HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-7-24, Page 6IRE Prices of G in Tr BRE Toronto • very little • nowthere iss ' market. is stea ered and winte . cars of No. 2 g.i.t, elanitob for No 1 ha Huron, 87.1c kir No, 1 nort 2 northern, gri ste exits itre quot e in buyers' la Choice brands higher. Manite $4 to $4.30. . patents and $ bakers', bags i Toronto. Milled -Is quoted at $20. at $15.5O in Manitoba millf ears of short sacks included, •Corn -Is stea .at 6:11c for No No. 2 mixed ev Oats -Are de white west unci Peas -Are du side freights. COUNT! Butter -The dairies are trade. There large quantitie higher prices. f have to accept get if they c Prices are stea. Creamery, prim do solids... . Dairy tubs an choice... So medium do pound rol Eggs -The in 16e. Offerings good. Potatoes -Th and the ofT market is stet: old, and 85c p Poultry-Offe pricesare stea, ducks and 60c Baled Hay and demand is to $10 for No here. . Baled Straw - and demand is track here sell PR AU. smoked mond. Lards Prices are all Pork-Canad heavy mess, $ shoulder mess, Smoked and Long clear, b to 14c; rolls, 110; backs, bacon, 14;c t of pickle are smoked. Lard -Tierce pails 11. BUFFALO Buffalo, J Wheat, spring 70c, carload red, old, 83c b 2 yellow, 70; 2 corn, 700; quiet; No. 2 571c; No. 2 ix 58c. Rye, freights steady EUROPEAN London, Jill passage, seller maize on pa active. Wheat kets of yester try markets d Paris, July at 23f 95c for September Weak at 501 35c for Septe 111113CF: LIVE S' Toronto, Je cattle yards small, only 6( coming in, co 415 sheep an calves, and a was dull and was not an a cattle to -day, on the boat choice stuff s per lb., with few cases for pers are wor Ib. Good butch ai to 5c p 'butcher cattl them, are straight but best figure t proportion o has been t was slow at badly for th Feeders, s tin cb anged. is easy just quoted from Is nocha a prices may Export ew to $3,60 ta froxn $3-50' sheep fetch ,•33ueke are w per cwt. C $2 to $1.0 Teel lowin g 011S Shippers, pe do light... Butcher„ eh Butcher, good.. Stockers, pi Sh Choite ewee - ' -• ,ARKETs 1 .. . . . Spring lambs, eech... .,... 2.00 4.00 r Bucks, per cwt... ... ea... e1,50 2.7o Culls, each... ... . ..... 2.00 8,00 Milkers and Calves. . BOERS GOOD FEELING, _ . W 4 Settling Down Vaster Than a Expected. RICE PAID THE PENALTY,: Exeeuted :in T. °route ..Tail, Yard DEATH BY CUCLONE.; . _ . , ., • . - , 13ualden s Leveled •Across Three P: • . - --• Toi.vAshxps. iu..clue, IFTEm y13, ,VIL TY 0 1114,- COleflVIERCIAL PROHII - The Izailroaas and ti Pr oblem - A Loudon despatch says: The reports, respeeting the cox/duet of the Boers and the. clispositelou of this sen.r...eil- fee' the Murder of 13oyd. A despatch from 'Toronto says: The execution of Peed Lee Rice on illrfdaY was .the dra71.°g„01 . A ehasterville, Oat., cleepateli Says :-A s term uf 'on usual yioleuce passed over this terrieoiei ou Thurs- day night, id:cowl/culled by a cyoldne Telegraphic Briefs From All ' e over the Globe, A Cheyenne destpatoll st twenty -Ay° $000us have le polled. to close in:that to the pastoneath as the re, isenect by the 'Unit rain, Cattle, etc ,cle Centres, ' 25.00 48.00 etI3ses. each. ..... 2.00 8.00 Jogs . pessimistic Choice hogs, per cwt.-. 6.75 7.25 sullen Light hoge, per cart 6.75 7.00 I•esentfel warriors to boycott the scouts who fought on the .13ritish side ere - re some clearly, exa. ggerated. . Slime a . of dissatisfaction over the i. a hieh the Boers are Witt -7- - ''' area provided with money. making a fresh start in their old bet the disaffection is. not when eituaed by inevitable de- tehes of red tape. and' 211('' ' " • e. While the Boer. colonies bey resemblance to Also.ce-• or- than to loyal and reconciled • ttli cl w ore Quebec, they are ee ng o ta m . Welly thou the most elastic opte- • .__ _0 mist coal( have expee•e when peat: 1 t d was made. Lord Isatchener s con- fidence the faith of the (Inmil•goodf otheir fight - Boers ci1nadat no: 01,Ualities are attestnd by the - i. - ina report o m 13 a ey 21) , __ - f iSt 1 0 eral ions. ele- was the real oat 'or o the peace "rifluen.ce compact. and the King's.,f. Lord _Kitchener was behind him. . . . _ . has not: said one word since lus re- turn to Tengliteed to indieate that he apprehends a 'renewal of the politi- . st. t. anion • the 130ers Gal agi a an g . against the Crown. Alarmists who lay stress upon the o . . . . . • , poradic instances of resentment: ono f tl T - • mon o the Tioanseaii . mei pes •axe d. 0 , 1 , .of ren min, t ic. same (ltd..1-of disservice , , to the inti.rests of Pease wail wisse Sir Edward Grey has been reproaeh- . „ '.