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Clinton News-Record, 1984-05-16, Page 17
IF0R SALE o 1. Articles for sale YOU CAN GET your out -of -Canada Medical In- surance at C.A.A. Travel Agency, 7 Rattenbury , St., Clinton. Phone 482-9300.-44tfar WOMEN'S COATS Bainton's dark brown suede jacket with belt, size 12; Bainton's medium brown suede jacket with belt size 12/13, asking $50. each or best offer; Bainton's brown 3/4 length suedecoat, size 12, best offer. These are aliln excellent condition. Phone 482-3514 after 5 p.m. -51 tfnx SWIMMING POOLS - Leading manufacturer with a limited number of last year's model is having a clearance sale. Package includes motor, pump, sand filter, skimmer, liner, 'fence and deck. Regularly priced at $2495, reduced to $1295. Call anytime 1-519-623-0251.-15-20 SECOND HAND convenient washer/spinner. Make: Simplicity. Call 482-7137 after 6 p.m. -19,20x TREES, evergreens, flowering shrubs, roses, perennials, fruit trees and small fruit. Bakers Nursery, R.R. 2 Bayfield 482.9995.-19-22ar MANUFACTURER'S Clearance, all inground and above ground POOL KITS are being sold at manufacturer's prices. Excellent savings on all pools. Call while supplies last (519)753- 1460.-20o USED STORE Metal and Glass Island and wall shelving. Showcases, counters, steel adjustable shelving, pallet racking, fluorescent lights, pegboards, hooks, cash registers. Lovers New and Used, 254 Adelaide South, London (519)681- 2254. • Monday - Friday 9-5. ,Saturday 9- 12.-20,210 HUMANE LIVE TRAPS, 'cedar fence posts, stove wood and cedar kindling. Phone 482- 3842,-18,20 SIMCOE western saddle; 60 egg incubator. Phone 565-5278.-20,21 LAST GALL! Northern Spy apples from our cold storage. This week only. Contact Boyd Taylor 523-9279.-20- 1975 KAWASAKI 500 triple, backrest and wind- shield, runs good, $800.O0,Phone 482-7562.--20 ASPARAGUS, tomatoes, new potatoes, large English cucumbers, 75 cents each, lettuce, spanish onions, Ontario peanuts. Evans Farm Market, 2 miles north of Bayfield 482- 7562.-20ar POTATOES - seed and fabler grown from founda- tion stock last year; Dutch set onions; . cooking onions.. 48213509 or 482-7578,-2G YOUNG OVEN READY ROASTERS Average weight 8-10 lbs, Phone 482-7224 MAY 1984 SHOW AND SALE OF 100 SUITES OF FURNITURE New Pianos and Hammond Organs -Delivery in Western Ontario THE CLINTON NEWS - RECORD - THE BLYTH STANDARD - THE BAYEIELD BUGLE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads Tuesday Noon Display Advertising Tusiduy'4:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Articles 1or sole 2 Yard sale ? Geroge sale 4 Antiques for sale 5 Cars for sale 6 trucks for sole 7 R V s tot sole 8 Monne 9 Ausomonve 10 Pets for sole 12 Real •slate for sale 13 Mobile homes 14 Recreational propert.as 15 Out of Lown propenyl 16 For rent 17 Apartments for rent 18 Houses for real 19 Rooms lot rent 20 Room i board 21 .Cottages for rent 22 Lots for rent 23 Cammeruol property for rent 24 Wonted to rant 25 Wonted to buy 26 Help wonted 27 Wonted (generol) 28 Business opportunity 29 Tenders 30 Employment wonted 31 Service directory 34 Personal 35 Notice to creditors 36 Announcements 37 Mortgages 38 _Auction sole 39 Educational 40 Lost& Found 41 To gwe away 42 Death nonce 43 Births 44 Engagements e5 Morr,ages 46 In memoriam 47 Cords of thanks SOC DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT WHEN PLACING AD OR IF PAID WITHIN ONE WEEK AFTER THE PAPER DATE. PHONE 482-3443 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 11:11e ©.m. to 5 p.m. • O C1.1 1. Articles for sale WHITE 30" GE range, $75.00; Gendron stroller, $25.00. Both good condition. Kodak "EK6" Instant camera, case and electronic flash included, $50.00. ''Portapottie". toilet for trailer, $45.00. Beth like new; Phone 482-9757.