HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-05-16, Page 55 years ago Idly 17, 1979 Complications in building a new swimm- ing wirnming pool for Clinton have forced the town to make sweral thousand dollars worth of repairs to the old pool and make it do until this fall, when the town hopes to begin con- struction on a new one. The town and the recreation committee has called for new tenders for the pool because the old tender did not meet specifications. The new pool was to have cost $103,900 but costs, the News -Record has learned escalated into the $175,000 range, and the town will have to decide if it can handle the extra debt load. To the satisfaction of some and the dismay Of others, the controversial reconstruction of Walker Street has been halted; and the street will not receive its final coat of asphalt this year. 10 years ago • May 16,19&3 Restoration of the whole town core of Clin- ton was one of the major issues at the regular meeting of Clinton Council last Mon- day night, before, an audience of 30 ratepayers, the largest group to attend a council meeting in 20 years. An attemut by Deputy -Reeve Frank Cook to fire Clinton's recently hired animal con- trol officer failed Monday night at the Clin- ton Council meeting. The dog catcher was hired at a special meeting in April and Deputy -Reeve Cook, and Councillors Bill Stauttener and Don Hall were absent from that meeting. Just in time for the upcoming Federal election in July, R.E. (Bob) McKinley, the Huron Member of Parliament, has succeed- ed in winning approval from his private member's bill to change the Huron Federal riding's name from Huron to Huron - Middlesex. 25 years ago May 14, 19-W Paper work will commence at once in preparation for constructing a two room school at Holmesville, to ease the crowded situation existing in a number of rural schools in Goderich Township. Council gave approval Tuesday night. By a close vote of 5-4, Clinton Council on Tuesday. night voted in favour of the in- stallation of meters throughout the business section of the town. Approval of approximately $3,000 ex- penses to, repair the foundation of 54 -year- , old Clinton Public Library was given to the board of that institution on Tuesday "night by Clinton' Town Council: A delegation compos- ed of G.M. Counter and Dudley Pegvap- proached Council on the matter. 50 years ago May 17, 1934 Inspection of the Collegiate cadet' corps took place on the C.C.I. campus Thursday last, under Inspector Major Jeffrey of Lon- don. The boys made a fine showing and went through their company and platoon drill and physical exercises „ with commendable precision. After inspection, the crops mar- ched through town headed by the bugle band;under command of Bugler C. Homes. So far Clinton has had little trouble with bandits, or burglars but it looks as if we can- not count on a continuance of such freedom as Tuesday night•the town was visited and the robbers carried off a good deal of valuable loot. The biggest haul was a new Chevrolet car, belonging to Mr. W.M. Nedigar, which was in his father's garage. Gas and oil was also taken. , Work is being pushed on our streets this week. Many mending jobs have been done and • the Rattenbury Street drain is being til- ed and filled in east and west, 75 years ago May 13. 