* s • b f • the Com- ed in cla arteane e me . mons Sir Redvers Buller's grievtoicee as en act of justice to the unforeun- ate general. The last word has probably been spoken on behalf of Buller, who was befriended by the War (Mice, headquarters staff, and the court itself until bis dismissal and (1] 10.01 were rendered inevita.- e ble by his own headstrong folly. ,,mOrMag the cuream over tne last act In tne • . . flokag,draeala of ernes: winch followed "`" e coming of the RutleOge gang t ° Canada. 1Vithin a few bloces of tSe scene of the fatal break fer liberty, Where 13o d t :I -Weil and Tones . , 5! `lee ` • . ' . reccnved Ilis death wounds. within, a. _. e, f t f 1 ' ' ' ' Lev .ee o .the g oonay, collector '' where Rutledge dashed himself to . deeth, Rice linielied the thread of a misspent life. . Rice'is last night on carte/ differed 1 o N' I-cling '.' a , ay lone many prom , nigh-ts. He- appeared to realize lel- ly what the day was to brieg, an.d had even taken an ititerest in what was to be done with his body. When . . his mother and sister visited bim for an hour oa - Mondiey he said sood-bye, and asked them not to s come again. He asked that he be buried in the black suit which he wore last in court, because it was neat and fitted him well.• He wania ed a white shirt, and a. white tie. IN THE JATL YARD. Fort y or fifty people, ineludime a m 1 t bl had te • d • c ozen cons a es, ga mie the big jail yard before the hoer set for the execution. . The scafeold , , , , , , , , , nact uec•ri erectea close to the west. , . e all, and near to the western wing the jail, almost in the corner. . Eleven eteps led up ta the platform, ' ' over whice 'the noose hung from a stout cross beam. The space below - the platform. was boarded over se that very little of the worst details of the execution coulcl bo seen out- Wile trap WENS a 'double affair : • • . 4 a stened b. non clain•ps worked from a- Y above by a lever. A. hole of about fotdir feet had been dug immediately ma er the drap. The scaffold could not • possibly be seen frooutside m the jail evens, . which exceeded in fury anything of its kind in the xi:winery of the. oldest inhabitant. There were almost ie.- e .t, ,i,, .t; e , d.,„, „ ,• , . essten 0 Lc Lica]. leaeal gee. seeo t .; , • • , , e • 'in nada took a southeasterly - direction • and pee,sed within e mile . , • , ol the town. lhose whe wereoviitch- frig felt clistioctla the hot blasts" from the cyclone as it swept with , wfestaiiiri tylevliosteeitdy, toto'Llj,ce :oniditlyeas§tiii.;aytelicet everything in itst path for a ol about Sty er . sixty reds6P.aien6 • . . • 1. width' while ever /111111 in a radios of a mire in widtlYi w g • • asi mole 01 loss affeeted. The otorm is supposed to i .1, --. , - neve apent 1 •s energy at the St. Lawrence. SO, zgrOF DEVASTATION. On r 'd ' • t 1 lie kly morning he country for miles around presented a scene of devastatiOn. Fences have disapPear- d . 1, e iin•c cannot In found. Dwellings d an outbuildings weie overturned and in some cams torn to pieces. Dead cattle are lying here and there . 1 ost e - . • ' ' .- • - at a in my Oulu m tht centei of the storm's path. SOME le -MLR' • M N ' ' , A Y INJURED. a , ., teevei al poisans. were killed and a. number injured at the farm of John iso„ms, 7th concessiLon of Winches- . . , . • tet. Poi tions of the barn lay about J. the premises and of the dwelling not a veetige could be found. Not even p. splinter or a ra ate evidence g g that it had oneo been the site ofe happy home. ` Th0 father lay in the clover field • with a broken hip and otherwise a• - . • d teilible bieuse , and near him lay his little sari, seven yeass old, cpaite dead. The corpee of the unfortunate mother: evidently picked up with the house, was found against the fence. %lie two other children were OAT.A,DA.. . .e. The leengston Street Railway Co. , .will titiliee water poWer. . Hoa. .011.1 Toed Siften goes to the. •he end of August, . - Lieut . -Gov. .Sir Elena Joly, of r7 13ritish Columbia, •is spending t o virtiellialt,11(ei•lieon his estate at Papineau- ' owoelgeitialtieorebounillpdaiiillyg thliVsith seatsten t t will be, able e s•ore thrce mliffml. beetle's of wheat. • ' • The cruiser Petrel seized 59 gill i • le ad lets on ii ay, containing. 1,000 Po/ends of whitefish, set by .American fishermen in Lake Erie. RePorts to the Department of Trade and. Conunerce at Getawa show that Canadian goods are in de - mand in Norway and Sweden. Mrs. A. Gauthier of Montreal has fret given birth to twins for the sec- . ond tinie in 21 months. The first . . two were girls, the second bees. • The Canadian Pacific Railway will tear' dawn its Winnipeg 'hops and ... round hem • d •eb iila and also hes, ,an 1 e , ,. remodel the entire yard system. poi L1331 01 141 $ 0 re - The ex •t 1 la ••• 11 1 13 • tush Columbia and Pudget Sound 1 bil d nde• circum stances lave coin le . ti . e . .