-20x WOOD FOR SALE MIXED HARDWOOD- Blocks,or spilt. Any quantity: Will deliver. 482-9250 Are you tired of your shabby: looking and drafty old -windows? REPLACE THEM with Alcan's energy-saving and easy to clean Tilt -Action Windows. We also Install Alcan Aluminum Siding & Doors and we do ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS at a very competitive price. RAY LAMBERS CLINTON 482-3305 OLOt ARIENS Mowers and Tractors HONDA Power Equipment Sales and Service at STEVE ARGYLE LAWN AND GARDEN EQP'T (1970) Bayfield 565-2800 POULAN CHAINSAW model 2000 with 14" cutter bar and Weed Eater line trimmer attachment, 22550.00 complete LINE TRIMMER attachment sold separately and will attach to some other make of lightweight chainsaw, s59.95. Complete Parts and Service for Poulan Chainsaws. Call: Robert Glen Saws CLINTON 482-9292 GOVERNMENT SURPLUS DEALER GODERICH Office desks; office chairs; office tables; card filing cabinets; 12 inch contractor's table saws; 14 inch table model band saws - 14 inch floor model bandrsaws (both with motors); metal cutting band saws; 1 ton chain blocks; compressors; 1/2 h.p. & 1 h.p. twin cylinders; bench vises; 4 Inch, 5 inch, 6 Inch also, drill press vises; 16 speed drill presses; heavy duty HS drill bits; bench & floor models 6 inch jointers with 1 motors; floor jacks, 4400 lbs. lift; full line of tools & gear pullers - all guaranteed; axes; sledges; axe handles; shovel handles; double end grinder - '/s & 3/4 h.p. - CSA approved; 1 fridge; 1 electric stove; wood lathes, also pattern lathe; chisel sets; stuekjng chairs - with or without arms. Lots of other items No cheaper place to buy N. HAMILTON 27 PICTON ST. E., GODERICH 524-8602 1. Articles for sole 11 h.p. 36 in, cut lawn tractor with cutting deck, has less than 20 hrs. use. Phone 482-9223.-20 GIRLS 26" standard bicycle, best offer. Phone 482-9628.-20 SIZE 14 Husky boy's jeans and shorts; boy's assorted sizes Q;18 T-shirts, shirts and sweaters: young man's 3 -piece light brown pin -stripe suit size 38. Phone 482-7324,-20 NEWEST MODELS of Sharp Microwave Ovens at Best Prices. Contact Bowes Electronic Shop, Hamilton St., Blyth 523-4412.--20-22 BLACK LEATHER motorcycle jacket, new condi- tion, medium size $85. Phone 523-9248.-20 1981 HONDA CB -400T, like new, only 6700 km. Call 482-7604.-20x PROPANE space heater, like new condition, best offer. Phone 482-3224 after 6 p.m. -20,21 WEEKLY SPECIALS! see our ad in "FOCUS" Clin-' ton Boxed Meats just off Hwy. 4 north of Clinton. 11/4 mile south of Londesboro, watch for our sign. Call collect 523-9508.-42tfar CANADA NO. 1 lawn seed. Call Huron Landscap- ing at Lucknow 529-7247,-16-25 ORNAMENTAL trees and shrubs, complete land- scaping. Call Huron Landscaping, Lucknow, 529- 7247.