1909 What's in a name - A sign qn a Toronto street reads, "Alex, Armstrong blacksmith and horse shoer," but the owner of the name is a different man altogether to our esteem- ed townsman of that name. A man named "Jacob Taylor" who died in Toronto last week was not our well known Councillor and Insurance agent who bears that name and is very much alive. "R. Holmes is andhas been for years, business manager of the Toronto Telegram, while it is well-known the R. Holmes only severed his connections with the New Era a short time ago. Smash up - Mr. Jas. Snell had a narrow escape from serious injury, as a result of his horse taking fright on Friday last., He was driving along William St. by the Ontario St. Church, when a boy coasting down the street on a small cart caused the horse to take fright. It turned on to Huron Street and started toward the ditch and continued on up the street, where it was stopped . Mr. Snell was very fortunate in not having any bones broken, but other than a few bruises he received no injury. The shafts and the top of the buggy were broken. 100 years ago May 16, 1884 A woman named Ferguson applied to the Reeve on Friday for $10 to pay her fare to Chicago; he told her the charity funds were exhausted, but gave her a dollar out of his own pocket. On Friday last the drum of the Lord's ar- my drew a good many people out of their houses; some sneak thief took advantage of the occasion, and entering a front door on Victoria Street-, carried off a lady's cloak. Messrs. Soles and Herbert came up for ex- amination before Mayor Hortion of Goderich, in connection with the outrage case on Wednesday, but as the girl Bates is still unable to appear in court, they were a second time remanded for eight days. ►, i l �!►" l!! + 18,191 --P4G ° . NABOB- 369 G. "TRADITION EGULAR, FINE OR EXTRA FINE` ROUND COFFEE WHITE SWAN - 4 ROLL PKG. 1 PLY - ASST' D COLOURS BATH ROOM TISSUE 1.49 GARBAGE BAGS PKG. OF 10 -GLAD L49 Oil Fee THIS WEEKEND ® MAY 18 & 19 IN CLINTON AT KUEWIG'S WE FEATURE EVERYDAY WAREHOUSE SAVINGS AND BUYS OF THE WEEK EXTRA FINE 4 KG. GRANULATED SUGAR COOKIES CHRISTIE'S, CHIPS AHOY, FUDGEE-OS OR COFFEE BREAKS 450 G. 1 69 CH E EZ. WHIZ KRAFT PROCESS 500 G. 2.69 WHITE SWAN -200's ASSORTED COLOURS 2 PLY FACIAL TISSUE .79 WHITE SWAN - 2's ASSORTED COLOURS - 2 PLY PAPER TOWELS .99 LEMONADE CLEAR OR PINK NIAGARA, FROZEN FROM CONCENTRATE 12 FL. OZ. BREAD B.G.A. SLICED WHITE OR WHOLE WHEAT 24 OZ. 3/$1 .59 750 mL BTL. DIET OR REGULAR HUMPTY DUMPTY, 200g CORDON BLEU, 284 mL BEEF, RIPPLES, REGULAR OR BARBECUE MUSHROOM OR CHICKEN 7 -UP 49. . P 1.2° OTA PLUS 301301 L-E-•DEP..05LT. CHLPST CHIPITS, 350 g,SEMI-SWEET, BUTTERSCOTCH KRAFT, 750 g • OR MINT CHOCOLATE BAKING CHIPS POST 400 g SUGAR CRISP BREAKFAST CEREAL PLANTERS, 1L PEANUT OIL CLUB HOUSE 32g MEAT MARINADE MIX 1.99 1.89 4.99 .49 SECRET 60 g STICK, 200 mL SPRAY OR 60 mIL. ROLL-ON DEODORANT 2.49 SMOOTH OR CRUNCHY PEANUT BUTTER McCAIN, 355 mL FROZEN CONCENTRATED ORANGE JUICE 2.49 MONARCH, 454 g (FROM 100% SOYA ()ll ) SOFT MARGARINE. HEINZ_, 455 mL. REGULAR, ONION, GARLIC OR REGULAR WITH MEAT TENDERIZER BAR -B -Q • SAUCE . 99 . 