__ favorable to British Clolumbia, nulls. 'The Frontenac Cereal Company, ited, with a capitalization of $600 000 has' been formed at Kings- to for the manufacture of cereal f el ooc s. . The Earl of Dundonald, the new major -general commanding the an ieu tia, has taken a lease of admili a, residence in New Edinburgh: a sub- orger Railway 00nepany which fc ployees to enter drink: Whether: On oil off duty. says the clespateh, has 1 bwe,ea: :pputorotedri in;yert:iliiirboi:taic If tl e buairiess in twenty-fo e such an (*tent that the se tO close when their patrol • withdrcovn, it was about ' some ouch order as that Li the company, The Cheyenne experience notable exainple of the gro , tituide' Of the g•reat, bustinest towavds their drinking em "The Union Pacific, is not railway or other ceaporat either •by exprees orders or lisoour hostile policy has. ci employees from indu gence 'd more in the gr More tip .. tries of the day not only i but moderate drinkei.s a: . • e - crowded ou , PROFITS PCSINT OF ' We find nese that the . .. . Burlington and Quincy Bid a measeue of public Safety annotinceid "more stringe: malts! to their lormer reg' Thele are' obvious rea§on d ed be especi4 railroa s shou in this matter, they are . tieularly intereated in seni morals, except so far as and morals affect their But they know that intem gineers, trainmen anS swit clanger theie property ahe them to enormous damage they favor temperance bec perm= favors pronto. There is a growing ten refuse employinent to men clumnd this is llul I li • a ee-oot. iDSTUFFS. ,ly 22. -Wheat -There winter wheat offeriiig Heavy hogo, per .ewt 6.75 7.00 tiered Sawa, Per cwt.. .” 8.50 4,00 Stages, per cwt... ... - 0.00 2.00 symptoms one inquiry and the ly at 761c to 77e for middle freights. 'Ten aorthera sold. at 851c e is steadier at 81.1c rd Goderieh or Port for No. J. hard, E-510 ion and 83ec for No. ailing in transit. Lily; 90 per cent. Pate 1 at $2.90 to $2.921 gs, middle 'freights. are held 15c to 20e ba. flour is steady at r earH eaa of ungarlein l.70 to $4 for strong icluded, on the track, steady. Shorts are 50 tor ears and bran iulk middle freights. ied fa firm at $23 fax / and $18 for bran, Toronto freights. ey; prices are nominal , 2 yellow and 68c for1) xst. 11 at 43c for No. 2 l 44c east. • 1 at 75c to 76c out- 4l'armass LOOKING TO CANADA. released - for Canadian Take Firet homes, 111eat liVill Place in British Market. serious .A. London despatch says :-The lay probable sale to Chicago packers of the husinesees of Messrs. Fowler el°4er Brothers and Messrs. G. Fowler raine • sons, Co. created naturallyreuel;s interest in commercial circles on ra-1 Tuesday, s s the Liverpool Journal ay • of Commerce. • ' "If the sales go through," said a prominent merchant, the outlook bespeaks increasing attention to 1f. Canada's provision products, and if the quality is kept up -and that is not to . be doubted -to its present standard, in a few yeoxs it will take the leading position on this mar- ket. We shall look to Canada," re- nutrked the gentlenicui, "for bacon, and it is freely predicted that Chic,- ago and the t • • • • • NVCS ei n pack ei s well have to take second rank eee long. Ti The same remark applies to all Can- . • ail= prodticts, which ale becoming increasingly ad favorably Jinn • - 'an amongst consumers, and command eNT PRODUCE. offerings of choice iilicient for immediate le probably, however, s being held back for Or whieh farmers may less than they would ezno to market. now. dy. es... ... ...19ec to "'Die .. ... ......19c to 19ec :1 pails, - - e. ••••15c to 1.6c ... ... ....13c to 14c Is, claoice.15c to 16c arket is very firm at are fait and demand ere is a 1 eir demand ings aro liberal. The ly at $1 ler bag for er bushel for new. 7ings are small and dy at $1 to $1.10 for to 90c for chickens. -Receipts are liberal only medium at $9.50 . 1 timothy on track -The offerings are fair medium. Cars the their attention. from the point of quality alone. I want nothing bet- ter than Canadian side meats, and in the future we shall look to Oall- ado, for supplies in this and other directions. As a matter of fact, Canadian hams are largely taking the place of Iriali and home cured in the continental markets. The sal - mon market is now practically eon- trolled iii the finest grades of tinned 111.11 from the 13,ritish• Columbia riy- ers, and easily takes precedence of Alaska and Columbia. River packing. Canadian cereals and canned fruit hate also found a torernost place on this market; whilst the dairy pro- ducts of that colony are now se- riously competing with the Danish importers, on. whom We have been so dependent, especially for butter, egao, and bacon; in fast, it looks as if we shall in the near future be al- together independent of -Danish sup- plies. Cheese from the Dominion has cut United States cheese out badly, owing to its superior quality, and this, with the dairy products' now obtainable from Australasia, greatly strengthens the position from a mu- tual trading standpoint." 