-16-25 STEEL BUILDINGS. Buy factory direct prices at lowesi ever due to inventory clearance. Act now and save many dollars. Call our tollfree line 1• 800-461-7689,-19.22o PIANO SERVICE from Village Piano Shop, Elmira. We buy and sell pianos. Pianos refinished, recon- ditioned in your home, special rate. Uprights, refinished, starting at.5995. Apr. Size starting, at ' $1400. delivered. We accept trade ins. (519)669- 2280 0r(519)669-2198.- 19,20 INGLIS STERLING portable dishwasher; new con- dition, used 1/7 doz. times, Model LD26001, 8 cy- cle, 2 speed, full size wood cutting -board top,•up- per and lower sprayers. Sacrifice at $475. Phone 565-28.38.-20,21 10 SPEED bicycle, needs handlebar stem. $20.00, upright Westinghouse freezer, $100.00; 8 band radio, $50.00; portable•typewriter, $35.00. Phone, 482-3923.- 20 BOYS 3 piece suit, size 12, $30.00; boys soccer shoes, size 4, $8.00. Phone 482-3178 after. 6: p.m. -20 C & E FURNITURE NEW AND USED - WE CAN OFFER BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SA VES MONEY! 1/2 mile south on Hwy. 21 GODERICH 524-7231 We even Take Trades Screened Top -Soil ' FOR LAWNS, GARDENS FLOWERBEDS, DELIVERED AS THE WEATHER PERMITS AI,SO GRAVEL & CRUSHED STONE. Lyle Montgoaery PHONE 482-7644 EVENINGS OPEN VICTORIA DAY MONDAY, MAY 21 9 am -6 pm We have a Good Variety of 30"-36" TALL SHRUBS Special! 50 • each TILL MONDAY, MAY 21 OR WHILE THEY LAST We also have a good selection of SPREADING SHRUBS SALE STARTS FRIDAY, MAY 18 AT 8:30 AM TILL MONDAY, MAY 21 NOW OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS TILL 9 PM VERB.EEK'S FARM & GARDEN CENTRE 22 Isaac St., Clinton 482.9333 5. Cars for sale BEAUTIFUL M.G.-T,D. sportscor convertible replicar. Maroon red with black interior. All op- tions included. Worth $16,000 plus but will sacrifice for best offer. 524-4770, after 2,00 p.m. -19,20,21x 5. Cars for sale 1976 MAZDA 808, recently installed '79 engine and new. olterndtor, 35,000 miles. Runs and looks like new, asking $1,600 os is or best offer. Call 482-9502 before 5 p. m.-l4tf 1981 CHEVROLET MALIBU, in excellent condition, certified. Phone 482-7911 after 5 p.m. -20 1979 PLYMOUTH Arrow GS, low mileage, Ziebort protection. Asking $2300.00. Phone 524- 2782. -20-22 1983 CELEBRITY CL, V6, air, power windows, locks, AM/FM stereo, cruise, tilt wheel and much more. 510,500. Phone 565-2542.-20 84 POLICE CARS TRUCK, STATION WAGONS VANS & 4X4's - 23 1980-82 Chevs, Malibu's, Fords & Plymouths 5 1979-82 Ford Fairmonts 6 cyis. 8 1978.79 Station wagons 4 1978-79 Vans & Suburbans 5 1977-79 4 x 4 Pickups & Ramchargers 8 1977-80 '/2 & 3/4 ton Pickups. Some short boxes. 7 1976-80 Club & Crew cabs 10 1976-78 1 to 4 ton trucks 1 1976 Chev 1 ton 440 Holmes Wrecker 1 3500 Ford Industrial Tractor with loader 1 3 axle tag along trailer 10 Van and Utility Bodies & Caps 1 Webster Mobile air compressor MIGHTON'S CAR SALES 4 Mi. W. of DURHAM on No..4 Hwy. Ph. 1-369-3136 6. Trucks for sale 1.0. Pets for sale 1972 GMC pickup, good mechanical shape, FOR SALE; Purebred Beagle puppies 7 weeks old $1000.00 or best offer. Phone 482-3009.-20x $40° Call after 4 p.m. 482-7220.-20 7. R.V.'s for sole PROWLER, Golden Falcon, Boler Travel Trailers. Lionel Hardtops. Truck campers and caps. New and used. Sales, repairs, rentals, Comp -Out, Hwy. 8W Stratford. 393-5938.