour and Feed a Trial
ahd be convinced that it
is all right.
Roller and Plate Choppers in use
to suit customers.
fifiRV 171313 R08,
4a A course of training in the •
enables young men and women to so -
cure employment at good wages im-
mediately on leaving college. This is
9 the school that enjoys the reputation of
e doing the best worn in business educa-
9 tion. The graduates of the school are
,9 in strong demand. as teachers in business
9 colleges in Oanana and the United Stat-
e es. This is the school for you and your
fa friends. Write for catalogue.
f.R-educed.,to FIFTY;
. .
K. !I oman, s
' M
-- agazme
.. .. .
1.,His, is thacheapest' and besf
*ma, f,'4,5111OIX litt,..d.gazioe ntaa be..;
&rd. tli6•Ameridan vatbItc. Its/Iowa.
in. Epa ID ioada.:qa in Conking, la
' Waniaats• Nket:Mnd in Reading; ,
,beaebtfulty illuffiatied. in colors ana,
:-.iii Week b,nd ..igrhite. Above all, it,
' sho.ws file airy faaltiena,biealsia laza;
S'IYI,ES) madh from New IDEA
Teeris, Which cost billy laa, auk, r
Send , Five, Cents To -day 14
for a single COPY 0010 Nna, balk vicnetioes,
Kw/aura,' and see lila vsnat vaAtko
for the money 'it can OM you. 0 0 rri
ZHE 17tw IDA pinizIsaitsti co.,
6'36 Btoadway,lAew 't °rich N• la, -
Mvehtlon is
(middy ascortalr our °pin :Afar: : :heathilei: san
Patents tal.en through Munn 85 Co. reeetve
nrol IthalsYkpeatetebCtia°tnaPbdViaD::81°C:011141:Tt:SI:Stlia.inmiCena.r.
Anyone sending
00110 strictly con/dentin!. Ilandboolt on Patents
sent 'free. Oldest agency for seeming patents. ,
special notice, Witbout emir 6, in the.),
SCiettliffie merlon,
yolklattaratrilodrosourtflynitlIbu:t8r1a,tesclovrwebolydzya; nIe/isvragdeesati :ton':
MUNN 81130o,
any seientine Journal. Terms, 88 a
Branch 0 ce. 625 IP Si.. We ti D
shinNgetyr, 11,91k