0 •-e- A BUMPER CROP. - Good Reports of Coming Harvest in the West. • _. A Winnipeg despatch says: The Lake of the Woods Millingel -emPaflY has completed new elevators at Was- At a minute or two before eight o'clock the black nag Went up on the jail flagstaff and just - afterW0XdS 1110ing DISMAL PROCESSION left the jaii and crossed the yard, Sheriff Mowat, in the black uniform aid carrying the sword Of his office, walked with Governor Van Zama found in the the field' with lfroicen lmib• . s and terribly bruised but still livin ge Tho property of J. Coyne, adjoin- the Kearns' property, presented a uniclue appearance. Maples, elins, and oaks were torn from their roots„ twisted, broken and splintered. Many instances of narrow escapes are be- ing re.ported. urb of Ottawa„ for two months. .t t the News of pos ponemeu of - ' 't• di not reach IeNig s corona ion 1 n Moose Factory, James' Bay, head, quarters. of Bishop' Newnhaan, until after the date' set, and the suppos- ed coronation was celebrated with a holiday and speeches. • c n , ge into all :lines of business 4 e . minent propriety. LA.13011 'ORGAN1Z,AS If the railway . c,ompal could be adopted by the ganieations, not only -et, eause of temperance be but the workingmen • krida, Weyburn, and MacLean. They t Forest ready to have material a . . erect ewe elevators on. the extension to be built from that :point. Re- gerdieg the collation of the crops Geo . V. Hastings, mane ger of the company, said that the prospects were gooa. The crops were a little later than las1 year. but were hold- ing out well. There was no dam- rge to any great extent; except in isolated low lands S. J. Thompson, provincial vege- tarian, has been making a number of trips through Manitoba, aad he said s. y pte d tht therwaeverrospet that the crop of thus season would es i ' be a large one. 1•10 vv. n the dis- trict surrounding Morden and Rosen- feld, and althougb. this' is not very high land, nor - exceedingly well drained, there was no general clam- age on account of early rains. In fact, the wheat was looking well, and was beginning to head out very and after them C01110 the Rev. Bob- . • ert Hall and the Rev. John Salmon. Rice walked behind Richard Coe, one .of the guards Who had been on the death watch, and on either side of him he had a guard, Berry and t podds. Going up he eleven steps to the scaffold called for the great- est effort and seemed to take all the strength tvhich 'Rice could com- mand. At the top he , walked to the centre of the trap, the two minis- ters standing in front of him. The noose. haneing. from above brushed • , . , against 1-1Tce s face and he shut, his eyes. Radelive bound. his legs and cr t dblack 1 a Jus c the cap aid noose. Then the two ministers read out, ,,r a my leatheee house ifre .many mansions. 11 it were not so 1 would have told you. I go to pre- __ . pale a place for you, that where I am, there ye may be also." ' The solenui utterance of th L •de e oi s Prayer followed, and at the "Amen,"e SOME NARROW ESdAPES. At the residence of Michael S. Grady, 5th concession of Winchester, a narrow escape ia reported. John. Clark, the mother and four children were in the stable milking when the barn collapsed over them. Clark escaped through a portion of • the roof, and getting an axe, cut his way to the imprisoned 1.. il Y, a1 l of whom werY exccii)e got out safe] t one girl badly injured The reeidence of Harmon Sheer • 9t1 ' con -cession. Tot • ''ea• • vriship of Win- ohester, one of the most, solid brick houses an this localitv, was. emu- pletely devastated. It is dalnesoible to estimate the damageb • ' now, but it is within the mark to say that in the townships of Winchester, Finch and Osnabruck it will exceed $9,00,- 000. At the time of writing four are reported dead and many serious- 1 • • d y injuie . BRITAIN. GREAT , Tl A ••can Ice Company will .le • nlell • • • • - t 'LIS enter the English maake we. in th three mon- s. Hon. Joseph Chamberlaba w ho ' • b being was recently in jured Y . thrown from a cab, has been order- ed to take a complete rest, and a. °hang° of air' • men nd buy- Australian business a es who visited London for the•cor- onation will probably investigate the Cal diem market; returning via le . I a. . Canada. • • "During 1899-1900," remcirkea the Islington coroner, "there were 1,684 ' • 1 -ld whose deaths inquests on c u ren , bad been