89 1.19 SCOPE, 750 mL '€12M KILL MOUTH- WASH CANNED GRAVY MONARCH, 260 g ASSORTED FLAVOURS, MOIST -PLUS CAKE MIXES RL D ROSE, 60's ORANGE PEKOE,•2,CUP TEA BAGS. DAVERN - 450 G. PKG. SKINLESS .99. WIENERS MAPLE LEAF 175 G. MAC & CHEESE OR CHICKEN BOLOGNA • 98 LOAF SHOPSY'S 500 G. COLE SLAW OR MACARONI POTATO 1 5 SALAD .4 MINCED HAM OR VARIETY LOAF CANA- DIAN QUEEN 375 G. PKG. 1.49 CANADIAN QUEEN SLICED COOKED 430/kg. HAM 1.95„b BLUE WATER FISH CAKES 1.52,k, .69/Ib. MEDIUM GROUND Q BEEF 3.48/kg. 1 . 5 8,Ib. DAVERN 500 G. PKG. SLICED SIDE BACON 1.99 CUT UP W CHICKEHOLENS3.06/kg. 1.3 9/Ib. CANADA GRADE A UNDER 1.8 kg,/ 4 Ib. 2 . $ 4/kg. FRESH CHICKENS 1 .29/Ib. PORK RIBLETS 1.5 2/kg. .69/Ib. DAVERN BEEF & PORK BREAK- FAST SAUSAGE ::: .39 2/SI 2.09 2/SI MONARCH, 210 g ASSOR1 0' FLAVOURS. ICING MIX HEINZ, 375. mL HOT DOG, BARBECUE, SWEET OR HAMBURGER RELISH .89 KO? EX "NEW FREEDOM" 10's DEODORANT, REGULAR OR NEW SLIM 1 3.49 , MAXI -PADS 1.49 KU E NZ.IG'S EVERYDAY WARE HOEJSE PRICE Here are some examples of our everyday prices. ALLEN'S- PURE 48 OZ. APPLE JUICE 1.19, OLD DUTCH 3.6 L. LIQUID BLEACH 1.29 TIDE 6 L. LAUNDRY DETERGENT 3.99 IGA - 10 OZ. TIN P ECE ND STEMS MUSHROOMS .69 STRAIGHT CUT -1 KG. FROZEN -SOME RDALE FRENCH FRIES. .59 GOLD SEAL - 7.75 OZ. SOCKEYE SALMO 1.99 COUNTRY LANE -1 LB. SOFT MARGARINE .59 MACARONI & CHEESE - 225 G. KRAFT DINNER .49 LIGHT -IN WATER 6.5 OZ. BYE -THE -SEA TUNA . 99 V-8 48 FL. OZ. VEGETABLE JUICE .99 AYLMER FANCY 48 FL. OZ. TOMATO JUICE .87 MEADOWGOLD ASSORTED 2 L. ICE CREAM L89 SPAGHETTI OR MACARONI CATELLI PASTA 1 KG. . 99 PRONTO-PKG. OF 2 PAPER TOWELS 99 BICK'S 375 Mk. ASSORTED RELISH 99 WESTON'S SALTED -OR PLAIN 400 G. SODA CRACKERS .99� ALL MERCHANDISE 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED - PRODUCT REPLACED OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED. SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT EACH WEDNESDAY (GET DETAILS FROM YOUR LOCAL IGA STORE) PRICES IN EFFECT TILL CLOSING SATURDAY, MAY 19- WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES DAVERN, SKINLESS 450 G. PKG. WIENERS .99 SHOULDER PORK BUTT CHOPS MAPLE LEAF 450 G. PKG. SLICED 3.73SIDE /kg. BACON 1.69,,b 2.39 SIDE PORK SPARE RIBS 4.39. 1.99,,b DAVERN BY THE PIECE BOLOGNA 1 .8 7,kg. .8 5,.. SEAGLO HERRING 1.43., .65/Ib DOLE - GOLDEN YELLOW BANANAS .86,„ • 3 CANADA No. 1 CALIFORNIA 10 LB. BAG NEW POTATOES 2.98 CANADA No. T CALIFORNIA HEAD LETTUCE .7S ,. PRODUCT OF ONTARIO CANADA No. 1 DUTCH SETS 1.74/kg. • 79/Ib. FRESH PRODUCT OF ONT. MUSHROOMS 4.39/kg. 1.9911h. CANADA No. 1 EARGE SIZE SEEDLESS CUCUMBERS .99t. FRESH CANADA No. 1 PRODUCT OF U.S.A. STRAWBERRIES .99 PINT CANADA No. 1 ONTARIO, 2 LB. BAG COOKING ONIONS .89 PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CANADA No. 1 GREEN ONIONS 3/.89 RED OR GOLDEN CANADA EXTRA FANCY DELICIOUS APPLES 1.96/kg. .89/Ib. PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CANADA No. 1 GREEN CABBAGE .89EA. PRODUCT OF U.S.A. FRESH BROCCOLI .89,. VINE RIPENED PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CANADA No. 1 TOMATOES 1.96/kg. .89/Ib. S,UNKIST PRODUCT OF USA CALIFORNIA ORANGES NEW CROP, CANADA No. 1 PRODUCT OF U.S.A. 2 LB. BAG CARROTS .89 1•89 DOZ. PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CANADA No. 1 BARLINKA GRAPES 2.62/kg. 1.19/Ib. STORE HOURS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday...... 9 A.M.-6 P.M. Thursday, Friday... 0 e m e•• 0 0... 0 00 0 9 A.M.-9 P.M. Saturday........ . 8:30 A.M.-6 P.M. CLOSED VICTORIA DAY MONDAY, MAY 21