-17.30 FOR SALE - 23 ft. Golden Falcon troilefr. Phone 482-7663 after 5 p.m. -20 12. Real estate for sale ROYAL 1112 TRUST JUST $16,000 will buy a cosy one bedroom single floor house, located only 2'/2 blocks from downtown Sea - forth. Ideal starter or retirement home. COUNTRY ESTATE: An elegant, two storey red brick home situated on 3+ acres of land near Londesboro. This 3 bedroom home features natural finish woodwork, slate roof, many extras. $58,900. RED BRICK SCHOOL HOUSE convert- ed into a luxury hide -a -way. Three bedroom home rests on a spacious, landscaped country lot just one mile off highway 8. ° COUNTRY HOME: 11/2 storey three bedroom, brick home near Winthrop.,, New kitchen. Just '/4 mile off pavement. 529,900. For all your real estate needs call LARRY DILLON OFFICE: 527-0677 HOME: 482-7151 90 Main St. Seaforth A. For. Sale BALED oat straw and large bales of hay for sole. Phone 523-9339. 19,20 7600 WHITE COMBINE for sale, good condition, spike and a rasp bar 'cylinder. Phone 565- 2948.'-- 19,20 12 ACRES of Red Clover for hay. Varna area. Phone 262.2426 20,21x ' MIXED hay for sale, 65 cents perbale. Phone 526- 7716. 20,21x. RELCO stable cleaner; 40 ft. elevator; 350 ft. of new 12 in. chain. Phone 565.2948..-_20 WE SELL and Service Shur Shock fencers and ac- cessories, Bowes Electronic Shop, Hamilton •St'., • Blyth. 523-4412. 20-25 FOR SALE - 80 acres of Alfalfa hay in the Auburn area. Phone 262-5365.---20 Henson Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 12:30 P.M. All classes of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Clinton - 482-7511 Barry Miller Exeter - 235-2717 Klrkton - 229-6205_ Gregory Hargreaves 262.2619 ® rites C. Wanted WANTED TO RENT - Cash crop land. Phone Kip - pen Ross McBeth 262.6018 or Brian Triebner 262- 6068. 17-22x • OLD BRICK BUILDINGS wanted for wrecking and salvage purposes. Contact R- Lumley Demolition Inc. and or The Cadillac Brick Co. of Canada Ltd., Ontario's largest supplier of reclaimed bricks. Sarnia 1.519542.8811 or Toronto 1.416-283- 2311. 10.22areow OIL D. Livestock TWELVE year old quarter horse more. Excellent brood mare and riding horse. Throws size and disposition. - Asking 52500.00. Phone 482- 9960.-- 14tfnx Attention Farmers WE PAY 120.00 TO 550.00 PER HUNDRED WEIGHT FOR OLD, RECENTLY INJURED OR CRIPPLED COWS AND STEERS. MUST BE ALIVE AND DRUG FREE. MARK LEIS & SONS LIVESTOCK TOLL FREE 1-100-205.4910 24 hrs. a day. 6 days a week. Serving this area since 1974. D. 'Livestock THIRTEEN year old quarter horse 'hare, excellent brood . mare. Throws quiet . disposition in her babies plus size, breeding is show tip. Already has a point producing baby. Asking $1800 firm. Phone 482-9960.-14tfnx • SIX HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, springing. John Haverkamp. 482.3361.-19,20 SIMMENTAL'- Herd Reduction Sale offers you op- portunity to increase calves weaning weights. Offering cows, bulls, heifers. Also 8 full blood cows on consignment. Friday, May 18, 7:00 p.m. at the farm of Keith Hazelwood, R.R. 5, Sunderland., (416)985.3640, 14 Con,. Scugog, East of #12 Hwy. 20 mi, north of Whitby, -20o POLLED HEREFORD Dispersal - For Jim Jamieson ,• Blackstock. Saturday May 26, 1 p.m. Cows and Calves - Open and bred females. Herd bull by Charme Norden, yearling bulls with added con- signments. Barrieview Soles Arena, Hwy 27 South, Barrie. Managers - Cyril G. Cook & Sons. R.R. 5, Barrie. (705)737-2747. (705)458- 9031.