caused by playing fire." ' with Mr Andrew Carnegie has given • E tb • S sex for $50,000 to as ouine, t us , tl t bl' 1 lent of a librro•y, for le es a is m WiliCil. til0 1-3111i0 Of Devonshire .has would be vastly benefited might serve cis an aid ii the taproot of many of t John ' Burns, the dis labor advooate, and menel English Parliament, in ad. Londlon audience,. said : "G into some streets where ev under 80 shillings ; one clean, bright, attractive, i eet with ore nai same stem often more room, otheiss a untidy and noieome in 'S ditions. :Why ? Because man works haled five clays the sixth.is generally four Corner Pin, epotting win catehing losers. el . There aee thousands of London a-bich are dirty la dwellers 'are 'drunken, filte the tenants' Are fond, term' cause their tenants are as . their landlords are exactin he says, "I deem it _my di on at $5. . *___---- TO BUY AMERICAN HORSES WISIONS. mats are in good de- else are selling well 1 short cut, $24; 21.50 to $22; clear $19. Dry Salted Meats- con, elec; hems, esec .2c to laic; shoulders, 15c to 16c; breakfast , 15c; green m.eats out Luoted at lc less than 1 laic, tubs 11ec and - Britain Is to Open Its Depot ia Louisiana A Chicago desr atch says :-The British transport service, which for so many months conducted an ac- tive trade at Port Chalmette, is to reopen its camp there for the ship- ment of horses, mules, and cattle to South Africa, says the Chronicle's New Orlea.ns correspondent. It is found that the American animals are the hardiest for the veldt work, and the British Government will need '8 great munber unaer its agreement for restoring the farms of the burg- hers who suffered in the recent was. nicely. It was only a few days be- hind' last year, and was rapidly growing, so that it would probably be ready for harvest as early as the crop of last season. Here and there a low field badly drained was to be found which looked somewhat clam- aged, but the general prospect was for an all-round heavy crop. Hay meadows were about all dry now, and all farmers were busy securing their crop. There were a good many bottoms where 'hay was cut early just at two minutes alter eightth trap '(Vas ,ee released. Rice DIED INSTANTLY. The drop had been one of six feet, and when Dr. Richardson, the jail physician, examined the body a few minutes later, he concluded that death haS been instantaneous, though there were some - spasmodic twitchings for ten or twelve min- utes. Half an hour elapsed before the rope was cut and Coroner Dan- • + SUGAR -BEET CROP. -- The Various Test Plots Are Look- . , . ing Well. A despatch from Toronto says: Prof. Robert BarcOurt, of Guelph, who is in charge of the sugar -beet experiments throughout the pro- vince, gives some facts concerning them. The plots are located at St. Catharines, ' Brantford, Brussels, given it site. Between 3,000 and 4,000 colliers in the South Staffordshire and Wor- estershire districts have struck a---- ' • • I work against a 10 per cent., iecuc- tion of wages. The coronation route will be iden- • • 1 • June tical ivith that arranged ca. 26. This arrangement is due to the Ning's anxiety to mitigate as much a •s possible the disappointment ,possi caused by the. postponement ..of thq that but or :drink an comitant evils, the labo would be .smaller and ou more efTective." Temperance workers lia-v to give up hope. It is a e for moralists to be backl. from their high stand at when the great corporatio: dustties are corning to th powerfully. JENNIE BAI GRAIN MARKET. ly 22. -Flour firm. fair; No. 1 northern, ;.; uinter firm; No. 2 The officers are now on the way, and the cainp will be reopened imme- diately upon their arrival. id. Corn nominal; No. ; No, 8 do, 70c; No, ro. 3 do, 69-ec. Oats elite, 581c; No. 3 do, axed, 531.c; No. 3 do, o . 1, 681e. Canal • • CONTEMPT OF COURT. -now Sandon Paystreak Editor Re- ceivn es 'heavy Sentece. .species A Victoria, B. C., despatch says: William McAdams, editor of the San- last year not available. They are can opened the formal inquest. The Markham, Orangeville and Guelph. coron•etion. . • '' ------4,---- almost all in good condition, the warm weather having 'dried the field q•uickly. Heavy storms whieh have been re- Ported from south of the boundary have evidently been local ones. + . verdict of the jury was that Rice had met his death in accordance with the sentence of e law. th •ce wei hecl 175 pounds a snit lei g , e a of. 1:3 pounds since he entered the jam) . . ______„e. The weather has not been particle- 1 az .L y favorable to beets this season ' but except in a few cases where the lands have been too wet the crop is looking fine. Owing to the fact that a large acreage of beets was sown this year --- UNITED