-20o PERFORMANCE TESTED Bull Sale Black and Red Angus and RX3, Harriston Test Station, 1 mile west of Harriston highway 87. May .12th and 13th. Contact Reidholm Farm (519)638-3551, Graham Red Angus (519)284.1233.--'19,200 • • PUREBRED and Full French Charolais bulls for sale. Avignon :breeding. Contact•t Fergus Kelly 345-2197 (Dublin). -19.23 A selection of over 200 SIMMENTAL cattle - On- • torio Simmental Weekend', fifth edition; May 25- 27„ 1984. May 25, Barrie, Ontario Sim'mental Classic Bull and Female Sale; May 26, 12 noon, Shelburne; JL Farms Simmental Production Sale; May 26, 5 p.m., Stayner, Double M Forms and S'andstreare Simmentals Joint Production Sale; May 27, 12 noon, Bradford, Kern Simmentals and guest consignors Production Sale. For catalogues and further information contact . the sale managers, Transcon-Charcan Livestock Services Ltd., 609-35 Avenue N.E., Calgary, Alberta, T2E 2L2. Telephone (403)276-9717.. 20o TWO block and white faced heifers, 750-800 lbs.; 3 white faced steers, 1' black, 2 red, 550.600Ibs.; will sell in lots. Phone 482-7134.-20nx THIRTY open holstein heifers for sole. Call Bob or Murray Cole 482.7453 or 482-9945.--20x E. Farm Services BERG Sales-Service-Instaliotion •Barn Cleaners •Bunk Feeders •Stabling *Manure Conveyors FREE ESTIMATES Donald G. Ives Nr 9Q24 R. . 2 BLYTH PARR ERt: Thinking about but ng a new barn or driveshed or fixing your existing buildings? OM tSTIMATIS RAY LANtII3ERS 4823305 CLiNtON 12. Real estate for sale WELL MAINTAINED two bedroom home on lot 132'x127' located 2 miles south of Clinton on Hwy. 4. Call Exeter 235-0322 after 5 p.m. -20x GOOD, solid, positive cash flow producing business and income property for sale in Clinton, asking $195,000. total price or will consider timberland in trade. Coll 482.3814 before 8 a.m. or evenings.-20ar OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1984 2,P.M. TO 5 P.Me HOLMESVILLE Watch for signs. Onliu21 iti( Fin ALL POINTS REALTY INC. Member Broker YKGKGKGKGKGKGKG 0 0 0 0 0G 0 0 he 0]I: 0 GK REALTY 8 INSURANCE INC. 14 Isaac St., Clinton 482-9747 482-3721 Also Goderlch, Exeter, Grand Bend. BILL COUNTER HAL HARTLEY BOB THOMAS 482-3687 482-3693 482-3096 t9 0 G Ot he t9 0 l0 • Ad: • •o f :"Alit a(:a'1 1• .a, 64 FRAME. 1'/, ,stony, 4 bedrooms, gunroom, central. Coll Hal or Rill.. BRICK, 13/4 storey, 3 bedrooms; large centrally located lot. Call Bob. BRICK, 2 Storey, 3 bedrooms, 2 sunrooms, fireplace, near schools. central. Call 8111.' WE LIST AND SELL Residential, commercial, agricultural, recreationai and X001011011 property. MEMBER HURON REAL ESTATE BOARD (Multiple Listing Service) 0 KGKGlfGKGKGI( GI A G. 0 he 0 a 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 14A. Vacations VACATION on beautiful Lake Kopikog. Housekeeping cottages and rooms. Sandy beach, restaurant, dining lounge, licensed. Boats, motors, H & H Marina and Resort, Box 179, Mac - Tier, POC 1H0 (705)375.5323.-20o 15. Out of town properties. MUSKOKA equipped seventy-eight t r8clfr3to farm north-west of Huntsville irriga118lil 'oil. finished home, fry business, nb r:ompafit iii't'!ts this market area, seed contracts avallable3 ''tall• ,', Rick or Simore King collect evenings (705)10: 3240. Re/Max Huntsville Real Estate Ltd: -2Clo '