STATES. • New Brunswick, N.J., reports a 1 will eat of grassbopper tl at . cloth. wned by Thirteen persons. were dro. . , lboat in the the uipsetting of a saa NEW CABLE NEARLY Only One Section to Be ' ing This Year. , The much talked of Pacific cable is now near GRAIN MARKETS. r 22. -Close --Wheaton s at a decline .01 as ; ssage, firm but no -English country mar- .ay quiet; French coun- ull. 12. -Wheat -Tone weak July and 80f 450 for .nd December. Flour- tic for July and 271 San Paystreak, came before the fun court on Friday on a charge of con- tempt of court. He • was sentenced to nine months' imprisenunent and to furnish four securities of $1,000 each for good conduct; failing tins,' he gets a year's a:dditional inaprison- ment. Mr. McAdams has wired his friends in the upper country to cin- ciliate a petition to the Minister of Justice against the sentence. • COOL. CURING -ROOMS.. - Dairy Commissioner Advises • 13rockeille Cheese Board.. A Brockville despatch says: Prof: Robertson, Dominion Dairy Conanis- 'goner, was in Brockville on Thurs- day afternoon, inspectin.g the Gov- ernment experimental cheese-cmang etation. He was achcoeemsepasnieeds by • several buyers and . 0 n1-9.! I themselves wen and all expressec . . pleased with the building and the work being carried on. Prof. Red- dick, who accompanied him, said the results obtained here were the most satisfactory of any eeperimen- tal station In an aeldress befoi.e the Cheese Board, Prof. Robertson outlined the refrigerator car service for the car- riage of butter and cheese, and also • CANADA'S TRADE. - $36,827,673 More Than in Previ- ous Fiscal Year. An Ottawa despatch says: The eg- gregate of Canada's foreign trade for the year ending June 30th is 6414,517,858an increase of $36,- 827,673 over last year. The ine- . ports for consumption, including' coin and bullion, amounted' to 0.3 0 -.‘. r r . • • .,.-0..., r e 1, ofee, compae ed with $181,- ii2,5,8s5 in 1001, q•ro value of dutiable goods wes $118,657,496, as against $105,958,585 in the previous year. "ously The value of the free goods hue pelted was $77,822,604, as coin- pared with $71,729,54.0 in. 1891. ,-rho total exports were $211,725,- 563. In 1001. they wei-e $196,487,- 682. O•ur exports of domestic pro- to supply the factories INOW building at Berlin, Wallacebuig, Dresden and Wiarton, the valim of the beet crop to the farmer will be accurately as- certained, but in the meantime Prof. Harcourt believes that the crop will prove et most profitable one. Last year the average yield in the plots was over 17 tons to the acee. This in 15,different parts of the province. at 84 per ton means 868. The cost of production, inclueling rent, seed, and labor. has been put at $40 per. acre, leaving- a good margin of pro- fit. • Another very important hides- try will also arise in the feeding of cattle on the pulp left after the sad- chorine matter has been extracted from the beets. Twenty factories of the size of those erected this year will be required to furnish Canitda, with sugar, so that there seems good room for 'development of the enter- prise. ' ‘71/101.1-th N.H. harbor of Port. , " • 1 General Smith, author of the Eil --)-- f-- /nes' and burn" order in the I hil da . . ihas been retned.by President Reese- vela • Many crates of berries inlected with smallpox have gone into the homes of Chicago families from a farm' at St. Joseph, Michigan. I • 1 N 3 •t n a lawsuit at Newer a . ., i was shown that the U. S. Steel Cor- poration CELPI1S $140,000,000 'a year, •• 1 400 000 000 whue the assets aro $ „ , . Four negro women engaged in a • . . duel with reams at the door of a 1 •-cl G one be- chur ch at Stock al i ge, a., • ing cut to death caul another seri- -- . . . iniured. - -- - ' ' • P ' il ' L. Parker, a physician Di . 1..dara of the Long Island , State Hospital, Brooklyn, was foun:d drowned in the surf at Coney Island on 1Vedn.esklaY, after losiug nearly $600 at the pleteon. According to Ai Ie.ent, general manager of dian:Pacific Railway comp graph, the cable is now in between- Australia and ten lands,/ a, distance of 2,000' the :last link of the cha completed with tbe lay balance of the cable from C el V c u re •c, an •er Island o 1. ning, which will be begun. first of September, by the Colonit, which left Loi this month. Within three • . ,.... .. is expected the came wilt P leted. A telegraph line long, • from Victoria to .„, , . _ ureek, is aireaay in cours struction by the Ganadi so as to give an a1143 connection between the Pi and the trans-continen railWay. nber and December - e+ KILLED BY TORNADO. 'OCIC MARKETS. ly 22 .-At the 'Western he receipts were again I carloads of live stock nprising 764 cattle, 1,- L lambs, 771 hogs, 53 few ranch cows. Trade prices unchanged. There tive demand for export simply because space 3 is scarce. Good to eld at from 5e. to 6i. a fraction more in a prime Tots. Light ship- th from 41 to 5c Per .' - Storm o:f Unprecedented Violence Visits Baltimore. A Baltimore despatch says: A fierce tornado chara.cterized by a windstorm of extraordinary velocity, thunder, vivid lightning, and a heavy rain suddenly burst upon Bal- timore at 1.80 p. m. on Sunday, coming from the southwest. Eleven persons lost their lives, hundreas of houses were unroofed, trees in the public parks and streets were torn up by the toots, many buildings damaged and several people injured touched on the cold storage steam- duce alone amounted to $196,105,- . +--..., races. +ea-. ship 'arrangements. Ife dwelt on the iinportance of cool cheese curing- rooms, and in this connection stat- ed that at the experimental station the shrinkage had been lessened one pound in three weeks, as compared e ---- with cheese cured in. the orainary factory rooms. It - was the inten- tion of the Clovernment this frll to prepare a, report submitting' Plans showing how inntruction regarding the use of cool curing-roo.ms could 24u -, and increase of $1,9,366,048 over 1901. The figui•es are: The mines $84.047,57.t The fisheries 14,059,070 The foi•est ' .. . 32,119,4,29 Annu ttls and. their pro- du ce .,.. e9 24 e 433 Agricul ture . . e 37,238,165 nu cie m es ... ... ...... e • a, . mo, f .t . • . 18 v•so 050 Miscellaneous .. ao 5w e, * I END OF MR, DE BARRY. - Officious Immigrant Inspector Gets His Walking Ticket. A Washingeon despatch says: UP- on the rmm ecoenn daidoof Commis- sioner-Geoeral Sargent, of the lin- migration service, the Secretary of • the Treasur . , y has diemissed J.. It. De 13arry immigration inn/actor Si,n ' ` - ---- --s- Henry F. Kane, alt insurance masa entered a New York touralling asy- lum on Thursday, and shot two of the Sisters in charge, then tried to suicide. All may recover. Because she learned three months ef ' her arriage that her husband .-tel% m' Was her hall -brother, Mrs. Maggio /seem. bride of Fred Wagner, a `'''' ' • • wealthy 'young farmer livlog . neyr • „ It II •11 Mo., swallowed 'earb?).11° .. usse vi e, in agony ; in DROWNED BY BIG , Pulled Overboard and. le Water Five Minul A Gloucester, Mass., steys :-TLA crew of the William 13. Keene, which e on Wednesday, report the Isadore )3ouelte, who . overboaed by an enorreoul estimated to weigh fl. After the fish w et eattle is worth from ar lb. Lots of so-called a with shippers among :meted higher, but sfor ;her cattle 5c was the 2 -day. We had a, better f good cattle here than ie caee lately, but trade the best, and dragged s p,00rtar kinds of cattle. ockers, and bulls are rho dernand for stockers now. Milch cows are $25 to $a7 each. There Igo in small stuff, and e called stea.dy.• 3s are Worth. from $3.00 i r cwt. Lambs sell Culled -4--- . SM11 IN A BAD STA.TE. Leaves Cape Town for England.- A Gift For His Wife. A Cape Town despatch says :-The W d d ladies of Cape Town on e nes ay e • f is presented Mass Steyn, wife o the ex -President of the former Orange River Colony, with a purse of R-1,- 000 before she sailed for Europe with her husband and two doctors on the steamer Carisbrook Castle. Mr. Ste 'n was in a pitiable condition Y . . from enteric fever. 13es arms and legs were partially paralyzed and. he r hie to o en his eyelids . at was u -a P , - be given at the factories, - .-..4......___ • ',REMOUNT STATIONS./ tioned at .33u1Talo • , N. Ye • Theie were several ch against De acid and expired geeat. toe, huebenicl's arms. - - • pounds/. • Bouclfe Was sent in a dor He • NEGRO BURNED ALIVE . 6 . -- - , Botuad to a Tree and Clothing 1 1 S k d 1r th 01 oa --- e-,. . Officers Say They Will Be - Estab- , lish'ed in Canada -• A Montreal despaith says: Ma: Barry, the. principal one of which was ungentlemanly conduct towards ladies' trateling between Canada and the United States. • a-_----_ -_,- GENERA.L. • • Rouniania, will have a ,rec,ord hal- vest and Maize crop •this•year. - 13tindee Abbas up the big. , fellow abott a. quarter e a mil ve§sel 1,111011 he satv the ' ... • 7 pig abo ve the fish. 'seventy-five fathoms of lin e .. A Clayton, Miss., despatch says: William Ody, a negro, who on Wed- nesclay night attempted to assault Miss Virginia, Tucker, Of this place, ..... was burned at the stake at inid- night. After Ody's capture by the • 1 ' l'mod and posse , a mo3 gumSy fos. 1 He jor Bowe, one of.the British army remount officers,' who has just left for home, states that the British- Gevernrcient will establish termy re- mount stations throughOut Canada. The ntunber of 1203 c, secttred.• in Canada throughout the war was te,e 000., some of the best which canto • from the Nor thwe§t, While 1 , DATE OFFICIALLY FIXED. • . Notification That Coronation Will Take Place August •0, ' A London despatch rirtyst Au offie cial 'notification was issued Friday mornin . that b the Ein 's coin- g Y g An earth'qualce at Persia, destroy°. d the GoVernor'S reeidence (((3d the eustoM houee. . The Russian Goverinnent hag au.be Mitted a propoeal be/ the Imperial Government for . tat Ifit01110401104 conference to deal with. trusts. . Berlin expeas its fire brigade' ..to with the harpoon. Bouch ed in all except eight fat his left leg became cait line, and he was haule.d quicker than a...flash. 9 le down to : tile limit of 11 held him there. ;o $4.50 per civa from $2 to $8 each- .; arth from $2.50 to $2.70 Ives are quoted at from mh. IS the range of quota- ‚« "1 . r• cwt... ...-$5.50 $6.60 „ ,...„ 4,,..1„5 15,.,-.? dee- e*.ei) 0.''0' r din ary to • „,,, ... _3.52 4,..;.12, r cwt' 45%°V. :op and Lambe. per ew tea, 8..15 3.50 .4,....-- • TWO PREMIERS HONORED. 11 - Sit Wilfrid. and Sir It. Bond to have Freedom. of Edinburgh. An Edinburgh; Scotland, des- p tch says: The MuniCipality ,of - a ' ' 1 • Edinburgh lias decidec• to, confer the freedoin of the citY on Sir Wilfrid Laurier, the Premier of Canada, and on the occasion of their visit here, Sir Robert Bond,. the Premier and ? Colonial Secretary of 'Newfoundland, auly 26, to reeelte &sines from the uneeeeeits, • took charge of the. prisoner. was • who brought befoi-e MIRO Tuckei, o ' I identified hien, although positive y h sse led innocence Ody trvi e a.. 1 , , . .. taken to a spot. in the country near the scene. of the assault, and a. ben, 4e was fire was built about a tree. I. . seeurelsr bound, oil was poured Over his •dothingi and ni a short period • -Is harred bones Marked the only 11 0 sPo.t, Of *caution., : • ete of. d on s came fr ii-• th M ritime goo o. _ 0, i e a .. Provinces. The stations Would be . , . , , , of great benefit to lior4e breeders in spreading the knewled0 of the 'hes t breech/ for. Lie . , , 'my purpostie .-x-:.----- a. ,., 1 1,, , ,. . MCC= allied b , 'W 1. 1 . iesnm, , . p y le or 1.2 editors of lea'erld"ceunL . . , . . , , ; ding, ,,, ti'y newsPaPers, will v'sdt Gemula • ' th • nod. Moo .. , mand tile Wrong:Li 'on of King Ed- . , , weed and Queen. Alexandra will take place August 9. ItehearsalS Of the procession from Buckinghain Palace , _, . . to Westminster Abbey were held on. 1.riday morning 'and the officials of the various State departmente eon- . .. , . , cerninl'.111 •!the Abbey Ceremony are . . ' egidll .1Iusy With preparatione for. the .,cro itIng. Perform a vesietY of daticaa The Mee hate juet been: Oalled otit to „ qcvm al six/arms of bees which 11.01c '--- - -2'-- " .. . h,ad o.setaped frOrn tneir owners; The 13ritish West. IndieS are almost on the verge of i'ebellion 031 0,000011t of the sugar crisis and the inade- ., qmaey of the 2(t21 • erfered by •the' Imperial -GOVOriiinent foe •!,tsarne.- lioration. ,. . a. -4.--e-- A miserly n1an wag rece in the Department of hitch 1)1 1)3(10 who waS known a little money; but hi searehed in every crave house, but, found nothing, 11031 with a,fortune :teller exhumation1 of the rtiOtl'9 ' • • I 5400 wee/ found iiiihle be ae! ITION'. e Liquor ys that en coin -- Yu during int of an Piteific rinds places- eityl' raetietelly n basis'' e saloons, men to loons had lege was. free for sued by affords a. ing ate. iuteresta ployees. the only on which a general aged its. i11 liquor. indus-. nebriates., •e. being' IEW. Chicago, lroad. as , has just. It amend-- ilations." why' ther lly strict WC par- iment or. soutimenb. dividends. crate en•- clunen en - expose suits. So ause tem-• lency to, w ho in - extending nd with ION. y's plan ab or or-. • uld the p501120105, hernseives• , and it. reaching Lie strikes. Unvisited er of the. ressilig a o with me• ages are home i5. ed in the hey itald •e dirty, eir con - the work - but on 5 at the• lers and homesi 14 amuse the y becauee nous be - lazy ,aa", g. But," ty to say 1 its con - ✓ problem • remedies. • no need oor poiicy g down this, 01'iSlia s and in- eir aid sto LTROP. READY aid Dur- ing com- . James the Cana- y's tele - operation Fiji 12- 1121102, and in will be. ing of the Bamplield , to Fan- aboet the cable ship don early. months it be coin - 100 mile* Bamplield of (1011 - an Pacific, itish land cific cable. tal line of FISH. eld Under es. dose etch sch ooner rrived hero death of las pulled swordfish tle hundred as speared y to pick had • gone o from the buoy float - tore were o connected' had haul- oms whorl ht in the overboard fish, raa le lino and ntly buried c et Loire, to PWAOS" 9 re1ative:9 O of the 00118131 to - 1e4 to the when e